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Ulllted States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 5,504,063
Becker et al. [45] Date of Patent: Apr. 2, 1996

[54] ASPHALTENE REMOVAL COMPOSITION 4,339,349 7/1982 Martin et al. .................. .. 252/8555 X
AND METHOD 4,370,174 1/1983 Braithwaite, Jr. . ........ .. 134/7
4,502,861 3/1985 Becker et a1. 252/88 X
[75] Inventors: Harold L. Becker, Tomball; Bernhard
W. Wolf, Houston, both of Tex. 5:O27:901 ____ n 166/310
. _ . . . 5,064,571 252/357
[73] Asslgnee. Petrollte Corporation, St. Lou1s, Mo. 5,093,031 __ ____ " 252/357
5,112,505 5/1992 Jacobs et al. ...................... .. 252/8552
[21] Appl. No.: 272,550
22 F] d: ul. 11 1994
[ 1 I6 J ’ Kirk~Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, vol. 7,
Related U_S_ Application Data (1979), pp. 583-584 Diamines and Higher Amines, Ali
[63] Continuation of Ser. No. 25,892, Mar. 3, 1993, abandoned, Kirk-Dimer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, vol
which is a continuation of Ser. No. 620,988, Nov. 30, 1990, 11 (1979), p. 263 Formic Acid and Derivatives (DMF).
abandoned- Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, vol. 7,
[51] Int. (:1.6 ..................................................... .. C09K 7/00 (1979), PP- 595-596 Diamines and Higher Amines, Ali
52 US. Cl. ........................ .. 507/243; 507/236; 507/237; Phatic
[ ] 101111131 Of 1116 American Society, 9812, 21,
[58] Field of Search .............. .. 252/8 552- 507/236 1976)’ PP 377-383 The s°1vat°°hmmi° c°mparis°n
243_ 134/40: 166/304 311’ Method I. The B-Scale of Solvent Hydrogen-Bond Accep
’ ’ ’ ’ tor (HBA) Basicities, Mortimer J. Kamlet and R. W. Taft.
56 R f C-t d Journal of the American Chemical Society, 99:18, (Aug. 31,
[ 1 e erences l e 1977), pp. 6027-6038 The Solvatochromic Comparison
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Method 6. The * Scale of Solvent Polarities. Mortimer J.
Karnlet, José Luis Abboud, and R. W. Taft.
5333321‘ 251322‘ k1h§n“““.....i.i‘.1i‘.f’.1.; ............... Flies/3 Prog- Phys- org- ohem» 91- 81, PP- 485-639191 Emi
2:766:132 10,1956 Blair et a1. _ 106/273 nation of Linear Solvation Energy Relationships, M. J.
2,873,253 2/1959 Stanphill 252/8552 Kamlot, J- L- M- Abboud, and R- W- Taft
2,970,958 2/1961 Shapiro . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 252/855 . . .

3,402,770 9/1968 Messenger . . . . . . . . . . .. 507/90 P'Wm'y Ex“m".'er—GaIy .Gmst

3,531,409 9/1970 Se?’ens 6181. .. ...... .. 252/855 Amsm’" Exam'"e’_Ya1ene Fee
3,654,993 4/1972 Smith et a1. .. 252/8555 x Attorney, Agent, or Flml—Kom1oth Solomon
3,874,452 4/1975 Allen et al. 166/260
3,910,351 10/1975 Wu et al. 166/276 [57] ABSTRACT
Sutton ... ..... . . . . . .. An asphaltene removal composition comprising an alkyle

3,951,212 4,1972 w“ ‘it al' neamine-fatty acid condensation reaction product and one or
6 1:62;‘: 252311 5 more polar aprotic high dielectric constant solvents is useful
4’090’562 5/1978 Ngly et a1_ 166/364 for removing and inhibiting asphaltene deposits from wells,
4,125,458 11/1978 Bushnell et 208/309 P1Pehnes and assoclated equlpmem
4,207,193 6/1980 Ford ct a1. .... .. 252/855 B
4,338,136 7/1982 Goullet et a1. ................. .. 252/3115 X 37 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets

460 100

1- ~90 $1
,3 / --80 g
g 420 ~70 E‘.
g a
g1 40o ‘60 1:,
EE 380 \ / ‘5° "3
_4() m
a a
g- 360 -—30 g
g,’ 340
\ —
“"20 i
320 '
US. Patent Apr. 2, 1996 Sheet 1 of 6 5,504,063

Percent Asphaltene Removal


Permeabillty (Millidarcies)
US. Patent Apr. 2, 1996 Sheet 2 of 6 5,504,063

A 9 R

8w2.. o?mRT
8m97 m
\ \

028w<8 9%P-
I 9%


Permeability (Millidarcies)
US. Patent Apr. 2, 1996 Sheet 3 of 6 5,504,063

Percent Asphaltene Removal

l I l l l | I


(0 LO LO Q’ Q‘ (‘0 0')

