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© Tech-Clarity 2018
Is Your CAD Tool Ready for the 2020s?

Which Technologies Will Make Your Products More Competitive?

As you look to stay relevant in the 2020s, which technologies will have the most impact on the competitiveness of your products?
What are your competitors doing? What should you look for in design tools to make it easier to incorporate new technology into
your products? What other capabilities should your company have to ensure it stays competitive through the 2020s? Tech-Clarity
research shows that in the next decade companies will frequently rely on new technology to increase innovation. To support new
technology, an overwhelming 99% of companies agree that software tools will help, but which ones will have the most impact?
This research study, based on a survey of over 200 manufacturers, examines what companies are planning for the 2020s to stay
competitive. It identifies the top technologies that Top Performing companies plan to incorporate into their products and
development processes. It also looks at how to get the most out of existing engineering teams and manage the resulting


How Will You Stay Competitive in the 2020s?

The Pace of Innovation Has trusting that what has worked in the past while profit margins suffer (see graph).
Accelerated will carry them into the future, may find
As companies plan for the 2020s, there is themselves at a competitive disadvantage. You Will Need the Right Software
They risk losing out to those who are Tools
even more to consider than before. Many
new technologies have created strategically planning for their company’s While the right strategy around cutting-
opportunities for innovation, making it an success in the 2020s. edge technologies is critical to avoid these
exciting time for product developers. In negative impacts, you must also empower
fact, Tech-Clarity research finds that 83% New Technology Will Be a Major your teams with proper processes and
of Top Performing companies rate new Driver of Innovation technology. You also need capabilities to
technology as very or extremely important Companies must continue to innovate to manage the resulting complexity. This
to their innovation goals. As such, stay competitive. Tech-Clarity's research research reveals what the most successful
companies will need the right design study, Seven Practices to Achieve Great companies do to help them succeed and
processes and tools to help them take Innovation, finds that if companies do not stay ahead of the competition while they
advantage of the latest technology. meet their innovation goals, they prepare for the next decade.
will lose both revenue and market share,
Those who ignore the latest trends are at
risk of not surviving. Just over half of the IMPACTS IF YOUR COMPANY DOESN’T MEET ITS INNOVATION GOALS
companies that were on the Fortune 500
in 2000 have already disappeared,1 and
the failure rate will only accelerate. A
Lost revenue 63%
study conducted by Innosight2 projects
that nearly 50% of the current S&P 500
will be replaced over the next decade. Lost market share 58%
Decreasing corporate lifespans can be
attributed in part to disruption from
Poor profit margins 44%
technology, failure to invest in growth
areas, and slow responses to disruptive
competitors. Tarnished brand reputation 32%

The Rules of the Game have There are no impacts 6%

These startling statistics indicate that 3%
companies that stay with the status quo,


Identifying Best Practices

How Top Performers Were Defined Compared to their peers, Top

To determine best practices, Tech-Clarity analyzed the behaviors of
Top Performing companies. We defined Top Performers as the top
Performers enjoy 63% times the
20% of companies who outperform their competitors in metrics that revenue growth.
indicate product development success:
• Develop products efficiently METRIC TOP PERFORMER OTHERS
• Design high-quality products
• Develop innovative products
• Meet products cost targets Revenue growth over
last 24 months 13% 8%
We then focused on what Top Performers do, and especially what
they do differently, to develop recommendations.
Product margin
The Top Performer Advantage expansion over last 12% 6%
24 months
Top Performers do a better job of simultaneously balancing critical
design criteria that will lead to successful products. They efficiently
bring innovation to their products while maintaining a high level of
quality. They also accomplish all this while still meeting their cost

Top Performer Benefits

Because of their superior product development processes, Top
Performers bring more competitive products to market faster,
empowering them to capture market share. This leads to higher
revenue growth (see table on the right). Since Top Performers also
meet their cost targets, the higher revenues combined with lower
cost leads to greater profitability.


