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Don Stott - Consequences - Introduction

(Many Times Unintended)

By Don Stott © 2001

ISBN # 0-9668947-0-7


1. The Cities
2. Education
3. Taxes
4. Government
5. Money
6. Civil Rights & Affirmative Action
7. The Race Problem
8. Welfare
9. Politicians
10. The Civil War
11. The Homeless
12. Guns
13. Gangs & the Mafia
14. Militias
15. Prisons & Parole
16. The Law & Lawyers
17. The Worthless
18. Drugs, Etc.
19. Free Trade
20. The Sixties
21. Neutrality
22. The Rich & The Poor
23. Manufacturing
24. Immigration
25. How Could It All Happen?
26. What Can You Do? (1 of 10)2/7/2012 8:12:56 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Introduction

27. Some Casual Observations

NOTE: This book is being e-mailed free to all who wish to read it. 500 copies were printed and sold
easily. I have two left, which I will keep. Why am I literally giving it away? Because I love America,
and my land is in need of a transfusion of logic and action. This is my contribution to the land I love. I
make my living as a precious metals broker, and this occupation supports me. (1-800-786-8822). I urge
everyone receiving this to read it, print it, and send it to everyone you know who knows how to think,
vote, act, and who loves America. See to it that this gets circulated and read widely, and perhaps it isn't
too late. Enjoy and send it on!

You can download the entire book as a pdf by clicking here.

Other books by Don Stott:

● "Where the Mountains Meet the Sky"

● "3 Feet To Silverton"
● "Trails Among the Columbines"
● "I Hold These Truths"
● plus hundreds of newspaper columns and articles

"The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well meaning but
without understanding." - Supreme Court

This book has much original thought, and overlooked or forgotten observations. The solutions offered
are constitutional and logical, regardless of the fact that many will think them radical. They aren't!

All actions have reactions, a basic law of physics. Addictions are actions, usually enjoyable at first, with
virtually 100% of them having disastrous unintended consequences or reactions, after the addiction has
taken hold. It is easy to observe an addiction's consequences, especially to the non-addicted. I am told
that alcohol addiction is resplendent in the beginning, as are addictions to drugs, nicotine, runaway
credit card spending, gambling, and even over-eating.

The consequences of addictions can have elephantine after effects on an entire nation, as an example, the
importation of Africans as slaves over three hundred years ago. Slaves doing hard field work, and not
having to pay them a salary, was an addictive disaster for slave holders in the north as well as the south
for a 150 year period. While it may not have been easy to raise a crop without slaves, there have always
been tasks and occupations difficult to perform that would be far easier with slave labor. Slavery, and
the brief, well publicized addiction to it, is a blot on our history, and the consequences of it are
unmistakable. (2 of 10)2/7/2012 8:12:56 AM

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The addiction of acquiring handouts from government, with no immediately observable consequences,
has destroyed America, and will be one of the main themes of this book. Like other addictions, it seems
just too good to be first. We now have a government handing out money to virtually anyone
who needs or desires it. Will wonders never cease? They have. The consequences of this munificence
have unfortunately not become obvious to Republicans and Democrats. There are alcoholics, gamblers,
over-eaters, and many other types of "anonymous" organizations and convocations, which may help
those who have slipped into the dreamy world of addictions, but so far, no one has come up with a
"Government Handouts Anonymous," which an entire nation could join, to get us out of the
consequences of our collective addiction.

Some consequences of actions are positive, progressive, or inevitable, and a change isn’t desirous or
necessary. Inventions have yielded extraordinary consequences, most of which have been superb. The
consequences of actions by bureaucrats and politicians holed up in Babylon-on-the-Potomac, especially
over the past sixty five years, have headed America on the road to total decay, the same road uniformly
trod by 100% of past civilizations. We may have gone so far down that road, it is too late even for
deathbed redemption. Governmental and political actions, with their consequences, have far
overshadowed wonderful changes brought about by invention and technical advances.

Gibbon wrote of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, long after it happened, in great part due to
senseless moves by ancient Roman Caesars and their governments, egged on by thoughtless
constituencies, who threatened not to re-elect them unless their demands were met. I see a great many
similarities in 2001. Julius Caesar was hooked on power, just as are the D.C. snipes.

"Most Americans remain pessimistic about the direction of the country, and deeply mistrustful of the
federal government's ability to solve problems that most concern them, according to a new Washington
Post-ABC News poll. The survey found that 57% of those interviewed said the country was headed in the
wrong direction. Three out of four say they don’t trust the government or its leaders to do what is right;
a view shared even by those who have prospered the most over the past four years." - The Washington
Post - August 29, 1997

America was conceived and founded with a totally unique philosophy. Our Founders did not lust for
power and control, subjecting the populace to their whims and ideas by force. Our philosophy was
without doubt influenced by Aristotle. But Aristotelian philosophy had never been inculcated into a
political act, and certainly not the founding of a nation. The American Nation was to be founded on the
sovereignty of the individual, not a state or federal government. "To secure these rights, Governments
are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." The state was to
be the servant of the individual, not the reverse. What a revolutionary idea!

In any society, the "many" are ruled or governed by a "few." America's Founders devised a Constitution (3 of 10)2/7/2012 8:12:56 AM

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which had far more of the "many" governed by far fewer of the "few," and not without the "many's"

from government, kings, rulers, monarchs, etc., for the first time in human history. In order to establish
these wonderful new ideals, the Founders indeed did commit their, "lives, fortunes, and scared honor.
The Founders realized there are but two methods of dealing with people, and they are by (1) reason and
(2) force. Force had been in operation for thousands of years; but reason, freedom, liberty, individual
responsibility, and the concept of being responsible for one's own life, and not being a servant of the
state, were so unique, that the Founders became the laughing stock of Europe, with its thousands of
years of kings, wars, and bloodshed. As a result of this singular experiment in history, America
inculcated in its citizens a still evident trait of generosity and love of freedom.

Americans are the most benevolent, generous, unselfish people in the entire world. We are innovative,
inventive, and prosperous. Of all the inventions in current use, be it movies, TV, automobiles, airplanes,
radios, railroads, medicine, or computers; covered by millions of patents, which expand thought
processes to their most distant vistas, America has usually been the inventor, developer, or manufacturer
of them, leaving the rest of the world in the dust. Our successes have resulted from being blessed with
freedom of the marketplace, religion, association, and travel. We vote in secret, and our legislative,
judicial, and executive divisions are open and publicized daily by the media, to the great befuddlement
of the still extant slave states of the world. We are a combination of all races in the world, and have
assimilated them with relative ease. We allow foreigners to own property and even receive welfare,
although I can not understand why. America has defended freedom around the world for over a hundred
years, and usually with an affirmative vote of the Congress. We have bankrupted ourselves defending
others, dispensing cash as limitless as the contents of a turn of the century Sears catalog, making us the
one remaining "super power" in the world. The pickpockets in the former Soviet Union, Cuba, China,
and North Korea are total frauds, stealing our secrets, ideas, and inventions; counterfeiting our currency,
and getting away with the deceit. Even as this is being written, former Soviet satellites are still
attempting to rid themselves of the Russian-communist infiltration and influence. The Berlin wall wasn’t
put there to keep people from getting into East Berlin, but to keep those captives imprisoned. Our border
patrols aren’t there to keep Americans from migrating into Mexico, but in 100% of the cases, to keep the
hoards of insolvent, illegal Mexicans out. American voyagers abroad aren’t caught trying to sneak into
China, Russia, North Korea, or Cuba; other than for the wonder of seeing just how destitute a totalitarian
state can make its subjects.

Slavery still exists around the world, and has not been limited to the enslavement of African Negroes.
America, a hundred and thirty years ago, was the first, and still among the few to outlaw slavery.
Britain's King George, due to his stupidity, greed, and lack of the most basic common sense, caused us
to revolt, and later his army burned our Capitol and White House with seeming mirth and abandon a few
decades later, during the pointless War of 1812. Having sacked Washington D.C., they were about to
destroy Baltimore. Fort McHenry held out for 25 grueling hours. King George's redcoats were raining
down bombs, rockets, and all sorts of firepower on the beleaguered fort. Francis Scott Key was watching
throughout the night, and penned the poem that became our National Anthem. Nice guy, King George!
Forgiving Americans have gone to bat and given of ourselves time after time since then, to defend (4 of 10)2/7/2012 8:12:56 AM

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Britain, and they have a history of only attacking us. We have helped just about everyone; anytime they
have asked, and unfortunately still do. Be it a tiny island in the Caribbean, a mid-east sheikdom, or an
entire continent, America has usually helped to defend the weak. We are truly remarkable!

Every single action has a reaction or consequence. America has experienced many bad reactions or
consequences from ill-considered actions, but far too many of late, especially in the last sixty-five years.
These consequences have hit us right in the solar plexus, and hit us hard. We are in a bankrupt, declining
state. Our cities, education, general morality and health, are in poor circumstance. While the rest of the
world may not be much better, and in most cases is much worse, we have set the example for everyone
else's degradation. We have been the pillars of freedom for two centuries. Our Constitution has been
copied, as have our inventions and life style.

One of the strangest manifestations of the times, is that here at home, epic confusion and heinous
problems having to do with virtually every segment of society are dimming the splendor once ascribed
to us by foreign viewers. Our cities are ruined, our schools don't teach, gangs roam the streets,
illegitimacy is 80% in one sector, and the rest are pretty bad. Today’s so called "music" is a dissonant,
elaborate hoax, and its performers are disgusting. Taxes are outrageous, our government is out of
control, and big brother takes more and more of our money and freedom each day. We are never far
from a snooping bureaucrat who will tell us how much to grow, how much to charge, how much to pay,
how we must design our buildings, furniture, clothes, and automobiles. Our manufacturing sector has
gone south, east, west, and every other direction imaginable, leaving our cities with empty factories. As
of 1998, General Motors alone had over 85,000 workers in Mexico. Many unemployed factory workers
are on the dole or selling drugs, stunting and frying the brains of young and old alike. Governments at
the state level rob the ignorant with their lotteries, which one has less chance of winning than being
struck by lightning. Choked roads and erroneously dubbed "freeways," are parking lots, which have
made our air death dealing and thick with poisonous chemicals. Food stamps are used by 30 million, and
there are hundreds of various types of federal doles, not counting thousands of godawful "programs" and
assorted federally invented and administered gimcracks, that suck the very life blood out of every one of
us, transfusing it to various special interest groups such as manufacturers, farmers, retailers, and
wholesalers, not to mention those who may consider themselves entitled to government largess because
of a real or imagined physical deformation, extreme age, and of course we must not forget the ever
present "homeless." There's plenty to be enraged about, in the main due to the perfidy of elected
politicians, who look out for themselves by keeping their constituency feeding at the public trough as
much as possible, calling it by various fallacious titles that sound just awesome...but are just the
opposite. Currently, the federal government spends over 1.7 trillion dollars a year, and collects hundreds
of billions less with the outrageous IRS "service," as they like to be called. The rest is borrowed from
our kids and grandchildren, unless we officially declare bankruptcy first. In reality, we have been
bankrupt for decades.

America's current condition has come about fairly gradually; at about the same speed as the human body
ages. When you look in the mirror each morning, it is impossible to detect a change from the previous
day. It is only by viewing old photographs, or coming upon a long lost friend after 35 years, that the
enormous changes can be discerned. My children cannot possibly know America, as it was 40 years ago, (5 of 10)2/7/2012 8:12:56 AM

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because they are not yet 40 years of age. Being of a more advanced age, although not yet coming face to
face with the grim reaper, I know what has happened, and do not take the conditions of the cities,
schools, means of travel, economics, and other ills casually. Those born into slavery in Russia or China
cannot possibly understand the comparative free beauty of America. Imagine the wonder of a Russian
who could browse in an American super-market. I would love to take everyone under the age of 40 back
to the date of their birth, so they could see how we have degenerated. They might then understand how
America used to be, but no longer is.

I often wonder if the Romans, or even Germans knew they were crashing, even when everything seemed
so glorious. In the 1930's, the Germans thought their meretricious world was so wonderful, that Hitler's
"Third Reich" would last for a thousand years. To help celebrate Hitler's birthday on April 20, 1945, the
Allies sent 1,000 bombers over Berlin, utterly destroying it. Before his suicide ten days later, and the
absolute end, Hitler married his mistress Eva Braun, to make himself 'right with God' I suppose, and was
still fondling the models of glorious buildings he had planned for his opium dream of opulence. Days
before Berlin's ultimate destruction, Nazi planes dropped thousands of leaflets on the populace telling
them German victory was at hand. All civilizations decayed without the knowledge of their citizens, till
it was crashing about them. The relentless slow death from disease is often unrecognizable until it has
reached an advanced and even fatal stage. We are sick, but most have not the slightest inkling of the
seriousness of our illness.

I know the problems, what got us here, and although there is only a small chance of correcting them,
perhaps a hundred years from now someone will dig up this screed, and as they sift through the remains
of America, realize I had been prescient. A thousand years from now, when archaeologists unearth those
absurd Washington D.C. government buildings built in the last fifty years, they will probably wonder
what kind of gods those people worshipped. Are we going down without knowing it, as did previous

It is an inescapable fact that every single nation or dynasty that ever existed...from the beginning of
time...has actually committed suicide. Look at Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Greece, or Rome, right on down
to the Twentieth Century. Britain never used to see the sun set on some part of its empire. It controlled
two fifths of earth's land mass, and now has sold some of its railroads to an American company, the
Wisconsin Central. All of these "suicides," if examined, will be seen to have been consequences of
actions taken by that nation's government, and gradually forced upon its subjects without their consent
or even knowledge, the decay happened so slowly. Hitler might rule the world today if he hadn't double
crossed old "Uncle Joe" Stalin. Stalingrad and Moscow ruined the Third Reich, not just because Hitler
lost a quarter of a million troops, but the consequences of his attempted conquering of Russia, in
violation of an agreement, loosed an additional nation on him. Russia began producing tanks, planes and
ammunition so speedily, and pushing the Germans back so swiftly, that Hitler was doomed. Russia lost
20 million in World War Two (WW II), fifty times more than did America. After Japan bombed Pearl
Harbor on December 7, 1941, Emperor Hirihito thought winning the Pacific war was a done deal...until
a short 6 months later, when the Japs lost the war for all practical purposes, thanks to the uncanny
judgment of one American Admiral, who sank four of her aircraft carriers in one day at the Battle of
Midway. They were irreplaceable, and Japan's Rising Sun had begun to set, although she didn’t know it (6 of 10)2/7/2012 8:12:56 AM

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at the time.

We didn’t arrive at our present state with bad intentions. "Liberals" and "conservatives" both do and
vote for what they think to be right. Politics will be dealt with, but in the main, we got here because we
are a wonderful, generous, quiescent people, who dissolve in tears when we see a needy person, a good
cause, or the opportunity to correct a bad situation. During the Christmas season of 1995, a supposedly
homeless 13-year-old boy called the Salt Lake City Human Services Department, and told a pitiful story.
"He" was abandoned, his mother couldn't care for him, his father had died of AIDS, and could they
help? It hit the wire services, and thousands of dollars rolled in automatically from a caring America. It
was quickly discovered that the 13-year-old waif was indeed a 25-year-old woman, Birdie Hoaks, who
had a rap sheet literally 6 feet long. She had pulled off that stunt at least five times previously. As usual,
America gave of itself. In April 1996, the media showed the hidden face of a mother supposedly dying
of cancer. She needed just enough money to buy a ticket for her seven-year-old child, so it could be with
its father, since mom was dying with rapid dispatch. Instantly, over $100,000 came in, as if by magic. It
was another fraud, but marvelous America came usual. In 1998, President Bill Clinton was
exposed as being morally corrupt, a sexual pervert, liar, cheat, and a few other things. In spite of the
facts, tens of millions of Americans wanted him to stay in office, and not be punished. No nation ever
went down the tubes with a clearer conscience than America’s. Our nation has gone on for two hundred
and twenty four years, about a quarter century longer than the normal historic life span of most nations.
Might we defeat the odds and continue for another two centuries?

Few people are evil. Millions are misguided, uninformed, and act foolishly, but neither liberals nor
conservatives, Democrats or Republicans are evil. They merely do and act as they perceive to be proper,
with a sprinkling of an ego trip at times, in keeping with their being a member of the most generous
group of people that ever lived: Americans. I will elucidate on what is wrong and right, and how we got
here...with the best of intentions of course, but first things first. Let's go back a couple of centuries and
examine some of the non political changes and inventions and their consequences which have advanced
civilization enormously, and most of which are American in origin, development, manufacture, and use.
An American, John Deere, invented the steel plow in 1837, and it was so efficient it became known as
the "Singing Plow." It revolutionized farming around the world.

The invention of gunpowder and its commercial exploitation by DuPont resulted in warfare killing far
more, and being over much faster. Sam Colt's six shooting revolvers, Winchester's repeating rifles,
Smith and Wesson's self contained bullets, and Sharpes #3 Buffalo Guns are said to have tamed the west
and beaten the Indians. When rifles and sidearms were obtained by the Indians, all hell broke loose, with
the Indians being the losers. It has been said by reliable medical historians that syphilis was given to the
white man by the Indians and carried around the world, a fact that will undoubtedly be heartily
disparaged by some, true or not. The gun, rifle, and other assorted firepower did change the world.

Horses are not native to America. Early Indians had no horses, regardless of what the movies may infer.
They didn't chase the buffalo with horses, but drove them off cliffs to their death so as to eat their meat
and use the hides for tipis. Horses were imported from Spain to Mexico in the 14th century, quickly
caught on, and proved to be a reliable form of transport. Horses brought towns closer together, helped to (7 of 10)2/7/2012 8:12:56 AM

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open the broad borders of America to hearty explorers and settlers, and even helped Paul Revere to
spread the word that "The British are coming." Actually, Revere didn’t make that announcement, as the
British had detained him for several hours. Since all were British anyway, that wasn't what was said. The
actual announcement was, "The regulars are out!" Without horses, 620,000 men may not have died in
the War Between The States, incorrectly called the Civil War, and farming would have been primitive,
to say the least. Horses pulled carriages, guns, plows, and pre-electric streetcars. Horses made racing and
betting practical, and were in large part responsible for the early development of America.

When Col. Drake struck oil in 1849, "petroleum" eliminated the need for whale oil to illuminate
buildings, and greased the wheels of progress beyond most imaginings of the time. Kerosene, an easy by-
product of crude, was quickly adopted by millions to cook, light, and fuel all sorts of newly invented
appliances. Heat from oil eliminated the need to cut trees for heat, and quickly displaced candles as the
main source of illumination. The consequences of Col. Drakes' oil, and subsequent explorations in
America, immediately created an entire new industry, and millionaires by the dozen. Six years later, oil
was discovered in Argentina, but no wealth was created, because the contents of underground resources
was, and 155 years later, still is owned by the state, whereas in America the owners of land generally
own what is underneath it. Argentina still has never experienced prosperity, thanks to governmental,
rather than citizen ownership of wealth. As the various inventions dealing with oil came on line, the
consequences were wondrous, and even death dealing, right down to today's 40,000 deaths a year in
America from the automobile alone, not to mention polluted air above our cities. Oil lubricates, cools,
powers, and gives other side blessings such as plastics.

Drilling for oil brought a new fuel: natural gas. Natural gas has largely replaced oil for home heating,
with only 12% of American homes still heating with oil. Natural gas creates no smog, burns cleanly, and
gas furnaces do not have to be cleaned every year. Compressed natural gas now powers thousands of
automobiles and trucks. This technology is now coming on line with vehemence, and will eventually
replace oil to a great degree. Natural gas has replaced coal and oil in power plants as well, eliminating
much pollution.

When the first primitive railroads were run in the 1820's, no one imagined what was to come of them.
After all, at 15 miles per hour with sparks occasionally igniting the passengers, they didn't seem to have
much of a future. It was the accidental discovery of steam hundreds of years before that made railroads
possible. Water, when boiled, converts into steam, expanding to 1600 times its original space, a
spectacular force still used in power plants to this day. Steamboats were limited to operating on rivers,
canals, lakes, and eventually oceans, but railroads eventually traversed entire continents at breathtaking
speeds of over one hundred miles an hour. Railroads spelled the end of horse powered long distance
travel, canal usefulness, and made the shipping of goods incredibly cheap. Railroads allowed farmers to
ship their produce to markets economically, reduced the prices of just about everything, and greatly
raised living standards. Railroads allowed foods, passengers, manufactured goods, and raw materials to
travel thousands of miles at microscopic cost, compared to previous canal and horse travel.

When lightening struck old Ben Franklin's kite, the world was off to one of the greatest discoveries ever. (8 of 10)2/7/2012 8:12:56 AM

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Electricity eliminated kerosene lamps, powered railroads, elevators, appliances, motors of all sizes, and
made life ever so much cleaner and more comfortable. Edison's invention of the incandescent light bulb
in 1879, after hundreds of failed experiments, illuminated the world. Among his hundreds of patents
were the motion picture and phonograph. Can you possibly imagine life without Edison's inventive

Cameras recorded early history with now priceless images. George Eastman, inventor and founder of
Kodak, (the word has no meaning) committed suicide after making millions, his suicide note saying, "I
have done my job." Movies, still photos, Polaroids, and related photographic inventions allowed the
recordation of events, decided winners of races, and gives hundreds of millions entertainment on TV and
movie screens around the world. Without Alexander Graham Bell's remarkable invention,
communication would be virtually impossible, and we may not have the National Geographic Society.
The telephone and related wires allows voice and visual communications to exist around the world,
connects computers with the "internet," and has been of inestimable value to civilized man. Newly
developed "Internet phones" will undoubtedly give the phone companies an extremely difficult time in
the not too distant future. The field of electronics encompasses radio, TV, satellites, computers, health
care, X-ray, radar, sonar, and myriad’s of fields, without which our life span would be about two thirds
of what it is now.

As variations of the above inventions were brought on line, previously used machines became less
valuable for other than specialized or preservation uses. Railroads and tractors replaced horses; TV
replaced radio and movies to a large extent. Light bulbs replaced kerosene lamps, electric motors
replaced steam engines in the majority of uses, airplanes cut into railroad travel, guns replaced bows and
arrows, steam boats replaced sailing vessels, and automation replaced manual tasks, ranging from
operating elevators to assembly line functions. Computer E-Mail will reduce the mailman's job severely
in the future, and inventions, discoveries, and progress in general, have consequences that are for the
most part beneficial, making our lives longer, healthier, and more comfortable than would have been
dreamed possible a short hundred years ago. Notice that all of the above-mentioned consequences of
progress, invention, and development, occurred without government sponsorship, subsidy, or assistance.

Government built interstate highways have had the consequences of ruining the railroad freight and
passenger trade, driving thousands of innocents out of business because of being bypassed by the super
roads, as well as dividing cities when the interstates ran through them rather than to them, as was the
original plan. Interstate highways have lured freight off the tracks and on to the highways, causing
untold deaths when huge trucks crash into small passenger vehicles, run out of control down mountain
grades, and in general get in the way. It has been reliably estimated that one 85,000-pound tractor-trailer
going down a highway does as much damage as 80,000 automobiles, yet these hundreds of thousands of
huge trucks pay for but a small fraction of the costs to repair the damage they cause. There are many
unintended consequences of inventions and developments. The replacement of a thousand miles of
electric railway in the Los Angeles area with "freeways" has not been good, as far as I can discover,
visiting there a couple of times a year as I do. Similar unintended consequences abound around the
world. (9 of 10)2/7/2012 8:12:56 AM

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Television closed thousands of theatres and caused a vast cessation of conversation. People now seem to
'watch' rather than read, discuss, or visit, certainly an unintended consequence. Millions of jobs have
been lost in America by the automating of radio stations, theatre projection booths, and elevators. Radio
killed vaudeville, and TV killed radio; a chain of events spurred by American inventiveness. Yes, I said
American, because of all the above inventions and discoveries, 90% occurred in America and were
invented or discovered by free American minds; not government; an extraordinary heritage.

Inventions and discoveries, which had nothing to do with government, have been beneficial, giving us
great pleasure, gratification, long life, and comfort. In 1997, the average life span for a male in Russia
was 20 years less than for an American male. Conversely, the consequences of political and
governmental actions have a threateningly dark side in almost 100% of the cases. While an initial glance
at a government action, program, or regulation may seem to be wonderful and beneficial, such is not
usually the case, as we will see. They become addictions and albatrosses around our collective necks.
Inventions and discoveries have usually yielded profits for both inventors and stockholders, plus
increased convenience for the users of the product or service. Government programs and actions are
supremely expensive to those of us who have to pay dearly for, or suffer from, such extravagant
whoopdedos. This book has, as its main purpose, examining the consequences of political and
governmental actions most think are so wonderful. To quote a famous Cole Porter song, "It Ain’t
Necessarily So."

CHAPTER 1 (10 of 10)2/7/2012 8:12:56 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 1. THE CITIES

"The first requisite of happiness is that a man be born in a famous city." - Euripides

American cities used to be the wonders of the world, containing superb architecture, wealth,
transportation, industry, parks, homes, and landscaping. No other land had comparable metropolises of
such impressive dimensions, both horizontally and vertically. Songs were written about Manhattan
Towers, Manhattan being, "An Isle of Joy," "Meet me in St. Louis," leaving one’s heart in San
Francisco, and Chicago, that "Tod'lin Town." We had splendid train, trolley, subway, and interurban
lines that whisked us, pollution free and at low cost, to magnificent center city shopping districts that
featured enormous movie palaces, and department stores with pipe organs that played concerts for happy
shoppers and theatre goers. Our cities' streets were tree lined, paved, with ample parking, wide sidewalks
with curbs, gutters, and storm drains that effortlessly swished away water from melting snow and
cloudbursts. Our skies were an unpolluted blue, and people used to take so much pride in their homes,
that daily scrubbing of front steps was common. American cities dazzled an entire world audience of

Now, all is literally gone. Detroit was one of our showplaces, possessing a central business district and
broad avenues fanning out in all directions. Detroit had a wonderful Union Station, opulent, deluxe
hotels, grand department stores, and fine neighborhoods. Plenty of jobs with General Motors, Ford, and
Chrysler headed the employment list. Detroit today, is a burned out shambles. There is virtually nothing
left in Detroit. Only the suburbs prosper. Halloween brings arson-for-the-fun-of-it each year, and daily
there are murders, muggings, abandonments, and crime beyond all tallies. Detroit may be an excessive
example, but most major cities are, to a lesser degree, the same. In Detroit, there are so many abandoned
department stores, hotels, and other formerly wondrous downtown buildings, that a Chilean artist has
suggested, according to a Dow Jones Capitol Marketing Report, that "Twelve blocks, of downtown be left
as picturesque ruins. Walls would crumble to expose steel frames, trees would grow through ceilings,
and wild animals native to the area—deer, opossums, bats, owls, ravens, and snakes would be
encouraged to return." A sort of inner city art form?

The last time I was in Detroit, I picked up a white tee shirt with imitation bullet holes on it, and lettering
that read, "I’m bad. I vacationed in Detroit and survived."

Los Angeles, and especially the so-called "south central" area, is a no man's land. When a young teen in
1948, I visited my aunt and uncle who lived on Fernwood Ave., in Lynwood. It was delightful, with
crystal clear skies and the Pacific Electric "red cars" running by the door. I recently dug out color home
movies I took of that home in 1948, and I exaggerate not. Now it is dangerous to walk the streets, even
in broad daylight in Lynwood. Los Angeles air is unbreathable...literally...due to everyone moving
further away, to escape Lynwood, Compton, Southgate, Watts, and similar L.A. areas, and having to
drive, drive, drive. The "freeways" generating the foul air, due to the hundreds of millions of miles
driven daily, are mostly built on the rights of way of the old Pacific Electric Lines, which at one time ran (1 of 10)2/7/2012 8:12:57 AM

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2700 trains daily, on 1,075 miles of track. The statement, "hundreds of millions of miles daily," is no
exaggeration. In Denver Colorado, with two interstates traversing, no "freeways," and far lower
population, over forty million miles are driven daily by commuters. Now it is "freeways" everywhere,
crime, unbreathable air, and no tax base, which pass for identifying trademarks of our cities. Central Los
Angeles is gone.

Washington D.C. is a joke; the murder capital of the world, with one section of it, the third ward, now
trying to secede. I was born, raised and went to school and college there, but I am ashamed to admit it.
"Outside of the killings, we have one of the lowest crime rates in the country." - Former D.C. Mayor
Marion Barry

New York City has been decaying for decades. The hundreds of thousands of lost jobs due to high taxes
and confiscatory bureaucracy is only part of the problem. Like Los Angeles, the air is putrid and
poisonous in New York. In most major cities of America, it is not safe to live, walk, work, or even be
entertained in them. The once majestic cities of America have lost thousands of architectural treasures;
and are unsafe, unhealthy, and bankrupt in many cases. As of early 1997, Miami Florida had so much
debt, $56 million, that it couldn’t pay its bills, and asked for federal assistance. No wonder there is a
wholesale exodus to small towns. New Orleans, Boston, Atlanta, St. Louis, etc. are all disasters, so don’t
try to name one that isn't.

How did it happen? The decline of our cities really began to surge in the mid 1960's with the passage of
a little known Federal Housing Administration (FHA) piece of legislation called the "235" program.
This allowed virtually anyone to buy a home, just about anywhere, with little or no qualification, and
mostly with no down payment. It was a typical politician's tactic to help those who were supposedly
needy. The consequences were that it destroyed American cities, and did it pretty quickly.

I was living in Philadelphia at the time; West Philly as a matter of fact. I arrived there in May of 1963,
and soon bought a fine stone and brick duplex at 5814 Hoffman Ave. I liked it so much that I bought
three other small apartment buildings in West Philly, a rental house, plus ten additional buildings in
other sections of Philly to house my chain of 10 Bijou Iced Creme Parlours, a total of 15 buildings. It
was really nice! Foster Bixler lived next door, and we used to water our tiny lawns and discuss just
about everything. He worked for Philadelphia Gear Works, and I was developing my iced creme parlour
chain. Nice people and nice times. West Philly had been a working class section for close to a hundred
years. Bounded on the south by Elmwood Ave., the north by Girard Ave., the east by 40th St., and west
by 63rd St., West Philly had trolley lines on all main east-west avenues, bus and trolley lines ran north
and south, and Pennsylvania Railroad commuter stations were conveniently placed. Tens of thousands of
neatly kept row houses, tree lined streets, quick, cheap travel to center city shopping, hundreds of
wonderful churches, schools, corner stores, bars, theatres, and restaurants, adequately described West

It's all over now. West Philly is a no man’s land. It looks like a war zone. Abandoned buildings, cars,
filth, predation, and wretchedness, are all that remain. It is dangerous to go to west Philly now, even in (2 of 10)2/7/2012 8:12:57 AM

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daylight hours. I watched west Philly go, and it was painful to say the least. I saw a wholesale exodus of
people who had owned their homes, raised their kids decently, participated in church and neighborhood
activities, and had pride in their little part of the world. It happened in West Philly as it happened to the
Anacostia and other sections of Washington D.C, plus neighborhoods in the rest of American cities,
because politicians believed they could alleviate imagined hardships by passing legislation to help and
equalize. The consequences of these 'programs' were to destroy what America had held forth as a
shining example to the rest of the world: Our magnificent cities.

As our cities declined, their tax bases withered. It is impossible to collect property taxes on abandoned,
burned out, vandalized houses or vacant lots in lost neighborhoods. With the loss of the tax base, taxes
were raised on remaining residents and businesses in the cities, causing them to move to suburbia,
escaping the taxes and blight. Downtowns became empty at night, workers fleeing as fast as their places
of work dismissed them. Pollution free, streetcar lines, once used in mid day by shoppers going to center
city areas, plus workers going to and from work mornings and evenings, were now seldom used for
travel at any time. Transit lines lost money, and trolley lines serving the now blighted areas went unused
and vandalized, causing the transit companies to go broke. Our once glorious downtown shopping areas
in major cities went to seed. "F" and "G" streets in Washington D.C., and Walnut and Chestnut Streets in
Philadelphia, with their glittery department stores, are but a distant memory. The stores couldn’t make it
without the day shoppers, who now were patronizing suburban branches in shopping centers, which
were close to their new homes. Homes they were forced to buy.

In 1921, America had over 80,000 trolleys carrying 14 million people on 44,400 miles of track, the
industry employing 500,000 men. In that same year, there were only 9 million automobiles in America,
or one for every eleven people. Today there are almost one for each person, including children and

Speaking of the once grand transit systems serving vibrant cities, I have a copy of the annual report to
the stockholders of the Philadelphia Transportation Company (PTC), for the year 1941. Philadelphia
public transit is now SEPTA, (Southeast Pennsylvania Transportation Authority) a governmental agency
losing hundreds of millions a year. In 1941 it was privately owned, and the stockholder's report shows
the condition of the once wonderful city that PTC served. The figures are in 1941 value dollars, which
were 17 times as valuable as 2000 dollars, based on the current selling prices of cars, real estate, food,
and even fares paid to ride. Workers for PTC made 78¢ an hour, and the fare was 8¢. Even then, the
assets of the company were over $122 million, or over $2 TRILLION in current debased dollars. PTC
was healthy, paid dividends to shareholders, and carried many millions of passengers each month. Each
day in 1941, the streetcars and buses ran 242,000 miles. Expanding trackage and equipment purchases
were continual items in the budget. In 1940 and 1941, PTC bought 130 new trolleys, 383 new buses, and
50 new electric trackless trolleys. The City of Brotherly Love was prospering, as was its transit system.

Another interesting figure bears analysis, and that is the 242,000 miles traveled each day by the PTC
vehicles. Today, Philadelphia is surrounded by suburbs, occupied by people and their offspring who fled
the city beginning about 35 years ago. In 1941, most lived and worked in the city. The population of
Philly in 1941 was two million within the city limits, far more than today. Probably 242 million miles (3 of 10)2/7/2012 8:12:57 AM

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are currently driven each day to get to and from work in the Philadelphia area. Is it any wonder the air in
Philadelphia is putrid? People didn't have to drive hundreds of millions of miles a day in 1941. All they
had to do was walk to the corner, drop an eight cent token in the fare box, and never have to worry about
parking, traffic jams, or for that matter, crime or unbreathable air in their lovely neighborhoods. Philly
air was clean in 1941.

As the cities declined and suburbs expanded, new highways had to be built. Households, which in
former times used an automobile only for special occasions, used them daily, and often had to have two
just to survive. Oil consumption grew, and the air became filled with rancid smog, poisonous gasses and
particulates. Dad, when the family lived in the city, used a convenient bus or form of rail transport to
whisk him to and from the office or plant. Now, Dad and Mom both have to work, fight traffic, take
extra time commuting each way, and watch their kids suffer from having to be left at day care centers,
rather than being lovingly raised by caring parents. Household debts escalated, purchasing endless
amounts of gasoline, repairs, and replacing worn out cars. Federal, state, county, and urban debt grew
like Topsy, providing and maintaining multi-lane lane roads for commuters. The air got so bad, that
more regulations were written to curb air pollution caused by millions of cars, making replacement
vehicles even more expensive. Before the cities declined, they were clean, livable, virtually crime free,
and hospitable. Cities were convenient, well built, and had millions of durable brick row homes
constructed with the finest woods, high ceilings, and expertly fitted doors and windows. When the cities
went, the homes were trashed by their new occupants, who had no idea of how to care for them or the
neighborhood, and didn't even care.

I must clarify the "filthy air over the cities" remark. During the days when coal was burned in
locomotives and home furnaces, there was a great deal of soot generated, which almost immediately fell
to the earth, rather than staying in the air as does chemical smog, which is generated by literally
hundreds of millions of internal combustion engines running every day in America. In the "coal days,"
there were perhaps 10% of the internal combustion engines currently running in airplanes, autos, and
locomotives. Burning coal is "external combustion," which does not generate smog. Pittsburgh and other
steel mill cities had pretty bad air from the coal and coke fired mills, but Los Angeles and the rest of
America had wonderful air, which did not block the blue heavens from view. Pittsburgh cleaned itself up
in 1949, without the force of federal bureaucracy. Today, a 40-year-old just cannot realize how beautiful
and wonderful the cities were before freeways, smog, ghettos, abandoned neighborhoods, and hundreds
of millions of miles being driven daily...just to exist. No one was worried about the earth's supply of oil,
because not much of it was being used, and America was totally self sufficient in oil. The Arabs
sweltered and starved in their sand patches, and the very idea of OPEC and super rich, swank, Arab
desert kingdoms would have been laughable 40 years ago...comparable to pigs flying. Tidal waves of
currency had not yet descended upon the oil rich deserts of the turbaned sheiks.

Scientists have noted that there has been a 30% increase in the carbon dioxide content of earth's
atmosphere, due to the burning of fossil fuels; especially oil. They have also theorized that the wild
weather, storms, hurricanes, snow, tornadoes, "El Nino," etc. are being caused by this increase in carbon
dioxide. Remember, literally billions of gallons of gasoline are being burned daily in America alone, by
commuters driving to and from work. They must drive long distances on crowded roads, because the (4 of 10)2/7/2012 8:12:57 AM

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cities are lost. Hundreds of thousands of diesel trucks drive on the highways 24 hours a day, plus
thousands of airline flights are operated. Has the loss of the cities and the huge increase in oil
consumption been one cause of the destructive weather we have suffered of late? Many believe it is

The fact that I speak of times a current "baby boomer" or "generation Xer" cannot remember,
understand, or even imagine, does not negate the fact that America was far more productive, clean,
crime and drug free, and desirable than it is now. Of course a 40 year old cannot imagine not having to
lock one's doors, doing without alarm systems and bars on the windows, being able to see blue skies, or
live in intact, beautiful cities without having to spend hours commuting in autos. It probably sounds like
a 'pipe dream,' but America was that way 40 years ago. Young people don't know what they have
missed, because they have never experienced it. Had they lived then, they might be as outraged as I am
when remembering it. Had you never experienced love, sex, or even ice cream, imagine how difficult it
would be to convey it through words, spoken or printed. This is the problem when trying to describe
America's major cities of 50 years ago. Mere words cannot describe them.

Modern cars have radial tires, disc brakes, cruise control, air conditioning, air suspension, solid state
ignition, computers, and don't have to be tuned for 100,000 miles. It is common now to use super
efficient insulation, double and triple glazed windows, solar, foam rubber, pre-pasted wallpapers and
floor tiles, efficient lighting, picture windows, huge TV screens, VCR's, DVD's, solid state electronics,
cellular phones, computers, faxes, and the Internet. These inventions are magnificent, and make our lives
easier, but they have nothing to do with the loss of our cities, a tragedy of worldwide wonderment.

Neither the major cities of America, nor the homes in them, went to seed because they were worn out.
Suburbia didn't happen because the cities and homes had become too small, decrepit, or old fashioned.
The beautiful downtown shopping areas didn’t wear out or become obsolete, nor did the pollution free,
cheap to use, trolley and rail lines transporting shoppers and workers outlive their usefulness. Neither
Wanamakers in Philly, or Woodward and Lothrup in Washington were falling down, but were among
the finest physical shopping plants in the world. I remember "F" and "G" streets as a child and adult in
Washington D.C. Streamlined, silent, trolleys, without overhead wires, operated on both, originating in
all parts of the city, carrying shoppers in daytime, plus workers morning and evening. I remember
Lansburghs, Kanns, The Hecht Co, Woodward & Lothrup (Woodies), and Garfinkels department stores,
all with splendiferous display windows, especially at Christmas, possessing finest mahogany showcases
and department store appurtenances. I remember the fast elevators, pipe organ at Woodies, and the entire
shopping area on those streets lined with specialty shops, fine restaurants, bakeries, jewelry stores, and
theatres. There were Loew's Capitol, Palace and Columbia theatres on "F" St., all of which showed first
run movies, often with a stage show, and no parking available. Most travel was done on the trolley lines,
which caused no pollution. If you bought something that was difficult to handle, stores gladly delivered
at no charge. My parents used to buy my shoes at Riches shoe store, and we often lunched at Reeves,
which had perhaps the most delicious strawberry pie I have ever tasted.

In Philly, a fast trolley ride or train from Pennsy's Angora station took me underground to Center City,
where the John Wanamaker department store was said to be the world's most beautiful. I believe it. It (5 of 10)2/7/2012 8:12:57 AM

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had the largest playable pipe organ in the world, concerts twice a day, a huge center court reaching eight
storeys in height, and wonderful merchandise, furnishings, and construction. (The largest pipe organ in
the world is located in Convention Hall, Atlantic City, New Jersey. Only part of it plays because of
damage from a hurricane and flood in 1936. It has never been restored) On Wanamaker's ninth floor was
the Crystal Tea Room, undoubtedly one of Pennsylvania's most beautiful restaurants. Chestnut Street
had great men's shops such as Jacob Reed's Sons and Morville's, plus equally fine women's clothing
establishments. There were magnificent jewelry stores such as Bailey, Banks, and Biddle, and
Caldwell's, where I bought my sterling flatware and china 37 years ago. I still wear a Harris Tweed sport
coat from Morville's, which has been gone for over fifteen years. Center City Philly was wonderful, with
a dozen first run theatres, great restaurants, shops, and department stores. I am certain that anyone who
grew up in other parts of America can remember the fine neighborhoods and shopping areas that were
served by rail lines causing no pollution, and when the automobile wasn't really necessary other than for
special occasions. My parents' 1940 Plymouth averaged only 2,500 miles a year.

In Philly, in the 3800 block of N. Broad St., I bought three brand new Mercedes Benz autos from
Keenan Motors. Down at the corner of Erie Ave., was the beautiful, multi-storey Beury building, a
magnificent art deco office building with impressive lobby, huge bronze doors, and fancy elevators.
Keenan Motors was a pile of rubble, and the Beury Building was abandoned when I last visited Philly in
1995. The John Wanamaker department store building is still there, but it has undergone several changes
in name and ownership, and has been gutted of its once fine fixtures.

Today, we have what is now being called "road rage," the name given to the literally thousands of brutal
shootings, rammings, stonings, and other traffic mayhem occurring on the so-called "freeways" of
America. 96% of these are committed by males ranging in age from 18-35, but it is just another
consequence of the wrecked cities and hapless souls who must now fight endless "freeway" traffic jams,
in an attempt to get to work to pay the bills. An article in USA TODAY says that in 6 major American
cities, transportation now costs more than housing, thanks to people escaping from the demolished cities
and having to drive, drive, drive.

Churches in America's neighborhoods were eloquent testimony to our skills of design and
craftsmanship. Neighborhoods were so compact, friendly and wonderful, that grocery and other
shopping, church attendance, library research, and eating out were mostly accomplished by a short walk.
Apartment buildings were spacious, and so well constructed with high ceilings and thick walls, that air
conditioning wasn't necessary.

Schools were built for the ages, with large auditoriums, stages, print shops, machine shops, auto shops,
woodworking shops, swimming pools, gymnasiums, and chemistry labs in great profusion. Public
schools built sixty to a hundred years ago contained facilities impossible to afford now. I finished high
school at Central High, in Washington D.C., which had the largest stage in the city, and 65-foot high
"grids," or "fly space." The auditorium had a pipe organ and projection booth. An indoor swimming pool
and indoor track were complimented by several gymnasiums, an enormous outside stadium and track,
plus an auto shop, machine shop, wood shop, print shop, chemistry labs, physics labs, its own steam
powered electrical generating system, wide spacious halls, and large classrooms. Two trolley lines (6 of 10)2/7/2012 8:12:57 AM

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served the facility and two bus lines, with no student parking provided. It all operated like a fine watch,
with no pollution, fair academic achievement, and no graffiti or vandalism. I graduated in 1952.

If you can’t remember American cities of forty years ago, either believe me, or ask someone who can.
When the cities went, the architecture and wonderful facilities went with them. It would be impossible
now to duplicate the extraordinary buildings that have been destroyed along with the cities, thanks to
that FHA 235 program, plus other federal government subsidies, regulations, mandates, and force. The
tragedy is that youth will often not believe us older people have anything to offer or remember, even as
an explanation of "how we got here," or "how it used to be." My son and daughters can’t possibly
imagine the clean, crime free, inviting, stable, cities of the past. They can't imagine cities without
pollution, freeways, slums, crime, graffiti, abandoned buildings, and millions of cars. The youth of today
takes for granted that drugs, illegitimacy, crime, murder, arson, filth, smog, and grunge are normal. In
fact, they are very abnormal to me. Abnormal, because I remember how it not only used to be, but still
should be.

The cities declined, never to be the same again, because of the consequences of federal government
programs intended to help those supposedly in need. In reality the FHA "235" and other programs which
caused the massive destruction of America’s cities, can aptly be compared to experiencing a war, only
without bombing from the air. This urban demolition occurred as consequences of government
bureaucracy's ideas, which no one was able or willing to stop or correct, until it was too late. Europe has
beautiful cities and towns that are hundreds of years old. Millions of homes have been in the same
family and been passed down to offspring for generations. So far, many governments in Europe haven’t
dictated, influenced, or subsidized; so the cities, towns, and villages are generally "whole."

It is the consequence of giving "something for nothing," or "SFN," as I will call this phenomena
throughout the rest of this book, that killed our once grand cities. It was giving 'no money down'
mortgages to those unqualified to receive them, and supporting them with governmental largess in the
form of various welfare schemes and handouts, which was a major force in the destruction of our cities.
Libertarians have a slogan they call "TANSTAAFL," which means, "there ain’t no such thing as a free
lunch." I will just call it "SFN," or "something for nothing." The "SFN" syndrome has consequences that
are causing us to self-destruct with such intensity and rapidity that we may have passed the point of no
return. "SFN" is always caused by legislation. After all, what or who else can bestow what seems to be
something for nothing, other than the legislative process or a frighteningly moneyed person or group?
The fact is, there is no such thing as "SFN," any more than there is a perpetual motion machine.
Whenever someone receives something, it has a price or cost, although the cost may not be immediately
visible. It is a physical impossibility for government to give to one without taking from another, even
though the process may be remarkably well hidden as to the source of the largess. In the case of
America's decline, 90% of Americans as yet still do not realize there is a cost. I know this to be true,
because we still believe we are getting something for nothing...from government.

I must prove this to be false, so that those of you out there, who can still read and think, might change
your minds. Spurious optimism? There is no such thing as "SFN." It just seems that way, and it has cost (7 of 10)2/7/2012 8:12:57 AM

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us dearly. If you wish to count private charities as "SFN," you might be partially correct, although
private charities used to require work for their handouts. It is a tragedy that private charities and
foundations have copied government, by requiring nothing in return for their gaggle of gifts.

As a simple, adequate proof of the fact that probably 90% of Americans think there is no cost to
government handouts, watch or listen to any news or talk show, and the phrase "government help" will
always be a part of the dialogue. Government has no money to hand out, or ability to 'help,' unless it first
takes from its subjects in the form of taxes, borrows, or expands the currency supply. Increasing the
currency supply is known as inflation. Government 'help' or 'aid' is merely theft from one sector,
redistributing it to another, and the cost is colossal. Government 'help' is perhaps one of the least known
economic fantasies and total frauds existing today. Government cannot help someone or group without
hurting another person or group. ‘There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.' (TANSTAAFL)


Our American cities could self-regenerate and be safe again. It would take time, but it could happen with
no 'programs' or government meddling, which is what got them where they are now. To reverse any
deleterious situation, it is necessary first to discover how that circumstance came about. In the case of
the cities, they were ruined, with few exceptions, by allowing unqualified people to "buy" homes,
usually with no down payment. Banks and savings and loans would never have made such loans to the
unqualified. No bank would be so foolish as to loan anyone 100% of a home’s purchase price, as it is an
invitation to pillage, abuse, and the inevitable abandonment, simply because "SFN" buyers have nothing
invested. Uncle Sam not only forced such loans to be made, but backed them through several
bureaucracies, the main ones being the FHA and VA (Federal Housing Authority and Veterans
Administration), although there are others such as "Fanny Mae," and "Freddie Mac." If a bank or
savings and loan declined to make a loan, even with a government guarantee, as happened tens of
thousands of times, they were threatened with severe penalties, forcing them to make loans, destroying
the very neighborhoods they had prospered in for decades. Tens of thousands of businesses failed during
the sixties and seventies, thanks to neighborhood changes that resulted from huge influxes of unqualified
'homeowners.' These falsely termed 'homeowners' achieved financing with few or no qualifications; the
financing obtained by federal force as well as loan guarantees, with little or 'nothing down.' There went
the neighborhoods!

In order to restore American cities, the market needs to be allowed to operate with no government
interference. No subsidies, guarantees, quotas, or other meddling, is the perfect assurance that the cities
would return to their former vibrancy. It is happening in microcosm now in most major cities, but would
happen far faster if the phenomena were allowed to operate with no government interference. The
process is known as "gentrification." As an example, there is a section of Philadelphia around Spring
Garden St., between North Broad and the Schuylkill River, formerly the worst of slums, incredibly
dangerous, and seemingly hopeless. At last look it was sprouting like a spring tulip. Brave investors
began buying the formerly wonderful, large houses that had been wrecked. The buyers saw possibilities
with the low prices, large rooms, wonderful brickwork, high ceilings, and fancy Victorian lines. They (8 of 10)2/7/2012 8:12:57 AM

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speculated, a peculiar American tradition, one of which has made us great. They took a chance, in other
words. The neighborhood is handily adjacent to Philly's center city, making commutation easy and
cheap, either by a short walk, bike trip, or subway. Gradually, the derelicts were bought, and gradually
the restorations began. A couple of brave restaurateurs took a chance, one buying an abandoned fire
house, restoring it, and turning it into a wonderful eatery. All this without a dime of government money,
guarantees, or regulation. Prices began to climb as the process took on a life of its own. Some of the
residents took their profits and left, while others remained, fixing up their houses to show a pride of
ownership exhibited by their new neighbors. No one loses on a project such as this. The sellers make
profits, and the buyers, especially the first ones, do the same. A neighborhood self regenerates with no
government bureaucrats guaranteeing loans, no force, and no regulations, other than common ones
dealing with building, electrical and plumbing codes. The tax base increases, crime decreases, wonderful
old architecture is preserved and restored, and the beauty of the city is realized, with its conveniences,
culture, and affluence. The same process happened in Philly in the 50's and 60's when the "Society Hill"
area underwent gentrification.

When government force and subsidy reared their ugly heads, our cities were doomed. To make them
return, it is only necessary to remove government force, subsidy, programs, and interference. It would
take time, but it would happen. Not only would cities regain their former glory and convenience, but the
air would clear, as if by magic, since endless driving to and from work would be reduced as the cities
redeveloped. Integration would be assisted, because the new and old owners would instantly live
adjacent to each other. The profit hungry would seize the opportunity and leave, while the future
oriented would stay, renovate, restore, and watch their investment bloom, as crime went down, and the
neighborhood went up.

A second way the cities could restore themselves would be to adopt a property tax system based solely
on the purchase price, or land plus construction cost. Perhaps 1-percent per year tax, similar to "Prop.
13," a California idea of many years ago, but with broader applications. There would be no exemptions.
All would pay the 1-%, or maybe far less if the public schools were eliminated, (see next chapter) and
taxes would never go up, other than to be indexed for inflation. Churches were mostly built a long time
ago, and for low dollar cost, so their taxes wouldn't be exorbitant. Government would be assessed too,
and even though it would pay taxes to itself, none would be exempt, including American Legions, Elks
clubs, etc. If all property taxes were at a percentage of purchase price, or land plus construction cost, and
not an appraiser's often-unfair 'valuation,' the cities would be greatly assisted in restoration efforts. Low
priced homes in bad neighborhoods would be snapped up for a song, because even after restoration, the
taxes would be based on purchase prices, not value, and not including restoration costs. There should be
no property taxes in the first place, but if there must be such, the above is the fairest way to levy the theft
with the least pain. Property taxes mean simply that you never own, but rent from government. Try not
paying this 'rent' and you are out, regardless of receipts showing you bought the property.

When "Prop.13" was passed and implemented in California, everyone predicted that schools, libraries
and parks would self-destruct. The opponents said that fire and police protection would vanish, and
California would go bankrupt. Nothing of the kind happened. What did happen is that senior citizens and
long time residents of homes were not taxed out of their abodes, and the assessors' jobs became easier (9 of 10)2/7/2012 8:12:57 AM

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and far more honest.

What would happen if a "Prop. 13" type of law were instituted in other big cities, and government
ceased its regulations, mandates, quotas, and hand outs? Fine old homes would be restored, lived in, and
people would move back to the cities. Imagine the tax savings, grand architecture, low purchase prices.
Think about taking public transportation to work, or even walking, with huge savings. The convenience
of nearby shopping and entertainment, would reappear. The lost architecture would never be rebuilt, but
America's once magnificent cities would be reborn, rebuilt, and re-inhabited by law abiding, responsible

But please do not forget that the "Prop.13" solution assumes there should be property taxes in the first
place, and I do not think such should exist. In the main, it has been government subsidies to the
unwashed, irresponsible, lazy, unreliable scum that has ruined our cities and forced out those who made
them grand in the first place. By total removal of all subsidies and force, the market would operate, and
the cities could eventually make it. Sensible property evaluations and taxes would be a driving force. I
can imagine whole blocks of abandoned houses bought for peanuts, and new homes, industry or
shopping replacing them, with taxes based solely on the miniscule cost of land, plus construction, and
never going up, an incredible inducement. The infrastructure, streets, transportation, and other
necessities are already there in the cities, saving the cost of installing new. These are always a large part
of construction costs in suburbia.

There is hope for U.S. cities if federal government meddling and force ceased, and taxing was
reasonable and logical.


CONTENTS (10 of 10)2/7/2012 8:12:57 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 2. EDUCATION

"On one occasion Aristotle was asked how much educated men were superior to those uneducated: "As
much," said he, "as the living are to the dead." - Diogenes

The U.S. public school system is the largest socialized industry in America. In New York City, there are
5 administrators for every 9 teachers. New York State has more administrators than the entire European
Economic Community. In the American public schools, only 43% of employees actually "teach," while
the rest "administer," or are plain and simple...educational bureaucrats. Other countries have over 80%
of employees teaching. According to a CBS "60 Minutes" show, in New York City, some custodians
who do little work, and have allowed their physical plants to deteriorate to alarming conditions, can
easily make $100,000 a year, answer to no one, and are vigorously protected by their union. We learn
from a July 28, 1998 article in the Wall Street Journal that, "Students at a Brooklyn public high school
are learning how to write graffiti for academic credit. ...Exams tested the student's knowledge, not of
history or literature, but of graffiti principles. ...That a school could embrace a practice both illegal and
destructive of the city’s spirit is a troubling indication of how far the educational system has strayed
from its bearings."

Our American public schools are so poor, that a large percentage of kids graduating from public high
schools are functionally illiterate. On tests, our American public school scholars can’t find their own
country on a globe, or their state on a U.S. map. On July 1 1996, a random sampling found that only 9
out of 40 even knew what our July 4th holiday was celebrating. They can't add, subtract, spell, and
haven't the foggiest idea of the most basics of history. In 1995, 64% of public high school students
couldn't pass a test on basic American culture, and 74% of fourth grade kids couldn't read at fourth grade
levels. These weren't just schools in bad neighborhoods, but an average of the entire American public
school system. In my own small Colorado town, a 1997 study found that our fourth graders scored from
29% to almost 50% of what they should know in all subjects. According to the "National Assessment of
Educational Progress Study," only 4.8% of today’s 17 year-old students are able to perform at the
reading level found in the professional - technical workplace. Makes it kind of hard to qualify for a job,
doesn’t it? Schools are so foreboding, that metal detectors are required to sift out firearms brought to
school. According to NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw, on November 15 1995, 131,000 guns are
brought to American public schools each day.

According to School Reform News, in 1960 there were 26 students enrolled in the public schools for
every teacher. In 1995 there were 17. In inflation adjusted dollars, teacher pay increased by 45% during
that time and per pupil spending rose 212%, while student achievement crashed into the level of
absurdity. It isn't poor salaries or large classes that are responsible for the despicable public schools.

Discipline in the classroom is from the distant past, and teaching has become a lost art, even though, on
a per hour basis, teachers make higher salaries than ever. Ignore the propaganda issued by teacher's
unions, which assert that teachers are poorly paid. They teach 180 days a year, for a few hours a day, (1 of 10)2/7/2012 8:12:58 AM

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meaning they work far less than a thousand hours a year, including grading papers and preparation at
home. That works out to twice wages of a master electrician on a per hour basis. Know of any trade that
gives a three-month vacation each year? Know of a trade where you are off work at about three o'clock
in the afternoon? Teachers are well paid, but too many do a poor job. Most public schools are dangerous
places today. Trying to keep the little menaces off the streets till they are in their late teens is what they
do, and not much else. Public schools of 45 years ago taught the basics, and no one was graduated
without knowing spelling, arithmetic, geography, history, government, and a foreign an
absolute minimum.

Today, schools in major cities are covered with graffiti, and many of their inmates look like they belong
in a federal prison. Education in America has become a witticism. No wonder there are a plethora of
private schools springing up, for parents who care and can afford them. For those who don't or can't,
which seems to be a majority of parents in America today, the little darlings graduate into doing the
most basic of non skilled jobs. Even in fast food emporiums, they don't have to know how to count. All
they do is push the buttons with the correct picture, enter the amount you hand them, and the change is
figured automatically.

The pitiful state of our youth who have graduated from our abysmal schools, is reflected in the fact that
high paying jobs requiring math, education, and smarts of the most basic kinds, are going unfilled. Most
graduates of public schools can't write coherent sentences, or read more than a few dozen words a
minute, and with minimal understanding. The abilities of our crop of mouth breathing high school
graduates, in the major cities especially, is so incredibly pitiful, that words cannot adequately describe
them, when compared to graduates of forty five years ago.

Are colleges much better? Nope. A 1995 study revealed that fully half of four-year graduates couldn't
understand a bus schedule. Harvard, our most prestigious learning center, has courses titled, "The drama
of homosexuality," "The case against capitalism," "Radical movements in modern America," "Witches,
werewolves, and ouija boards," and "Contemporary feminist and gender theory." Across town at MIT,
(Mass. Institute of Technology) a CNN broadcast of Feb. 9 1996, detailed a few dubious courses offered
at that revered institution of higher learning. Taught, are courses titled, "How to tell a joke," "Elevator
etiquette," "Nerd love," "Overcoming shyness," "Infrared love game," "Table manners," and, "How to
walk, and how not to walk." Students were shown graduating with a "doctor of charm" degree with the
well known "Pomp and Circumstance," by Sir Edward Elgar, as accompaniment. All in fun? Perhaps,
but those absurdities take valuable time from genuine academic achievement, which America finds itself
extremely short of in 1999. Needless to say, such shenanigans didn’t go on when I was in college.

On a June 1996 Jay Leno program, Jay interviewed several graduates of a four-year college. They had
just graduated, had diplomas in hand., and were still wearing their graduation gowns and caps. He asked
them various questions, the answers to which I knew in the fifth grade, such as: "At what temperature
does water boil?" Jay randomly asked questions of these graduates that were so basic, I considered them
stupid. They were know nothings, holding a four year college diploma in their hot little hands. Time
after time, these kids couldn’t answer the questions. Jay regularly does what he calls "Jay Walking,"
which usually proves that American graduates of the public schools are virtual morons. A study revealed (2 of 10)2/7/2012 8:12:58 AM

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that people appearing in "Who’s Who," read an average of 20 books a year, while public school teachers
average reading but one...usually fiction.

A 1998 Massachusetts teacher certification test was flunked by 59% of applicants. Some, "could not
define a noun or a verb, of what democracy means, or the meaning of the word imminent."

Colleges are interested, mainly it seems, in seeing how much federal funding they can get for "research,"
and how many females or minorities they can enroll to keep their numbers P.C., (politically correct) as
far as race and gender are concerned. Those colleges that do care, often have to give remedial reading
and math instruction to entrants, so they can become literate enough to understand the professors'
instructions. Millions of college students shouldn't be there at all, but should be performing the jobs they
are capable of, which may be manufacturing, merchandising, or repairing something; typing, plumbing,
welding, forging, printing, or even washing dishes, but not tying up the college system with their
demands to be educated, because they are poor, black, Indian, or female, regardless of I.Q., SAT test
scores, or abilities.

Functionally illiterate "graduates" and inept teachers, are the consequences of a basic American desire to
keep people from being hurt, or making someone look inadequate. We wouldn’t want little or big
Johnny to feel inferior now, would we? We wouldn't want a totally inept teacher to feel like an outcast,
or lose her job, so we’ll just keep her on the payroll. What has happened to our schools is the inevitable
consequence of "SFN."

Providing luxurious facilities in the hope of raising grades and achievement hasn’t worked either.
According to the American Legislative Exchange Council, which is an association of state legislators, $2
trillion has been spent on education in twenty years, in the main for fancy buildings and facilities. "The
data convincingly demonstrate that after the most sustained financial commitment ever made to solving
the problems of America’s public schools, (they) are performing no better," said Samuel Brunelli, the
council's executive director. The consequences of all this spending have been that the expensive
facilities aren’t appreciated or even cared for, because no effort was put forth by students or faculty to
achieve them. Only the taxpayers put forth the effort, paying huge tax bills for the fancy buildings and
equipment, which didn’t raise student achievement one iota.

Parents teach their children at least 50% of all they will ever know by the time they enter school, and by
age 8, the brain has reached its full size. Parents teach children to speak, eat, bathe, dress, walk,
coordinate their movements, and many times, to read. Is there any reason why parents should not be
responsible for the remaining small percentage of schooling? As an aside, when Frederich Froebel
conceived the idea of a "kindergarten" in 19th century Germany, it wasn't about kids learning to garden,
but to break the mother's influence on the kiddies so they could begin their regimentation under the state
school system. The states have decided that "SFN,"as far as education is concerned, will work, but it
doesn't. When no direct cost is involved in something, regardless of sterling motives, the "gift" is rarely
appreciated, and in the case of "SFN" schools, only a small fraction of the possible benefits of
instruction are make use of, or appreciated. The consequences of "SFN" schools is poor education, (3 of 10)2/7/2012 8:12:58 AM

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whereas schools that are paid for directly, are an entirely different story.

Poor teaching is not the only problem with our colleges, and even high schools. It is the politically 'left'
slant on things which professors give to their students, which causes those attitudes to proliferate over
and over again. Many wags doubt that college professors are far to the left in the political spectrum, but
a survey done by Dartmouth students leaves no doubt. The kids canvassed the voting rolls in New
Hampshire, which rolls are open to public inspection. They checked the professors in the departments of
English, Government, History, Philosophy, and Religion to see how these individuals are
political party. An astounding 89% of Dartmouth's professors in these departments were registered
Democrats. With one exception, the rest were independents, with zero being Republicans. Does that tell
you something about our college teachers, and perhaps explain why graduates lean almost wholly to the
left? A classic example of our college professors is Angela Davis. Ms. Davis, a self described "black
woman communist," made the FBI's 10 most wanted list after helping 3 prisoners escape from
California's Soledad prison. The escape resulted in the murder of a judge and 2 convicts. Davis now
teaches esthetics, philosophy, and women's studies at San Francisco State University and the San
Francisco Art Institute.

The job of a teacher is to help and educate. A teacher or professor will generally fall for any scheme or
political party that promises to legislate, help, give handouts to, equalize, or uplift a people commonly
considered to 'need it.' This is accurately called the 'left' of the political spectrum, taxing the rich and
giving it to the poor...all with supposedly the best of motives. After all, as Lyndon Johnson, the epitome
of the left once said, "We are going to take it from the haves and give it to the have nots, who need it so
much." The consequence of having so many left leaning teachers and professors, is students learning
their attitudes, and the process self perpetuates. Students have an unreal tendency to emulate the beliefs
and attitudes of their teachers. College professors will generally teach their kids that 'we must pass laws
to equalize everyone,' naturally by stealing from the rich, who are considered to be evil, and giving to
the poor, who are pictured as Lazarus: poor, righteous and deserving. The consequence of this, is a
generation believing it is just fine to legislate the equalization of everyone, by taking from the haves and
giving it to the have nots, even if they don’t work for it, deserve it, or appreciate it. Why not teach work,
thought, self-reliance, and effort?

It is the pitiful state of public education in America that makes our salvation virtually impossible. Most
Americans who are products of those state schools, can't or won’t read, are unable to reason or think,
and spend evenings glued to inane sit-coms on the boob-tube, with weekends reserved for watching
football. A decent book with pertinent observations about our current state, and some solutions, might be
lucky if it sells 20,000 copies, which is about .01% of our population. With no one being able or willing
read, think, and vote logically, what chance is there? Perhaps I am shuffling in a dank, dark saraband of
lost causes, but we must never give up.

When public schools were forcibly integrated, it became apparent there were radically different levels of
capacity and achievement amongst the newly mixed students. So as not to give the poor achievers bad
feelings or inferiority complexes, it became chic to 'pass on' those who really didn’t pass at all. Public
school boards across the country forced teachers to pass kids from one grade to the next, so as not to hurt (4 of 10)2/7/2012 8:12:58 AM

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their little psyches, less they think others wouldn’t like them, and they be ruined for life with a mind
debilitating inferiority complex. Before forced integration and bussing, statistics show student
achievement was far higher, and there was no 'pass on' system, regardless of the racial makeup, physical
condition, or location of a school. Currently, many Negroes have had enough of forced integration and
bussing. They want their kids to go to neighborhood schools they can walk to, and exert influence on,
regardless of racial makeup. After forty years, hundreds of billions of gallons of fuel, billions of dollars
in wages and bus costs, and billions of hours riding busses, the wonderful attempt to equalize, integrate,
and uplift, has amounted a big fat goose egg. The horrendous, virtually unfathomable cost of this forty
year 'experiment' has resulted in absolutely nothing, other than fantastic cost, undiminished race hatred,
thousands of court trials, outraged members of all races, huge bureaucracies such as the "Equal
Opportunities Commission," (EEOC) and other alphabet soup agencies with the power and force of law,
making us obey their whims. Understand: Those who started this mess presumably had no evil intent.
The perpetrators only wanted to help those they thought to be in need; in the case of the schools, the
kids. The consequences of the attempted integration - leveling - equalization process in America's public
schools has been functionally illiterate graduates, destroyed school properties, outrageous taxes,
violence, lack of achievement, and an entire nation racked with racial disharmony, generally believing
government not only can, but should, "take from the rich and give to the poor, who need it so much," -
Lyndon Baines Johnson. The consequence is, that America, thanks to its public schools, has become a
third rate nation, exporting jobs that require a modicum of literacy and ability, and a trade imbalance that
has bankrupted us.