Permeability (Millidarcies)
US. Patent Apr. 2, 1996 Sheet 4 of 6 5,504,063



,/% A


5 8,m5 4560



V/ / % 4
/ /A / / ¢ 7/,‘
Solvent E
1 00%
Solvent E

Figure 2
US. Patent Apr. 2, 1996 Sheet 5 0f 6 5,504,063




P(ermaDbil)ty 150



\ \‘
Asphaltene Solvent I
Sequence of Treatment

Figure 3A
US. Patent Apr. 2, 1996 Sheet 6 of 6 5,504,063



/ %A

265856 5
t O



Sequence of Treatment
Solvent J

Figure 3B
1 2
ASPHALTENE REMOVAL COMPOSITION ited asphaltenes, reducing the size of the average particle
AND lVIETHOD and forming a stable suspension which can be readily
removed from deposit restricted areas.
This application is a continuation of U.S. Ser. No. According to an aspect, the composition comprises a
08/025,892, ?led Mar. 3, 1993, now abandoned which is a component A including an eifective amount of alkylene fatty
continuation of Ser. No. 07/620,988, ?led Nov. 30, 1990, acid condensation reaction products (AACP) admixed with
now abandoned.
component B, an effective amount of polar aprotic high
dielectric constant solvent, and optionally an effective car
FIELD OF THE INVENTION rier fluid for introducing the composition into contact with
The invention relates to compositions of matter and to asphaltene deposits.
methods for removing asphaltene deposits from wellbores According to an aspect, component A of the composition
and adjacent subterranean formations and production equip comprises an effective amount of N-substituted imidazolines
ment and pipelines. (NSI) reaction products of C8 to C32 fatty acids with
SETTING OF THE INVENTION According to an aspect, component B comprises an eifec
Asphaltene deposits in near wellbore subterranean forma tive tertiary amine having a nitrogen moiety adjacent one of
tions, in well tubing and perforations, and in transfer lines, a carbonyl or phosphoryl moiety.
storage tanks, surface equipment, and pipelines hinder pro According to an aspect, component B comprises one or
. duction and transport of high asphaltenic crudes from wells. more solvents characterized by high Pi* and Beta as here
Various compositions and treatments have been proposed inafter described.
and used for removing these deposits, but new treatments are According to another aspect, the composition comprises 1
needed; especially treatments which are inexpensive, easy to to 5 LV % (liquid volume percent) AACP or NSI, 0.2 to 2
use, and eifective. LV % (up to 50 LV %) of Z-methyl N-pyrrolidinone (NMP)
Asphaltenes are complex heteroatomic polar macrocyclic and l to 5 LV % (up to 50 wt %) of dimethylformamide
compounds containing carbon, hydrogen, sulfur and oxygen (DMF).
occurring in crude oils. Resin and maltene precursors of the According to method aspects, the invention comprises
asphaltenes act as peptizing agents in virgin crude oils to introducing the invented composition into contact with
stabilize a dispersion of micelles. When mechanical or deposited asphaltenes under conditions and for a time effec
chemical forces become su?iciently great, these stabilizing tive to disperse at least a portion of the deposited asphalt
species are lost and the destabilized asphaltenes become enes. .

susceptible to interaction and aggregation resulting in depo

sition of asphaltene macro-particles.
Xylene, toluene or other aromatic solvents have been used 35 BRIEF DESCRIPTIONS OF ‘THE DRAWINGS
for many years for the removal of asphaltenes, but require
large amounts of solvent and high frequency of treatment. FIGS. 1A, 1B and 1C illustrate results of runs using
Other solvents for asphaltenes include primary, secondary various dispersant systems on cores having Teco, Nipisi and
and tertiary amines, certain imidazolines, as well as carbon Wertz asphaltene, respectively, deposited thereon.
disul?des, pyridines, nitrobenzene, quinoline, and the like. 40 FIGS. 2, 3A and 3B illustrate effects of asphaltene depos
See, for example, U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,914,132; 2,970,958; and its on core permeability and eifects of treatment.
Also, it is mentioned that it is known to use N-methyl
pyrrolidinone (NMP) (also referred to as N-Methyl pyrroli DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
done) or furfural to precipitate asphaltic material from the 45 INVENTION
bituminous petroleum portion of formation petroleum; and
also known to use NIVIP for deasphalting an asphalt con The invention relates to asphaltene removal compositions
taining mineral oil. and to methods for removing asphaltenes from wells and
Described below beginning with the Summary of the casing, from adjacent subterranean formation and from
Invention is a composition of matter and various methods 50
production and pipelining equipment.
for removing asphaltene deposits from wellbores and equip The composition comprises an effective alkyleneamine
ment. Because the prior art known to Applicants did not fatty acid condensation product (AACP) or N-substituted
disclose the e?'ective composition of matter or its uses imidazoline (NSI) and an e?ective polar aprotic high dielec
hereinafter described for asphaltene removal, the composi tric constant, preferably tertiary amine, solvent optionally in
tion was discovered by empirical investigation. The com 55 a hydrocarbon carrier.
position of matter and its uses hereinafter described greatly The polar aprotic high dielectric constant tertiary amine
enhance removal of asphaltene deposits. Moreover, each solvent is one or preferably a mixture of solvents selected
active component in the preferred composition signi?cantly from the group of tertiary amine compounds comprising the
enhances the action of the other components. moiety
The invention relates to an asphaltene removal composi
tion and to methods for removing asphaltene deposits from
wellbores and adjacent subterranean formations and from 65
production equipment and systems. Small amounts of the where X is carbon or phosphorous, i.e., comprising carbonyl
asphaltene removal composition peptizes or lique?es depos or phosphoryl moieties.
3 4
Preferably the tertiary amine solvent is selected from and the like, alone, mixed, or in combination with well
carbonyl compounds as may be represented by treating solvents. Hydrocarbon or mutual solvents can be
used, for example, aromatic solvents admixed with various
alcohols such as methanol, isopropyl alcohol, 'capryl alco
hol, ethylhexyl alcohol, octyl alcohols, and the like. Xylene
and toluene are preferred aromatic solvents.
The relative amounts of carrier ?uid and invented com
positions can vary over a wide range. The carrier ?uid can
wherein each R represents hydrogen or a C1 through C6 comprise predominantly all of a treating ?uid since any
alkyl moiety and optionally wherein two or more R groups 10
addition of invented composition can enhance asphaltene
are united in form of an aliphatic ring or cyclic structure. removal. Conversely, the treating ?uid can be used neat if
Illustrative solvents include methyl formarnide, dimethyl desired. Hence, the invented composition can be present in
formarnide (DMF), diethyl formamide, dipropyl formamide, amounts from less than 1 LV % to all of a treating ?uid, and
