Phy13 Compiled

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Phy 13 Diag

1. A wire under tension of 120 N has a fundamental frequency of 100 Hz. What will the
fundamental frequency of the same wire be if both the length and the tension are doubled?
- 70.71 hz
2. For most solids, the coefficient of volume expansion is __________ the coefficient of linear
- 3 Times
3. A football kicked at an angle θ with respect to the horizontal. Which one of the following
statements best describes the acceleration of the football during this event if air resistance is
- The acceleration is 9.8 m/s2 at all times
4. An echo is heard 4.0 s after the horn is sounded in a cliff. The speed of sound in air is 330 m/s.
How many meters away is the reflector in the cliff?
- 660m
5. Which force is responsible for holding a car in an unbanked curve?
- the force of friction
6. For a body in a simple harmonic motion, the maximum acceleration occurs when_______.
- The displacement is maximum
7. If it takes 0.5 sec for a wave to travel along a stretched wire 20 cm long, then the frequency of
this wire to form 7 nodes when vibrated is
- 6 hz
8. What is the magnitude of the net force acting on a 2000-kg car as it accelerates from rest to a
speed of 20 m/s in 5 s?
- 8000N
9. Two forces, 80N and 100N acting at an angle of 60° with each other, pull on an object. What is
the resultant force on the object?
- 142.8N
10. Find the magnitude and angle of R if R=7i –12j.
- 13.9 at -59.7°
11. A grindstone spinning at a rate of 8.3 rev/s has what approximate angular speed?
- 52 rad/s
12. The specific gravity of aluminum is 2.9. Its density in kg/m3 is _____________
- 2,900
13. What is the minimum mass of ice at 0 o C that must be added to 200 g of water at 20oC to bring
down its temperature to 0 o C? Lf of ice = 80 cal/g
- 50g
14. In rotational dynamics, moment of inertia plays a role analogous to one of the quantities
encountered in linear motion namely __.
- Mass
15. A 20-g body moving 25 cm/s to the right collides with a 30-g body moving 15 cm/sto the left.
What is the velocity of the bodies if the collision is perfectly inelastic?
- 1 cm/s
16. If the is net force acting upon a body zero, the particle is _____
- could be at rest or moving at constant velocity
17. A simple series circuit contains a resistance R of 10 ohms and an ideal battery of 20 volts. If a
second resistor 10 ohms is connected in parallel with R, which of the following statements is
- the total resistance is 5 ohms
18. A 100-W light bulb is left on for 10.0 hours. Over this period of time, how much energy was used
by the bulb?
- 3 600 000 J
19. If the mass and the radius of the earth were both doubled, your weight, as compared to your
present weight, would be ______.
- ½ as large
20. The unstretched spring has a length of 0.60 m and spring constant 2000N/m. A weight is hung
from the spring, causing it to stretch to a length of 0.80 m. How many joules of elastic potential
energy are stored in this stretched spring?
- 40 joules
21. A net force of 10.0 N is applied tangentially to the rim of a wheel having a 0.25-m radius. If the
rotational inertia of the wheel is 0.500 kg-m2 , what is its angular acceleration?
- 5 rad/sec^2
22. What displacement must be added to a 50 cm displacement in the +x-direction to give a
resultant displacement of 85 cm at 25°?
- 44.9cm at 53*
23. A thermos bottle contains 3.0 kg of water and 2.0 kg of ice in thermal equilibrium at 0C. How
much heat is required to bring the system to thermal equilibrium at 50C?
- 410 kcal
24. A 7 kg block is pushed along a rough, horizontal surface. A horizontal force of 40N is requires to
keep the block moving with constant speed. Find the coefficient of kinetic friction
- 0.57
25. Given two vectors A = 4i – 2j + 3k and B = – 2i + 3j + 4k. The scalar product of these vectors is
- -2
26. One hundred grams of water at 27 ºC is completely boiled. How much heat is absorbed by
- 7300 cal
27. Which one of the following statements is true concerning the magnitude of the electric field
intensity at a point in space?
- It is a measure of the electric force per unit charge on a test charge
28. A projectile is fired upward with a muzzle velocity of 200 m/s at an angle of 30° with the level
ground. With what horizontal velocity will it hit the ground in m/s?
- 173.2m/s
29. Momentum can be expressed in which unit?
- kg-m/sec
30. Water flowing through the pipe with a radius of 4.2 cm passes into a section of pipe with a
radius of 6.6 cm where it flows at the speed of 7 m/s. What was the initial speed of the water?
- 173.2m/s
31. A brass cylinder is 60 cm long at 25 oC. What is the increase in length when it is heated to 55
oC? (for brass, coefficient of linear expansion α = 1.7 x 10 5 / oC)
- 0.0306 m