As an aside, from grades five to ten, my parents sent me to perhaps the best private school in the
country, Sidwell Friends, in Washington D.C. The facilities, buildings, and equipment were appalling.
The school was housed in old firetrap buildings, and I haven’t the slightest idea of whether the teachers
were "certified" or not. All I know is that the academics were strenuous, to say the least, and we were
taught to think, not memorize and repeat by rote. We played soccer, tennis, gave Gilbert and Sullivan
operettas, studied Latin, and put in many hours of arduous study, just to pass. If you could even graduate
from Sidwell Friends, you were assured entrance into any college, anywhere, so great were its
educational achievements. I'll never forget Mr. LeGrande, Miss Evans, Mrs. Nye, Mr. Barger, or "Pop"
Wannon. In the tenth grade, I returned to public school, which had wonderful buildings and equipment,
but not the academic level of Sidwell Friends, with its dilapidated buildings. Public schools then, were
hundreds of percentage points better than they are now, and no one graduated without having gotten
down the basics, which seem to escape most current graduates.

Today, public school teachers are obviously inferior to those of yore, when I was in school. This is one
of the consequences of union membership, which is easily traced back to the ancient guilds, in which no
member was allowed to outperform any other member, advertise, improvise, or innovate. Teacher's
unions will defend an inferior teacher, and strike if he or she is dismissed for poor performance. A
public employee in a union, is usually set for life, regardless of performance or ability. Union
membership in America is steadily increasing in the governmental sector, while it has decreased to
microscopic numbers in the private. The result of teacher's unions protecting their members with fierce
determination, regardless of individual abilities, has been poor quality teachers. Teacher's unions have
the duty to protect all members, equalizing the experts in the profession with the bad the harm (5 of 10)2/7/2012 8:12:58 AM

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of the trade and the students.

On an ABC news broadcast on Sunday, March 2 1997, a story concerned itself with the miserable
performance of the Philadelphia school system and its unionized teachers. One student of Olney High
remarked that his teacher said if they would simply show up in class every day, they would have to do
no work, and he would give them an "A." Many other interviews were indicative of students not learning
anything, but merely 'graduating' with empty heads. An NPR story on September 3, 1997 pointed out
that in Washington D.C.'s public schools, 80% of fourth graders, don't know what fourth graders should
know, 40% of high schoolers drop out, and those that don't, can’t perform in college. The story said that
over a three year period, $60 million, which was to be used for building repairs and maintenance, was
siphoned off for hiring friends and relatives of administration, hundreds of whom can't be found or
identified as to what they do, or where they work.

Speaking of teacher's unions, in December 1996, the Oakland California school board voted 100% to
designate the slurred, broken, abominable English spoken by the district’s 53% black students, as a
second language, to be henceforth known as "Ebonics," a combination of "ebony" and "phonics." In
other words, the board realized the district's union teachers were so incompetent, inept, or lazy, that they
were unable to teach correct English. The black students in the district made up 71% of the special
education classes, and had a grade point average of 1.8, which is about what is required to graduate
legitimately from kindergarten. Pity these poor black 'graduates' from Oakland High, with their second
language credit in "Ebonics," when they attempt to get a decent job...without even the most basic
requirement of being able to speak their native language. The opprobrium of Oakland goes so far as to
tell us the "Ebonic" speaking blacks got their language from Africa, since they are so called "African-
Americans," another bankroll of three dollar bills. As will be told in chapter seven of this effort, the last
slaves were imported from Africa in 1808, so the ignorance and perfidy can be traced directly to bad
home life, laziness, bad teachers, bad schools, and of course "SFN." (The Oakland school board later
softened their "Ebonics" stance, after a huge outcry.)

During the 1996 presidential campaign, Bill Clinton promised to send thousands of college student
volunteers to help teach third graders to read. Those of us who have a modicum of probity, realized that
was simply a tacit admission that union teachers either can't or aren't teaching kids to the third
or any other grade. That promise was quickly dropped, replaced by more pie in the sky promises that
political grandees always make. No one answered the question as to who would teach the college student
volunteers to read!

One sector of education has been drastically reduced, with debilitating consequences. In the public
school in which I finished high school, trades were taught. Trade courses were offered to prepare
students for careers in auto repair, carpentry, printing, woodworking, stenography, and even technical
stagecrafts. Today, few schools teach a trade, believing we will survive on a "service technology," rather
than getting on the line, assembling, making, building, fixing, or inventing. No one seems to like to dirty
his or her hands any longer. The consequences of this lack of teaching a trade, are that our
manufacturing jobs have disappeared. Far too many baby boomers and generation "X"ers can't fix
anything around the house or car, because wood, auto, or machine shops are not common in public (6 of 10)2/7/2012 8:12:58 AM

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schools any longer. I remember having to make, from scratch, a real nut and bolt in Newt Wondrack's
machine shop, from a hunk of cold rolled steel, before going on to other things. In wood shop at Sidwell
Friends, Mr. Baker made us do certain projects using power and hand tools. I still have napkin rings I
made years ago at Friends.


"It is not possible to spend any prolonged period visiting public school classrooms without being
appalled by the mutilation visible everywhere---mutilation of spontaneity, of joy in learning, of pleasure
in creating, of sense of self. The public schools---those "Killers of the dream," to appropriate a phrase of
Lillian Smith's—are the kind of institution one cannot really dislike until one gets to know them well.
Because adults take the schools so much for granted, they fail to appreciate what grim, joyless places
most American schools are, how oppressive and petty are the rules by which they are governed, how
intellectually sterile and esthetically barren the atmosphere, what an appalling lack of civility obtains on
the part of the teachers and principals, what contempt they unconsciously display for children as
children." - Charles Silberman

Public or forced education by the state began in Prussia, after Napoleon's amateur soldiers beat the
professional Prussian soldiers. When the state started, and made attendance to their schools compulsory,
the results were just what a socialistic state required: Unthinking obedient soldiers who could follow
orders, unthinking, obedient workers in the mines, unthinking, obedient civil servants, unthinking,
obedient industry and factory workers, and just plain unthinking, obedient citizens who would follow
their leaders…the leaders being the government and politicians like Bismark and Hitler, who would
eventually unify the German States and attempt to conquer the world. State educated children grew into
adults who were incapable of original thought, sustained, comprehensive thought, and even simple logic.
This schooling was probably responsible for the two world wars, both started by Germany. State public
schools take children away from their loving, caring parents for many hours each day, substituting
regimentation, uniformity, and mass learning. When you want to teach children to think, you treat them
seriously when they are little, give them responsibilities, talk openly to them, provide privacy and
solititude for them, and make them readers and thinkers of significant thoughts from the beginning.

This method was imported into America by the likes of John Dewey and Horace Mann, who were afraid
of American children becoming "over educated." The phonics method of reading was discouraged by
these socialists, and one of Dewey's teachers and former professors said that, "Little attention should be
paid to reading."

The first solution for education is to take it out of the 'public' sector. All of it. It has been a hundred plus
year record of failure. Nothing 'public' works too well, and the public school system has gone the way of
all just took a bit longer. How to remove government from what it ought not to not be involved
in at the beginning? That is difficult in any situation, and as far as education is concerned, it will be even
more so, but the voucher system, home schooling, and charter schools are a small beginning. (7 of 10)2/7/2012 8:12:58 AM

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History is replete with famous, intelligent, wealthy, and successful people who received little or no
formal or public education. Abraham Lincoln received, at best, one year of formal education, and that
was held in a one-room schoolhouse. 'Honest Abe' (he wasn't!) decided to succeed. He learned to read,
studied law, apprenticed, and worked valiantly to succeed...and did...without public schools manned by
unionized teachers, and governed by bureaucrats and "administrators." Lincoln is no favorite of mine,
but he is an example of what one can do with hard work and not much else. Whenever any service or job
is consigned to the public or governmental sector, it becomes a virtually unbreakable habit, and the
longer it exists, the more ingrained it becomes. Public education is one of the oldest such habits. We are
so accustomed to public schools, which everyone knows have failed, that eliminating them is
unthinkable for the illogical. Instead, more and more money is thrown at them, more deluxe buildings
are built, property taxes go through the roof, and more and more functional illiterates are 'graduated.'
Throwing money at a problem rarely solves it.

Think about education for a moment. To repeat: More than half of everything ever learned is absorbed
before kindergarten. Parents teach speech, language, movement, eating, manners, bowel and bladder
control, dressing, thinking, play, sleep, bathing, balance, and just about everything else a child needs to
know. Responsible parents have children that can already read, count, and do a host of other things,
before turning their tikes over to a union teacher in the public school mess, to stagnate for 13 years. Why
is it such a horrendous idea for the parents to be responsible for the rest of education, when they have
already accomplished half of it? By being "responsible for the rest," I mean doing it at home, or at least
selecting the school, paying for it, and having parental influence and supervision. Is that asking too

As it is now, the kids learn a tiny fraction of what they could learn in a school that educated for profit,
reputation, and being in competition with other schools. If the approximately 75% of property taxes that
go to the public schools were eliminated, and that part of rents too, parents would have plenty of money
to pay to educate their kids in the way they thought fit. There are a lot of plumbers who want junior to be
like dad, and could care less about other subjects, and the same with other trades and occupations. Adult
chefs may want little chefs, and perhaps some would like their kids to learn advanced cooking at the
school they chose. No trade or profession can be started too young.

Any accurate comparison between the public schooled verses the home schooled, proves that the home
schooled are far more advanced than public schoolers. A 1998 study of 20,000 home schooled students
gave startling results. In grades 1-4, they tested 1 grade higher, and in grades 5-8, 4 grades higher. They
also watched 66% less TV than public school students, and that fact alone should make a thoughtful
parent think twice about a public school for their child. In May 2000, home schooled children won the
first three places in the National Spelling Bee, and a home schooled child won the National Geography
contest. The parents who take on home schooling, learn along with the children. Ask any of them. Many
parents are intimidated by the idea of teaching their offspring, but when they both learn together, as they
always do, it becomes a distinct pleasure and challenge. Home schooling is increasing rapidly, now
counting over 3 million, and with excellent results. Some say public schools are valuable because of
their facilities and the benefits of associating with peers, but there are so many home schoolers now, that
kids always have friends to associate with, and every day thousands of home schools combine to make (8 of 10)2/7/2012 8:12:58 AM

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trips to museums, concerts, laboratories, and colleges. I am not sure that being associated with many
public school cretins are desirable anyway. When examined for college entrance, the home or parochial
schooled more often than not score higher than do graduates of public high schools. A 1997 survey
found that 86% of home schooled students had computers, as compared to a 34% national average.

All schools, other than home ones, should be private, for profit, and compete with each other. Schools
left to the free market would blossom as roses in May, with costs in direct proportion to their offerings,
just as every other free market business does. As the public schools emptied, thanks to vouchers,
charters, home and parochial schooling, and eventual elimination of most property taxes, the buildings
could be put on the market and bought by private institutions, who would compete with other for profit

Imagine that refrigerator manufacture was "public," government controlled, your taxes paid for your
refrigerator, and the very thought of having "private," "for profit," and "competitive" refrigerators was
just unthinkable, as most screech now, when hearing of any plan to get rid of public schools. Know how
your refrigerator would look and act? Not anything like the one you now have, unless perhaps it is 60
years old. Your refrigerator would be exactly like the public schools: Expensive to operate, inefficient,
poorly designed, and it probably wouldn't get very cold. It would cost a fortune to buy, go on strike, stop
for a couple of months in the summer, and each year it would cost more, and work less.

Towns and cities of all sizes are beginning to learn that privatization works extremely well. They are
privatizing all sorts of activities, ranging from fire departments, airports, street cleaning, rubbish
removal, and even record keeping and billing. Privatization is cheaper, far more effective and efficient,
and saves the taxpayers gobs of money. Why not schools? Think about it, and it will seem to be the next
logical step. Would you like your property taxes cut by 75%, or your rent reduced in exchange for being
able to control your children’s destiny and education? Most would.

Colleges also should be totally privatized, and all governmental funding eliminated. Perhaps the
University of Phoenix could be used as an example. That fully accredited private university accepts no
one under 23, and only if they are gainfully employed, and can pay the tuition. Its 40,000 adult students
can earn B.A. and M.A. degrees. The university accepts no handouts, pays taxes like every other
business, and makes a profit to boot. There is no reason on God's green earth why all education shouldn't
be private, for profit, and compete with other educational institutions in all facets, be it academics,
tuition pricing, courses offered, times of classes, parking, and act just like a Wal Mart or other business
competing for customers and profits. That is the only way education can be reasonably priced for those
wanting it, and freed from bureaucrats, subsidies, and having 'students' who should be out on the job
rather than taking up time and space in a classroom. Why should the elderly or childless pay through the
nose in property taxes or rent to inadequately school other's kids?

As proof that it can be done; in tiny Winhall, Vermont, parents became so enraged with the state's unfair
property tax and school funding laws, that in April 1998, they voted four to one to close the town's only
public grammar school. They plan on creating a private school, paid for with private funds and some (9 of 10)2/7/2012 8:12:58 AM

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block grants from the state. Residents of Winhall will still have to pay property taxes, but a gigantic hole
has been gouged in the public school system in that town, and it wouldn't surprise me if they eventually
got free of confiscatory property taxes by telling the state to drop dead, privatizing the entire school
system in the town, and freeing themselves from all state and federal control of education, which is as it
should be.


CONTENTS (10 of 10)2/7/2012 8:12:58 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 3. TAXES

"The power to tax involves the power to destroy." - Chief Justice John Marshall

The word "code," has as one of its definitions, "A system of arbitrarily chosen words, used for secrecy."
Various codes are used during wartime, allowing messages to be transmitted between allies, while
maintaining secrecy from the enemy. Do "codes" deliberately keep understanding and meaning from
citizens who vainly attempt to wade through the maze of indecipherable, convoluted, non-sensical rules
perpetrated by the IRS? As a result of these "codes," interpretation of them has become a real growth
industry in America. Huge armies of tax experts must be hired, and there are multitudinous and diverse
opinions as to the meaning of the tax codes, not only among the experts hired, but within the 106,000
employees of the IRS itself, who on average, give wrong answers to over 30% of the queries; 8.5 million
of them in 1993 alone. Each year, the IRS sends out 5 million erroneous correction notices, and half of
the 30 million tax penalty notices they send out each year are wrong. IRS managers pressure their
underlings to seize taxpayer's property so they can win "merit pay" bonuses. Agents in a San Francisco
IRS office even posted a notice on the bulletin board that said, "Seizure fever. Catch it." In 1996, tax
compliance with IRS rules cost Americans over $157 billion, according to Arthur P. Hall of the Tax
Foundation, and this isn’t what we pay, but the costs of basically figuring it out, filling out the forms,
going through appeals, and the rest of the hocus-pocus. Then there is the Philadelphia chemical firm that
was penalized nearly $47,000 because the IRS determined their tax payment of $4,448,112.88 was 10¢
short! Americans spend 155 million hours each year filling out tax forms, says Thomas Shatz, president
of Citizens Against Government Waste. NBC News on August 5, 1997, upped Arthur Hall by quite a bit
by reporting that, "In 1996, Americans spent $230 billion to prepare their tax returns." No matter how it
is reported or figured, it is simply an unspeakable outrage.

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." - Old saying that obviously applies to
the IRS.

In the mid 1980's there was a huge scandal in the Philadelphia IRS office. Employees shredded and
flushed thousands of tax returns down various toilets in the offices, and in other ways destroyed checks,
forms, and returns, to avoid work. Millions of dollars were fined and seized from innocent taxpayers,
who had paid, and had done nothing wrong, but whose checks and forms had been flushed away or
destroyed. I have the many headlined newspaper stories from the Philadelphia Inquirer in my files
regarding this outrage. In September of 1997, the U.S. Senate held hearings about the IRS. Employees
testified behind a screen, in hoods, and with their voices disguised. They told of hideous abuses,
outrageous conduct, and of the absolute unfairness of the IRS...their place of employment. Other
taxpayers testified of having their homes and businesses seized illegally, and leaving them often
bankrupt and without recourse. The hearings were absolutely revolting.

In 1997, Money Magazine sent out detailed information to 45 professional tax preparers for a fictional
"Baker" family. Of the 45, no two came up with the same results. They charged the "Bakers" from $300 (1 of 7)2/7/2012 8:13:00 AM

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to $4,950 for preparing the returns, and the amount the "Bakers" owed varied from $36,322 to $94,438!
It is indeed an indecipherable "code."

The Income tax was begun in 1913 as an Amendment to the Constitution, legally ratified by far fewer
than the required 36 states. Is it legal? A bit of theft from the extremely rich, which politicians even then
had decided, 'didn’t need it.' That was the idea, and like all government plans to steal, transfer, and
subsidize, it has become a monumental horror. The consequences of the unconstitutiona1 16th
Amendment are a nightmare of gigantic proportions.

Today, some corporations spend more on tax preparation than on any other single expense, including
raw materials or labor. H&R Block fills out more than 12 million tax returns each year, most for typical
wage earners who cannot fathom the absurdities of IRS forms. Conceptually, taxes are levied to pay
government bills. The consequence of this, is that government can grow forever, because it can raise
taxes as much as it expand itself. What it can't raise by taxation, it obtains by borrowing and
debasing the currency, assuring its constant growth and intrusion into our daily lives.

The IRS has become a social tool, the true "Elixir of Life" for the social manipulators and denizens of D.
C. It does far more than collect taxes. It wastes incredible amounts of money. In early 1997, the IRS
reluctantly admitted it had wasted over $4 billion and 11 years, installing a new computer system that
didn't work, so it continues on with its 30-year-old system. According to the General Accounting Office,
(GAO) the IRS has no idea of how it spent 64% of its budget in 1992, ($4.3 billion) and none of the
agency's financial statements from 1992 to 1996 can be verified by GAO auditors. The IRS is a device
used by the socialists to equalize everyone, redistribute income and wealth, harass the successful,
penalize the producers, and in some cases make some of them give it all up and leave the country for
less stressful climes, taking their fortune with them. There is proposed legislation right now, to seize the
assets before they have an opportunity to leave. How Marxist can a land become without openly
declaring allegiance? Taxes have become the financial cost of achievement, and the chief channel of
wealth redistribution, a modern day Inquisition. It's unjust for one segment of society to be forced to
support the other, and I'll guarantee you the Founders never intended it to be that way.

"When we see achievers being milked like cows it is a clear sign that proletarian theft have infected the
body politic oriented values." - Ayn Rand, from her novel "Atlas Shrugged."

The politicos such as the corrupt Clintons and their accomplices in the Congress rob you by raising
taxes, and when running for office say they will lower them. A robber steals your money and then leaves
you alone. Government steals your money, and then tells you how wonderful it all is!

When I was a teen, beginning work in the early fifties, Uncle Sam took less than 3% in income taxes,
and 1% out of the first $3,000 in wages, or $30 for Social Security, making less than $100 total a year
for the average beginning worker. According to an article in The New Republic on December 2, 1991, in
1948, a married couple with median income and two children, paid only 2% in state, federal, and Social
Security taxes. In 1999, Social Security was 15.3%, plus 2.9% for Medicare, out of the first $62,700 in (2 of 7)2/7/2012 8:13:00 AM

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wages, or $11,411.40, and then perhaps 30% in federal taxes. That is about an even 50%, plus hundreds
of hidden taxes on every phone call you make, over 40 cents on each gallon of gas you buy, luxury and
excise taxes, and hundreds more at the federal level alone. There are taxes on the electricity, gas, and
telephone you use in your home and office, plus taxes on payroll, personal property, pensions,
severance, social security, corporation, stock transfer, tobacco, tonnage, transportation, utilities,
accumulated earnings, ad valorem, alcoholic beverages, amusements, apparel, business, capital gains,
consumption, corporate income, dividends, employment, estate, excise, franchises, fuel, furnishings, gas,
sales, gift, gross receipts, health care, holding company, income, inheritance, land, license, life
insurance, luxuries, motor oil, motor vehicle, occupation, operators license, and the list of taxes can go
on and on. Sales taxes at the local level are usually 4 to 8 times higher than when I was a youth, and
property taxes, especially in the east, can be a couple of hundred dollars a month for a small, rather
ordinary home. The 1916 income tax law contained a bit over 11,000 words. The 1996 version had over
7 million words; ten times the number of words as has the Bible. In 1928, the income tax rate was 1.5%
on any income over $4,000, which is the equivalent of $100,000 today. It has all happened so gradually
that we haven’t noticed it. The old frog in water story applies: If you place a frog in a pot of cold water,
and very gradually raise the heat to a boil, he won’t notice the difference...a painless execution. If total
taxes had gone from 10% to the current 75% all at once, we would have mutinied. Yes, I said 75%.
Think about it. Everything we buy has some or all of the above-mentioned taxes glued on to its price.
Ajax Widgets are made in a factory somewhere, employing people whose wages are taxed. That factory
pays fuel taxes, property taxes, and a jillion other taxes, which go into the price of widgets. Food,
manufactured goods, and imported goods all have the makers' taxes included in their price. The loaf of
bread bought in a grocery store or bakery, has property taxes for the farmer, bakery, garage for the
delivery trucks, oil refinery, truck factory, tire factory, and the factories for everything in the truck, plus
the factories that produced the farmer's fertilizer, built his tractor, grew the trees that built his buildings,
made the bakery equipment, and it can be seen that the long line of property taxes alone are built into
that single loaf of bread, and every single thing we purchase. This only examines the property taxes, and
not the other taxes built in to everything we buy and use. Remember every single worker in that
exhaustive chain, from the mine through manufacture and sale, have those close to 50% in wage taxes
built in also. 75% might be too low if all costs from the taxes on telephones, fuel, income, property, and
wages paid by farmers, manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, retailers, and transporters, plus the
direct taxes you yourself pay, and then the hidden costs of the bureaucracy are added. Bureaucrats cost
us a fortune with their fatuous rules and regulations, and that has to be figured as a tax. Regulations
alone are estimated to cost the citizenry over $600 billion every year, or $2,500 for every man, woman
and child in America. Yes, 75% taxation at all least...and probably more.

The National Taxpayer's Union says taxes have gone up 175,000% in the last 83 years.

"Thou shall not steal." - Exodus 20:15. - King James Version

Taxes are theft, defined as obtaining someone else's property through force. Almost anyone is willing to
be hurt, stolen from, or taxed a little; in order to do a great good. A good such as administering justice,
catching and punishing crooks, or protecting our shores, but finally a point is reached when we won't do
it, revolt, or at a minimum cheat on our tax return. We may still harbor a love of what taxes should do, (3 of 7)2/7/2012 8:13:00 AM

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but deeply resent what they are doing, such as redistributing income, being used as a tool of the
pigheaded politicians' ideas of social justice, or other incongruous schemes. Upon realizing what tax
money is being used for, most will do everything in their power to avoid what has become a pestilence.

During the 1996 presidential primaries, some candidates on the Republican side urged a so-called "flat
tax," generally in the 17-20% range, with from a $36,000-$40,000 exemption for a family of four. We
have come so far that 17%, plus 18.2% FICA and Medicare, a total of 35.2%, seems reasonable. Even if
there were a 17% flat tax, with exemptions of $13,000 for a single adult, no one will escape the FICA,
Medicare, Medicaid, luxury, transport taxes plus dozens of others that are hidden, but paid. Even with a
17% "flat" tax, the total rate will remain close to 75%, counting all taxes on everything we buy, use,
grow, or make. It is simply outrageous.

The consequences of taxes being levied on everything and everyone, are that the average single wage
earning family is rare, and has almost become extinct. We have become a virtual feudal society, with the
boss man being the federal government. Mom has to work, as does dad, just to survive. So many taxes
are hidden and obscure, that most families actually believe both parents are working to "make ends
meet," rather than what is actually going on, which is to pay the taxes. Taxes consume a family's entire
second income and more, if all the hidden taxes are included. Politicians perhaps never intended to cause
marital breakups and both parents having to work...just to survive...but they have. The consequences of
the current tax system, are that poverty is widespread, people can't seem to "get ahead," home ownership
is impossible for many, marriages fail due to stress, and of course delinquency is widespread among
those kids who do not come home to a mother, but may be classed as a "latchkey kid," or having to go to
a daycare center, which will never be the same as a mother's care and upbringing. While no one in 1913,
in their wildest dreams, could have envisioned what has happened to the size of government and the
abuse poured on us by the IRS, the consequences are there for all to witness.

"The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax." - Albert Einstein. As an example of
this, take the last sentence of section 509A of the "code." "For purposes of paragraph 3, an organization
described in paragraph 2 shall be deemed to include an organization in section 501C-4, 5, or 6, which
would be described in paragraph 2 if it were an organization described in section 501C-3." Understand
this gibberish?

It all got started rather quietly, as Frank Chodorov notes in his book, "The Income Tax: Root of All
Evil." "At first it was the incomes of corporations and the rich, then the incomes of well provided
widows and well paid workers, and finally the incomes of housemaids and the tips of waitresses." Even
former IRS Commissioner Fred Goldberg, says the IRS, "... has become a symbol of the most intrusive,
oppressive and non-democratic institution in a democratic society."

Speaking of the rich, who can forget the pathetic case of Leona Helmsley, who, along with her now
deceased husband, paid $53.7 million in income taxes on adjusted gross income of $103.6 million (52%)
during the years of 1983-85. The IRS insisted that they under reported their income by $2.6 million to
avoid taxes of $1.7 million. The Helmsleys have no children to leave their vast wealth to, and will leave (4 of 7)2/7/2012 8:13:00 AM

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it all to charity. Their accountants' disputed invoices proved that if a mistake had been made; it was no
fault of the Helmsleys. Leona was whisked off to jail, and was refused a request for a retrial, even
though there is conclusive evidence the federal prosecutors framed her. The government refused to obey
the law of full disclosure, failing to show the incriminating evidence against its key witness, and even
refused to give her an audit before hauling her into court.

"I want to be sure he is a ruthless son of a bitch, that he will do what he's told, that every income tax-
return I want to see I see, that he will go after our enemies and not go after our friends." - Richard
Nixon, when enunciating his standards for a new Commissioner of Internal Revenue - May 13, 1971

The consequences of the current tax system are obvious. Citizens despise the IRS, rightfully transfer that
hatred to the rest of government, and are frightened to death of Uncle Sam, who is supposed to be kind
and treat all equally. In the last decade, there have been more than 2,000 changes in the tax code, 1500
lines in 1996 alone. Not surprisingly, the budget of the IRS has doubled, and its employment has
increased by 20% during that time.

Let me borrow from Britain's Financial Times, which offers these definitions:

Socialism: You have two cows, and you give one to your neighbor.

Fascism: You have two cows, the government takes both and sells you milk.

Nazism: You have two cows, the government takes both of them and shoots you.

Bureaucracy: You have two cows, the government takes both of them, shoots one, milks the other and
pours the milk down the drain.

Capitalism: You have two cows, you sell one of them and buy a bull.

The Internal Revenue "service" of today, must bring to mind one of the most grim empires in history:
Adolph Hitler's Nazis. One of his goons, SS Captain Josef Kramer, commonly known as the "Beast of
Belsen," made a statement in 1943 after he had personally stripped and gassed eighty Jewish women at
the Natzweiler camp. "I had no feeling in carrying out these things because I had received an order to
kill the eighty inmates in the way I already told you. That, by the way, was the way I was trained." I will
not horrify you by retelling the thousands of grotesque stories laid at the front door of the IRS, who
trains their employees to act in a similar manner. All powerful IRS goons have seized the bank accounts,
businesses, homes, farms, and the personal property of tens of thousands of citizens since that lunacy
was established in the illegally ratified 16th Amendment to the Constitution. They have done it
to this writer without cause, and luckily I had an attorney who sued and prevailed handsomely. Most
have not been so fortunate. The IRS operates in the exact reverse of a long held American tradition that
one is "innocent until proven guilty." (5 of 7)2/7/2012 8:13:00 AM

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I had an employee named Cheryl work for me at one time. She had applied for a position with the IRS,
and was overjoyed at finally being called. The security of federal employment seemed "just the ticket"
for her. Within a few weeks she had resigned. She told me how they trained her to lie and give callers
statements like, "the refund check is in the mail," etc., when none of it was true. She couldn't stand the
job, even with its security. She quit cold, and came back to work for me, a much wiser gal for her brief
experience. The IRS has the largest job turnover rate and job sickness rate, especially for psychological
reasons, of any branch of government. Even long time employees eventually can’t stand it. An IRS gal
audited me in 1986, who shortly thereafter departed from "the service." I asked her why, and she said
that the pressure and dubious honesty of the IRS unhinged her. She resumed her CPA business in a
distant city.

The comparison between the IRS and either of the two Inquisitions, Spanish or Medieval, is
unavoidable. The Spanish Inquisition was far more severe under Ferdnand and Isabella. Maybe that’s
why Columbus wanted to discover a "New World!" The Inquisitors, (their official title) had the job of
ferreting out fake converts, sinners, and heretics, with the power of death, burning, or the more common
"judicial torture." Inquisitors were eager to receive admissions of guilt to make the system run smoother.
Accusers were never permitted to be questioned or confronted by the accused, and you were guilty until
you could prove yourself innocent. Being acquitted was increasingly difficult as time went on, and
absolute power over the victim's future lay in the hands of the Inquisitor. Need I say more about the
comparison with the IRS?

The taxes we pay are levied by governments at all levels, the most wasteful and oppressive being at the
federal level. Other than attempting to cheat a bit, we have no choice, but are comparable to a caged
beast, with no place to go; resembling a victim of the Inquisition. If we don't pay the theft and extortion,
we go to jail, have our home, bank account, and assets seized and sold at auction. American citizens, in
short, are hog tied, and have all the juices of life squeezed out of us at the hands of the tax mandarin.

Before mentioning a solution, consider the absurdity of today's income tax. Taxing income encourages
hiding it, and discourages saving. Taxes on spending rather than income, makes far more sense. Rich
people have more money, and spend more than do the poor, so they would pay a higher tax...
automatically graduated. How better to collect an automatically graduated tax than to collect it on
spending. With a tax on spending, called an excise tax, there would be no income tax forms, no IRS, and
taxes would be paid at each purchase, not deducted out of the paycheck. The retailers would collect, not
the hated IRS. No individual tax forms would be needed, and the so-called "underground economy"
would be taxed, because that money is spent. Billions of dollars in income taxes are never collected
because of missing completely the "underground economy." But that is not a solution, only an
observation. There should be no federal taxes.

Another observation on the tax situation seems appropriate at this time, and that is the matter of
"equality." For decades now, cantankerous baby-kissers have attempted to legislate "equality" in
everything. Everything that is, except income taxes! How does a graduated tax satisfy "equality?" A
"graduated" tax was one of Karl Marx’s 10 points to destroy the capitalistic world, and it has succeeded
pretty nicely. If everyone is supposed to be equal, treated equally, equal under the law and every other (6 of 7)2/7/2012 8:13:00 AM

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nonsensical area, why are not our income tax rates "equal" for one and all? How is it fair or "equal" for
one person to pay nothing, and another to pay 40% or more? To be fair and "equal," all should pay the
same rate, with none exempt or gouged.


90% of the federal government is operating without the authority of the Constitution, but rather as a
sanctimonious article of faith, or perhaps a grueling habit, so long has the persiflage been gushing forth
from the scum-buckets inside the beltway. 90% of the federal government is functioning in direct
opposition to, and without permission of...the Constitution. In order to reduce the tax load, it is
necessary to reduce the size and load of government by 90%, which would eliminate the IRS, and begin
an American recovery. I will admit that these words are so contrary to common opinion, that it may
make the casual reader go into shock, but that's the way the Founders planned for the federal
government to about a tenth of what it now does. Examples: The Constitution does not
authorize any subsidy of anything for any reason, nor wealth re-distribution in any form. It does not
authorize minimum wages, regulations, executive orders, federal bureaucracies, and for that matter, even
a "Presidential Cabinet." With an out of control government, there are out of control expenses to support

The federal government needs to sell most of its property to private bidders, use the money to pay off
the national debt, repeal the illegally ratified 16th Amendment, and eliminate all federal taxes. The small
amount needed to run such a limited government can be raised by tariffs, as the Constitution calls for,
and which will be covered in Chapter 19. With no national debt, there would be no interest to pay, and
government would not borrow from the citizenry, thereby freeing hundreds of billions of dollars for
private investment in productive enterprise, far too much of which now goes into treasury bonds and
loans to government. With there being no more federal lands, the states could put them on their tax rolls,
adding to their incomes. With no federal regulations and mandates getting in everyone's way, state and
local taxes would be reduced, as would fares on transportation, the cost of autos and every other
consumer good. With the federal government literally "out of business," which it has no Constitutional
authorization to be in anyway, and having sold all enterprises it now owns, the private sector payroll,
business, gross, activity, etc. would increase by hundreds of percentage points, generating profits, and
not consuming wealth.

For a further idea on taxes and how to stop the governmental behemoth, see the 26th chapter on "What
Can You Do?"


CONTENTS (7 of 7)2/7/2012 8:13:00 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 4. GOVERNMENT

"Government is not reason, it is not eloquence - it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a
fearsome master." - George Washington

"Corruptissima republicae, plurimas leges." - Tacitus (The worse the state, the more laws it has.)

Unconstitutional government does not work, and that is what 90% of the current federal government is:
Unconstitutional. The federal government has unconstitutionally taken on powers of taxation, inflation,
conscription, regulation, prohibition, and many others, with the aid and influence of the Congress and
Supreme Court.

The politicians who have voted to make it unconstitutional over the last few decades, actually believe
they are important in the work they do, rather than being ashamed at the ruination they have brought
about with their handiwork. Will Rogers once said that the country is, "...never in as much danger as
when Congress is in session."

Thomas Jefferson said, "Those are governed best who are governed least." That means we are governed
about as poorly as is possible. The 75% in taxes we pay, buys us the most onerous federal government in
our colorful history, and it actually is approaching (former) Soviet socialistic communism, which is all
but gone, thanks to so much government that the whole shebang collapsed of its own weight and gross
inefficiency. While North Korea hasn't totally collapsed yet, communism has taken them to the brink.
That's why they seem to be making friendly overtures to the South, and of course American businessmen
are flirting with them. China is still communist, steals our secrets and muddles along, thanks to
Americans being their best customers. Soviet communism didn't fail because of the hundreds of billions
America spent 'fighting it.' It failed because it was so inefficient and large, that it simply self destructed,
due to actual bankruptcy. In any effort, the private sector's innovation and thought are the best solutions,
and those are virtually unknown to a bureaucracy. Slavery never works for long, and this has to include
the semi-slavery American citizens currently suffer under federal bureaucratic rule, while they insist we
are free.

Most will heartily disagree with that statement, because they will say they are "happy" or "content." One
can become used to any atrocity, as witness the poor, destitute, prisoners, or others who are suffering.
One can become used to anything if it is tolerated long enough. One becomes so habituated to the pain,
inconvenience or poverty, that eventually it isn't noticed, and even a slight improvement is a joy. If the
reader could turn back the clock to when the federal government was not oppressive, controlling, and
extremely expensive, the difference would be instantly noticed. If the reader could go from 75% taxation
on everything, to a small fraction of that amount, the difference would be astounding.

In 1994, there were 69,000 pages of new regulations written, issued, published, and given the force of
absolute law, at the federal level alone. Similar amounts are added each year. In 1936, the figure was (1 of 26)2/7/2012 8:13:02 AM

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2,355 pages during the Roosevelt Administration, but even that was unconstitutional. At local, county,
and state levels, those 69,000 pages were probably exceeded many times over. Washington's
swampoodle aristocrats claim to have the best of intentions. They want to save a bird species, or clean
the air perhaps. The consequences of allowing a D.C. drone to write a regulation...which illogically and
unconstitutionally has the effect of a Congressionally passed and voted upon law, is easy to see. They
get carried away, and take us with them; writing, enforcing, judging, and of course collecting fines, all
without Constitutional authority, or being trained as a legislator, policeman, or judge. They are swept
away in their own little world, harassing the rest of us, the consequence being that government grows
ever more possessive, oppressive, and expensive. Bureaucrats are highly paid camp followers of the
Alexander Hamilton - federalist - monarchist - all powerful central government concept; full of idealism
about milk for the Hottentots, and usually a more practical vision of champagne for themselves.

When you awake in the morning, you turn on the radio or TV, licensed and regulated by government.
The electricity is regulated, and prices established by government. Your car is licensed, registered, built
to the specifications of, runs on roads owned by, and taxed by government. Your food, housing,
clothing, education, medical care, and even your funeral, are controlled, regulated, licensed, and mostly
have prices government.

A few items of bureaucratic nonsense, which cost us hundreds of billions follow, both for your
amusement and horror. AP reports on March 16, 1995 that the Wyoming Toad Task Force needs an
additional $41,000 to continue a search for missing toads which haven't been seen for many years. The
Washington Post reported on May 14, 1995 that the Defense Department can’t account for over $15
billion, because it lacks basic accounting procedures, and it is impossible to determine how billions of
dollars was spent by the various service branches. The AP (Associated Press) reports that federal forest
managers have squandered millions of dollars of reforestation funds, using the money to buy furniture.
At least $5.4 million targeted for Oregon never made it to the forest, but was used for non-forestry

The Constitution does not authorize government to waste huge sums on research, but the following have
actually been spent: $114,000 to discover that empty stomachs cause hunger in rats, $318,000 to study
the sex lives of fat rats, $194,000 to find out how homing pigeons find their way home, $1 million
studying the mating call of mosquitoes, $148,000 to find out why chickens grow feathers, $1 million to
study the mother love of monkeys, $500,000 to find out why monkeys clench their jaws in anger, and it
can go on and everyone knows.

"ALBUQUERQUE - A federal program to protect wild horses has lost track of more than 32,000
animals." - Associated Press 1/29/97

The AP reports that the Bureau of Indian Affairs, (BIA) has listed items incorrectly on its inventory, and
$24 million worth of items are missing. Among items listed incorrectly are a $4,318 computer disk drive
listed for millions, a $280 vacuum as $635,283, a $1,000 computer at $2 million, and $37,129 worth of
equipment was tagged as being worth $536 million. In June 1996, several Indian tribes filed suit against (2 of 26)2/7/2012 8:13:02 AM

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the federal government because the BIA has totally lost track of billions of dollars they owe the Indians
for managing their lands. The Indians are considered to be so stupid that they aren't allowed to manage
their own property. And speaking of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, that old joke needs to be repeated,
because it might be close to true. It seems as though a BIA Ichabod was sitting at his desk with tears
running down his face. A fellow employee asked him what the trouble was. He replies, "My Indian
died." A once proud and independent people have been reduced to serfs, thanks to intractable
government edicts and control.

And then there is the fictitious letter written to the Secretary of Agriculture, as follows: (abbreviated)

Dear Mr. Secretary,

A friend of mine just received a check for $1,000 from the government for not raising
hogs. It looked so good to me I want to go into the "not raising hogs" business, and I need
your advice.

What is the best type of farm not to raise hogs on, and what are the best kinds of hogs not
to raise? How do I keep an inventory of how many hogs I do not raise? My friend got
$1,000 for not raising 50 hogs, and I am going to not raise 100 hogs for $2,000, is that O.

I know you government people want to encourage us to do things in a big way, so maybe I
could not raise 4,000 hogs and you could give me $80,000 for the first year. I also
understand that you pay for not doing other things such as raising corn. Maybe I could not
raise corn to feed the hogs I do not raise, and make you even happier," etc., etc.

A joke? Of course, or is it? From the Denver Post of December 9, 1996 comes the story of farmers who
lease government land to grow crops, and then place the leased land into the Federal Reserve
Conservation Board bureaucracy, which pays farmers to plant grass and take land out of production.
From the story..."For more than a century, the Colorado Land Board has leased state-owned acreage to
farmers to grow crops and raise livestock. But in 1985, some tenants began enrolling their rented state
acreage in a federal program that pays farmers to remove land from food production. The result: 53
Colorado farmers today have placed 113,800 acres of state land into the U.S. Department of
Agriculture's no grow program, records show. It costs federal taxpayers at least $520,000 a year. About
36 million acres of American farmland—including 1.9 million acres in Colorado—are now idled as part
of the Conservation Reserve Program. The cost to taxpayers is $1.8 billion. The board’s current policy
is to require farmers to give the state 25% of their federal payments, although older contracts allow
farmers to give their state landlords as little as 5% of their federal payments." Is it possible that the
comical letter in the previous paragraph might be halfway true?

The above may be almost equaled by a Dallas Morning News story of March 13 1997, which announces
the federal government is considering the demolition of four dams on the Snake River, which cost a (3 of 26)2/7/2012 8:13:02 AM

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billion dollars to build a long time ago. You see, the salmon cannot seem to get back to their original
spawning ground, and their numbers are growing smaller each year. How they have managed to get back
all these years so far is unexplained. The dams produce huge amounts of pollution free hydropower,
allow ships entering from the Pacific to navigate up river as far as Lewiston Montana, and last year,
more than 670,000 tons of wheat and barley floated out on barges from the port of Lewiston. The dams
were built with navigational locks and "fish ladders," so ships and salmon can traverse, but those poor
little itty bitty fishies have a hard time, so we’ll just scrap the whole a cost of more hundreds of
millions. How have the salmon managed for the last 50 years that those dams and ladders have been in
existence? There are trillions of salmon in other parts of America and the world. It's the fish vs. man,
with the bureaucrats on the fishes' side. The latest proposal from the fuzz brained Sierra Club is to drain
Lake Powell and demolish the Glen Canyon dam to 'restore' the canyon lost when this electricity
producing dam and lake were built. Lake Powell entertains over 2 million campers, boaters, and
fishermen each year, and its electricity feeds huge amounts of western America with its pollution free
hydropower. Imagine how ugly it would be after being under water for many decades Sierra Clubbers!

The consequence of allowing unelected D.C. carpetbaggers to actually have the power of law in their
word processors, brief cases, and taxpayer funded checkbooks, is government becoming an albatross
around America's collective necks; a Babylon-on-the-make. A bureaucrat's first two jobs are to enlarge
his base by hiring more underlings, and make himself seem important and indispensable by creating
more things to regulate or control. The D.C. area is a 2,500 square mile nest of cockroach like, paper
shuffling, pencil pushing moles and lobbyists, going in and out of buildings, making phone calls,
sending faxes, generating thousands of tons of useless paper, being the center of media activity, and
getting in the hair of the rest of us citizens. (Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution says D.C. is to be a
hundred square miles.) In Washington D.C. there are almost 80,000 lobbyists. The power, glory, and
titillation coming from governmental influence is extremely intoxicating. Among the close to 80,000
lobbyists, are hundreds of lawyers, plus thousands of U.S. and foreign government and corporate
enablers, whose job is to seek out favors and preferred treatment for their clients from the 90%
unconstitutional government. If government did not have favors to give, (was Constitutional) these
vultures would have to get a proper job. A major consequence of unconstitutional government is the
handing out of largess and privilege to foreign nations and business interests from every spot on the

"The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule." - H.L. Mencken

On February 21, 1996, a few days after a tragic railroad accident occurred between Kensington and
Silver Spring Maryland, ex-Secretary of Transportation Federico Peña issued a statement on C-Span,
explaining his most recent ruling, which would cripple every single railroad schedule in America, solve
no problems, and clearly illustrated Peña's total lack of understanding of the railroad system, of which I
happen to be an expert, having written many articles on the subject, and being a student of the industry
for over four decades. Peña said he was employing, "the constructive use of our regulatory powers."
Who gave him any power? Not the Constitution. Peña's experience in transportation is that he is largely
responsible for the Denver International Airport, (DIA) which has become a $5 billion dollar debacle, 45
minutes out of town, with insufficient parking, poorly designed roads, expensive fees to airlines, a $293 (4 of 26)2/7/2012 8:13:02 AM

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million automated baggage system that doesn't, and never will work, automated trains running between
the terminal and planes which break down regularly, and which, in 1996 resulted in a 100,000 per year
increase in passengers at Colorado Springs Airport, 75 miles to the south of Denver. United Airlines
spends half of its total airport fees at DIA alone. The lower cost of flying out of, and into Colorado
Springs is reflected in ticket prices. Peña was Mayor of Denver when he conceived of the DIA plan,
aided, it is rumored, by hefty payoffs. Skilled publicists expedited it with a barrage of hotsy totsy
propaganda, the likes of which hadn’t been seen since Barry Goldwater was trying to become President,
and about as truthful. Several heroic Denver columnists protested endlessly, but DIA was built, and
traffic instantly declined 15% from the adequate, convenient, close in to Denver, Stapleton Airport,
which has now been partially demolished. Federico Peña, appointed to his office by Bill Clinton,
because he is a Democrat, had as much experience and knowledge about transportation as a squirrel. He
presided over an absurdity that will cost Denver taxpayers billions, and then with the stroke of a pen and
calling a press conference, threw America's railroads into turmoil. Upon leaving the Department of
Transportation, (DOT) he went on to head the Department of Energy, (DOE) about which I am certain
he also knew nothing. After a brief stint at Energy, he quit. Recently, he was back in Denver, his old
stomping grounds.

Here is the unconstitutional Department of Transportation investigating an unfortunate accident on a

railroad, which investigation could have been done quicker, more thoroughly, and at a fraction of the
cost, by the railroad itself. The railroad knows its systems and operations far better than a D.C. dreg,
who had never even been on the property. The railroad didn't want that accident, could certainly
discover the trouble, and make its own corrective changes to prevent further tragedies of that type. Peña
made a rule for all railroads, based on one accident, and of course every railroad is different, has
different grades, train lengths, amounts of trackage, plus different signaling and communications
systems. Logically, the proclaimed "rule" should not apply to all railroads...and yet the DOT says it
must. How absurd.

The same DOT has forced American auto manufacturers to install air bags at a huge cost to car buyers.
So far, the cost per life supposedly saved is $400,000. At least 108 people have been killed by the bags
inflating without reason, 68 of them children. There is no documented case of a child's life being saved
by an air bag. Two thirds of adults experience an exploding air bag from a small bump that would not
have injured anyone. Almost all suffer injury to their ears from the loud noise. Is this force-feeding of air
bags by the DOT Constitutional? Was it voted upon by Congress? The DOT now wants to make it
illegal for any child under 13 to ride in the front seat, a case of federal government at its dumbest.

And speaking of Peña, who can forget the "Valu-Jet" flight 592 crash that sent 110 innocents to their
deaths in a Florida Everglades swamp? Peña mounted a press conference, and stated unequivocally that
Valu-Jet was safe, had no maintenance problems, and the accident was a fluke. As days passed, it was
seen that Peña was totally ignorant of the facts. Valu-Jet had been written up over and over again for
faulty maintenance. Its engines were rebuilt in Turkey, and one plane had no radar for months, its pilots
writing it up 31 times. Valu-Jet's planes were flying with windshields about to fall out, rivets and screws
missing, and in general, a nightmare. Two weeks before the crash, a disgruntled federal inspector was
quoted as saying, "The next crash will be Valu-Jet!" It turns out the Valu-Jet crash was not because of (5 of 26)2/7/2012 8:13:02 AM

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any of the previously mentioned maintenance flaws, but supposedly the loading of uncapped, loaded,
oxygen canisters in the cargo hold. Had the crash not been from the canisters, one would have surely
occurred in due time, but Peña said all was hunky dory.

The FAA is the world's largest purchaser and user of vacuum tubes for use in its outmoded, antiquated
air traffic control system. The FAA's controls over the skies are primitive, while the planes it controls
are literally "jet age." The vacuum tube was last used in domestic electronics equipment such as TV's
and radios no later than the late 50's. Most people have never seen one, unless they are antique
collectors, yet thousands of them are responsible for your safety in an

Is Peña an evil man? No, but his edicts and pronouncements, given with little or no knowledge, had the
consequence of giving the public 100% wrong information on Valu-Jet, and as far as the railroads are
concerned, his rules would ruin schedules, inconvenience passengers and employees, cost the industry
millions, and have no effect on safety. How many DOT employees have railroad or airline experience of
any kind? Probably, most are career bureaucrats who have groveled their way up the D.C. ladder of
success, and generally have little knowledge of the world outside of the beltway.

On NBC's "Nightline" program of August 6, 1996, a reporter interviewed the manager of a major Swiss
airport, and discussed their protections against bombs and explosives planted by terrorists. The Swiss
use wonderful state of the art detection devices that detect plastique explosives and all manner of bombs
automatically. They have a device that actually smells explosives after the x-rays are finished, making
Swiss air travel virtually 100% safe from terrorism. The NBC interviewer was amazed, and queried the
official as to where they had obtained such extraordinary devices. "America," was the reply to an
incredulous reporter. They had looked everywhere, and found exactly what they wanted from an
American manufacturer. Secretary Peña was asked why American airports didn't have these American
made detection devices that the Swiss had been using for 5 years. He mumbled something, and refused
an answer...on camera.

Do we have fewer railroad, airline, or highway accidents now that we are blessed with the DOT, and its
investigative and rule making bureaucrats? Hardly.

"The mandate to steal everything in sight has always been implicit in the election of a Democratic
Administration." - Lucius Bebee

Today, we have a Department of Education educating no one, and sent 99% of its employees home,
deemed to be "unnecessary," during the November 1995 budget standoff between the Republicans and
President Clinton. They were also unable to find out where $775 million went in 1999. There is a
Department of Transportation transporting nothing, a Department of Energy producing no energy, a
Department of Agriculture growing nothing, a Department of Labor doing no labor, a Department of
Commerce, that sent 89% of its workers home during the same November 1995 budget standoff,
because they were deemed "unnecessary." Then we have a Department of Defense, which in reality
seems to be a department of offense, poking its nose and American troops into everyone's business but (6 of 26)2/7/2012 8:13:02 AM

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our own, at an enormous cost, a Department of Housing and Urban Development which creates urban
slums, a "Surgeon General" for heaven only knows why, and the list goes on and on. Under Thomas
Jefferson, the State Dept. had but seven employees, and the world has not grown any larger. Before F.D.
R., the federal bureaucracy was so diminutive, that Washington D.C. was not considered a government
town. I know, being born, raised, and educated there, my family having been there since 1791.

As a simple example of the consequences of government intrusion, take the above mentioned
Department of Agriculture, which was formed by Abraham Lincoln during the War Between The States.
Almost immediately, the department began sending out seed packets to all who asked for of
course. So many seed packets were sent out, and so many Americans began to farm as a result of this
largess and encouragement, that between 1865 and 1900 farmers produced so much food, and such large
crops, that prices plummeted to below the cost of production, and farmers couldn't even break even. So
much food was produced, that farmers by the thousands went bankrupt, losing their entire life's savings,
and possibly was one of the causes of the disastrous "dust bowl." If the market had been allowed to
operate, free from government, this wouldn’t have happened. Farmers would have bought land and seeds
if they chose to do so, raised crops if they wanted to, but free seeds wouldn’t have upset the entire
balance of agriculture. In 1999, the same problem of too many farms still existed, and it began with the
Department of Agriculture over a hundred years ago.

"When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing---
when you see money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors---when you see that men
get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect
them against you---when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice---
you may know your society is doomed." - from the novel "Atlas Shrugged," by Ayn Rand. A MUST read!

To illustrate the untrammeled growth of government, let me describe one of my most prized books, the
"Barnes Federal Code," published by Bobbs-Merrill Company in 1919. I found it in an antique store in
Phoenix. The sub-title is, "Containing All Federal Statutes of General and Public Nature Now In
Force." In other words, all the federal laws in existence in 1919 are contained in this book. It has 2831
pages, but only 2512 of them are actual text, the rest being an index. The first few pages are devoted to
the Constitution. The book begins with statute #1 and ends with statute # 10,374. That's it! The statutes
cover every single thing the federal government did in 1919, including internal revenue, Indian
reservations, government pay, departments, tariffs, shipping rules, naturalization and immigration,
national parks, agriculture, money, and you name it. In 1919, there were exactly 10,374 federal laws.
Today, there are tens of millions. See what has happened? In 1919, all federal laws could be
encapsulated in a 5" X 9" book, which is 3" thick. Today, they couldn't be contained in a freight car, or
perhaps many freight cars.

The very word "government" should be self-descriptive. To govern, according to the dictionary, is to
"exercise authority over, rule, control, etc." In our case, American Government was to protect us from
our enemies, both foreign and domestic, administer justice, punish criminal activity, and few other
things as outlined in our Constitution. The Founders intended that government was to be our servant, not
the citizenry being servants of government. Is there anyone in America who doesn't comprehend that the (7 of 26)2/7/2012 8:13:02 AM

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tables have been turned? Is there really anyone who doesn’t grasp that we are now the servants of
government, rather than the Constitution's original intent? No place in our sacred Constitution is there
any mention of transferring wealth, allowing a bureaucracy to legislate, stealing from the "haves" to give
to the "have nots," or doing at least 90% of what the federal government has taken upon itself, at our
expense, supposedly with the best of unconstitutional intentions. The consequences of possible good
intentions and absolute power to implement, gives us 75% taxation, and an out of control federal
government, administered by erroneous prophets and beltway potentates, who think cost or absurdity is
something too frivolous to even consider.

During the 1996 Presidential election campaign, Bill Clinton held forth at the Grand Canyon, and by
"executive order," seized 1.7 million acres of extremely valuable Utah land, turning it into the "Grand
Staircase Escalante National Monument." Clinton took Utah land while in Arizona, probably because if
he had done it in Utah, he might have been lynched. No one, not even Utah Congressmen noticed that
"executive orders" are not found in the Constitution. Federally seized land is supposedly taken under the
1906 Antiquities Act, but that is an unconstitutional law, even if "executive orders" were Constitutional.
That seized Utah land is estimated to have more than a trillion dollars worth of super low sulfur coal
under it, which will probably never be mined, and which is found no where else on earth...except
Indonesia. Strangely, Indonesia is that far-off land across the Pacific whose banks and industry
contributed extremely heavily towards the Clinton re-election. Sarah Foster, a syndicated columnist
succinctly wrote, "With a stroke of his pen he wiped out the only significant competition to Indonesian
coal interests."

Politicians now allow citizenship tests to be taken in a foreign language. The desire to usher in new
citizens and make them feel welcome is fine, but the consequence is that entire sections of America
contain citizens who do not speak the English language, making communication difficult or impossible,
and creating an impenetrable division in our land. The TV show "20-20," for Friday July 12, 1996
reported that the government now farms out the taking of tests for, and granting of citizenship. The piece
shockingly proved that the sub-contracting of a Constitutionally authorized governmental duty has
resulted in uncounted numbers of people being granted citizenship who cannot read, write, or understand
the English language, and know nothing whatsoever about America, present or past. A month after that,
NBC and other networks found that thousands of immigrant criminals with long police blotters had been
made citizens. A story in the Washington Times of March 9, 1997 states that in 1996, "Nearly 72,000
became citizens last year despite having criminal records—some for crimes as serious as rape, murder,
child molestation, assault or drug trafficking—a Justice Department review of immigration records has
found." The story goes on for hundreds of words detailing outrageous, illegal, and absurd conduct by the
INS, (Immigration and Naturalization Service), all totally unconstitutional and senseless.

The Federal Government's division of Fish and Wildlife has a separate division that deals solely with
eagle feathers. This will illustrate how outrageous D.C. has become. The privileged pickpockets of this
division pick feathers from dead eagles, not just American Bald Eagles, but all eagles, and file them
away, taking "applications" from various people such as Indians, who want them. This absurdity costs
taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. It is a felony to own an eagle feather. No eagle is an
endangered species. They are plentiful, but the government even has a grasp on eagle feathers. (8 of 26)2/7/2012 8:13:02 AM

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A child born in 1995 would have to pay $187,000 over its lifetime to service and pay the national debt,
and it was getting higher by a million dollars an hour. The interest on the national debt in 1992, was
higher than the entire budget of 1974. Borrowing money from anyone who will loan it, has been the
habit of government for far too long. Rather than only spending what is collected in taxes, new
"benefits" are discovered daily for government to give to its citizens, supposedly to uplift them, make
them warm, well clothed, housed, and educated. Over $5.4 trillion has been spent since 1965 towards
these efforts. The consequences are that it hasn't worked. It hasn’t worked, because no government can
control human actions other than by threat of force or punishment. No government has ever been able to
force human energy and desire to conform to its wishes, no matter how noble. There is no less poverty
now then there was then, and as a matter of fact, there is more. There is poorer education, filthier air,
more crime, more illegitimacy, destroyed cities, millions of divorces, murders, abuses of all kinds, and
more and more prisons are needed. The consequences of this reckless spending are that we are
hopelessly in debt, and watching our land overflow with crime, single parent families, filth, addictions,
and worthless, hopeless, futureless, people. "SFN," (something for nothing, remember?) and
unconstitutional government has done it all.

I sat in my chair a short time ago, and looked about me. I observed the furniture, windows, TV, VCR,
carpet, walls, ceiling, lights, mantle, fireplace, books, records, CD's, wall hangings, doors, and even the
coffee cup I was drinking from; and could find nothing that government was responsible for either
inventing, manufacturing, or supplying. Then I went to the garage and looked at my power and hand
tools, antique truck and modern car, plus the paints, caulking guns, sandpaper, air compressor, welder,
heater, lumber, nails, screws, shelves, garage door opener, walls, ceiling, and doors; and not a single
item came from, was made by, or supplied by government. I roamed the house, looking from attic to
basement, and found hundreds of items ranging from Christmas decorations and toys, to the furnace,
kitchen and appliances, china, silver, pots and pans, washer, dryer, food, and detergents of several types;
and could find nothing that government supplied, manufactured, invented, or was in any way responsible
for. Looking out the windows, I saw grass, a sprinkler system, trees, birds fluttering around, a couple of
pet ducks in the yard, an iron fence, gates, sidewalks, garden hose, lawn mower, snow shovel, garden
tools, bird bath, porches, benches, and even weeds, but could find none that came from government, was
invented or received from government, or any of thousands of items around my home or anyone’s home
that government was responsible for; and yet we pay perhaps 75% of our income to governments at
various levels. Think about it! We live our lives using clothes, food, tools, cars, furniture and appliances,
just to name a few, and all were invented, manufactured, and purchased without government.

Government can force; but it cannot control, invent, love, design, or create. Government force can
collect your money; but government can never do anything creative, which is reserved for the mind of
man. Government cannot control a mind, human energy, or force someone to invent, wash, eat, or love.
Government can prohibit the use of human energy and creativeness, but none of the pharaohs, kings,
emperors, potentates, presidents or legislative bodies in history have ever succeeded in the impossible
task of controlling the human mind. No law, edict, or force could ever control human energy. "Control"
and "force" are totally different. American governmental force is supposed to be, "with the consent of
the governed," but that seems to have become an invalid rule. Government spending, "aid" and (9 of 26)2/7/2012 8:13:02 AM

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"programs" have failed, because nothing but man himself can control and direct himself.

"As for government, does not its art lie in taking as much money as possible from one group of citizens
to give it to another?" - Voltaire

We pay almost as much in taxes as do the socialist states, and for what? Government expensively and
inefficiently doing things not authorized in the Constitution, coupled with the ability to tax us to do these
things, makes us no longer free. In theory we are free, but once again, look about you and realize how
intrusive government really is. If you own a home, business, farm, have a job, drive a car, go to the
grocery, make a phone call, watch TV, or do any of life's hundreds of daily tasks and pleasures;
government is never far from you with its regulations, force, rules, taxes, and specifications. Everything
we use or buy is regulated by government at some level, and the regulations very rarely having been
voted upon by elected representatives at any level. The consequences of government seizing power
gradually, unconstitutionally, over the decades, and slowly enough that the citizenry didn’t notice or
protest, are similar to old Gulliver, who would never have been harnessed by one Lilliputian. When
hundreds and thousands of government Lilliputians, over the years, have thrown their threads around us,
we are completely harnessed. Governmental Lilliputians invariably thought they were doing it for our
own good, protecting us from our own mistakes or folly. Weakness and mistakes are impossible to
control by government. The consequences are that our society has been was Gulliver. If
Americans were suddenly relieved of all these Liliputian threads, would we be strong enough to be
independent, think for ourselves, make decisions for ourselves, and exist in a prosperous state? I must
confess I am not sure. When a robber steals from you he leaves. When government steals, rather than
leaving, it stands back and tells you how wonderful it is.

My uncertainty about our ability to be once again strong, if government shackles were thrown off, is a
really enormous problem. The strong and average could make it easily, with a bit of readjustment. The
weak may not make it without the immeasurable subsidies, welfare, housing, care, transport,
"programs," (I hate that word!) and feeding government provides them, because they have been
brainwashed by "SFN." That is the crux of America today.

A quick look at the animal kingdom will illustrate the point. The beetles, fish, birds, and wild animals
have no subsidies. Neither do weeds, viruses, and rust have subsidies. On the other hand, they are not
taxed or governed either. The animal kingdom cannot think, speak, invent, or do anything much more
than growl, grunt, hunt for food, mate, and reproduce; all by sheer instinct, and eventually die. I wouldn't
trade places, but we can always learn from things we observe and know to be true. It is a basic, inborn,
survival instinct, which keeps the animal species alive and healthy. Instinct says to all animals, insects,
fish, and birds, several things that are immutable. First and foremost is, protect yourself and your family,
provide for them, care for them, discipline the young, forage for food, and build a nest. This has
variations of course, depending on the species, but the rule applies basically to all, especially those that
mate for life. The second inborn rule all living creatures abide by, is to be strong, independent, and fare
for yourself, because if you don’t do it for yourself, no one else is going to do it for you. There are other
habits, tenets, instincts, and inbred practices, but the main ones are to care for yourself and yours, plus
be as strong as you possibly can. Those that do not learn these rules, or are born without nature’s rules (10 of 26)2/7/2012 8:13:02 AM

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built in to their tiny brains, are doomed to fail, die, or be eaten.

We all lived extremely well using nature's rules of survival, self help, and strength, until about the mid
1960's. Think about that time period. It is possible to go back an additional 30 years to the time FDR
took office, when he began the welfare state. That was the beginning of the end. Today, welfare
recipients usually have to do nothing, and in actuality do negative things to live quite well. Negative
things such as have babies out of wedlock to get more welfare, as just one example of many. Today, a
person has only to be poor, diseased, crazy, old, young, fat, or lazy, and a whole menu of wonderful
things are provided by government, ranging from a home, to the best of medical care, and food to eat.
Has nature been successfully defeated? What has happened as a result of this attempted defeat of the
natural laws of nature, is that we have an entire group of weaklings, criminals, drug dealers, unwed
mothers, and a plethora of what ails us, reproducing incessantly, and flooding the entire earth with
useless, worthless creatures. This came about as the consequence of government forcibly taking from the
producers and giving it to the non-producers; as LBJ said, "...who need it so much."

The animal kingdom would quickly cease to exist if it practiced what our supposedly enlightened
humanitarians have thrust upon us over the last 35 years; namely rewards for non achievement, and
punishment for achievement, all done through regulations, taxation, and oppressive government. This
has resulted in a gradual weakening of our society, a decline in our moral fabric, and an entire
generation of people who haven't the slightest idea of how to work, shoulder responsibility, or care for
themselves. The America envisioned by our forefathers in the Constitution, worked well for over 150
years. It is now crumbling because of the systematic weakening of it by all encompassing government,
which provides for those who should not be provided for, feeds those who should feed themselves, and
houses those who should provide their own nest.

"If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat." - II Thessalonians 3:10

A look of absolute horror envelops the faces of the media and political elite, if one dares to suggest that
government should not look out or care for the poor, sick, or others who benefit from handouts.
"Government looking out and caring for," is the most destructive action on which a civilized society
could possibly embark. "Looking out and caring for," is the job of relatives, parents, charities, and
churches…all voluntary…not compulsory government, which seizes its citizens' assets for that purpose.
Under a voluntary system, a person may decide whether they like a project to help the needy or not.
Under government, everyone has their assets seized, whether they agree or not, a common practice of
communists. Handouts only weaken, whereas self-sufficiency strengthens.

The federal government has become so onerous and costly, that there are secession movements going on
in America today. Texas has a strong movement for independence from Washington D.C., as does
Alaska and the three northwest states of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. NBC News, on March 12,
1997 reported that there is a large movement in the American South to actually restore the Confederacy.
The Southerners, and thousands of sympathizers across America, are sick and tired of being dictated to
by Washington, and want to restore the Confederacy as it used to be before the War Between the States, (11 of 26)2/7/2012 8:13:02 AM

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without slaves of course, but also without federal income taxes, mandates, and gobbledygook. There are
others, but consider just these four, and ponder whether another War Between the States might occur
eventually. Washington, Oregon, and Idaho have everything they could possibly need, with plenty of
rain, seacoast, timber, gold and silver, coal, iron, copper, transportation, and all it would take to be self
sufficient. Texas could easily make it alone, as could Alaska and the South. There have been movements
to divide the U.S. down the Mississippi, the West being one country, and the East another. Generally,
the American West has a far different philosophical outlook than does the East. The East has the large
cities, Washington D.C., bureaucracy by the ton, and generally a far more amenable attitude towards
large government, and the curses it begets. The West can generally be described as independent, self
sufficient, out-spoken, and fed up with being ruled, taxed, and regulated to death. I am proud to say that
even though I was born and raised in Washington D.C., I am a westerner at heart, an attitude not difficult
to latch on to, even if one is just a tourist, visiting and meeting us for the first time. A much better
division might be all land west of the Mississippi, and south of the Mason-Dixon Line for a "New
America." The New England states tried repeatedly to secede from the Union, long before the South did,
and failed in their effort. Maybe they should be encouraged again.

The reason there are secession movements and books such as this being written, is that Americans are
afraid. Afraid of government and its employees, who have the power of life and death over us...literally.
As proof of that seemingly exaggerated statement, please consult the United States Code, Title 50, (War
and Defense) Chapter 32, (Chemical and Biological Warfare program) Paragraph 1520, (Use of human
subjects for testing of chemical or biological agents by Department of Defense; accounting to
Congressional committees with respect to experiments and studies; notification of local civilian
officials) and you will see for yourself that government can indeed conduct its experiments on "civilian
populations," as long as they receive permission from undesignated "local civilian officials!" Could the
experimenters ask the local dogcatcher for permission to expose us to plutonium? It seems to me the
Japs and Nazis in WW II did such things, didn’t they? Similar heinous things have been done over and
over again to Americans, as has been reported by the media. Currently there have been hundreds of
contrail like vapors hanging over American cities and towns, released by strange, unmarked planes. Can
anyone deny that it is government experimenting on us?