butyrolactam, N-methyl-Z-pyrrolidinone (NMP), hexam the carrier ?uid can comprise from 0 to 99+LV %.
ethyl phosphoramide (HMP) and the like. Each of the components of the invented composition can
Thus, the solvent of the invention should have aydielectric be present in a treating solution as described below.
constant at least about as high as the dielectric constants of The alkyleneamine fatty acid condensation products
such solvents. Because the lowest dielectric constant of (AACP) or N-substituted imidazolines (NSI) are present in
those solvents is about 23.5, the solvent of the invention a treating ?uid at least in amounts effective for enhancing
should have a dielectric constant of at least about 23.5. See dissolution of deposited asphaltenes as compared to disso
also EXAMPLE VI below and PIMP are The structures of lution of asphaltenes in xylene alone. The upper limits are
DMF, NMP and HMP are as follows: determined by economic factors, i.e., there is no incentive to
use amounts greater than required for an effective applica
tion. Generally, the AACP and NS1 can range from 1 to 50
LV % of the treating solution, preferably from 1 to 15 LV %,
25 most preferably from 1 to 10 LV %. 5 LV % AACP or NSI
have proven to be an effective low cost asphaltene solvent.
The polar aprotic high dielectric constant preferably ter
tiary amine solvent is present in a treating ?uid at least in
amounts effective for physically disrupting accumulations of
asphaltenes. The upper limit of presence is again determined
by economic and effectiveness considerations. Generally,
the polar aprotic solvent can be present in an amount in the
range of 0.1 to about 50 LV %, preferably in the range of 0.1
to about 15 LV %, most preferably in an amount in the range
of about 0.2 to 10 LV %.
35 According to a preferred aspect of the invention, the
effective tertiary amine solvent can comprise a mixture of
two or more such solvents with AACP or NSI. Thus, a
mixture of DMF and NMP signi?cantly improves results as
compared with results using such components separately or
40 in various combinations of two components. See
The alkyleneamine-fatty acid condensation reaction prod EXAMPLE VII and EXAMPLE VIII below. According to
ucts (AACP) are products produced by condensation of fatty this aspect of the invention, the asphalt removal composition
acids or fatty acid derivatives with alkyleneamines. Both the can comprise in the range of 0.1 to 5 LV % of each of AACP,
reactions and the products thereof are well known to those NMP and DMF; the remainder being carrier ?uid.
skilled in the art. Preferably such a three-component mixture comprises
According to the invention, the fatty acids are preferably from 1 to 5 LV % DMF, from 0.2 to 2.0 LV % NMP, and
monocarboxylic fatty acids having 8 to 32 carbon atoms. from 1 to 5 LV % AACP since such a three-component
The alkyleneamines are preferably of the formula mixture in carrier is indicated to be highly and synergisti
cally effective in asphaltene removal.
The invention will be further understood and appreciated
where n is in the range of l to 10, preferably 1 to 5. from the following discussion and examples.
Illustrative alkyleneamines are ethylene diamine (EDA), Asphaltene samples are collected from areas where
diethylene triarnine (DETA), triethylene tetramine (TETA), asphaltene deposits represent a problem in oil production.
tetraethylene pentarnine (TEPA) and the like. Uniformly compressed pellets about 4 grams in weight and
The reaction products can be illustrated by reaction prod uniform in size and surface area are formed by placing
55 asphaltene samples in a pellet press and pellets are formed
ucts of ethylenediamine and its homologs which react when
heated with an excess of rnonobasic carboxylic acid to yield at 20,000 pounds per square inch pressure. The pellets are
mono- and substituted amides which undergo further con treated as discussed below. Hexane when used is used to
densation to yield cyclic 2-substituted imidazoline deriva prevent solvent interference with results since hexane and
tives. The reaction of polyalkylenepolyarnines with fatty lower alkanes are generally ineffective in suspending
acids or fatty acid derivatives yields complex mixtures of 60 asphaltenes.
amine salts, amides, and 2- and 1,2-substituted imidazolines. EXAMPLE 1 SCREENING RUNS
Such reactions and reaction products are well known to
those skilled in the art and require no further description Solvents and dispersants as set out in Tables IA and IB
here. See, for example, Kirk Othmer, Encyclopedia of below are evaluated for asphaltene suspending effectiveness.
Chemical Technology, Vol. 7, pp. 583-584 (1981). 65 Pellets are observed for 24 hours, and relative effects such as
The effective hydrocarbon carrier ?uid preferably com pellet disruption, change in coloration of hexane solvent and
prises aromatic solvents such as benzene, toluene, xylene ?ltration rates of supernatant are observed and noted.
5 6
The equipment used in these runs consist of graduated
TABLE IA cylinders or bottles of 25 ml, a balance for weighing
Dispersant System Disruption Coloration Filtration asphaltene, pipettes for measuring volumes of different
products, and various dispersant systems to be tested.
1 Poor Poor Slow 1 g of asphaltene is weighed (2.5 g for runs with aromat
‘ 2 Poor Poor Slow
3 Poor Poor Slow ics) and is placed into a graduated cylinder or test bottle, 20
' 4 Poor Poor Slow m1 of hexane or 22.5 ml or 23.7 ml of toluene or xylene. 5
5 Poor Poor Slow ml of dispersant systems such as identi?ed below is added
6 Poor Poor Slow to hexane; or 2.5 ml is added to aromatics for 10% runs and
7 Poor Poor Slow 10 1.75 ml is added to aromatics for 5% runs. The system is
8 Poor Poor Slow
9 Poor Moderate Slow allowed to stand under quiescent conditions for 24 hrs (4 hrs
10 Fair Good Moderate during runs with aromatics). Changes in color with time are
11 Fair Good Moderate observed at the end of the indicated period and 2 ml of ?uid
12 Excellent Excellent Moderate
13 Excellent Good Fast with asphaltene dispersed are removed with a pipette a
14 Excellent Very Good Fast 15 centimeter above the asphaltene to measure its concentra
15 Very Good Excellent Fast tion. The concentration of asphaltenes in hexane or aromat
ics is determined by means of Comparisons of transmittance
The dispersant systems are described in Table 1B: applying Beer’s Law or by gravimetric means weighing
residual precipitate after drying 1 m1 of removed ?uid.
Results With Hexane
1. Nitrobenzene 9. Alkyl pyridine
2. Acetone l0. Dodecylbenzene sulfonic Hexane is used to eliminate any effect which the solvent
3. Nonylphenol + 10 mole acid
ethylene oxide 11. Mixed alkylsulfonates may have on dispersing asphaltenes and to demonstrate the
4. Dodecylbenzene sulfonic 12. N-methyl 2-pyrolidinone 25 dispersing eifect of a dispersant system alone. The results
acid ammonium salt 13. Dimethyl formamide using comparisons of transmittancy applying Beer’ 5 Law are
5. Ditertiary butyl peroxide l4. AACP l given in the following table.
6. Sorbitan monooleate 15. AACP 2
7. Dipropylene glycol +
20 mole propylene oxide TABLE IIIA
8. Zinc stearate 30
Tests of Dispersion with Hexane