32. What is the unit of modulus of elasticity?
- N/m 2
33. Two equally positive charged pith balls are 3 cm apart in air and repel each other with a force of
4x 10 5 N. Compute the charge on each ball.
- 2 nC
34. For a body in a simple harmonic motion, the maximum acceleration occurs when
- the displacement is maximum
35. The unstretched spring has a length of 0.6 m and spring constant 3600 N/m. A weight is hung
from the spring, causing it to stretch by 0.3 m. How many joules of elastic potential energy are
stored in the stretched spring?
- 162 joules
36. The gravitational constant is 6.67 x 10 11 N ∙ m2 /kg 2 . The gravitational force between two
balls of equal masses is 2.668 x 10 8 N when the balls are 0.20 m apart. Find the mass of each
- 4 kg
37. A metal container has a volume of 400 cm3 at 0 oC. If the coefficient of linear expansion is
0.000012 / C o , what is the volume at 60 oC
- 400.864 cm 3
38. A 3 nC charge is moved from point A to point B in an electric field. The charge experienced a
voltage rise of 5 V. What is the work done in moving the charge from point A to point B?
- 15nJ
39. Two projectiles are launched with the same initial velocity. Projectile B is launched at an angle of
60 o , while projectile A is launched at an angle of 30 o . Which of the following is true?
- All of the choices are not true
40. A cube of wood of density 0.78 g/cm3 is 10 cm on a side. When placed in water, what height of
the block will float above the surface (water density = 1.00 g/cm3 )
- 2.2cm
41. A 20 gm marble moving 25 cm/sec to the right collides with a 30 gm metal ball moving 15
cm/sed to the left. What is the velocity of the two bodies if the collision if perfectly inelastic?
- 1cm/sec
42. A hydraulic lift raises a 2,000 N automobile when a 500 N force is applied to the smaller piston.
If the smaller piston has an area of 10 cm2 , what is the crosssectional area of the larger piston?
- 40cm^2
43. A projectile is fired at an angle of 60.0 o above the horizontal with an initial speed of 30.0 m/s.
What is the horizontal velocity of the projectile as it reached the ground?
- 15 m/s
44. Given two vectors A = 4i – 2j + 3k and B = 2i + 3j + 4k. The scalar product of these vectors is
- -2
45. You want to throw a ball straight up into the air so that it reaches a height of 3.3 m above the
ground. If the ball leaves your hand at a height of 1.2 m above the ground, how fast do you need
to throw it? Neglect the effects of air resistance.
- 6.4 m/s
46. An object is being pulled along the ground by a 75N force directed 28 o above the horizontal.
How much work does the force do in pulling the objet to a distance of 8m?
- 530 J
47. A seconds pendulum is one with a period of exactly two seconds. Find the length of a seconds
pendulum at Denver, Colorado (g = 9.79609 m/s 2 )
- 0.993m
48. What is the equivalent reading of 10 oC to oR?
- 510
49. An echo is heard 4.0 s after the horn is sounded in a cliff. The speed on sound in air is 330 m/s.
How many meters away is the reflector in the cliff?
- 660m
50. An Everest is moving at 50 m/s towards a gas station with its horn sounding at an unknown
frequency. The gasoline boy standing at the station hears the sound at a frequency of 500 hertz.
What is the true frequency of sound from the horn if the speed of sound in air is 348 m/s?
- 428.2 hz
51. A net force of 10.0 N is applied tangentially to the rim of a wheel having a 0.25m radius. If the
rotational inertia of the wheel is 0.500 kgm2 , what is its angular acceleration?
- 5 rad/sec^2
52. The wheel of a car rotating about a fixed axis has a constant angular velocity of 2.0 rad/s. When
the brake is applied, the wheel turned through 5.0 complete revolutions in 2 secs. What is the
angular acceleration of this wheel?
- 14 rad/s^2
53. A simple series circuit contains a resistance R of 10 ohms and an ideal battery of 20 volts. If a
second resistor 10 ohms is connected in parallel with R, which of the following statements is
- The total resistance is 5 ohms
54. According to Newton’s 3 rd Law of Motion, which of the following statements is NOT true?
- Action and reaction forces do not cancel each other because they act on two different
55. What is the resistance of a 1000 W, 120 V microwave oven?
- 14.4
56. An automobile moves on a level horizontal road in a circle of radius 30 m. The coefficient of
friction between tires and road is 0.50. The maximum speed with which this car can round this
curve is
- 12 m/s
57. Consider the following forces acting on an object: F1 = 10 N due north F2 = 20 N due south east
F3 = 5 N west What is the magnitude of the resultant force
- 10 N
Suppose an object is accelerated by a force 10N when suddenly a second force of 10N is applied on its
opposite to the direction of the first force. What happens to the object?