Americans fear an IRS agent will knock on their door and conduct an exhaustive audit, in which they are
guilty, until they can prove themselves innocent. They fear an EPA bureaucrat will declare their land to
be a "wetland," (swamp) and prohibit them from using it. Americans fear some microscopic mouse or
bug will be found on their farm, and their land will be declared protect that vermin. A
typical case happened near Pasadena California in October of 1991, when raging fires were edging
towards beautiful homes. A tiny mouse, the "Stephen’s Kangaroo Rat," was found living there. It was
listed on the Endangered Species Act of 1988. Homeowners were prohibited from clearing away brush
in the path of the fire, which would save their homes. The stupid mouse might be nesting there, and we
should know that senseless mice are far more important than homes worth hundreds of thousands of
dollars, containing their owner's lifetime collections of antiques, memorabilia, photos, furniture,
silverware, china, and books! Dozens of splendid homes burned in that disastrous fire. The federal
government prohibited their owners from clearing away the undergrowth around the back of their
homes, on their own property, to save them. Michael Rowe defied the bureaucrats, plowed under the (12 of 26)2/7/2012 8:13:02 AM

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brush at the rear of his land, and saved his home...which is now surrounded by burned ruins. Speaking of
mice, from a Denver Post story of June 4, 1997 we find that work has stopped on a $35 million pipeline,
because there is "suspicion" that the Preble's Jumping Mouse might "possibly" inhabit the area where the
pipeline is to be built. No one has seen it, but there is a "possibility" the mouse "might" live in the
pipeline's path. Ugh!

What would happen if an endangered species was caught eating an endangered plant? (Just a bit of

In Colton California, eight flies on the Endangered Species List were discovered at the construction site
of a new hospital. It cost $3 million to move the site 300 feet away, and to set aside two acres for the
flies. Up the coast and inward a bit, San Bernardino has to cough up $100 million to protect silly flies. If
one came into your house you would undoubtedly swat it, as their appearance is like any other fly to an
"untrained" eye. Doing so could cost you a $75,000 fine if the snoopy bureaucratic ayatollahs and fly
preservationist jugheads found out about it.

The "Endangered Species Act" (ESA) actually causes endangered species to be placed in extreme
danger, although this might not be obvious at first consideration. The act is supposed to protect species
from extermination, in spite of the fact that 97% of all species that have ever existed are already extinct,
according to my high school science teacher. Suppose you discovered some rodent, bug or insect on
your land that was on the "Endangered Species List." What’s the first thing you would do? Obviously
kill all the bugs or mice, because if they were "officially" discovered, your land would be useless.
Bureaucrats would swarm over it, cataloging the cockroaches, ants, or whatever they considered
"endangered." You would be prohibited from ever using that land again, and not be paid for its seizure.
The ESA pits man against animals, and rather than protecting bugs and insects, for all practical
purposes, it places them at risk. No one in their right mind wants to have an "endangered species" on
their property. Since the ESA was made law in 1973, over 1,000 species have been labeled as
"Endangered." None have been saved! 27 have become extinct. The falcon, American eagle, and nine
others have helped themselves and once again become plentiful, but not through the efforts of the ESA.
After 25 years, the ESA has saved nothing...only harassed us citizens.

Americans are afraid of what cloud-cuckoo-land-on-the-Potomac may come up with next, under the
most specious of reasons, depriving them of property, health, and wealth. Currently, no neighborhood is
safe from plundering by government under "Section 8" vouchers from the Department of Housing and
Urban Development, (HUD) one of the most corrupt, wasteful agencies of the D.C. gang. Tens of
billions are being spent, moving trash people into wonderful, expensive neighborhoods, all expenses
paid. In January 1994, St. Louis Alderman Paul Beckerie protested that neighborhoods throughout his
ward were being dragged down by a crime wave generated by "Section 8 clients," who recently moved
into the area. St. Louis Police Lt. Joseph Richardson said of Section 8 vultures, "There is evidence of
drugs being sold there, and ample evidence of gang activity responsible for drug activity. These are
terrible neighbors. No one would want to live next door to them." There also is the case of some
California citizens who protested such activities, and were arrested. This is absolute fact. Fear of
government abounds. (13 of 26)2/7/2012 8:13:02 AM

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On Monday, February 12, 1996 federal marshals invaded two K-Mart stores in the Ft. Lauderdale
Florida area, seizing all the cash in the stores…$52,000…making clerks unable to even make change for
their customers. The reason? Absurd at best, the raid being called a "Keystone Cops" type of affair by
local police, who were powerless to stop the Federal Gestapo. K-Mart had done nothing wrong, as was
proven instantly, but the money was to be "kept in trust," for an undetermined time period, if not
forever. On July 8, 1996, liar Bill Clinton was marching in a parade in New York, when a non-admirer
shouted an expletive at him. She was immediately arrested by the Secret Service, questioned non-stop
for 12 hours, and kept in jail overnight. The Secret Service has evidently not heard of the First
Amendment. Allow me to test the Secret Service by saying that I consider that the Clinton
Administration was the most corrupt and disgusting in American history. Federal government power is a
dark cloud over America.

The so called "forfeiture laws" are a disgrace, breeding fear and loathing of the government. In late
1991, Andrew Schneider and Mary Pat Flaherty of the Pittsburgh Press did an outstanding six part
feature on these laws, giving examples and even photos of innocents who have had their property,
businesses, and even personal possessions stolen from them by the federal government. In the series,
innocents had their property seized by police and federal marshals; whose conduct would make the
Soviet's KGB or the Nazi Gestapo blush. From part 5: "In Washington State, where the maximum
criminal penalty could have been a $10,000 fine, an elderly couple served 60 days for growing 35
marijuana plants, and lost their $100,000 house. On March 6, 1990, the state of Washington seized the
couple's three-bedroom home and the 5 acres it sits on. The man was 69, and his wife 61. Neither had
ever had a single brush with the police. The man admitted to the police he was growing the stuff for his
own use and even took them to the shed and showed it to them. He was attempting to control pain from
severe cluster headaches. The $100,000 property, 130 miles south of Seattle, was their entire life
savings." Cluster headaches are among the most severe forms of human pain, being likened to childbirth,
massive burns, or an operation without anesthesia, so please do not minimize an effort to minimize the
excruciating pain of a "cluster headache."

Another case has been reported on the CBS show, "60 Minutes." The story is about a couple who started
an air charter business out of Las Vegas. One day, a 74-year-old man with 4 locked boxes chartered their
plane, which took him to a small airport outside of Los Angeles. Unknown to the pilot, the boxes
contained over $2 million in cash. The pilot was held on drug trafficking charges, even though there
were no drugs. His plane was seized by the government, and at last report he had filed for bankruptcy,
and was driving a truck for 22 cents a mile. How the pilot was supposed to know what was in locked
boxes is unknown, and even if he did, what connection could that have had to drugs? Why was his plane
confiscated? Is it any wonder that Americans fear their government? If you sell your home or business,
carry back a mortgage, and something "illegal" is done on that property, government can seize it, sell it
at auction, and you are ruined. I love my country; it's the federal government I worry about.

Want more? From the Feb. 22, 1993 New Yorker Magazine comes this little tidbit. "An American
woman vacationing in Paris found the piano that Franz Liszt once owned and played. She wanted it,
bought it, and had it shipped back to the U.S. The "African Elephant Conservation Act of 1988," allowed (14 of 26)2/7/2012 8:13:02 AM

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fines of up to $25,000 and jail sentences of up to one year for the importation of elephant ivory.
Naturally, that 73-year-old piano had ivory keys. The piano was stopped at customs by the Fish and
Wildlife Service, which cited the Elephant act, plus the "Convention on International Trade in
Endangered Species," which put the African elephant on its endangered list in 1989. The piano had its
keys steamed off, totally ruining a priceless antique once owned by a world famous composer." Fear of
government? You bet! Were those customs agents evil, or just "following orders" like the Nazis? The
consequence of "following orders," was the destruction of a priceless antique, and the loss of tens of
thousands of dollars, which had been honestly invested.

The federal government has gotten so big, in total violation of our Constitution, that it is grossly
inefficient, besides striking abject horror into its subjects. An August 9, 1994 Associated Press story
details how the CIA built a million square foot building, costing $310 million, without its existence even
being known to Congress. An April 30, 1994 AP story informs us that the National Park Service has lost
track of property worth more than $27 million. On the Park Service books, a $133,000 fire engine is
listed as having a value of one cent, a $150 vacuum was listed at $800,015, and a $350 dishwasher at
$700,035. Again, on May 14, 1995, the Washington Post reported that the Defense Department regularly
pays contractors hundreds of millions of dollars it doesn't owe them; much of it never returned.
Pentagon purchasing agents overdrew their checking accounts by $7 billion, and at a minimum, $15
billion was unaccounted for in the year 1994. Completed in 1997, at the corner of 12th and Pennsylvania
Ave. in Washington D.C., is the world's largest government building, containing 3.1 million square feet,
85 elevators, underground parking for 2,000 cars, and costing almost a billion dollars. It is a third larger
than the Empire State Building, and was begun with no tenants, or use for it. Undoubtedly against his
wishes, it was named the "Ronald Reagan Building." The exterior contains 42,000 limestone slabs, and
250,000 cubic yards of concrete were poured for it. The interior contains a 125-foot high atrium, with an
entire acre of glass. Failing to find a use for it, or tenants to rent it, as a "last resort," the fed moved 7,000
bureaucrats into it.

According to Cox News Service, "Congressional accountants uncovered tens of billions of dollars in
bookkeeping mistakes in a second unsuccessful attempt to audit Air Force financial records, according
to a report presented to Congress. Air Force record-keeping remains so bad that the books cannot be
audited and taxpayers' money is wasted, the General Accounting Office said." The National Forest
Service reported expenses of $12.1 million and revenues of $5.1 Colorado alone.

The federal government claims to own, but has no deeds for, half of the 760 million acres in the 11
western states, not counting Alaska. That is more land than is contained in the combined areas of France,
Germany, Italy, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, Denmark, Hungary, and Albania. It is poorly managed,
costly, and a disgrace to those who understand correct land and forest management. In the county in
which I live in Colorado, the federal government claims ownership of thousands of acres of our land,
and pays the grand total of 75¢ per acre for what is called "PILT" or, "Payment In Lieu Of Taxes." In
my county, normal taxation of this raw acreage would be $2.12 per acre. Several states are now
challenging the federal government to prove its ownership of these lands, which they claim as their own. (15 of 26)2/7/2012 8:13:02 AM

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The Constitution, Article 1, section 8, clause 17 says, regarding government ownership of land that they
may own or, "Exercise authority over all places purchased by the consent of the Legislature of the State
in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, stock-yards, and other needful
buildings." Get the point? In other words, the federal government may own only the lands they have
purchased from the states, and with the consent of the individual state legislatures. The hundreds of
millions of acres the federal government claims to own, were never purchased, no deeds ever issued for
them, nor permission to own ever received from the states. California, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, and parts
of Colorado, New Mexico and Wyoming were formed as a result of a treaty with Mexico, signed in
1848, and commonly known as the "Treaty of Guadeloupe-Hidalgo." In this treaty, speaking of the
transferred lands, it says they... "Shall be formed into free, sovereign, and independent states and
incorporated into the Union of the United States as soon as possible, and the citizens thereof shall be
accorded the enjoyment of all the rights, advantages, and immunities as citizens of the original states."
This was the treaty that ended the Mexican War, and was ratified on March 10th, 1848.

The federal government claims to own, but has no title, permission, or deed to, pays tiny "PILT" fees on,
and manages poorly, 82.9% of Nevada, 67.9% of Alaska, 63.9% of Utah, 61.6% of Idaho, 52.4% of
Oregon, 48.9% of Wyoming, 47.2% of Arizona, 44.6% of California, 36.3% of Colorado, 32.4% of New
Mexico, 28.3% of Washington, and 28% of Montana, in violation of the Constitution and Treaty of
Guadeloupe-Hidalgo. The above are U.S. Department of Commerce figures.

In Nye County Nevada, commissioner Dick Carver decided he had enough, used a bulldozer to close a
National Forest road, and defied the federal government to prove its right to, and ownership of, so called
"federal lands." It went to a federal court, where a federal judge, ruled that Nye County didn't own the
land, but rather the federal government did. Did we expect any other verdict from a federal judge on the
federal payroll, when a favorable decision would have begun the taking of hundreds of millions of acres
from his boss, turning them over to their rightful owners? Currently, a nationally organized group calling
themselves the "Shovel Brigade" travel to various "public lands," and forcefully re-open closed roads…
to the loud hurrahs of the witnessing public.

Government claims it can manage the so called "public lands" efficiently, and that it keeps them for the
public to use, both of which are totally false. Ever try to use a "public land" without paying? Ever try to
use a "wilderness" area? In my State of Colorado alone, 5 million acres have been declared "wilderness,"
meaning that virtually no one can use them. As far as taking care of lands, there is no greater disgrace
than the yearly out of control forest fires that consume "public lands" by the millions of acres each
summer. In May 2000, 48,000 acres of "public lands" were burned and over 200 homes destroyed in
New Mexico by a wildfire intentionally started by the superintendent of a National Park, against strong
advice from the weatherman and others with knowledge. He later said he, "would do it again." Strange,
but these fires never seem to burn the private forests, owned and tended by the large timber companies,
who regularly clear out brush, replant, fertilize, pay taxes on, and in general take care of their property.
There are hundreds of millions of land owners that tend their land lovingly, including you and I, who
regularly farm our acreage, and at home cut our lawns, plant flowers, fertilize, water, and weed. "Public
lands" are a disgrace, as is just about anything "public." Do you like "public" rest rooms? "Public"
generally means anything run by government...such as housing. The words "public" and "private" (16 of 26)2/7/2012 8:13:02 AM

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certainly do command totally different visions, don’t they?

It makes sense to work for the government. The Washington D.C. area, and surrounding suburbs of
Maryland and Virginia, have five of the nation's ten wealthiest communities, according to an Associated
Press (AP) story on March 1, 1990. Actually, Washington D.C. and environs is so far and away isolated
in thought from the rest of America, it is almost a separate country. Newspaper columnists and
broadcasters commonly speak of "outside the beltway," "inside the beltway," and "beltway mentality,"
which clearly illustrates the situation. These "inside the beltway" bozos are fed by the rest of America
with taxes and depreciating dollars. Those rich D.C. area communities derive their incomes by working
for, lobbying, operating, publicizing, broadcasting, and servicing the federal government, which has
unconstitutionally grown out of control for decades, no politician having stopped its growth yet, and
probably not even wanting to do so. The fear, outrageous waste, and profligacy spawned by the almighty
federal government, is unmatched in human history, and paid for with worthless printing press money.

In 1815, the federal government had but 515 employees.

This brings us to another Thomas Jefferson quote, which about sums up the current situation: "When
government fears the people we have liberty. When people fear the government we have tyranny." I'll
guarantee you the government doesn’t fear the citizenry.

We must examine what government has done "for us," to make its huge cost worth while for America.
Then consider what it has done "to us" with its huge cost. Government takes most of our money, so
surely it does wonderful things...correct? Examine all the inventions in history. Look at all the patents,
successful businesses, airlines, railroads, automobiles, computers, agriculture, chemicals, materials of all
types, tools, buildings, architecture, books, the media, scholarship, and the list can go on and on. What
has government done to make any of these possible, not only in American history, but the world? It has
done nothing, other than taxed, regulated, and harassed the inventors, developers, financiers, and
entrepreneurs, almost to death, by standing in their way.

Almost 150 years ago, the forerunner of the railroad that came to be known as, "The Standard Railroad
of The World," the Pennsylvania Railroad, almost didn’t get built. From a history of the railroad by
Edwin Alexander, written in 1947, it is seen that the State of Pennsylvania had wasted close to $60
million, the 2000 equivalent of $60 billion, attempting to build a railroad from Philadelphia to
Pittsburgh. It had accomplished virtually nothing, other than building a few non-connected lines,
outraging the citizenry, and making politicians rich. From page 14 of Alexander’s book: "Gross
mismanagement and political interference contributed to the inadequacy of the system. Nearly
$18,000,000 had been expended in original construction, and never had its operation come even near a
self-sustaining basis. In fact, a debt of $40,000,000 had been accumulated by the time the system was
sold. By 1838, it was becoming very evident that a privately owned all rail route was the only means of
preserving Philadelphia’s western it was only natural that, in order to dispose of this
unprofitable burden, the people of the state started a movement to sell the entire system. On April 24,
1854, the state offered it for sale at $20,000,000, but no one could be interested in the proposition, nor (17 of 26)2/7/2012 8:13:02 AM

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were there any bids a year later, when the figure had been officially reduced to half that amount.
Finally, a third act was passed on May 16, 1857, offering the system for $7,500,000." A huge state
governmental enterprise that had cost the taxpayers close to $60,000,000 (in 1850 dollars, $60 billion
today) was finally sold for $7,500,000. It took close to twenty years for the state to realize it had wasted
huge sums of money, accomplished nothing, and finally decide to sell the albatross, which was picked
up by private enterprise and developed into a wonderful railroad. By taking so long, the Baltimore and
Ohio (B&O) railroad had long before reached Pittsburgh and taken a huge chunk of the Pennsy’s
business. The State of Pennsylvania, fooling around for so long and being so inept, cost Philadelphia its
business future. The Erie Canal was opened in 1825, transferring most of Philadelphia's business to New
York. The Erie Canal connects Albany with Buffalo, (New York) extending the navigable Hudson River
to Lake Erie…connecting New York City with the Great Lakes. Philadelphia never recovered. The first
railroad charters were issued in 1815, a full ten years before the Erie Canal opened. The B&O was
privately capitalized and built, but had to wrangle endlessly with state gobbledygook over franchises and
rights to build a private business over private land. Government standing in the way is at least two
hundred years old in America.

In Railroad history, the Pennsylvania wasn’t alone. When a railroad was proposed, to unify all the states,
the Central Pacific started in Sacramento California, and the Union Pacific started at the Mississippi,
subsidized with government funding and free land. After three years, scandal and outright theft were
common, and the Union Pacific had built only 40 miles of track. If you ever look at the famous photo
taken at the meeting of the two lines, look closely, and you will realize it was a drunken debauch. Not
only were the gold and silver spikes stolen, but the drunken characters on the locomotives were holding
out whiskey bottles for the photographer to see. Since the whole thing was subsidized, the graders from
the east and west passed each other, and continued grading 250 miles past the scheduled Promontory
meeting point, grading adjacent rights of way in opposite directions. Why not? Government was paying.

In California today, to start a business, one must wade through at least 28 separate permitting
procedures, tolerate bureaucratic nonsense and paperwork costing a fortune, all to be able to spend your
money, to try to make a living on a business you own. Government does not invest in your business in
California, nor does it hire your employees, conceive of your idea, buy your merchandise, pay for it,
advertise your business, or take a risk in operating and developing your business. It merely gets in the
way, costs big money, takes time, frustrates, and is a first rate pain. The governments that make it so
difficult for a business to operate anywhere in America have risked nothing, contributed nothing towards
the entrepreneurial efforts, and in general make the odds against success far greater.

It’s the "in" thing to write, pass, and implement endless legislation. Why is it there never seem to be
enough laws? There are literally millions of laws on the books. The Congress and lesser legislative
bodies continually pass more and more laws, making everyone's life more complicated and unendurable.
The pols in D.C., like Don Quixote, have delusions of grandeur, thinking themselves to be royal and
omniscient, but are totally unable to solve anything. Quixote hurt himself, not his country, so the
comparison might not be valid. The windmills the D.C. luminaries so foolishly tilt at, are problems
unsolvable by bureaucracy, rules and regulations. (18 of 26)2/7/2012 8:13:02 AM

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A century ago in India, the Thugs waylaid travelers with impunity, killing thousands of India's teachers,
businessmen, intellectuals and intelligentsia. Government didn’t stop them, even though protecting the
citizenry is something all governments ought to do. This went on for so long and was so thorough, that
India actually lost most of its class of people who were capable of governing, operating a business,
teaching, or leading, and passing on their genes. The hereditary chain had been broken, and today India
is practically bereft of a class of people who could lead it out of the morass in which it lies, even after
billions of dollars in aid, dividing the nation, and every conceivable help that America and other
civilized nations posses have been pumped into it. The utter ignorance and helplessness of India defies
description, as witnessed by countless shows on PBS. Of course there are brilliant Indians, but not nearly
enough for its salvation. The former superb infrastructure built by Britain is rotting away since India
decided to become independent over 50 years ago.

In Russia, the hereditary chain was broken in 1917, when the communists took over, and killed anyone
with a brain or ability. Today, Russia is sadly lacking in a class of people who are understanding of
freedom, capitalism, limited government, entrepreneurship, and the most basic causes and rules of a
prosperous capitalistic society. After the Berlin Wall went down in November 1989, the East Germans,
whose brains had been scoured of intellect and drive for decades, by first the Nazis, and then the
communists, were suddenly mixed with the relatively free West Germans. The comparison can easily be
illustrated by the East German smoking, wheezing, little pieces of garbage cars called the "Trabant,"
verses the West German Mercedes Benz and BMW. In what again is called Russia, rather than the
Soviet Union, communism has been replaced with the Russian Mafia, and virtually the same thing has
occurred in every other former Soviet State. (Many of the Russian Mafia have illegally settled in the
Brighton Beach section of Brooklyn, and are terrorizing residents and bringing tuberculosis with them.)
There are no remaining business, entrepreneurial, innovative classes in Russia, and no one can even
remember what they were. Futile efforts to copy the so-called "free world," achieve poor results, and in
September 1998, the entire economy collapsed. Entrepreneurial Americans go to Russia, establish
businesses, and attempt to teach the Russians the most basic economic, merchandising, and sales
precepts, and if successful, risk being shot dead by jealous outlaws. What India and former and current
communist states have, are huge bureaucracies that give employment to the inept, stupid, lazy, and
worthless. In India, a full time job for a man might be to hold a sign in front of a crossing when a train is
coming. America invented automatic crossing gates a hundred ears ago. The many "cornfield meets"
experienced by trains in India, causing hundreds of deaths, are the result of a work force that is not too
gifted, thanks in all probability, to the Thugs of a hundred years ago.


For far too long in song, story, and film, Robin Hood has been portrayed as the poor man's hero.
Actually, Robin Hood was one of the first characters to achieve fame by redistributing un-owned wealth,
and "helping the poor." (SFN) Politicians have joyously latched on to this wonderful device for
glomming votes. The bureaucracies, in turn, become junior Robin Hoods, taking from the rich and
giving to the poor. Like Robin Hood, politicians and bureaucrats take what they don't own, have no right
to, haven't worked for, and give it to the undeserving. (19 of 26)2/7/2012 8:13:02 AM

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The humanitarians in government are "wishers." They "wish" to help. "wish" to provide, and "wish" to
do wonderful things, and of course "wish" to keep those jobs. The problem is they have no money with
which to do it. Rather than take their own money to help, they become Robin Hoods and give yours, or
in actuality become bureaucratic terrorists with virtually unlimited powers. A dictionary definition of
terrorism is, "Coercion by threat or violence." Doesn't that describe an all-powerful bureaucracy?

National Public Radio, (NPR) on December 2, 1996 during the program, "All Things Considered," ran a
piece where a tape recorder was given to an 18 year old female welfare recipient, so she could record her
day's activities and thoughts. The tape consisted of her being 9 months pregnant, quitting school,
receiving healthy welfare checks, not working, not liking her mother, being illegitimate herself, living in
her own apartment, stuffing herself with McDonald's food rather than what had been prescribed to her
by her government paid doctor. All her friends had babies, and she loved to drive around in fast cars
with her boyfriend, listening to her kind of music, some of which she played...the sound of which can be
imagined. The tape was full of slum talk, laziness, slovenliness, gross overweight, and a total lack or
interest in providing for herself, or even a knowledge of the principle. She is the "poor" that Robin Hood
gave to, he being the "middle man" between theft from producers, and gifts to the lazy. Robin didn’t just
steal from King John; he took from everyone that had what he considered "too much," and gave to those
he considered having "too little."

Speaking of Robin Hood, the late Ayn Rand described him and his types in her novel Atlas Shrugged:
"He became the justification for every mediocrity, who, unable to make his own living, has demanded
the power to dispose of the property of his betters, by proclaiming his willingness to devote his life to his
inferiors at the price of robbing his superiors."


While the Constitution forbids the establishment of a national religion in the very first part of the Bill of
Rights, in reality we have one, and it is not concerned with the worship of a heavenly God. The 'national
religion' we have is all encompassing in its scope, demands regular worship, has compulsory
contributions, punishment if the religion's tenets are not obeyed, and an entire set of symbols
commanding continuous attention. The religion has its own set of priests, bishops, holy writ,
indulgences, confession, magnificent buildings, and is very wealthy. Unlike other religions, this one has
100% of Americans as members.

The 'national religion' is the compulsory religion of government and regulation. It is all powerful,
expensive, and pervasive. Other organized religions preach and teach goodness, charity, forgiveness of
sins, morality, and even after death rewards if its teachings are followed. The compulsory 'national
religion' of government and regulation promises no rewards, but instant punishment for violations of its
decrees. Rather than ancient holy writ that has remained unchanged, and in existence for thousands of
years, the compulsory religion of government and regulation has millions of rules and laws that are
changed and added to each year, all with the threat of fines and other punishments for violations. The
'national religion' claims the Constitution to be its holy writ, but the form of government decreed by the (20 of 26)2/7/2012 8:13:02 AM

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Constitution is not a religion, but a document of freedom from government, not the handbook of a
'national religion.'

Unlike other religions which influence human actions by counsel, example, love, and reward, the
'national religion' attempts to do so by sheer force and threats of punishment, imprisonment, and
bankruptcy. Organized religions depend on voluntarism, and a member is free to leave it if they
disagree, while the 'national religion' permits no deviations or escape. Organized religions depend upon
voluntary contributions to support their programs, but the 'national religion' has a set of involuntary,
automatically deducted dollars for its support. Have you filled in your 1040 "contribution" form yet?

An AP story on January 25, 1997 stated, "A new poll suggests that many Americans have little faith in
the federal government. The Gallup survey conducted last year found just 32% expressed significant
confidence in their government.".


You remember them, don’t you? We all learned them in school. The three Constitutional branches are
the (1) Legislative, (2) Judicial, and (3) Executive. The Legislative is the Congress, the Judicial is the
courts and justice system, and the Executive is the Presidency…or that is the way it is supposed to be.
The Congress passes idiotic laws which get in everyone's way, and the courts often give terrible
decisions, but it is the Executive branch that is running out of control the most. The Constitution does
not provide for a "Cabinet" division. It is the President's "Cabinet" that is a major source of
unconstitutional, runaway government. It is the President's "Cabinet," and its various divisions and
underlings, that have been writing the tens of thousands of regulations, and mandates, with the force and
effect of law. It is the departments of everything that have whiz-bang bureaucrats by the tens of
thousands, writing regulations, legislating, policing, fining, and even imprisoning at will. Every single
oppressive bureaucracy is under a "Cabinet" position, a totally unconstitutional enlargement of the
Executive branch of government. Some things, such as the presidential "Cabinet" have been around for
so long, we assume they must be Constitutional...but they might not be!

The federal government collects well over a trillion and a half dollars in taxes each year. Complying
with the IRS rules alone costs an estimated 7% of the GDP, (gross domestic product) and did you know
that government spending is part of the GDP? The federal government is the largest purchaser of things
in America...with your money. In other words, government is spending us into bankruptcy, but the GDP
figure looks rosy. The federal government's operations constitute over 50% of the GDP, and have its
tentacles into just about everything you eat, buy, sell, own, or operate. It's all part of the misleading GDP

Government permits no competition, has to show no profit, and can take what it wants from the
citizenry. Only government can make a war. Government, rather than creating wealth, divides it,
squanders it, wastes it, seizes it from the innocent and unsuspecting, and gives it to the undeserving.
Government is force, and force cannot invent, love, design, or conceive, but rather prohibits the natural (21 of 26)2/7/2012 8:13:02 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 4. GOVERNMENT

use of the human mind and greatness.

There are a few bubbleheads who really believe the Constitution must be taken with the well known
'grain of salt,' and ignored when it may conflict with their grandiose plans for helping and equalizing
everyone and everything, and a "New World Order" is the ideal for eternal happiness. Fiddlesticks!
These liberal geniuses think national boundaries, races, genders, physical and mental limitations and
abilities, are all fictions that can be erased by rules, regulations and legislation, and we can all be melded
into one happy world populace. America and its Constitution, designed to protect us from government,
is the best thing that has ever happened to this globe. It has been destroyed gradually, and to such a
degree that it may not be salvageable.

Government does not produce wealth. When someone speaks of 'help from government,' they are in
error. Government is incapable of helping anyone, without harming someone else. Government, by its
very nature, is a consumer of wealth. It produces nothing except regulations, laws, and rules, most of
which, especially at the federal level, are unnecessary, and hamper actual wealth creation. Wealth is
created by manufacturing, inventing, building, producing, and selling things; customarily at a profit.
When a man buys a farm and grows corn, selling it at a gain, he has created wealth. When an auto plant
takes raw materials and transforms them into automobiles, it has created wealth. Those who work for
wealth creating entities...are creating wealth. Those that work for wealth consuming entities; namely
governments at all levels...are destroying wealth.

A certain amount of wealth must be used to keep us safe from criminals of all types, both foreign and
domestic, to judge and punish them, and to administer justice. This necessary wealth consumption is for
the police, army, coast guard, courts, and prison systems. The amount of wealth consumed for these
purposes should be negligible, especially if America became officially neutral, as is discussed in chapter
21, all troops came home, foreign aid ceased, prisons became actual prisons, and silly laws were
eliminated. Anything else is wealth destruction, without reason or logic, regardless of good intentions.

On May 28, 1992, C-Span televised a typical hearing, this time conducted by Rep. Tom Lantos, D.
California. I watched for half an hour, and the following was part of the testimony concerning the public
housing systems in Washington D.C. and Philadelphia:

An ex-employee was paid $1951 for an hour's worth of work each week, for a year, which amounted to

Seemingly unlimited contracts for $9,999.99 were issued each year, avoiding the $10,000 point at which
such contracts must be "examined."

An elevator serviceman billed, and was paid over $200,000 for repairs that probably were never

No one could find out how many contracts have been let and paid for, at any time, for any period. (22 of 26)2/7/2012 8:13:02 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 4. GOVERNMENT

Ed Morella, a high ranking 'inspector,' said that $110,000 was spent each year to heat a warehouse with
all the windows broken or missing. A lot of security men were paid to sit in front of blank video screens
for 8 hours each day, and public housing employees in D.C. alone stole $20,000 a week. Their inventory
listed 12,000 bathroom lighting fixtures on hand for 9,000 public housing units, which already had such
fixtures, and when queried if it is possible a payoff was given for a huge purchase, he acknowledged it

In April 1995, I went to the Grand Junction Colorado IRS office to get some forms and ask a couple of
questions. While waiting, a poor sap standing next to me was pouring his heart out to an agent, who was
about to seize his property for failure to pay child support, which he had paid, and for which he showed
proof. The agent asked, "can you make a payment?" This is absolutely true, with no embellishment.
When the agent went into another room, I truthfully told him that half of IRS levies are mistakes, and
advised him not to give in, since he was right. He was obviously a man of lowly occupation and limited
intelligence, but totally honest...the kind the IRS eats alive. I often wondered what happened to him.
They call themselves "The Service."


Not to be redundant, but the main premise of this book is that of all the wonderful inventions and
developments in the fields of transportation, medicine, science, architecture, business, or most
everything that is beneficial, none of them have been accomplished by government. Government has
usually just stood in the way. Not only stood in the way, but of all the bad things that have happened to
America, be it wars, harassment, seizures, poverty, the underclass, ruined cities, bad schools, crime, and
an endless list; government actions, taxes, subsidies, rules, regulations, mandates, bureaucracy, laws, etc.
have usually been the cause. This is not an exaggerated statement.

There is a need for government. The Constitution is the document, which licenses the federal
government, but that license has been sorely abused. By at least 90%, the federal government has
overstepped its constitutionally authorized bounds, and taken unauthorized power. Think of a federal
government without its millions of employees, regulations, rules, mandates, bureaucracies, subsidies,
and businesses. Picture a federal government not owning hundreds of millions of abused acres of land,
thousands of bridges, canals, warehouses, dams, forests, and buildings.

How does the government do all these unconstitutional things? How does it pay for these activities? By
borrowing, taxing, and literally printing money, of course. How else can anyone do something beyond
their means? By borrowing, (selling bonds), increasing the currency supply, taxing us into insensibility,
going into debt, and every devious means known to man to flim - flam the citizenry. Not only does
government get in the way, make normal things and activities impossible to perform at times, but also
the borrowing steadily decreases the value of the dollar. (See next chapter on "MONEY")

"I wish it were possible to obtain a single amendment to our Constitution…taking from the federal (23 of 26)2/7/2012 8:13:02 AM

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government their power of borrowing," - Thomas Jefferson

A solution is that all federal lands should be turned over to their rightful owners, the states and counties,
who can do with them as they see fit. The multitudinous federal highways, dams, businesses, canals,
power plants, buildings, etc. should all be sold to the highest bidders, the money used to pay off the debt,
and there must never again be a national debt, or over powering federal government. Washington D.C.
should be made into a temporary "ghost town," until private industry can buy the empty government
buildings and use them to produce wealth, rather than the former occupants, who currently use them to
consume wealth.

Public housing units self-destruct quickly without the continual maintenance and repairs made necessary
by their unruly occupants. As they become derelict and empty, they should not be re-rented, and their
willful destruction not repaired. Eventually there would be none remaining, and their former occupants
would have to provide for themselves.

From a story that appeared on radio, TV, and most newspapers on October 8, 1997 comes the revelation
that the National Park Service (often called the National PORK Service for obvious reasons) had just
completed the construction of a $333,000 "two hole" outhouse in the Delaware Water Gap Park. The
building is constructed with the finest Vermont slate roof, stone, and construction appurtenances only
the finest mansion would contain. Inside is one hole on the side for men, and one on the side for women.
No water, no mirror, and when NBC News checked it out, there wasn't even any toilet paper. There is
plenty of water available, but with a mere $333,000 to spend, the "Pork Service" only saw fit to have
outhouse facilities, and only one hole for each gender. No, you cannot wash your hands or comb your
hair after going to the $333,000 bathrooms. I visited Yellowstone Park a couple of years ago, and aside
from the hideous waste that happened when raging fires almost completely destroyed the park in 1988,
the roads were full of pot holes, and the place was in generally terrible shape. The same conditions exist
in most National Parks. If the Parks were sold to responsible corporations, would they be in worse
shape? Compare Disney's parks to the federal government owned and administrated parks, and the
answer has to be that private ownership would be much better. There is no Constitutional permission for
the government to own parks, and like national forests, they are an unmitigated disaster. I'd be delighted
to see Disney take over Yellowstone. Perhaps a third of it wouldn't have been destroyed by fire if it had
been privately owned! I’d love for Ford to run Yosemite, or General Mills to operate the Grand Canyon.
As another solution, let the individual states take over ownership and operation, which would not violate
the Constitution. That Constitution is a most wonderful handbook, which provides a true answer to who
should do what, and especially what the federal government is not permitted to do.

I have just referred to my newest dictionary, a Webster's two volume set, dating back to 1970. (Sorry!) I
looked up "entitlement(s)" and it isn't there. 30 years ago, the word didn't exist, and now it is
bankrupting us. The word "entitle" means, "has a legal right to, or to give a name to." "Entitlements"
then, means half of our federal budget goes to people who "have a legal right" to my money. The
solution? Eliminate all of them, because like the IRS, they are weeds, and need to be pulled out by their
roots. (24 of 26)2/7/2012 8:13:02 AM

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If the federal government were reduced to Constitutional size, tariffs would pay the bills. Government
doesn't need to do what private enterprise can and should do. For a century and a half, railroads have
policed themselves, paid for and operated their own safety systems, and even paid taxes on their land
and equipment. It has all worked out extremely well. Now the DOT and other alphabet soup agencies
oversee railroads and every other form of transportation. The transportation industry carries insurance,
as do all businesses. If an insurer wants to avoid losses, it will inspect every part of their insured's
business and operation, forcing compliance with suggestions, or threaten cancellation of coverage.
Airlines, railroads, taxicabs, truckers, and steamship companies all carry huge amounts of insurance.
Those insurance companies would do a far better job of policing and enforcing safety than does
government, which has virtually taken the job out of their hands with regulations, mandates, and
bureaucrats. If an airline's insurance carrier could avoid paying out a hundred million dollars in claims,
wouldn't they insist on the American manufactured systems the Swiss use? It doesn't happen, because
government runs the safety systems, airports, and every facet of the industry, all controlled by the FAA;
the largest consumer of vacuum tubes, remember? Other departments are equally ridiculous in their cost
and inefficiency.

If government wants to protect us, as it should, it might be better off requiring all suppliers of
merchandise or services to have adequate insurance. This simple act would transfer responsibilities to
the seller and their insurer, rather than government, which cannot be held responsible anyway, because
they claim to be immune. This would eliminate a great deal of government, and lower consumer prices.

Government's job is mistaken by most, who have come to the wrong conclusion that government should
'help' the weak or poor. Government's job is to protect the innocent, regardless of their race, religion, and
social or financial status, as well as to punish the guilty. No where in the Constitution is there any
permission given for government to help or subsidize the weak or poor. Cruel though it may sound,
when such unconstitutional acts are performed, it merely weakens society, destroys freedom, and makes
us all the weak!

What Can They Do?

For 25 years, I owned and operated three hotels in a tiny town called Silverton, Colorado. The EPA
ruled that Silverton could no longer burn its trash, but must construct an expensive compactor and haul it
to a landfill close to a hundred miles distant. Silverton had been burning trash for a hundred years at its
town dump. The prevailing wind is always away from town, and never in anyone's memory had smoke
or odors from the dump been in town. (It was a wonderful place to search for valuable junk and
scavenge.) I protested vigorously to the town's board of trustees, telling them they should advise the
government to go straight to hell, 'do not pass go and do not collect $200.' What could the EPA do to
tiny Silverton? Fine them? "We won’t pay," would be my answer. Would they seize this broke little
town? Hardly! Deny them government handouts? They weren't getting any. What could they do?
Actually, nothing. They gave in, at a huge continual cost to the residents. The dump is but a memory,
and the town is no cleaner. Only the residents and businessmen pay and pay and pay. (25 of 26)2/7/2012 8:13:02 AM

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Suppose an absurd, costly federal mandate comes down on larger towns or cities, and the municipal
government doesn't want to obey it? Why can't Los Angeles say "NO," Altoona Pennsylvania say "NO,"
or any city, county, or even state say "NO"? The only recourse the federal bureaucrats have would be to
deny them handouts from the federal treasury. Fine them? Just say, "we won’t pay." If an individual says
"NO" to the goons, jail might be the result, but is the fed going to seize Los Angeles? Is the fed going to
seize Arizona? Not likely. What would they do with them? Isn’t it time state, county, and city
governmental entities stood up and said a hearty "NO" to snoopy hobgoblin federal bureaucrats?

"The Constitution and the Bill of Rights were designed to get Government off the backs of the people—
all the people." - Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas

Governments have no competition, and will usually expand until they consume and destroy the society
they were supposed to protect. This is all too true currently.


CONTENTS (26 of 26)2/7/2012 8:13:02 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 5. MONEY

“Money is a guarantee that we may have what we want in the future. Though we need nothing at the
moment it insures the possibility of satisfying a new desire when it arises.” - Aristotle

In 390 BCE (Before the Christian Era) cackling geese warned the Romans of an imminent attack by the
Gauls. This saved the Roman treasury, causing them to erect a shrine to the goddess of warning, whose
name happened to be Jumo Moneta…hence, the origin of the term "money." The expression "not worth
his salt" comes from ninth century India, where salt was so scarce that soldiers were often paid in
salarium or "salt money." From the Latin salarium comes our modern word "salary." When the Anglo
Saxons invaded Britain in the sixth century, they wore metal rings and ornaments known as schellingas,
which became the British "shilling." Paying a fee comes from the German vieh for cattle and is
pronounced "fee." Long ago, some Germans would pay their rent in cattle, or in other words, they "paid
a fee (vieh)." "Shell out" comes from the time when scarce ornate seashells were used as money.

About three thousand years ago, man invented what has become known as "money" to do several
important things. Among them were to store value, and have a common way of transferring effort,
profit, invention, or something of value, into a common, compact, valuable, durable object that can be
easily traded, without actually bartering physical goods. Gold and silver have been the most common
forms of money for thousands of years, and in reality still are actual, genuine, money. Hammurabi was
king of Babylon, and responsible for the greatness of this fabled 2100 BCE third world power. The
Hammurabi Code was the most famous of ancient codes of law, and dictated that only silver be used as
money. Other things have been used, such as papyrus, mulberry bark, foodstuffs, salt, spices, and
various objects of value at any given time in history. The Chinese actually made coins out of salt. Our
Constitution says the "states" may not make money or coin out of anything other than silver or gold.
Unfortunately, the Founders wrote "states" rather than "federal government," and the consequence of
that slip has allowed our federal government to produce basically ever more worthless "money."

"The owl and the pussycat went to sea, in a beautiful pea green boat. They took some honey, and plenty
of money, wrapped up in a five pound note." Think about it! Their MONEY was obviously gold or
silver, and the five-pound note was being used as wrapping paper!

"Money" is supposed to be valuable, isn’t it? It was until 1964, when the last silver coin was minted,
1968, when the last dollar ceased to be convertible into silver, and 1971, when Nixon removed the last
vestige of gold backing from our paper currency. Before that, our coins were actually valuable. They
were made of gold and 90% silver. U.S. paper currency was backed by gold and silver supposedly held
under armed guard in Fort Knox, Kentucky. From 1792 till 1968, a paper dollar was redeemable into
371.25 grains of silver. The contents of Ft. Knox haven't been audited in 50 years, and many say there is
nothing there. In 1916, the U.S. Government held 70% of the world's gold, and today it supposedly
holds but 23%, assuming there is indeed any gold in Ft. Knox. Federal statute 80 years ago specifically
stated that paper currency was not to be placed into circulation or replaced, unless an equal amount of (1 of 14)2/7/2012 8:13:03 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 5. MONEY

gold or silver was in the treasury to back it. "Silver Certificate" or "Gold Certificate" was imprinted on
the paper money, and it was redeemable in those metals. Pre-1965 money couldn’t be issued unless the
government had gold or silver from which to make coins, or gold and silver to back the dollars. I have a
packet containing 371.25 grains of silver issued by the government in exchange for a one-dollar silver
certificate. For a couple of years after 1965, a government mint struck a few 40% silver half dollar coins,
called "clads" in the trade, with far less than the previous 90% silver in pre-1965 coins.

As late as 1940, the U.S. Government demanded gold from Britain as payment of war materials bought
from us. British Pound Sterling could not be used as payment. Of course they never paid in full…only a
small fraction.

The Coinage Act of April 2, 1792 specifically stated the gold and silver content of each dollar, half-
dollar, dime, etc, and even the copper content of pennies. The act has never been repealed, and is still in
effect. In Section 19, it is stated that if any officer or employee shall debase the coinage, they, "shall be
deemed guilty of felony, and shall suffer death." Government has continually debased the dollar, and
made fake coins, and now they are virtually worthless, but none has yet been declared a felon or suffered

"Gold is money…that's it." - J.P. Morgan

Perhaps you have noticed that real silver dollars from the 1880’s are far more plentiful than any minted
since. The reason is that America had a bi-metallic monetary system prior to the War Between the
States. That war was paid for with huge debt, and paper money not backed by anything. After that tragic
conflict, holders of the debt wanted America to go to a strictly gold standard, arguing that silver was too
"soft," partly because silver was beginning to come out of Colorado in huge amounts. The paper debt
holders wanted to be paid with compact gold. That effort to go strictly gold, rather than bi-metallic went
on for decades, the government generally buying 16 ounces of silver to one ounce of gold, minting
millions of silver dollars, halves, quarters, and dimes, plus gold coins, and storing the rest to back the
paper currency. In 1893, President Grover Cleveland repealed the Sherman Silver Purchase Act, and the
fed drastically slowed in its silver purchases for coins. That ended the life of dozens of Colorado "ghost
towns," and virtually ended mass production of the silver dollar. The election of 1896 pitted the fire
breathing 36 year old Nebraskan, William Jennings Bryan against William McKinley. McKinley sat on
his front porch in Canton, Ohio and answered questions, while his campaign manager Mark Hanna sent
vice presidential candidate Teddy Roosevelt on speaking tours, and received millions from the "gold
bug" Wall Streeters, northeastern bankers and moguls. Bryan, who was later to brilliantly defend in the
Tennessee "Scopes Monkey Trial," gave over 600 rousing speeches in 27 states urging the bi-metallic
system to be made law again, saying, "...You shall not crucify mankind on a cross of gold." Bryan raised
but $300,000, while McKinley had $3.5 million. McKinley won only the northeast, where population
was still concentrated, but that gave him the election. Sounds like the election of 2000! Even so, Bryan
got a million more votes than any previous winner, won all the states south of the Mason-Dixon Line,
and all but five states west of the Mississippi. From then on, the government would buy little silver.
Bryan dropped dead shortly after the Scopes trial, which has been brilliantly portrayed in the Academy
Award winning 1960 film, "Inherit The Wind," a must to watch on videotape. (Don't watch the remake, (2 of 14)2/7/2012 8:13:03 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 5. MONEY

get the 1960 one!)

As an aside, Frank Baum wrote "The Wizard of Oz," which was based upon the gold vs. silver
arguments. "Oz" was ounce of gold, and the Wizard was William McKinley, the "wizard of gold." It was
made into a superb film years later, the satire having been lost, but the film will endure forever. Dorothy
was on the wrong side!

In the late 1800's, George Washington Miller founded the "101" in Oklahoma. It was a large spread, and
became the first theme park in America. The "101" featured cowboys, broncos, roping, fake bank
robberies, and wild Indians. Miller printed his own currency which employees were urged to use.
Miller's printing press money was called "bucks," hence the nickname for the dollar of "buck."

The paper money was still backed by gold and silver, and the halves, quarters, and dimes were still made
of 90% silver. It held its value then, and would have held it even better, if the dollar's backing hadn’t
been gradually reduced over the years, beginning with the Presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
(FDR) The consequence of having money with no actual value, is that it becomes worth less and less,
the more of it produced and printed. Historically, those two words "worth" and "less" have been
combined into one word, "worthless," to describe the eventual condition of an unbacked currency when
inflation has begun. Without doubt, it is at an advanced stage here in America. The simple fact is that the
dollar has lost 90% of its purchasing power since 1950! Unbacked currencies can become worthless
quickly when crooked politicians make citizens lose faith in their currency, as happened in Russia in
August of 1998. The consequence of currency having no backing, is that there is virtually no limit as to
how much of it that can be produced. The more of it there is, the less it is worth. The more of anything
there is, the less they will be worth, whatever it may be. Once again, those who may read this who are
under the age of maybe 45, don’t realize just how far our dollars have been devalued.

The word "dollar" comes from the German "thaler," which was a 16th century silver coin. "Dollar," in
America, came to mean a twentieth of an ounce of gold, and actually was equal to a twentieth of an
ounce of gold, until FDR performed one of the largest grand larceny jobs in history. Until 1933, gold
was priced at $20.67 an ounce, and the dollar was worth almost exactly a twentieth of that. Roosevelt
and his Democrat Congress made it actually illegal to own gold, and notified everyone to turn in their
gold coins and receive paper bills for them, or face a $10,000 fine. This would be over $100,000 today.
When that was completed, he raised the price of gold to $35 an ounce, thereby stealing billions from
American citizens. Their dollars instantly lost 40% of their redeemability and value in gold. Naturally,
government was unable to control human action, regardless of their laws, so millions of gold coins were
not turned in, but secreted into closets, bureau drawers, basements, and are now very valuable. Realizing
a "golden" opportunity, foreign minters began reproducing old U.S. gold "double eagle" ($20) coins in
the 1970's, and they are virtually undetectable to an untrained eye, so buyer beware. Ownership of gold
by Americans was illegal for almost 40 years, if you can imagine an outrage such as that. During that
time, foreigners could not only own gold, but could exchange their American dollars for gold...which
they did...until Richard Nixon put a stop to that in 1971. Who knows how much gold is left in Ft. Knox?
Is there any? The last inventory was under Eisenhower, and there are stories and witnesses of huge, (3 of 14)2/7/2012 8:13:03 AM

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heavily guarded trucks leaving Ft. Knox in the early 70's. Roosevelt and his Democrats poured forth a
litany of lies explaining that move, which the luminescent lunkheads of Foggy Bottom have yet to equal
for its sheer pomposity. Americans have since been stolen blind on a continual basis, as their currency
loses value every day...thanks to inflation. According to Fortune Magazine, in the past 55 years, there
has only been one year when the dollar hasn't lost value.

When the value of legal tender goes down in value, due to there being too much of it in circulation,
prices go up…in that currency. A loaf of bread, automobile, or gentleman's suit doesn't actually change
in value. Only its price dollars, francs, yen, lira, or the value of the currency
decreases. Currency losing value is known as inflation, and is caused by the money supply being
increased by government to pay its political and bureaucratic bills. Another consequence of government
inflating the currency supply, (decreasing its value) is that it becomes stupid to save in that currency,
dollars in our case.

A more or less typical case of printing huge amounts of, and inflating a currency that became worthless
after the backing had been removed, was Germany, which removed the gold backing from the mark in
1914, so they could print more to finance the war they started. The value of the gold-backed 1914
German mark was about 25¢, or 4 marks equaled one American dollar. When the backing was removed,
monsoons of marks came off the presses, and the decline began. By 1923, the mark had lost all value,
the ratio being 1 trillion marks to one dollar. A man buying a cup of coffee in a restaurant might pay
5,000 marks, and by the time he asked for a second cup, it had gone up to 10,000 marks. The presses
were running night and day in Germany. It took a wheelbarrow full of marks to buy a loaf of bread.
Eventually they were used for starting fires, and toilet paper; literally! Today, in Russia, worthless rubles
are being used to make roofing materials and also toilet paper. These rubles have become valueless in
less than three years!

This happened in Germany because of the severe penalties imposed after WW I. Germany was forced to
pay huge reparations for the damage that it had done during the war. The “Treaty Of Versailles,” which
ended the war, specified under the "Young Plan" that Germany was to pay "288,000 marks an hour for
59 years." The Bank of International Settlements administered the "Young Plan". Germany had lost the
war, was broke, so they did what the treaty called for, and the presses rolled night and day, paying the
required number of marks. Clever! Of course it ruined the value of the mark, but Germany had followed
the dictates of the treaty. It also ruined the German citizenry and gave rise to Adolph Hitler, who became
German Chancellor on January 30, 1931. Many of the reparations they paid were from loans from
America, which were never repaid of course, and some say might have helped us into the great
depression. That same Treaty of Versailles, besides forcing Germany to pay reparations, created
Yugoslavia from several previously independent nations with different languages and customs, awarded
territories to other nations, changed borders, and was responsible for WW II, and the recent turmoil in
Kosovo, Bosnia, and Serbia.

When America removed all backing from the dollar, the slide began, greased with ink. History shows
that no nation ever beginning to inflate, without exception, has ever stopped, until total collapse occurs.
America has had three failed paper currencies already. The first one was the so-called Continental dollar, (4 of 14)2/7/2012 8:13:03 AM

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which lost all value after the Revolution, giving birth to the expression, "not worth a continental." The
South's Confederate dollars, and the North's Greenback dollars, which came to be humorously called
"rag babies," became worthless after the War Between the States.

"The wads of worthless paper money were growing heavier in the pockets of the nation, but there was
less and less for that money to buy. In September, a bushel of wheat had cost eleven dollars; it had cost
thirty dollars in November; it had cost one hundred in December; it was now approaching the price of
two hundred - while the printing presses of the government treasury were running a race with
starvation, and losing." - from "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand.

In America, government measures the money supply by three "M" figures, which measure the money in
circulation. To show how far down the road to total inflation America has come, look at the "M" figures
for a 20-year period.

M1 M2 M3

1979 $362 billion $1500 billion $2100 billion

1999 $1500 billion 4600 billion $6390 billion

(M1 is total currency in circulation plus checking deposits and traveler's checks. M2 is M1 plus small
savings accounts and money market funds. M3 is M2 plus CDs of over $100,000 plus repurchase

In 1921, there was $55 in circulation for every man, woman, and child in America, and in 1999 there
was $32,000! In 1921, that $55 was in gold and silver coins, plus paper dollars that were backed by, and
convertible into those metals. Now, coins are made of cheap metals, and nothing backs the paper dollar.
Even pennies are no longer made of made of copper.

If you are receiving 3% interest on your savings, and the money is losing its value by a government
stated inflation rate of two percent a year, you aren't breaking even, because taxes must be paid on the
interest earned, even if in actuality you make no profit at all. Note that in this chapter I have tried to
refrain from using the term "money" when referring to pieces of paper with ink on them, because our
dollars have no real value. To me, "money" has actual value, is itself a store of value, is desirable, and
universally recognized for value. Gold and silver owe no debts. Think about that statement. Paper
money is usually called a "note," meaning the issuer of that paper owes you. When you borrow from a
bank, you sign a "note," meaning you affirm that you owe the bank the sum you borrowed, plus interest.
The Federal Reserve issues "Federal Reserve Notes," which phrase is printed at the top of your dollar
bills, meaning they owe you something, but no one knows what! Gold and silver owe nothing, because
they themselves are valuable, and best fill the definition of "money." Not only money in America, but (5 of 14)2/7/2012 8:13:03 AM

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around the world. Gold has no race, national boundaries, or time limits. Gold is accepted and convertible
into any currency, in any nation in the world.

Politicians love to give fake 'benefits' to voters to secure their re-election...with ever decreasing valued
dollars of course. On ABC's Sunday morning "This Week" show of August 18, 1996, Senator Chris
Dodd, (D-Conn.) who was then head of the Democratic party, likened belief in the gold standard,
(honest money) to the lunatic fringe. Naturally, Senator Dodd, because ever increasing amounts of
unbacked paper money keeps you and other hacks in those highly paid, prestigious Senate offices
decade after decade, and in your case succeeding your equally misinformed, disgraced father, Senator
Tom Dodd.

Have you noticed that the Olympic Medals are termed "Gold" and "Silver" for first and second places?
People would laugh themselves silly if the medals were denominated in dollars. Then there is "Gold
Medal Flour," "Gold Bond Powder," and gold as a prefix of any award or product that desires its quality
to be thought of as being of the highest magnitude. Vitamins are called "Centrum Silver," and even the
Lone Ranger's bullets were made of, and his horse named..."Silver." The term "sterling" derives from the
name Easterling, an Estonian family that used to stamp their name on silver bars. Today, "sterling silver"
is 92.5% pure.

Government likes to say they have inflation under control at 2% a year, but even at 2% inflation, the
dollar will be worth less than 80¢ in ten years. Under Jimmy Carter’s inflation, it would have been worth
less than 50¢ in 5 years. According to Albert Sindlinger, a world famous economist and columnist who
lives in Wallingford Pennsylvania, inflation is more like 12%. He says that in figuring inflation,
government doesn’t include the increases in local taxes, insurance, medical costs and a lot of other
services. Sindlinger says the government mostly measures products, and I question whether they do that
with even a smidgen of accuracy. According to the Wall Street Journal of February 2, 1992, the elderly
spend twice as much on health care as they did before Medicare: $1,589 per year in 1961, vs. $3,305 in
1991. These increases in costs are not counted as part of inflation.

In 1988, I bought two new Chevrolet Suburbans for 4-wheel drive "Jeep" tours in the Colorado Rockies.
They cost $16,510.16 each then, and in 1998, over $37,000, with virtually the same specifications. They
even looked virtually the same, had the same engine, transmission, and body style. Over 115 % inflation
in ten years? A box of Wheaties in the super market in July 1998 was priced at $3.56, and it was half
that in 1988. In my town, a home in a development named English Gardens sold in 1988 for less than
half of what that same home sells for in 2000, and in 1988 it sold for three times what it initially sold for
when new in 1972. An ad for a grocery store in 1988 had a 16 Oz. Woolite selling for $1.79, and that
same store today sells it for $4.79. Have homes doubled in dollar prices since 1988? Yes, and other
consumer goods such as lumber, building materials, and clothing have at least doubled since then. In
September 1996, butter abruptly jumped from $1.25 to $2.00 per pound, and in September of 1998, to
$3.39. On December 3, 1996, government bureaucrats and parsimonious "officials" decided that the
"CPI,"(consumer price index) was too high by a third. 'Why, we aren't having that much inflation, and
prices haven’t gone up that much,' they announced to eager reporters, who usually never question
anything. Whereas before we were supposed to have 3% inflation, now it will proudly only be 2%, (6 of 14)2/7/2012 8:13:03 AM

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which saves the feds from paying a trillion dollars in "COLAS" (cost of living adjustments) to the
citizens on Social Security, again defrauding them. Not only were they wrong by 400% before, but in
order to sanctify their questionable rectitude, they now make it 600%, and no one can do a thing about it.

Government "CPI" figures are supposed to be an indication of inflation, but they don't include "food or
energy." Ludicrous! Energy is basic to every facet of our lives as is food, but they aren't counted!

Assets stored in dollars, even with interest added, would have not broken even since 1988, and long
before. Government, which causes inflation by continually increasing the supply of those dollars, would
never admit to that figure. You judge, but few have had their wages double since 1988, and we all feel
this strange squeeze on our pocketbooks. Research some old newspapers in your local library’s
microfilm, and prove the above for yourself. In 1980, American workers had the highest salaries in the
world, and in 1996 we were 11th.

In 1965, an American worker making $5,000 a year was doing extremely well. I bought a brand new
Mercedes in 1962 from Bowman Motors at 7600 Georgia Ave. NW in Washington D.C., for $3,600.
The worker today, at $25,000 a year, is no more valuable, nor is the Mercedes more valuable. I was in
the theatre business for eleven years, operating six movie theatres. In 1963, my evening admission prices
were 75¢, and today, in most places, it is ten times that, and more in some places. Movies are the same,
only the "money" is worth less. I can think of no clearer explanation of inflation: Prices aren’t up, the
currency value is down. The reason it is down is because there is so much more of it. Again: The more
of anything there is, the less they will be worth, and that includes unbacked "money," and stocks, which
are continually issued by corporations.


Another interesting economic fact, which most find difficult to understand, are shortages. Actually, there
can be no shortages unless government controls the prices of the items. Think about this illustration: Is
there a shortage of Model A Fords? No. But if the government came in and said, 'Those Model A's only
sold for $350 in 1931, and it is outrageous for you to ask $10,000 for a $350 car. We are going to control
the prices of Model A's, and from now on, no one can sell a Model A for any more than its $350 original
cost.' Guess what? There would then be a shortage of Model A's, because no one would sell theirs. Want
more? Remember the gas shortages in the 1970's? Lines at the pumps, and no gas available. The reason
given was that those nasty Arabs had raised the price of crude oil to the sky, and little was available.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Those cliquish OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries) Arabs raised the price of oil from $1.80 to $40 a barrel, and wanted to sell it to one and all.
When OPEC raised their crude prices, the price of gas went up in proportion...naturally. There was
plenty, but it was expensive. Republican President Richard Nixon actually did what I said about the
Model A's, saying, 'These prices for crude are outrageous, and we are going to institute price controls so
the public won’t get screwed by the big oil companies and rotten Arabs.' Nixon did, and the supply went
to virtually zero. Why should an oil company sell gas for less than it cost them to produce or buy? They
simply stopped pumping and refining it, and America waited in line. controlling (7 of 14)2/7/2012 8:13:03 AM

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prices...created shortages.

223 years ago, General George Washington and his 12,000 valiant forces at Valley Forge were starving
and freezing, with rags tied around their worn out boots. Washington wrote, in a letter to Governor
George Clinton, dated February 16, 1778, "There has been little less than a famine in camp. A part of
the army has been a week without any kind of flesh, and the rest for three or four days. Naked and
starving as they are, we cannot enough admire the incomparable patience and fidelity of the soldiery,
that they have not been ere this excited by their sufferings, to a general mutiny or dispersion." They
wore tattered clothing, and even ammunition was in short supply. A few miles away in Philadelphia, no
one was hungry or cold. The British were warm and well supplied, because they had ships coming up
the Delaware River to re-supply them, plus whatever they could steal. The reason Washington and his
men were denied the supplies they needed, was because of a scarcity...created by government. The
infant government, then moved to York, Pa., had decided what they would pay for warm clothing, food,
and ammunition for the brave troops, and the predetermined rates for purchases were below the market
price. Why should a farmer or merchant sell something to government at a price less than it cost to
produce? Price controls almost cost us America. Not only were the prices too high, but the infant
government had printed so much paper money that it was becoming worthless pretty quickly anyway,
and finally became totally worthless, as all paper currencies in history have…eventually. Thankfully,
Washington and his men, greatly assisted by France, turned the tide with a brilliant maneuver when they
crossed the Delaware in June of 1778, and marched to Monmouth, New Jersey. Imagine how close it
was. (Washington's brilliant feat is re-enacted each year.) If you are ever near Philly, go to Valley Forge
and look at that field of pain, imagining how miserable Washington and his men were in the dead of that
winter of 1777-1778. With rags tied around worn out boots, ragged clothing and little food, 2500 died of
starvation and cold. Picture government, and the fools who thought they could save money by
controlling prices; thereby almost costing us our land. A new book just issued, titled "The Real George
Washington" is an absolutely must read for all thinking, patriotic Americans. Buy it! Read it!

As a child, my parents bought a new 1940 Plymouth for $660. Today, a new Plymouth will cost thirty
times that, and usually a lot more. While it may ride smoother, have more power, and an automatic
transmission; its body parts will be of thinner metal, and the workmanship will be poorer, while actual
weights will be about the same. Thirty times the price of 60 years ago, means the "money" is worth a
fraction of its former substance, and has not been a store of value, as it is supposed to be. I own a 1941
Plymouth half ton, flatbed pickup, which I restored in 1973. That truck cost Mountain States Telephone
& Telegraph Co. a bit over $400 when purchased new. The truck has no rubber moldings around its
doors to keep the air out, and never did have any. The doors fit so well, that even at highway speeds
rubber is not needed, as no air leaks in, nor can you hear rushing air. Today, a new pickup would cost a
minimum of forty times the price of my truck, or more, and it would be of no higher quality or heavier.
The value of our money has gone down that much. My parents bought a six-bedroom home in
Washington D.C. in 1936, at 1811 Kenyon St. NW for $3500. It was brick, had high ceilings, wonderful
craftsmanship, three bathrooms, two ornate fireplaces, a butler's pantry, full basement, garage, lovely
yard, and was in an excellent neighborhood of tree-lined streets and 100% single family dwellings. To
remark that a similar sized home of much lower quality in a similar neighborhood would cost forty times
that much, is far too low, indicating even more inflation. The dollar has not been a store of value, but (8 of 14)2/7/2012 8:13:03 AM

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homes and antique autos have. Inflation reached a government figured, shocking 13% during Jimmy
Carter's Presidency, meaning that your currency lost 13% of its value each year. The "prime rate" went
to 21% under Carter.

According to the U.S. Bureau of the Census, the following are the average prices paid for new cars in
the following years:

1970 - $3542
1971 - $3742
1972 - $3879
1973 - $4051
1974 - $4439
1975 - $4949
1976 - $5414
1977 - $5811
1978 - $6382
1979 - $6861
1980 - $7591
1981 - $8929
1982 - $9853
1983 - $10,527
1984 - $11,220, which was when this newspaper article was clipped.

Even by those government figured auto price statistics, we had 317% inflation during that 14-year
period, over 22% per year, not counting the various safety features which became compulsory, adding to
cost. In 1975, you could get a new Cadillac for 230 ounces of gold, and today, you can get two new
Cadillacs for 230 ounces of gold and still have $3600 left. According to the August 30, 1997 Denver
Post, the average price of cars in 1996 was $21,750. Have values gone up? Of course not, the "money"
value has gone down. The buck mounted a toboggan slide when FDR took office, and the grade
stiffened with the final removal of all backing. Where is the bottom of the hill? Ask an elderly German.

Two ounces of gold bought a fine man's suit a hundred years ago, and still will. The comparisons can
continue almost endlessly. Gold and silver have value because they are scarce, require effort and capital
to produce, are beautiful, virtually indestructible, universally recognized for value, compact, easily held
and transported, and have been real money and a store of value for five thousand years. Gold and silver
are actual money, whereas dollar bills are "legal tender," and have no actual value of any kind. Legal
Tender laws mean you are forced to trade with dollars, not because of their value, but because
government says you will use them. Throughout the entire world, not one single currency is backed by
gold, or anything else. All are worthless. What would happen if the world got wise and realized that all
this paper and bookkeeping entries were basically worthless, and backed by nothing? What would
happen is that Gresham's Law would take effect in a massive way. Sir Thomas Gresham was the founder
of the Royal Exchange in London in 1566, and his law states quite simply that, "Bad money drives out
good." If, or rather when this happens, it will be a worldwide revolutionary occurrence, with all paper (9 of 14)2/7/2012 8:13:03 AM

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money being burned like piles of trash, which happened in Germany in 1924.

Eliminating the dollar's backing, and use of gold and silver in coinage was done for purely political
reasons. It was done so government could spend more, and not be held accountable by the citizenry, a
first rate 'smoke and mirrors' job. After all, they kept the appearance of the coins and bills the same, so
the average guy on the street is totally unaware of the process of theft by government...known as
inflation. When politicians allowed this to happen, one hopes they were not consciously stealing, but
surely must have decided that giving government more power and ability to spend, would allow it to
'help' everyone a little bit more. Politicians and bureaucrats reasoned that more 'programs' and 'benefits'
would raise everyone's living standards, and make everyone happier. They assumed no one would notice
the difference if gold and silver were removed from coins, and backing from dollars, because
government could pass out more 'benefits.' The consequences of that are hideous. Savings are at an all
time low, prices go up continually in dollars, and the financial insecurity we all feel is irrefutable.
Various paper currencies are traded around the world every day...none of them having any value of any
kind. Smart people keep their surplus assets out of currencies. They buy precious metals, antiques,
property, or tangible things of just about any kind, to keep out of paper currencies. That 1941 $400
Plymouth truck is now worth $18,000 in current dollars, and it is not for sale. Can you blame me? The
truck will continue to "go up" in dollars, whereas if I took the eighteen grand, what would I use for a
truck? Pieces paper with ink on them have no tangible value, whereas sterling silver flatware, gold coins,
a home, guns, antiques, art, old vehicles, or even a stack of fireplace wood, are all tangible items with
real value that will "go up" in dollar price, as the dollar "goes down." A friend of mine owns a 1936
Packard twelve-cylinder car that hasn't been driven since 1951. It sits in his garage...on blocks…going
up in dollar value every year. He's 84, and realizes that the car is far better than having dollars in a bank.
He paid $500 for it, and has been offered $25,000, but he'll wait, thank you!