AACPl and AACP2 are reaction products in di?erent Dispersant % Asphalteue

System % Transmittance Dispersed
proportions of diethylene triamine with tall oil.
E 88.4 0.000175
G 35.2 0.140000
Based on the results of EXAMPLE I, the dispersant H 8.3 0.735000
systems described in Table IIA below are selected for further I 4.5 1.172500
J 3.1 1.312500
evaluation and are evaluated in hexane as in Example I. The
relative results are set out in Table IIB below. 40
These dispersant systems have the compositions indicated in
TABLE HA the following table.
Dispersant TABLE IILB
A mixtureof5LV%DMF,2LV%NMP, System Composition
and 5 LV % fatty acid - diethylenetriamine
condensation reaction product
B aromatic distillates (naphtha) Aromatic distillates (Naptha)
C 30% dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid in toluene Mixture 5% Dimethyl formamide, 5% AACP 1,
D mixture of 20% xylene, 50.9% isopropyl alcohol, 50 2% NM? and 87% system D, (TABLE IlB)
9.1% octyl alcohol, and 20% methanol Alkyl sulfonate in aromatic distillates
5% DMF, 5% AACP l, 2% NMP, and 88% Xylene
5% DMF, 5% AACP 1, 2% NMP, 10% Formula D
(I‘ABLE IIB), 78% xylene
Dispersant System Disruption Coloration Filtration As can be observed, dispersant systems I and J have the
A Excellent Excellent Very fast
greatest efficacy for dispersing asphaltenes in hexane. Dis
B Poor Fair Slow persant system I begins to color the hexane immediately
C Fair Good Moderate upon addition.
D Fair Poor Slow
Results With Aromatics