-continues at the velocity it had before the second force was applied. Or it will slow down

The under stretched spring has a length of 0.20, and spring constant 1500N/m. A weight is hung from
the spring causing it to stretch to a length of 0.60m. How many joules of elastic potential energy are
stored in this stretched spring?


A hole is punched at the center of a slab of steel. When heated,

-it will expand

The current through, and the potential difference across, a circuit element are to be measured. How
should the ammeter and the voltmeter be connected to the circuit element?

- Ammeter should be placed in series

Determine the shortest length of pipe, open at both ends, which will resonate 512 Hz. The speed of
sound 343m/s

- 1*343m/s /2*512Hz

Two masses m1 and m2 separated by a distance r, exert a gravitational force F on each other. if the
separation distance is halved, the gravitational force becomes.

-times 4

A 30-m long steel wire (cross-section 1 cm2, Young's modulus 2 x 1011 N/m2), is subjected to a load of
30,000 N. How much will the wire stretch under the load?

-30000(30)/(1) 2 x 1011 =4.5cm

Ric and eric decided to have a contest to see who can shoot a bullet farther. Both use identical guns. Ric
decided to shoot at a 60 degree angle from the horizontal, while Eric holds his gun at 30 degrees when
shooting. Whose bullet lands the further away


The sound emitted b the horn of a car as heard by a man standing at a corner of the street has a
frequency of 500 vps, wavelength of 70cm and a speed of 35,000 cm/s. if sound travels at a speed
33,200cm/s in air when air temperature is 0 deg C. what is the air temperature at the place where
emission of sound occurs

-30 deg c

If a force vector has the components Fx=15N and Fy=-20N, wat are the magnitude and directions of the

-25N and tan-1 (y/x)

A 15kg is pushed along a rough, horizontal force of 30N is required to keep the block moving with
constant speed. Find the coefficient of kinetic friction


The two ends of a silver rod are maintained at different temperatures. The amount of heat flows
through the rod by conduction during a given time interval does not depend upon.

-the mass of the iron rod.

A motorcycle accelerated uniformly from 12m/s to 30m/s while travelling 420m, its acceleration is


The temperature of the sauce of a chicken adobo changes from 30 to 80C while in a sauce pan over the
flame of the stove. What is the equivalent of the total change in temperature in F?

-50x1.8+32=122 orr 90

Which of the following statements concerning vector and scalar qualifies is incorrect?

- a vector that is zero may have components other than zero or all scalars have direction

Which of the following statements about friction is true?


A car is travelling at a constant speed of 26m/s down a slope which is 12 deg to the horizontal. What is
the vertical component of the car’s velocity?

- Vertical V = (sin 12 x 26) = 5.4m/sec.

A series circuit contains 3 ohms, 5 ohms and an ideal battery of 16 volts. Which of the following
statements is incorrect?

-the total current through the battery will increase.

King kong whose mass is 80kg on the earth’s surface is in a spacecraft at a height of twice the earth
radius (2 earth radii) above the earth’s surface. Kingkong’s mass there is?

-39.20kg or 80kg

A hydraulic lift raises 2000-kg automobile when a 500N force is applied to the smaller piston. If the
smaller piston has an area or 10cm2, what is the cross-sectional area of the piston.

-500/10=(2000x9.81)/A(shift solve)

A 20g body moving 25cm/s to the right collides with a 30g body moving 15cm/s to the left. What is the
velocity of the bodies if the collision is perfectly inelastic?