Economics is the essence of rationalism and logic. It isn't difficult to comprehend what has, and
continues to happen to our money. Money is purely a function of faith. Maybe that's why banks used to
look like fortresses or great huge temples; to give their customers faith. And speaking of banks, notice
the haughty advertising they utilize, telling would be depositors of their "strength" and "assets." More
balderdash. Look at one of their financial statements, and you will see that deposited money is loaned
out almost immediately, and that other than owning their building and a few dollars to handle daily
transactions, their "assets" and "strength" is an illusion.

The English word "credit" comes from the Latin credere, meaning, "to believe." Unbacked paper money
is an act of faith, spurred on by laws requiring us to use it. The expression "Full faith and credit of the U.
S. Government" invented by the bureaucrats, is an absurdity. Faith in silver or gold? Of course, but faith
in government or its fiat money? Not me.

We must use paper dollars to buy things, and most of us have a checking account in which to store those
dollars for use upon demand. The banks proudly display richly imprimatured signs, indicating that the
FDIC, or Federal Deposit Insurance Corp insures your deposits up to $100,000. Sounds really
impressive, doesn’t it? If we ever had another run on the banks, as happened during the great depression,
our dollars would be safe, correct? Would you place your insurance with a company that had perhaps (10 of 14)2/7/2012 8:13:03 AM

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1% of your policy’s value in assets? Probably not, because America's insurance companies, it is said,
control or insure 82% of U.S. assets, making them very wealthy, and certainly able to pay listed
beneficiaries for claims against their insured items. Those previously mentioned insurance companies do
not include the FDIC however, because that institution has about a penny on deposit for every hundred
dollars worth of 'insurance' your bank says they have. In 1985, the FDIC had $1.20 for every $100 of
'insurance,' and it decreased, until by 1991, it had but 18¢, and by now, I am certain it isn't more than a
penny, or perhaps a nickel for every $100 worth of 'insurance,' supposedly protecting your deposits. If
worse ever comes to worse, and it certainly will, the presses are probably well oiled and full of paper to
print the government's way out of its difficulties, probably with a new currency, a-la-Germany in 1923.
When the presses roll, as they currently are, with ever-increasing output, the dollars will become
worthless very quickly, and prices in dollars will go to the sky. The FDIC will have performed, but the
results will be as happened in Germany. Here is a quote from Walter Levy, an internationally known oil
consultant who was born in Germany. "My father was a lawyer, and he had taken out an insurance
policy in 1903, and every month he had made the payments faithfully. It was a twenty year policy, and
when it came due, he cashed it in and bought a single loaf of bread." In 1999 the fed printed $200
billion "extra" paper dollars for the Y2K eventuality. There is also a new one-dollar coin that is gold
colored, but I guarantee you has no tangible value, and it tarnishes easily.

Do not buy those 'whole life,' and other insurance policies that supposedly have savings built into them.
The above could easily happen to you. The best insurance to buy, if you think you need it, is "term"
insurance, because any other type fails to take into account the inevitable inflation that will get worse
and worse, regardless of how government attempts to hide it with fake figures.


The world is awash in paper, not gold and silver.

"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value…zero." - Voltaire

In order for money to be what it was intended to be, namely a store of value, it must first have some
value. Neither the dollar nor any other currency in the world has actual value. The Swiss supposedly
have enough gold in their vaults to back up every single Swiss Franc, but the Swiss Franc is not
officially tied to, nor backed by that gold, and the Swiss have been selling a lot of their gold recently.
The Swiss Franc is in the same boat as the rest of the world's currencies, which are merely pieces of
paper with ink on them that are used in exchange, because of the various "legal tender" laws on
everyone’s books. Such laws do not give value or confidence, other than from sheer habit. When
governments print money with no backing, other than the force of legal tender laws, there is no value.
When governments increase currency supplies by various convoluted methods, as is done in America, or
simply print the money outright to pay their bills, the result is the same: no actual value. In Russia, the
ruble has become rubble, and in Mexico a few years, ago the peso lost 90% of its value, because it was
printed without limit. In America, our dollar has but a small fraction of its value of a hundred years ago.
The dollar has lost its value because of various clever legal devices such as the privately owned Federal (11 of 14)2/7/2012 8:13:03 AM

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Reserve System, 'fractional reserve' banking, and allowing virtually unlimited increases in the money

The privately owned Federal Reserve Bank hires the U.S. Treasury to print up some 'money. ' The
Federal Reserve actually pays the Treasury for the cost of the printing only. They do NOT pay $1 for
each $1 printed. The Federal Reserve then turns around and loans out that 'money, at face value,' to
banks that have exhausted their deposits. Banks are then loaning Federal Reserve 'money' to you, and
you must repay full dollar value plus interest, even though the Federal Reserve has created that 'money'
out of thin air…except for the cost of printing it!

In order for money to be restored to value and be a store of wealth, America must return to the so called
'gold standard,' meaning backing its currency with real gold, and making coins out of silver and gold
once again. Banks must not be allowed to loan money they do not isn’t that a radical
thought? An audit must be done at Ft. Knox, to see what really is there...if anything. The sign of a
healthy nation is valuable money, not "legal tender," even if it is close to being the world’s best such
fraud. The dollar's pseudo value exists because it is the world's commodity trading vehicle, not because
it has any real value. Critics say that silver and gold will leave the country if the paper is backed, but that
is not necessarily so. Currently, U.S. silver coins and U.S. gold coins are incredibly valuable in paper
dollars, so where is the threat? If we have money that is actually backed by something valuable, how can
it harm us? How can it harm anyone to have something valuable?

It is obvious that legal tender, commonly called "money," (dollars) are decreasing in value in direct
proportion to the increase in their supply, which has no limit. If a national crisis comes along, such as a
war, massive demands on dollars by foreign nations cashing in their bonds, or even Medicare, Medicaid,
and Social Security getting hit hard, as they will, the dollar supply will quickly zoom to the heavens,
making a candy bar cost $10 or $20, or ? No paper money in history has ever retained its value. For
those of you who have a surplus of dollars, do not store them in dollar denominated items such as
savings accounts, certificates of deposit, treasury notes, or bonds of any kind. The reason is really quite will be a loser. Better to buy some antiques, old cars, guns, original art, rare books, or
whatever will make you happy. After you have satisfied yourself with interesting things, buy gold and
silver, the reason being that unlike antiques or other nice things, gold and silver are easily stored, require
no maintenance, and are easily converted back to the dollars you must use to buy things. You will have
'hedged' or protected yourself and your assets. As dollars lose value, tangible things go up in dollar
prices, and when you need dollars to buy something, you sell your 'hedges.' Gold and silver are easily
converted into dollars, whereas an antique dresser or a Model A Ford might not sell instantly.

Life is a journey we all must trod. It can be difficult at times, and to negotiate it successfully, a great
deal of thought is required. Financial thought is one of the most important, and one that most fail at
miserably, because few ever realize that the paper currencies of the world are basically worthless, and
assets stored in them will surely fail. If you were starting out on a trip where water was scarce, would
you carry your supply in a leaky container? Of course not! But storing your surplus assets in dollars is
just as silly as storing water in a bucket with a hole in it! Some say that 'gold doesn't pay interest, and it
is silly to store savings in gold.' It is purchasing power that is important, not the number of dollars you (12 of 14)2/7/2012 8:13:03 AM

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have. Gold and silver have never lost purchasing power, whereas the dollar has lost 90% of its
purchasing power since 1950! That's why I am in business…I am a precious metals broker…to supply
you with gold and silver…and have been in business since 1977. The price of gold fluctuates because of
manipulation by the IMF, and the various bullion bankers, but the "buck"' doesn’t do anything but go
down. If gold's prices were averaged on a moving average line, it would seem to go up at the same rate
as the dollar has gone down.

Keeping that mortgage is an option, as you are paying a fixed amount per month in ever decreasing
valued dollars, a hedge in itself. As your home's price "goes up" in dollars, the payments in dollars
remain the same. No wonder mortgages are usually transferable. The one problem might be that if and
when it 'hits the fan,' you might not have a source of dollars if your job is lost. With no income to pay
that mortgage, you may find yourself in dire straits. My home is free and clear.

When you buy precious metals, be sure you get the most gold or silver for the least amount of dollars,
which means do not buy rare coins. Values of rare coins are a matter of opinion, and they sell for many
times their content in gold or silver. The most economical way to purchase silver and gold is in one-
ounce coin form, commonly called "bullion coins." As this is being written, I prefer the American silver
and gold "Eagles," Canadian Maple Leafs, or South African Krugerrands. As an aside, the name
"Krugerrand" was named for Paul Kruger, an early South African hero, who till his death thought the
world was flat. The 'rand' is like 'dollar' in South Africa. You should buy your metals through a broker,
just like you buy stocks or real estate, the reason being the broker makes no profit or markup on the
item; only his commission. Retail stores often mark up their merchandise 30% or even 50%, whereas a
broker usually charges but 3% or less for precious metals. The transaction doesn’t require you to give
your Social Security number either...get it? Never allow anyone to 'store' your metals for you, because it
is an excellent bet they haven’t stored anything, but are using your capital. You want to physically hold
and store the metals in your own home, not a safe deposit box. If you die, that safe deposit box is sealed
for probate. Let your kids have the gold and silver without paying inheritance taxes on it.

Silver requires more storage space, and tarnishes, but its price in 2000 has been at, or below its cost of
production, whereas the price of gold has been more than its cost of mining, refining, and distributing.
There is an old rule among metals brokers, (call me, toll free, 1-888-786-8822 Web site -coloradogold.
com), that the ratio determines which metal to buy. If the ratio between gold and silver is over 40 to 1,
buy silver, and below, buy gold. This ratio is based on the cost of production. Suppose gold is $295 and
silver $5.30: the ratio is 56 to 1, a time to buy silver. Don't worry about gold or silver ceasing to have
value, because they won’t. I own an AD 79 Roman Denarius, which is made of silver. Both gold and
silver have been actual money for thousands of years, as opposed to pieces of paper with ink on them,
which in 100% of the times in history became useful only to start fires or take to the bathroom.

Above my desk is a wonderful full color cartoon from the comic strip, "The Wizard of Id." The king is
on the balcony talking to his serfs below, and saying, "Remember the GOLDEN RULE! Whoever has the
gold, makes the rules." (13 of 14)2/7/2012 8:13:03 AM

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CONTENTS (14 of 14)2/7/2012 8:13:03 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 6. CIVIL RIGHTS & AFFIRMATIVE ACTION


"Accept a favor, and you sell your liberty." - Publius Syrus - 50 BC

America has always been at the forefront of equal rights. It is built into our Constitution and Declaration
of Independence. Equal rights were one of the main reasons for our Revolution. America stopped all
importation of African Negroes in 1808. The War Between the States was fought over the right of a state
to secede. Some wanted to keep slavery, and others didn't. The whole matter would have solved itself
without that hideous war when the Industrial Revolution came along a couple of decades later, and farm
work became mechanized. The advent of the steam tractor and subsequent machines, made growing
crops ever so much easier, and eventually eliminated the need for slaves, if there really ever was one.

A Constitutional Amendment, the thirteenth, prohibiting slavery was added after the war, on December
6, 1865, and equal rights were on the road to totality. Massive immigration of foreigners, and the
inculcation of their ways into American ones, with wonderful remnants of their previous lands were
welcomed. The Germans brewed beer in America, like they did in their homeland, and other
nationalities brought their customs and skills with them. Before racial turmoil was fostered by "civil
rights" actions, whites loved to go to Harlem and other Negro areas for jazz, dancing, and other
amusements. The Cotton Club and other Negro nightspots were overwhelmed with white patronage.
While races usually grouped together in neighborhoods and enclaves, no one objected, and it became
pleasurable to dine and shop in the various Chinatowns, Germantowns, Little Italys, and others that
reeked of charm, atmosphere, and authenticity. Long before the hated "civil rights" actions and
legislation occurred, the races were legally equalized, slaves freed, and I remember no racial slurs or
hatred before these laws and actions. There is a great difference between equal treatment under the law,
and unequal treatment, which has come to be called "Affirmative Action." America promises equal
opportunity and treatment, not guaranteed success or happiness.

The term "Affirmative Action," means literally, "forced favoritism or choice," a total non sequitur. It is a
ridiculous phrase, meaning forced action, forced hiring, forced admission to schools, the armed services,
trades, unions, professions, and jobs. It means governmental force or attempted control of virtually the
entire range of human action, in what is supposed to be a free land. As if the IRS weren’t confiscating,
redistributing, and equalizing enough, our Washington parvenu socialists concocted "Affirmative
Action," deliberately twisting the English language to suit themselves, an action that may not have had
evil intent, but whose consequences are a disaster.

Affirmative Action is punishing some who have done nothing wrong, and rewarding others who didn’t
suffer any wrong. Affirmative Action is intended to "equalize," but there is absolutely no such thing as
equality in anything. There are no two cars, snowflakes, houses, people, or mountains that are equal.
Equality is a virtually fictitious word, except possibly in mathematics. Two pieces of lumber cut to the
same size, are different in weight, number of imperfections, grain, and strength. It is impossible to create
equality, much less to legislate it. The Founders never intended for there to be equality in America, and (1 of 4)2/7/2012 8:13:05 AM

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no where in our Constitution is it mentioned or even hinted. The states and citizens were to compete
with each other, not be equalized.

The civil rights and Affirmative Action laws, rules, executive orders, et al, have radically changed the
mental state of America's poor. Rather than the ages old natural attitude of "self betterment," it has been
changed to "government dependence," not at all what Mother Nature intended, which provides for the
survival of a species. On the other side, it has punished the successful and strong, another whack at

The U.S. Forest Service has run help wanted ads saying, "Only applicants who do not meet standards
will be considered.." The Pentagon served notice that, "Special permission will be required for the
promotion of all white men without disabilities."

Affirmative Action has resulted in hiring females as soldiers, pilots, fire fighters, police, and many
absurd occupations for women, as well as refusal of those jobs to qualified males, who could perform
them much better. It has registered unfit students to colleges, given degrees that are unearned, and
caused untold damage to their victims. Want to fly with a pilot who was given the job because of
Affirmative Action? Want to be operated on by a surgeon who obtained a degree having received poor
grades and being "passed on," because of race or gender? Affirmative Action is a process which grants
low achievers undeserved success, and creates male-female- black-white-Hispanic-tall-short-fat-crippled-
etc. 'equality' in the workplace. The consequences of Affirmative Action, are that it has proven an insult
to those it was designed to help. It has placed females into certain workplaces they ought not to not be,
jeopardizing their fellow workers in many instances. It is governmental attempts to control human
energy and force of law, but that is impossible. Thinking people are inwardly revolted and
repulsed by it. In 1996, California passed Prop. 209, which eliminates Affirmative Action in state
schools and government. It was upheld by the Supreme Court on November 3, 1997.

The armed forces are occupations for males only, except in secretarial or non-combat positions. In WW
II, women were used to deliver fighter aircraft, but never flew in air combat, which requires far more
strength than they possess. Today, female pilots have been proven to have lower combat fighting and
flying abilities than males. The simple process of urination in a combat zone, easily proves why females
should not be there, even if muscles and daring-do were equal. Allowing females into the military has
resulted in pregnant 'soldiers' and 'sailors' by the hundreds, necessitating having obstetricians on board
aircraft carriers. The carrier Enterprise has had so many pregnancies, that it has the nickname of "The
Love Boat." Thousands of accusations have been leveled against drill sergeants and officers who have
raped and sexually molested female 'soldiers' during basic training. These atrocities were never thought
of before women were admitted into the armed services. As of 1999, there were over 200,000 women in
the military. 61% of them say their male superiors have at one time or other harassed them. Female fire
fighters and police lack the strength and raw nerve that males genetically posses in greater amounts.
Professionals, such as surgeons, pilots, engineers, and architects should be graduated, and diplomas
bestowed, as a result of achievement, not race or gender. When positions of great responsibility are
conferred, and admissions granted to a profession for any reason other than ability or achievement,
deaths can result, not to mention distrust. When inept people are admitted into a profession to fulfill a (2 of 4)2/7/2012 8:13:05 AM

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quota, or for 'humanitarian' reasons, I don’t want that lawyer to represent me, or that surgeon to operate
on me.

Affirmative Action has spawned mistrust, and its consequences have been to insult its beneficiaries. If
the recipients weren't of lower ability, strength, or capacity, a law wouldn’t be necessary to advance
them. For a hundred years, members of all races have successfully competed with other races, and
achieved recognition. Females have certain abilities that have been proven by research over and over
again, and males likewise. Why, in a feckless attempt to equalize the sexes, have females been allowed
to do men's jobs? They aren’t equal. If they were, there would be women as well as men on major sports
and Olympic teams. A female's physical capabilities are far different than a male's. Women are designed
differently than men, and not just sexually. Their bodies are not as muscular, bone structures, and some
say reflexes are different. The consequences of having female police, fire fighters, and soldiers are that
the efficiency and protective abilities of those occupations have been diminished.

I actually consider the female to be the superior sex. Which gender, by a great majority, inhabits the
jails, commits the robberies, are violent and gang members? Which sex drives like crazy, and perpetrates
most crimes and rapes? Which has the highest auto insurance rates? Males are superior as to strength,
nerve, and athletic abilities, but the female has it all over them when it comes to giving love,
withstanding pain, and being faithful. There are exceptions of course, but it would be a difficult
argument to win, espousing that the male is the superior sex. This does not mean women should do
men's jobs.

Several books have been written, especially "The Bell Curve," "The End Of Racism," and "Paved With
Good Intentions," plus dozens of unbiased studies completed, which seem to prove that the Negro has
lower mental capacity than whites, and Asians higher than whites. Even though it places me in the
middle, not at the top, it could be true. Which are the ones crowding out whites at colleges and
universities? Blacks? No, it is the Japanese, Chinese and Koreans. Which race has been the object of
Affirmative Action? The Asians? Never. Affirmative Action, and the annual 'civil rights' bill, which
invariably works its way through Congress to give blacks even more 'rights,' is a gross insult to them,
making the rest of us suspicious and angry.

It is not sexist or racist to insist that the most qualified and best educated are admitted to any profession,
and especially when it is a profession where human lives are involved. When grades, degrees, and
diplomas are given to those who haven't legitimately earned them, it breeds mistrust, and insults those it
was intended to help.

The term now in vogue, which is almost the same thing as "Affirmative Action," is "affordable
housing." When pressure groups demand "affordable housing," it is the same as demanding "Affirmative
Action," because it is merely a veiled demand to integrate, and fill fine neighborhoods with cheap
apartments, homes, and public housing. Notice, one never hears of "affordable automobiles," "affordable
television," or any other consumer product to be "affordable." The D.C. do-gooders and their ilk are
determined to ruin every neighborhood and trade, by forcing the rest of us to assimilate our inferiors into (3 of 4)2/7/2012 8:13:05 AM

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our lives and the eventual detriment of everyone. Next time "affordable housing" comes
up as a subject to be discussed, be on guard!


Recent exhaustive surveys and polls indicate that all the laws and Affirmative Action attempts have
failed to eliminate racial prejudice and desires to associate with, hire, marry, cohabit with, or in any way
mingle socially or in business with any but one's own skin color, social class, educational achievement
group, area of origin, race, and those with mutual interests, hobbies, and desires. Laws cannot change
minds, and neither can the UN, which so dictated in 1992. Affirmative Action is so absurd that a
solution is really quite easy!

Abolish it. Affirmative Action is unconstitutional, illogical, and unfair. America has always prided itself
on freedom, competition, and fairness. Affirmative Action is none of the above, but rather injustice
masquerading under the name of justice. California's abolishing of it in government hiring and public
education admissions, is merely the beginning of an irresistible tide. Eventually, the supposed
beneficiaries of Affirmative Action will realize it is a gross insult to them, and that should finish it all

Sexual Affirmative Action must pass too. It simply eludes rational comprehension, that any one would
ever be overjoyed at seeing a female cop, fire fighter, combat soldier, or working in any other
occupation requiring male strengths, skills and fearlessness. If your house were on fire, would you feel
comfortable seeing a fire truck full of female firefighters arrive, and begin trying to pull heavy hose? In
the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, American women and girls won many gold medals as did men, a total of 44
in all, a new record. But not one single medal was won by a sexually mixed team, because there were
none. The same was true in the 2000 Olympics in Australia. Not a single athletic team had heard of
Affirmative Action perhaps. The reason is because in basketball, swimming, rowing, baseball, wrestling,
or any other sport; everyone knows the female is weaker. So why do we have female fire fighters,
police, combat soldiers, and utility linemen? Affirmative Action is a total absurdity.


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"The instincts and faculties of different men and races differ in a variety of ways almost as profoundly as
those of animals in different cages of the zoological gardens." - Inquires into Human Faculty - Francis
Galton, 1883

"No greater injury can be done to any youth than to let him feel that because he belongs to this or that
race he will be advanced regardless of his own merit or efforts." - Booker T. Washington

When the first slaves were imported into America over three hundred years ago, the reasons seemed
sound, even though they weren't. They were sold to both the North and South. New York as well as
Atlanta had slaves. General Ulysses Grant had slaves. There were no such things as tractors, or any but
the most rudimentary farm machinery. Our forefathers were suffering from what they considered to be
an acute labor shortage. Slave trade and slavery were common in the world, and had existed for
thousands of years in other lands. Slaves were from all races, not just Negroes. Slavery was common as
far back as Biblical times. American slave owners treated their slaves well, and the occasional brute was
atypical. Slaves were considered personal property that had been bought and paid for, as the Dred Scott
decision by the Supreme Court indicated. It was, and still is, senseless for someone to treat their personal
property in an unkind way when they depend it for a living. The average slave had a far better life in
America, even as a slave, than he did in his former Africa. It was wrong for America to have ever had
slaves, but we were the first nation to outlaw it. The consequence of African slave importation has been
conflict between the black and white races ever since, and especially since forced integration became the
law of the land. In Africa today, wealthy blacks still own slaves of their own race.

Between 1440 and 1870 it is reliably reported that over 11 million black Africans were exported by their
own people. Slave exportation was the primary African export for hundreds of years, and had nothing to
do with whites. Only 5% of exported black Africans ended up in America, a paltry 500,000. Four
million went to Brazil, two million to British West Indies, and over one and a half million to French
West Indies. Two million died on ships, and when slave exportation declined, African economies
declined as well. It is a popular myth to blame whites on Africa's major export, which was their own
people for slaves around the world. Whites may have transported them and sold them at foreign ports,
but it was their own people who rounded them up and sold them.

Even though the importation of Negroes from Africa was a dastardly deed, Negroes have excelled, and
been a credit to their race from the very beginning. Phillis Wheatley, born in 1753, and imported from
Senegal as a servant, was named by her masters, who taught her to read and write. She wrote
magnificent poetry that was greatly admired by George Washington. Richard Allen, born as a slave in
Philadelphia in 1760, was one of America's great ministers who founded the African Methodist
Episcopal Church, (AME) which today has millions of members. Allen's Lane, in a ritzy section of
Philadelphia is named for Allen. Ira Aldridge, born in 1807, became one of the world’s greatest actors,
specializing in Shakespeare. Frederick Douglass, born a slave in 1817, dedicated his life to the abolition (1 of 10)2/7/2012 8:13:06 AM

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of slavery, became one of the leaders of the Republican Party, was made a United States Marshal, and
was a superb debater and public speaker. Harriet Tubman, was born a slave in 1823, and like Frederick
Douglass, devoted her life to the cause of freedom for her people. Tubman became a nurse for the
Union, in the War Between the States, serving with extreme bravery in many locations. In cooperation
with the Quakers, she helped thousands of slaves to freedom in Canada via the 'underground railway.'
Daniel Williams, born in 1858, studied and became a surgeon in Washington D.C., performed the
world's first open heart surgery, was appointed head of Freedmans hospital, made a fellow of the
American College of Surgeons, and is considered to be one of America’s greatest physicians. Henry
Tanner, born in 1859, attended the Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts, and became a famous painter
whose works hang in major museums around the world. Robert Abbott, born in 1870, studied
journalism, started his own newspaper, the Chicago Defender, which achieved a huge circulation.
Abbott later included seven other papers in his chain, and achieved so many high offices, and had so
many honors bestowed upon him, that they are too numerous to mention. Paul Dunbar, born in 1872,
became a world famous poet, novelist, and even songwriter who was widely published, and had many
schools and buildings named after him. W.C. Handy, born in 1873, became world famous as "The
Father of the Blues," writing such blues numbers as "St. Louis Blues," "Memphis Blues," and host of
others. Handy toured the world, played in all major theatres, and has many parks, schools and buildings
named after him. Charles Spaulding, born in 1874, became chef executive of one of the world’s largest
insurance companies. A. Philip Randolph, born in 1889, founded the Sleeping Car Porter's Union, spent
his life working in labor activities, and became a national leader of Negro causes. Elijah McCoy
invented a steam engine lubricator that was so efficient, that when a different brand was found on a
locomotive, the engineer demanded a "Real McCoy," which is where the phrase originated. Ralph
Bunche, born in 1904, got his Ph.D. from Harvard, became a full professor at Howard, and after WW II,
helped write the charter of the United Nations. Bert Williams was the first black man in the Zeigfield
Follies, and became world famous. In 1937, the first black federal judge was appointed. In 1940, black
author Richard Wright's "Native Son" was a Book-of-the-Month selection. During WW II, four
Merchant Marine ships had black captains who commanded white crewmen, and several ships were
named after a black seaman who died heroically in the service. In 1945, a black officer was placed in
command of a U.S. military base. In 1950, Gwendolyn Brooks won the Pulitzer Prize for poetry. In
1985, out of 1250 applicants, black Darryl Hayden of Indianapolis, received the highest test score for
fire chief. The chain of Negro achievement is an unbroken one, going down through the ages to today.
Others, such as George Washington Carver, Booker T. Washington, Marion Anderson, and Jackie
Robinson will be mentioned later, in the "solutions" section of this chapter.

All of the above famous Negroes came from whole families, were taught to work, study, and achieve.
All became successful and widely recognized many decades before there were "civil rights" laws, and
forced integration.

Our fourth President, John Quincy Adams, after completing his single term as President, returned to
government in the House of Representatives for seventeen years. During his eight terms in the House, he
was a strong willed abolitionist, a movement that continued until the beginning of the War Between the
States. That war didn't solve any racial problems, but decided whether a state could secede or not, which
was what that war was about...not slavery. (2 of 10)2/7/2012 8:13:06 AM

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During that war, soldiers on both sides easily mixed with each other during cease-fire periods, proving it
was not a "civil" war. After the cease-fire, they resumed firing at each other, representing their various
states. It was indeed a "War Between the States."

I was born, raised, and educated in Washington D.C., and when growing up, public schools were legally
segregated. Whites generally didn’t shop, go to a theatre or hotel on "U" St., N.W., and blacks usually
didn’t do so on "F" St., N.W., although both areas were open to all races. All races easily mixed in
public parks, transportation, and other places. "U" St. was a wonderful shopping and entertainment
street, customarily patronized by blacks. Large hotels, several large theatres, clubs, cabarets, and shops
by the dozen did very well. Many famous black personalities were the featured entertainers in "U" St.
theatres; among them Nat King Cole, Pearl Bailey, Billie Holiday, and Duke Ellington. Cherner Motor
Co. was located on "U" St., and my parents bought a new 1949 Ford from "Uncle Joe Cherner," as his
advertising called him in the late 1940's and 50's. "U" St. began its decline in the sixties, when the first
civil rights laws were passed, and the Supreme Court decided everything must be integrated. Blacks
patronized other places, abandoning their former glamorous "U" St. Until recently, "U" St. has been a
total disaster, with boarded up shops, burned buildings, and heavy graffiti. Just completed, is a total
restoration of the Lincoln Theatre, located between 12th & 13th, on "U" St. The Street may have an
excellent future.

I cannot remember crime being a major issue during my childhood days in D.C., even on "U" St., and
am certain it was not a major problem anywhere in America in the 30's, 40's, and even 50's. My Dad was
a corner druggist for 36 years in D.C.'s Mt. Pleasant section, had colored employees, paid them well, and
treated them equally with his white employees. I was never taught racism, hatred, or prejudice along
racial lines. In the late 1940's, my parents bought a retirement farm in southern Maryland, 45 miles from
D.C., near a town called Prince Frederick. Adjacent farms were owned by both whites and blacks, and I
worked in the fields and played with both races when we went there on weekends and in summers.
Nothing was further from my thoughts than race hatred. The consequences of the 1960's civil rights
legislation hadn’t yet torn America apart. The races were at relative peace with one another.

The term "black" is an abomination, because in the English lexicon, "black" is thought of as bad, and
"white" the opposite. I was taught to call Negroes "colored", and it did them no disservice. Now it is
"African-Americans," a term inferring that blacks came from Africa in the immediate past. The last
slaves were imported from Africa in 1808! 99% of American blacks today are descended from those
imported before 1808, and due to racial intermixing, they are a beautiful brown rather than the jet black
of a true African Negro. Today's blacks are no more "African-Americans," than I am a "Dutch-
American." We all are Americans. In this book, I will call Negroes "blacks," even though I disagree with
the label. The consequences of the names "black," and "African American," brand them as either foreign
or bad. The oldest and most influential organization in America dealing with racial matters is the
NAACP, or National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, not for the advancement of
"blacks" or "African Americans," (NAAB, or NAAAM).

Look at the news or TV magazine programs. Read the papers, and look at the pictures. Statistics say (3 of 10)2/7/2012 8:13:06 AM

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50% of the crime in America is committed by just 2% of the population...which are black males between
the ages of 15 and 35. On ABC’s "20-20" on April 8 1994, a piece on mail theft by postal employees
was detailed and illustrated with film shot from concealed cameras. In 100% of the cases shown, the
perpetrators were black. On Connie Chung’s "Eye To Eye" of April 21 1994, the feature story was about
child molestation of all types, including rape, murder, brutal beatings, burnings, and a hideous
assortment of the most unspeakable crimes against innocent children. Blacks perpetrated 100% of the
cases shown. The following evening, April 22 1994, on "20-20," Barbara Walters got an exclusive
interview with Black Muslim head, Louis Farrakhan. During the interview, Walters almost lost her cool
when replies to her questions indicated that Black Muslims blame almost everyone, (Jews, whites,
government at all levels, Asians, etc.) except themselves, for their low social level, high crime and drug
use, single parent families, and abnormally high rates of alcoholism. The hatred that poured from
Farrakhan's mouth was tempered very nicely, as opposed to his public rantings and ravings. He blamed
everyone for the black's plight...but themselves.

On June 21 1996, also on ABC's "20-20," a story dealt with an Atlantic City New Jersey policeman
dressing up in civilian clothes, pretending to be a helpless drunk, walking the streets of that city in a
rather unsteady condition. The brave officer is backed up with video cameras, tape recorders, and plenty
of manpower to capture the assailants. He has plenty of scars to show for his bravado. The Atlantic City
police have a 100% conviction rate using a decoy. All muggers shown were black, in a city with a 50-50-
population ratio. Various black civil rights organizations shrieked that the police were indulging in
abject racism and entrapment, because the criminals are black. It is obvious that if whites were doing the
mugging, they would also be caught. The purpose of the Atlantic City Police Department's actions are to
catch muggers and make the streets of that eastern gambling capital of America safe, not be racist. The
fact that they capture blacks, is because blacks are committing the crime, and are the results, not the

As of October 1995, one out of three black males between the ages of 20 and 29 were either in prison,
on probation, or under some type of parole or correctional action. A survey commissioned by Democrat
ex-mayor of New York Ed Koch, showed that in 1991, in Baltimore Maryland, "56% of young black
males aged 18-35 were in jail or prison, on probation or parole, awaiting trial or sentencing, or being
sought on arrest warrants." In December 1996, a rape-sexual molestation scandal broke out at the
Aberdeen Maryland army base, and over 4,000 calls resulted, complaining about similar treatment
administered by drill sergeants and officers at other bases. The Aberdeen perpetrators all appeared to be
black males. Is it any wonder that Americans of all races become suspicious when confronted by young
black males?

Blacks have excelled in all fields, not just athletics. As mentioned already, black surgeons,
academicians, scientists, writers, and entrepreneurs have justly earned their place of fame in history
books. Today, increasing numbers of blacks excel, and are a credit to their race. Black achievers almost
always come from stable two parent families who teach hard work, study, and goal setting. It is no
accident that Asian children in America are often superior achievers to native whites. Their parents
taught them to set goals, work hard, study, learn the language correctly, and achieve. The consequence
of stable two parent families raising their children to study, work, and be responsible; regardless of race... (4 of 10)2/7/2012 8:13:06 AM

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is success. According to 1996 census figures, 80% of black children lived in single family, female
dominated households. They are usually on welfare, surrounded by non-achievers, and will surely grow
up to be a drag on society. Statistics are against them, because they have poor role models to emulate.

The consequences of generous attempts to help blacks are that they have been harmed, rather than
helped. The white man’s 'help' has mostly been to open the money faucets of the federal government to
give aid to blacks that are poor. Additional 'help' has been to furnish public housing, aid to dependent
children, health care, and other aids. This generosity...using taxes collected from others...has had a
negative effect on the recipients. I am old enough to have witnessed it first hand. When a segment of the
population is deemed to need 'help,' it is an indication of inferiority. When a train can't make it up a hill,
and a 'helper' engine is called out to give it a boost, it is obvious that the train's locomotive is not capable
of pulling the hill by itself. When a student receives help from a tutor, it is indicative of that student's
being deficient in a subject, and help is called for to allow him to pass. The very word 'help' is indicative
of someone or something in a bad situation, and without power or ability. When you call the police or
fire department for 'help,' it means you are incapable of helping yourself. There is nothing wrong with
that! This paragraph on the word 'help' is basic and obvious to a logical person, but it has escaped the
notice of the various well meaning, munificent politicians and bureaucrats, whose 'help' has resulted in
not permanently helping anyone, but defaming them, labeling them as weak, powerless, or inept, and
even making them so. In addition to not helping, it has caused race hatred and virtual bankruptcy for
America. Before the 'help', the statistics are amazing. In 1940, 87% of blacks lived below the poverty
line, and by 1960, before the 'help,' that figure had been reduced to 47% and was still going down.
Blacks were helping themselves, in other words, and doing a fine job of it.

'Help,' 'aid,' or 'assistance,' when applied to a group of people or a race, rather than an individual who
may need it, denigrates them, causing them to become defensive and angry, worsening their situation.
Racism, other than which exists normally between different groups or nationalities, was not a real
problem in America until harsh civil rights laws went on the books, any more than drugs were a problem
until anti-drug laws were legislated, as is proven in chapter 18 of this book. The term "racism" was
rarely used or even thought of, until it was made illegal and the races were force fed to each other. I was
a 29-year-old, politically aware, intelligent, adult, when the first civil rights laws were passed. Before
these laws, believe me, there were few problems. Immediately after these laws were passed, America
began to lose its cities. After the assassination of Martin Luther King, fires and riots erupted in many
major cities, gutting thousands of buildings, and causing billions of 1960's dollars worth of damage. I
watched in horror as my old shopping neighborhood in Washington D.C., 14th St. N.W. went up in
flames, and with it the theatres and shops I had used since childhood. The consequences of politicians
legislating equalization, and the courts upholding their erroneous laws, was carnage and destruction in
America not experienced since that most awful of wars a hundred years earlier. The consequences of
civil rights laws cannot be over stated, and the observation is not a racist one. If American history is
examined back to the early nineteen sixties and before, a researcher will discover that racism was
virtually unheard of for one hundred years. Things that seem to be so righteous, often have dire
consequences. Since the nineteen sixties, each year sees another civil rights bill passed, which actually
increases the distance between the races. The Founders never wrote "civil rights" into the Constitution,
any more than they wrote "wealth redistribution," which will be covered in the next chapter, but the two (5 of 10)2/7/2012 8:13:06 AM

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are related as far as race relations are concerned. No one likes to be robbed. I was mugged and left for
dead by 3 teenage black males, and it took years for my anger and outrage to wear off, if indeed it ever
will. It is ever more apparent that the good intentions of politicians and bureaucrats are expensive and
misplaced, because the consequences have helped no one, and harmed everyone.

Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson wrote in 1954, objecting to "Brown Vs Board of Education," that,
"Negro progress under segregation has been spectacular, and, tested by the pace of history, his race is
one of the swiftest and most dramatic advances in the annals of man."

It is tragic to see people who have not achieved, are poor, sick, or hungry. It pains us all to see human
tragedies. The term "tough love" has been urged to straighten out children who have gone amok, and the
results are amazing to see. When anyone receives "SFN," (something for nothing) which blacks have
received in generous amounts for over 35 years, the results are readily observable. Virtual destruction of
a race by loss of incentive, being branded as weak, begging for help, stupid, needing to be bussed to
white schools to raise achievement levels, and a host of other 'medicines,' that have all but killed the
patient. While it may not seem possible to anyone under the age of fifty, blacks owned homes, achieved,
earned decent incomes, educated themselves, bought cars, farms, furniture, food, and paid hospital bills
just like everyone else, before they were 'helped' by politicians. The consequences of this 'help,' have
been almost mortal to the Negro race in America.

In the past decade, Hispanics from Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and similar countries, have massively
immigrated into America, illegally and legally, and seem to have been irresistibly drawn to America's
welfare state by the hundreds of thousands. They have moved into public housing, partaken of every
welfare scheme available, and are now descending into the same condition as the blacks. In areas where
the majority eating at the welfare trough are Hispanic, the level of racism directed towards them has
equaled or exceeded that directed towards blacks, which has happened in Los Angeles, plus
metropolitan areas of Florida and Texas. Color of skin is not responsible for racism.

Koreans, Chinese, Viet Namese, Indians, and Japanese immigrating into America have generally refused
to accept welfare. Koreans especially, have moved into black ghettos, bought properties, fixed them up,
opened shops, and succeeded...only to be hated by the blacks. The consequence of Korean success has
been hatred of them by their customers. During the Los Angeles riots, which followed the first Rodney
King jury verdict, blacks and Hispanics especially targeted Korean shops for destruction.

Now we have reverse racism being inculcated into the minds of our vulnerable youth. In colleges and
public schools of America, "diversity educators" are teaching white youth to hate themselves as "evil,
white, blue eyed, racists," and being taught that whites are cold, logical and distant, (ice people) while
blacks are supposedly warm, intuitive, empathetic, and spontaneous. Long before the Holocaust actually
took place, Hitler used similar language and racist inculcation to convince the German youth that Jews
were the enemy, terming them "class enemies." As if it weren't evil enough to teach whites to hate
themselves, these frauds also teach other races to hate whites. It must be obvious to sane people that
blacks have as much hatred for whites as whites supposedly do for blacks. Years ago, we invited a black (6 of 10)2/7/2012 8:13:06 AM

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employee of ours to a party. She brought her child who was about the same age as our children. In the
yard, when our kids tried to play with our employee's boy, he refused, saying he wouldn't play with
white kids, as he hated them, as they were from the devil. Their ages were eight and nine!


The racial problems in America will not be easily solved, but a few cautionary steps have already been
made by blacks who have begun to realize that the civil rights and Affirmative Action laws, rules,
regulations, and bureaucracies have been an insult to them, fomenting hatred, rather than making
everyone love one another. The contrast is easily seen if a comparison is made between Martin Luther
King on one side, and Booker T. Washington, George Washington Carver, Jackie Robinson, Marion
Anderson, Rosa Parks, and even Charlie Pride on the other. Millions of Negroes have innovated,
invented, and succeeded beyond their humble beginnings. They have achieved in all fields, ranging from
sports, medicine, agriculture, science, music, education, and business, as we have already illustrated, and
done it without violence.

One of the first Negroes to succeed by his own efforts was a little known man named Wheeling Gaunt,
who was born a slave in 1812 on a Kentucky tobacco plantation. By blacking boots and peddling apples
in his spare time, he eventually accumulated $900, with which he bought his freedom, sometime in the
1840's. Continuing to work, he next bought his wife for $500, and then a relative and his son for an
additional $700, at which time he crossed the Ohio river and settled near Dayton Ohio in 1862.
Remember, all this was before the War Between the States. In Ohio, he bought land, and successfully
farmed, dying childless in 1894. He left land to a black college, a black church, and asked in his will that
baked goods and flour be distributed to widows each year thereafter, which is still being done every
Christmas season. There is a 9 acre "Gaunt Park" in Yellow Springs Ohio, and revenues from the
swimming pool, baseball diamond, and other activities are used for the annual "Municipal Widow’s
Fund," which now distributes flour and sugar to all widows, rich or poor, black or white, as per Gaunt's

Booker T. Washington was one of the greatest American Negroes that ever lived. He should be the hero
of blacks, not King. Washington founded the all black Tuskegee Institute, which has turned out
educated, intelligent, achieving blacks for over a hundred years. Washington's counsel for his fellow
Negroes was to learn skills, work hard, and get an education, as they are far more important than

George Washington Carver died in 1943, and was an absolute genius. An agricultural chemist, he
worked to improve the South's economy during his entire life, teaching soil improvement, crop rotation,
and diversity. Carver discovered many new uses for the peanut, sweet potato, and soybean, plus he
devised products that could be made from cotton wastes. The beloved Carver was the first Negro to be
hosted at the White House by President Theodore Roosevelt, in 1901.

Walter O'Malley placed Negro Jackie Robinson on the National League's Brooklyn Dodgers baseball (7 of 10)2/7/2012 8:13:06 AM

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team at Ebbits Field on April 15, 1947, breaking the color barrier long before race riots and endless
protests. (A 1950 film, titled "The Jackie Robinson Story", features Jackie playing himself, and is a
wonderful film. Rent it on tape or watch for it on TV.) Ten weeks later, the American League's
Cleveland Indians put Larry Doby on their team. There were some outraged whites, thrown beer bottles,
and heckling when Robinson and Doby began playing major league baseball, but the prejudice ceased
when the bigots saw how skilled they were. Robinson maintained an incredible 311 batting average for
ten years. That was the end of racial segregation as far as sports are concerned. The blending of the two
races in all fields and pursuits could have occurred gradually and without violence. Violence has rarely
helped any situation, only hardened both sides, as it has with race.

In the early fifties, Marian Anderson was refused the right to sing in Washington D.C.'s Constitution
Hall, owned by the Daughters of the American Revolution. Rather than marching, protesting, and
picketing; on Easter Sunday 1939, she went to the Lincoln Memorial, and among other numbers sang,
"My Country Tis Of Thee," as whites instantly realized they had made a tragic mistake. She was the first
Negro to sing in the Metropolitan Opera. That was the end of segregation in music. Today, the races mix
with ease in the Metropolitan Opera, or any other musical event, anywhere in America, regardless of the
style. Charlie Pride has the deepest respect of the country music set, which originated and still holds
forth in the South, and he is as black as they come. It was all done without violence.

Also in the early fifties, Rosa Parks wearied of having to sit at the rear of the bus. She defied the "Jim
Crow" laws and sat in front, at which point she was promptly arrested. The case ended up in the
Supreme Court, and without violence, blacks and whites had defeated the horrid segregation laws in
public transit and other places such as restaurants and theatres. Of course there were hard feelings,
cursing, and difficulties, but it happened without legislation and civil rights laws. The cities didn't burn,
and hundreds weren't shot, gassed and pummeled with high-pressure water hoses.

Malcolm X was murdered, hated white people, and is no favorite of mine, but he had it right when he
said, "The black man has to start correcting his own material, moral, and spiritual defects and evils. The
black man needs to start his own program to get rid of drunkenness, drug addiction, and prostitution.
The black man in America has to lift up his own sense of values."

King, on the other hand, achieved virtually nothing in life other than becoming an undeserved martyr.
Besides being shot, cheating on his wife, stirring up hatred and violence everywhere he went, coining a
few interesting phrases, and making a few eloquent speeches, his life was one great public relations
scheme, rather than one of accomplishment. He plagiarized his doctrinal thesis, and even plagiarized his
famous "I Have a Dream" speech, which had been given virtually verbatim in 1952 at a Republican
Convention by black preacher Archibald Carey. He made extremely poor grades at Boston University.
King's idea was to march, protest, screech, and sing "We Shall Overcome," and acquire "rights" by law
and edict, rather than earning admiration and respect by hard work and achievement. The more trouble
he started, the more whites hated him. King possibly never did an honest day's work in his life.
Everywhere he went, trouble, violence, and arson followed almost automatically. For some strange
reason, we have a national holiday celebrating King's birthday, while Booker T. Washington, George
Washington Carver, Jackie Robinson, Rosa Parks, and Marian Anderson go unnoticed by those who (8 of 10)2/7/2012 8:13:06 AM

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should emulate them. As a further insult, the Lincoln and Washington Birthday holidays have been
combined into "President's Day." The Washingtons, Carvers, Williams, Robinsons, Bunches, Handys,
and Parks never caused cities to burn, and weren't shot dead by an assassin. I hope "President's Day"
doesn't include Bill Clinton!

The Martin Luther King holiday was approved by a 78-22 vote in the U.S. Senate. Senator Jesse Helms
of North Carolina said, "If its passage in the Senate had been by secret ballot, it would have received not
20 votes." This holiday is the only paid holiday honoring an individual other than a former president.
The FBI investigation of King and his fishy affiliations and actions has been sealed...all 845 pages of
them...till the year 2027.

Booker T. Washington said in 1896, "...(we must) endure wrong...withstand temptations...economize...

acquire and use skills...compete...succeed in commerce...disregard the superficial for the real, and
appearance for the substance, to be great and yet small, learned and yet simple. This is the passport to
all that is best in the life of our Republic, and the Negro must possess it, or be debarred."

Martin Luther King said in 1967, "Being a Negro in America means trying to smile when you want to
cry. It means trying to hold on to physical life amid psychological death. It means watching your kids
grow up with the clouds of inferiority in their mental skies. It means having your legs cut off, and then
being condemned for being a cripple. It means seeing your mother and father spiritually murdered by
the slings and arrows of daily exploitation, and being hated for being an orphan."

Notice: Not one phrase or sentence in King's speech is literal or accurate, nor does even one word
mention work, education, perseverance, or success. Only, 'poor us, we are black, and no one likes us.'
That speech epitomizes King's attitudes, which have spread over the width and breadth of America, to
both black and white. A logical person will realize that these are simple polemics, designed to inflame,
rather than help. The world hates a whining, moaning, crybaby, but loves a man who works, and when
he fails, gets up and tries again. The Negroes' racial problems in America can easily be solved by using
Washington, Carver, Williams, Bunche, Handy, Anderson, or Robinson as their role models, and not
Martin Luther King.

'Poor me, I am black,' doesn’t cut it any more, after hundreds of billions have been spent hocking
America for generations to come, in the absurd effort to help those who would rather march, protest, and
feel sorry for themselves, rather than trying, studying, staying off welfare, ceasing endless illegitimacy,
and a host of other commonalties currently peculiar to the Negro race today. Millions of blacks have
helped themselves, made it, and are trying to tell the rest it can be done. They need to be the examples,
not King.

The Hispanics' problems can be solved in the same manner. Skip the welfare, learn English, and learn it
correctly. Acquire an education, work hard, stay honest, clean, and trustworthy. Americans are not
unjust. We are the fairest people on earth. We just don’t like slobs, filth, dishonesty, laziness, and having
our money stolen…to support you. Support yourself! (9 of 10)2/7/2012 8:13:06 AM

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CONTENTS (10 of 10)2/7/2012 8:13:06 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 8. WELFARE

"The man who first proposed to support the poor increased the number of the miserable; it would have
been simpler to let them die." - Perinthis - 300 BC

"The first section of the 3 mile Cambridge Railroad was opened between Boston and Cambridge on
March 26, 1856, beating a rival line into operation by the purchase of secondhand cars from the
Brooklyn City Railroad. In order to popularize its service, the Cambridge line tried the novel idea of
letting everyone ride free, and within a week it was transporting more than 2,000 passengers a day.
After some two months of free transportation, the line's conductors began to ask for fares. The public
was outraged at this imposition. Many demanded that the company's franchises and privileges be
revoked, and a few extremists even suggested that the line's officials should be hanged on Boston
Common…" from "Time of the Trolley," 1967, by William D. Middleton, pages 15, 16.

That was private welfare, but any type of SFN has injurious results. Freebies become extremely habit
forming and destructive of one's ability to see clearly. Government welfare programs were instituted
over 65 years ago by FDR, in a mistaken effort to get America out of the severe depression of the
1930's. Roosevelt's actions began the transformation of American thought from self-help and
responsibility for one's own actions, to government handouts and dependence. FDR's programs provided
'public works,' for which a salary was paid, besides the over 19,000,000 on 'relief,' who received simple
handouts. Regardless of how well meaning the Roosevelt administration's motives were, they didn't stop
the depression, but merely cheapened the money and ran up the federal debt. After Roosevelt took office
in March 1933, there were 4,155,000 households, and over 19 million people on 'relief.' In 1940, after 8
years of paid welfare and government financed 'make work,' there were 4,227,000 households, and over
19 million still on 'relief.' The depression wasn't over until Roosevelt got us into a world war, when
everyone was employed...also at government expense. Prices after that war had almost exactly doubled,
because the amount of money borrowed and put into circulation during the war had also doubled. A new
car was under $700 before the war, and $1400 after it. Other prices went up in the same ratio. (See
chapter 5 on money.)

Roosevelt's direct handouts lasted for 8 years, while some of his public housing projects are still with us.
It was in the mid 1960's that welfare got going again under Lyndon Baines Johnson, (LBJ) when
politicians began passing legislation which bestowed bucks to the poor, sick, ill housed, and those in
'need' of something. There was no depression in the 1960's, but like Roosevelt, Johnson realized welfare
is a sure shot to staying in office. LBJ, his Democrat Haduks of the House, and their Senate colleagues,
all danced around the May-Pole of socialism, swinging under the banner of 'help,' using not their money,
but yours. As usual, politicians and bureaucrats said they had only the best of intentions when passing
legislation, writing regulations, and transferring massive amounts of wealth from one sector of society to
another. It was designed to equalize the population's wealth by redistribution. The results of these laws,
acts, and programs, are not difficult to observe, although the consequences are difficult for supporters of
these programs and laws to accept. Unlike Roosevelt's 8 years of handouts, LBJ's have continued rolling (1 of 9)2/7/2012 8:13:07 AM

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along for over 35 years so far, with no hope of stopping them. So called "welfare reform" of late,
supposedly has many off the lists, but like most government statistics, they are wildly exaggerated.

An October 28, 1975 New York Times story, complete with photos, reports the opening of four
magnificent high rise public housing towers in Harlem. The 35 storey towers had greenhouses,
swimming pools, gymnasiums, an auditorium, theatre, roof laundry rooms, central air conditioning, 24
hour attendant service, and underground parking. The rent for a 6-bedroom apartment was $113.28 per
month. The piece mentioned other equally absurd New York public housing projects with similar
facilities. That's saving humanity with guess whose money? In 1938, the Langston Terrace public
housing project opened in Washington D.C., at 21st and Benning Rd. N.E. The rent for a huge 2-
bedroom apartment, including all utilities, was $19.50 per month.

When I was a child, I will never forget my mother reading me an allegory about a 'poor little rich kid,'
the title of which I cannot remember. I only recall that this child's rich parents provided him with
unlimited playthings, and he didn’t appreciate or care for them. He destroyed his toys for the sheer
pleasure of it, knowing more would be provided. I remember the story telling of this little brat breaking
his wonderful electric trains, literally making me cry. I loved electric trains. I had some, and cared for
them extremely well. I have always cared for my possessions, because I have always worked to obtain
them, never inheriting a dime. Even at that early age, I realized the spoiled rich kid had no appreciation,
because his toy supply was unlimited, and required no care.

During the course of my business career, I have discovered that renters don't care for property nearly as
well as owners. Renters have no equity, whereas owners do, who have worked to achieve that equity.
Homeowners, who work for the down payment and qualify for financing, care for their homes and
neighborhoods. Neglect will cause their home and neighborhood values to plummet. No matter the size
or price, when someone works for something, be it a home, car, or furniture, they will usually care for it.

In Baltimore, Philadelphia, and other major cities, neat row homes, many no more than fifteen feet wide,
have been cared for as priceless possessions for over a hundred years. Front steps are scrubbed daily,
and the best of storm windows installed. Inside, the carpets are thick, and every square inch is a pleasure
to behold. Children are raised to care for their home, toys, and clothes. Bright, spotless uniforms are
worn to parochial schools, and gutters and sidewalks are swept clean as often as necessary. These
working class people of whom I speak, have never had anything given to them, but have worked hard
for their acquisitions and home ownership, no matter how meager. Unfortunately, many of these
formerly pristine neighborhoods are now trashed. Trashed, because of welfare programs that allowed
unqualified people to 'buy' homes with no down payment, and few if any credit requirements or
reputations, which a responsible lender would demand to grant a loan. The aforementioned West Philly
is classic, but examples abound in every city. The "SFN" syndrome is what has killed neighborhoods by
the hundreds. Public housing has destroyed neighborhoods, and in turn the cities; another example of

When a family can move into a spacious apartment or house, paying a fraction of what it is worth in (2 of 9)2/7/2012 8:13:07 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 8. WELFARE

rent, they will not care for that dwelling. The purpose of public housing is to 'get the poor into decent
housing.' The consequences of these projects are ruined neighborhoods, diminished or lost property
values, incredible crime rates, and urban devastation. Public housing projects have never helped a
neighborhood, or the residents of the neighborhood in which they were placed. The homeowners who
had worked and toiled to achieve their life's ambition of home ownership, see their equity go down the
drain automatically, when a public housing project is placed in their neighborhood. Homeowners in the
East Falls section of Philadelphia saw this happen to their neighborhood, only one of hundreds in
America. I grew up in the Mt. Pleasant section of Washington D.C., and that street was wrecked and
burned a few years ago by those who got their "SFN" in formerly wonderful, spacious homes in the
neighborhood, with little or no down-payment. A home is usually the largest single purchase a family
will make in its lifetime. To see such a huge investment destroyed by an act of government, no matter
how excellent the intentions are, is difficult to explain to the dispossessed, and when it is a racial matter,
as it usually is. Conflict and hatred between the races has been exacerbated to horrendous proportions,
and attempts to 'help' one sector, has ruined another, and taken neighborhoods and even cities with it.

"The inhabitants of slums are not the ones who made this country." - Atlas Shrugged

The abandoned, burned, trashed homes in various urban neighborhoods were once owned and cared for
by financially responsible, hard working families. They saved and struggled to buy those homes, and
hundreds of thousands of these families lost their savings when they were forced to move from their
neighborhoods. They mostly sold their homes at a loss, and had to buy another, not only at higher cost
but with drastically increased transportation costs to get to and from work and shopping. Higher taxes,
immature landscaping, and long established neighborhood relationships broken asunder, are only a very
few of the traumas suffered by the dispossessed. The devastation of America's cities are the
consequences of no qualifying, no money down finance plans, plus hundreds of welfare schemes, public
housing projects, and other handouts which were conceived with the best of intentions, (and re-election
insurance) but have failed miserably. The most severe of consequences is the loss of the cities.
Government attempted to legislate morality and control human action, but it failed. Bureaucrats and the
Congress never cease trying to control us, but it has never worked. Edicts, laws, or regulations, no
matter how noble their intent do, not change human actions, opinions, prejudices, and inbred emotions.
When so called 'morality' has been legislated, it has never worked, only inflamed dormant feelings,
desires, or prejudices, and given political hacks a mistaken rationalization to legislate even more silly

Welfare has cheated large portions of entire races from the privilege of working, making it on their own,
and gaining pride from their achievements. I refer to the Negro and American Indian races in particular,
but the Hispanics are gaining ground quickly, and being robbed of incentive by the liberals' handouts,
which in reality, are attempts to control them. No one has ever benefited emotionally by receiving
"SFN." This thing we so lovingly call freedom, if it were practiced, would strengthen the weak by
forcing them to work and succeed on their own, not subsidizing, and making them even weaker.

"You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong." - Abraham Lincoln (3 of 9)2/7/2012 8:13:07 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 8. WELFARE

I would like to be 25 pounds lighter, have more money, be able to play music, and have a lower voice.
Everyone 'needs' something they don’t have, no matter how ridiculous it may seem to others. People
'need' new tires, lower cholesterol, a new roof, or better grades, but that doesn’t mean they are supposed
to have gifts made of them. Welfare, or any attempted control by governmental wealth redistribution or
force, steals it from me, and gives it to someone else. This takes various forms, such as government
caused inflation, which diminishes the value of your money, high taxes, and wretched "programs."

Social Security

The only government handout that isn't welfare is Social Security, which happens to be a compulsory
old age insurance scheme, which was actuarially unsound from the beginning. In reality, it is a
mandatory, colossal, government sponsored "Ponzi" scheme. It's extremely funny to me when I hear
bureaucrats and political hacks tell us, 'you get all the deducted money back in just a few years.' If the
average worker began putting their Social Security payments into a decent investment plan with
compound interest, by the time of retirement they would be millionaires. With inflation, of course you
get it all back in a few years, but you get it back in greatly reduced value dollars, and with no interest
included. Social Security is a hideously bad investment, but it isn't welfare, nor voluntary.

A "Ponzi" scheme is a fraud that pays off participants with new money brought in, until the whole thing
collapses because there are no more takers, which has been happening to Social Security for decades.
The process of collapse is now being accelerated, because 12,000 people every day, the so called 'baby
boomers,' are turning 50, and in just twelve short years, most will have made those Social Security
applications. To illustrate just how Social Security has bamboozled the public, look at the figures. In
1999, one had to pay a 15.3% tax for Social Security, and an additional 2.9% tax for Medicare on
incomes up to $67,400. $11,400 in taxes for Social Security in 1999, and 50 years previously, the Social
Security tax was 1% on incomes of up to $3000, or $30, with no Medicare or Medicaid. The Ponzi
aspect, is that when Social Security was established almost 60 years ago, there were 32 workers for
every retiree, and now there are 3. The scheme is about to collapse. Braggadocio politicians 'saved' it
merely by raising the taxes levied to support it. For those of you who hold jobs, the 15.3% is half paid
by your employer, giving the illusion you are only paying half that much. In reality, your paycheck
would be 18.2% higher if you weren’t being forced to 'contribute' to this fraud.

The so called "Social Security Trust Fund," into which all the deductions have supposedly been placed
for your retirement, consists of over $5 trillion in government IOU's. There isn’t a silver dime in the
fund. It has all been used to pay bills, and put into the general fund, with an IOU placed as a convenient
notation. Today, a large majority of Americans believe they will never see a red cent of benefits from
Social Security. More 18-year-olds believe in flying saucers than believe they will ever benefit from that
swindle known as Social Security. All the incandescent fulminations of the hotshot bureaucrats and
parasitic politicos won’t change the fact that Social Security is headed for a cataclysmic end in the
future. The unfunded liability of Social Security in 1996 was $10 trillion dollars! The only way to save
Social Security is to raise those deductions from 15.3% to 40%, or print the money, neither of which will
save it without an inflation that will make a pack of cigarettes cost $75, or $7500 at the end maybe. (4 of 9)2/7/2012 8:13:07 AM

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In Albania, in February 1997, a government sponsored Ponzi scheme robbed tens of thousands of
citizens of their life's savings when it collapsed. Riots and civil mayhem broke Albania into many
pieces. Could it happen here with Social Security in a few decades? Absolutely! In 1998, Brazilians,
Japanese, Koreans, Indonesians, Russians, and many others, lost their life's savings by keeping their
assets in their respective currency denominated savings, just like America’s Social Security. Looks of
horror were flashed on TV news as they watched their savings evaporate before their eyes, the indication
being that prices doubled, tripled, quadrupled, and quintupled almost instantly, while their supply of
currency stayed the same. Here, the same will happen eventually, while the Social Security checks and
savings account balances remain the same.

"Welfare reform" is currently touted by politicians who want to get usual. They sense the
increasing outrage of voters who remember wonderful cities with low crime, low taxes, and whole
families. The tag lines in these welfare reform plans are always, 'of course we must care for those unable
to care for themselves,' or, 'there has to be a safety net.' This is not reform of any type, but merely lip
service. An old European proverb states that, "Hunger is the disease and food the medicine." No one in
America is hungry, regardless of the mouthings of welfare espousing charlatans. We are mostly too fat,
and as a matter of fact especially the welfare beneficiaries. A study by Scripps Howard News Service
and the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism found that America's fattest, are female high school
dropouts, living in large cities, with incomes below $10,000, and who do not regularly exercise. Give
you a clue? Before the current welfare state got its start, no one starved, no one died from homelessness,
and those in need were cared for by their families, churches, and voluntary charities, of which there were
literally millions.

Another form of welfare is the Medicare-Medicaid frauds, which also got started in the 1960's, above the
outraged protests of Republicans, who predicted just what would happen...and it has. Now, Republicans
are all for it, and they ballyhoo their plans to save it. On TV's Fox News of October 13, 1997 it was
stated that $65 million a day is the cost of Medicaid fraud and waste. Before government got involved in
medicine, it was no big expense. Doctors competed with each other, as did hospitals. People paid for
their services, and those with health insurance, which were few, didn't ruin the system any more than
life, or auto insurance plans ruined the industry. There were few millionaire lawyers, doctors, and
surgeons before the 1960's. It was the market place in operation. The socialization of medical care made
costs escalate like a Fourth of July rocket, which to this day has yet to reach its zenith. Before socialized
medical care, an office visit to a doctor was about $3, and now well over $100 for a specialist, and $80
for a rather ordinary general practitioner, (GP) if you are lucky. Whenever government, and especially
the federal government sponsors something, it will always give rise to fraud, extreme cost, and
inefficiency. Today, $46 bandages, $5 aspirins, and billions of wasted taxpayer dollars are the normal
circumstances. Hundreds of billions have been, and continue to be wasted, on the welfare health systems
promulgated and voted upon by LBJ and his 1960's Democrat Congress, which knew no limits in their
attempts to 'help' some, at the expense of others. Those people wanted to assist their constituencies, get
re-elected too of course, and probably believed they were helping everyone. The consequence of
socializing medical care has made it unaffordable for most, and even if insurance is purchased, the cost
is virtually prohibitive. The duplicity perpetrated by the medical field on the federal government, which (5 of 9)2/7/2012 8:13:07 AM

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writes the checks, is out of science fiction, it is so absurd, but then the same can be said of any federal
program. 'Programs' are 100% of the time just another word for welfare or "SFN." Government handouts
are the main gimmick by which power hungry politicians obtain re-election to those cushy offices with
huge staffs, and the possibility of being the Tiddly Wink that lands in the big pot of eternal fame and
exposure...the United States Presidency, (whose reputation has been destroyed by the Clintons!)

The latest vote glomming effort by both Republicans and Democrats is to socialize the prescription drug
industry. What will happen? Easy! Like the rest of socialized things, corruption will run rampant, prices
will go through the roof, and government will grow ever larger and more confiscatory.

My youngest daughter had her second child in 1994. She and her husband did quite well, and
deliberately had no medical insurance. The hospital charges were astronomical, because those paying for
services must cover the mandatory freebies issued to those unable to pay, plus the exorbitant costs of
paperwork, federal rules, and Medicare and Medicaid frauds. Example: The nurse asked my daughter if
she wanted her to take the baby to the nursery while she got some rest. That nursery trip cost $300. The
baby was loaned two tiny blankets to keep her warm: $56 each. A man in my town works, but is
officially classified as below the poverty line because he only makes $10 an hour. He recently had a
triple by-pass in the same hospital as my daughter had her baby, and it cost him $29! A friend's father
died recently, and as is the custom, was taken to the hospital to be pronounced "dead." She got a bill for
$1400, and the corpse was in the hospital for perhaps 10 minutes. Also as a part of the bill was $200 for
"medication," and $300 for the "doctor." Give me a break!

And then there is corporate welfare, which cost the taxpayers billions each year for the "Market
Promotion Program," begun in 1990, and signed into law by a Republican President. Big corporations
are given millions to help them sell their stuff overseas, and I am certain most of us would prefer not to
subsidize them. Examples are: Sunkist - $65 million, Blue Diamond Almonds - $32 million, Gallo
Wines - $22.3 million, Tyson Foods - $9 million, and a host of others. Corporate welfare also includes
various tax credits for sundry reasons, including the Archer-Daniels-Midland Corporation, which
regularly milks the federal government for hundreds of millions of dollars each year for the absurd
"ethanol" program. Corporate welfare costs taxpayers about $75 billion each year, as of 1996,
undoubtedly a lot more now.

Foreign aid welfare costs Americans tens of billions of dollars each year. It has saved no one, made no
one love us, and in fact much of it lines the pockets of foreign politicians. Russian politicos have taken
American and IMF handouts and placed billions in secret Swiss accounts and laundered it through New
York banks, rather than using it to help their people, for which it was given. Recently a Russian
company bought the Getty Oil Co for cash, undoubtedly laundered from American handouts. Some
African nations receiving foreign aid have become so lazy that they are now unable to feed themselves,
so hooked on American drop-offs have they become, not to mention the local chief, who usually lives in
the lap of luxury at America's expense. The former Belgian Congo, re-named Zaire, had as its ruler for
over 30 years, a scoundrel named Mobutu Sese Seko, who, while keeping his people dirt poor, stashed
away at least $4 billion in foreign banks, had several palatial mansions around the world, 50 limousines,
and was considered one of the world's richest men. Mobutu was overthrown and exiled by a communist (6 of 9)2/7/2012 8:13:07 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 8. WELFARE

named Laurent-Desire-Kabila, who re-named it the Republic of Congo. Who knows what its future may
be? Zaire was a major beneficiary of American foreign aid, and Mobutu was a former employee of the
CIA! Mobutu died in Morocco in September 1997. Perhaps "Kinshasa" will be changed back to its
original name of "Leopoldville," and "Kisangani" back to its original "Stanleyville."

Public Art

Public art is welfare for the untalented, and the very word "public," when attached to art infers such. A
talented artist does not have to eat at the public trough. I used to live near a talented artist named Jerry
Shurr, whose art can be seen in commercial buildings, hotels, and even on TV and in film. Jerry worked
his way up from starvation until he figured out a particular style that made him a success. A few doors
from Jerry lived a public school art teacher, who was virtually talentless, and his pathetic work showed
it. Is it possible that when chimpanzees throw paint at a board, or an elephant is trained to swish his
trunk in paint and swirl it on a canvas, the buyers of this high priced junk were educated in public school
art classes? Do the Jackson Pollock fans really love art? Pollock was a hopeless alcoholic, and died in
1956 when he drunkenly crashed his car into a tree. His "art" was aimlessly dribbling and splashing
paints onto a canvas. Fools pay fortunes to buy his rubbish.