EXAMPLE Il1-—~DISPERSION RUNS In these nms toluene and xylene are used as solvents and
upon entry into contact with asphaltenes are immediately
These runs are conducted under static conditions with the darkened in color indicating asphaltene-dispersion effects.
object of determining the capacity of certain dispersant 65 The eifect of the dispersant system is measured in percent of
systems for dispersing and maintaining dispersed asphalt asphaltene in solution in pipetted solvent, dried and weighed
enes. or measured by transmittance. In Run 1, the e?’ects of
7 8
concentration of the products and differences between tolu rimeter. Accuracy of colorimeter readings is assured by
ene and xylene are determined. In Run 2, various treatments comparing measurements made on core ef?uent to measure
are conducted in duplicate. The results obtained are shown ments obtained from standard dilutions of asphaltene dis
in the following Table llIC. persions in xylene.
To examine permeability e?ects, asphaltenes are loaded
TABLE Inc on the core and permeability effects are observed via pres
In Solution sure readings and ?ow rates; then, a dispersant system is
Dispersant Determined added and the effects on permeability are again observed via
measured pressure readings and ?ow rates.
System % Solvent % Transmittance (Trans.) (Wt) 10 The results are set out in FIGS. 1A, 1B, and 1C. In these
Run 1 ?gures, the reference letters have meaning as follows:
A*——treatment with dispersant ?uid A at 6.6
I 5 Toluene 1.8 40 28.2
I 10 Toluene 1.3 48 35.1 A—treatment with dispersant ?uid A
J 5 Toluene 1.4 46 12.9 B—treatment with dispersant ?uid B
J 10 Toluene l .4 46 34.4
I 5 Xylene 5.1 30 24.3 C-treatment with dispersant ?uid C
I 10 Xylene 1.3 48 23.7 D—treatment with dispersant ?uid D
I 5 Xylene 2.8 29 29.9
J 10 Xylene 2.3 34 30.3 H—treatment with water
Toluene 14.7 0.24 18.7 T—deposition of Teco asphaltene
Xylene 18.0 0.2 205 20
Run 2 W—deposition of Wertz asphaltene
N--deposition of Nipisi asphaltene
I 5 Toluene 1.8 40
I 5 Toluene 1.7 41
As used herein, asphaltenes are named after the ?eld of
J 5 Toluene 0.5 64 origin. Dispersant ?uids A, B, C, D are described in Table
J 5 Toluene 0.8 54 25 11A abovev
I 5 Xylene 2.1 40 Referring now to FIG. 1A, as indicated at H, initial
I 5 Xylene 2.3 34
.I 5 Xylene 1.5 48 permeability of the core to water prior to treating is about
.I 5 Xylene 1.1 50 395 mD. At T, Teco asphaltene is deposited on the core
resulting in a reduction in permeability to about 325 mD. As
As can be observed, the combination of toluene with dis 30 indicated by D, treatment with 1 core volume of dispersant
persant system J is the most efficient in dispersing asphalt system D results in a small increase in permeability to about
337 mD. However, no removal of asphaltenes from the core
is indicated. As indicated at A, treatment of the core using
dispersant blend A results in an increase in permeability to
EXAMPLE IV-CORE RUNS 35 about 443 mD and an asphaltene removal of about 31%.
Runs are conducted using core samples to determine (1) These results indicate that compositionAis more effective
asphaltene removal e?iciency of various dispersant systems, than blend D both for improving permeability in and for
and (2) eifects of treatments using various dispersant sys removing asphalt from Teco asphaltene deposited core.
tems on permeability. '
Referring now to FIG. 1B, FIG. 1B illustrates changes in
40 permeability and percent asphaltene removal from various
A Hastier core holder (available from Temco Corporation, dispersant system treatments of Nipisi asphaltene deposited
Tulsa, Oklahoma) for receiving a core for treatment is core.
equipped with a pressure transducer for monitoring ?uid As indicated at N, depositing Nipisi asphaltene on the
pressure on the inlet side of the core holder and adapted with core resulted in pretreatment permeability of about 442 mD.
a high pressure liquid chromatography pump for ?owing 45 Referring to treatments with dispersant system A, treatment
xylene or a treating solution through the core. Fluid passed of Nipisi asphaltene damaged core improved permeabilities
through the core is provided to a colorimeter with a ?ow
in each instance, under some treatment sequences by as
through cell. Fluid pressure from the transducer and trans much as about 50 mD. Further, asphaltene removal by
rnittance/absorbance are recorded. dispersant system A is typically at about the 30% removal
Berea cores having in the range of 100 to 300 mD 50 level. Even treatment with ?uid A* (?uid A at about the 6.6
(millidarcies) absolute permeability are used. After estab LV % dilution level) achieved about 12% removal of
lishing a water-wet condition using a brine solution having asphaltenes. The level of Nipisi asphaltene removal by
a composition as shown in Table VID below, and determin dispersant system A was consistently high and was signi?
ing the effective initial permeability of core using xylene, cantly higher than for any of dispersant systems B, C or D.
asphaltene plugging damage is simulated by loading 75 55 Referring now to FIG. 1C, FIG. 1C illustrates changes in
milliliters of a 1% dispersion of asphaltene to the core, permeability and percent asphaltene removal by various
reducing permeability generally by 100 to 200 mD. A core dispersant system treatments of Wertz asphaltene deposited
is used repeatedly during a series of runs; consequently, core.
initial permeability in a‘ series of runs does not represent As indicated at W, after deposition of Wertz asphaltene on
native state permeability. After loading asphaltene on the 60 the core, core permeability was about 141 mD. Treatment
core, several core-volumes of xylene are passed through the with dispersant system D, although having little effect on
core to establish a steady state condition followed by treat permeability (permeability increased about 2 mD), resulted
ing with various asphaltene dispersant systems as described in about 17% asphaltene removal. Further deposition of
below. Wertz asphaltene reduced permeability to about 133 mD.
To determine effectiveness of dispersant systems in 65 Subsequent treatment with dispersant ?uid A resulted in
removing deposited asphalt from core, transmission at 430 about a 22 rnD improvement in permeability and in about a
nm of ?uid ?owed through the core is monitored by colo 74% asphaltene removal.
9 10
From FIGS. 1A, 1B and 1C it can be seen that dispersant
?uid A signi?cantly outperforms other dispersant ?uids TABLE VB-continued
tested in asphaltene removal and in consistency of perme ml E?luent Percent Asphaltene Removed
ability improvement.
120 50.5
150 52.5
260 70.0
By means of these runs the cleaning of formation rock in 320 74.0
the vicinity of the well is simulated. The runs have as an 340 75.0
objective the demonstration of the capacity of various dis 10 390 77.0
persant systems for removing damage from formation rock 405 77.8
caused by asphaltene deposits.
The equipment used in this test consists of a high pressureTable VIA indicate that 100% solution removes about
liquid chromatography pump with a regulator, a Hastler core asphaltene and Table VIB indicate that 50% solution
holder (available from Temco Corporation, Tulsa, Okla), an 15 removes about 78% of the asphaltene.
ultraviolet detector to measure transmittance of ?uid as it The following Table VC shows diiferent permeabilities
leaves the core, and a recorder for measuring ?uid pressure during the test.
on the core and transmittance of effluent from the core.
In the Hastler core holder, a core (1.5 in. in diameter and
8.0 in. in length) is surrounded by a jacket permitting the 20 Dispersant Flow Rate
application of pressure to ?ow ?uids through the core. The System (ml/sec) Pressure (psi) Permeability (mD)
direction of ?ow can be changed by valving to simulate Xylene 0.083 16 95.52
squeeze treatments. By recording the transmittance and Asphaltene 0.083 71 21.53
applying Beer’s Law, the quantity of asphaltenes removed I = 100% 0.083 57 26.18
by various dispersant systems can be determined, and by 25 Asphaltene 0.067 95 12.87
I = 50% 0.083 67 22.81
recording the pressure a measure of the core permeability at
various stages of the runs is obtained.
In FIG. 2, the permeabilities are compared during various
Runs With Previously Used Core steps of the nms. It can be seen that asphaltene treatments
30 cause a reduction in permeability and that treatment with
Xylene is pumped at 5 ml/min to establish baseline dispersant system I causes an increase in permeability
pressure and permeability measurements. The transmittance supporting an inference that damage is caused by asphaltene
is calibrated with xylene to obtain a baseline of 100% particles being deposited in pore throats of the core and that
transmittance. Seventy ?ve ml of a solution containing 1% the dispersant package removes a percentage of this damage.
of Jujo asphaltene is pumped through the core to cause core 35 Enough damage is removed by the dispersant that a mea
damage. Then, xylene is pumped to remove asphaltene surable improvement in permeability is obtained.
which has not been ?xed on the core. Then, ml of dispersant
system I at 100% or 50% is pumped through the core in a Runs with New Core
direction contrary to the ?ow with which one established the
damage. Then, xylene is pumped until transmittance is A new core is saturated with brine preliminary to tests
constant. using asphaltenes and asphaltene dispersant systems. The
Using the values of transmittance and Beer’s Law, the brine composition is as follows:
cumulative percent of asphaltenes relative to asphaltene
deposited on the core removed by the treatment is deter
mined. The results are shown in Table VA at 100% and in 45 Brine Composition
Table VB at 50%.
NaCl 53.293 gll
CaCl2 6.1'63 g/l
TABLE VA MgCl2 3.354 g/l
ml E?luent Percent Asphaltene Removed BaClz 0.064 gll
50 SrClz 1.040 g/l
120 92.7 Na(I-ICO3) 0.234 gll
150 93.6
175 94.4 As soon as the core is saturated with the brine, xylene is
200 94.8
250 95.7 pumped through to establish a baseline of pressure and
275 96.1 55 permeability without asphaltene damage. To cause asphalt
300 96.2 ene deposit damage to the core, xylene with asphaltenes is
350 96.5 pumped through the core. Charges of 75 ml are used to cause
400 96.8
450 96.8 asphaltene damage to the core. Then, xylene is pumped
480 96.8 throughout the core to remove any asphaltenes which have
60 not been deposited onto the core.
When the transmittance line begins to level out, one
TABLE VB pumps in the same direction 60 ml of a solution of 25% of
dispersant system D in xylene followed with 15 ml of
m1 E?luent Percent Asphaltene Removed dispersant system I to simulate a ?eld squeeze application,
30 49.8 65 then discontinues pumping and allows the solution to remain
75 50.8 in contact with the asphaltene damaged core for 4 hrs. After
4 hrs, hexane is pumped through the core in the opposite
11 12
direction to avoid any xylene effect in removing asphaltenes. solvents for use with AACP or NSI in accordance with the
This run is repeated using dispersant system J in place of invention. It is also noted that hexarnethylphosphoramide
system I. contains a tertiary amine moiety. Some solvents meeting
As indicated in FIGS. 3A and 3B and in Table VE, criteria having Pi* values above 0.7 and Beta values above
permeability of the core is improved signi?cantly with the 5 0.6 are set forth in the following Table VIA.
proposed treatment.
Solvent 11* 0t [3
Permeability (New Core)
Dimethylacetamide 0.88 Nil 0.76
Treatment Q (ml/sec) P (Atm) K x 1000 Dirnethylformamide 0.88 Nil 0.69
N-Methylpyrrolidone 0.92 Nil 0.77
First Run Series Dimethyl Sulfoxide 1.00 Nil 0.76
Triethyl phosphate 0.72 Nil 0.77
Xylene 0.083 22 69.47 Hexamethyl phosphoramide 0.87 Nil 1.05
Asphaltene 0.083 65 23.51 Pyridine 0.87 Nil 0.64
D/I 0.083 6 254.72
Second Run Series where:
or = Taft-Kamlet hydrogen-boud-donor solvent parameter
Xylene 0.083 6 254.72 [3 = Taft-Karnlet hydrogen-bond-acceptor parameter
Asphaltene 0.083 130 11.76 fl?“ = Taft-Kamlet dipolarity-polarizability solvent parameter
D/J 0.083 14 109.17 20