Plan for Design Changes in the 2020s

Top Ways Your Design Process Should Change

DESIGNED IN THE 2020s Many of the latest technologies will have a significant impact on
how we design products. As you consider how you will update
design processes, what should you prioritize? The graph on the
left reveals the top three areas Top Performers believe will
impact how they design in the 2020s: innovation, making
products smarter, and increased complexity.
60% To support the expected changes of the next decade, they will
need design tools that:
Innovation requirements
49% • Enable innovation requirements
• Support collaboration, especially across multi-disciplinary
• Manage complexity
Top Performers Are Visionary
Smarter products / Multi-
disciplinary requirements Top Performers are more visionary when they think about the
design process. They expect innovation requirements to be the
primary driver impacting how they design products. Others are
more likely to focus on the challenges associated with complexity
rather than innovation. Both are critical, but the difference likely
48% comes from a difference in mindset. Is growth your primary
objective or are you more focused on solving problems and
Product complexity cutting costs?
Five Technologies Will Change Design
While many technologies offer opportunities for innovation, Top
Performers rate five technologies as having the most significant
impact on how they design products. We will now reveal these
Top Performer Others five technologies and their influence on innovation, requirements
for collaboration, and impact on complexity.


5. Virtual and Augmented Reality

The AR/VR Potential you can offer your customers a realistic

Augmented and virtual reality are experience that isn’t possible when
exciting technologies with potential. viewing a 3D model on a 2D screen.
Augmented reality (AR) superimposes a Customers can then provide feedback
computer model over a person’s view of very early on in the design lifecycle so
the real world. This creates a composite that engineers can consider their input,
view of reality that has been augmented well before physical prototypes even
with a digital model. Virtual reality (VR) exist.
is a complete three-dimensional
computer-generated environment that Extend Engineering CAD Model
you can interact with in a way that seems Value
real. While the majority of survey respondents
focused on design, they saw AR/VR
With 18% saying AR/VR will drive new
providing value for other departments
design approaches, the technologies
too. Thirty-nine percent indicated AR/VR
comes in at number five on our list. While
will also help manufacturing, sales
the percentage is on the lower side at
(38%), and service (36%).
this time, 51% of respondents say AR/VR
will help design. Consequently, With AR/VR, manufacturing and service
companies should pay attention to these can prepare in advance or conduct
technologies as that 18% will likely training exercises in a realistic, cost-
increase as more solutions come on the effective environment. Salespeople can
market and people explore the wow customers with an immersive demo
possibilities. to help close the deal.

The Impact on Design AR/VR technology that leverages CAD

models provides everyone with an
With an AR/VR environment, engineers
accurate digital model that updates as 51% of respondents believe
can test their design themselves. This will
give them insights into design choices to
the design evolves. This way, not only is AR/VR will help design
product information up-to-date, but
ensure they are engineering the right
engineers don’t need to interrupt their teams.
customer experience. design work to create individual
AR/VR can also offer a great way to deliverables for other groups.
improve collaboration with customers as


4. Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT Is Driving Change

The Internet of Things adds connectivity and intelligence so products can
interact with their environments in innovative ways. A quarter of Top
Performers (25%) said IoT will drive new design approaches and 29% said
it will help them make products more competitive. Part of this is because
the IoT creates opportunities to extend product value with innovative

With IoT, companies can stay connected with their products which in turn
means connecting with their customers. Consequently, engineers can get
insight into how customers actually use the product. With this insight,
engineers can base their design decisions on proven customer use cases.

The Impact of IoT on Design

Developing IoT-enabled products also requires changes to design.
Developing smarter and connected products involves the expertise of
multiple disciplines. It is hard to overcome the silos of knowledge that exist
within each discipline, yet developing smart products requires a united
development team that covers several disciplines. Not only are the
knowledge silos challenging to overcome, but people don't know what they
don't know so effective and efficient collaboration is required. Together, the
team can come up with the best solutions that leverage expertise across
disciplines. To support this collaboration, 51% of Top Performers adopt
software that supports tighter integration between MCAD and ECAD data as
a top strategy to develop more competitive products. Integrated design
tools make it easier to share models across disciplines and also improve
communication as it is easier to see what others on the team are doing.
With 36% of respondents reporting that more electronics and software is a
51% of Top Performers adopt
top source of complexity, it is the third biggest factor driving product software that supports tighter
complexity. Integrated design tools not only help with collaboration, but
they also help manage complexity as the team can work on a single integration between MCAD
integrated model. This will make it easier to find issues such as detecting
interferences between the PCB and its enclosure or optimizing routing and and ECAD data
accurately calculating lengths for wires, cables, and harnesses.
3. New Materials

Opportunities with New Materials

New materials will significantly contribute to innovation with
43% of Top Performers reporting that materials will
improve competitiveness. Many factors contribute to this.
Advances in material technology create more applications
and opportunities for additive manufacturing. Materials also
create opportunities to reduce weight, improve energy
efficiency, and increase durability. Plus, they enable
innovations such as flexible electronics, smart materials
that react to their environment, improved sustainability,
and more. All of this can help companies offer something
their competitors may not have.