In Philadelphia, as in most cities, talentless artists have been paid to decorate thoroughfares and parks,
seemingly without cessation. They are receiving welfare, and are just as immoral as the welfare
dispensing political hacks who saw to it they were commissioned...with tax dollars. In Philly, at the end
of the Ben Franklin Bridge, is a piece of public art that is so inane it is laughable. It is supposed to be
"Lightning," and is almost as bad as the "Clothespin," across from Philadelphia’s wonderful, ornate, City

Welfare sponsored art, music, or architecture, will usually show little talent, as an artist who is talented
wouldn’t work for government salaries. Most of the great composers, such as Beethoven, Bach, Brahms,
or Schubert made it on their own, and lived quite nicely from their artistic abilities and creations. The so
called "impressionist" artists, who lived in poverty and even mutilated themselves, deserved their
poverty at the time they lived, because it was mostly considered poor art. Most of it still is. Today,
wealthy morons pay millions for impressionist art from a hundred years ago, simply because it is
collectible and the "in" thing to have, not because it is great art. The taxpayer funded NEA. (National
Endowment for the Arts) passes out millions to untalented frauds who are not only talentless, but often
vulgar and obscene. Absurdities piled on top of absurdities.


"We can’t leave anyone behind." - Vice President Al Gore - 1996

Sorry Al, but we must! There should be no gain without sacrifice. Welfare recipients are just as hooked
as any heroin junkie, and just like the drug war, welfare addiction costs taxpayers huge sums of money,
solves nothing, and destroys both the payers and payees. Welfare simply must disappear totally, but to (7 of 9)2/7/2012 8:13:07 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 8. WELFARE

be fair it must take a few years, because it is so addictive and self-destructive. The first step is not to
allow any new entrants. Second, allow those on the dole a couple of years to stop living off the rest of
productive society. The elimination of welfare must go hand in hand with the elimination of the income
tax and all other government programs, all of which are simple theft. 'Programs' are not a Constitutional
item. There would have to be a lot of reshuffling done, but to everyone's benefit. There is no strength in
subsidy, and strength is what is needed to successfully negotiate life's hurdles. America must terminate
supporting the weak, and penalizing the strong. In August 1996, Bill Clinton signed an 800 page welfare
reform bill that will accomplish little other than to 'block grant' billions to individual states. The states
are probably just as stupid as the federal government when it comes to handouts, so it will undoubtedly
mean nothing.

"A little leaven leavens the whole loaf" - Galatians 5:9

The above scriptural quote is the very reason that all unconstitutional welfare, wealth transfers, and
redistribution must be eliminated. If any are left in place, they will just multiply as a bit of yeast can act
on an entire barrel of dough. "SFN" is highly contagious, and if one has some, others will demand a
piece of the pie; eventually taking us back where we are now; like lemmings marching off to the sea,
with everyone on the dole a bit, some more than others, but to our inevitable destruction and weakening.

It could mean something if states, or even counties within states decided not to take the 'block granted'
money, and eliminated welfare all together. After all, welfare is extremely contaminating. Know what
would happen? There would be a mass migration out of those states or counties by all the worthless, and
an influx of producers, wealth, business, manufacturing, and prosperity into those states or counties,
because the taxes would be so low. The states or counties, to which the migration of the weak went,
would quickly pass their own elimination of welfare, and within a few years, welfare would go the way
of the dodo bird. As a wonderful dream, imagine your community with no welfare recipients and their
slums, crime, and dependency. Imagine no graffiti, public housing and low taxes. It could happen, but
don't hold your breath, and of course don’t quit your day job.

Andrew Carnegie knew what was wrong with giving someone SFN when he said, "No person and no
community can be permanently helped except by their own cooperation."


I hope that among your favorite films is "Field of Dreams," where that phrase originated. The idea is not
new, and one of the most dramatic examples of that axiom was the building of entire "Levittown"
communities in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, after WW II, with no government subsidies,
and no free land. Sparkling new, tiny homes were built, selling for about $5,000, at a profit, and there
were never any crime waves, graffiti, and wholesale demolition, as is common in all public housing
projects. Buyers saved for their down payments and bought their homes, receiving no "SFN." In the
early 60's, the manager of one of my theatres owned one, and he delighted in showing it to me over
coffee several times. Today, Levittown homes are selling for well over $100,000, and the communities (8 of 9)2/7/2012 8:13:07 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 8. WELFARE

are still thriving. The New Jersey Levittown changed its name to "Willingboro," but there is still a Levit
Parkway, a tribute to its brilliant founder, who provided low cost housing without government subsidy.
Those buying homes in the Levittowns were responsible working class people who wanted to own a
home, rather than be welfare recipients who wanted "SFN" from government in the form of public
housing, whose destruction is usually begun before the paint is dry. Tens of thousands of public housing
units, all fairly new and of brick construction, have been demolished because their condition became
hopelessly trashed by their worthless occupants.


CONTENTS (9 of 9)2/7/2012 8:13:07 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 9. POLITICIANS

"Politics is a deleterious profession, like some poisonous handicrafts. Men in power have no opinions,
but may be had cheap for any opinion, for any purpose." - Ralph Waldo Emerson - 1860

"The members who composed it (a typical Democratic national convention of the pre-Civil War era)
were seven eighths of them, the meanest kind of bawling and blowing office holders, office seekers,
pimps, malignants, conspirators, murderers, fancy men, custom house clerks, contractors, kept-editors,
spaniels well train’d to carry and fetch, jobbers, infidels, disunionists, terrorists, mail-riflers, slave-
catchers, pushers of slavery, creatures of the President, creatures of would-be-Presidents, spies, bribers,
compromisers, lobbyers, sponges, ruin'd sports, expell'd gamblers, policy-backers, monte-dealers,
duellists, carriers of conceal’d weapons, deaf mutes, pimpled men, scarr'd inside with vile disease,
gaudy outside with gold chains made from the people's money and harlot's money twisted together;
crawling, serpentine men, the lousy combinings and born freedom sellers of the earth." - Walt Whitman
- 1880

According to a National Public Radio (NPR) broadcast on August 13, 1998, there are 513,000 elected
office holders in America. Politicians are mainly interested in the power and glory of their office, and
staying in it, no matter what level it may be. Whether it be a lowly town council member in a village of
four hundred, or a United States Senator, generally they are interested in the power and glory. They are
in it for themselves. The higher the office, the more power and glory, but at any level, the intoxication
resulting from having people come to you for permission to do something, is undeniable. The normal
rate of re-electing ensconced federal politicos approaches 98%. In November of 1994, when
Republicans regained control of both houses of Congress for the first time in over 40 years, the turnover
rate was still only 9%. Office holders have tremendous advantages over someone who would honestly
like to replace them and do a good job. Advantages of incumbents are many, including free mail
(franking) to the tune of well over $600 million a year, the power of the bureaucracy at their command,
plus such things as free travel, publicity, printing, research, staff, and name recognition.

"To be a chemist, you must study chemistry; to be a lawyer or a physician you must study law or
medicine; but to be a politician you need only to study your own interests." - Max O’Rell 1848-1903

Few politicians intend to become intoxicated with power when they run, or are elected. Most office
holders ran so they could help their community or state...or so they said. After all, the lowest of offices,
usually a town or city council member, often are paid little or nothing. People, who run for these offices,
generally do so to help their community, but the power and glory cannot be minimized. As the offices
increase in importance and influence, the status increases, as does the paycheck. By the time a politician
ascends to the upper echelons of public office, they are usually hooked on the adulation of dubious
celebrities and media coverage. This is when they lose sight of what they were sent there to do, begin to
consider themselves the repository of all worthwhile knowledge, and pay far more attention to the
publicity, special interest groups and lobbyist assignations, than to common sense. (1 of 9)2/7/2012 8:13:08 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 9. POLITICIANS

"The whole idea of politics is to achieve power without having merit." - P.J. O'Rourke.

Politics has become a rich man’s game. A local city council where I live proves that point. The job pays
$101 a month. Most candidates spent more than a year's wages, plus hundreds of hours to gain this
office, which requires so much reading and meeting attendance that the 'salary' amounts to far less than a
dollar an hour. The city manager, who is supposedly under those $101 a month council members, makes
$71,000 a year. At state and national levels, the cost of gaining and remaining in office is stratospheric.
To be elected to office, the candidate actually becomes a suitor to an army of syndicated newspaper
columnists, wealthy nabobs, various camp followers and groupies, plus the average Joe Blow and Marge
Housewife, who might throw in a few shekels towards the campaign. Reporters anxiously await the
slightest bit of piffle spoken from the would be's lips, so they can run off and print it…usually with a
spin. No matter what the outcome, a lot of suspense is generated, the hooch has flowed freely at local
watering holes, and billboards are plastered with garish pictures of a smiling candidate, promising the
moon for your vote. There always seems to be an abundance of candidates for every office, regardless of

"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying
the wrong remedies." - Groucho Marx

During the 1996 Presidential election, over $800 million was spent just on the Presidential campaign,
and in 2000, over $1 billion, not counting the representatives, senators and other candidates running for
office. As usual, after the elections there was a hue and cry for finance and other types of reform. The
Constitution prohibits the federal government from owning much of anything, and certainly doesn't
authorize subsidies, redistribution, or theft, so it shouldn't even matter who gets elected, because
Constitutionally, there should be no freebies and plums to dish out from D.C. Before FDR put the
federal machine into commence gear, the buildings known in Washington as the "Federal Triangle,"
didn't exist. This is the area between 15th and 6th Sts., and Pennsylvania and Constitution Avenues,
northwest. These huge buildings were mostly built in the Roosevelt era, substituting bureaucrats and
other jabbering incompetents for responsible capitalists, who had owned and operated theatres, shops,
and other honest businesses on that land. Since then, the federal government has expanded into
neighboring states and hundreds of additional acres in downtown D.C., erecting countless tasteless, ugly,
gaudy monuments to mendacity.

"Politics is perhaps the only profession for which no preparation is thought necessary." - Robert Louis

Politicians at the federal and even state levels, are responsible for most of the disastrous consequences
that have befallen America over the past sixty years. They have voted, voted, voted, spent, spent, spent,
and passed millions of pointless, freedom robbing laws. There are so many laws at all levels, it is almost
impossible to avoid transgressing one of them, giving lawyers a field day. Politicians have raised our
taxes over and over, usually explaining that increased taxes will 'help' the poor, sick, aged, poverty
stricken, and disadvantaged, or what have you. When they paid unqualified poor people to move into (2 of 9)2/7/2012 8:13:08 AM

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neighborhoods they ought not have moved into, the politicians swooned that these people 'need decent
housing,' and as a result of these handouts, 'crime will go down,' and a host of other perverse promises. I
cannot understand why some wry politico hasn’t offered free beer and lunch, in order to raise the 'self
esteem' of the poor. Most of the poor, especially the grisly gangs, don’t have a 'self esteem' problem. Has
there ever been such disgusting self confidence as is shown by the poor, bleating about how badly they
are treated by the welfare bureaucrats? And then there is the WRO, or "Welfare Rights Organization,"
which shows no lack of 'self esteem,' when they and their members mount the nearest lectern,
pontificating about how we owe them a living, should treat them better, and demand more 'benefits' from
the pockets of the taxpayer. 'Benefits' to be obtained through increases in the deficit and indebtedness of
our grandchildren.

"There are some politicians who, if their constituents were cannibals, would promise them missionaries
for dinner." - H.L. Mencken

Keep in mind the obvious fact that what isn't worked for or earned, is not appreciated or cared for, a
virtually inviolable, inescapable rule. Be it no money down housing, public housing, unearned credits in
education, or anything unearned, but provided by an all powerful government, certain disaster is the
result. Think about the consequences to America from "SFN" in just the last thirty-five years. As of
1997, over $5.4 trillion has been spent in an effort to eradicate poverty, and all we have to show for it
are pauperized, wrecked cities. We have even more indigence now than we did before we spent the $5.4
trillion, plus polluted air, hundreds of millions of gallons of fuel burned each day that wasn’t consumed
before, and millions of families uprooted. We are witness to tens of millions of single parent families,
crime, drugs, delinquency, graffiti, gangs, overflowing jails, courts backlogged for months and years,
and literally millions of paper shuffling bureaucrats. Paul Harvey, on his radio broadcast of September 9,
1996 said that, "2,000 new bureaucrats are hired by government each day." Paul Harvey isn't known to
utter inaccurate statements. This figure undoubtedly includes replacements for retirees, and bureaucrats
in states, counties, and municipalities at all levels, but the figure is still astonishing. The consequences of
a desire to help some, has ruined others. Thanks politicians!

"The man who can make two ears of corn, or two blades of grass, grow on the spot where only one grew
before would deserve better of mankind, and render more essential service to the country, than the
whole race of politicians put together." - Jonathan Swift

Think about the traffic jams, incredible consumption of gasoline, costs to build and maintain freeways,
commuting time, filthy air, ruined cities, and ever increasing portions of family budgets consumed by
the maintenance and feeding of the automobile. Remember, in 1941 the Philadelphia Transit Company
(PTC) vehicles traveled 242,000 miles a day, and that transported two million in that major city, to and
from work and shopping. There were no freeways, no interstate highways, and the cities were intact.
Politicians ruined all of that with their votes which instituted welfare and various "SFN" schemes.
Workers and residents didn't ruin the cities and make America dependent on the Arabs for oil. We were
self sufficient in oil, and the portion of our incomes spent on cars was microscopic, compared to these
days. The air was clean, even though millions burned coal to heat their homes and run the factories. (3 of 9)2/7/2012 8:13:08 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 9. POLITICIANS

Politicians have destroyed us with their votes and legal devices to 'help.'

"It can probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native American criminal class
except Congress." - Mark Twain (As an aside, Samuel Clemens adopted his pen name of "Mark Twain,"
while he was working as a boatman on the Mississippi. When measuring the depth of the river, they
would mark the depth on a pole, and shout it out to the captain. A depth of two marks on the pole was
called "Mark Twain.")

"Politics is mostly talk," said George Will on the ABC Sunday morning news show of September 20,
1998. Unfortunately George, that isn’t so. Politics is electing those who pass thousands of laws each
year...most of which have an adverse effect on us citizens. Unfortunately, a politician seeks and
maintains office because they believe they have some sort of magical divine mentality that will allow
them to rule over us, tell us what we may and may not do, and be punished if we do not obey. Laws
should be in existence only to protect us from our enemies, and them from us, plus administer justice to
those who would harm or steal from others or their property, name, reputation, security or achievements.
Laws for any other purpose are violations of freedom.

Politicians like to brag about how much legislation they passed or helped to pass. There are thousands
and millions of laws and programs now in existence that should be stricken from the records and
abolished. If politicians acted correctly, they would act and brag about how many laws were eradicated.
It’s time politicians realize that "SFN" is a bad idea.

"The hallmark of a second rater is the resentment of another man's achievement." - Another wonderful
quote from Ayn Rand’s "Atlas Shrugged." Who resents other's achievements? Isn't it the bureaucrats,
who have in general failed in private industry, and now make their livings harassing achievers, and
stealing our money to give to others?

Once again: "When government fears the people, we have liberty. When people fear the government we
have tyranny." - Thomas Jefferson. Who fears whom in 2000? Does anyone believe that Americas' fear
of the IRS and various bureaucrats and agencies doesn't fulfill Jefferson's statement?

A common definition of politics is, "the art of compromise." Compromise may be a small morsel of the
attraction to politics, but the main part is power. Power to tax everyone and dole it out to the largest
sector of voters, to get re-elected is the so-called "compromise." The last thing a vacillating D.C. vulture
would want is for everyone to care for himself or herself, and unanimously tell them, "We don’t want
any more handouts, job creations, plums, influence or help. We want you to vote NO on every spending
bill, fire 90% of your staff, abolish the franking privilege, never travel anywhere at public expense,
resign all your committees and try to eliminate them, cease all speaking engagements, book writing, and
finally, leave office at the end of your term."

Coney Island (4 of 9)2/7/2012 8:13:08 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 9. POLITICIANS

Coney Island was once the hub of entertainment for New Yorkers. Located at the foot of Brooklyn, with
a lush 2 mile long beach, it is reached by fast subways, and is easily accessible to tens of millions of
entertainment starved big city dwellers. Coney Island sprang to life after the War Between the States,
when George Tilyou built a hotel on the beach. This initiation was followed by P.T. Barnum building a
122-foot high, tin-skinned elephant, which contained shops. As the years passed, hundreds of rides,
amusements, restaurants, carousels, roller coasters, a parachute jump, and attractions illuminated by
literally tens of millions of glowing light bulbs came into being. Shrieks of joy, boardwalk parades,
swimming, sunbathing, and major parks such as "Dreamland," "Luna," and "Steeplechase," were Coney
Island. The American hot dog was invented at Coney Island. Have you ever sampled a Nathan’s Hot
Dog? Yum! Coney Island had over a million people visit it on an average Sunday, during its peak years.
Harry Houdini and Charles Dickens loved the place. George Burns and George Gershwin first
performed in public at Coney Island.

Coney Island was a land of enchantment, with exotic shows, brightly-lit towers, domes, and minarets in
vast profusion crowding the skyline. Even after three major fires, I used to go to Coney Island in the
fifties, and it was still wonderful. Today, Coney Island is home to desolation and public housing. The
beach is still there...if you dare to use it...and remnants of its one time glamour can be seen...collapsing
and rusting away, midst the ever-present graffiti and trash. What was once the most splendiferous
amusement place in the entire a memory, replaced by public housing, wreckage, and garbage.
It is still but minutes away by subway to millions. Why would anyone want to go there just to become
depressed or mugged? Coney Island is the penultimate example of what "SFN" and public housing can
do to any place they may be planted. A 1986 survey by the New York Times pinpointed New York’s
public housing on a map. The most public housing units are in the worst neighborhoods, namely the
South Bronx, Harlem, the Lower East Side of Manhattan, plus Bedford-Stuyvestant and Coney Island in
Brooklyn. Public housing residents vote, amusements and parks don't. Public housing dwellers are a lot
of votes compressed into small land areas. Give you a hint?

In America today, there are basically two major parties, the Republicans and Democrats, but they are so
much alike, it can be said there is one party with two different divisions, and possibly they should be
merged into what could be called the "Republicrats." The Libertarian Party has been a distant third party
since 1972. In 1992, Ross Perot spent millions of his own money to begin what is now called the Reform
party, which Pat Buchanan virtually destroyed in the 2000 election. Perot received 19% of the vote in
1992, 8% in 1996, and less than 1% in 2000. The Reform Party elected its first Governor on November
3, 1998. Republicans say they stand for self sufficiency, fiscal responsibility, and low taxes, even though
for the past 40 years they have participated in the socialization of America almost as much as have the
Democrats. I often call Republicans the "LOTS" party, because they compromise with the Democrats
and their proclaimed principles so regularly and predictably, that they are similar...only "less of the
same." (LOTS) They have for years been called, "the stupid party," with good reason, because they will
invariably pull defeat out of the jaws of victory. The Democrats are the party of liberalism, high taxes,
big government, and generally appeal to the unions, working classes, and for some strange reason, the
intellectuals, Hollywood stars, and Jews. Jews have been downtrodden for hundreds of years, are among
the most achievement oriented people, and would seemingly be excellent supporters of Republicans, but
they aren't. The intellectuals, professors, movie stars, and the like should realize it was freedom, not (5 of 9)2/7/2012 8:13:08 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 9. POLITICIANS

bailouts, high taxes, and huge government, that made America great. They are natural Republicans,
assuming Republicans did as they say, rather than compromising continually.

It is possible the movie stars became liberals because they have suddenly come upon so much fast, easy
income, they either feel guilty about it, or suppose the rest of us have their wealth, forgetting what the
real world is like. At millions per picture, even after taxes are deducted, they still might have plenty left,
so reality possibly eludes them. The woozy mysticism and sodden glitz of Hollywood has left the bubble
headed actors and actresses with little concept of actual life; their only concerns being the next film,
personal appearances, and adulation. No wonder the stars espouse the "SFN" concept for the poor. They
have experienced virtual "SFN," and it is wonderful. The few exceptions, such as Charlton Heston, are

The Reform Party has no platform, so no one knows what it stands for, other than what a candidate
might say in a speech. The Green Party is far left socialism, and Ralph Nader ran on it in 2000. The
Libertarians are fiscally conservative, favor neutrality, want to keep government pint-sized and out of
your bedroom and life, and only want it used to protect you, punish criminals, and administer justice.
Unfortunately, they don't like capital punishment, want open borders, and no tariffs, which counts me
out. A survey taken by The Library of Congress and the Book of the Month Club in 1991 asked, "What
book has influenced your life more than any other?" In first place was The Bible, and second place went
to Atlas Shrugged, by the late Ayn Rand. Millions have read and been moved by Atlas Shrugged,
becoming libertarian in thought as a result. In Washington D.C., a political action organization called
"CATO" has had an increasingly excellent influence on runaway government and gluttonous politicians.
The word "libertarian," small case, seems to be used more frequently of late, referring not necessarily to
the party, but the principle.

"No man’s life or property is safe while the legislature is in session." - 'terrible tempered' Dave Day,
editor of Ouray Colorado's Solid Muldoon newspaper 100 years ago.

Sellout Republicans compromise over and over again, defeating their avowed purpose, thrusting
America further and further into debt, and steadily enlarging government. It was Republican Presidents
and votes that established such things as food stamps, removed the gold backing from your dollars, and
started or approved of hundreds of other debilitating programs, cabinet posts, and gobbledygook.
Republicans, have for many decades preached the right sermon, but have never followed their
announced principles. In 1997, New Jersey Republican Governor Christie Todd Whitman won re-
election because of her reputation for cutting taxes. In 1998, the state had a $700 million surplus, and
Governor Whitman proposed raising the state gas tax by seven cents per gallon, and said she "could care
less" about her failing reputation as a tax cutter. Democrats helped kill the proposed tax.

Government can't give anything to anyone, without first stealing it from someone else, and charging a
fat fee for the redistribution, not counting the payoffs and corruption that always comes with such theft.
Politicians secure re-election by answering the question, 'Whadaya gonna do for me?' Their answer is
proffering a host of programs and other nebulous benefits that will accrue if they are elected. The (6 of 9)2/7/2012 8:13:08 AM

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libertarian oriented candidate might answer, 'I'm going to do everything humanly possible to reduce
government, make America neutral, bring the troops home, abolish the IRS, cease all handouts, welfare,
public housing, food stamps, and restore your money with honest gold and silver backing. This will
benefit you more than any promise that can be made by any other candidate.' Phony, freedom-spouting
Republicans will pussyfoot around, using similar mouthings...only never do any of them. When
Republicans took control of both Houses of Congress in January 1995, many thought that reform,
reductions in the size of government and taxes were sure things. Fat chance! After five years, there were
no tax cuts, and government had grown even larger. The so-called "Contract with America" got the
votes, but was mere swamp gas. The Democrats, often called "the party of absolute corruption," will
promise endless handouts and benefits from the public treasury, generally by means of redistributing
other's wealth. Robbing Peter to pay Paul, only there are a lot more voting "Pauls" than outraged

No matter what a politician may do, as witness the huge scandal brought on by the Democratic fund
raising episodes of 1996, seemingly the only thing ever done is to "investigate" or appoint an
"independent counsel" at taxpayer expense, and this usually drags on for years. Politicians may do
virtually anything they choose to do, regardless of how corrupt or unethical it may be, and the inevitable
investigations or hearings are scheduled. Big deal! By the time an investigation is finished, the hearings
are over, or the independent counsel finishes, the taxpayer has been milked, the treasury depleted, more
lawyers enriched, hundreds and even thousands of hours wasted, and in short, the barn door has been
closed after the horse has escaped. The consequence of having a wealth redistributing, unconstitutional,
unyielding federal government, is that politicians are always on the take, become dishonest, perverted,
unethical, and often are ensconced for most of their life in those posh offices.

Barry Goldwater

The sole politician at the federal level I can remember admiring and working very hard for, was Barry
Goldwater, Jan 1, 1909 - May 29, 1998. An individualist, philosopher, Senator, statesman, anti-
Communist, fiscal conservative, pilot, and in general, a grand man. I framed one of my letters from him
on the day of his death, hung it over my desk, glance at it daily, and still have various memorabilia from
his disastrous 1964 campaign. Barry Goldwater said, in speech after speech, that America should,
"Balance our budget…stop this utterly ridiculous agricultural program…get the federal government out
of business…every business." In his 1960 book, "Conscience of a Conservative," he wrote, "I have little
interest in streamlining government or making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not
undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal
them." His most famous statement, and one which will live forever is, "EXTREMISM IN THE
VIRTUE." He characterized moderate Republicanism as a "Dime store New Deal," said Jerry Falwell
deserved, "a boot...right in the ass," wouldn't attend Nixon's funeral, and said of him, "As far as I am
concerned, Mr. Nixon can go to China and stay there." What an individualist he was! Would that there
were several hundred of his type in the House and Senate today. (7 of 9)2/7/2012 8:13:08 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 9. POLITICIANS


Initially, America's ideal was for those who wanted something, or who were in need, to work for it. Now
it is far easier to vote for a politician who will steal it from someone, and give it to you. It saves a lot of
work! A sure thing, because politicians win elections by promising to steal from others, and give to you.
There are actually only two ways to survive. (1) economic, which is work, and (2) political, which is

If our federal government were Constitutional, the political system would work beautifully. Under a
Constitutional government, there would be no wealth re-distribution, no subsidies, all federal properties
and lands other than what the Constitution authorizes, would be turned over to their rightful owners,
there would be no national debt, and Congress would be unable to promise anything, to anyone, at any
time, during their term in office, especially if we were neutral. Would there be huge, expensive election
campaigns if elected ones couldn't pass out taxpayer money and award 'plums' of office? No.
Responsible state, county, and local governments would operate the same way, with no handouts
possible. Under the Constitution, the states were to compete with each other, just like McDonald's
competes with Wendy's and Burger King. States would have to make themselves desirable to attract
business and growth. If they wanted welfare, taxes would go sky high, as would crime, making them
undesirable to producers. New Hampshire has low taxes, Nevada loves gambling, Colorado has majestic
scenery, Arizona bathes in lots of sunshine, the northwest has ample water, the South has incredible
character and grace, and on it goes. If states, towns, cities, and counties competed with each other as far
as handouts, welfare and taxes; and were relieved from federal mandates, the competition would be on,
and the best man win. That's the way it ought to be. The best way to get rid of corruption in high places...
is to get rid of the high places, which is 90% of federal government.

"I’m gonna be so tough as mayor I’m gonna make Atilla the Hun look like a faggot." - Frank Rizzo,
when running for mayor of Philadelphia. Perhaps if statesmen were elected with his tough, South Philly
brazenness and determination to make us a true Constitutional Republic, as the Founders intended,
America could be saved.

If the federal government were brought down to size, becoming a Senator or Representative would lose
most of its glamour. Maybe it should be totally voluntary, with no salary at all. There would be so little
to do, they might meet only a month a year, and then go home and do something worthwhile. There
would be no need for term limits or campaign finance reform, because holding an office would be
something you did for your country, received no salary for, and once would probably be enough. All the
wowsers, do-gooders, and reform trash that inhabit the offices of the lobbying profession would quickly
vacate their "K" St. premises, as Congress would be impotent as far as give-aways were concerned,
negating any influence they might be paid to inject.


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Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 9. POLITICIANS (9 of 9)2/7/2012 8:13:08 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 10. THE "CIVIL" WAR


"There are few, I believe, in this enlightened age, who will not acknowledge that slavery as an institution
is a moral and political evil." -Robert E. Lee - December 27, 1856 - 5 years before the war began.

I have always had strong, special feelings for the South, and the wrongly titled "Civil War." "The War
Between the States," "The War of Southern Independence," or even "The War Of Northern Aggression"
are more correct, descriptive titles. In a civil war, two sides are fighting for control of one government.
The South didn't want to take over the North's government, but seceded from it so as to govern itself.
Going back to that fateful year of 1861, the new Republican Party's President, Abraham Lincoln, used
unconstitutional "executive orders" to start the war and remove the Constitutional writ of habeas corpus
from many Northerners, arresting 38,000 innocent citizens, newspaper editors, teachers, businessmen,
etc. with no evidence of disloyalty or subversion to the Union. Many were kept in dreadful conditions
for many months. On the night of September 12, 1861, Lincoln had federal troops arrest dozens of
Maryland legislators and other prominent citizens, including the mayor of Baltimore, and a Maryland
Congressman. When the chief justice of the United States, Roger Brook Taney ruled that he had no
constitutional power to do so, Lincoln ordered his arrest too! Additionally, Lincoln closed over 300
Northern newspapers which had printed unfavorable comments about him, interrupted state legislatures,
seized private property, censored telegraph lines, and blockaded the South, all without congressional
approval. Lincoln's military governors sometimes ordered hangings, without trial, for minor offenses.
Mere suspicion of disloyalty to the Union was enough to expose one to Lincoln's governmental reign of

Virtually 100% of Democrats in both the North and South were against the War, and that explains why,
as late as 1980, Democrats laid claim to a "Solid South." By 1863, the North was virtually broke, and
had lost so many battles with the South, with heavy casualties, that they were running out of men and
money, even though the paper money presses were running night and day. New York instituted a draft to
bolster the number of Northern soldiers, with the provision that anyone drafted could pay $300 to get out
of service. A draft at any time is slavery, but that didn't seem to bother the North. The April 1863 draft
riots resulted in hundreds of deaths, hundreds of buildings burned to the ground, and are still regarded as
possibly the worst civil upheaval in American history. Lincoln violated the Constitution in many ways,
starting and fighting that unpopular war.

The War Between the States has become universally thought of as being fought over slavery, which is
not true. Slavery wasn't even announced as a war aim till the war had been going on for two years!
General Ulysses Grant had slaves, and many Northerners had slaves until the Emancipation
Proclamation. Who did that "emancipate?" The South had already seceded, and no proclamation had any
effect on them. Lincoln was determined to start a war to pressure the South into his version of a
Federalist - John Adams - Alexander Hamilton envisioned, strong, overpowering central government,
which would have, and actually has become, a virtual monarchy. The South was intent on keeping with
the Constitutionally authorized republican form of strong, self-governing states, and a weak central (1 of 4)2/7/2012 8:13:08 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 10. THE "CIVIL" WAR

government. They disagreed, and the South respectfully decided to become independent, and remain
friends with their northern neighbors. They sent emissaries to Lincoln to attempt a peaceful resolution of
their problems, but Lincoln refused to see them.

"I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it
now exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so." - Abraham

"I tried all in my power to avert this war. I saw it coming, and for twelve years I worked night and day
to prevent it, but I could not. The North was mad and blind: It would not let us govern ourselves, and so
the war came, and now it must go on till the last man of this government falls in his tracks, and his
children seize the musket and fight our battle, unless you acknowledge our right to self government. We
are not fighting for slavery. We are fighting for independence, and that, or extermination we will have." -
Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederacy - 1864

Lincoln has become a sort of divine luminary and poster boy to Republicans. Like Bill Clinton, Lincoln
didn't receive a majority vote when he became President, and when he started that dreadful conflict, two
thirds of the North, the entire South, and his cabinet were against it. An impeachment was even begun in
an attempt to get rid of him. Abe Lincoln had a hideous ten-year marriage to Mary Todd, whose family
were slaveholders, and even though he sired four children by Mary, they quarreled constantly, and
Lincoln is said to have had a long-term "loving" relationship with a male, Joshua Speed. Lincoln was a
disaster, was responsible for the loss of 620,000 lives, the virtual destruction of the South, and the killing
of thousands of innocents by the likes of William Tecumseh Sherman, a vainglorious, brutal man, who
can easily be compared to the worst of WW II Nazis or Japanese. The 15,000 unarmed women and
children left in Atlanta, hardly deserved to have their entire city burned, as well as much of the rest of
the South on Sherman's infamous "march to the sea." In a letter to his son, a year before he died,
Sherman expressed his regret that his armies did not murder every last Indian in North America.

By the time Lincoln started the War, only 6% of Southerners even had slaves, which cost as much as
$1500 in gold, and were far too expensive for most farmers. Slaves were originally imported by
England, and later the North. Those the North didn't want to keep, were sold to the South, which was
attempting to responsibly free them, when Lincoln had his way. The State of Virginia, on October 5,
1778, passed "An act for preventing further importation of slaves." In keeping with that philosophy, the
Confederate Constitution of 1861, Article 1, Section 9, Clause 1 says, "The slave must be made fit for his
freedom by education and discipline and thus be made unfit for slavery." Both of these were long before
Lincoln's War. Lincoln's famous speech where he declared all men to be equal, doesn't exactly agree
with a speech he gave on October 16, 1854, when he said, "There is a natural disgust in the minds of
nearly all white people to the idea of an indiscriminate amalgamation of the white and black races…
Free them and make them politically and socially our equals? My own feelings would not admit to this."
On September 18, 1858 he said, "I will say then, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing
about, in any way, a social and political equality of the white and black races, that I am not, nor ever
have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, or of qualifying them to hold office, nor to
intermarry with white people. And I will say in addition to this, there is a physical difference between (2 of 4)2/7/2012 8:13:08 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 10. THE "CIVIL" WAR

the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together in terms of
social and political equality. And in so much as they cannot so live, while they remain together, there
must be the position of superior and inferior, and as I, as much as any other man, am in favor of having
the superior position assigned to the white race."

The New England States had begun attempts to leave the Union as early as 1800, when Thomas
Jefferson was elected President. New England Federalists immediately began a secession movement,
and continued their efforts for 50 years without anyone starting a war with them to "save the Union" or
"abolish slavery." They had slaves too, and made huge profits importing and selling them to the South.
Many Loyalist New Englanders wanted to get out of the Union, sign a separate treaty with England, and
become a separate nation. The North taxed the South severely, which was another reason for the War.
The North's taxes were the result of the South supplying 75% of America's exports, with their tobacco
and cotton. The "Tariff of Abomination" forced the South to pay heavy tariffs when purchasing supplies
and machinery from the North, such tariffs paying for the majority of federal government expenses. Fort
Sumter was a tariff collection place for the North, and the South wasn't about to let the North re-supply
it. Remember, it was similar exorbitant tariffs that caused America to secede from Britain 90 years

The Louisiana Purchase virtually doubled the area of the U.S. at three cents an acre, and most of the new
states wanted to govern themselves, rather than be subservient to a federal giant. This was a threat to
federal plans to dominate everyone, and another cause of the War. Most of the North thought the South
was within its rights and correct in its pursuits. Even then, most feared what we have now become…a
pitiful nation being ruled by our inferiors with an all powerful central government, consisting of tens of
thousands of lame brained, mouth breathing bureaucrats, a Congress and President woefully out of touch
with their constituencies, and becoming more powerful and unconstitutional with each passing day.
When Aaron Burr killed Alexander Hamilton in that famous duel, Hamilton's federalist, powerful central
government ideas didn't die with him. If dishonest Abe had listened to the South, The War Between the
States would have been avoided, 620,000 lives saved, the South not burned, bankrupted, disgraced, and
pillaged, and America would be as our Founders planned when they wrote the Constitution. That
Constitution includes a Bill of Rights, the Tenth Amendment of which gives the states the right to self-
government. Washington, Madison, and Jefferson were right, and Hamilton and Lincoln were hideously
in error.

Those not content to accept the South's side, point out that South Carolina fired the first shot on Fort
Sumter, thus beginning the War. The fact is that the six "Cotton States" had already seceded, had already
seized federal forts, lands and armaments, and no war had been started. South Carolina's taking Fort
Sumter was a logical step in the process of recovering property rightfully belonging to it, and not
allowing the North to re-supply it or collect more usurious taxes. It wouldn't have been prudent for a
seceded state to have a northern fortress in the middle of its harbor. When they attempted to re-supply,
after repeated warnings, they got fired upon. It is that simple. Lincoln planned it that way, and there is
ample proof of it. The Constitution says that only Congress can declare war, but dishonest Abe did it on
his own, with no Congressional or even civilian approval. Union soldiers were fighting against self-
determination, and the Confederates for the right of their people to govern themselves. The Confederates (3 of 4)2/7/2012 8:13:08 AM

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fighting for independence from an overbearing, overtaxing central government were duplicating the
fight the revolutionaries had with England a few decades previously.

"The day before Sumter was surrendered, two thirds of the newspapers in the North opposed coercion in
any shape or form and sympathized with the South. These papers were the South's allies and champions.
Three fifths of the entire American people sympathized with the South. Over 200,000 voters opposed
coercion and believed the South had the right to secede," - Horace Greeley, editor of the New York
Herald Tribune, April 1861. Greeley also said on February 5, 1861 that, "Nine out of ten people of the
North were opposed to forcing South Carolina to remain in the Union. The great principle embodied by
Jefferson in the Declaration…is that governments derive their just power from the consent of the
governed. (Therefore if the Southern states want to secede)…they have a clear right to do so." Why do
Republicans continue to idolize dishonest Abe?

Ulysses Grant, who was 5'3"and a drunk, Robert E. Lee and most top military officers in both the
South's and North's armies were graduates of West Point. There they had been taught that to deny a state
the right of secession, "would be inconsistent with the principle on which all our political systems are
founded, which is, that the people have in all cases, a right to determine how they will be governed." A
quote from "A View of the Constitution," a West Point textbook. When it was politically provident for
him to say so, Lincoln espoused secession, as he did when he spoke on July 4, 1848, saying, "Any people
whatsoever have the right to abolish the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better.
This is a most valuable, a most sacred right." It must also be pointed out that Lincoln didn't oppose West
Virginia's seceding from Virginia. The so-called "Civil War" was a disgusting affair, and no fault of the

It isn't as if the North was favorable to blacks, or wanted them, even before Lincoln's War. The Revised
code of Indiana stated in 1862, that, "Negroes and mulattos are not allowed to come into the state."
Illinois, that so called "Land of Lincoln," had almost identical restrictions in 1848, as did Oregon in
1857. Most Northern states in the 1860's did not permit immigration by blacks, or if they did, required
them to post a $1,000 bond that would be confiscated if they behaved "improperly." Senator Lyman
Trimball of Illinois, a close confidant of Lincoln's said that, "our people want nothing to do with the
Negro." The Philadelphia Daily News of November 22, 1860 editorialized that, "the African is naturally
the inferior race." Alexis de Tocqueville wrote in "Democracy in America" that, "The prejudice of race
appears to be stronger in the states that have abolished slavery than in those where it still exists."

The entire War was a disaster. It was unconstitutionally begun by Abraham Lincoln, resulted in the
deaths of 620,000 Americans, endless polarization of two sections of America, and between two races.
Why do the Republicans still celebrate "Lincoln Day?" I cannot understand this endless fascination with
a man who was, in this writer's opinion, an evil man.


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Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 11. THE HOMELESS


"Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam, be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home." - J.
H. Payne

In America, there may be over 300,000 "homeless." This figure is far less than some estimates, and
results from morphing all facts, figures, and surveys I have been able to find, plus throwing in a little
common sense. It really doesn't matter how many there are, they are a damned nuisance, generally are
lazy, alcoholic, drug addicted, filthy, rude, criminal, mentally deranged, and a pestilence on American
society. They invariably have moola for cigarettes and cheap hooch; funds that could easily buy a bath, a
room to sleep in, or other activity certain to take them off the streets.

They are everywhere in the big cities, whether it be sleeping in a urine soaked subway station, or living
in cardboard boxes placed over steam vents. Always offensive, always panhandling, and in general
lousing up any place they may "reside." They are usually male, unshaven, unbathed, and should be
locked up or gotten off the streets in any way convenient to law enforcement. In every newspaper, jobs
are advertised that go begging. Jobs that require little talent, and pay minimal wages. Any pay is more
than these tramps are getting now. One of my daughters, when she was in college, shared an apartment
with other girls, made minimum wage, never got a full week's work, and refused help from her parents.
She wanted to make it on her own, and did. Unlike the street people, she kept herself clean, her clothes
were neat, and she even kept her small VW 'bug' in decent condition. Is that too much to ask of a
homeless good-for-nothing? When living in Philly, it was not pleasant to walk down South Broad St., on
the way to the Academy of Music, and be accosted by drunken, smelly, loud, profane, panhandling

Priorities are the secret. The homeless have no priority for cleanliness, a home, a bed, good food, or even
a shave. Their priorities are for booze, drugs, panhandling, and their buddies. Those priorities insult
decent people, who have to tolerate their living in putrid boxes and sticking filthy hands out for alms.
They aren't interested in low cost housing, but rather no cost housing in their squalid "homes" with their
grungy rags wrapped around them.

The homeless are the consequences of the Supreme Court's invalidation of vagrancy laws, not enforcing
remaining laws that would apply, all under the guise of kindness, humanity, and the general attitude of,
'It must be our fault that these poor souls have no home.' Sorry, it is not our fault. Our cities are bad
enough already, without making them worse with thousands of homeless bums littering the streets. I
didn’t make them lazy, keep them from working or bathing, nor did I make them alcoholics. I didn’t set
their priorities, but have to suffer for them.

The small proportion of the homeless that are mentally disturbed, rather than just bums, are the
consequence of literally emptying the mental institutions about thirty years ago, under the specious
reasoning that these people weren't really mentally ill. I remember well when Byberry Hospital in (1 of 2)2/7/2012 8:13:09 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 11. THE HOMELESS

Philadelphia had about 75% of its patients released into the big wide world; most of them unequipped to
handle it. The hospital was under the direction of Dr. Dan Blaine, a brilliant doctor and friend of mine,
long deceased, who was appalled at the instructions given him, with which he was forced to comply.

For every homeless person, there are thousands who have struggled, worked, and gotten out of their
mess, however severe it may have been. The media love to play up the few that haven't the resolve to
make it. The late Mitch Snyder was their darling. He was always on camera, spouting his exaggerations
and lamentations about the homeless. Good riddance to Mitch Snyder, but perhaps the mush headed
media and TV cameras will find another photogenic, filthy subject to elevate, continuing the attempt to
make us feel sorry for those who do not desire to work, bathe, or be members of a civilized society. At
one time or another, most of us have had hideous circumstances or luck, and we may have been tempted
to throw in the towel and give up. We didn't give up, but just worked a bit harder till we overcame. We
are better for having gone through it, as it made us stronger.


Various states and municipalities are already passing laws prohibiting "camping" on public
thoroughfares and property, and hopefully this will not be disallowed by the Supreme Court, as was
done when they invalidated vagrancy laws. Obviously, the homeless are mostly frauds, getting in
everyone's way, and it must be stopped and stopped quickly. The nut-balls should be re-committed to
where they belong, and the rest jailed, or perhaps hauled off to some desert island and left there. I have
no sympathy at all for them.


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Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 12. GUNS

12. GUNS
“...The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” - Constitution of the United
States, Amendment II, Dec. 15, 1791

“Arms, like laws, discourage and keep the invader and the plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the
world as well as property.” - Thomas Paine

Guns are a compact, powerful means of defending one's self, or assaulting someone else. The first is
admirable, and the second, usually not. Politicians deliberately link the words "defense" and "assault,"
which have entirely different meanings. Rather than punishing the second, far too many politicos
attempt to remove the ability to do the first from hundreds of millions of citizens; naturally receiving
rapturous applause from the gun-haters. The press gladly goes along with the output of the irrational
ones who shriek over and over that, "guns kill people," and we must get them out of everyone's hands.

I have never heard of a gun killing anyone. Guns are merely machined pieces of hardened metal. They
must be held, loaded, pointed, and the trigger pulled by someone, in order for them to operate. A gun
can kill no one, as it is a totally inanimate object. Other such objects are autos, poisons, bricks, rocks,
pens and pencils, airplanes, gas, electricity, nicotine, whiskey, fire, dynamite, fertilizer and fuel oil made
into a bomb, or thousands of objects, which, in the hands of a demonized criminal can kill, but not
without the aid of a human mind and action. It is impossible for a gun, unassisted, to kill anyone.

Grisly photos and stories are searched out by the biased media to show how evil these inanimate objects
are. Several cities are suing gun manufacturers for simply making them. Since automobiles kill over
43,000 a year, I can not understand why these idiots don't sue auto manufacturers, or for that matter
bathtub producers, since thousands die from falls in them. 500 kids die in bike accidents each year. Sue
the manufacturer? Over 1,000 die in residential fires each year. Over 1,000 kids under the age of 15 die
each year from drowning in pools or in boating accidents. Sue the manufacturers? Statistics and polls are
presented to show that all reasonable minded citizens would like to have everyone's gun confiscated,
even though the entire matter is impossible, and the statistics and polls are total untruths. America has
been treated to one of the most outlandish, deceptive, negative campaigns in history...about guns.

The consequences of attempts to make guns illegal, are that innocents may not be able to defend
themselves in time of need. Criminals can always get a gun. They can be bought illegally 'on the street,'
as dozens of TV magazine shows have proven. Mayhem can be committed by anyone, with any weapon
at hand, be it a rock, automobile, knife, or even a telephone. In South Africa, tens of thousands die each
year from stabbings, with no guns involved. In most cases of a gun being used to murder innocents, if
there had been a gun in the possession of a bystander, the murderer would have been quickly dispatched
before he completed his nefarious scheme. Be it on a Long Island Railroad commuter train, in a
schoolyard, post office, or restaurant, there have always been innocents handy, who could have stopped
the rampage instantly, if they had been carrying a gun. (1 of 10)2/7/2012 8:13:11 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 12. GUNS

An absolute fact, is that each year guns instantly prevent over a million crimes from being committed.
Unloaded guns, loaded guns, or guns held in experienced or inexperienced hands, but guns in the hands
of a would be victim, and pointed at the criminal, stop over a million crimes a year. There is no greater
occupational hazard for a criminal, than a gun in the hands of a nervous, terrified householder or
storekeeper. "Now look lady, don’t point that thing at me, it may go off! You don’t know how to handle
it. See, your hands are shaking. I'll just leave and we'll forget I ever saw you. Sorry I upset you. Now
you put that thing down, and I'm out of here!" A criminal getting off that easily would be lucky.

I will not justify a certain town in Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, by naming it, because that town
outlawed the possession of guns a few years ago, and any one caught with one was prosecuted. Idiotic
citizens by the hundreds turned in their guns, and guess what? Crime escalated by tens of percentage
points. Why not? Burglars and thieves didn’t have to be afraid any longer, knowing they probably aren't
going to be shot at by a housewife or businessman. I am a life member of the National Rifle Association,
(NRA) and Gun Owners of America (GOA) and am proud of it. I mention this only because a member
of the NRA gets a monthly magazine titled, "The American Rifleman," and each month I eagerly await
reading one of the first features, titled "The Armed Citizen," which quotes actual newspaper stories of
gun owners who dispatched criminals with their guns. A typical entry reads, "92 year old Conrad
Schwarzkopf had been sleeping in his Long Island, New York home when a punk four times his junior
barged into his bedroom, beating him up. Schwarzkopf tried to fight back but was no match for the
younger man, and wound up being tossed into a closet. There, as the young man ransacked the house
looking for money, Schwarzkopf found his semi-automatic pistol he kept in the closet and emerged from
its darkness firing, striking his assailant in the hand and chest. The injured criminal immediately ran to
a pay phone where he called the police and confessed to robbing a house and being shot by the
homeowner." - The New York Times, 9/7/95.

An Associated Press story in November 1993, illustrates what can happen if an honest citizen carries a
gun, because one never knows what may happen.

"It seemed like a perfect night for a mugging. The street was dark, the hour late, the Brooklyn
neighborhood rough. But the teen-age boys who stalked Arthur Boone as he left a corner market Sunday
missed one thing: the 44 caliber Magnum tucked in his belt. One of the muggers, nicknamed "B-Boy,"
put the barrel of a BB gun to Boone’s head. The other, "Taz," reached for his wallet. Then Boone fired
three shots heard ‘round the city. ...Boone shot and killed his assailants with the unlicensed .44. He
waited for police to arrive, told them he was a victim of past muggings, and quietly surrendered."

The story goes on for many paragraphs, but the BB gun was an exact replica of a real gun, the
perpetrators had police records, and Boone was taking no chances. He went free.

From the founding of Jamestown in 1607 to the 1968 Gun Control Act, America had a lower crime rate
than it has since that act became law. 88% of all assaults do not involve firearms; 77% of all robberies
do not involve firearms; and 41% of homicides do not involve firearms. An even higher percentage of (2 of 10)2/7/2012 8:13:11 AM

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car thefts, burglaries, embezzlements, frauds, acts of vandalism and arson, do not involve firearms. Gun
control legislation is a total swindle, deliberate deception, unnecessary, and disarms innocent civilians,
who need to protect themselves and their property.

In May of 1982, Kennesaw Georgia enacted a law requiring every household to own a firearm. I have
personally talked to the town clerk and police chief to verify this fact, plus the astounding statistics that
have followed. In the first year, crime decreased 16%, something like 60% the second year, and now
residential burglaries have decreased by 89%. Why would a criminal be so foolish as to try to rob or
burgle, when everyone in town has a gun? Might as well go somewhere else where they don't have such
a’ll live a lot longer. Delaware County, New York has a population of 47,000. Those 47,000
people own 44,000 handguns, and 220,000 long guns. According to Sheriff Len Rutherford, "That’s
about 5 for every man, woman, and child in the county. If a burglar is planning to break in somewhere,
he won’t do it if he knows there are guns in the house." The town of Virgin, Utah has no measurable
crime other than dogs running loose, or minor violations of that type. Maybe that's because an ordinance
states, "In order to provide for and protect the safety, security, and general welfare of the town and its
inhabitants, every household residing in the Virgin Town limits is required to maintain a firearm,
together with ammunition thereof."

One of the first things a would be dictator does is confiscate all guns. Hitler did it, as did the Marxists
after the Russian Revolution. Could Hitler have gotten very far if the German citizens had possession of
personal firearms? Hardly, as the Nazis were in the minority, and never did achieve majority status. The
Nazis had arms; arms that had been confiscated ("registered") from the citizens they later killed,
maimed, and tortured. When you register guns, it is all too easy to say you aren't "qualified" to own it,
when you are a would be dictator. Here is a direct 1935 quote from Adolph Hitler, after he registered,
and then confiscated the guns. "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation
has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow
our lead into the future." An armed elite can always rule an unarmed majority...without their consent.
Any nation's elite, including America's, live in dread of the majority getting enough of their dictums, and
rising up. This is especially true of an armed majority, which America happens to have. Tyrants are
always wholeheartedly in favor of gun control. It's not easy to murder and brutalize those who can fight
back. Yes, and that includes American tyrants and wannabes. Gun control worked well in Kosovo!

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect
themselves against tyranny in government." - Thomas Jefferson

"God created all men, but Sam Colt made them equal." - 19th Century saying.

Colt invented the revolver. The revolver made skills with swords, bows and arrows, and other crude
instruments of conquest unnecessary. Guns require little skill and strength to operate and protect ones
self with...a great benefit to humankind.

The problem is not guns, but criminals. The problem is criminals being released by bubble headed (3 of 10)2/7/2012 8:13:11 AM

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judges upon the promise to "go straight," or other such nonsense. Our police work so hard rounding up
the scum, only to have their noble efforts unwound by nincompoop judges. Compact machines, (guns)
are not the problem. If a person has evil intent, the lack of a gun will not stop him, because he can get
one. If he doesn't have a gun, a crowbar, rock, knife, or similar weapon will often suffice, but a would be
victim's possession of a gun is the criminal's worst nightmare.

An example of the above mentioned judges can be illustrated by a syndicated column written by Mark
Patinkin, which appeared in the Dec. 10, 1993 Rocky Mountain News, parts of which are as follows:

"...I give you the case of Jerome Sandusky. Sandusky is 80 now, very alert, a former textile executive
who lived most of his life in Manhattan. After the mugging, he felt he had to move, so he’s living in New
Jersey today, living out his retirement years on too little money.

"...He was due to have dinner with friends and headed into a subway station near his Upper West Side
home. What happened next was very quick. Suddenly, two young men grabbed him. His glasses were
knocked off and broken. He was hit on the nose and began to bleed. He was pushed against a wall and
immobilized as one of the men put an arm around his neck. The other man began going through his
pockets. Sandusky tried to holler, but at that, the man behind him said, "If you don’t shut up, I’ll choke
you to death." He felt he was going to die.

"...That’s when a plainclothes policeman with the New York Transit Authority likely saved his life. The
policeman and a woman partner heard Sandusky and ran down the stairs. Announcing they were police,
they ordered the assailants to stop. They ignored them and began running in opposite directions. The
policeman shot one, Bernard McCummings, hitting him in the spine, while the other got away.

"Now let’s fast forward. McCummings was convicted of assault and served two years, serving it in a
wheelchair, since he was paralyzed from the policeman's shot. He decided he too was a victim and filed
suit for damages against the New York Transit Authority, and was awarded $4.3 million."

Several appeals, running all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, resulted in nothing. McCummings got
his $4.3 million. The Supreme Court says criminals have nothing to worry about, as long as they run
away. Crime does pay. The old adage and bumper strip is factual, which says; "When guns are outlawed
only outlaws will have guns." The politicians are trying to make that come true. Speaking of wise
sayings, I recently saw a bumper strip that proclaimed, "Teddy Kennedy’s car has killed more people
than my gun."

Government insists that we use seat belts, drive within the speed limit, and does every other sort of thing
to protect us from real or imagined harm. Our tools must conform to safety standards, as must our
homes, businesses, cars, appliances, and even clothes. Simultaneously, politicians attempt to rob us of
our ability to protect ourselves from our enemies. In Switzerland, every man is required to own a gun,
know how to use it, and have 10,000 rounds of ammunition in his home. There is little crime in
Switzerland. (4 of 10)2/7/2012 8:13:11 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 12. GUNS

The consequences of confiscating our guns have not happened yet, as Americans fight for these rights
tooth and nail, but there would be hideous crime and citizen pummeling by the criminal set, if guns were
finally confiscated from the non-criminals. I don’t want to ever see those consequences. Another bumper
strip reads, "Sure! You can have my gun...if you can pry it from my dead, cold, stiff fingers."

During the famous Rodney King riots, calls to "911" proved fruitless. The police openly admitted they
couldn't possibly protect the innocents, as there was too much crime. That was not a new situation, and it
was confirmed by Morgan Reynolds, a scholar at Texas A&M University, who has studied the statistics.
His facts are as follows: "The police cannot protect people from crime. The police are the folks who
come around to investigate after you have been shot, raped, or robbed. Occasionally, they catch the
villain. For example, only 7% of all burglaries result in an arrest, and only 1.2% result in imprisonment
for an average of 13 months. That comes to 4.8 days in jail for each burglary."

The Rodney King affair is a dark blot on the U.S. jurisprudence system. After the police were freed by
one jury, the federal government, in violation of the double jeopardy clause in our Constitution's Fifth
Amendment, and in total violation of the Seventh Amendment, tried them again and saw to it they were
convicted. The police went to jail, while King was not only free, but got millions from the LAPD. He
was drunk, speeding recklessly through residential neighborhoods, and on probation when the police
attempted to arrest him. He has since run afoul of the law several times. Our sacred Constitution’s Fifth
Amendment says in part, "…nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in
jeopardy of life or limb..." The Seventh Amendment was quoted in Chapter 10, and does not allow for
people to be tried twice for the same crime in different courts, only once for the same offense. Not
satisfied with the first trial jury's verdict, the feds concocted a "deprivation of Constitutional rights
through state law" case for the second trial, which was an outrage. If anyone’s "rights" were deprived, it
was the police and citizenry of Los Angeles, by allowing Rodney King to be out of jail for even a
minute. The LA Police were sorely abused.

A letter to "Dear Abby" regarding the King trial is informative:

"The Rodney King Trial was on TV for 6 hours each day. I heard and saw videotapes and testimony of
the normal effect of stun guns—police in training receiving a stun gun shot, and falling like pole-axed
steers—yet Rodney King only blinked and kept coming at the officers.

>"I heard testimony of Mr. King's throwing officers—two at a time—to the ground like rag dolls. All this
was in the 20 minutes before the famous one-minute 'bite' that was all most of the media and a segment
of our population saw.

"I was finally given the opportunity to see the tape in its entirety. Here I saw a man who had been hit
four times with 50,000 volts of electricity continue to fight and resist police. I saw him lunging at a
policeman. I saw him defying all normal reaction to pain. I saw a brief moment when he lay still, and at
that moment one policeman reached for his handcuffs. Then the man was up on his hands and knees
again." (5 of 10)2/7/2012 8:13:11 AM

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King was freed, continues to abuse the law, the brave LA Police went to jail, and Los Angeles is out
millions of dollars to King alone, not to mention the hideous riots that broke out when the police were
freed after the first trial. Politicos successfully outlawed certain automatic weapons in 1995, saying that
people didn’t need such weapons. Those hapless storeowners in LA could have used automatic, or any
other weapons during the riots. When the riots started, thousands went to buy guns to defend themselves
and their property…but were denied. California law dictates that issuance of a gun permit has a
mandatory 15 day waiting period. By then it was too late, and thousands of law-abiding businessmen
and homeowners lost everything they owned, by not being able to protect themselves. The Los Angeles
rioters burned more than 5,300 buildings, caused the death of 58, injury to over 2,300, and the property
damage was more than $750 million. Had those innocents all been owners of guns of any type, those
riots would have been extremely brief. As it was, they went on and on, with nothing to stop the lawless
from robbing, burning, beating, killing, and maiming.

Think about the police and their crime fighting abilities, and you will have to quickly admit that in
perhaps 99% of the cases, the police arrive on the crime scene after the crime has been committed, to fill
out forms, take pictures, and make reports. Burglar alarms notify the police after the place has been
broken into, and by the time the police respond, it is too late. Police mostly ride around in air
conditioned cars with closed windows. Criminals can hide in bushes or dark places, climb onto roofs,
and in hundreds of ways be invisible to a passing, virtually soundproof patrol car. How can police
possibly stop crime? They can’t, openly admit it, and that’s why they urge the installation of alarm
systems in both homes and cars.

I can think of nothing finer than to have enough money to hire a "home cop" to protect me. Businesses
and factories hire security forces that are armed, and do indeed protect them. Isn’t the best possible
home cop, a gun? Think about it. A home cop that requires no salary, no feeding, no deductions, is on
duty 24 hours a day, and can even be carried about wherever you go. In confrontations with criminals,
armed citizens have their guns taken away in only 1% of the cases. Armed citizens mistakenly kill
innocents 30 times a year, compared with the police, who accidentally kill innocents 330 times a year.
(Remember that there are over 200 million guns in private hands in America.) The crime rate in the
wild, woolly, frontier west, was lower than in many of today's major cities, and I might add, the justice
was swifter and fairer. The so-called "Saturday night special" is a complete misnomer, but even a cheap
gun will provide adequate protection for the innocents from would be marauders, burglars, rapists, or

Is there any better way for a 110 pound woman to dispatch a would be 225 pound rapist or robber, than
to point a gun at him, and pull the trigger? The would be victim of a criminal can handily eliminate a
dangerous situation without getting close enough for actual physical contact, abuse, or overpowering.
Know of any other method of doing that?

I do not understand why the liberals, and even many Republicans want to disarm law-abiding citizens,
who deter far more crime than do the police. Guns do not kill, people kill. Statistics from the Johns
Hopkins Injury Prevention Center show deaths of children from birth to age 14, over a five year (6 of 10)2/7/2012 8:13:11 AM

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reporting period, resulted from the following: Firearms - 2.9%. Other - 97.1%. A study of homicides by
the Chicago Police Department showed that 85% of murderers had previous criminal records. There is
no reason to disarm the law-abiding citizen. The so-called "assault weapon," includes any semi-
automatic, which the gun haters are staying up nights devising plans to confiscate. In an 11-year period,
only 11 officers were listed as being killed by them, 58 with some other weapon, 126 with their own
gun, and 737 in traffic accidents.

Maybe we need beer glass control, because Discover Magazine reports that in the United Kingdom,
there are a reported 5,000 attacks on citizens each thrown beer glasses. The liberals captured
the British political system in May 1997, and on June 11th, guns were actually outlawed in England. By
a 384-181 vote, the House of Commons voted to outlaw pistol ownership in Britain. The AP story
quotes labor lawmaker Austin Mitchell, who said the bill, "doesn’t do anything about illegal weapons,
which are a major problem." Australia also outlawed guns in 1998. What will happen to the crime rate
now? It has actually happened: Guns have been outlawed, and only outlaws will have England
and Australia. In Australia, citizens, who by law were forced to do so, because they were registered,
turned in 640,381 personal firearms. Since the Aussies have collected and made gun ownership illegal,
armed robberies are up 69%, assaults with guns up 28%, murders with guns up 19% and home invasions
up 21%. Registration gives the names and addresses of lawful owners, making confiscation easy.

The incorrectly titled "assault weapon" is basically an ordinary gun that fires at each pull of the trigger
without re-cocking, correctly called a "semi-automatic," which is very common. Semi-automatics are in
no way machine guns, which have been outlawed since 1936. "Assault weapon" is merely a literary tool
that has been successfully used by the anti-gun lobby, and the phrase has attached itself to liberal
politicians like chewed bubble gum on a hot sidewalk. The phrase "assault weapon," is a gross miss-
labeling of a modern gun, and nothing else. Outlawing "assault weapons" is merely another step in the
seizing of our guns, by those who should know better. In America, more people were killed by baseball
bats in 1992, than were killed by so called "assault weapons."

The ratio of "good guys" to "bad guys" in America today, has to be at least 50 to 1. There are very few
really bad guys who cause the trouble, make the papers, inhabit the jails, and are a nuisance that has
become intolerable. A gun is our best protection against the bad guys, and an instrument that will
obviously turn a bad guy, not necessarily into a "good" one, but certainly one that is afraid to practice his
trade as much, if at all, because of the inherent danger to his life.

Several states have begun to issue carry permits, allowing citizens to carry concealed guns on their
person wherever they may choose to go during the course of their travels. While few permits have been
issued, the startling statistics do not lie. A detailed study by the Chicago Law School shows that in
counties with populations of more than 200,000, right-to-carry laws have reduced murder rates by more
than 13%. Additionally, when women carry a concealed handgun, their murder rate decreases four times
as much as men's. Florida heads the list of states issuing carry permits, more than 300,000 between Oct.
1, 1987 and Dec. 31, 1995. Only five violent crimes were committed with permitted pistols, and none of
these resulted in fatalities. Ever see a Columbine School rampage at a gun show? (7 of 10)2/7/2012 8:13:11 AM

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Private ownership of guns has always been inextricably identified with freedom. Freedom from
overpowering government or overpowering criminals, who sometimes are indistinguishable, as in
Revolutionary times. Privately owned guns made it possible for ordinary farmers and citizens to
overpower the British. Without there having been lots of rifles and guns, we might still be ruled by
Mother England.

Kids have always played "guns," or "cops and robbers," using toy guns. The anti-gun extremists have
gone so far as to severely punish kids who might bring a toy gun to school. The peak of absurdity came
in January 1997; when 10 year old Jeffrey Parks brought his 11-inch high plastic "GI Joe" toy to school.
"GI Joe" has a one-inch plastic pistol with it, and after the panic-stricken teacher confiscated the one-
inch toy, little Jeffrey was expelled from his elementary school. The punishment was later changed to
"one year probation." The Seattle School District considered this absurdity, "zero tolerance."

I am sick to death of the continual "civil rights" nonsense, and it is obvious that one of our main civil
rights, according to our Constitution's Second Amendment is the right to own a gun. One never hears of
that "civil right" does one?

"It is much safer to be feared than loved." - Machiavelli. Maybe that's why, according to a study by the
General Accounting Office, (GAO) an astounding 60,000 government employees in 45 different
agencies now carry guns as a routine part of their job, and not just law enforcement agents, but
bureaucrats employed by the departments of Education, Fish and Wildlife Service, Small Business
Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs, and even poultry inspectors and disaster aid workers.
In 1996, 2,436-armed personnel were added to the federal government's payroll. Congressman Ron Paul,
one of the really good guys from Texas, blasted the "massive buildup of a virtual army of armed
regulators." How about gun control for the federal government? See why we need ours?

A book published in 1987 titled "The Battle Of Athens," by Stephen Byrum vividly portrays how citizen
ownership of guns actually saved this Tennessee community from a band of crooked politicians who had
hamstrung the county for years with crooked elections that kept bums in office. No one was killed, but
the guns effectively booted them out of office.


"Are we at last brought to such a humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with
arms for our own defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in our own possession and
under our own direction, and having them under the management of congress? If our defense be the real
object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety or safety to us, as
in our own hands?" - Patrick Henry

Our Government has betrayed us. Americans should be able to not only determine their economic,
political, and other destinies, but their physical destiny as well, meaning that they must be allowed to
protect themselves. There should be no laws of any kind regarding guns. Everyone should own them, (8 of 10)2/7/2012 8:13:11 AM

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and if that happened, crime would all but disappear. Owning guns are a Constitutional right as specified
in the Second Amendment. There were no such laws until that traitorous disaster, FDR, persuaded his
Democrat Congress to pass the National Firearms Act of 1934, to be followed by the Gun Control Act of
1968. Has crime escalated since then? You bet! How would I cut crime? Simple. Re-arm the citizenry,
and restore our Constitutional rights. Disband the ATF, (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms)
require everyone to own a gun after passing an instant check for being a felon, or having a criminal or
mental illness record. (This is not registration!)

In September 1997, among the crowd at Sam's Restaurant in Jacksonville Florida, were two old geezers
who were each licensed to carry a gun...and were doing so. They were eating at separate tables, and
didn't know each other. A robber came in and attempted to hold up the joint, at which point both of them
arose from their seats and shot the robber, sending him to the hospital and certainly thwarting his
chances of a successful heist. The restaurant owner now proudly shows off the two small bullet holes in
the wall of his restaurant. The story made NBC News with Tom Brokaw on September 26, 1997. That's
a solution for guns, not what England, Australia, and now California have done, which is confiscating all
or some licensed guns. The millions of gun owners who had enough sense not to register theirs, are
unknown to the law enforcement agents in those two unfortunate countries, and California, who can still
defend themselves.

Think about how much time and money, gun-toting civilians can save. If a heinous crime is committed,
and the villain is caught by the police, the court logjam, time spent in jail, parole agents, and the whole
nine yards, costs a fortune, and most of the time the criminal goes free. If that crime were stopped short,
and the criminal sent to his reward by a gun carrying citizen, all that razz-ma-tazz legal stuff would be
saved...a mighty savings for the taxpayer! I wouldn’t hesitate to shoot to kill a murderer, rapist, child
molester, or a criminal performing other serious outrages. Guns are the honest citizen's friends, and the
instant justice they can perform is simply wonderful.