Using D’Arcy’s Law of Permeability, DMF, NSI MIXTURES

Dispersant ?uid A described above is further investigated
25 by placing asphaltene pellets in 15 ml of hexane, adding ?ve
percent by weight of individual components of dispersant
wherein: ?uid A (that is: NMP—N-methyl pyrrolidinone; DMF——
K: Permeability, darcies dimethylformamide; and NSI- n-substituted imidazolines)
Q= Flow through sample (cc/sec or ml/sec) and observing for 24 hours. The ?uid is decanted after the 24
L: Length of rock sample or core 30 hour observation period. Use of hexane alone results in no
u= Fluid Viscosity, centipoise physical disruption of the asphaltene pellet. Varying degrees
of physical disruption are observed for each of the 5% DMF,
A= Cross-sectional area perpendicular to ?ow, cm2 NMP, and NSI ?uids.
AP: Pressure drop across rock sample, atmospheres Filtration tests are also conducted on DMF, NMP, NSI and
It can be seen that asphaltene causes damage to the core by 35 mixtures thereof. These tests are conducted by adding 10%
blocking the ?ow of ?uids. As the ?uid ?ow is hindered, the individual and combined two- and three-component mix
pressure increases and by Darcy’s Law permeability is tures to a 10% asphaltene/90% xylene mixture. After 24
decreased. When the dispersant is squeezed into the core, hours, suction ?ltration through a glass frit is performed on
allowed to remain in contact with the damage for a period of a 30 gram mixture, and the volume of ?ltrate obtained is
four hours, and ?ow resumed from the opposite side, a 40 measured versus time. The effectiveness of the additives is
decrease in pressure follows. This decrease in pressure with judged by volume of ?ltrate obtained after a period of two
matching ?ow rates represents an increase in permeability. minutes. The lower the ?ltrate volume obtained, the less
e?ective the additive since plugging of the frit is propor
EXAMPLE VI—CORE RUNS—ADDITIONAL tional to the amount of non-dispersed (precipitated) asphalt
SOLVENTS 45 ene. The three-component DMF-NMP-NSI blend shows a
maximum effect of pellet disruption and asphaltene disper
Core studies are conducted using the same method as
sion compared to the individual and two-component sys
described in Example IV with the solvents described below tems.
instead of DMF in dispersant ?uid A. The purpose of this
study is to investigate the effects of using solvents with 50
differing Alpha, Beta, and Pi* values. See, for example, An EXAMPLE VIII-CORE RUNS—~NMP, DMF,
Examination of Linear Solvation Energy Relationships, M. NSI MIXTURES
J. Kamlet, J. M. Aboud, R. W. Taft, 81 Prog. Phys. Organ. Core testing is performed on various mixtures of DNF,
Chem. 485. Thus, Butyrolactone (Pi*=0.55, Beta=0.49, and NMP, and NSI. A Berea core of known porosity and per
Alpha=nil) is compared to Dimethylformarnide (Pi*=0.88, 55 meability is prepared by ?owing a brine solution through it
Beta=0.69, and Alpha=nil) in the core tests. The results to establish a water-wet condition, then xylene is ?owed
indicate that butyrolactone is less effective in removal of through it until a ?owrate and pressure baseline is obtained.
asphaltene, and reestablishment of effective permeability. The core is attached to a high pressure liquid chromatogra
Several other solvents are also evaluated, including acetone phy pump. A pressure transducer placed before the core inlet
(Pi*=0.72, Beta=0.48, and Alpha=0.07), hexamethylphos 60 measures the pressure. A U.V. spectrometer measures
phoramide (Pi* =0.87, Beta=l.05, Alpha= nil), nitrobenzene ' asphaltene absorbance. After a baseline of absorbance at 450
(Pi*: 1.01, Beta=0.39, and Alpha,: nil), xylene (Pi*: Beta= nrn, ?owrate of 10 ml/min and pressure of 20 psi is achieved,
nil, Alpha= nil). From the results of these tests, Hexameth a 75 ml mixture of 1% asphaltene in 99% xylene used to
ylphosphoramide is equal to or better than Dimethylforrna deposit asphaltenes on the core. Pressure increases, and the
mide which is better than the others listed. 65 ?owrate is reduced. After the asphaltene absorbance peaks
These results indicate that solvents having Pi* values of and baseline xylene absorbance is achieved, a dispersant
0.7 or above and Beta values above 0.6 would be effective system is added. The pressure increases and an increase in
13 14
asphaltene absorbance is observed. After the asphaltene This example indicates a synergistic effect effected by the
absorbance peaks and a baseline xylene absorbance are use of a combination of solvents (DMF and NMP) with N SI
achieved, the pressure and ?ow rates are measured. as the dispersant. While the exact theory of operation is not
The results indicate that one component or two compo known, these eifects are consistent with solvent theory. In
nent mixtures of DMF, NMP and NSI are not as elfective as solvent theory, “hole effects” are hypothesized to be opera
the three-component mixture in removing asphaltenes and tive, along with solvent sheaths. The DMF forms a smaller
restoring core permeability. After the three-component sys hole than the NMP because of its smaller size and less
tem removes asphaltenes, ?ow rate and pressure are hindered structure. Thus, DMF is hypothesized to be closer
observed to have returned to those of the core prior to to the surface of the asphaltene particle. As disruption by the
asphaltene loading. 1O DMF proceeds, NMP is capable of accepting the DMF
disrupted asphaltene. Then, NSI suspension of the sheathed
EXAMPLE IX——ASPHALTENE DMF-NMP-asphaltene particle can take place.
Effectiveness of asphaltene dispersant ability is conducted EXAMPLE X———COMPA'I‘]BII..I’I‘Y TESTS
by placing a four gram asphaltene pellet in a 25 ml graduated
cylinder with ?fteen milliliters of n-hexane and treating by Various compatibility tests are conducted by mixing in
adding 5 ml of dispersant systems described below and the various proportions the systems I and I with various oils and
sample is observed for a period of 24 hours. brines. These runs indicate the dispersant systems I and J do
not cause stable emulsions and are compatible with the oils
N-Substituted Irnidazoline (NSI) tested.
From the above examples, it is shown that dispersant
After 4 hours, a noticeable physical disruption of the systems I and J are equally effective in dispersing asphalt
pellet is observed, along with a substantial ?uid penetration enes under static conditions in hexane and more effective in
of the pellet as indicated by a measurable decrease in the aromatic hydrocarbon solvents such as xylene and toluene.
volume of ?uid. The ?uid is highly colored by dissolved The best results are obtained with toluene and dispersant
asphaltenes, and a considerable amount of sediment is system J.
observed in the bottom of the graduated cylinder. After 24
In the tests with previous damaged core, improvements on
hours, the pellet is completely broken up and a smaller the order of 25. and 83% in permeability of the core with
amount of sediment is observed.
30 treatments with dispersant system I alone are observed. In
tests with new core, improvements in permeability of the
N, N-Dimethyl Formamide (DMF) and N-Methyl core can be on the order of 1,000%.
Pyrrolidinone (NMP)
According to a method aspect, the invention comprises
Each of the DMF sample and the NMP sample gives very introducing the invented asphaltene removal composition
little coloration to the ?uid in the 4 hour sample, but opens 35 into contact with deposited asphaltenes and dispsering at