How New Materials Impact Design

While new materials enable innovation, 32% also say they
will change how we design products. New materials have
different properties that impact strength, integrity, and
performance. Engineers need to understand those
properties to avoid overengineering products while still
meeting both requirements and cost targets.
In fact, Top Performers view material data as so important,
95% either already embed material data into their CAD
models or would like to. CAD tools that can access an up-
51% of Top Performers rate simulation to-date material library will empower engineers to make
better decisions around materials. Related to this, 51% of
tools as the top software capability to Top Performers rate simulation tools as the top software
capability to help technology adoption. As an example of
help technology adoption how software helps, with the combination of simulation and
material libraries, engineers can evaluate different
alternatives and materials and understand the impact on
the design. This combination will help them improve
decisions while balancing cost, performance, and quality.


2. Smart Factories

The Value of Smart Factories modular designs. Other changes will come from
Smart factories use data, automation, manufacturing requirements, which will also
connectivity, IoT, sensors, and other grow in complexity. With manufacturing relying
technologies to rapidly respond to changes in on more data, engineers may need to embed
production and demand. They then adapt and more data into their CAD models. Thirty-three
optimize processes in real time. This leads to percent of Top Performers already embed
greater flexibility, efficiency, higher quality, manufacturing details into their CAD models,
repeatability, and the ability to better meet but another 44% would like to, indicating that
customer needs. Products get to market faster CAD capabilities like Model Based Definition
and at a lower cost. Also, machines can "self- (MBD) should see a significant increase in
monitor" so they proactively send notifications adoption over the next decade. Further, 40% of
when maintenance is required, minimizing Top Performers say that MBD is a top way that
downtime. All of these efficiencies lead 48% of CAD tools will help to manage the expected
Top Performers to identify smart factories as increase in complexity of products developed in
the top technology to improve competitiveness. the 2020s. Forty-six percent of Top Performers
also report that manufacturability checks help
to adopt new technology and will be useful to
How Smart Factories Will Change catch problems before parts reach the
Design production floor and hurt the efficiency of the
While smart factories are rated as the top smart factory.
40% of Top
technology to improve competitiveness, 35% of Performers say that
Top Performers also ranked them as the
number two technology to impact design. Since
Industrial Equipment Will See an Impact MBD is a top way
While smart factories will drive changes across
smart factories can quickly adapt to change, it
all industries, industrial equipment
that CAD tools will
will become far more economical to tailor
products to specific customer needs. This will
manufacturers will likely see the most help to manage the
significant impact. They will need to engineer expected increase
allow companies to serve their customers even
the features that enable the smart factory. All
better, but to take advantage of the in complexity of
of the changes described in the IoT section will
opportunity, engineers will need to design more
be required for industrial equipment products developed
modular products. The number of
manufacturers to design the machinery for
configurations is already a top source of
smart factories, so it will be important that in the 2020s
complexity, reported by 42% and it will only
they have the right collaboration capabilities as
get more difficult so engineers will need the
well as MCAD and ECAD integration.
right design tools to manage configurations and