Laws should mandate severe prison terms for anyone using a gun to commit or attempting to commit a
crime. Schools should have compulsory courses teaching firearm safety and use, and all teachers should
have a gun on them at all times. Some states, including Colorado, where I live, already have laws that
allow shooting someone found on your premises without your permission, and such laws should be
adopted by all states. "Make My Day" laws should be the norm. Pennsylvania law mandates a minimum
prison term of 5 years for anyone convicted of committing a crime with a gun. Carrying legally owned
guns should be encouraged. The thousands that are killed, robbed, raped, and assaulted each year would
be greatly reduced by gun carrying citizens. Guns are the friends of the law abiding, and in our hands are
the archenemies of criminals. Besides the licensed ones, always keep a few that are unlicensed and

Registering guns is merely an identity card for future confiscation, and if history repeats itself, even
genocide. In each of the seven genocides in this century, taking 56 million lives, there were gun control
laws on the books. Genocide is impossible without gun control. To those who say registration is not
confiscation, allow me to point out that England, Australia, and California are right now confiscating
legally registered guns from innocent civilians, who foolishly believed rotten politicians' promises not to (9 of 10)2/7/2012 8:13:11 AM

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do so. These good faith gun owners handed over their names and addresses to government, who now is
confiscating their prime means of protection.

Thanks and a tip of the hat to Charles Maxwell, whose "ABC's of Gun Control" was published on the
wonderful web site on Sept. 22, 2K. They are, according to him:

● An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.

● A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.
● Smith & Wesson: The original point and click interface.
● Gun control is not about guns; it is about control.
● If guns are outlawed, can we use swords?
● If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words.
● Free men do not ask permission to bear arms.
● If you don't know your rights, you don't have any.
● Those who trade liberty for security have neither.
● The United States Constitution © 1791. All rights reserved.
● What part of "Shall not be infringed" do you not understand?
● The Second Amendment is in place in case they ignore others.
● 64,999,987 firearm owners killed no one yesterday.
● Guns have only two enemies: Rust and Politicians.
● You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.
● 911 - Government sponsored Dial a Prayer.
● Assault is a behavior, not a device.
● Criminals love gun control - it makes their jobs safer.
● If guns cause crime, then matches cause arson.
● Only government is afraid of citizen control.
● You only have the rights you are willing to fight for.
● Know guns, know peace and safety. No guns, no peace and safety.
● Removing people's right to bear arms creates slavery.
● The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control.


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Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 13. GANGS & THE MAFIA


"A mob’s a monster." - Benjamin Franklin; Poor Richard’s Almanac - 1747

Gangs have become the nightmare of cities, and even towns. Innocents are abused, graffiti is
everywhere, and no one is safe in areas where gangs have proliferated. Innocent citizens who have
worked hard and continue to do so, watch their homes and neighborhoods wrecked by a lawless bunch
of violent thugs, who wouldn't know how to do an honest day's work, and haven't a smidgen of
responsibility, kindness, intelligence, education, or ability to do anything constructive. We innocents
suffer, watch our properties devalue, and risk our lives, while conducting normal activities. Society
coddles these creeps, thinking they can "work with them and teach them to be responsible," which is a
lot of hogwash.

Newspapers are rife with horror stories of innocents accidentally coming onto a gang fight or turf war,
and being injured, threatened, or even killed. Gangs have no sense of right or wrong, no sense of
property values, or for that matter the value of a human life. The Crips and Bloods are expanding, as are
a host of other debauched humanoids, whose goal in life seems to be to see how much misery and
damage they can cause to whomever they may decide to victimize. In California, there are an estimated
254,000 gang members.

Gangs are the consequence of "SFN," (don’t forget, something for nothing) that has been the American
modus operandi for over thirty years. Before the welfare state got into high gear under LBJ, there were
no gangs…literally! Gangs got started when lazy youth did not have to work to survive. Gangs got
started when housing, food, and medical care were provided by a government which required no work,
and no time limitations being set on the receipt of such beneficence. Gangs got started when crime
began to pay, and courts and judges started turning them loose to have another go at it. Youths, who do
not have to work and produce to live, have lots of idle time to wile away. It is easy to get into, and cause
trouble with too much free time, and that is exactly what they do. Welfare is the direct cause of gangs.
Gangs are the consequence of welfare or "SFN," that began in the 1960's, a frightening cult of violence.

Gang members are devout cowards; never being found alone when doing their "thing." They swagger,
act tough and strong, but the opposite is true. The American hero and true strong man is fearless, goes
into battle or fights alone, and without an array of sidekicks to bolster his ego. The John Waynes of
movie fame, brave generals and decorated war heroes, are about as much like the typical gang member,
as is a Ford Pinto to a Mercedes Benz. Get one by himself, disarm him, and see an absolute zero. Even
so, they are a scourge on America, and are furthering its destruction.

The Mafia got started in America during prohibition, providing what Americans wanted to drink, but
which had been outlawed. The Mafia, underworld, or underground economy, has always provided what
people want to purchase, but which politicians have decided to make illegal. Be it gambling,
prostitution, drugs, or alcohol during prohibition, the underworld has always been more than willing to (1 of 2)2/7/2012 8:13:11 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 13. GANGS & THE MAFIA

provide high cost...because of the risk of supplying it. The high profits reaped by the Mafia, have
generally been put into legitimate businesses, and as long as there are things people wish to buy that
have been declared illegal, there will be high profits, violence, and laundering the illegitimate money
into legal businesses. There is no possible way to tell which businesses, perhaps even in your own
neighborhood, may have been acquired by means of profits gouged from sales of illegal items.

The way to starve the Mafia, if it isn't already too late, is to drive them out of business by allowing the
taxpaying, legitimate businessman to sell the things the citizenry wants to buy, and it’s just as simple as
that. The consequence of making alcohol illegal, and prostitution and other things still illegal, is that it
provides an opening for the Mafia, or illegal underground suppliers of that item. The various states have
stopped a lot of underworld profits with their lotteries, off track betting parlours, and casinos, but there
is still a lot of territory from which to make big dollars, by supplying illegal merchandise of various
types. The utter foolishness of politicians allowing the pouring of money into the underground economy,
results not only in the violence and murders it fosters, but there are no taxes collected on the activity.


Without the welfare state we are now in, there would be no such thing as a gang. They would be too
busy working to eat...or serving time. Welfare allows the dregs of society to live without doing a stitch
of work. Public housing, food stamps, and handouts keep the gangs fed and housed till they begin
getting the big bucks from their life of crime and intimidation. Gangs suck the lifeblood out of
civilization. They are violent, worthless brutes, who have no compunction about violating anyone's
property or person. Like other vermin on earth, there is no punishment severe enough for the Crips,
Bloods, and others of their ilk. There are thousands of people in America right now, mostly males
between the ages of 12 and 35, many of them black or Hispanic, who should simply be executed on the
spot. Police should be given orders to shoot to kill any gang member caught 'doing his thing,' which is
generally brutalizing innocent citizens, robbing, torching, or committing various forms of mayhem. To
hell with the ACLU and other assorted civil rights numskulls who can’t distinguish between a criminal's
rights, and an innocent citizen's rights. The latter should have total precedence over the former.
Criminals should have few, if any rights, other than a choice of their means of execution.

As for the Mafia, the best way to get rid of them is to simply take their means of profit away from them
by legalizing the things they make a profit on, which are now illegal. Chapter 18 goes into this in detail.


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Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 14. MILITIAS

"For a people who are free, and who mean to remain so, a well organized and armed militia is their best
security." - Thomas Jefferson: Message to Congress - 1808

A current development in America is the quiet formation of hundreds of local "militias," which seem to
scare the bejesus out of most. These militias consist of citizens who are outraged over the horrendous
proliferation of the federal government, and political attempts to confiscate our guns. These people often
don camaflouge uniforms, and practice war games on weekends. They are well armed, know how to
shoot expertly, and are prepared for any eventuality. They believe government is so large and all
encompassing, that we are virtual slaves to it...and they happen to be correct. The militias are the
consequence of bureaucracy, blessed and enabled by politicians, growing like a dandelion on your front
lawn; strong, unwanted, and virtually impossible to eradicate. A dandelion will send a deep root straight
down into the ground. If you pick it off your lawn, you haven’t killed that dandelion. Oh no! It just
becomes more determined to remain...just like a bureaucracy. The militias know this is true of
government, and are prepared to fight to their last breath to cease the enslavement. Before we continue,
answer to yourself the following questions:

1. How many doors have been kicked in by members of a militia?

2. How many unarmed women have been shot by members of a militia?
3. How many children have been burned to death by a militia member?
4. How many people have the militias sent to prison?
5. How many homes, businesses and bank accounts have been confiscated by militias?
6. How many chemical and biological tests have been conducted on innocents by militias?
7. Which militias control every sector of your life, and threaten you if you do not comply with their
8. Which militias literally have the power of life or death over you, and can imprison you?

"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue" - Barry
Goldwater, 1964. Repeated, because it is probably one of the greatest statements ever made by a
candidate for President or any other office.

"We were meant to be masters of destiny, not victims of fate." - Ronald Reagan at the Republican
National Convention in Houston, 1992.

The current militias really got going after the Waco Texas and Ruby Ridge Idaho outrages, when
government agencies, out of control, showed their true colors. The all too common habit the government
and IRS have of seizing property, bank accounts, and even human dignity hasn't helped, and it is logical
for militia members to act and think as they do. I am not a militia member, am too old to be running
around in camaflouge gear, and haven't been asked to join anyway, but I'll guarantee you that the
estimated 200 million plus hand guns in America, both registered and unregistered, would come into (1 of 5)2/7/2012 8:13:12 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 14. MILITIAS

action if it gets much worse. The militias are the consequence of government being out of control,
confiscating guns, failing to create order, and taxing us to death.

Think about a government running out of control a couple of hundred years ago, and you will see that
the militias were then, as now, a logical development in American history. As the British standing
armies became more oppressive and larger, Americans began to arm themselves and form independent
militias, just as they are doing now. It isn't a new idea, only a repetition of government unchecked, out
of control, and the citizenry becoming aware of it. George Washington and George Mason organized the
Fairfax County (Virginia) Militia Association in 1774. The various states, including South Carolina,
Georgia, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts, all urged the formation of
citizen militias.

John Adams wrote that, "...arms in the hands of citizens (may) be used at individual
private self defense."

North Carolina’s Declaration of Rights, drafted in 1776, said that, "The people have a right to bear
arms, for the defense of the State."

The Massachusetts Declaration of Rights said in 1780 that, "The people have a right to keep and bear
arms for the common defense."

In Pennsylvania, in 1776, their Declaration said, "The people have a right to bear arms for the defense of
themselves and the state."

Thomas Jefferson proposed that the Virginia Constitution contains the words, "No freeman shall be
debarred from the use of arms," and that State's Declaration did eventually contain similar wording.

Think about what was going on at the time of our revolution. The British were actually disarming us.
Patrick Henry's "Liberty or Death" speech included the words, "...shall we be stronger...when we are
totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house?" It was the British effort
to seize and destroy the arms and ammunition at Lexington that triggered "The Shot Heard 'Round the

In 1775, Thomas Paine said that if the citizenry were deprived of the use of arms, "the weak will become
prey to the strong."

In June, 1997 the State of Massachusetts made rules about guns that makes their legal ownership,
manufacture, sale, and use, practically impossible in that state, fulfilling the above almost to the letter. If
a citizen is caught with a gun in Massachusetts, even one legally bought and registered, if it wasn't
registered in that state, it is a mandatory year in jail!

It was armed Americans, composed of independent militias, outraged and trammeled citizens, as well as (2 of 5)2/7/2012 8:13:12 AM

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the Continental Army with aid from France, that won our independence, not just the army alone. In New
England, before Paul Revere’s ride, Samuel Adams urged "...our friends to provide themselves without
Delay with Arms & Ammunition, get well instructed in the military Art, embody themselves & prepare a
complete Set of Rules that they may be ready in Case they are called to defend themselves against the
violent Attacks of Despotism." This happened to refer to an out of control government...the British

An honest historian would have to agree that the first version of the Ku Klux Klan was a de facto militia.
The Klan was created to save the South from the northern Carpetbaggers and their compatriot Scalawags
who had invaded, and literally taken over the South after the War Between the States and Lincoln's
assassination. General Nathan Bedford Forest founded the Klan at Pulaski Tennessee, and their stated
objectives were:

1. To protect the weak and to relieve the injured and oppressed.

2. To protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and laws passed in
conformity thereto and to protect the States and people from invasion from any source, and
3. To aid in the execution of the laws and to protect the people from unlawful seizure and trial
except by their peers.

The original Ku Klux Klan was a far different group than the current one. It was a militia, formed when
one was needed, and it served its purpose handily.

It is currently an outlandish thought in America to even think about a citizen uprising or resistance, and
yet it could happen. It undoubtedly will happen if nothing is done to rein in government. If the
expansion of government isn't stopped, and the size and scope of Washington D.C. reduced, a
confrontation is almost inevitable. It may be five, ten, or more years away, but if it happens, it will make
the War Between The States look like a family picnic. The militias will grow stronger and proliferate,
unless the cause for their existence is removed, and that is ever growing, ever more authoritative
government. The word "totalitarian," as a description of government, sends shivers down the spines of
Americans, with visions of Hitler, Stalin, Tojo, and other dictators, but doesn't that word "totalitarian"
adequately describe America? The word is derived from the word "total," and that word does not
describe any single person who is a dictator, but a total dictatorial government.

Another word might be interesting to examine, and that is the Spanish word for war, which is guerra.
Combining a suffix meaning "little," gives us the Spanish guerrilla, which means "little war," and is a
word that frightens the wits out of the D.C. establishment, which thinks it has the job of continuously
enlarging its size and reach. The 'inside the beltway' establishment has been running full throttle for over
30 years, and at half speed for the previous 30. In foreign wars, the guerrillas are very similar to what
the militias might become, if push ever comes to shove, not a happy thought.

The current militias, like those in 1776, are a sign of dire problems we have here in America. Raids on
the various militias will not stop their formation, or the hard feelings they conceal, any more than (3 of 5)2/7/2012 8:13:12 AM

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prohibition stopped drinking, civil rights laws make races love each other, or drug wars stop drug use.
Americans feel trapped by government, and the militias are one way of manifesting it. Congress is
devoid of wish or plans, to not only stop government growth, but to reverse it. Our taxes and inflation
are confiscatory. We are not getting ahead, but falling behind; thanks to government bureaucracy, lack
of protection of our manufacturing and sales sectors, and the highest crime rate in history. In 1994, 42.4
million crimes were reported, meaning there were probably multiple times that many, in excess of one
per citizen per year. I can't remember a single year in the last 35, that I haven’t been victimized by a
criminal, be it white collar crime, small thefts, or vandalism, and have rarely reported it, making the
estimate of more than one per citizen per year accurate. The statistics about the decline in "reported
crime from the previous year" in some sectors, is an amazing twist of the English language.

The militias are a sign of trouble, "Right here in River City," as the verse goes in the late Meredith
Wilson's "Music Man," and making them illegal won't stop them. They are mostly underground now,
and will go deeper as America worsens. Over a decade ago, a group of Puerto Ricans in New York,
headed by Curtis Slewa, had tolerated the nonsense long enough, and formed what became the
"Guardian Angels." The "Angels" are unarmed but tough, and have slowed crime considerably,
expanding into many other cities, even Tokyo. Innocent citizens regularly cheer the Guardian Angels
with their red uniforms, and if you think about it, the Guardian Angels are in reality, an unarmed militia.

It is unthinkable for the average citizen to contemplate a civilian armed force of modern day Minutemen
fighting criminals, not only on the streets, but also in government. Yet, looking at the size, ferocity,
power, and pervasiveness of the federal government, such a fight is not beyond the realm of possibility.
If an outrageous bureaucracy decides to stomp an innocent citizenry, and a militia defends them, would
an American soldier or National Guardsman actually shoot blameless citizens if they were called in,
pitting innocents against the strong arm of government? I think not. Such thoughts are hideous, but if our
Founders could be brought back to witness the federal government today, they would be horrified, and
would certainly join a militia.


Don't badmouth, or be afraid of those who practice shooting, and meet on weekends to do military
maneuvers in their camouflage gear. Some day you may be awfully glad they were there, especially if
the federal government continues to increase in size and authority at its current break-neck speed. These
people are patriotic Americans. Indisputably, there are a few screwballs. Perhaps like those in Jordan
Montana, who borrowed big amounts of dollars from the federal government, defaulted on their loans,
and then declared themselves a "separate entity," after writing hundreds of bogus checks. A jury of their
peers found them guilty. Other legitimate militias didn't get near them. There are nut cases in every
trade, organization, effort, and lobby.

No, Timothy McVeigh, the convicted "Oklahoma Bomber," was in no way connected to a militia. There
are huge doubts about his blowing up the federal building by himself. Responsible investigators say
there were not only accomplices, but also several planted explosions within the building, and even (4 of 5)2/7/2012 8:13:12 AM

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possible governmental involvement. I have read the stories, and they are frightening. They may be
difficult to believe, but certainly not impossible. That is another story in which I do not wish to involve


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Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 15. PRISONS & PAROLE


“My object oh sublime, I shall achieve in time, to make the punishment fit the crime, the punishment fit
the crime.” - from The Mikado, by Gilbert & Sullivan.

America is overrun, not only with garbage people, but jails. States are continually building new jails,
and filling them. No matter how many new cells are built, they always seem to be filled immediately.
They cost a lot of money to build, and most have wonderful facilities such as color TVs, VCRs, law
libraries, well equipped gyms, and all that one might want to be comfortable. Prisoners receive excellent
health care, and aside from being imprisoned, they have a full, even exciting life, while serving time.
This is the problem. Prisons cost a fortune to build and maintain with all their goodies, and do not
punish, as they should. A person committed to jail has done something wrong, and is supposedly being
punished. How is it punishment for prisoners to have a soft bed, radios, cigarettes, TV, movies,
gymnasiums, and health care?

Think this is an exaggeration? The November, 1994 Reader’s Digest has a piece titled, “Must Our
Prisons Be Resorts?”In it we find out about the Mercer Pennsylvania Prison. “In his office,
Superintendent Gilbert Walters explains that Mercer’s 850 convicted felons “aren’t evil, by and large.
Many just did not have good life circumstances and have reacted inappropriately.” Walters refers to his
inmates as “clients” and tries to make the prison experience “as much like the street as I can.” It’s hard
to imagine that for most of Mercer’s “clients” life outside could be this good. One of the three full-time
“activities directors” shows me the recreation building. “Nothing cheap here,” he says proudly,
pointing out the full-sized basketball court, handball area, punching bag and volleyball net. There are
enough barbells to “bulk up” 15 criminals at a time; others can use weight lifting machines. Nine
electronic exercise bicycles and four stair-type aerobics machines face a TV, all part of the Leisure
Fitness Program. Outside, the men can play softball and sharpen their tennis skills. Emotional
problems? Five psychologists and ten counselors are there for Mercer’s “clients.” Housing about a
third of the inmates are two dormitories with eight-by-ten foot “rooms” (not cells) equipped with desks
and bookshelves. As we enter one room, a chubby, middle-aged man turns down the volume on his TV
set. This housing unit, the guide says, shelters a “peer group” with “special needs”: largely rapists and
child molesters.”

The article goes on to tell of conjugal visits, theatre groups, closed circuit TV studios, virtually unlimited
visitation, cable TV with premium channels, music rooms with electric guitars, amplifiers, drums and
keyboards. Picnics, banquets, and in general, nothing seems to be too good for America’s prisoners. Not
just in Mercer, but in other prisons in America, including even the penitentiaries such as Attica.

“Therapy for mental health, aggressive behavior, domestic violence, sex offenses and substance abuse
has grown into a prison cottage industry. Yet, after decades of attempting behavior modification, the
overall results of rehabilitation and therapy are meager. When asked by Reader’s Digest how many sex
offenders he has rehabilitated in his years on the job, one New York State Prison counselor bluntly (1 of 4)2/7/2012 8:13:13 AM

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responded, “None.” In 1993, prisoners filed nearly 33,000 civil suits in federal courts, a stunning 14%
of all federal civil lawsuits. “One inmate, (of the California Department of Corrections) who tortured
and killed his own infant daughter, wrote sadistic stories in exchange for pornographic photos of women
being tortured. When the prison staff confiscated and destroyed the photos, he sued in federal court.
California taxpayers ended up paying the prisoner compensation.” But enough! The point has been
made…I think!

The consequence of prisons that are not prisons in the old fashioned sense of the word, are that
incarceration costs far too much, and its purpose is not served.


Many years ago, a prison sentence was a dreaded thing. It was so excruciating, that potential criminals
were deterred from committing a crime, because of fear of having to serve time in a jail or prison. Old
fashioned jails had cement slabs on which to sleep, and no appurtenances such as radios, TVs, movies,
well equipped gymnasiums, telephones, cigarettes, law libraries, excellent medical care, and comfortable
temperatures. Prisons were horrific, violent, brutal, and a literal nightmare. This began to change after
the Attica, New York riots in 1971. Civil rights activists now insist that prisons be made comfortable
and healthy. The opposite should be true.

You have to admire Joe Arpiao, the Maricopa County Arizona Sheriff, who, when faced with a shortage
of cells, bought army surplus tents, and surrounded them with a barbed wire fence. Cold at night, hot in
daytime, bathrooms down the path, no cigarettes, no coffee, no nude magazines, and no electricity.
Hooray for Joe Arpiao! A place of punishment should not be a place of comfort and convenience. And
glory to the states that have re-instituted chain gangs. Why shouldn’t prisoners cut weeds, repair roads,
and do manual labor? A chain around their ankles is a wonderful way to keep them from running away.
Sheriff Joe Arpiao has a volunteer citizen's posse consisting of every professional group and income
level in the Phoenix area, and they are delighted to help him anytime. His popularity rate is close to
90%, and he is a prime candidate for governor.

Even Sheriff Joe isn’t as severe as God was, when he threw Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden.
“To the woman he said: I shall greatly increase the pain of your pregnancy; in birth pangs you will
bring forth children, and your craving will be for your husband, and he will dominate you. And to Adam
he said: Because you listened to your wife’s voice and took to eating from the tree concerning which I
gave you this command, ‘you must not eat from it,’ cursed is the ground on your account. In pain will
you eat its produce all the days of your life. And thorns and thistles it will grow for you, and you must
eat the vegetation of the field. In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground,
for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and unto dust you will return.” Genesis 3:16-19. Makes
Joe sound like a pretty nice guy, doesn’t it? Isn’t that a Biblical treatise on how to treat a criminal? Note
that there was no parole or “good time” for Adam and Eve!

As an aside, because this isn't a Biblical treatise, notice the first words of the Genesis account above, (2 of 4)2/7/2012 8:13:13 AM

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when it says, “To the woman he said: I shall greatly increase the pain of your pregnancy; in birth pangs
you shall bring forth children..." This could well be true, as it is my belief that animals have little pain
when giving birth...only humans have excruciating birth pains...something to consider isn’t it?

Parole is a critical item, because it is the most common way a prisoner is released. Parole is so
entrenched in our so-called “justice” system, that no one ever thinks of simply abolishing it. Why should
parole exist in the first place? If a person has committed a crime, been caught, found guilty, and sent to
prison, why should he be turned out before he has served his full term? If he deserved less time, the
judge should have sentenced him to less time. Diminution of punishment is a way to make the criminal
think maybe he wasn’t too guilty after all, or that society is pretty stupid, both of which thoughts must
not exist in the mind of a scofflaw. I won’t take space regaling the reader with the hundreds of thousands
of parole violators who have resumed their criminal careers while on parole, like the famous Willie
Horton, who brutally raped while on “release” by an ignoramus Massachusetts governor, Michael

Parole gives us incidents like the one reported by the AP on June 18, 1997. “Barstow, California—: A 9
year old girl who had stopped at a McDonald’s with her family for some ice cream was killed in a gun
battle that broke out between a holdup man and an off duty police officer waiting in line. The masked
gunman was shot to death in the crowded restaurant Monday afternoon. A bullet fired by the gunman...
hit Amanda Marie Robertson. Kenneth Harold Lemond, 25, a recently paroled convict with a long
criminal record, including robbery....” Rodney King was on probation when police chased him at 100
miles per hour through residential neighborhoods. There should be no parole at any time, for any reason.
Parole boards, officers, and the entire expensive system should be abolished.

In every major newspaper, every day, there is usually an account of a parolee gone amok. I randomly
picked two consecutive days of the Denver Post, and found the following stories. First day is of an
Oakland California coach named Tony Ransom, who raped repeatedly after being paroled from a 35
years to life sentence. The next day, the Post reported that Christopher Mask, on parole, “Hit a girl on
the head at least five times during the attack in a back room at the Subway Sandwich Shop at 2008 S.
University Blvd.” There were additional similar stories in both days' editions.

‘Megan’s Law,’ is a poor solution for a disgusting problem. Megan’s Law requires registration of all
released child molesters, so neighbors will know who has moved into their neighborhood. What seems
fine upon first examination, often isn’t. First of all, most released felons disappear, and no one knows
where they went. Second, the Justice Department statistics are that child molesters serve but an average
of 37 months in the slammer, far less than other law breakers, and only 20% of child molesters do their
dirty work on total strangers; the rest assault relatives, parents, or others known to them. Why not make
the molesters serve long terms? Why not execute them, as their recidivism rate is enormous. Why not
register ALL released criminals, rather than just molesters? I’d love to be informed of a felon who has
moved in next door.

The so called “insanity plea” must also be abolished. Is a victim any less dead or injured because the (3 of 4)2/7/2012 8:13:13 AM

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perpetrator is nuts? If a raving, babbling maniac commits a crime, is there any reason why his mental
condition should preclude his execution or punishment? Think about the consequences of endless
“insanity” pleas and parole violations. It is logical that neither of these should exist.

With the new wave of school shootings and assorted heinous crimes we hear of daily, it might be
prudent for local National Guard units to have a firing squad, and when a murder or shooting was
witnessed by four or more, just shoot them on the spot. I know, that is radical, but wouldn’t that set an
example and be a deterrent? Think of the time and money saved. And furthermore, is there any reason
why all inmates of maximum-security penitentiaries shouldn’t be executed? They are worthless, violent,
unrepentant, and a severe drain on budgets. Just get rid of all of them. Yes, I do speak my mind, and I
am not ashamed of it. It’s time someone says it like it really is.


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Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 16. THE LAW & LAWYERS


"The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers." - Shakespeare, Henry VI - 1591

Admittedly, that quotation is taken out of context, but isn't it great anyway? America has 50 lawyers for
every engineer. Japan has 10 engineers for every lawyer. There are over 90 million lawsuits filed in
America each year. For each new car you purchase, $500 of that price is the cost of litigation, as is 20%
of a ladder’s cost, and $3,000 of the price of a pacemaker for your heart. In San Francisco, there is a
woman who has enriched herself and her lawyers by several hundred thousand dollars, by suing her
neighbors and anyone else she can find, who might be a fairly easy victim.

What used to be an admired, respected profession, has become a lot less, thanks to a small minority of
its participants. Too many are like politicians. They are out to get as much as they can, for doing as little
as possible, regardless of whom they harm, or how outrageous their case or client may be. In 1996,
lawyers were suing a grocery store in behalf of a health food nut, because the store was carrying items
containing fat. Hundreds of other legal shams raise the cost of everything, for everyone, because of
absurd and outrageous law suits. Tort reform is long overdue.

The consequence of America having 70% of the world's lawyers, is that no one is really safe any longer.
No matter how low your station in life may be, or how wealthy you are, no one is safe from lawsuits and
legal actions perpetrated on you, your business or company, by unprincipled lawyers. It should be a
mark of disgrace to defend a known guilty party, or institute a frivolous lawsuit, but it isn't. Should a
lawyer defend a guilty person? I think not. Lawyers, who defend the guilty, are an abscess on society. If
a known guilty person needs a lawyer, make it difficult for him to hire one. I am poor and need a new
car. Does that entitle me to one? Is a guilty person entitled to a lawyer? The 6th Amendment to the
Constitution says that, "In a criminal prosecution, the accused shall...have the assistance of counsel for
his defense." It does not say that the state shall pay for such, or that 'counsel' shall be a college-educated
lawyer. It says the accused shall have counsel assist in their defense...not perform it. Highly paid public
defenders are a drain on taxpayers. Public defenders are often so highly paid, that many consider it
foolish to go into private practice. It has become far more than 'assistance,' and far too many of the
guilty are going free. Maybe criminals should have the use of law students for 'assistance,' making it part
of their schooling. Most Americans deeply resent highly paid lawyers using technicalities to free the

Should a lawyer defend the guilty, even for huge fees? It is disgusting to witness crooked, greedy
lawyers using all their expertise to defend the obviously guilty. We speak of the ethical standards of
brokers, bankers, and businessmen, how about having such standards for lawyers? Isn't a lawyer just as
immoral when he defends the guilty, as a used car salesman turning back the odometer, or using sawdust
to conceal a bad transmission? Isn’t it unethical to defend or accept a client you know is guilty, just
because he has the money to pay you? The courts are full of shoddy lawyers defending and setting free
admitted murderers, child molesters, rapists, and burglars, getting them off on technicalities and other (1 of 7)2/7/2012 8:13:13 AM

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assorted legal mumbo jumbo.

Lawyers love to bilk insurance companies at the orders of their clients, and insurance companies are
only now beginning to wake up to the fact. When I was growing up in D.C., my Dad was a corner
druggist. One day a woman bought a Baby Ruth candy bar, broke her tooth on it, and sued my Dad. (As
an aside, the name "Baby Ruth" did not come from baseball star Babe Ruth, but from President Grover
Cleveland's illegitimate child named "Ruth." She came to be called "Baby Ruth.") His insurance
company laughed her out of their office, but today they probably would pay, running up the cost not
only of insurance, but any merchandise we buy. Neighbors of mine, many years ago, were real
professionals at it. This couple and their lawyers used to defraud insurance companies at every possible
chance, be it homeowners or auto. Once, when their daughter was taking dancing lessons, she fell on the
floor, and they decided the floor was far too hard. "I think we've got a suit here Max," was the first
sentence...and they did. When a sudden rainstorm felled some of their already rickety gutters, the ruse
allowed them to buy all new gutters and do other repairs on their huge frame house as well. I often
wondered how many insurance companies canceled them, or certainly should have.

In Philadelphia, in 1985, an empty bus was going back to the garage after its run, and while waiting at a
red light, was bumped in the rear by a car. There was no damage. When the bus driver got out to
investigate, 32 people got on the bus, feigned serious injury, and the insurance company paid. This is a
true story! In that same year, the Transit Company paid over $32 million for damage and injury claims,
most of which were in all probability fraudulent, according to a friend of mine who worked there.

Judges instructing juries or rendering verdicts, are equally squalid in many cases. An old definition of a
judge is, "a lawyer who knows the governor," and that might not be too far off base. I was given a traffic
ticket in Philly for pulling in front of, and stopping to help a woman whose car had broken down on a
high bridge...obviously a ticket that should have never been written. I was advised to tell the judge I was
a member of a certain service club, because the judge always found for the police, no matter what the
circumstances. I told him at the beginning I was a member of the club, and it wasn’t a lie. "Case
dismissed," was the instant retort. Nice verdict, but for the wrong reason.

A wrong verdict was the case of the L.A. judge, who ordered Riverside County to pay two illegal
immigrants $370,000. The police hammered them a bit when finally catching them after an 80-MPH
chase. (I'd have done the same) They were in a trashed out pickup, were illegal, and couldn't speak a
word of English. A reporter in a TV station helicopter videotaped the cops roughing up the rabble after
they tried to get away. Made their day, didn't it? Let's see now, that’s $185,000 each, and no lawyer's
fees, as they used the public defender. Went home happy, I would assume. How about impeaching that
judge? I’d be delighted to have a cop beat up on me for $185,000.

There is a huge difference between law and justice, no matter how contradictory that statement may
seem. Laws are merely a bundle of rules written by politicians who got a majority vote for their often
hair-brained ideas. Regulations written by bureaucrats, (non-laws) have the effect of law in the
courtroom, which is a total outrage. Justice has to do with logic, relationships, circumstances, and plain (2 of 7)2/7/2012 8:13:13 AM

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fairness. Hitler had a lot of judges who enforced the laws of the Third Reich, and just like the rest of the
Nazis, when put on trial said, 'we were only following orders or the law.' The laws were corrupt and
unfair, and the judges were also.

Judges should bend the law in favor of justice. In 1995, a man forged a signature on a document neither
my wife nor I had ever seen. It was not witnessed, notarized, or dated, and even the signature bore
obvious discrepancies between the real and forged ones. The judge found for the crook, and it cost us
$20,000. I can give countless examples, but the judicial system has as many bad judges as there are
lawyers pleading in front of them...usually on a percentage basis.

Back in the late 19th century, "Hanging Judge Parker" held forth in his court at Ft. Smith, Arkansas.
Judge Parker hung 88 miscreants during his time on the bench. Wouldn't it be nice if we had a modern
day Hanging Judge Parker sitting on a current judicial bench? In those days, as opposed to current
practice, a "necktie party" was a social event. People traveled miles to witness a cattle rustler or
murderer being 'strung up.' It was a pleasure to witness a hanging a hundred years ago, and it should be
today. Why shouldn’t it be a joyous occasion to watch a murderer electrocuted, or given the gas? I
would consider it a distinct pleasure to push the button for an electrocution. Today, executions are
hidden away from the public, whereas a hundred years ago, the public was invited to witness the
ultimate punishment for those deserving of death. We should all celebrate when a criminal vermin is

99% of judges today are lawyers, and when a person pleads his own case, there are a few marbles in the
opposite corner already, because the judge will look with favor on a lawyer or prosecutor, and askance at
a person who didn't hire a lawyer. Got to protect your own you know. It always takes a lot of courage to
uphold justice, when it runs against the law.

Trial by Jury

"All trial is the investigation of something doubtful." - Samuel Johnson

Trial by jury has become an absurdity, as witness the O.J. Simpson affair. Many juries fail to give a
correct verdict. Witness not only the O.J. Simpson one, but the outrageous verdicts and awards given,
just to name two examples: (1) the doofus crone who spilled hot coffee in her lap and sued McDonald's
for $2.9 million and obtained a judgment against them, or (2) the doctor who was awarded $4 million
after discovering, by accident, that his BMW had been refinished a bit after receiving a scratch during a
shipment from Germany. This is one hundred times what he paid for it! Race and gender seem to have a
lot to do with a jury's verdict, and Alabama currently seems to be the state that awards the highest
verdicts for silly lawsuits. Some Alabama judgments and verdicts deserve a place on Monty Python's
Flying Circus. A Los Angeles jury didn't convict the Mendendez Brothers after they admitted murdering
both their parents in cold blood.

In England, juries are permitted to question the witnesses, and the judge selects the jury, unlike the (3 of 7)2/7/2012 8:13:13 AM

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American system. In England, the loser pays the legal costs of the winner, thereby discouraging
frivolous lawsuits. After all, America has 70% of the world's attorneys, and 10% of its population, which
numbers may decrease if we switched to the British system. I am certain the American Bar Association
wouldn't permit that. Most legislators are lawyers, and they won't pass legislation against their own
profession by enacting tort reform or the British system, so we will continue to pay through the nose for
our legal system, enriching the legal profession. All consumer products have the cost of lawyers and
lawsuits built into them.

As an example, look at the small airplane. Absurd rules allowed lawsuits against plane manufacturers for
25 years or more after sale. If a crash happened, whether it was the pilot's or plane's fault, suits were
allowed against the aircraft manufacturer. After a couple of decades, normal decay, poor maintenance,
wear and tear, unskilled piloting, plus perhaps several owners and non-factory modifications, how could
an accident be faulted to the manufacturer? Huge lawsuits and absurd judgments resulted in the virtual
bankruptcy of Beech, Piper, and Cessna. They simply quit making General Aviation planes. Finally, tort
reform of a fashion was enacted, and once again a few small planes are being manufactured in America.

The main problem with current trial by jury is that it is necessary to have a unanimous verdict to convict
a criminal. We are so used to the system; few have ever questioned it. The Constitution says nothing
about a unanimous verdict. Amendment 7 of the Constitution's Bill of Rights says, "In suits at common
law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be
preserved, and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise examined in any court of the United States, than
according to the rules of the common law." In other words, a man has the right to a jury trial, not a
unanimous jury. The Supreme Court isn't unanimous, and neither are military tribunals, other multi
judge panels, or some civil jury trials. Elections aren't unanimous, and for that matter, I can think of no
other segment of our civilization that requires a unanimous anything to be passed or enabled. Why isn't a
65% vote sufficient for a jury verdict? Why does it have to be unanimous? The consequences are that
thousands of the guilty are set free each year.

Read that 7th Amendment again, and tell me how it was Constitutional for the LA Police to be tried
again after being freed by a jury in the Rodney King affair? How is it Constitutional for endless appeals
after a jury has ruled? The plain fact is that it isn't, and it wastes billions of dollars and hours…enriching


Lawyers should earn the adulation and respect of the community by having a reputation of never
knowingly defending a guilty party, being able to sleep well at night, and not having "hoodwinked a jury
that is not over wise" (Gilbert & Sullivan). And wouldn't it be nice if the American Bar Association set a
"Standards of Acceptable Practice" for its members?

Judges need to have at least 4 important qualities and lack ego, to be really good. They must possess
intelligence, wisdom, courage, and logic. Judges must get a rush when everyone is ordered to rise when (4 of 7)2/7/2012 8:13:13 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 16. THE LAW & LAWYERS

they enter the court, but the ego trip must stop there, or the judge will be poor. All judges should be
elected, not appointed, and their records available to voters when they run for re-election.

Juries rarely know about "Jury Nullification." This means that the jury simply does not follow the
judge's instructions or even the law, but decides for itself what is right or wrong, regardless of what the
law or judge may say. Perhaps the first such case was when William Penn and William Mead were on
trial for having led a Quaker worship service, contrary to the Coventicle Act, which made the Church of
England the only legal church under British law. The Crown proved the law was violated, but the jury
refused to convict, realizing there should be no "official church," striking one of the first blows for
freedom in the New World. Throughout American history, jury nullification has been used successfully,
and is common when juries refuse to convict in IRS cases. Juries are their own law when they retire to
deliberate. They can free or convict, regardless of law or a judge's instructions. John Adams said, "It is
not only the juror's right, but his duty…to find the correct verdict according to his own best
understanding, judgment, and conscience, though in direct opposition to the direction of the court."
Remember that the next time you are called for jury duty. Further information on nullification can be
had by calling 1-800-835-5879 (1-800-TEL JURY).

The idea of allowing a jury to vote on awards, is perhaps the most asinine aspect of the American legal
structure. Emotional pleas by counsel aimed at the maudlin sentimentality of jurors, results in the
bestowing of sums simply dreamed out of thin air, bearing not the slightest relation to actual fact. In July
2000, a moronic jury of five awarded a judgment of $145 billion against tobacco companies, setting an
all time record. Their IQ's must have been similar to the room temperature in the deliberating room.
While the courts maintain that "justice" is their stock in trade, allowing empanelled jurists to remunerate,
rather than judge, is a travesty. If damages can be proven and redress is appropriate, witless housewives,
small time tradesmen or anyone else drummed up by the sheriff's department are not the ones to
determine the amount of award. Contingency paid lawyers braying dollar amounts to those who may not
be able to count that high, is the height of preposterousness. Better a magistrate, banker, or someone
trained in law or common sense is retained to determine the awards, not the jury.

"Victimless crimes" must be made not so, if we are ever to use prisons for real criminals. I hate
gambling, never have done drugs or visited a hooker, but to spend billions of dollars each year and fill
the jails with people who haven't adversely affected anyone but themselves, is a waste of everything. If
you don't like abortions, don't have one, educate your kids as to your beliefs, and go out and proselytize
even, but don't make an action that is impossible to stop, into a law or Constitutional Amendment.
Prostitution is the 'oldest profession,' as if it could ever be stopped. Sex with a prostitute for money is
just an unrefined method of obtaining what men and women have for thousands of years obtained in a
less forward way with foreplay, spending, fine dining, dreamy moonlight necking, dancing, fancy dress,
or any of a thousand other methods of wooing the opposite sex. 25 years ago, the Phoenix Arizona
Police Department dressed officers in baseball uniforms and went to Van Buren St. to lure the hookers
into making propositions…which of course they did. Needless to say the Arizona Republic newspaper
got hold of the story, and the cops were practically laughed out of town. Think of what that comic opera
cost, how much time it took, and how many real burglars, crooks, or felons could have been caught
using the same resources. In certain European cities, "red light" districts allow prostitutes to ply their (5 of 7)2/7/2012 8:13:13 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 16. THE LAW & LAWYERS

trade, and even drug sellers to operate, and it isn't a bad idea for America.

Gambling is perhaps the second oldest form of entertainment. Most states have done a pretty god job of
eradicating a lot of it by making their own gambling legal, namely the ever present lotteries, which one
has as much chance of winning as being struck by lightning. Old-fashioned numbers writers used to pay
off in cash immediately, not tell the IRS, and took bets on three numbers, not the five or six the states
use, making the odds virtually impossible. State lotteries are a misrepresentation anyway, because the
advertised winnings for the lucky one are always misstated. The money is usually paid out over 20
years…with no interest. So-called "vice squads" have raided card parties and private poker games for far
too long.

Republicans seem to like freedom of the marketplace, and Democrats adore freedom in the bedroom.
Republicans should stop trying to legislate their ideas of "morality." How can laws against fornication,
adultery, homosexuality, and abortion be enforced? Parts of the Republican Party want to make their
abortion hang-ups a Constitutional Amendment. Before the Supreme Court made them legal, abortions
were performed by back alley impresarios, boyfriends, and quacks of all sorts under the most unsanitary
conditions with coat hangers and other crudities…under cover of course. Does abortion destroy a live
fetus? Yes. Is it the same as the murder of a human being capable of sustaining life on its own? That's an
answer that can only be based on individual religious or scientific belief. Even if one believes it to be
murder, there are no federal laws prohibiting murder, and could a law stop it in the first place? The
whole thing, in my opinion, can be summed up by a bumper strip I saw, which said, "Don't like
abortions? Don't have one!" Roe Vs Wade should never have gotten to the Supreme Court anyway, as
abortion is not a Constitutional issue. The tenth Amendment possibly gives a state the right to legislate
abortion, but no interpretation of our Constitution can possibly give the federal government jurisdiction
in this area. The whole thing will be moot anyway within a few years because of the "day after" and
"day before" pills which prohibit fertilization.

Wouldn't it be exquisite if the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Constitution? The highest court in the
land regularly argues, legislates, and decides over the most trivial of issues, while the march towards
total government and ultimate bankruptcy continues unabated. The Supreme Court issues about a
hundred decisions each year, and often relies on previous Supreme Court decisions, rather than simply
looking at the Constitution. If a previous Court erred, how is basing a decision on a precedent, good
Constitutional law? Suppose the Supreme Court decided that all unconstitutional things now being done
in America by the 'inside the beltway gang,' were indeed just that...unconstitutional. In a glaring instant,
all redistribution of wealth, subsidization of everything and everyone, and interference in everyone’s
life...would be at an end. The taxes would go to practically zero, prosperity would be regained, tens of
thousands of federal employees would be out of work, lobbyists would have to find another occupation,
and political campaigns would shrink to virtually nothing. If the Supreme Court acted properly, there
would be no largess to distribute to the favored ones and big contributors. A virtually unimaginable
plethora of gifts from the horn of plenty would descend upon America.

Legislation is the Constitutional job of the Congress, not the Supreme Court. (6 of 7)2/7/2012 8:13:13 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 16. THE LAW & LAWYERS

To enforce laws, we have the police. Cops riding around in air-conditioned cars with the windows rolled
up all year round make it impossible to do an adequate job of policing. Police should be familiar with
residents of their sectors, and with the place thieves and burglars could hide while waiting for the "coast
to be clear." Laws should be enforced by cops walking or riding bikes on beats, each with a gun, radio,
baton, pepper spray, and handcuffs so they can see, hear, and feel what is going on, making a
neighborhood far safer. The savings in gas, cars, and repairs would be appreciable. Cruising around in
sealed police cars defeats law enforcement, because they can't see, feel, or hear anything, and it is just
plain lazy.

Adopt the British system. Let the judges pick and question the jury, make the loser pay the legal costs of
the winner, eliminate the unanimous jury verdict requirement, and have real tort reform. Let the judge
and jury question the witnesses to ferret out misleading testimony and questioning by lawyers on either
side. Supreme Court justices query both sides at length, and often embarrass lawyers. If the above
happened, our 70% of the world's lawyers would dwindle down to maybe 20%, and we would all be a
lot happier and richer!


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Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 17. THE WORTHLESS


"When God wanted sponges and oysters, He made them, and put one on a rock, and the other in the
mud. When He made man, He did not make him to be a sponge or an oyster; He made him with feet, and
hands, and head, and heart, and vital blood, and a place to use them, and said to him, Go Work!" -
Henry Ward Beecher - 1866

"The men who start out with the notion that the world owes them a living generally find that the world
pays its debt in the penitentiary or the poorhouse." - William Graham Sumner - 1913

The entire world is being over-run by criminal, demented, evil, worthless, helpless, lazy, dependent,
irresponsible, scum and human savages, who are polluting the entire globe, and making our lives ever
more difficult. TV talk shows parade dozens of miscreants each day, and the streets in any major city are
full of filthy bums, some sitting at intersections with crude signs saying, "will work for food," or some
such nonsense. They won't work for food, but are just beggars. In foreign lands, beggars, robbers, purse
snatchers, rapists, and con-men range the streets and hallways even more than in America, but America
has literally millions that should not exist any longer. Out of 280 million inhabitants, we would be ever
so much better off without quite a few million of them. Not only the homeless and criminals, but every
other person that adds nothing to society, crippling it in many ways. Those who work, support
themselves and their families, raise their children, obey the law, make their payments, and are not a
liability to the rest of us...fine. Poverty is no sin, and poor people will always be with us, but the
worthless are dragging us down. Anyone who won't pull their own share, support themselves, care for
their dependents, and be law worthless. Gang members, criminals, con artists, welfare
dependents, thieves, burglars, murderers, child abusers, wife beaters, etc., are all...literally...worthless.

In a normal society there will always be a few worthless bums, but the vast majority will be responsible
and trustworthy, making that society healthy and self-correcting of its ills. In the world today, the
worthless occupy so large a percentage of the total population, it would be beyond belief to a person
who lived a hundred years ago, if they could be brought back to witness our current state. When the
worthless procreate and copulate like barnyard animals, continually growing in numbers, as they are in
the world today, it is because society has created and nourished them in two basic ways. They are
welfare, and lack of law enforcement. Today, 10% of Americans are on food stamps, a program, which
was started by a Republican President, 28 years ago. Millions get government checks each month, and
the 35 year old American socialized medical scheme is growing at a rate at least three times the
government announced inflation rate. Public housing projects multiply, and hundreds of welfare
programs offer aid and comfort to anyone clever enough to get on them. As if welfare weren't bad
enough, the judges regularly release hardened criminals, who naturally commit more crimes. Crime does
pay, and not working pays pretty well also. A tenant in a building I used to own, lost so many jobs that
she decided to go on welfare for 50 weeks, and actually made more than she did in her jobs. She decided
to just sit home for 50 weeks, watch TV, and do much better. (1 of 6)2/7/2012 8:13:14 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 17. THE WORTHLESS

As a result of "freebies," (SFN) and lack of criminal prosecution, the worthless have proliferated to the
point where our cities are unlivable, and it is dangerous to walk about. We must have alarms on our cars
and homes, plus heavy insurance on our valuables. Multiple locks, barred windows, and mace are almost
necessities in most cities, and entrepreneurs are getting rich selling us protection from the worthless. In a
healthy society, businessmen would prosper by producing and selling items to improve our lives and
property, not protecting them.

As a merely typical example of the worthless, regardless of age, I quote from the December 19, 1995
Rocky Mountain News, page 6A, under the headline, "VANDALS CITE NEED FOR EXCITEMENT."
The story is about two boys, age sixteen, who admitted smashing and wrecking two Colorado Springs
churches, only the latest in a two month rampage of burglaries and vandalism, before finally being
apprehended and arrested. In the churches, they smashed two computers, a photocopier, two overhead
projectors, a plate glass window, and an electronic organ. They pulled apart plumbing, flooding one
building, broke grape juice bottles against walls in the kitchen, broke jars of jelly, and sprayed a room
with a fire extinguisher. They stole a fax machine and a computer, poured gasoline into a church entry,
and set it on fire. The last paragraph of the piece reads, "Detective Smith said if the two are handled in
juvenile court they are unlikely to receive detention time." Newspapers across the width and breadth of
this land are full of such stories on a daily basis. The two teenagers in the above, are truly worthless, as
are tens of millions of other creeps in the world.

From the May 29, 1996 issue of the Bangor (Maine) Daily News, page B 1, comes the story that, "Pond
Island is termed 'gull free' site." The story goes on to tell that sea gulls have become a menace, driving
out the terns and puffins. "Scientists have managed seabird habitats in Maine by poisoning gulls since at
least 1974, when the National Audubon Society set out to restore a colony of Atlantic puffins on Eastern
Egg Rock in Muscongus Bay." The story tells that the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, in cooperation with
the Audubon Society, have now made at least ten islands and refuges "gull free." They set out poison
cubes killing tens of thousands of gulls, which are unwanted...probably much like California and Oregon
should kill off thousands of fish eating, noisy, sea lions which have over-populated, making a damned
nuisance of themselves. In Colorado at the turn of the century, it is estimated that there were about 7,000
deer in the state, and now there are over 700,000. Few Colorado residents have missed either hitting one,
or having a close call. They have become a damned nuisance, just like sea gulls have in Cape Cod, and
other beautiful New England islands and areas. The point being, that at times, populations of things must
be managed.

"Zero population growth" (ZPG) has been achieved by productive societies around the world. It has
never been reached by the worthless, who live for instant gratification, rather than thinking and planning
for the future. The result is that the worthless are reproducing like bunny rabbits and lemmings, and they
and their offspring are being supported by welfare. If the support and subsidy were removed, the
worthless might think twice about continual unprotected copulation and reproduction. In other words, a
worthless person would have to either become useful to the degree of supporting themselves, with no
outside assistance from government, or bear the consequences ...which may be death. Everyone dies
eventually. Premature death, self caused, would be in perfect harmony with nature. (2 of 6)2/7/2012 8:13:14 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 17. THE WORTHLESS

We are being over-run with a worthless, useless, criminal element, which continues to prey on us, haunt
us, ruin us, threaten us, kill us, destroy our cities, and disgust us...take your pick. Welfare, handouts, and
subsidies are destroying America. There should be no welfare or subsidy for anyone, any group, or any
business or corporation, at any time, by any government, at any level. If a private person, business,
charity, or church wants to subsidize the poor, worthless, weak, sick, old, or infirm; excellent! When
government subsidizes something, it is theft and wealth re-distribution, which does exactly the wrong
thing. Consider the following absolute truism: "What is subsidized, you get more of...what is taxed, you
get less of," Make sense? Of course! What are governments at all levels subsidizing? The worthless.
What are they taxing? The productive.

I live in a wonderful small town. This town, and hundreds of others like it, is witnessing immigration
from the big cities. The reason being, there are virtually no worthless people here. It is a joy, not
worrying about robberies, muggings, filthy air, and serious crime. With the advent of technology,
computers, phone lines, Fed-Ex, e-mail, the Internet, and other wonderful advantages in communication,
many can earn a living without actually having to live amidst the worthless spoilers in the ruined cities. I
know of designers, advertisers, traders, and participants in many other occupations, who now live in
small towns, because the marvels of electronics allow them to do so. They would rather not uproot their
families, but no longer feel safe living in cities surrounded by the worthless. The worthless are

Call them what you wish, but if the worthless were animals, they would not live long. In nature's system,
the worthless are eaten, allowed to die, abandoned, or in some other way gotten rid of quickly. Others of
the animal kingdom, such as lemmings, multiply so rapidly and in such great numbers, they support
other life by being eaten as a steady diet. Only humans are so much in awe of life, no matter how useless
or worthless. Cruel though it sounds, Americans are suckers for attempting to stop the normal course of dictated by nature...especially as it applies to their own race.

Charles Darwin called it, "survival of the fittest," but certainly no one should believe "survival of the
worthless" is the way to Utopia.

The less civilized a race or group is, the more likely they are to die young. Look to Africa for many
examples. In Liberia, Rwanda, Sudan, or any of a host of others, there is violence, mass killing, disease,
filth, cannibalism, and brutality beyond the grasp of a normal civilized mind. The humanitarians refuse
to let nature take its course, interfering with what they have been doing to each other for thousands of
years. That happens to be killing each other for no particular reason, dying from plagues and disease, or
many other reasons that have nothing to do with civilization. The result is that Africa's population is
increasing to such a degree, that within a few years it will be unable to feed itself. If the civilized nations
allowed the uncivilized to have at it their own way, an entire continent would not be in danger. As it is,
there are so many Africans doing so much damage to the landscape, that it will be out of trees, water,
wild animals, and food pretty quickly. Thanks to misplaced humanitarianism, they live longer, reproduce
quicker, and are now running out of natural resources to sustain themselves. For thousands of years,
Africans maintained themselves and their surroundings, doing what they knew how to do to live. That
balance is now hopelessly out of kilter, and an entire continent is on the brink of total ruination. (3 of 6)2/7/2012 8:13:14 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 17. THE WORTHLESS

Our own country is the same. What is being subsidized in America, and for whom? Everything is being
subsidized, and for the more or less worthless. Housing, food, fuel, transport, and medical care, is what
is being subsidized, plus things I cannot even think of, but to say that 'everything' is being subsidized, is
no small exaggeration. Who pays for the subsidies? The productive sector does, with enormous taxes
levied by politicians who have the power of life and death over us, that's who.


I am not advocating "managing" the worthless, but we certainly should stop subsidizing them, or
releasing them from prison early. A governmental subsidy of any kind upsets the natural balance of
whatever is subsidized, by "weakening the strong and strengthening the weak." - Abraham Lincoln. A
natural balance is, as has already been illustrated in the animal kingdom, sees to it that the weak, lazy,
old, helpless, diseased, or inept, are removed by natural processes such as early death, starvation, or
being eaten. The natural balance keeps the species healthy and strong. Of all the species that can be
considered weak, diseased, poor, or in trouble, the human species is the weakest, thanks to subsidizing
the weak and punishing the strong. If all subsidies were removed, those able to care for themselves
would do so. Others would learn to do so. Still others would turn to charity for help. Those who refused
to work, learn, or solicit, would turn to crime to sustain themselves, and with everyone owning a gun,
and prisons being just that, being a criminal would be a pretty risky occupation. The results of totally
removing all subsidies from the worthless, is that the class would virtually disappear, and we would
return to the non-welfare state of the America that was prosperous and full of worthwhile people.
Citizens who contribute to society in various degrees, and do not suck it dry in a continuous transfusion...
is what we need.


"Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed." - Genesis 9:6

Whatever you may think about the death penalty, it has the lowest recidivism rate of any of the ways of
fighting crime." - Thomas Sowell

There are those worthless who do not come under the heading of weak, old, inept, etc. These are the
cruel, demented, and criminal. These will never cease to exist from sickness or starvation, because they
prey on the innocent. These are the most worthless of all.

Should Reginald Muldrew live? He has probably raped more women than any other man in history.
Sentenced to 25 years in prison, and released on parole after 16, he promptly began raping again,
sometimes several times a day. Finally, neighbors heard a woman's screams, as Muldrew began another
rape. Before the police arrived, the neighbors had beaten Muldrew so thoroughly that he was about dead,
and it was only possible to identify him by his fingerprints. He was taken to the hospital and his wounds
doctored, probably for another trial and a few more years in the slammer, with all the benefits of color (4 of 6)2/7/2012 8:13:14 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 17. THE WORTHLESS

TV, etc., as has already been mentioned. If the neighbors had done their job correctly, the taxpayers
wouldn't have to fork out a Harvard tuition each year for this animal's care.

On Friday, July 17 1998, a mentally ill creep shot to death two U.S. Capitol policemen and wounded a
tourist, after barging through a metal detector. He lived, unfortunately, after being shot by the now dead
cops. He's crazy as a June bug, and should be executed. He will live, while two policemen are dead.
Why should he live? Taxpayers will shell out about $40,000 a year for the rest of his life, or until he is
again released, which he had been, before gunning down the police. I say execute him, and quickly.
Public defenders and humanitarians will say he needs to be cared for and medicated; but who is to pay
for it? Maybe I am not a "humanitarian," but unless you can tell me how to bring those policemen back
to life, and allow them to once again be with their families and loved ones, he should fry in the electric
chair, be gassed, or in some way be put to death. Mental illness that causes death or needless suffering of
the innocents, is no reason to keep the criminal alive.

An AP story on March 13, 1997 reveals that, " Mitchell Sexton fatally stabbed his father with a double-
edged knife and used an electrical cord to hang the body from the handle of an exercise bike. Norman
Eastman beat a 1 year-old to death for vomiting in his Corvette, punching the child so hard that the
youngster’s bowels ruptured. The men are among 300 rapists, robbers and other felons freed this week
from Florida prisons in one of the biggest mass releases of violent lawbreakers in state history." The
state had no choice, or rather decided not to fight the "system," and obeyed a Supreme Court decision
that instructs states to release prisoners to relieve over-crowding. Undoubtedly all of them should have
been executed rather than being placed in prison in the first place. Once again I ask: Suppose Florida
decided to ignore the Supreme Court's ridiculous orders, and squeezed the bastards in cells so tightly,
they gasped for breath. We would all be safer, and the riffraff would be uncomfortable. Who cares about
them? Isn't the safety of the law-abiding citizenry thousands of percentage points more important than

Humane treatment and "rights" for murderers, thieves, muggers, and rapists is absurd. Criminals, gang
members, and other worthless rabble, have no place in a civilized society, and society should not be
forced to pay to keep them alive. Capital punishment for the most violent, with one quick appeal, is the
solution. During the year 1996, there were over 3,000 inmates on death row in various prisons, but only
56 executions; and that is baloney. There are probably a million, and maybe even a lot more that should
have their lives snuffed out today, and we would all be a lot safer, richer, and happier. No one could
consider capital punishment inhumane if it were done with simple breathing in of nitrogen or carbon
monoxide, which is not only painless, but the person is not even aware that anything adverse is

A three star, 1931 movie titled "Star Witness," features Walter Huston as the DA, and he is hot after the
murderer. He says, "I’ll indict Maxey Campo today, and execute him in 90 days." Which he does! The
point is that death row inmates currently spend 10 or 15 years waiting for their execution, while they
appeal, appeal, appeal. Get rid of them pronto! (5 of 6)2/7/2012 8:13:14 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 17. THE WORTHLESS

The crybaby protesters who rail against capital punishment make me sick. I can see nothing but
advantage in getting rid of the criminally insane, murderers, child molesters, and rapists with painless
capital punishment. Even the scriptures uphold the principle. Executing a murderer is just punishment,
and in no way contradicts the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution, which states that, "cruel and
unusual punishments (shall not be) inflicted." Death for murderers is certainly not unusual, as it has been
going on for thousands of years. How is it less cruel to lock up a person for life in a cell, verses simple
death by humane execution? Is there really any reason why an inmate of a maximum-security
penitentiary shouldn’t have been put to death, rather than committed? The yearly $40,000 cost to house
the vermin are eliminated with one injection, a dose of gas, or a brief surge of the electric meter; a far
better bargain.

Some lives may be sacred, but others are not. Cockroaches, rats, termites, mosquitoes, mad cows, and
the lives of career criminals are not sacred, and must not be preserved. We swat flies and exterminate
termites before they eat our homes, why not exterminate any murderer, rapist, or equal scum we catch
and convict? Is there any reason not to exterminate them?

Since I have already proven that we are being taxed by probably 75%, think about who received
subsidies 50 years ago, when our cities were livable, clean, and healthy. Think about who was being
subsidized 50 years ago, when our skies were not polluted. Think about what was being subsidized 50
years ago, when there were no abandoned buildings, destroyed neighborhoods, graffiti, and ill educated
students. I'll tell you what and who were being subsidized 50 years ago...virtually no one and nothing.
There were no food stamps; people had to feed themselves. There were no public housing projects;
people had to house themselves. There was no Medicare or Medicaid; people had to care for themselves.
And on it goes. 50 years ago, there was no massive wealth redistribution system taxing the producers to
give to the no-accounts. 50 years ago, there were fast executions of worthless, useless, human insects.
How sad that few are left to remember those halcyon days.


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Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 18. DRUGS, ETC.


"Adam was but human, - and this explains it all. He did not want the apple for the apple's sake; he
wanted it only because it was forbidden. The mistake was in not forbidding the serpent; then he would
have eaten the serpent." - Mark Twain - 1894

Let no one misunderstand, I have never tried them, don't want to, don't condone them, and honestly
believe they alter the mind permanently. For many years I parroted the usual conservative preachings
that drugs should be outlawed, fought, and no expense spared to conquer this modern day evil incarnate.
I had an employee who at one time had taken a large amount of "LSD," which practice she had quit long
before she came to work for me. Beverly said she could be walking down the street, and suddenly,
without warning, she would "go on a trip," as she called it, a hangover from drugs. I believe the
influence of drugs is warping to the mind, and the effects last one's entire life. The drug users and ex-
drug users always seem to be easily identified by their dress, music tastes, and general appearance. The
"hippie" generation, which was heavily into drugs, seems to have permanent hangovers from their use.
However, loathing drugs doesn’t mean the "drug war" makes any sense.

"Forbidden water is the sweetest." - Old saying

Making something illegal creates demand. Before we had the current drug laws, we had little drug use.
There are those who insist that drug laws came as a result of increased drug consumption, but even if
that were true, and it isn't, it certainly hasn’t helped. Marijuana was made illegal in 1937, and since then
over 20 million have been arrested because of it. Napoleon's army and even Queen Victoria smoked
marijuana, all without the hangover of alcohol. Ancient Chinese healers used marijuana extensively, and
it is actually one of the oldest medicines on earth. Drugs are not new. Al Capone was addicted to
cocaine. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle had his Sherlock Holmes addicted to cocaine a hundred years ago, and
Sigmund Freud was cocaine addicted, with no apparent ill effects. Dr. William Stewart Halsted, who
was one of the greatest and most famous American surgeons, and a founder of Johns Hopkins Medical
School and Hospital, was a lifelong morphine addict, married into a distinguished Southern family, and
lived a long and brilliant professional and family life.

When I was in high school, foolish teenagers smoked, got drunk, drove like maniacs, and girls
occasionally turned up pregnant, but there was no drug problem. Kids didn't know about drugs, and there
was no underworld providing them...until they became illegal. I know this sounds preposterous, but it is
true. Speakeasies and the thrill of violating the law, didn't occur till prohibition, and drinking became
illegal. The drunks and alcoholics created during the prohibition era are still with us. Prohibition made
marijuana popular because it wasn't made illegal till prohibition was over. It was a lot more fun to do
something forbidden, such as drinking illegal booze.

"For 13 long years I fought the good fight along with 160,000,000 other American patriots allied
against the infamies of prohibition." - Lucius Bebee (1 of 10)2/7/2012 8:13:15 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 18. DRUGS, ETC.

Prohibition turned millions of thirsty Americans into criminals. Huge amounts of propaganda were
unleashed upon the public, convincing alarmed citizens that "demon rum" was killing America. Carrie
Nation was axing bars, breaking mirrors, destroying saloon tables and chairs, giving inflammatory
speeches, and in general whipping everyone into a first rate lather. A few Americans became convinced
that alcohol was absolutely the most destructive element in society. While this was going on, anyone
could walk into a drug store and buy all the now illegal drugs they wanted. (Note that word "drug" in
drug store.) We then made it illegal for; "...the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating
liquors..." as stated in the 18th Amendment to our Constitution...later repealed by the 21st. Never before
had passions for righteousness, real or imagined, been so fervent. Note that consumption wasn't illegal,
only making, selling and transporting it. The 21st Amendment not only repealed the 18th, but granted the
various states the right to remain "dry" if they so chose.

"It is indeed probable that more harm and misery have been caused by men determined to use coercion
to stamp out a moral evil than by men intent on doing evil." - Frederich Hayek

The worst consequence of prohibition was that it killed the temperance movement. Prohibition created a
new multi-million dollar industry, "bootlegging." Under prohibition, the government continually
stiffened the penalties for making, selling, and transporting what had become illegal alcoholic
substances, and then as now, it merely increased the demand for the forbidden fruit. In 1924, there were
24,000 cases in federal court which dealt with "intoxicating liquors," crowding out legitimate criminal
cases. During prohibition, jails were teeming with bootleggers and moonshiners, and today they are full
of drug dealers and users. In both instances, the law-abiding citizenry lived, and currently do live in
terror, due to the resulting violence. The old saying holds true that, "The road to hell is paved with good

Millions had a great time during prohibition. These years became known as the "Roaring Twenties," and
youth indeed did have its fling. Flappers, pocket flasks, speakeasies, 4 button suits, Stutz Bearcats, and
the Charleston, became the trademarks of a 'hell for leather' youth, who took delight in drinking all they
could...just to defy the law. America had an enormous hangover when prohibition was defeated. There
were a reported 4,000 "speaks" in Manhattan alone. Nothing was accomplished, any more than defying
the law with drugs is currently accomplishing anything, other than the thrill of taking a chance and doing
what you want...when it is prohibited by absurd laws.

Prohibition made American distillers go broke, and Canadian ones thrive. Jack Daniels, Jim Beam, and a
hundred other 'Old Reprehensibles' laid off their workers, and most never re-opened after repeal. We
never had the dozens of Canadian brands till the Volstead Act (prohibition) was approved. Prohibition
made Canadian distillers super rich. Some became billionaires, such as the Bronfman family, which now
own much of America’s alcohol trade. The "Seagram's 7," "Canadian Club," and other brands still send
billions back to Canada each year. Prohibition resulted in the formation of the FBI, an unconstitutional
national police force. The despised BATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, & Firearms) and FBI
committed the murders and destruction at Waco, Ruby Ridge, and a thousand other outrages of (2 of 10)2/7/2012 8:13:15 AM

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unannounced break-ins, bankrupting and humiliating innocents, wantonly seizing property illegally and
never returning it, plus countless other categories of lawlessness perpetrated by the federal law
enforcement agencies. No militia ever did these things.

Need a couple of examples? In September 1991, 85 soldiers and DEA agents stormed the 32 acres
owned by Leland and Mary Shultz, looking for what they envisioned was a massive marijuana
operation. Result? Lots of sunflowers, but not a single marijuana plant. The Schultzes were surrounded
by drug agents, handcuffed, thrown to the ground and their property ransacked, while a helicopter
hovered overhead. The agents kept screaming, "Tell us where the drugs are!" The Schultzes sued, but
were told that government has immunity, and did nothing wrong.