large ?ssures in the pellet. After 24 hours, the pellet is least a portion of the asphaltenes. The method can be applied
broken into several large chunks, with a fair amount of to asphaltene deposits wherever occurring in wells, pipe
sediment in the bottom of the graduate. The 24 hour sample lines, associated equipment, subterranean formations adja
also showed a fair amount of coloration. The physical cent wells or adjacent perforated zones in wells and the like.
disruption of the pellets indicated that DMF and NMP are 40 The asphaltene removal composition can be introduced as
effective solvents for physically disrupting asphaltenes but a liquid or as a gas enriched with invented composition
alone are relatively less effective than NSI as asphaltene vapors. The composition can be applied by spraying, pump
dispersants. ing, pumping under pressure or any other effective means.
NMP gives virtually the same results as DMF. The composition can be circulated in contact with deposited
45 asphaltenes or can be introduced into contact and the well or
NMP+ NSI other sites being treated can then be shut in, for example, for
4 or more hours, optionally 24 hours or more. The asphalt
A mixture of NMP and NSI gives about the same colora~
ene removal composition can be introduced at ambient
tion in 4 hours than does NSI alone in 24 hours, and the temperature or can be heated prior to introduction into
amount of sediment is comparable. This indicates that NSI 50 contact with asphaltenes.
acts as a dispersant and that enhanced or synergistic eifects
are observed when NMP and NSI are combined. For example, to clean a formation in the vicinity of a well,
?uids in the production tubing can ?rst be displaced with
DMF+ NSI xylene, followed by a solution of mutual solvent in xylene.
Then, the invented composition can be placed in the forma
A mixture of DMF and NSI gives less coloration in four tion in the vicinity of the well.
hours‘ than does NSI alone in 24 hours; however, the amount Subterranean formation adjacent a borehole can also be
of sediment is reduced considerably. This indicates that, as treated by forcing (squeezing) an effective asphalt dispersing
shown above, NSI acts as a dispersant and that enhanced or amount of an invented composition into the formation using
synergistic e?’ects are observed when NMP and NSI are an effective pressure, releasing the pressure, and producing
combined. 60
?uids from the well.
The invented composition can also be introduced into
contact with formation which is substantially free of asphalt
A mixture of NMP, DMF and NSI gives results compa ene deposits to inhibit asphaltene deposits.
rable to the 24 hour sample of NSI alone in 4 hours, i.e., high 65 Many other treating practices and procedures using the
coloration, low amount of sediment, and complete disrup invented composition will be apparent to those skilled in the
tion of the pellet. art from the description herein.
15 16
The invention described herein is effective and of signi? 8. The ?uid composition of claim 6 wherein the one or
cant value in removing asphaltene deposits from wells, more organic solvents are further characterized by or values
subterranean formations adjacent wells, and from produc of at most about 0.07, wherein oo= Taft-Kamlet hydrogen
tion equipment and from pipelines and generally from bond-donor parameter.
wherever asphaltene deposits are present and can be con 9. The ?uid composition of claim 8 wherein the one or
tacted with the invented composition. more organic solvents are further characterized by or values
What is claimed is: of zero.
1. A ?uid composition for removing solid asphaltene 10. The ?uid composition for removing solid asphaltene
deposits from wellbores, adjacent subterranean formations, deposits of claim 1 wherein component B comprises one or
and crude oil production equipment by forming a suspension 10
more organic solvent characterized by having a tertiary
of ?nely divided asphaltene particles in a liquid, which amine moiety.
composition consists essentially of 11. The ?uid composition for removing solid asphaltene
deposits of claim 10 wherein the amount of component A
a. 1 to 50 liquid volume percent of component A selected present is in a range from 1 to 15 liquid volume percent and
from the group consisting of N-substituted imidazo component A comprises N-substituted imidazolines.
lines, alkyleneamine-fatty acid condensation products 12. The ?uid composition for removing solids asphaltene
formed by reaction of one or more fatty acids having deposits of claim 1 wherein component B comprises a
about 8 to about 32 carbon atoms and at least one solvent selected from the group consisting of methyl for
alkylene polyamine of the formula mamide, dimethyl formamide, diethyl formamide, dipropyl
formamide, butyrolactam, N-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone, hex
arnethyl phosphoramide, and admixtures thereof.
13. The ?uid composition for removing solid asphaltene
where n is in a range of from about 1 to about 10, and deposits of claim 12 wherein the amount of component A
admixtures thereof, present is in a range from 1 to 15 liquid volume percent and
b. 0.1 to 50 liquid volume percent of component B component A comprises N-substituted imidazolines.
comprising a polar aprotic solvent that is an amide 25 14. The ?uid composition for removing solid asphaltene
having a dielectric constant of at least about 23.5, and deposits of claim 1 wherein the amount of component B
c. 0 to about 99 liquid volume percent of a carrier ?uid present is in a range from 0.1 to 15 liquid volume percent
comprising an aromatic solvent selected form the group and component B comprises N-methyl-Z-pyrrolidinone and
a second solvent selected from the group consisting of
consisting of benzene, toluene, xylene and admixtures dimethyl formamide, hexamethyl phosphoramide, and
thereof alone or in combination with one or more 30
admixtures thereof.
alcohol selected from the group consisting of methanol, 15. The ?uid composition for removing solid asphaltene
isopropyl alcohol, capryl alcohol, ethylhexyl alcohol, deposits of claim 14 wherein the carrier ?uid comprises an
and octyl alcohols. aromatic solvent selected from the group consisting of
2. The ?uid composition for removing solid asphaltene toluene, xylene and admixtures thereof alone or in combi
deposits of claim 1 wherein the alkyleneamine-fatty acid 35
nation one or more alcohol selected from the group consist
condensation products are formed by reaction of one or
ing of methanol, isopropyl alcohol, and octyl alcohols.
more monocarboxylic fatty acids having about 8 to about 20 16. The ?uid composition for removing solid asphaltene
carbon atoms and at least one alkylene polyamine of the deposits of claim 15 wherein the amount of component A
present is in a range from 1 to 15 liquid volume percent and
component A comprises N-substituted imidazolines.
17. The ?uid composition for removing solid asphaltene
where n is in a range of from about 1 to about 5. deposits of claim 14 wherein the alkyleneamine-fatty acid
3. The ?uid composition for removing solid asphaltene condensation products are formed by reaction of one or
deposits of claim 2 wherein the alkylene polyamine is more monocarboxylic fatty acids having about 8 to about 20
selected from the group consisting of ethylene diamine, carbon atoms and at least one alkylene polyamine of the
diethylene niamine, triethylene tetramine, tetraethylene pen formula
tamine, and admixtures thereof.
4. The ?uid composition for removing solid asphaltene