1. 3D Printing/Additive Manufacturing

How 3D Printing Helps thumb for manufacturing. To establish

Top Performers rate 3D printing as the top these rules, manufacturing and
technology to drive new design engineering will need to collaborate closely
approaches, reported by 42%. 3D printing and they will need the right tools to
will create many opportunities and support that. In fact, 59% of Top
consequently, 45% of Top Performers say Performers report that improving internal
it will help them become more collaboration across departments is a top
competitive. Respondents report that it way to help them develop more
leads to reduced development time due to competitive products.
faster creation of rapid prototypes (65%), It can be hard to think about new ways of
reduced manufacturing lead time since designing when the old rules have been so
tooling isn't needed (43%), and better well ingrained. This is another area where
designs because manufacturing limitations software can help by proposing solutions
don't inhibit designs (42%). All of these based on your defined requirements. 59% of Top Performers
things create a competitive advantage. Sixty-three percent of Top Performers rate report that improving
3D Printing Will Bring Changes leveraging software intelligence for design
optimization as a top strategy to develop internal collaboration
Additive manufacturing will have a
significant impact on the design process
more competitive products, making them across departments is a
34% more likely than their peers to use
because it removes traditional this strategy. top way to help them
manufacturing restrictions so that
geometry that previously could not be With more possibilities, engineers must
develop more competitive
produced is now manufacturable. also determine the best manufacturing products.
Engineers now have more freedom to let technique and design accordingly. This
engineering requirements drive the increase in the number of options
design. For example, there are more impacting decisions contributes to why
possibilities for topology optimization to 45% of companies rate manufacturing
produce strong, yet lightweight shapes. techniques as the top source of complexity
in their products. Again, the right software
While there are lots of opportunities, 3D tools can go a long way to make it easier
printing adds more complexity as to evaluate options.
companies must develop new rules of


What Challenges Should You Avoid to Adopt New
The graph on the left shows the many challenges you should look to
avoid to make technology adoption in your products a success.

Get Management Support

The top barrier to incorporating new technology into products is
TOP BARRIERS TO INCORPORATING NEW TECHNOLOGY lack of management support. New technology brings with it a
INTO PRODUCTS certain amount of risk, which can make it less appealing to
management. Interestingly, compared to Top Performers, Others
are 38% more likely to rate lack of management support as a top
barrier. This indicates that management teams at Top Performing
companies recognize that they need to assume some risk to
innovate and stand out from the competition.
Support Continuous Education on Technology
Another significant barrier is the lack of awareness and training on
new technologies. Because Top Performers are more likely to have
management support, they are more empowered to educate
themselves on new technology. Fifty-one percent of Top Performers
rely on online training to help support their adoption of new
Encourage the Right Culture
Staying current with new technology requires a culture of constant
learning and curiosity. Without this culture, it will be difficult to
overcome the barriers of technology discovery and learning.
Cultivating the right culture without adequate management support
is hard. Compared to Top Performers, Others are 23% more likely
to indicate culture as a top challenge, suggesting how much more
they struggle with it. Access to the right user community can be a
great asset to improve culture as 49% of Top Performers report
that their user community is a great resource to help them with
technology adoption.
Manage Complexity
As you add new technology, product complexity increases. Having
the right tools to manage this complexity will help to overcome this
When Increasing Complexity Is Ignored

The Negative Impact of Not Managing Complexity

While adding new technology to products makes them more competitive,
products also become more complex. If you do not manage that complexity,
you can put yourself at a competitive disadvantage. Problems resulting from
complexity can lead to delays and higher costs. The window of opportunity
for new products continues to decrease, and there is less time for a product
to capture market share before a newer product supersedes it. When you are
late to market, that window becomes even shorter, and you lose revenue
opportunities. When engineers struggle with complexity, design cycles are
longer, processes are less efficient, and when the inevitable errors occur, it
leads to costly rework.



Let Software Assist You

Ensure Your Design Tools Will automation, you can automate the WILL YOUR DESIGN TOOLS MEET
Meet Future Needs creation of configurations based on
To support the needs for new technology design rules, which saves time and
reduces the chance of errors. 74%
and manage the resulting complexity,
Reuse Yes
you need the right software tools. The 52%
upper graph shows that most Top CAD tools that make it easier to reuse
Performers are happy with their design older models also save time and reduce Flexibility
17%to scale user
tools and believe their tools will meet errors. You can take advantage of proven No 19%
their needs in the 2020s. On the other and tested design details without wasting
counts, the most
Top Performer
hand, their peers are less likely to feel efforts recreating work that was frequently
Not 10% reported
this way. previously done. benefit.
Sure 29%
Interestingly, 93% foresee CAD tools as
helping to manage product complexity.
However, some key CAD capabilities will
make the most difference. The lower TOP WAYS CAD TOOLS WILL HELP MANAGE EXPECTED
graph shows the top five capabilities Top PRODUCT COMPLEXITY IN THE 2020s
Performers rate as most important for
managing the complex products they
expect to develop in the 2020s. 55%
Improved software performance
Software that has the right performance Design Automation
enhancements will make it easier to work
with complex models and large 48%
assemblies. This means the software is Easier reuse
not slowed down by large models and
engineers spend less time waiting to 40%
Multi-CAD capabilities
retrieve models or features to
Model Based Definition (MBD) 40%
Avoid Tedious Tasks
The number of configurations is a top
source of complexity. With design Top Performer