Harry and Theresa Lamplugh live in Wellsboro, New Jersey. Harry promotes about 40 gun shows a
year, benefiting such subversive groups as the American Cancer Society, Lions Clubs, American
Legion, and the Marine Corps League. The BATF had 15 to 20 armed, masked agents invade the
couple's home, hold them at the point of a machine gun, kick their cat to death, and steal at least $18,000
worth of property, which was listed as being "forfeited." Harry is a cancer patient. The BATF threw his
prescription drugs on the floor, and after opening his personal mail and taking his medical records, held
a gun to his head and shouted, "shut up," when he asked if they had a search warrant.

In Bucyrus Ohio, the BATF raided the home of Louis Katona in 1990, seizing his gun collection.
Kimberly, Louis' pregnant wife, was brutally shoved against a wall, and later suffered a miscarriage. The
stories can go on and on. 21 year old Monique Montgomery awoke at 4 AM to find four masked men
breaking into her bedroom. She reached for her gun, and was shot dead by BATF agents, who found
nothing illegal in her apartment.

In 1992, the AP reported that in Texas, the government spent $500 million in an attempt to stop airborne
drug smuggling. The result? Complete and utter failure. Not a single arrest or drug seizure.

Undoubtedly a grossly low figure, the Gannett News Service reported on March 13, 1997, that
"Taxpayers have shelled out $103 billion in the past 10 years for a federal drug war that has done little
to stop international narcotics traffickers, says a new study by government auditors. Heroin is cheaper,
stronger, and more widely available than a decade ago, said the General Accounting Office. Only about
32 metric tons of the total world heroin supply of 300 tons were seized by police. The GAO figure of
$103 billion actually is quite low because it doesn’t include all the drug-fighting money tucked away in
all U.S. budgets."

"Tobacco is one of the most physiologically damaging substances used by man. When smoked in
cigarettes it is the chief cause of lung cancer. Tobacco is also a factor in other cancers, in coronary
artery disease, in emphysema of the lungs, and in other diseases. Since nicotine is one of the most
perniciously addicting drugs in common use, most tobacco users are "hooked" and, in effect, locked to
the damaging effects of tobacco." Page 206, "Licit & Illicit Drugs," by Edward M. Brecher and the
editors of Consumer Reports. (3 of 10)2/7/2012 8:13:15 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 18. DRUGS, ETC.

Today, we have cut cigarette smoking by over 50% with a modern day temperance movement...
educating the populace about the health effects of smoking. Couldn't drug use be cut the same if it
weren't driven underground? If cigarette smoking were made illegal, and a "war on cigarettes" begun,
smoking would be instantly glamorous, the cost of cigarettes would go through the roof, and it would be
smart, cute, and "in" to smoke, rather than the reverse, which is true now. If some have their way,
cigarettes will become another illegal item that people want, but can't buy at the corner store, and we
will have street corner cigarette dealers proffering poorly made, possibly even poisonous cigarettes for
the addicted. Amateur, unclean, slipshod manufacturing is responsible for some illegal drug deaths each
year, which would also happen if cigarettes were put on the illegal list.

In his 1963 book, "How Dry We Were: Prohibition Revisited," Dr. Henry Lee noted that the new (1918)
Constitutional Amendment was supposed to cure the alcohol problem. Billy Sunday, the great evangelist
said, "The slums will soon be only a memory. We will turn our prisons into factories and our jails into
storehouses and corncribs. Men will walk upright now, women will smile and the children will laugh.
Hell will be forever rent." Dream on Billy! Lee proves that prohibition drove up not only consumption,
but also production. Speakeasies, crime, murder, assaults, stills, drunkenness, arrests, wild chases and
seizures were all going full tilt, and America was having a jolly time doing what was illegal. When
prohibition was removed, the murder rate in America immediately went down by 60%!

Samuel Eliot Morison wrote in his "Oxford History of the American People," "No sooner had national
prohibition become law than the country seemed to regret it, and a new occupation, bootlegging, sprang
up to quench the public thirst. The federal government in 10 years made over half million arrests for
breaking the Volstead Act, and secured over 300,000 convictions, but smuggling increased." The
consequences of the Volstead Act's passage was increased consumption, proven in another book, "The
Economic Results of Prohibition," by Clark Warburton, a most respected analyst, who showed that
alcoholic beverage consumption went from .3 to 1.86 gallons of wine, from .44 to .87 gallons of
whiskey, and from 1.26 to 6.9 gallons of beer per year, per person, during prohibition. Think about what
would happen if sugar or soda pop were outlawed, neither particularly good for you. Make something
illegal, and it obtains a certain glamour to the would be partakers. Consumption of any substance that is
made illegal, plus a radical increase in price, and the thrill of doing it, are undeniable results. Even the
ancient Jews got a kick from worshipping the golden calf, which was forbidden. Re-read the opening
quote at the beginning of this chapter.

Stopping the drug war sounds absolutely lunatic to most, mainly because we are so used to government
telling us how evil drugs are, and how much of our money they are righteously spending to fight this
iniquity. A person addicted to heroin, cocaine, opium, or other substances, can live with their addictions
or shake them, in the same way as a person addicted to nicotine, alcohol or overeating. Drug overdoses
may possibly kill, although some experts say they won't, unless mixed with other substances...especially
alcohol. There is no question about the lethal effects of cirrhosis of the liver and lung cancer. The
Chinese, thanks to the British, for over a hundred years lived while addicted to opium, and in places
where drug laws have been removed, those civilizations didn't collapse. The American and Mexican
Indian, for centuries have ingested peyote, which religious practice prohibited the use of alcohol. (4 of 10)2/7/2012 8:13:15 AM

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I constantly hear of the millions of illegal drug users in America, which is the excuse given for the war
on drugs. To hear the calamity howlers spout their alarms, Americans take so many drugs, that it
threatens us all. Be reasonable and logical when I ask, where are all these horrid drug addicts? I see
drunks careening down the highways or staggering on sidewalks. It is actually hilarious to listen to Los
Angeles radio stations do their traffic reports on a Sunday morning after the bars closed on Saturday
night. Cars overturned, going the wrong way on one way streets, in ditches, head on collisions, etc., and
all because of alcohol. Over 400,000 die each year from the effects of smoking. Where are all the
druggie deaths? I never see a drugged addict staggering in a public place, driving up the wrong way on
an Interstate and colliding with a bus, killing 16, as happened in Colorado in 1996. That driver was
drunk, as are thousands of idiots who maim and kill each day using their legal drug, alcohol. On NPR’s
"All Things Considered" on October 16 1997, it was stated that alcohol related incidents kill one
American every 31 seconds. The papers are not reporting auto accidents caused by drugged drivers.
Where are all these addicted people we are so alarmed about? If we are so infested and poisoned by
these hideous drugs, where is the evidence of it? If cocaine is so bad, and marijuana so evil, why aren't
these drugged up criminals seen passed out and dying of liver disease like the addicts of alcohol, or
dying of cancer or some other drug related illness like the nicotine addicts are in such pitiful numbers?
The daily accounts of drug busts, break-ins, property forfeiture, court trials, jail sentences, smuggling,
new laws, and all that government can possibly get into the media, never tell of victims lain waste,
ruined, incapacitated, or dead. All the hoop-la is about the drug busts, not the ruined imbibers. If drugs
are so bad, where are the victims? We occasionally hear of those who may be addicted, but that has
nothing to do with being unable to live successfully, any more than does a person grossly overweight or
hooked on cigarettes.

Addiction to legal prescription drugs is common. Various mental stimulants, depressants, laxatives,
sleep inducers, and painkillers are taken by hundreds of thousands every day, and they are addicted...but
not debilitated. The difference is that some are “"legal" and others are "illegal." Legal drugs show profits
for pharmacies and doctors, while the illegal ones show profit for the underworld. In the April 1998 New
England Journal of Medicine, it was reported that properly prescribed legal drugs kill 106,000
Americans each year. According to the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, a mere
5,200 Americans die each year from Illegal drugs such as heroin and cocaine, most probably ingested
with alcohol, which often makes them deadly.

Over 400,000 die prematurely from effects of cigarette smoking, millions suffer from emphysema,
shortness of breath, lung cancer, mouth cancer, throat cancer, yellow hands and teeth, bad breath, etc. 40
Children under the age of five drown in water buckets each year, and 80 in bathtubs. Fire officials say
90% of non-arson fires are started due to careless smoking. 40,000 die on the highways each year, a
good percentage caused by drunk drivers. Do any die from "drug driving?" Driving while yaking into a
cell phone causes lots of accidents, but I just can't remember ever hearing of a "drug" car accident.
Experts all agree that marijuana consumption slows drivers down to a crawl, and makes them not even
want to drive, whereas alcohol intoxication makes them speed and become reckless and fearless. If an
adult is so half-witted as to be a drunk, smoke, or take drugs, and something terrible happens to their
health or personality, so what? That is known as individual responsibility, also known as population (5 of 10)2/7/2012 8:13:15 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 18. DRUGS, ETC.

control, allowing the weak, sick, and foolish to fare for themselves with no government support.
Individual responsibility has to include those with AIDS. America will be better off without the
irresponsible ones if they are so ignorant as to drink themselves to death, engage in unsafe sex, inject
drugs, or die of lung cancer. Their death leaves more room for us smart people, and gets rid of the
expense the fools impose on us innocents...which makes a lot of sense, even though emotionally it
sounds pretty bad at first reading.

Consider the cost of the drug war. William F. Buckley, in a 1995 column analyzed it on an annual basis
as follows: "Incarceration - $21 billion, new prison construction - $2.2 billion, justice system - $6
billion, law enforcement - $7.7 billion, Customs and Coast Guard - $2 billion, wasted money by
marijuana users if they could buy it legally - $12.9 billion, same with cocaine - $48.9 billion, damage
and injury cost of crimes committed to buy drugs - $9.4 billion, merchandise stolen in crimes - $47
billion, health costs - $3 billion, lost revenue from untaxed drugs - $5 billion, making a total of $205
billion per year. Still want to continue with the "drug war?" Of course the $205 billion doesn’t include
destroyed neighborhoods, bodies, and minds that might still be whole without the entire matter being
stupidly illegal, causing the curious to seek thrills through doing something forbidden.

There are supposedly 37,000 people in jail at any one time for marijuana use. In 1996, 641,642
Americans were arrested on marijuana charges, 85.2% for mere possession. At $40,000 a year for the
keep of the 37,000, that alone costs America $1,480,000,000 each year for use of a substance that
California and Arizona voted in 1996 to make legal when a doctor suggests its use. Several more states
were added to that list in the 2000 elections. Think about the cost of arresting, booking, trial, jail time, or
bail to get released, etc., for the 641,642. Absolutely mind boggling.

Alcohol and cigarettes are legal, and they kill thousands of times more than do drugs. There are those
who swear that various items of food will kill you. Fat, sugar, red meat, any meat, any dairy, foods
grown with chemical fertilizers, and hundreds of other prohibitions cause health purists of all sorts to be
inflamed with the desire to educate and help those so foolish as to consume items on their list of potable
killers. Health food stores make huge profits from sales of "natural" cures and vitamins, all be the ultimate in health providing ingestibles. When drugs are lined up along side of the other
eccentricities of the rest of the population, past and present, they seem to me to be right at home. How
about the exercise fanatics who insist on running, running, running, and possibly wearing out the heart?
They are on a par with the rest of us who all have our own little peccadilloes.

Isn’t it entirely possible that that the supposed hideousness of illegal drugs is completely overblown? Is
it possible the cigarette and alcohol manufacturers are pushing the drug war so their sales won't be
harmed? Maybe smokers would prefer marijuana to tobacco, or drinkers prefer a 'joint' to hooch. Who
knows what might happen to tobacco and alcohol sales if the drug war were called off? It is almost
certain that cigarette and alcohol manufacturers would be harmed tremendously. Ever think of that?

When we were kids, everyone knew that masturbation would make us go blind or insane, and in the
sixties, when the drug war began, it was said that one single marijuana cigarette would hook one for life. (6 of 10)2/7/2012 8:13:15 AM

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In 1944, the New York Academy of Medicine declared that the use of marijuana was, "completely
harmless." Back in the 17th century, during the famous Salem Witch Trial era, it was also an undisputed
fact that witches were all powerful agents of the devil, and had to be hung by the neck till dead, or
burned at the stake. 'Common knowledge,' in any time period, is often wrong. In Biblical times, the
majority thought Jesus was evil, Noah was crazy, as were most of the Biblical characters. It is current
'common knowledge,' that illegal drugs kill, which is untrue, but what is true is that the legal drugs,
alcohol and tobacco, actually do kill hundreds of thousands each year.

Remember Times Beach, Missouri? Found in some of the black top paving, was a wee bit of the
chemical dioxin, which set off the emergency alarms of D.C. Quickly the town was ordered abandoned,
and for over two decades, "restoration," costing hundreds of millions has proceeded. Dioxin is not a
poison, other than possibly a carcinogen to guinea pigs. Many residents refused to leave Times Beach,
and are as healthy as anyone. In Italy, an entire town was exposed to a thousand times as much dioxin as
were the residents of Times Beach, and they suffered no ill effects. It has been reluctantly admitted that
the Times Beach dioxin matter was a huge error.

The cost of the asbestos scare is incalculable, but it has to be in the tens and even hundreds of billions,
all out of taxpayer, manufacturer, and building owners' pockets. It turns out that asbestos may be trouble
for smokers handling huge amounts of it continuously, but the problem has been, and still is, that entire
buildings have been condemned, schools closed, and asbestos removal crews hired, complete with space
suits and auxiliary breathing apparatus, all mandated by government, to remove even the smallest
smidgen of asbestos. This is not to mention the fact that entire corporations have taken bankruptcy over
frivolous lawsuits. Smoking was the problem with asbestos workers, not the substance itself. The
asbestos scare began with the publication of an inflammatory document released by the government,
which was titled simply the "Draft Summary." The problem with the "Draft Summary," is there are no
authors listed, and no one has yet admitted to writing it. The "Draft Summary" has not been subjected to
scientific proofs, and has been scoffed at and ridiculed by responsible, accredited scientists at home and
abroad. This fraudulent "Draft Summary," author unknown, is responsible for the entire asbestos scare,
which continues with us today.

The type of asbestos used in 95% of American installations is the "crysolite" variety, and isn’t harmful at
all. The other type, the "amphibole" variety is harmful, but comes from Africa, and has rarely been used
in America since WW II, except as filters in Kent cigarettes until 1956. During WW II, the emergency
dictated that all types had to be used, and some of those workers have indeed contracted lung problems
from those times, but to cause a national scare costing a large fortune has been absurd. Non-smoking
coal miners never seem to get "black lung disease." Non smoking uranium miners never seem to get

Then there was the Alar-on-apples piece, as irresponsibly broadcast by "60 Minutes" a few years ago,
and backed up by the government. That little piece of business destroyed a lot of apple growers, and was
totally untrue. (7 of 10)2/7/2012 8:13:15 AM

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PCB’s take many forms, are non-flammable, and stable over a wide range of temperatures. Invented in
1929, they made wonderful insulation in electrical transformers and installations, replacing mineral oil,
which is highly flammable. According to government "experts," PCBs are extremely poisonous, which
is untrue. They are banned anyway, and no suitable substitute has been found. I well remember the feds
storming into the Paoli, Pennsylvania railroad yards a few years ago with their space suits, ordering
everyone off the premises. PCB oil had been used for decades to cool the transformers in the
Pennsylvania Railroad's electric locomotives. Over the years, thousands of gallons of it had dripped in
the yards. Railroaders used to taste it to see if it was lubricating or insulating oil, (PCB’s) and no one
ever got sick. That little "clean up" cost the railroad millions and millions, all needlessly. The PCB scare
continues, even though for decades waste PCBs had been released into rivers, and no fish or humans
ever suffered harm.

For years, government has been yapping about salt, and how too much of it can harm the heart and kill
you. Millions have been made, and billions spent, for "salt free" substances, because of this fraudulent
scare, which has absolutely no basis in medical study, practice, knowledge, or pronouncement. As a
matter of fact, late medical studies show that a lack of salt is unhealthy for the body.

The acid rain, earth warming, thinning ozone layer, and other such alarmist exclamations would require
much more time than this space allows, but they can be proven to be equally microscopic problems.

The entire refrigeration industry had to re-tool, (over 200 million cars and refrigerators) and it has cost
us a bundle...all for nothing. More supposedly ozone-destroying agents are emitted by jet planes,
volcano eruptions, and space shuttles than could be ejected by a trillion refrigerators with their harmless
Freon. Besides that, no one knows how long the so called "ozone hole" has been present. It could have
been there for a million years. Can you imagine how many jobs result from, and depend on, keeping us
scared out of our wits all the time? Like drugs, Freon is now illegal...but not in Mexico. Freon
smuggling has become a big business...just like drugs, with the usual arrests, prison sentences and
statements from government about "protecting Americans." Don’t be afraid, Freon has been in use for
almost a hundred years, and is harmless. It’s just the newest snafu, which if you aren’t old enough to
remember WW II, stood for "Situation normal, all f----- up."

The late Rachel Carson was a writer, not a scientist. Her best seller, "Silent Spring," literally destroyed
DDT, the best, cheapest killer of mosquitoes, fleas, body lice, moths, boll weevils, and a host of other
pests. Its forced demise is a tragedy of unknown proportions, because nothing comparable to DDT has
yet to be developed. Carson's book was full of lies and half-truths about lots of things, but making DDT
illegal was the worst. DDT cut malaria deaths by 90% throughout the world, and caused equally startling
reductions in typhus, yellow fever, sleeping sickness, plague, and encephalitis; all carried by insects.

During 1972, the Environmental Protection Agency held official hearings on the scientific evidence
concerning DDT. After seven months and 9,000 pages of testimony, EPA hearing examiner Edmon
Sweeny decided, on the basis of evidence, that DDT should not be banned. He said, "DDT is not a
carcinogenic...mutagenic, or tetratogenic hazard to man. The use of DDT under the regulations involved (8 of 10)2/7/2012 8:13:15 AM

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here do not have a deleterious effect on freshwater fish, estuarine organisms, wild birds, or other
wildlife." This was in agreement with the assessment of the world’s major scientific organizations,
which had testified on behalf of DDT during the hearings. DDT’s ban was done by EPA administrator
William Ruckelshaus on June 14, 1972, completely ignoring tons of scientific evidence. He never read
any of the 9,000-page report, never attended any of the hearings, and his unconstitutional "decision" has
had deleterious effects on American agriculture and health.

Carson's half-truths and innuendoes have been repeated so often, and for so long, that they are
considered to be factual, and they aren't. Her dire warnings about the extinction of certain bird species is
malarkey, as has been proven over and over again by bird counts, and surveys. She said that DDT harms
humans, and it stays in the environment, neither of which is true. She said DDT caused cancer in mice,
but the National Cancer Institute says that is false. She said that DDT caused bird eggs to be thin, which
has been proven false. Bird eggs thinned because of mercury, a pesticide called Deldrin, and a host of
other natural causes. She said DDT caused the decline of the Bald Eagle and Peregrine Falcon plus other
bird species, also an utter falsehood. Falcons and eagles declined long before DDT was even invented
due to hunting, falconry, and even the State of Alaska giving millions in bounties for the shooting of the
species! Other bird species, according to accurate statistics, thrived and increased in numbers during the
DDT period. The cost to Americans because of the influence of a shoddy best seller written by a non-
scientist is in the hundreds of billions of dollars. If Congress wants to do anything for the good of
everyone, it will restore the manufacture and use of DDT! They won’t, of course, because they are all
devout chickens, afraid to rock any voter or contributor’s boat or opinion, and merely want to stay in
those posh offices term after term. Needless to say, I am not afraid of truth, regardless of who may be

Back to the current scare campaign...drugs. The so called 'underground economy' is among the largest
money generating machines in America, and pays no taxes. The literally hundreds of billions of dollars
in profits from heroin, hash, and 'Mary Jane' goes untaxed. Everyone hates taxes and the IRS, but if we
must remain as stupid as we are, the huge tax burden transferred to honest taxpayers because the
underground economy doesn't pay any...costs us a fortune.

Bobby Moak, a lame brained Republican in Mississippi, proposed a law titled, "Smoke a joint, lose a
limb." His proposed law would have punished marijuana smokers by amputating an arm or a leg. In
Kansas, a coalition of 38 Republicans wanted to impose life terms without parole for people convicted
of growing marijuana plants. It is said that 300,000 die each year from obesity. Wonder why Bobby
didn't propose sewing shut the lips of fatties? An AP story on Feb. 6, 1994 reported that 250,000 drug
addicts and alcoholics support their habits by collecting $1.4 billion in disability benefits from Social
Security. Isn't government grand?


Stop the foolish war, and legalize their manufacture and sale to adults who are so ignorant as to take a
chance of mental ruination or permanent alteration. The same laws regarding a minor's consumption of (9 of 10)2/7/2012 8:13:15 AM

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alcohol and tobacco would work well with so called illegal or illicit drugs. Selling drugs legally seems to
be a shocking statement, except the two really harmful drugs are already sold legally, and huge taxes are
collected on their sale: those being tobacco and alcohol. It just requires looking at what is happening
now, to realize this is a rational step, just like eliminating prohibition was logical. Imagine the taxes that
could be collected, and the lack of income for the underworld, who are getting rich undeservedly, by
selling drugs.

A Rand Corporation study finds that treatment is ten times more effective than punishment. As a result
of the drug war, America has ten times as many prisoners per capita than any other nation on earth. Why
is America imprisoning hundreds of thousands for non-violent offenses?

Self-control, and attempted control by force, are the only two possible ways of controlling human
actions. Self-control can be aided by such groups as churches and self help groups that use the
appellation "anonymous," plus lots of others that are in existence. Self-control can be helped by
advertising campaigns, education, and of course families and parents. The obvious decline in legal
tobacco consumption, is the result of the first method. The other means of control: force of law, doesn’t
work when outlawed actions can be done in private, and leave no visible traces, such as illegal drug
ingestion, prostitution, abortion, adultery, or gambling. Faced with the absolute impossibility of
governmental force working, do-gooder politicians, mostly Republicans, continue to spend billions of
dollars doing their 'God given work,' which is an obvious failure.

Remember that all the current illegals used to be DRUG stores! Notice the name? Drug laws
and the drug war is a total waste of time and money, and has resulted in heinous crime, unsafe streets,
and full jails.


CONTENTS (10 of 10)2/7/2012 8:13:15 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 19. FREE TRADE


"The call for free trade is as unavailing as the cry of a spoiled child for the moon. It never has existed; it
never will exist." - Henry Clay

"I am in favor of free trade." - Karl Marx

The belief in "free trade" was long an icon of absolute truth to me. My libertarian bones love the word
"free," but at the same time I must admit to another libertarian saying: "There ain’t no such thing as a
free lunch." (TANSTAAFL) There’s that word "free" again. The word "free," is in the basic lexicon of
Americans, since we are supposedly a free country, the Revolutionary War was fought over freedom, the
slaves were freed, and we did our best to free enslaved communist countries with the long, expensive
cold war. "Free" is a wonderful word! I used to parrot the phrase "free trade," as if it were an undeniable
doctrine of absolute truth, not to be debated or questioned in any way. Now, at an advanced age, I have
second thoughts. "Fair trade" is more appropriate.

Free trade, simply means that there are to be no tariffs or restrictions of any kind on merchandise coming
into the United States, and hopefully nations we sell to will reciprocate. Unfortunately, they don't. The
hypothesis is that this freeing of foreign goods from tariffs and duties, will benefit the American
consumer by giving them the lowest prices and largest variety of goods. Sounds great, except eventually
we may not have any money left with which to purchase these goods. When that happens, and it will,
unless the laws of economics are false, we will have lowered ourselves to their level, rather than raising
or maintaining our own.

A brief review of history: Until the turn of the century, America depended on tariffs to pay federal
government expenses. Tariffs are authorized by the Constitution in Article 1, Section 8, to pay the cost
of government. There was no income tax, virtually no budgets out of balance or national debt, and the
government's size and cost was perhaps one percent of what it is now. America was king. In 1924,
during high tariffs, the federal budget had a $900 million surplus, in 1924 dollars! We invented,
produced, and sold to the rest of the world, and didn't give a hang what they charged on their end. We
protected our inventions, manufacturing capability, and work force, with tariffs. The rest of the world
wanted American products, and had to pay the tariffs their governments charged them. Buyers, not
sellers, pay tariffs. Our tariffs did two things: (1) paid for the tiny federal government, and (2) protected
us, by keeping capital at home, wages high, and our free, inventive minds in high gear. No one has ever
been forced to buy foreign goods, so that tax, duty, or tariff could, and still can be, avoided...
theoretically at least. Just don't buy foreign goods; it is as simple as that, or rather used to be. Recently, I
went to buy a telephone, and discovered they were all made abroad, as are watches, cameras, most
electronic items, shoes and clothes, plus many other things. Copy machines come into America, finished
except for the glass cover, so the label can say "Assembled in America," a virtual lie.

"We believe that on all imports coming into competition with the products of American labor there (1 of 13)2/7/2012 8:13:16 AM

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should be levied duties equal to the difference between wages abroad and at home." - Republican
National Platform - 1892

"The American farmer is entitled not only to tariff schedules on his products but to protection from
substitutes therefor." - Republican National Platform - 1932

None of the above are unreasonable. They make sense to me.

Pat Buchanan’s book "The Great Betrayal," recites some interesting statistics. From 1789 to 1913, tariffs
produced from 50% to 90% of all federal revenue. During the period of high tariffs and protectionism,
the GNP grew by 4% to 7% a year, commodity prices fell by 58%, real wages increased 53%, exports
grew 5%, and imports fell 8%.

Now, all has changed. One hundred percent of many items we use, are made outside our borders, and we
have the most debt of any nation on earth; $14 trillion at last count. The dollar has plummeted, our
precious capital is vanishing to the tune of over $400 billion each year, the federal government is out of
control, and our taxes are outrageous. Manufacturing has beaten a path to Mexico and other off shore
locations, where taxes, wages, and regulations are low. That's just a generalized overview of what is now
going on, and if details were examined, it would be far worse. We are rapidly becoming a third world
nation, with worthless bums living in cardboard boxes, a tenth of us eating off of food stamps, over $400
billion in trade deficits, and surpluses with few nations and of small amounts. Our capital has left, and is
still leaving in huge quantities. All the while the phrase "free trade," is passed around from one
'enlightened' group to another, without ever having a thought given as to its validity or logic.

An AP story dated 9/8/97 is headlined, "PA. STEEL MILL TOWNS SLOWLY RUSTING OVER." The
story details the demise of the once booming Pennsylvania steel towns, and is really pitiful. I will quote
just four paragraphs, making them into one, which are close to the end of the story, after details of the
decline were told. "Even in 1979, on the brink of financial crisis, the town produced enough steel to
build 100,000 60-foot bridges. But by 1981, Aliquippa couldn't pay its municipal electricity bill and
risked a permanent blackout. In 1987, the city was officially declared a financially distressed
community. In 1990, 30 percent of its people were on the dole."

For some strange reason, after WW II, America not only wrote the Japanese Constitution, but also
financed their recovery, gave them billions, and thereby insured that our own manufacturing capability
would be inferior to their new plants. We finally are catching up, but I can not understand why we didn't
just let them fare for themselves, as most victors in a war treat their enemies who killed and tortured
hundreds of thousands of their men.

A piece in the Wall Street Journal of August 9, 1998 said, "Three years ago, Huffy Corp. laid off more
than 1,000 employees at its huge bicycle factory in Celina, Ohio, a town of 10,000 people. The
unemployment rate was then nearly 10%, and many laid-off workers had trouble finding new jobs. Last
Friday, Huffy shut down the factory completely. The remaining nearly 1,000 jobs were eliminated, as (2 of 13)2/7/2012 8:13:16 AM

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Huffy switched to importing low-end bikes from China."

Of late, even Silicon Valley, America's computer-electronics center, has laid off over 10,000, moving
plants to Mexico. In Mexico, employees make one-tenth the salaries of those in California, doing the
same job.

Free trade should exist only with equals. Free trade between unequals is the equivalent of the Denver
Broncos playing against a high school team. The high school team will lose 100% of the games, and if
money were bet on the outcome of the tournament, those betting on the high school team would lose
their capital. America losing its capital, with attempts at free trade, has made us the equivalent of the
high school team. When Mexico pays labor a dollar an hour or less, and can ship products to America
duty free, it isn't just stupid, but suicidal. Mexico has no plethora of government regulations on
pollution, labor protection, minimum wages, or high income taxes on that dollar an hour labor, so there
can be no question as to who wins and who loses in so called "free trade." No wonder American
manufacturers build plants across the border.

Chinese labor averages a quarter an hour, ($40 a month) and conceivably 50% of it is prison drudgery,
being paid nothing. Two thirds of the shoes Americans buy and wear, and an equal amount of the toys
our children play with, are made in China under these conditions. Most of the rest of our shoes are made
in the Philippines, under similar circumstances. There are a couple of shoe manufacturers that make
shoes in America, with American labor, and one is the "New Balance" brand. Nike hasn't moved
overseas, because they have never had a plant in America. China has no tight governmental controls or
requirements protecting labor or the environment. Chinese Christmas ornaments, power tools, clothing,
and thousands of other items, are produced by this virtually free labor, shipped here, and gleefully
bought by Americans, who admittedly save some money. How long can Americans 'save money,' when
buying these cheap foreign products results in the loss of capital and jobs from America? It is no
accident that major American corporations have been bought by foreign interests with the capital they
have accumulated from selling us stuff made with their cheap labor, materials, and regulation free
factories. Hundreds of ships dock in America each month, bringing foreign goods for us to purchase at
low prices, while millions of previously well paid factory workers hold two or three minimum wage
jobs, and send mom and the kids off to work, just to hold on to a smattering of their former life style and

I bought a mail order electric sander with an American sounding name a few years ago, thinking it to be
American made. It was made in China, and is a disaster compared to its American equivalent, looking
exactly the same. On a "60 minutes" show of October 5, 1992, a Japanese machine tool company was
convicted of changing labels to read "Made in America." I've got that show on videotape. Not only are
foreign prison and cheap labor competing with us, but also they are copying the appearance, and even
branding their products with American sounding names. Is there any reason why these cheap, look alike
Chinese tools of inferior quality, shouldn’t be loaded with high tariffs? American manufacturers go
broke, and factory workers are out of jobs because of this nonsense. Wal Mart has said publicly that it
tries to stock American made merchandise, but a visit to Wal Mart finds only Chinese pliers, shoes, and
a host of other merchandise. "China Mart", or Wal Mart? (3 of 13)2/7/2012 8:13:16 AM

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Trade unionism has declined precipitously in the last 25 years, other than unions representing the
bureaucracy, whose memberships have skyrocketed. Union factory workers had good incomes, most of
which no longer exist. Factories are empty, their equipment rusting, and taxes accumulating...if the
arsonists don't get there first. Unions quarreling with non-unionists were a common news item 35 years
ago. There has been a chain of decline in American manufacturing, and it goes like this: Reduce labor
costs by eliminating unions, reduce quality, make employees "part time and no benefits," rather than
"full time, with full benefits," and finally, move out of the country to save the company. Who can blame
management? If regulations and the IRS were eliminated, and tariffs were levied to protect U.S.
manufacturers from unfair foreign competition, factories would re-open; capital and jobs return, and
America would be efficient and competitive again.

Some unions have reduced size because of efficiency in their fields, or de-regulation. The railroads are
still unionized, but have suffered a 50% decline in membership, because of efficiency in every facet of
that industry. Factory production lines and mills, in many cases were unionized, and through collective
bargaining, raised worker living standards by many percentage points, creating a healthy middle class.
Without excessive taxation and regulations, the products were competitively priced, American workers
made excellent wages, and the money stayed at home. Union membership has declined, because the
factories and mills have closed, and the supposed widening gap between the rich and poor can be partly
laid to that influence. When is the last time you looked at the label in a garment or shoe, and found it
was made in America? When moving a factory to a foreign land, as a chance to save a company, not
only because of cheap labor, but few regulations and taxes, what chance does an American union have?
Ex-union workers often have to hold three low paying jobs to survive, whereas one union job used to be

As of the end of 1994, Japan had exported 240 million cars to America, while they had bought 40,000
from us. Japan has refused to either honor our patents, or issue theirs to us, till long after they have any
value, and obviously the word "fair" is involved here. Example: Engineer Jack Kilby, who worked for
Texas Instruments, invented the computer chip in 1958. The company applied for a Japanese patent in
February 1960, and it was finally granted in October of 1989! In the mean time of course, Toshiba,
NEC, Mitsubishi Electric, Hitachi, Fujitsu, Yamaha, and other huge Japanese conglomerates pilfered
Texas Instruments' invention, paid no royalties, and sold their stolen technology in America, in direct
competition with the inventor, who had received nothing from them. The Japanese say American
workers are "lazy and illiterate." Senator Ernest Hollings once told a group of workers, that the Atom
Bomb was, "...made in America by lazy and illiterate Americans and tested in Japan!"

The Japanese are superb copiers of other’s merchandise. Immediately after WW II, a German Leica
camera was purchased, carried back to Japan, and it was copied EXACTLY, down to the smallest screw.
Presto! The Canon Camera was born.

Statistics show our standard of living to be right about where it was in the nineteen fifties and early
sixties, thanks to the loss of well paying jobs, high taxes, and dollar devaluation. I remember what (4 of 13)2/7/2012 8:13:16 AM

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prices, taxes, and wages were in the fifties and sixties, and don’t have to look up the statistics. In 1950, a
new car cost 20 times an average week's wages. A $65 a week wage in the fifties was common, and a
new Ford cost about 20 times that…about $1300. An above average wage today is ten dollars an hour,
or four hundred dollars a week, and 20 times that won’t buy you a new car of any size or quality. A Ford
today costs a minimum of 40 to 90 times that $400 a week wage. Couple that with the taxes that are at a
minimum, ten times that of the 1950's, and in just that one example, the point is made. Want others? A
McDonalds hamburger was thirteen cents in the early 1960's, a nice two bedroom apartment rented for
well under a hundred dollars a month, gasoline was a quarter a gallon, and wages were in a proportion
that gave us all much more buying power, with a fraction of the taxes. Americans are like lobsters that
have been dropped into a pot, and slowly being brought to the boil...clanking impotently against the side
of the pan, until lifeless. How long can we clank?

Americans invented the air conditioner, camera, airplane, computer, elevator, thresher, steel plow,
electric motor, motion picture, transistor, washing machine, X-ray, zipper, VCR, TV, phonograph,
revolving door, and a thousand other things in every sector, be it automotive, electronic, agriculture, or
machinery, which we now buy from abroad with low tariffs, while foreign manufacturers ignore patents
and copyrights of the American inventors, and refuse to grant patents in their countries when applied for
by Americans. Former American companies are now defunct or owned by foreign investors who have
used capital from buy us. Be it Columbia Pictures, Firestone Tires, Burger King, or our national
debt, we are more and more being bought and owned by foreign nations. This process of decapitalization
cannot continue forever, as it violates every law of economics. A siphon can continue only as long as
there is something left to transfer. We are coasting on our innate ability to invent, be efficient, and think,
but our capital is disappearing. The end will come eventually, and we will no longer have the dollars to
buy from Japan, China or Mexico. A standard of living can only go so low, and the debt and debt service
so high, before it is all over, and we are owned by people other than ourselves.

The proponents of free trade will point out that a trade deficit in favor of a foreign nation will result in
surplus of dollars in possession of that nation, and that they will have to spend those dollars here to get
rid of them. An example is the Japanese, who sell us billions of dollars worth of autos, TV sets, VCR's,
copiers, tractors, and hundreds of other things every year, and America being able to sell them very
little. This results in a $100 billion yearly balance of trade deficit with Japan alone. Theoretically, the
Japanese, with all these surplus dollars, have to spend them. They spend their dollars in America all
right, not buying our products, but our property. It turns out that they made a huge mistake in the 1980's,
literally losing their national shirts when American real estate took a tumble after they bought. That was
lucky for America, but foreign nations having a surplus amount of dollars from undercutting us right and
left, is no equalizing factor, because they can then buy us...right out from under the Japanese
did...with profits made from "selling us the rope to hang ourselves," as Karl Marx predicted. Surplus
dollars in foreign hands resulting from free trade are of no benefit to us, only the holders of those
dollars, which can be spent anywhere, anytime. The Arabs, with their OPEC cartel, have bought billions
of dollars worth of American goods, but they have run the price of a barrel of crude oil (42 gallons) from
$1.80 to $40, and now about $30, no benefit to America. Since the dollar is the world trade currency,
those surplus dollars earned by the huge trade deficit, can be spent anywhere, not necessarily in
America, for American products; and they are. (5 of 13)2/7/2012 8:13:16 AM

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An AP story appearing in the February 20, 1997 Denver Post remarked that, "America’s foreign trade
deficit climbed in 1996...a flood of toy and shoe imports helped push the deficit with China to an all time
high. Economists said they saw no quick relief for the nation’s biggest economic headache. Many
private economists (as opposed to government economists who always paint rosy pictures) forecast
further deterioration in America’s trade performance in 1997. Critics of administration policies have
blamed the rising deficits for the loss of millions of American Jobs." In 2000, our deficit has
skyrocketed. Well over $400 billion of American capital leaves our shores in just one year. The
November 1999 trade deficit was $26.5 billion, and December's was even higher. How much actual debt
free capital can there be left? Does our remaining capital consist of printing press money, government,
mortgage, and credit card debt? Is there any real worth left in America, now that we are the largest
debtor in the world?

The above is not hysteria, but factual. Imagine we did something other than recite and practice the
syllogism of "free trade," and returned to the time when we had no income tax, and prosperity was so
immense, we cannot but dimly imagine it now. Millions of $2500 homes were being built and bought,
with no government "programs" or financing, and America was at its absolute peak. (The first savings
and loan association for private financing of homes, was formed in the Frankford section of Philadelphia
in 1831.) Our tariffs were protecting us. It cost a bundle for a foreigner to get his goods into America,
and we didn’t care. America worked, America invented, and had the capital to manufacture, improve,
and sell.

Japan has never practiced fair trade, but has legislated us out of their markets since they regained an
unearned foothold on civilization after WW II, thanks to us. America recently celebrated the 50th
anniversary of the "Marshall Plan," which took American taxpayer money by the boatload, and rebuilt
our former enemies, which was probably the first nail in our collective coffin. We can’t sell them autos,
rice, or much of anything, while at the same time we buy hundreds of billions worth of foreign
merchandise each year, most of which we invented in the beginning, which most of the time they refuse
to pay royalties on to the American inventors. American manufacturers, desperately trying to open
foreign markets, have been arrested...literally...and in one hundred percent of the time have run into a
stone wall of foreign governmental gobbledygook. This scribe is proud to state that he owns no item
made in Japan, or with a Japanese name on it.

Just suppose, for argument's sake, we placed a twenty-five or even fifty- percent duty on every import
from an unfriendly, unfair, or unequal nation. What would happen? First of all, these goods would cost
Americans more, but as American ability and efficiency got into high gear again, the price differential
would decrease, and consumers would again buy American. Americans would commence manufacturing
these things again, and factories would re-open. Americans would get jobs, making these products, and
the capital would remain here. The nations on which we placed these heavy duties would scream, and
threaten that they would do the same to us...naturally. So what? Since we are decapitalizing ourselves by
hundreds of billions a year anyway, who cares? Our over $400 billion yearly decapitalization would
cease instantly, and prosperity eventually resume to former levels. Foreign debt holders might demand
instant repayment of our debt they bought, but with regained internal prosperity, I what? Let (6 of 13)2/7/2012 8:13:16 AM

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'em wait in line. India, Pakistan, and Iran use child slave labor to make the expensive carpets so desired
by everyone. China uses prison labor, and lies about it. Mexican labor lives in hovels, is rife with
poverty and disease, and we gleefully buy what they produce. Japan and China's violations of fairness
are legend. Suppose all these goods were heavily tariffed, including the clothing and shoes manufactured
by virtual slaves around the world? Suppose we said "absolutely no," when a foreign conglomerate
attempted to wrest control of an American company? Why not treat our friends like friends, and our
economic enemies like what they are? We buy thousands of things from the Japanese, while they buy
virtually nothing from us, and make it impossible to profit from our inventions.

Americans consume more goods than any other nation on earth, why shouldn’t we manufacture what we
consume? Consuming more than we make is no excuse for a trade imbalance, but rather symptomatic
that we need more factories to make more goods. Why shouldn't tariffs protect American manufacturers
and workers from their foreign enemies? Isn't it the Constitutional job of government to protect us from
our enemies? Shouldn't this include economic ones?

"Turn about is fair play," goes the old expression. The phrase "fair trade" should be substituted for "free
trade" in America today. I would not only place extremely high tariffs on our economic enemies, but
prohibit trade at all, if international patents were violated or refused. What is wrong with caring for
ourselves? What was wrong with discouraging imports a hundred years ago? If you have it, why give it
away? If you are wealthy, successful and powerful, why dissipate it? There is no reason. America of a
hundred years ago, compared to America today, is a disgrace. We still consume more than any nation on
earth, and still have a standard of living comparable to most. We have an abundance of mineral wealth,
excellent climate, are protected by two oceans, and our inventive genius is still potent and active. We
have absurdly given away our wealth and pride in the name of "free trade." Fair trade? Yes! Fair trade
uses tariffs to balance inequalities, while free trade balances nothing. Free trade subsidizes poverty and
inefficiency. I am sick of inventors and artists starving because some nation reproduces their genius with
impunity, and sells it around the world cheaply. Buying cheap merchandise made with slave and prison
labor is immoral, besides self-defeating. A pox on anyone knowingly buying Chinese or Japanese

I must mention other facts about the Japanese, which, even if they did trade fairly and honestly, would
keep me from buying anything with their name on it. I have dozens of stories, clippings, articles, and
books about the Japanese treatment of their prisoners during WW II. The Japanese treatment of POW's
was far worse and more brutal than was the German treatment, other than to the Jews. The Japanese
totally ignored the Geneva Convention regarding prisoner treatment, shot and decapitated Chinese in
heinous medical experiments, forced 200,000 Korean school girls and adult women to have sex with Jap
soldiers in so called "comfort stations", and even ate the flesh of Indian, Australian, and New Guinea
prisoners. Japanese Army Unit #731 killed at least 3,000 Chinese, Russian, Korean, and Mongolian
prisoners in top secret experiments that involved injections of various germs such as anthrax, typhus,
and dysentery. The list goes on and on, and even though these atrocities occurred over 55 years ago, they
have never apologized for them, and even still teach their school children that WW II was our fault. The
Germans never had anything close to the "Bataan Death March." (7 of 13)2/7/2012 8:13:16 AM

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The politicos who passed NAFTA and WTO were economic traitors to their own land. The "increased
trade with Mexico," the D.C. drones love to talk about, are not all consumables, but huge amounts of
machinery and equipment used for construction of factories that will enable the Mexicans to produce
their own consumables. Drive through Mexico, and note all the factories being built with our exports to
them, while we import consumable things from them, with no tariffs, thanks to NAFTA, making the
prices of their exports so cheap, that it further discourages us from making our own goods. Soon they
will need no imports from us. We aren't building factories, but exporting things for Mexicans to build
their own factories...which they are doing in great abundance, eliminating any future need they will have
for our exports, while our need for their tariff free exports will continue. It's all so insane I cannot
believe it is happening to us, a supposedly intelligent people. We are selling them earth moving
equipment, robotics, and every conceivable type of machinery, which will eventually eliminate any
further need they will have for us. Their low wages, total lack of environmental concerns and other
expensive governmental controls, will enable them to eventually export to us the very things we are now
exporting to them, and thanks to NAFTA, with no tariffs! We are selling rope-making machinery to
Mexico, and will buy the rope to eventually hang ourselves...tariff free, of course.

NAFTA is killing our farmers. Most foreign governments subsidize agriculture, and America is correctly
trying to wean our farmers from subsidies. Wheat currently sells for about $3 per bushel, and costs about
$5 to produce. The cost to produce wheat is the same in Canada, but the Canadian government
subsidizes it, and millions of tons of $3 per bushel foreign wheat crosses our borders, tariff free, each
year. The thousands of trailer loads of subsidized, tariff free, Canadian wheat has reduced the number of
farmers in the wheat producing state of North Dakota to a mere 30,000. Every week, more farmers
literally abandon their land or watch it foreclosed, because of NAFTA, and tariff free, Canadian
subsidized wheat. This was detailed on the CBS "Sunday Morning" show of July 19, 1998. The same
thing happens with Mexican tomatoes and produce, South American beef, and imports from other
foreign lands. If tariffs were levied to make agricultural trade "fair," rather than "free," ending American
agriculture subsidies would make sense, farmers would produce and show a profit, and our bread may
cost a couple of cents more per loaf. The D.C. dummies rightly attempt to erase farm subsidies, but
wrongly don’t carry the process to its logical end, by charging tariffs on imports to equal foreign
agricultural subsidies and advantages. Why not have "country of origin" labels on all foods?

"Protectionism" used to be a nasty word to this libertarian type of guy, but no longer. The word simply
means, "to protect," and I can see nothing wrong with that. We protect our families and property. We
protect our values, our businesses, autos, possessions, and wealth. We protect ourselves on every single
front in life, and when someone suggests that we protect our employment, creative, and manufacturing
wealth, everyone screams "protectionism," as if this were some sort of evil in the marketplace. It isn't. I
want to protect American jobs, factories, industry, and inventions. I want to raise tariffs on our economic
enemies, and to the sky. We have been sucked dry by "free trade," long enough. I long for the old days
of protectionism and prosperity, when we were the proud envy of the entire world. We are the laughing
stock now, owe everyone, and buy foreign goods that are "cheap," with every purchase exporting more
of our life sustaining capital. A transfusion from us to them, to the tune of over $400 billion a year, in
the name of low prices, is no bargain, but rather bankrupting. (8 of 13)2/7/2012 8:13:16 AM

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And as if the above were not bad enough, the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and World Bank are
giving away literally hundreds of billions of American dollars to far off places such as Russia,
Indonesia, Korea, Japan, and China, plus others. We transfuse our blood to them via these organizations,
so we can 'help' them recover from unbelievably stupid actions they have committed over past decades. I
want our assets to stay here, and not be shipped overseas. I don’t care if Japan, China, and Russia go as
broke as Humpty Dumpty was after he fell off that wall. Stop giving our money away! Let them sleep in
the bed they made. As this is being finished, large American bank stocks have fallen "out of bed,"
because their CEO's thought it would be smart to loan their depositor’s money to fawning foreign
beggars. Now they and their stockholders are paying the price, resulting from hundreds of millions of
dollars in loans they will never collect. That's why I bank with a locally owned bank. Keep the money in
town, so it can be loaned locally.


"Within our borders we possess all the means of sustenance, defense, and commerce; at the same time,
these advantages are so distributed among the different states of this continent as if nature had in view
to proclaim to us - be united among yourselves, and you will want nothing from the rest of the world." -
Samuel Adams - July 4, 1776

Trade needs to be fair, not free; there being a great difference. Fair trade means we trade freely with our
economic friends, and not freely with our economic enemies. Japan and China are our main economic
enemies in Asia. Our trade imbalance is larger with China than with Japan. They refuse to honor our
patents, refuse to issue theirs to us, and if denied access to our markets, they ship their merchandise to us
indirectly, with false labels. Shipping through Mexico has been common of late. Thanks to our generous
free trade policies, which include NAFTA and WTO, America now has the largest foreign debt in the
world, $810 billion at the end of 1995, according to Dept. of Commerce figures, whereas in 1980 we had
the smallest. Foreign debt, means the nations we owe, can buy America right out from under us. While
Japan made some bad buys, they still own Columbia Pictures, disintegrating Firestone Tires, and other
big names in retail and entertainment fields. Tariffs must be made to equalize trade differences.

At Christmas time 1996, the "Tickle Me Elmo" doll was in great demand, with single items being
auctioned off for many hundreds of dollars. Those were made in China, as are many toys placed beneath
American Christmas trees. Shoes, toys, power tools, hand tools, clothing, and ornaments are increasingly
made in China, with virtual slave labor...all to give Americans "lower prices," and of course, far fewer
jobs. Wouldn't it have been nice if "Tickle Me Elmo" had been made in Ohio or Maine, and when the
demand took off, hundreds of American factory workers were paid overtime to make them, and been
able to deliver them to stores instantly, rather than being shipped by boat from slimy communist China?
As if that weren't bad enough, the 1999 "Pokemon craze" siphoned more billions back to Tokyo.

One interesting thing has happened in several individual states, which have passed so called "Burma
Laws." These laws prohibit state agencies from doing business with, renewing contracts with, or in any
way having anything to do with Burma, which has been outrageously brutalized by the Chinese (9 of 13)2/7/2012 8:13:16 AM

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communists. "Burma Laws," have been partially disallowed by the Supreme Court, but there are ways
around their silly prohibitions. It would be a simple matter for pressure to be placed on state legislatures
or even city councils, to pass such legislation prohibiting dealings with any country that indulges in
unfair trade. Oakland California has prohibited trade with Nigeria, Massachusetts is thinking about
doing the same to Indonesia, etc. This is a way for straight thinking individuals in small towns
everywhere to make their opinions felt. While the fed goes on allowing "Most Favored Nation" status
(MFN) to everyone, an individual could easily do something with letters in their own home town. Who
knows, it may spread.

In Mexico today, especially at border towns, there are hundreds of thousands of Mexicans making parts
for, and entire units of, manufactured goods sold in America. These goods are being made in factories
built by American companies, the above mentioned rope circumstance. Entire items and parts are being
made for such items as TV sets, VCR's, cars, clothing, machinery, tools, and just about every consumer
good we use. If these items, parts, and entire assemblies were subject to tariffs that equalized labor,
taxes, and government regulations between Mexico and America, "South of the Border" transfers of
plants would reverse pretty quickly, as there would be no advantage.

I am not worried that thousands of Mexican jobs would be lost if that happened, but overjoyed that
thousands of American jobs would be reborn, called back, and factories re-opened. I love America, not
Mexico, Japan, or China. Some will say, 'Look at all the lower prices we get from allowing free trade.' I
say we have lost millions of good paying jobs, and hundreds of factories. Those lost workers paid taxes,
and those factories paid taxes, giving those job holders money to buy American made things,
perpetuating America's supremacy, healthy economy, and being the envy of the world. Is it possible that
any of the "free traders" actually believe that laid off factory workers managing to get three part time
jobs, and still not making as much as they formerly made, is worth the "lower prices?" Can the free
traders actually believe that hundreds of vandalized factory buildings, no longer paying property taxes or
giving employment, is wonderful, even if we can buy a TV set for a few bucks less?

Perhaps the most ludicrous of all arguments for "free trade," is the one which expounds that America has
'outgrown' the manufacture of simplistic things such as toys, wallpaper, screwdrivers, clothing, TV sets,
telephones, and the like. We, according to these sages, are into "the information age," with its
computers, and electronic gee-gaws, which can send information around the world in seconds, and that,
our "information" and "service" industries are all we need. That is absolutely the most ignorant argument
ever propounded. How about those former factory workers, repairmen, sales people, and stenographers,
who not only have no information to send, but haven't the intellect or desire to master the instruments
anyway? America is not wholly composed of technical people, and as a matter of fact, looking at our
voting records, most of us appear to be pretty stupid. What is wrong with manufacturing mouse traps,
trolley cars, toys, shirts, frying pans, or other mundane things in American factories, with American
workers? How did we get so damned "sophisticated," that manufacturing is beneath us? Ask some of the
hundreds of thousands of laid off factory workers what their opinion is about manufacturing! In the
textile and apparel field alone, since 1995, 454,000 workers have lost their jobs! There are only 421,200
jobs in all of Delaware, 389,000 in Montana, 279,800 in Alaska, 235,800 in Wyoming, 295,900 in
Vermont, 380,800 in South Dakota, and 325,000 in North Dakota. Millions of well paid workers never (10 of 13)2/7/2012 8:13:16 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 19. FREE TRADE

minded turning bolts on an assembly line all day. Factory workers usually raised their families decently,
bought houses, went to church, drank a little beer, and never hurt anyone doing that type of work their
entire working career. In Philadelphia, the former factories that employed thousands of workers are now
gone. The route 60 trolley line (Allegheny Ave.) that was once packed with workers going to and from
work has been torn up, and guess what? The welfare rolls, unemployment statistics, marriage break-ups,
delinquency, graffiti, and helplessness are at all time highs. Thanks a lot politicians, who have voted
over and over again to raise taxes, eliminate tariffs, and make the workplace, and manufacturing,
difficult, if not impossible. 35% of the steel America uses is now imported.

James Traficant (D-Ohio) said this: "Our government has invented the catch phrase "service economy."
This is the idiotic notion that we don't need to actually sell manufactured products; that we can grow
and prosper our nation by doing each other's laundry. To conceal the loss of manufacturing jobs, the
government legislated into existence thousands upon thousands of useless paper-shuffling jobs, and
declared their necessity by fiat. By this device, the government has replaced those jobs that made
products to sell with an equal number of jobs that produce nothing whatsoever of any worth, except to
keep the unemployment figures down. This over-burdening of the American people with gratuitous
regulations and paperwork has accomplished nothing except to obfuscate the loss of manufacturing
jobs, and to transform the American character from innovators and inventors creating new products to
that of minor clerks, peeking under each other's seat cushions for lost change. With 4% of the world's
population and 18% of the economy, we have 50% of all the lawyers, all looking to make a killing by
looting those few industries that still call America home." Amen!

America should prohibit foreign or non-citizen ownership of real property, and maybe even stocks. You
have to be a citizen to vote, and prove it, why not the same when you want to buy a home, business, or
share of stock?

There can only be deficits in anything for so long, and you are actually bankrupt, not just theoretically.
When economists say trade deficits are O.K., they ignore the basic laws of economics and physics. If
money and capital are continually transferred out of a container, say America, eventually there won’t be
any left. Suppose our foreign creditors called in their loans or decided to use the debt to purchase
physical U.S. land and businesses, which they can now do. With $810 billion to spend, (doubtless now a
lot more) they could buy a big chunk of America.

If 90% of the federal government were eliminated, bureaucrats and legislators prohibited from doing
unconstitutional things such as regulating and subsidizing, plus if the IRS and local school property
taxes were eliminated, costs to manufacture would plummet, making American products highly
competitive in the world marketplace, creating a lot fairer, more competitive trade. Tariffs then could be
a lot lower to equalize the situation.

And one last comparison: If foreign low wages and miserable working conditions are so grand, because
they give us "low prices," why not duplicate them here? Why not pay American factory workers a dollar
an hour or less, and make them live in hovels with no benefits? Why not make our kids weave rugs and (11 of 13)2/7/2012 8:13:16 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 19. FREE TRADE

turn them into slaves? Why buy from those who do exactly that, when we could create our own domestic
low price machine right here? Keep the money at home! We could then save everyone the trouble of
buying foreign goods made with slave labor, paying no royalties, and having no regulations. How
tempting the glory is of low prices on merchandise made by slaves, prisoners and filth and
degradation. How about it all you liberal humanitarians driving foreign cars? We could really have low
prices then, except we wouldn't have any money to buy things, because we would be slaves also, which
situation will happen to us if we don’t cease sending our capital abroad under the guise of the "free
trade" absurdity.

There are some in the "animal rights" groups, who spray paint on stores and fur coats worn by ladies,
and other groups who are for "equal rights" of all sorts, but these people seem also to love to buy
imports, which are tariff free and have "low prices," forgetting or not knowing about the millions of out
of work factory workers, empty plants, ruined neighborhoods, and those working three jobs to make
ends meet.


To this scribe, being moral, means quite simply not hurting anyone. Being immoral, can mean a lot more
than not cheating on your wife, or other sexual proclivities. It is grossly immoral to cheat someone in a
business deal, or to steal. It is immoral to cause physical or mental harm to anyone, by abuse of various
kinds. I consider it immoral to buy anything made from one of our economic enemies, which has cost us
millions of jobs. I take pride in not owning anything made Asia. I have American made TV's, VCR's,
household goods and automobiles. I wear a Swiss watch and use a German Leica camera, (America no
longer makes watches or cameras) in which I shoot American Kodak film. Some will say their Japanese
cars and motorcycles were made in America, using American labor, but remember, the profits go
straight to Tokyo, and those corporations are owned by Japanese. Some 'American made' Japanese
products contain as much as 90% of their components made in Japan, and shipped here. I consider it
immoral to buy a Chinese or Philippine made shoe, Christmas ornament, toy, or other product. Why not
buy American? Isn't it actually immoral to buy foreign and take American jobs away? Isn’t it immoral to
give money to foreign corporations with no scruples or ethics of any kind, and just as immoral to buy the
products made by slaves? China has an army of over 15 million, and seems to be using its ill-gotten
gains from slave labor and stolen secrets to buy and build rockets, bombs, and artillery. China is
attempting to buy a huge seaport at a closed navy base in Long Beach, California, so many of their ships
dock here with their slave produced "cheap" goods. It is reliably rumored that they have gained control
of the Panama Canal we so foolishly paid to give away. China could easily prohibit American ships
from using what we built. All this is being done with American purchases of their stuff, which has cost
us millions of jobs, and may cost us our land, if the Taiwan-Mainland affair continues, and we foolishly
get involved. Isn't it immoral to patronize such a regime?

Patriotism, morality, and consideration, to me, means not ruining someone's fur coat, or picketing for
"equality," while America goes down the tubes because of "free trade" with nations who haven’t the
slightest idea of "equality," "fair," "moral," "honest," or "humane." (12 of 13)2/7/2012 8:13:16 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 19. FREE TRADE


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Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 20. THE SIXTIES


"I know of no way of judging the future but by the past." - Patrick Henry - 1775

Movies made before the sixties never had blatant sex. Before the sixties, there were infinitesimal, if any
drug problems, rampant illegitimacy, blatant homosexuality, graffiti, destroyed cities, incredible crime
rates, inflation, welfare, food stamps, public housing, homelessness, outrageous taxes, schools
graduating illiterates, and a host of other maladies that have beset America. These things, virtually did
not exist before the sixties, except possibly in microscopic amounts.

I will admit to a few public housing units before the sixties, but perhaps one percent of the ones that
have been built since, which have destroyed the neighborhoods in which they were built. Drugs were
used by a small segment of the population before the sixties, especially marijuana being used by
musicians, but not enough to be noticeable, even though drugs were technically made illegal in 1914.
Those laws were never enforced, other than perhaps urging Coca-Cola to remove cocaine from its drink.
Why do you think it is called "Coke?" There have been homosexuals for centuries, even including
Tchaikovsky, but in diminutive numbers, compared to today. It has been since the sixties, that the
business of installing alarms on autos, businesses and homes, has become a growth industry. No one
ever thought it necessary to invent "The Club" to thwart auto theft before the present times. Many
automobiles didn’t even have hood locks on them before the 60's. Before the mid sixties, American
movies never even hinted at sex without marriage, and the good guys always triumphed, without an
endless demolition derby, and violence for the sake of violence. What happened in the sixties to derail
America? Several things, all with disastrous consequences.

One of the perpetrators of the sixties radicalism, too much of which is still with us, was LBJ and his
Democrat controlled Congress, which rubber-stamped his every hair brained scheme. His ideas were
aimed at creating what he called a "Great Society," but which was, in reality, massive wealth
redistribution...camaflouged. American society became not "great," but the opposite. Were the sixties
"Great Society" Democrats evil? Not intentionally perhaps, but the consequences of their legislation
have destroyed America as it once was, being replaced by the list in the previous paragraph. Not very
"great." America has become so used to the above list of atrocities; it seems unable to figure out what
happened, why, and how to get out from under the plague of welfare and handouts, as it may be seen to
be 'unkind,' or 'inhumane.' People ask, "who will care for the kids, poor, and sick?" Who did it before the
sixties? Private charities, churches, and voluntary groups, that's who.

The so called "music" that began in the sixties, and which has unfortunately been adopted by far too
many of our youth, is not only ugly, boisterous, and disgusting, but reflects the low class values of that
music’s performers. Most rock musicians come from the slums and housing projects, the cult of violence
permeating their music. The sixties beget an attitude of, "turn on, drop out, offend everyone, be
outrageous, and trivialize centuries held beliefs." The Democrats got us into a war in Viet Nam, which
was none of our business, and was not declared by Congress, as the Constitution dictates. That war drew (1 of 2)2/7/2012 8:13:17 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 20. THE SIXTIES

a line down the middle of American society. Those who considered themselves patriotic, said to
themselves, "my country, right or wrong," and went and fought in the hideous jungles, the carnality of
those battles being previously unknown in warfare. Those who realized the war was unconstitutional,
stupid, and had guts, refused to go, migrated to Canada, or in some other way avoided it, as did slimy
Bill Clinton…whom I despise. The sixties influences are with us a bad dream. The drugs,
filthy senseless music, and warped minds will be around for decades to come, if not forever.

The question remains: Would the destruction, welfare state, arson, ruined cities, acid rock music, crime,
homelessness, destroyed minds, latchkey kids, horrible schools, food stamps, the underclass, graffiti,
outrageous taxes, and hundreds of other symptoms of a degenerating society, that really got going in the
sixties, have happened if LBJ and his Democrat Congress had acted as the Constitution dictates? Also
unconstitutional, was the Korean debacle, thanks to Democrat Harry Truman, and which primed us for
the cancerous sixties. The sixties razing of America cannot even be remembered by those under 40,
because to them it has always been this way. If one has never drunk a fine wine, Thunderbird or Night
Train will suffice. If one has never eaten a piece of prime beef or elk, cooked to perfection, McDonalds
will seem gourmet. Those over 50, remember America as it was before the sixties, and long for it. The
current batch of hatchlings knows no other.


There are no solutions for what has passed. Invaluable, would be for a bright TV journalist to do an
exhaustive study of how America was before the sixties, and illustrate it. Show how our dollars have
taken a nosedive, as have our cities, air quality, safety, life styles, and even security. Dig up photos, film,
and statistics of our once grand cities and families that did well with one wage earner. The goal would
be for the journalist to find out for himself, what I speak of and remember so fondly. Take a ride out to
West Philly, or Anacostia in D.C., and find footage of them 40 years ago. I first saw "The Music Man"
in a theatre in Anacostia, The Naylor, and it was a fine neighborhood then. I lived in and owned property
in West Philly, and found it a sheer delight. Now they are rubble. I used to wash my car, in what I still
call a "quarter car wash," with the wands and high pressure water streams, only now it is 6 to 8 times
that price, using the same machinery, and even the same places of business. Everything is 6 to 8 times as
expensive now as it was then, only no one seems to realize just how much inflation and degradation we
have had since then. A fine opportunity for an enterprising journalist!


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Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 21. NEUTRALITY

"A splendid little war" - Teddy Roosevelt referring to the "Hundred Days War" in Cuba.

War, and the threat of war, has been one means of organizing a society. Even as this is being written,
with no war on the horizon…we all hope…all 18 year olds must still register for the draft, or "selective
service," whatever that means, or face punishment. Got to keep tabs on everyone. War keeps factories
going, wastes enormous amounts of lives, money, resources, and materials that otherwise might become
surplus. War prevents economic depression and can get a government out of one, as witness WWI and
WWII. Historically, standing armies consist of troops unfit for employment in any other place, led by
officers unfit to practice in any commercial business or profession, and are mainly a form of welfare.
War is abhorrent to a sane person, and disgusting to the utmost. Yet our "leaders" from the late 1800's to
the present, insist on treading on dangerous grounds in their foreign policy, with war always a fact or

The first time America ceased to be neutral, and sent troops overseas, was in 1898. Cuba was the
battleground in the pointless Spanish American War, which began in 1895. Teddy Roosevelt assembled
his "Rough Riders," charged up "San Juan Hill," and helped free Cuba from Spanish rule. President
William McKinley asked Congress for a declaration of war after the Battleship Maine was blown up in
Havana Harbor, ("Remember the Maine" was the popular slogan) even though Spain had already agreed
to our demands on Cuba. He demanded, and got the Philippines, for $20,000,000, even though the
Filipinos wanted no parts of either Spain or America. This began our policy of the "Spread Eagle,"
meaning our American Eagle's power would be spread around the world. How tragic!

McKinley was assassinated in 1901, and Teddy Roosevelt (T.R.) became President. Then we began to
really throw our weight around. T.R. was the first President to use what became known as "power
politics," sending the "Great White Fleet" (our white naval ships) around the world in 1907, to show our
strength. T.R. decided that "speak softly and carry a big stick" would be our policy. America sent
100,000 troops to the Philippines, losing 7,000 of them, and causing a great division in America. Most
wanted to remain neutral, but those wanting to be big shot imperialists...won. Unfortunately, they still do.

Today, terrorism sweeps the globe, and America has not been exempt from this blight. The World Trade
Center bombing and Pan Am flight 103 being blown out of the sky over Lockerbie Scotland, are only
two pertinent examples of what shady characters can do if they are outraged enough at a government's
preferences and actions. By preferences, I mean a government that provides handouts and support to
various nations around the world, for what it considers, at the time; to be good reasons. The terrorists
disagree, and illustrate their outrage by directing bombings and other assorted terrorist activities in the
country doing the support they object to so strenuously...America in our case.

On August 7, 1998, two virtually simultaneous explosions at the American Embassies in Dar es Salaam,
Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya killed over 250 and injured over 5,000. It is a 99% certainty that the deed (1 of 6)2/7/2012 8:13:17 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 21. NEUTRALITY

was done by some branch or other of an Islamic Jihad, which hates America because of our friendship
with, and support of...Israel. Most terroristic acts seem to be committed to Americans or American
property because of our friendship with, and support of...Israel.

America currently has 163 Embassies around the world. Wouldn’t about 25 be enough? Why do we
need to have an embassy in every pip squeak patch of dirt around the world? Why do we have to spend
billions maintaining "diplomatic relations" with every squalid, pestilence infested, starving, puny
dictatorship around the globe? Bring the Foreign Service personnel home!

The subject of neutrality must divide crime into at least two divisions. (1.) Private crime, meaning
robberies, burglaries, rapes, murder, fraud, and crimes that are one against one generally, and (2.) Public
crimes, meaning crimes committed by government. Off-shore public crimes have to mean wars,
invasions, needless losses of life and property, plus outrageous expenditures of public funds to
accomplish these ends so desired by foxy politicians, for various real or imagined reasons. The George
Bush invasion of Panama in December 1989 has to be counted as a public crime. From 2,500-4,000
Panamanian innocents dead, dozen or so U.S. soldiers dead, hundreds of millions spent, 20,000
homeless, and nothing accomplished. Viet Nam, Korea, Cambodia, Somalia, and Kosovo were public
crimes, and the list of offshore public crimes is quite long. Think of the hundreds of billions squandered
on wars, invasions, foreign aid, the UN, CIA, and all that has to do with any activity overseas,
attempting to force others into doing the American State Department's desires or will. Offshore public
crimes cost hundreds of billions each year, and use innocents as cannon fodder, generally at the whim of
a President.