A quantity not directly involved in the rotational motion of an object is


A 50-g mass is attached at one end of a harmonic sprig and produces a period of 10s. if the mass is
doubled, what is the new period of vibration?

-14.14s orrrr 0.01 doubled

A 0.60kg wooden raft floats in sea water (specific gravity 1.03) with its top surface in level with the
surface sea water. The buoyant force exerted by the water on the raft is.


Consider the following forces acting on an object F1=4N due north F2=20N due east F3=17N due west
what is the magnitude of the resultant force?


Peter connects 4 resistors (1 ohms, 2,3,4) in parallel. He then connects resistors to a 5v battery, what is
the total power dissipated by the resistors?


If a constant net torque is applied at a rim of a disk free to rotate about an axis its center, that disk will

-angular velocity

A flywheel turn at a constant rate of 1200 rev/min. in how many revolutions will it turn through for 20s?

-400 rev

Which of the following is not a statement of newton’s law of motion?

-what comes up must come down

A transverse wave travels on the string stretched with a tension of 2.5N. how fast does the wave
propagate if string has a linear density of 0.086kg/m


Two identical charges 10cm apart exert an electrostatic force of 3.6N on each other. what is the charge
of each?

-3.6=(9x10^9*q^2)/(0.1^2) find q

a mass m1 is moving with a speed v1 collides elastically with a mass m2 at rest. If m2> > m1 what is the
speed of m1 after collision?

-v1’=(m2-m1)/(m1+m2) x v1
A soccer ball is kicked at an angle with respect to the horizontal. Which one of the following statement
describes the acceleration of the soccer ball during the event if air resistance is neglected?

- the acceleration is 9.9 m/s^2 at all times

Which of the following equations about acceleration a, velocity, and displacement x, is not true?

A sports car can accelerate from 0-1 km/h(0.28m/s) in 2.8 s. how long will it take this car to travel 100 starting
from rest


For a body in simple harmonic motion, the maximum acceleration occurs when

-has minimum kinetic energy

What is the magnitude of the electric field at a point 10cm from a 1nC charge


The rate at which heat is transferred by conduction through a material does NOT depend on

If you have three 1 ohm resistor which of the following is not a possible result if the three are

A wire under tension of 100N has a fundamental frequency of 100Hz. What will the fundamental
frequency of the wire be if both the length and the tension are doubled?


Three resistors having resistances of 1.60 ohm, 2.40 ohm, and 4.80 ohm are connected in parallel to a
28.0-V battery that has negligible internal resistance. the current in each resistor

-17.5 A 11.66A 5.88A

An aluminum rod (a_Aluminum = 2.38 times 10^-5/C degree) is initially at a temperature of 20 degree C.
If it is heated to 62 degree C, what is the percent increase in the length of the rod?

- 0.1 %

Which force is responsible for holding a car in an unbanked curve?

- the force of friction

If the mass and the radius of the Earth were to double (all other things being equal) your weight would?

- increase by a factor of 4
The ice cube floats in water. The specific gravity of water is 1.00 and that of ice is 0.92. What percentage
of ice is submerged in water?


A mass m is whirled on a vertical circle of radius r. The minimum tangential velocity required for the
mass to complete this kind of circular motion depends on

-radius of the circle

What is the minimum mass of ice at 0 degree C that must be added to 200g of water at 20 degree C to
bring down its temperature to 0 degree C? L_f of ice = 80 cal/g


What is the electric potential at a point 10cm from a 1nC charge?


Water flowing through the pipe with a radius of 4.2 cm passes into a section of pipe with a radius of 6.6
cm where it flows at the speed of 7 m/s. What was the initial speed of the water?


If the net force upon a cart is zero, the cart is

-not moving

The speed of radio waves in vacuum (equal to the speed of light) is 3.00 times 10 8 m/s. Find the
wavelength for an AM radio station with frequency 540 kHz.


The shaft of a motor turns at a constant angular acceleration of 20 rev/s^2 10 s after starting from rest,
the shaft of the motor will turn through

-20*10 then 200*10

According to Newton’s 3rd law of motion. Which of the following statement is true?

- The third law states that for every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction.

A force of 50 N stretches a spring by 10 cm. What is the work done in stretching the spring?


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