There are many reasons engineers need to work with various CAD formats.
Your company may use multiple CAD tools, you may have legacy data in
different formats, or you may work with suppliers and partners who use
different software. However, products have gotten so complex; it can be all but
impossible to catch problems early unless you can easily bring together the
entire product in a digital environment. A CAD tool with strong multi-CAD
capabilities will make this much more manageable, and engineers will not have
to waste hours cleaning up imported geometry. Over the next decade, the need
to seamlessly work with multi-CAD data will likely increase.
In some cases, if you want to take advantage of a new technology in which
your company lacks expertise, it may be better to outsource to a partner who is
an expert. You will want to select the best partner possible, regardless of the
CAD tool they use. However, it will be critical that you can collaborate well with
your partners, especially if they are developing essential innovations for your
product. Robust multi-CAD capabilities will support that collaboration so that
you can effortlessly assimilate the partner’s work into the complete design on
an ongoing basis throughout the development process.
Another example is if you want to incorporate IoT into your products. Part of
the value of IoT is that you can offer customers extended services, but you may
need to tap into a partner ecosystem to develop those services. Again, a CAD
tool with strong multi-CAD capabilities will make it easier to collaborate closely
with your partner ecosystem so that you can deliver that added value to your

Leverage Intelligence
As discussed earlier, improving collaboration with other departments is a top
strategy to develop more competitive products. MBD supports better
collaboration with manufacturing, a top challenge. It makes it easier to take
advantage of the intelligence embedded in the CAD model and streamlines
access to manufacturing details, minimizing the risk of miscommunication and


Complementary Applications to Support Design

Manage Complexity and Extend To avoid duplication of efforts and errors, work, and prevent errors due to
CAD Model Value especially for complex products, it helps misinterpretation and translation. You can
In addition to the right CAD tool, to manage versions and understand also share ideas more easily and identify
dependencies. design problems that will cause issues
complementary software tools can further
help to manage complexity. The graph later on. As a single integrated solution,
Native Production Support you can also streamline the handoff
shows the top complementary and
Support for production processes will across different teams or disciplines.
integrated options that Top Performers
expect will be the most helpful to manage make it easier to manage different
manufacturing techniques and leverage Visualization Tools
complexity as they design products in the
2020s. the intelligence in the CAD model to Visualization tools make it easier to share
support production. 3D models with others, especially non-
Collaboration Tools technical stakeholders while keeping data
Integrated Design Solutions secure. Plus, the recipient doesn’t need
Collaboration tools are the top way Top
Performers manage complexity as MCAD solutions that integrate with other access to the native CAD tool to view it.
reported by 56%. Manufacturing solutions such as industrial design tools or This makes it easier to share with others
techniques and more electronics and ECAD make it easier to collaborate. and solicit feedback. The result is better
embedded software are top sources of Bringing the complete design together in communication.
complexity. With collaboration tools, one model saves time, avoids duplicating
engineers can connect more easily with
disciplines to make it easier to work
together. Improved collaboration is also a
critical requirement for incorporating new
Data Management
Product data management (PDM) and
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
provide a way to centralize data and
control access to it so that it is easier to
find. PLM extends the value of PDM by
also supporting processes such as change
management and managing workflows.