Currently, there are 37,000 American troops in South Korea. They have been there for 50 years, and for
what? A survey in late 2000 showed that 67% of Koreans want the Americans out. America actually
prepared for all out war with North Korea again in 1994, and called it off. General Douglas MacArthur
nearly got us into a war with China over Korea in 1950. South Korea has a vibrant economy, and sells us
merchandise to our own detriment, so low are the tariffs. American taxpayers spend $2.5 billion a year
keeping troops in Korea, and since the so-called "armistice" has been signed, 93 American soldiers have
lost their lives in Korea. They are rich and cannot defend themselves? Bring the troops home!

There are tens of thousands of troops stationed in various areas of the Pacific to protect Japan, our actual
economic enemy or 'competitor,' if that word displeases you. The Japanese are rich, and can defend
themselves. Bring the troops home!

We have over 100,000 troops in Europe, for heaven only knows what reasons, but prosperous Europe
has not been in a war for over 55 years, and can defend themselves. Bring the troops home!

There are 15,000 troops in Bosnia and Kosovo. Who ever heard the name "Bosnia" or "Kosovo" before
devious Bill Clinton placed them there to fight a three way civil war between three nationalities, who all
hate each other, and have for over a thousand years? Bosnia and Kosovo will cost American taxpayers
maybe $100 billion before it is over, if it ever is. Bring the troops home! (2 of 6)2/7/2012 8:13:17 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 21. NEUTRALITY

Surely you have all read Mort Walker's comic strip "Beetle Bailey." In his strip of June 22, 1997, the
Sarge tells his men, "We’re on red alert! We may be shipped out any minute." Beetle says, "Where?"
Sarge answers, "Zberk, the Dufus are attacking the Zilks." Beetle says, "What has that to do with us?"
Sarge answers, "Someone has to be a policeman to stop these people from killing each other." Then the
usual fight begins after Beetle says, "THEN CALL A COP!" Nuf said?

Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn, if all the Hutus kill all the Tutsis, or vice versa. (Or if the comic
strip Dufus kill the Zilks.) Don't send American troops there. A close friend of mine is 100% Croatian,
and his solution is to, "Give each one a gun, and may the best side win." I wasn’t up nights being
sorrowful over the decline of India or Pakistan, from a former unified, civilized land under civilized rule,
and I feel the same about all the former British colonies that have gone the way of all flesh, after their
civilizing influence was voted out.

Not being neutral, costs us a bundle. In 1996 alone, the CIA (Can't Identify Anything) and other related
agencies, spent $26.6 billion for their "intelligence," which is usually in error. If we were neutral, that
$26.6 billion would be saved, not to mention the hundreds of billions spent on our military stationed
overseas, other "intelligence" bureaucracies, and of course embassy and foreign service career
bureaucrats stationed everywhere, costing more and more billions each year.

In early 1991, April Glaspie, the American envoy to Iraq, gave Saddam Hussein the false impression
that America would turn the other cheek if he attempted to take over Kuwait, which at one time, was
part of Iraq. A silly woman, whose actions were quickly hushed up by the Bush administration, in all
probability, started a war. Tens of thousands of Americans were exposed to, and probably suffer from
being down wind, when American missiles blew to smithereens Iraq chemical weapons warehouses or
used depleted uranium ammunition. Iraq flew scud missiles towards Israel, with seeming impunity, and
there is strong suspicion that they contained poison gas. Current information proves it was America who
gave and shipped the chemical and biological poisons to Iraq. George Bush supposedly got pledges of
money from other nations to defray the huge cost of that little war, but as far as I have been able to
determine, the pledges have never been paid.

Remember our expensive, absurd failure in Somalia? Our "saving" Somalia with food handouts actually
harmed them, because the free food caused the inhabitants of that place to stop growing food, the prices
went so low because of the freebies. Now they are starving because of our welfare and us. We sent help
to "save" them, and they killed our soldiers and dragged their bodies through the streets. Wonderful

Our billion dollars spent in Haiti hasn’t changed that backward little place a bit, other than to destroy the
jobs it did have before we decided to 'reform' them. There was little reason for us to enter WW I, as it
was almost over before got into it. A heinous public crime by Woodrow Wilson.

There is ample documentation, and several books written, proving that FDR got us into WW II, just to
get us out of the depression...which it a cost of almost 400,000 American lives, millions injured, (3 of 6)2/7/2012 8:13:17 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 21. NEUTRALITY

and a 50% reduction in the value of the dollar. There is further writing and documentation that seem to
prove we provoked Pearl Harbor, and knew about it in plenty of time to defend ourselves. The Congress
passed, and the President signed, the Neutrality Act of 1935, designed to keep us out of foreign wars.
Roosevelt violated it by sending "lend lease" to England in American ships, an act of war that provoked
Germany to declare war on us, and was one of the reasons, among many, that caused the Japs to bomb
Pearl Harbor. Speaking of WW II, we didn’t get into it until after Hitler betrayed Stalin with his
"Operation Barbarossa," which sent hundreds of thousands of German troops to invade Russia. Hitler
lost miserably, and was doomed to lose from that time on. Everything went wrong. The fierce Siberian
winter got them, freezing soldiers and their machines. Did we really have to go to war in Europe?
Switzerland, Spain, Sweden, and Portugal were neutral, and stayed out of it. British Prime Minister
Chamberlain came back from a conference with Hitler in 1938, with that stupid umbrella, and said, 'all
would be just fine.' Chamberlain was probably the most inept P. M. in the history of Britain, and was so
inept, that in referring to Czechoslovakia, he said it was, "a faraway country of which we know little."
He was forced from office on May 10, 1940. They asked for trouble, were weak-willed, poorly led, and
we bailed them out. It's been said that Winston Churchill was a hopeless, inept drunk who gave
wonderful speeches, falsely making him appear great.

"And while I am talking to you mothers and fathers, I give you one assurance. I have said this before,
but I shall say it again and again and again. Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars." -
Franklin Roosevelt, while campaigning for re-election in 1940. He lied, and knew it when he uttered
those words. 34 million American boys were drafted because of his most disgusting of public crimes.

Viet Nam cost us 58,000 American lives, and Korea 53,000, both public crimes. Robert Strange
McNamara, Secretary of Defense under LBJ, in his 1995 book, "In Retrospect," admitted the war was a
huge mistake, and that "We were terribly wrong on Viet Nam." Was this carnage necessary? Has it really
been necessary for us to fight two world wars, plus Korea, Viet Nam, and others? Couldn't Europe have
defeated Hitler, after being weakened in Russia? The Kaiser was for all practical purposes already
defeated before we entered WW I. That war was called, "the war to end all wars."

Switzerland declared its independence and neutrality in 1291. They don't worry about terrorism, nor
have any of the afflictions we have, that come as a direct result of being a busybody. While I suspect it
might be some sort of plum to say we are the "one remaining super power," being neutral wouldn't
change that. By bringing all the troops home, getting out of the United Nations, and for that matter
getting the United Nations out of America, ceasing all foreign aid, and taking no sides in any world
conflict, it would be amazing how little terrorism, and other assorted, but related problems we would
have to worry about.

When my kids were young, we used to tell them MYOB when the fights began. This simply means,
"mind your own business," a good idea for America. While we may shed tears over deaths and
destruction of the seemingly perpetual foreign wars, jealousies, and battles, we needn't send our troops
to stop them. (4 of 6)2/7/2012 8:13:17 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 21. NEUTRALITY

With Mexico on the south, Canada on the north, the wide Pacific on the west, and Atlantic on the east,
who is going to harm us or invade us? Who would want to, if we stayed at home and minded our own
business? The hundreds of billions we would save by eliminating foreign aid, and bringing the armed
forces down to the number needed to defend our own shores, could be used to develop a missile defense
system, which we need, and don't have. Any pip-squeak, third world dictatorship can launch missiles at
us, and we haven't the slightest way of warding them off, shooting them down in mid air, or in any way
defending ourselves from such an attack. Here we are, the "one remaining super power," as we like to
call ourselves, and we have no defense against missiles. I have no idea of what defense we might have if
a suitcase atom bomb or other compact poison were casually brought into America.

"You can catch a lot more flies with sugar than you can with vinegar," a homespun truism. And boy, do
we catch flies! Every time some disaster occurs overseas, be it an earthquake, pestilence, flood, or
mayhem of some type, guess who feels obligated to pour out the bucks from D.C., and send a thousand
troops to solve the situation? Good old dumb America that's who. When we have earthquakes, floods, or
fires, do foreign nations offer to help us? Do Germany, England, or our so-called "allies" send us
building materials, food, or help, when we wash out or heave up? Of course not, and what’s more they
don’t even offer. Think about who likes and dislikes us in the world and why. None of the Islamic
nations can stand us, thinking we are some sort of "white devils" that love the Israelis. The Jews in Israel
are called "our closest friends in the mid-east," but so what? I’ll be delighted to be your close friend if
you give me ten million dollars a day, and supply me with arms and ammunition. Let Israel fight its own
battles, and if American Jews want to send money to Israel, fine, but not the United States government.
If we did nothing else but stop sending money and support to Israel, that would eliminate most terrorist

The Communists don't like us, and are so jealous they can't stand it. They don’t understand this 'freedom'
idea, which we have diluted over the years. For that matter, anyone jealous of anyone else, almost
naturally is their enemy, be it a pretty girl, rich man, or a hostile, poverty-ridden nation. The jealousy
would not be as evident and threatening, if it weren’t shoved in their face constantly, with well-equipped
troops, big buck infusions, and hated influence on or near their shores, all of which we have and use.
Actually, not many nations like us, even though we bankrupt ourselves helping them out of their various
jams. The Japanese don't, other than the money they can glom off of us when we buy their stuff. They
still have never admitted guilt in WW II, other than a vaguely worded half hearted 'apology' made just a
couple of years ago.


We've tried the popularity dodge, giving billions of bucks to swindling, looting, contemptuous nations,
not worth a spit in the eye. All we have received from them is jealousy, bad debts, hatred, murder, and
envy. The starry eyed ineffectuals and bloated idealists, who started us on the road of giving away the
national wealth, were dead wrong.

If we stayed home, didn't try to influence or help any other nation, and just set a wonderful example on (5 of 6)2/7/2012 8:13:17 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 21. NEUTRALITY

the home front, the world might beat a path to our door, which I hope we would not open. We need to
stop allowing foreigners to enter America at will, and stop them from being able to buy our property.
We can't own any of theirs, why should they be able to purchase ours? Try to buy a home in Mexico,
Canada, France, or Japan. Lots of luck! Would it be boring to have balanced budgets, no troops
overseas, and a federal government a tenth the size? Try me! The consequences of being a world class
intruder, are that we are out billions each year, and have aroused the animosity of just about everyone.

Being neutral, if disasters befell other nations, American corporations, endowments, or private trusts
could offer them a loan, or private industries could sell them equipment on credit to help them over a
hump, but no troops, no money, no freebies, and no advice from government. Neutrality is a wonderful

Where is the morality of a Congress or President sending innocent boys overseas to fight someone else’s
battles? Lives have been lost in each and every foreign "adventure" or war, no matter the good intentions
or seeming urgency. Let's draft the Senators and Representatives and their kids first, if this is such a
righteous cause. Why didn't we send Bill Clinton to Haiti or Somalia, since he thought it was so great.
Ronald Reagan said Viet Nam was a "noble cause." Like hell it was, and the D.C. Viet Nam Memorial
to the dead won’t compensate for that ghastly error. America's role in the world should be to stay at
home, be free, defend our own shores, and set a good example. The Constitution says America is to
"Provide for the common defense," and this cannot be interpreted to mean overseas. We can still brag
about being the "one remaining super power," only let’s do it at home!


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Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 22.THE RICH & THE POOR


"The leaders of the French Revolution, from the beginning, excited the poor against the rich: this has
made the rich poor, but it will never make the poor rich." - Fisher Ames. - 1800

Throughout history, there have been the rich and the poor. Without one, there could not be the other. If
the poorest made $100,000 a year, and others made a hundred times that much, the lowest income would
automatically be..."poor." The word "poor" is a comparative word. It has been the undisputed goal of the
modern day politician and bureaucrat to equalize everyone, by taking from the haves, and giving it to the
have nots, the rich being the despised, and the poor virtually worshipped. Nothing is too good for a poor
person today. If you are poor, let's find another way of stealing from the rich! Such is not the way
America was intended to be, and not the way it works with the least hard feelings, most efficiency and
productivity, not to mention prosperity.

The Founders intended that a man should make of himself what he could, and be free to work hard…or
sit under a tree. The poor weren't admired, and the rich weren’t hated, but rather the reverse. The rich
were admired, because they had what it took, had made it, and the poor were admonished to get a job or
an education. No one's wealth was to be confiscated, and no one was to get a handout from government.
The very idea would have been anathema to the Founders.

One of the richest men that ever lived in America was Andrew Carnegie. Carnegie was born in Scotland
at the very bottom of the pile. He worked in a mill, moved to America as a teen, following his Dad, who
died when he was 16. He got a job in a cotton mill in Pittsburgh, later worked on a railroad and became
fascinated with the idea of replacing wooden bridges with iron ones. He excelled at this job, and began
to work in the iron industry, eventually making steel with the new Bessemer process. By 1892, Carnegie
was producing more steel than all of Europe combined. He sold out to J.P. Morgan for $495 million, (at
least $50 billion today) became the richest man in the world, and retired to Skibo, his castle in Scotland.
J.P. Morgan turned Carnegie Steel into U.S. Steel, which became a world leader in production and
technology, and after a brief subsidence in the 1960's and 70's is once again a world leader.

Carnegie made a literal fortune by hard work, study, and making brilliant decisions. To make a long
story short, Carnegie died in 1919, and between 1901 and 1919, he had donated over $350 million to
various charities. Today, that would amount to at least $30 trillion, an amount impossible to
comprehend, all from profits in the private sector. Among the many beneficiaries of Carnegie's gifts,
were the cities that received one of the 2,800 libraries he built for them, or the 6,000 churches who
received a pipe organ from him. But this was microscopic, compared to his starting and endowing
Carnegie Tech in Pittsburgh, The Carnegie Hero's fund, The Carnegie Endowment for International
Peace, the acoustically awesome Carnegie Hall in New York, and dozens of others. Other rich men did
the same, be they a Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Hearst, or Ford.

After all, a man can only wear one suit of clothes at a time, sleep in one bed, and eat so much. The rest is (1 of 3)2/7/2012 8:13:18 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 22.THE RICH & THE POOR

surplus, and all rich persons, after satiating themselves with whatever their hearts desire, such as perhaps
a grand mansion in Newport, a hundred servants, a yacht or private railroad car, still have hundreds of
millions left to dispense or use as they see fit. Invariably, the rich built churches, universities, parks, and
endowed wonderful institutions. While they were satisfying their whims, they hired people. They hired
craftsmen to build their homes, swimming pools, and railroad cars. They hired servants, and paid them
well. The rich found it impossible to do anything bad with their money, because however they spent it;
they created jobs and prosperity; not laws, rules, and regulations. Every dime they spent or gave away,
benefited society in some way. The rich built factories, railroads, and mills. They financed education and
development. They invented, and made everyone's life ever so much better. Ford invented the
production line, Carnegie started what became U.S. Steel, and "Commodore" Vanderbilt built the New
York Central Railroad, even though he hated trains. He liked ships. Rockefeller sparked Standard Oil,
and without Edison we might not have the light bulb, phonograph, or motion picture. Otis invented the
elevator, and Seiberling, Goodrich and Goodyear the rubber tire, all getting filthy rich, and spreading it
around generously to employees, colleges, universities, cities, and the needy. Rockefeller used to give
out dimes for the fun of it, and those dimes would be worth almost five dollars today. Know anyone
giving out five dollar bills today, "for the fun of it?" The rich were good for America. The rich never
passed laws, nor taxed anyone. The regulations they wrote applied to their employees, not the entire
nation. Please note that the previous are in the past tense. The reason is simple. There are no more truly
rich, including Bill Gates or Warren Buffett, as most of the money is confiscated by government...
literally. Government, rather than doing good things with it, stifles prosperity.

Imagine yourself filthy rich. You have already bought yourself a mansion, a jet plane, sumptuous
wardrobe, and travel the world at will. You still have millions left. Assuming the government didn't take
it away from you with confiscatory taxes, which is does, what could you possibly do with it that
wouldn't benefit society? Wouldn't you want your name on a park, hospital wing, or college? Wouldn't
your previous expenditures for the mansion, jet plane, clothes, and travel, have already benefited people,
by giving them jobs? There is nothing a rich person can do with their money that doesn’t benefit society,
be it furnish jobs, endow institutions, make films, finance buildings, help the poor, or what have you.
The money spent, all furnishes prosperity. On the other hand, money seized by government, always has
a deleterious effect on society, because it is spent on bureaucracy, rules, regulations, laws, waste,
inefficiency, and funding of stupid projects and infernal 'programs.' Unearned gifts from government do
not alleviate poverty, whereas money spent by the rich, provide jobs and prosperity. While this sounds
absurd and different from what you may have been taught from childhood, think about it, use reason and
logic, and you can’t help but come to that conclusion.

In September 1997, England's 37 year old "Princess Di" died in Paris in a hideous car crash, thanks to a
chauffeur who was probably drunk. Less than a week later, Mother Teresa died of heart failure at age 87,
in Calcutta India. The wags were quick to pronounce Mother Teresa the most righteous, and the one who
did the most good works. I disagree. Compare the two. Mother Teresa spent her life in abject poverty.
She was a nun who did selfless, heart warming acts, such as comforting the sick and diseased. She
ministered to the poor her entire life, often went hungry, slept on a thin mattress, and will undoubtedly
be made a 'saint' by the Catholic Church. Princess Di married too young, in an arranged marriage, and
her husband, Prince Charles never loved her, but cheated with Camilla Parker Bowles, who was also (2 of 3)2/7/2012 8:13:18 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 22.THE RICH & THE POOR

married. Finally Di left him, divorced him, gained custody of their two sons, and was a rich, young,
beautiful woman who gave of herself endlessly to various charities.

Mother Teresa's good works went to the grave with her, as she was poor, raised no money, had no
children, and her legacy was one of selflessness. She lived a saintly life, and devoted herself to the sick,
homeless, dying, and diseased. Princess Di died, and like Mother Teresa, became an instant martyr. The
big difference is that Di's favorite charities will eventually receive perhaps a billion dollars in memory of
her, and Mother Teresa's will get none. Princess Di traveled in splendor, and had the best in fashion and
comfort. She was rich, which made the media slant their good words and favor towards Mother Teresa,
because she was poor. Obviously, Princess Di's life produced far more good works and better results
than Mother Teresa's. Di produced two handsome, intelligent boys, one of whom will become the King
of England. Her charities will be copiously endowed, and perhaps will discover wonderful new
medicines, build hospitals, and fix a lot of things. Mother Teresa will lie in her grave and be fondly
remembered by millions, but which woman left the most to posterity? Not Mother Teresa, who lived in
abject poverty, but Princess Di, who lived in the lap of luxury. Think about it, and decide whether it was
the rich or the poor who did the most good works.


The solution is for the D.C. thugs to stop stealing everyone's money. Rich people did far more good than
the wealth redistributing D.C. dregs could ever do. The rich benefited the poor, because they were given
jobs, which produced wealth, not handouts, which consume wealth. America would be infinitely poorer
without the beneficence of the rich, who did not have their money seized by the state. The possibility of
becoming truly rich today is remote. Profits are seized by government as fast as they are made, and used
to support bureaucrats and godawful "programs," which certainly are not making the weak strong, but
rather dependent and useless, while weakening the strong. There are over 400 billionaires in the world
today, which is chicken feed, compared to the truly rich of a hundred years ago, who did such marvelous
things. Carnegie gave away $30 trillion in 2001 dollars, remember? The Rockefellers, Vanderbilts,
Goodyears, Fords, Edisons, and Bells all seem to have had spoilt, unmotivated, unappreciative kids who
formed foundations with their inherited wealth. For some strange reason, left oriented people, who, in
my opinion, give to all the wrong charities, head these foundations. I have no way of correcting this
anomaly, but I'll bet the initiators of the wealth which made these foundations possible, would turn over
in their graves if they could see how their hard work and brains are benefiting those whom they didn't
admire; namely those who don't work or produce.


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Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 23. MANUFACTURING

"My idea is that we should encourage manufactures to the extent of our own consumption of everything
of which we raise the raw material." - Thomas Jefferson

America used to be the world’s king of manufacturing. During WW II, America was turning out one
four engined B-17 bomber each hour, not to mention building dozens of other planes, hundreds of ships,
thousands of vehicles, millions of guns, and billions of rounds of ammunition, to use an escalating
figure. After the war, our manufacturing continued full blast, catching up on pent up demand. Our plants
weren’t bombed or destroyed, and our inventive genius continued unabated. Unabated until government
became so onerous and confiscatory, that it gradually became uneconomical to manufacture here, and
the plants began to migrate to Mexico and overseas, usually after exhausting all other methods of saving
the company. The decline had begun, and continues to this day.

Major American cities all had manufacturing industries. Philadelphia, a city I am well acquainted with,
had hundreds of factories that made things such as Disston Saws, Stetson Hats, Philco Radios and TV
Sets, Baldwin Locomotives, several of brands of carpet, Botany 500 clothing, sugar, ammunition,
groceries, and building materials, just to name a few. I can't think of a single one that is left. The
buildings are empty, decaying, and the target of arsonists. The surrounding neighborhoods have also
suffered from the unemployment. Literally millions of jobs have fled America, to lands where there are
no stiff regulations, heavy taxes, pollution controls, OSHA, EPA, and the rest of the alphabet soup
agencies that regularly throttle business and confiscate our wealth.

America used to have several first rate trolley, railroad, and subway car manufacturers, which supplied
not only American cities, but exported their product around the world. Two of the major ones were the J.
G. Brill Co. of Philadelphia, and the St. Louis Car Co. of St. Louis. Both places now sit empty, in spite
of the resurgence of electric transport in most major cities. Trolley cars made by these two companies
before the turn of the century, still operate regularly in Lisbon Portugal, so high are their quality.
Modern streamlined trolleys and subway cars by the hundreds still run in San Francisco, New York, and
Pittsburgh...made by these two manufacturers. The new cars now come mostly from Germany and
Japan, because government controls and taxes have destroyed American abilities. Philadelphia now runs
Jap Kawasaki trolleys right past the J.G. Brill site on Elmwood Ave. Other cities have these, plus
German Seimens cars, which San Diego imports and uses.

Manufacturing plants create additional employment opportunities, which are destroyed when those
plants cease operation. Jobs in management, secretarial, shipping, machinery manufacturing, raw
material manufacturing, plant repair, building, packaging, transportation, and of course selling. All are
lost when plants close, not just the actual factory jobs.

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Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 23. MANUFACTURING

Long gone are the days when manufacturing was the pride of America. Men working "on the line,"
making, inventing, and selling things, created a prosperity unparalleled in human history. This prosperity
is now only hazily remembered, but believe me, it was there. Making what we consume has diminished
so much, that our manufacturing brilliance has become but a 10-watt bulb. Detroit, Philadelphia,
Buffalo, St. Louis, Los Angeles, and other major cities, which used to be home to thousands of
manufacturers, are left with empty buildings and unemployment. The national statistics show low
unemployment, but they also show low inflation, decreasing crime, and a host of other specious figures...
released by government, which created the problems. The commonly heard joke now, is of the man who
agrees with the low rate of joblessness, saying he has three of them. Millions make far less than they
used to make, and must hold two or three part time jobs, because none other are available. Can we trust
government figures? I don't.

If America were still a manufacturing country, it doesn't take a college degree to make things on an
assembly line. Production line workers have always made good salaries, been model citizens, sometimes
were union members, contributed to their community, and generally lived close to their employment.
"Service" industries, such as hamburger stand employees, do not create the same type of wealth, as do
manufacturers, who take raw materials, and form useful, long lasting items, that aren't instantly
consumed. America cannot survive on "service" industries and jobs. We need not only to invent things,
but also to make and sell them. Sales people have always had high incomes, but with few things being
manufactured here any longer, there is little use for a sales force that sells American made items.

I am reminded of large signs on two bridges at the entrance to two former manufacturing cities in
America: Chester, Pennsylvania and Trenton, New Jersey. One says, "TRENTON MAKES, THE
WORLD TAKES," and the other reads, "WHAT CHESTER MAKES, MAKES CHESTER." Neither
are true any longer. Shuffling papers, writing regulations, suing people, leveraged buyouts, and other
types of hocus-pocus, didn't make America the greatest nation on earth, with the highest standard of
living. America became great by inventing, manufacturing, and selling to everyone else in the world, not
buying from them. We are now being advised that "service" industries will suffice. The fuzz-brained
academicians and politicos, who instill this "service" industry nonsense into the craniums of our youth
and non-thinking adult populace, need to be ignored, as they are in grievous error.

By eliminating all subsidies, income taxes, and re-instating severe tariffs on our economic enemies to
equalize the differentials, American manufacturing would quickly rebound, capital and jobs return and
stay here, and those empty factories might begin humming least the ones that haven't been
torched by arsonists.


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Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 24. IMMIGRATION

"My opinion, with respect to emigration, is, that, except of useful Mechanics and some particular
descriptions of men or professions, there is no need of encouragement." - George Washington - 1794

"We heartily approve of all legitimate efforts to prevent the United States from being used as the
dumping ground for the known criminals and professional paupers of Europe." - Platform plank of the
Democratic National Party - 1892

" For the protection of the equality of our American citizenship and of the wages of our working-men,
against the fatal competition of low-priced labor, we demand that the immigration laws be thoroughly
enforced, and so extended as to exclude from entrance to the United States those who can neither read
nor write." - Platform plank of the Republican National Party - 1896

"The admitted right of a government to prevent the influx of elements hostile to its internal peace and
security may not be questioned." - President Grover Cleveland - 1885

While it is true that America is literally a 'melting pot' of races, creeds, religions, and national origins,
Pat Buchanan was correct in his 1996 run for the Presidency, when he advocated a 5 year cessation of
immigration, so we can 'catch up' on the millions and millions of immigrants that have inundated us in
the last few decades. It is also true that illegals are a scourge on California, Texas, and to lesser degrees
other states. California gives driver's license tests in 30 languages, and in New York, 23. The California
public schools have 82 separate and distinct languages and dialects to cope with, teach in, and hire
teachers fluent in; a terrible drain on the taxpayer and dilution of the ability of schools to teach...
assuming you are a fan of public schools. Californians passed a 'proposition' in 1998 outlawing teaching
in any language but English, but the courts have yet to decide whether they, or the voters, run their state.
In Colorado, the courts decided they run our state, not us, when they declared an overwhelming popular
vote not to give preferences to homosexuals is "illegal."

Miami Florida has so many Cubans, both legal and illegal, that Spanish has become the dominant tongue
spoken there, and if you are not a speaker of Spanish, you might as well forget attempting to do business
in that sunny Florida city. National TV regularly shows Mexicans running through the border
checkpoints and up freeways, only to disappear into California, melting into the already large Spanish
speaking population. Chinese, Viet Namese, and others, generally from totalitarian countries,
continually sneak into America to savor freedom, even in our diminished state. While it may be
complimentary, it is of no advantage to America, as repeated economic studies have shown.

In 1996, 1.3 million were naturalized and made citizens...many times the normal rate. It is said this was
done at the pressuring of the Democrat party to get more votes. 'Get 'em on the roles so they can vote for
us,' was the attitude. Even immigration has political overtones. (1 of 3)2/7/2012 8:13:20 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 24. IMMIGRATION

A nation that cannot control its borders is in big trouble. In the days before airplanes, it was a simple
matter to screen all immigrants as they got off the boat. Ellis Island adequately did the job. Now,
thousands of non-English speaking, would be immigrants, land daily at dozens of airports in America,
and are initially given the OK, or sent to a second screener, who may say "yes" or "no." If it is "no," they
go before an asylum judge, who may say "yes" or "no," and if it is "no," before an immigration judge,
who may do the same. If any would be immigrant says they "are afraid" of the land from which they
came, then usually it is "yes", and I strenuously object to that.

Why is "fear" of the land from which they came, any excuse to burden our welfare system, and further
create language confusion in America? On the PBS evening news broadcast of October 13 1997, a
Philippine couple in their 70’s were shown who had immigrated into America four years previously.
They were "subsisting" on a mere $786 per month welfare check, plus food stamps. Think of that case,
and multiply it by tens of thousands. These people have never done a lick of work in America, speak no
English, and are living 100% on the dole. Did they arrive because they were "afraid" of their Philippine
homeland? Probably. The poem by Emma Lazarus that says "Give me your poor, your homeless, etc.,"
was placed on the Statue of Liberty long after that statue was erected, and as far as I am concerned, it
should have been kept in a book of poems, and not indelibly associated with that glorious statue. That
poem and America, should in no way be synonymous. The "poor and homeless yearning to be free," can
stay at home until they can learn English, develop a needed trade, and make themselves worthwhile.

No where on earth, can a person immigrate to any place, other than America, because they are "afraid"
or have a "fear" of their native land. It is absolutely absurd! No where on earth can illegals and
foreigners own land, businesses or stocks and bonds. Wake up America, and stop this pillage. We work
diligently to keep mice, cockroaches, termites and other undesirables out of our homes. Why do we
allow undesirables to come in freely, stay, and cause us fear and bankruptcy in our own land? Why can
people get off planes, with no legal entry papers, and disappear into America, 'promising' to get their
paperwork straight, or return to their homeland, and not be seen again? When Ellis Island was in
operation, they were held, and shipped back via the next boat. Now they have no restraints of any kind.
Why do we have to tolerate dozens of different languages, dialects, and a huge welfare state? Why do
hard working Americans have to support those who come in, and immediately become suckers of our
blood and dollars? Why should there be "political asylum" in the first place? If a person wants "political
asylum," he or she has been declared undesirable by his native land. Why should we accept or want
them? If we stopped accepting them, their native lands would stop allowing them to board the planes
bound for America.


The solution is to require all people to learn English if they are to become citizens, stop all multi-lingual
public education and ballot printing, and control our borders and airports efficiently. A solution is to
cease all handouts and welfare for immigrants, and for that matter, everyone else. The hundreds of
thousands of troops stationed in various parts of the world could very easily control the Mexican-
American border and airports, if they were brought their last duty station before discharge. Get (2 of 3)2/7/2012 8:13:20 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 24. IMMIGRATION

rid of "asylum judges" and "political asylum." Stop any immigration because of "fear," which is so
imbecilic that I cannot believe it actually exists. Immigrants who aren't wanted in their own native lands
should not pollute America.

Is there any reason why non-citizens and foreign corporations should be able to buy and own American
property? Americans can't do so in foreign lands. A small flow of selected immigrants each year would
be healthy for America, but based on education, intelligence, English speaking, writing, and
understanding ability, and on top of that, a damned good reason for entering. Just willy-nilly accepting
everyone on a first-come first-serve, "fear," or "quota" basis is absurd. We should only accept
newcomers who are the best of applicants, and with skills and knowledge America needs. The
Libertarian party, and I suppose the Democrats and Republicans also, disagree with me on this, but I am
not a slave to any party or others' thoughts. I am my own person, with my own ideas, and if you think
some of the previous 23 chapters were repetitious, it is because much of it is original thought, radical
ideas, and logic...all much needed to save this glorious land, and I want to impress it on you!


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Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 25. HOW COULD IT ALL HAPPEN?


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

Now you see why I said in the beginning, that it might already be too late. Some solutions are (briefly):
Cleanse the voting rolls of those who shouldn't vote. Gradually eliminate the public schools. Return
"federal lands" to whom they rightly belong. Sell the rest of federal possessions that are not authorized
by the Constitution, and pay off the national debt. Pass a Constitutional Amendment requiring a
balanced budget and national neutrality. All money is to be backed by, or made from, gold, silver, and
possibly even platinum. Abolish the IRS, income tax, and 90% of the federal government. Bring all
troops back to America, and stop messing in everyone else's business. Let the weak die if they are
incapable of self-help, or can't find a charity to do it. Stop government at all levels from subsidizing
anything. Return all social security deposits to those under 50, and let the rest either get a refund or
continue...with no new entrants or payroll deductions. Eliminate all federal medical programs, and let
the medical profession return to the free market. (There were no HMO's or "managed care" before the
socialization of medicine. Before medicine's socialization, there was no nursing home industry.) Sell the
freeways and interstates to the highest bidders, making them pay for themselves with tolls levied by their
owners, be they states, counties, or individuals. Eliminate AMTRAK. (What a poor imitation of our
once wonderful passenger trains!) Get the federal government out of all businesses. Establish tariffs to
pay for what little federal government is left, thereby equalizing the prices of American manufactured
goods with slave labor countries. Require every responsible citizen to own guns and ammunition, and I
could go on and on.

America today, reminds me of the entrance to the huge, stone, "fun house" at Glen Echo Amusement
Park, long gone, which I used to love to visit as a kid growing up in Washington D.C. The cost was 16¢
for all day admission. As you went in, a line of funny mirrors confronted you, which distorted your
image into grotesque shapes. You've all seen those mirrors in various places. America is totally distorted
today, similar to those mirrors, but it isn't funny, it’s tragic. Voters vote for the wrong candidates, don’t
read or think, and spend their lives watching TV. The world watches America...and America watches

Know of any way to accomplish the above? In America, it can only be done politically...without a
revolution. A revolution is unlikely, because so many people get government checks, falsely believing
they are getting "SFN," (something for nothing, remember?) and they aren't. They are merely
transferring money from one pocket to the other, with half of it falling down the bureaucratic drain in the
process. American thinking is so muddled; that people actually believe big brother has something to
give, rather than only to take from them, with our obvious enslavement to government. We have
declined so far, that few think logically, or know much about America. On the morning of July 15, 1996
in Denver Colorado, a TV reporter picked random pedestrians, asking each one a different question.
What do the stripes on the flag represent? "The United Nations." Where is the capital? "The White
House." When is Independence Day? "July 6th." Who wrote the National Anthem? "Francis Ford (1 of 4)2/7/2012 8:13:21 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 25. HOW COULD IT ALL HAPPEN?

Coppola." What are the three divisions of Government? No one knew the answer to that. In September,
1996 a seemingly bright 20 year old walked up to a store front of a building I then owned, which was
temporarily closed for lunch, and it had posted one of those signs reading "will return at," with a clock
face on it, set to 1:45. The kid looked at it, and said to me, "Man, what time does that thing say?" He
couldn’t even tell time, other than on a digital clock. On a September 1996 morning, a CNN show was
dealing with "ellicit drugs." One would think that CNN could spell "illicit."

Since the sixties, most colleges and universities have taken great pride in their ability to encourage
students to spend summers registering to vote, every illiterate, poverty ridden, worthless person they can
find, as they roam the slums and public housing units. Now all you have to do is be able to get a driver's
license to register. You can register to vote when you go to apply for welfare! Proof of being a citizen is
no longer required in order to vote, as was proven in several states during the 1996 elections. As the
quality, education, and intelligence of the voters has declined, of course they make the wrong choices,
voting for the candidates who promise the most handouts, 'programs,' and government interference. To
reverse that trend politically, seems to be the truly impossible dream.

As if that weren't bad enough, the media is obviously on the side of larger government, and polls show
most Americans today get their news via TV sound bites, similar to attempting to learn quantum physics
from a Mother Goose picture book. Time-Warner, that former bastion of 'gangsta-rap,' has merged with
CNN, Westinghouse has bought the largest radio chain, and already owns CBS. GE bought NBC, and
Disney owns ABC. Do you really expect intelligent, accurate and unbiased news reporting from Donald
Duck? Peter Jennings isn't even an American citizen.

Libertarians, or the Republican Liberty Caucus, seem to be the only ones who see the problems and
solutions with any clarity, and I strongly disagree with them on free trade, and open borders. They are
the only ones that have it right at least 90% of the time. If the Libertarians ever achieved a position of
power, America could be restored. For that matter, if the Liberty Caucus Republicans ever got strong
enough, and captured the Grand Old Party (GOP), there might be a glimmer of hope. Operating through
an existing major party, at least gives one a voice. It's more fun to work with a live body, (Libertarians)
than to try to resurrect a tired old corpse! (Republicans)

As the title of this book says, America's problems are the result of "consequences." Consequences of
violating the spirit and letter of our Constitution. Consequences of weakening the citizenry, in an attempt
to control and equalize all things, thereby destroying the productive sector in the process. Consequences
of inflating the money supply, ruining its value. Consequences of shipping troops everywhere, and
arrogantly telling other nations what to do, rather than setting good examples at home. Consequences of
doing things not authorized by the Founding Fathers in our wonderful Constitution, which envisioned a
land where people took pride in relying upon themselves, not government. America has declined, not
because we have too few laws, too small a government, taxes that are too low, or not enough
regulations...but exactly the opposite.

"Nothing of importance happened in the world today." - Diary of King George III, July 4, 1776. Oh (2 of 4)2/7/2012 8:13:21 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 25. HOW COULD IT ALL HAPPEN?


222 years ago, our Founders announced their independence from England in a most stirring Declaration.
In reference to King George, that Declaration stated, "(his) is a history of repeated Injuries and
Usurpations, all having in direct Object the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States,
erecting a multitude of new offices, and sending hither swarms of Officers to harass our People, and eat
out their Substance, imposing taxes without our Consent," and hundreds of words accusing the Monarch
of the grossest of conduct. Substitute the words "federal government," "Washington D.C.," or
"bureaucracy," for "king," and you have the situation in which we find ourselves...two centuries later.

"This country was the only country in history born, not of chance and tribal warfare, but as a rational
product of man’s mind. This country was built on the supremacy of reason---and for one magnificent
century, it redeemed the world." - Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

Back then, we had an infant Congress that was made up of statesmen. A statesman is one who votes for
what is right, rather than what is expedient or vote getting, which adequately defines a current politician.
If every Congressman voted for freedom from government and regulation writing bureaucrats, and for
liberty, even though it cost them their office, we might be saved. Were that done, the results would be so
obvious, they might not lose after all. There seems to be an invisible line when one crosses the 'beltway,'
and enters Washington D.C. as a politician, no matter how pure the intentions might be. They instantly
seem to want to be "one of the boys," rather than statesmen, voting for their individual re-elections,
rather than for what is right for the entire country. If the Supreme Court ruled that handouts and
subsidies were unconstitutional, as they are, politicians might be tempted to become statesmen!

In 1776, there were plenty of Loyalists who wanted nothing to do with being independent. The Loyalists
had a personal stake in America continuing to be owned and operated by England. Benjamin Franklin's
son William, was a devout Loyalist, much to the chagrin of his father. Current "loyalists," would be
those millions benefiting from governmental redistribution of wealth, who wallow in a fools paradise of
false security. Fortunately, two centuries ago they were in the minority. Today, maybe 95% of
Democrats, 50% of Republicans, and an unknown number of independents and non-voters would have
to count themselves as 20th century "loyalists." Loyal to unconstitutional wealth redistribution, welfare,
criminal coddling, huge federal government and its bureaucracy, and other assorted outrages, as detailed
in this book. The ones realizing our problems are in the minority; perhaps the Libertarians, populists, tax
protesters, militia members, and in general, people capable of thinking rationally, who are alarmed by
the current state of our once glorious union. In other words: Too few.

The non-thinking, non-voting, non-reading, recipients of government handouts and employment, are like
an animal in the woods that is gravely injured. He licks his wounds, drinking his own blood, believing in
ignorance, that everything will be O.K., until he dies, his blood having been transferred from his arteries
to his stomach. Welfare and big government is one copious, continuous transfusion from the veins to the
mouth, and the eventual results will be the same as with that dead animal. (3 of 4)2/7/2012 8:13:21 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 25. HOW COULD IT ALL HAPPEN?

The largest sector of the citizenry is the non-voters, amounting to 51% in 1996, and a bit less in 2000.
Some are just apathetic couch potatoes, mesmerized by the sitcoms. Others, who stay away from the
polls, are saying with their absence, "A pox on all your houses."

It is easy to see problems. I hope I have helped to explain some of the causes. Probably my hankering
for retrogression is unattainable. To offer a solution, other than political or revolutionary, I am at a loss.
I worry and think about it almost continuously, but have no magic formula to restore America to a land
of prosperity, free from oppressive government, with a proud and self-sufficient citizenry, not only as it
was envisioned by our Founders, but as it worked superbly for 150 years. Most of our mess has
happened in the last 65 years, an incredibly short time to commit national suicide.

"I didn’t know how heavy my luggage was till I stopped carrying it." - Robert Schuller

We have decayed mightily in 65 years. The most tragic part of it, is that even with that rapidity, on a day-
to-day basis, it is not noticeable enough to foment a revolt...even at the polls. If America could suddenly
be freed from the heavy weight of the IRS and the federal government, with its assorted bureaucrats,
regulations, rules, laws, and mandates, we would feel like Dr. Schuller when he lay down his luggage.
We have been carrying it for so long, most don't even realize how heavy the load actually is. It might be
like the overworked man who has a nervous breakdown. It had been coming on for years, but so
gradually, that he just endured, until his mind and body gave way suddenly, unable to take it any longer.
How much more devaluation of our money, how much higher can taxes go, how much more regulation,
and harassment can we take...before we snap? I don’t know.

It will be noted that newspaper and wire service stories, quotations, plus other sources for this tome
come from as far back as hundreds of the present. As this went to press, the absurdities


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Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 26. WHAT CAN YOU DO?


"Verba volant; scripta manent." - Latin phrase meaning "Spoken (words) fly; written (words) remain."

Books are supremely important. Books are your friends. Radio talk shows, TV shows, film, and play
acting, quickly escape your vision, and even remembrance. Books can always be re-read, referred to,
and can be a constant source of joy. Buy books and read them. Give them, study them, and love them.
Read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, a couple of times, give it to your friends, and maybe even the same
with this book. I've probably given away a hundred copies of Atlas Shrugged. Vote for, contribute to,
and campaign for, libertarian thinking candidates, regardless of party. It is possible to get involved in
saving America by becoming political, reading and learning about what is happening, and then introduce
your friends and neighbors to your knowledge.

"Actions speak louder than words." - Old saying

Did you ever stop and think what would happen to the federal monster, and its bureaucratic and political
creators and supporters, if its sustenance were denied? Is there a better way to stop something, than to
starve it? If funds were cut off from government, they would have to print the money, (making it even
more worthless) borrow it, or shut it down. As a supposition, let me refer to the previous example of
Silverton Colorado, and their dump problem. They acted like wimps, gave in, allowed the feds to run
over them, and they will pay forever. Suppose a group of people, numbering at least a few million,
decided to suddenly claim 99 deductions on their income tax W-4 forms, publicly stated the fact, quoted
statistics in this book, plus others that detail the utter folly, waste, and total unconstitutionality of
governmental actions for the past 65 years? Suppose they gathered, say on the Internet, and millions
decided they had enough, it was their money, not government's, and they were going to deny the
continuous siphon to Washington and the IRS. What could they do? Could they arrest millions? Hardly.
Could they audit millions? No. Seize millions of homes? No. And if these millions garnered publicity
via the media, was a planned action, done suddenly and with great fanfare, what could they do? About
all, would be to hope other millions wouldn’t follow, but they undoubtedly would. That would be an
effective revolution, without a single shot being fired. The movement would have begun, and it is
doubtful it would stop until we descended to a fine plateau of government being where it ought to be.
That is one possibility, the only one I can come up with, and it could happen if enough true patriots got
"on line" and organized.

We have a distinct advantage that didn't exist when the first patriots told the British to go to hell, and
that is communication. They had horses, but we have telephones, the Internet, mail, radio, and fast
transport. We can organize and communicate instantly, whereas they couldn't. If such an action as has
been proposed above got started, there is no way the members couldn't instantly communicate about
their own or the enemy's actions and tactics. Remember also, the IRS recently spent $4 billion on a
worthless computer system, plus the fact that anyone working for government is usually at the absolute
bottom of the mental heap, or they wouldn’t work there. Has there ever been a bureaucrat who could (1 of 2)2/7/2012 8:13:21 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 26. WHAT CAN YOU DO?

overwhelm you with their mental alacrity? Their power lies not in their mental ability. Could the
bureaucracy handle millions of outraged citizens cutting off their source of money, with more joining
every day? Think about the risks the Founders took, when they signed that Declaration, and fought for
independence. They risked their "lives and sacred honor" without the communications, electricity, fast
wheels, phone lines, and even the Constitution to back them. Can we do less? Isn't it about time to
recognize that we are worse off now than were the over taxed, outraged subjects of the British?
Washington D.C. is indeed the current King George, and is a prime target for a modern day revolution.
A revolution that could be completed without a single shot being fired. It is my opinion that our chances
of stopping this nonsense are about 10%, unless we step up and say, ENOUGH! In the past, most people
get cold feet when it came time to act as a protest to the IRS, or other bureaucracy. There is a
monumental amount of strength in huge numbers, rather than an individual protest. It is not sedition to
suggest starving D.C. into submission, but rather, a patriotic thing to do. I do not want to overthrow the
government...only bring it back to its Constitutionally authorized size.

On the top of the chair in which George Washington sat during the entire Constitutional Convention, is a
carved sun that appears to be either rising or setting. Benjamin Franklin, after the Constitution had been
voted on and approved, said that during the trying time of writing it, he had often wondered if that sun
was America rising or setting, but was glad to know it had indeed been rising. At this time, over 200
years later, I ask the same question. Is our American sun rising, or is it quite possibly setting? Time will
tell, but I dearly hope we aren't seeing the twilight of the American dream. When the Pilgrims landed in
December of 1620, only half of them survived the first winter, so harsh were their new surroundings.
Only four women lived. Thinking Americans must take a stand, and work for our very survival. It won't
be easy, because we are in a fix just like the Pilgrims, only we are suffering not from a harsh winter, but
a brainwashed, non-thinking, non-reading citizenry, who hasn’t the slightest idea of what has happened
to them. Lovers of liberty and freedom are being submerged by those who proliferate government,
squash liberty, and punish and demean success, while praising and subsidizing non-achievement and

I know this is extremely distasteful to most, and understandably so, but the other alternative is to sit by
and watch America disintegrate, taking you and your family with it. If you are determined to do that, at
least act economically smart by storing your assets in gold or silver, a home, antiques, and other tangible
items, rather than pieces of paper with ink on them. I'll broker the metals for you. (1-888-786-8822 web
site Everyone should own several unregistered guns, with lots of ammunition to
protect yourself. Unregistered, because registered ones will be confiscated...they always have been, and
are now in California, England and Australia. I am not being paranoid, just logical. Meantime, hope for
the best, and let me know if you have any other ideas!


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Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 27. CASUAL OBSERVATIONS


1. I am a fire buff. I love to watch the equipment work, and thrill when brave firemen risk their lives to
rescue victims from burning buildings. They are some of America's greatest heroes. An average of 100
die and 50,000 are injured each year doing their jobs. The majority of these deaths and injuries occur in
slum sections of major cities, the conflagrations often caused by trash people doing careless and stupid
things. On December 7, 1999, 6 firemen died in a warehouse fire in Worcester, Mass. Two homeless
scum had set that fire. How ironic it is, that these brave American heroes die saving people who might
not deserve such risks being taken for them.

2. Article 1, Section 4 of the Constitution was amended by the 20th Amendment, Section 2, which says,
"The Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meeting shall begin at noon on the
3rd day of January, unless they shall by law appoint a different day." Notice it doesn't say they have to
stay in session, and if they would act according to the Constitution, doing only the things therein
authorized, they could go home a month later, we would all be better off, and D.C. could once again
become a normal city.

3. Anyone born in America is a "Native American" by definition, and I am tired of Indians being called
"Native Americans." My descendents came here in the mid 1600's! I also am weary of the eternal Indian
privileges such as having their own "nations" within the United States, and being immune from our laws.
They can do anything they damn well please, including milking us dry with welfare, having casinos,
their own police, and legislature. Why shouldn't the reservations be abolished, and the American Indian
blended into the rest of our society, having to pay taxes, work for a living, and obey our laws? There are
no Negro reservations, Hispanic reservations, or Asian reservations, and they are certainly of a different
skin color aren't they? The Indians killed as many of us as we did them, and I can see no reason for the
continued existence of Indian reservations, "nations", and the BIA. The American Indian may not even
be the first race on American soil. At least two archaeological excavations indicate the white man was
here for thousands of years before the American Indian. The "Kennewick Man" was found near the
Columbia River near Kennewick Washington in July 1996. He was undoubtedly a Caucasian, and has
been reliably dated to be 8,000 years old. The "Spirit Caveman" was dug up in Western Nevada in 1940,
was Caucasian, and has been reliably dated to be 9,500 years old. Maybe the Indians exterminated the
original white man!

4. With the tobacco hoopla and smoking prohibitions continually being enacted, many wonder what
those poor tobacco farmers could do for a living if this continues. How about letting them grow
marijuana or hemp? How about letting them grow what they want? How about restoring freedom to the

5. We have a multitude of federal laws and federal courts. A quick look at the Constitution will indicate
that there are only three authorized federal crimes. They are espionage, counterfeiting, and piracy. Let's
eliminate all non-Constitutionally authorized federal laws and crimes. This would eliminate most federal (1 of 7)2/7/2012 8:13:22 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 27. CASUAL OBSERVATIONS

courts, The savings would be appreciable, to put it mildly. Overlapping jurisdictions are silly.

6. I think a "suicide kit" should be placed in each and every jail cell in America. Think of the money,
time, and court space it might save. "Suicide watches" for obviously guilty murderers and rapists, so
they can live to stand trial, are absurd. They might want to die. The innocents would fight for their
vindication, and a certain number of those who are guilty, know it, and are headed for life imprisonment
or execution, might use the kits and save us all a lot of trouble!

7. While it sends shivers up and down my spine when I hear the National Anthem, called the "Star
Spangled Banner." First of all, it isn't a "banner" and it isn't "spangled," which means "glittery, dazzled,
or reflective." It's a FLAG with 50 stars at the top left corner. Secondly, it is virtually un-singable, with a
range of 20 notes. Even if it were an easy sing, the words mean absolutely nothing to 99% of Americans.
They refer to the War of 1812, not the Revolution, and in fact is Francis Scott Key's poem put to the
music of an old British drinking song titled, "To Anachreon in Heaven." Consider the beauty of music
and words to "America the Beautiful," with a range of but 15 notes, and ask yourself if it wouldn't make
a superior National Anthem. "Oh beautiful, for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain. For purple
mountains’ majesty, above the fruited plains. America, America, God shed his grace on thee. And crown
thy good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea." Doesn’t that make far more sense than nonsensical
words like, "O'er the ramparts we watched, where so valiantly streaming(?)...the bombs bursting in air...
twilight's last gleaming...rocket's red glare, etc.?" Just what is all that supposed to mean to an American
attempting to sing those words?

8. Why is it illegal for a private carrier to carry the mail and use your mailbox? You paid for it, erected
it, and it is your property. But it is illegal for any but the postal service to use it. While the Constitution
authorizes the establishment of "Post Offices and post Roads," no where does it give the post office
department exclusivity. Competition from UPS, FEDEX, and others, leaves post office hauling a smaller
percentage of parcels. With competition, the same might be true of the mails, and we would all save
money and get better service.

9. Why did we actually pay the Panamanians to take our canal? It is one of the greatest engineering
achievements of all time, and we actually paid them to take it, thanks to Jimmy Carter. They violated the
treaty a thousand ways from Sunday, and even the signing was illegal. We should have voided the treaty
and taken it back. It was ours to keep. Now, the Panamanians seem to want us back, since the Chinese
are in. I'll bet the creeps in D.C. won't do it.

10. Did you ever stop to realize that trucks have lousy brakes? They are good for city driving, slow
speeds, or level stopping, and that's about it. Autos and trains don’t have to "gear down" to go down
hills, and there are no "runaway car or train ramps." The square inch of braking surface per hundred
weight is correct on cars, but woefully deficient on large trucks. Why don't the states insist that trucks
have adequate brakes?

11. Diesel fuel costs far less to refine than gasoline, and for each gallon of crude, there is more diesel (2 of 7)2/7/2012 8:13:22 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 27. CASUAL OBSERVATIONS

than gasoline. 40 years ago, diesel cost a third less than gas, and rightfully so. What market-fixing
scheme has made diesel cost the same, and often more than gasoline? Believe me, that "fix" has cost
each and every one of us plenty when we shop, because diesel fuel delivers just about everything we
use, eat, or wear. Why doesn’t some smart politico investigate?

12. The minimum wage is legislated unemployment. It all began with FDR, and has continued ever
since. Are the stupid or untalented worth the minimum wage to do something like pump gas, sweep a
floor, or wash dishes? So we now pump our own gas, sweep our own floors, and push buttons to run an
elevator. If wages were paid on the basis of what the job or employee was worth, there could be no
unemployment, other than voluntary. You simply wouldn't believe what automation costs. In elevators
alone, the automation, computers, complicated technology and repairs to keep them running, make them
cost many times what a manually operated one would cost, but at 9¢ per minute for the minimum wage,
it is economically necessary to automate. The costs are double actually, because the unemployed go on
the dole, further sucking the lifeblood out of us taxpayers.

13. "Wetland" is a fairly new term, and it basically means swamp. For hundreds of years, sensible
people have filled in oozing, disgusting swamps, so as to minimize the mosquito populations, and use
previously worthless land, making the areas less disease prone and more productive. Now, so called
"wetlands" are sacrosanct, and supposedly hold all sorts of wonderful creepy, crawling, flying things
that no one wants. A single shovel of dirt in a designated "wetland" can cost you a huge fine, even a
puddle on your own property! The EPA is one of the most disgusting agencies ever formed, and should
be abolished, along with most others begun since the mid 1960's.

14. Prejudice is not popular now, and anyone admitting to it can be quickly ostracized from a circle of
friends or even a community. Prejudice is perfectly normal, and everyone has thousands of them as
shown by our every action in life. Our act of choosing something, be it a neighborhood, food, car, mate,
job, movie, or clothing, is prejudiced by our likes and dislikes, which are prejudices. Prejudice is merely
pre-judging something, usually from past experience or personal taste. If one is afraid of walking
through a bad neighborhood at night, it is because of pre-judging that it might be risky. The multitudes
of retirement communities indicate a prejudice of their occupants. They would rather be close to their
own age groups and income levels. Ethnic neighborhoods and foods are indicative of a prejudice
towards a certain nationality. The myriads of Germantowns, Little Italys, Chinatowns, and Koreatowns
are evidence of deep-seated prejudice. Don't fret; be as prejudiced as you wish, and have no guilt
feelings about it.

15. Article 1, Section 9, Paragraph 7 of the Constitution says, "No Money shall be drawn from the
Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of
the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time." In other words,
the President has no Constitutional authority to send dollars anywhere! It is unconstitutional for him to
send a billion here or there, unless a bill is passed by the Congress after being instituted by the House of
Representatives. (3 of 7)2/7/2012 8:13:22 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 27. CASUAL OBSERVATIONS

16. So-called "hate crimes," and the punishment of them, are an absurdity. In early 2,000, two 17-year-
old cousins killed and ran over a 26-year-old homosexual black man in a tiny northeastern West Virginia
town. The problem was whether to charge the boys with not only murder, but with a "hate crime."
Murder should be punished by prompt execution, regardless of "hate." I hate a lot of things. I hate
squash, communism, socialism, Bill and Hillary Clinton, huge government, war, ugly buildings, and
about a thousand other things. I actually HATE them! Is this a hate crime? Acting out hatred by doing
harm to another is a crime, not thinking about it!

17. At age 38, Florence Griffith Joyner ("Flo-Jo") died of massive heart failure. Jim Fixx, the so-called
"King of Joggers" was found dead at age 52 of the same thing on a lonely New England road. He was
supposedly in absolutely perfect health. Hundreds of runners have dropped dead of heart failure. I lived
in Scottsdale and Phoenix Arizona for five years, and used to cringe at seeing joggers "running for their
lives" at 115 degrees, in the blistering hot sun. Running ruins knees, ankles, and I believe the heart.
Running, "for your life," is like running a piece of machinery at top speed, and believing it is "good for
it." Runners brag that their heartbeat is far slower than that of the rest of us, but medical science has not
yet ruled that this is indicative of a healthy rather than overworked heart. Few football players at any
level, escape without permanent, nagging injuries and pain from playing that sport. It is the American
favorite, but it is brutal and physically debilitating. Baseball, on the other hand, requires incredible skill,
as opposed to huge football hunks trying to destroy their opponents in any way humanly possible. It’s
only my opinion!

18. There seems to be a basic human dislike or mistrust of skin of a different color. People with different
colored skins seem to have a natural antipathy towards each other, spoken or unspoken. You can draw
any conclusion you wish from that, but it seems to be an immutable natural law that different colored
complexions don’t mix too well, and legislation has as much chance of changing that, as overruling the
law of gravity. In colleges, and every single integrated environment, people invariably segregate
themselves according to color and race. The Orientals, Negroes, Hispanics, Whites, and every other hue
will always find associating with their own more comfortable. Animals, birds, and fish associate with
their own kind and prefer their own. In black society today, the lighter skinned Negroes are looked on
with more favor than dark ones. In any society, those with certain likes, dislikes, aims, goals, or even
habits are drawn to each other. Antique auto lovers naturally associate with other antique auto lovers.
Baseball fans, beer drinkers, computer nerds, or any possible group will naturally tend to associate with
each other. (The word "fan" is derived from "fanatic") No law, regardless of how well intentioned will
ever stop that natural habit.

19. The machinery, architecture, and artifacts of bygone days have been preserved for posterity in
America, as in no other land in the world. In no other nation have automobiles, rail transport,
architecture, clothing, historic documents, and even stamps, been so lovingly preserved as in America. I
consider this to be a mark of intelligence and civilization...inventing the new and preserving the old.
Other than shifting gears, most Americans have never performed such formerly common tasks as
operating an elevator with a manual control, pulling the throttle of a steam locomotive, opening the
controller of an old trolley car, striking the arc of a 60 year old searchlight, operating a 50 year old
projection booth in a theatre, restoring a building or antique item, or even plowing a field with a two (4 of 7)2/7/2012 8:13:22 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 27. CASUAL OBSERVATIONS

cylinder John Deere tractor. I am a damned lucky man who has done all of the above and a lot more, and
I encourage every one of you to get involved in preservation of any kind, as suits your tastes. Historical
societies and preservation entities are most rewarding!

20. The conflict between the Jews and Palestinians continues, as do the difficulties around the world
between races of people who should have never been placed together. These are races imported to do
cheap labor. The Mexicans were brought in to do hard work in America, and the Jews hire Palestinians
to do hard work they don’t choose to do. The British, Germans, and French brought in cheap labor from
other lands, and are now stuck with them, hate them, and wish they had never done it. America willingly
bought slaves to do the hard work 300 years ago, and it has torn us apart, just like the same practice is
doing to other nations today. Won’t anyone learn? If the Jews want to stop the trouble, stop hiring the
Palestinians for cheap labor, do it yourself, give them their land free and clear, and have border guards.
If you can't get the job done with your own people, it is a tragic mistake to bring in foreign workers to
do the work cheaply.

21. And speaking of Israel, there is perhaps no finer example of a desert being transformed into a
cultured, cultivated land, and as Isaiah said, made to "Blossom like a rose." The UN seized the current
nation of Israel from the Palestinians over 50 years ago, and they didn’t happen to want to sell. The Jews
have done miraculous things. The Palestinians were, and continue to be, slobs by comparison. That is
not the point. The point is that its former owners had occupied the land given Israel for hundreds of
years, and they won't forget or forgive. It was grossly unfair to the Palestinians, and I can not see how it
could ever end peacefully, especially when the suicide bombers are promised 70 virgins in heaven, after
they self immolate themselves, carrying a few dozen Jews with them.

22. The United Nations has been in existence for over 50 years, and other than bringing spies, cannibals,
and communists into New York, and disobeying every traffic law on the Big Apple's books, it has
accomplished nothing useful, other than suck up large amounts of money to feed its supremely wasteful
bureaucracy. They claim the U.S. owes a billion dollars in back dues, but in fact they owe us $5 billion
for our un-reimbursed peace keeping efforts. In the year 1999, America spent $10,179,000,000 on UN
"peacekeeping operations" and resolutions! During the UN's tenure, we have had Korea, Viet Nam,
hundreds of other skirmishes, Bosnia, Kosovo, and of course the continual Israel-Palestinian conflict,
which was caused by the UN's giving away land that didn’t belong to it. I make a motion that we tell the
U.N. to take their scofflaw diplomats, bureaucrats, and interpreters, move them all to some other land,
and that we bow out. There was far more peace in the world when the United States refused to join the
League of Nations after WW I, than there has been since WW II, when we did join its successor, and
throw good money after bad.

23. The CIA recently celebrated its 50th anniversary also. Of all the screwed up bureaucracies, the CIA
has to be the worst. It has never been the "Central Intelligence Agency," but rather the "Central
Unintelligence Agency." It has turned its agents over to the enemy, probably had a hand in the JFK
murder when he threatened to get rid of it, reportedly always has been in cahoots with the KGB, and has
been responsible for countless tragedies. It is accountable to no one, and has hidden its flaws and waste
by hunkering down under the cloak of "secrecy," for far too long. How about getting rid of it? (5 of 7)2/7/2012 8:13:22 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 27. CASUAL OBSERVATIONS

24. There are many silly phrases bandied about by the press and bureaucrats, but among the most
absurd, is the habit of calling every dictatorship ruled, poverty soaked, hopeless, ludicrous patch of dirt
or sand around the world, a "developing nation," with an "emerging economy." These absurdities and
concentrated courtyards of murder, ruthless power and oppression are no more "developing," or
"emerging" than is a circus midget growing. These "nations" are mired in absolutism and indigence,
thanks to their tyrannical rulers, who permit no freedom. Why anyone would call these conflagrations of
coercion, "developing," or their economies "emerging," is more than any logical person can fathom. The
Islamic nations are classic examples of this.

The drug war cannot be won for the same reason that prohibition didn't work, and that is it places
government against entrepreneurs. No government or law can possibly beat the mind of a free and
innovative people. This is why there will always be prostitutes, and anything else man wants to do that
may be legislated against by politicians. Pitting the mind of a free man against a government is a
hopeless cause. A free man will always win!

26. After re-reading this book over and over again, proofing it, adding to it, and editing it, I realize that
there are solutions some might consider cruel and inhuman. Look at what 65 years of handouts, welfare,
subsidies, and other "humanistic" approaches to crime, poverty, prison, and slovenliness has gotten us.
We are swamped with filth, indolence, violence, murder, ignorance, rape, crime, graffiti, destruction,
illegitimacy, obscenity, cheating, theft, infidelity, laziness, and an almost total loss of principle. The
preceding surrounds us constantly, closes in gradually, and might possibly cause eventual immolation of
our civilization. Only by stopping welfare and handouts of all types, including foreign aid, messing in
everyone's business but our own, and watching the death or reformation of the worthless, can our
civilization be secured for our descendants. Only by radically reducing the intrusive federal government
by 90%, and forcing bureaucrats and self aggrandizing "officials" to stop transfusing our dollars into
their bottomless pockets, can our American dream be salvaged. I can think of no other way to do it,
other than by what some may call "inhumane" treatment of those deserving no more. A 'must read' are
two novels. Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" has been quoted from, and mentioned many times in this
book. Another is John Ross' novel "Unintended Consequences," which I also consider a 'must read.'

27. Look up the word "gay" in any dictionary more than 20 years old, and the definition is simply
"happy," not "homosexual." Just another twisting of the English language to give a desired meaning.
Homosexuals are not "gay," but probably just the opposite, regardless of their supposed lyrical joy and
sublime contentment. For accuracy's sake however, stop calling them gay!

28. Public opinion polls mean nothing, because the results can be manipulated by selective choosing of
areas to be polled, and wording of questions asked, both remarkably open to fraudulent twisting of

29. Our Constitution's First Amendment has been, and continues to be grossly misread and
misunderstood by virtually everyone, who claim it says there is to be a 'separation of church and state.' (6 of 7)2/7/2012 8:13:22 AM

Don Stott - Consequences - Chapter 27. CASUAL OBSERVATIONS

It says nothing of the sort! It says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…" The Founders did not want an "official" religion like Mother
England had legislated, but wanted religion to be unencumbered by any law, and allow all to have free
choice as to religion. There is no word, sentence, or even thought of 'separation of church and state' in
the Constitution, and certainly nothing in regards to prayer or decorations at holiday time!

30. Want to stop the hundreds of thousands of seemingly unstoppable Mexicans that illegally come
across the border each month? I have a sure-fire solution that will cost virtually nothing. Erect hundreds
of large signs in Spanish, and broadcast on all Mexican radio and TV stations, that "ALL PERSONS
it. Sensible persons don't jump off of buildings or run in front of a car, because they will die. The same
would instantly be true of illegal border crossings, which would decrease by 99%. Only the fools would
attempt it, and the problem is solved at virtually no cost. Cruel or inhumane? NO! Warnings are given
about high-tension lines, going under a tree during a thunderstorm, and allowing babies to sleep on their
stomach. Any dangerous situation, when warned about, makes the one doing the warning, blameless.

31. Finally, one of the rewards of writing fiction, is being able to determine the outcome. This writer
wishes he could, and that is the single reason this has been written. If there were only a set of magic
words, phrases, or paragraphs that would literally grab America, and get us back on the path the brave
Revolutionaries and Founders intended us to follow. That avenue directed America to be self supporting,
independent, microscopically taxed, have valuable money, mind our own business, and to thrive with
strength and initiative. The Founders never envisioned federal stomping of achievers, theft, and wealth
transfers. Washington and Jefferson never intended for D.C. to become a warren of paper pushing
incompetents, who rule their superiors with harsh, virtually unlimited power. Our inferiors are truly
ruling us. What Abe Lincoln did in the War Between the States by violating the Constitution a hundred
ways, was but a microcosm of today's outrages, originating from within the D.C. beltway.

If even one of the foregoing chapters' solutions could partially become reality, or if this effort could
cause a massive change in the way America thinks, much as did Ayn Rand’s brilliant "Atlas Shrugged,"
I would be content. Would that I, like writers of fiction, could dictate the future and recovery of being
the rapidly extinguished American dream.

“Liberave Animam Meam” (I have freed my mind)

CONTENTS (7 of 7)2/7/2012 8:13:22 AM

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