deposits of claim 2 wherein the alkylene polyamine com 50 where n is in a range of from about 1 to about 5.
prises diethylene triamine. 18. The ?uid composition for removing solid asphaltene
5. The ?uid composition for removing solid asphaltene deposits of claim 17 wherein the carrier ?uid comprises an
deposits of claim 1 wherein the amount of component A aromatic solvent selected from the group consisting of
present is in a range from 1 to 15 liquid volume percent and toluene, xylene and admixtures thereof alone or in combi
component A comprises N-substituted imidazolines. 55 nation one or more alcohol selected from the group consist
6. The ?uid composition for removing solid asphaltene ing of methanol, isopropyl alcohol, and octyl alcohols.
deposits of claim 1 wherein component B comprises one or 19. The ?uid composition for removing solid asphaltene
more organic solvents characterized by having n* values in deposits of claim 17 wherein the alkylene polyamine is
a range upward from about 0.7and [3 values in a range selected from the group consisting of ethylene diamine,
upward from about 0.6 where 60 diethylene triamine, triethylene tetramine, tetraethylene pen
1t*= Taft-Kamlet dipolarity-polarizability solvent param tamine, and admixtures thereof.
eter, and 20. The ?uid composition for removing solid asphaltene
B: Taft-Kamlet hydrogen-bond-acceptor parameter. ' deposits of claim 19 wherein the carrier ?uid comprises an
7. The ?uid composition for removing solid asphaltene aromatic solvent selected from the group consisting of
deposits of claim 6 wherein the amount of component A 65 toluene, xylene and admixtures thereof alone or in combi
present is in a range from 1 to 15 liquid volume percent and nation one or more alcohol selected from the group consist
component A comprises N-substituted imidazolines. ing of methanol, isopropyl alcohol, and octyl alcohols.
17 18
21. The ?uid composition for removing solid asphaltene 29. The ?uid composition for removing solid asphaltene
deposits of claim 17 wherein the alkylene polyamine is deposits of claim 28 wherein the amount of component A
comprises diethylene tn'amine. present is in a range from 1 to 10 liquid volume percent and
22. The ?uid composition for removing solid asphaltene component A comprises N-substituted imidazolines and
deposits of claim 21 wherein the carrier ?uid comprises an wherein the amount of component B present is in a range
aromatic solvent selected from the group consisting of from 0.2 to 10 liquid volume percent and component B
toluene, xylene and admixtures thereof alone or in combi comprises N-methyl-Z-pyrrolidinone and a solvent selected
nation one or more alcohol selected from the group consist from the group consisting of methyl formarnide, dimethyl
ing of methanol, isopropyl alcohol, and octyl alcohols. formamide, diethyl formamide, dipropyl forrnamide, buty»
23. The ?uid composition for removing solid asphaltene 10 rolactarn, hexamethyl phosphoramide, and admixtures
deposits of claim 14 wherein the amount of component A thereof. .
present is in a range from 1 to 15 liquid volume percent and 30. The ?uid composition for removing solid asphaltene
component A comprises N-substituted imidazolines. deposits of claim 29 wherein the carrier ?uid comprises an
24. The ?uid composition for removing solid asphaltene aromatic solvent selected from the group consisting of
deposits of claim 23 wherein the carrier ?uid consists 15 toluene, xylene and admixtures thereof alone or in combi
essentially of an aromatic solvent selected from the group nation one or more alcohol selected from the group consist
consisting of toluene, xylene and admixtures thereof. ing of methanol, isopropyl alcohol, and octyl alcohols.
25. The ?uid composition of claim 1 wherein component 31. The ?uid composition for removing solid asphaltene
B consists essentially of the polar aprotic solvent, which deposits of claim 28 wherein the amount of component A
polar aprotic solvent may be a mixture of organic solvents, 20 present is in a range from 1 to 10 liquid volume percent, the
and the carrier ?uid consists essentially of said aromatic alkylene polyamine comprises diethylene triamine, and
solvents, alone or in combination with one or more alcohols. wherein the amount of component B present is in a range
26. The ?uid composition of claim 1 wherein component from 0.2 to 10 liquid volume percent and component B
B consists essentially of the aromatic solvent and the carrier comprises N-methyl-Z-pyrrolidinone and one or more sol
?uid are consists essentially of the aromatic solvent. 25 vent selected from the group consisting of dimethyl forma
27. The ?uid composition of claim 1 wherein the polar mide and hexamethyl phosphoramide.
aprotic solvent is a tertiary amide. 32. The ?uid composition for removing solid asphaltene
28. A ?uid composition for removing solid asphaltene deposits of claim 31 wherein the carrier ?uid comprises an
deposits by forming a suspension of ?nely divided asphalt aromatic solvent selected from the group consisting of
ene particles in a liquid, which composition consists essen 30 toluene, xylene and admixtures thereof.
tially of 33. The ?uid composition of claim 28 wherein the one or
a. 1 to 15 liquid volume percent of component A selected more organic solvents are further characterized by or values
form the group consisting of N~substituted imidazo of at most about 0.07, wherein at: Taft-Kamlet hydrogen
lines, alkyleneamine-fatty acid condensation products bond-donor parameter.
formed by reaction of one or more monocarboxylic 35 34. The ?uid composition of claim 33 wherein the one or
fatty acids having about 8 to about 20 carbon atoms and more organic solvents are further characterized by (1 values
at least one alkylene polyamine selected from the group of zero.
consisting of ethylenediamine, diethylenetriamine, tri 35. The ?uid composition of claim 28 wherein component
ethylenetetramine, tetraethylene pentamine, and B consists essentially of N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone and the
admixtures thereof; one or more organic solvents and the carrier ?uid consists
b. 0.1 to 15 liquid volume percent of component B essentially of the organic solvent alone or in combination
comprising N-methyl-Z-pyrrolidinone and one or more with the one or more alcohols.
organic solvents characterized by having 11:* values in 36. An asphaltene removal composition consisting of l to
a range upward from about 0.7 to about 1 or above and 5 liquid volume percent of alkyleneamine condensation
[5 values a range upward from about 0.6, where 45 reaction product with C8 to C20 fatty acid, 0.1 to 2 liquid
volume percent of dimethyl formamide, 0.2 to 2 liquid
11:: Taft-Kamlet dipolarity-polarizability solvent param volume percent of n-methyl-Z-pyrrolidinone, in a carrier
eter, and ?uid comprising an aromatic solvent selected from the group
[5—Taft-Kamlet hydrogen-bond-acceptor parameter, and consisting of toluene and xylene.
c. a carrier ?uid comprising an organic solvent selected 50 37. The asphaltene removal composition of claim 18
from the group consisting of benzene, toluene, xylene wherein the alkyleneamine is an alkylene polyamine
and admixtures thereof alone or in combination one or selected from the group of ethylene diamine, diethylene
more alcohol selected from the group consisting of triamine, triethylene tetramine and tetraethylene pentamine.
methanol, isopropyl alcohol, capryl alcohol, ethylhexyl
alcohol, and octyl alcohols. *****

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