Conclusions and

Next Steps
Times have changed. The pace of innovation continues to accelerate, and the
pressure from global competition is so significant, corporate lifespans have
shrunk. Companies must work harder than ever to stay relevant.
As we approach the next decade, staying on top of the latest technologies will
be crucial for innovation. However, while new technology will make your
products more competitive, it will also increase product complexity. To be
successful, you will need the right design tools to support it.
Old ways of working may no longer be enough so evaluate your current design
environment to ensure you have the right capabilities to empower development
teams to innovate. This may include evaluating new design solutions.
Based on this research and our experience, we recommend that companies:
• Use design tools that will support your innovation requirements in the 2020s.
• Identify the impact new technology will have on innovation requirements.
Examine the design impact of 3D printing, smart factories, new materials,
IoT, and AR/VR as these technologies will likely become increasingly
important in the 2020s. Ensure you have the tools to support these
technologies as needed.
• Facilitate collaboration, especially across multi-disciplinary teams. For the Old ways of working may no
technically advanced products of the 2020s, development teams will need to
include experts from multiple disciplines. It will be impossible for any one
longer be enough in the 2020s so
person to be an expert in everything so, effective and efficient collaboration evaluate your current design
will be critical to strengthen the expertise of the entire team.
• Consider design tools that can manage the resulting complexity of modern environment to ensure you have
products. Tools should offer high performance, automate tedious tasks,
support reuse, handle multi-CAD data, and embed intelligence into design the capabilities in place to
empower development teams to
• Evaluate extended software capabilities and applications that complement
CAD to support collaboration and provide additional ways to manage innovate.


About the Research

Data Gathering Electronics, 18% Durable Consumer Eastern Europe, 10% in Latin
Tech-Clarity gathered and analyzed Goods, 14% Life Sciences, 14% America, 8% in Australia, 5% in the
207 responses to a web-based Engineering Services, 9% Consumer Middle East, and 2% in Africa. Note
survey on technology, innovation, Packaged Goods, and others. Note that the numbers total greater than
and product development. Survey that these numbers add up to 100% because companies reported
responses were collected by direct greater than 100% because some doing business in multiple
e-mail, social media, and online companies are active in more than geographies.
postings by Tech-Clarity. one industry.
Of the respondents, 49% were in
Demographics engineering or design roles, 11%
The respondents represented a mix Program/Project/Product
of company sizes, including 48% Management
from smaller companies (less than Management/Administration, 7%
$100 million), 25% between $100 Manufacturing, 4% Manufacturing
million and $1 billion, and Engineering, 4% Industrial Design,
27% over $1 billion. and the remainder were from a
variety of roles including Simulation
The respondents were comprised of Analysts, CAD Administration, IT
about one-half (51%) individual and other roles. The companies
contributors, nearly one-quarter were primarily OEMs (62%), with
(24%) manager, 14% vice president 23% suppliers, 7% contract
or director level, 10% who indicate designers, 4% contract
they are executive levels, and 1% manufacturers, and 4% others.
other roles.
The respondents reported doing
The respondents represented a good
business globally, with most doing
mix of industries, including 34%
business in the North America
Industrial Machinery, 21%
(83%), almost one-third (31%)
Aerospace & Defense, 19%
doing business in Western Europe,
Automotive, 18% High Tech and
24% doing business in Asia, 12% in



About the Author
Michelle Boucher is the Vice President of Research for Engineering
Software for Tech-Clarity, an independent research and consulting
firm that specializes in analyzing the business value of software
technology and services. Michelle has spent over 20 years in
various roles in engineering, marketing, management, and as an
analyst. @TechClarityInc

Michelle graduated magna cum laude with an MBA from Babson Tech-Clarity
College and earned a BS in Mechanical Engineering, with
distinction, from Worcester Polytechnic Institute. She is an
Michelle Boucher experienced researcher and author having benchmarked over 7000
Vice President product development professionals and published over 90 reports
on product development best practices.
Tech-Clarity, Inc.

Tech-Clarity is an independent research firm dedicated to making the business value of

technology clear. Our mission is to analyze how companies can improve the way they research,
innovate, develop, design, engineer, produce, and support products through the intelligent use
of best practices, software, and IT services.

References 2. Scott D. Anthony, S. Patrick Viguerie, Evan I.

1. Pierre Nanterme (CEO of Accenture), Digital Schwartz, and John Van Landeghem, “2018
Disruption Has Only Just Begun, World Economic Corporate Longevity Forecast: Creative Destruction
Forum, Is Accelerating,” Innosight, February 2018.
disruption-has-only-just-begun/(Jan. 17, 2016).-

Image Credits © Can Stock Photo / andreykuzmin (pg 2) , Neirfy (pg 4), dolgachov (pg. 6, 16), AndreyPopov (pg. 7), XXLPhoto (pg. 8), audioundwerbung (pg. 9), MarinaSk
(pg. 10), prescott09 (pg. 10), marcovarro (pg 12), rausinphoto (pg 14)

This eBook is licensed to Dassault Systems SolidWorks /



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