Global Human Resources Management

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Global Human Resources Management

Often one of a company's most expensive assets is its human capital, the human
resources of the organization. The management of your human resources focuses

 Recruitment and selection of employees who can succeed at their jobs and
who will stay with your organization, and
 Making sure that employees' abilities are optimally nurtured and developed
so that the company can receive an optimal return on the investment made in
these employees.

Recruitment and Selection

This is particularly challenging in a global organization where one of your
biggest challenges will be finding, retaining and developing a superior
global workforce. ITAP knows how to identify the "success factors" of a
position…which is a key to identification of superior candidates. Successful
companies know what the jobs entail and seek to hire those candidates who
can be more successful/effective with the lowest amount of support

Targeted Interview Techniques

In addition ITAP can support your selection process using and teaching you
to use Behavior Event Interviewing (BEI) or Targeted Interview (TI)
techniques. While not difficult to learn, they are far more effective at
identifying exactly what capabilities particular candidates could bring to
your organization. This is particularly important when recruiting and
selecting across cultures.

Localizing Your Employee Handbook and Job Descriptions

The meaning of job titles and job responsibilities vary across cultures. ITAP can
help you localize these - make them appropriate for various geographies in which
these positions are located. ITAP has depth and breadth of experience in
developing global employees.

The global leadership competencies required for success include:

 The flexibility to work and manage across cultures
 The ability to be the voice of the local culture to home office while being the
voice of home office to the local employees
 Understanding of and ability to adapt to cultural differences as they impact
business practices

If you want your global leaders to succeed and stay, ITAP

can help you:

 Define the behaviors associated with the actual success factors in YOUR
 Identify internal and external candidates who already have those success
 Provide accurate, reliable and detailed selection/recruitment data
 Provide detailed developmental reports
 Accurately assess and match role (job-demand) and individual (capability

Global Succession Management and Development

Companies demand talent development / succession management to retain top
talent and stay competitive. Linking both to a leadership competency model
leverages investments, communicates expectations, and rewards (and retains)
deserving talent. ITAP helps clients:

 Define Leadership and Management competencies

 Develop Succession processes
 Assess talent
 Identify areas for individual development
Country :- India
Nos Dos Don’t s

1 Body language should be Many Indian has habit while

proper. doing conversation they use to
do shake their head. Don’t
laugh if you can see it .

2 If you are giving While doing represent your

information about your origination don’t use dinning
organisation than represent it and don’t show the general
in the good manner guideline .

3 Things to overview about While you are communicating

the business should maintain than don’t involve greeting
the decorum.

4 When your are introducing While introducing your

the organisation than first organisation than don’t give
you have to give the brief the wrong information about
knowledge about the your organisation .

5 When you are in the meeting During the meeting don’t use
than avoid un necessary un necessary words .
phone calls

6 Indian people like Don’t be late during the

punctually but they did not meeting
response on it .

Senior management has Don’t do miss communication

responsibility to check the and don’t give the illegal order
and look after their Indian to their subordinate .
8 Wait for a female colleague It is out of respect when man
to give the greeting . shake hand with indianj

9 If you r taking gift its shows Don’t take costly gift it may
the both hand be the cause of embarrassment

10 Don’t refuse any drink and Indian are most probably

food during meeting if vegetarian so please avoid to
somebody offering you offer them non veg food and
during meeting avoid alcohol

Country :- UK
Nos Dos Don’t s

1 Business meeting in uk are Don’t construct formal meeting

not too formal and at the end
of the meeting they may be
some times use to do social
2 You should always wait for Don’t use immediate name with
inviting through first name all colleague
and your self
3 Business cards are very Avoid don’t exchange the business
essential so always bring card because it will give the bad
your company visiting card impression
with yourself , that will help
to exchange it
4 All the talks and whatever Don’t hide the main topic of the
decision taken by the discussion and revel in front of co
organisation should we employee
flexible and open
5 According to the uk business Basically they believe in personal
culture do give personal touch with the organisation
space. value they are keeping member so don’t treat them
in an up to standard space is formally.
6 Do remember in first While giving them greeting be
meeting shake hand. don’t be in bad-mannered .
7 Make direct contact with If you are doing eye contact in
your corresponding person maximum with your corresponding
person that is called ill-mannered
so avoid it to do it maximum
level .
8 Only relevant question ask Don’t ask any kind of personal
during meeting or any kind question.
of formal conversation .
9 Maintain the dignity of an Don’t underestimate the
organisation importance of humor
10 According to the uk culture Don’t forget the certain instruction
first high rank people they which in all respect of business .
enter in the room than lower

Country :- gulf country

Dos Don’ts

1 In gulf country whatever Gulf country are basically Muslim

climate are in their country country and they believe in their
man should always he formal tradition more than other country
dress and lady should in wear whatever dress you are wearing that
modest dress should be according to them and
don’t wear short dresses

2 Your business meeting should When your first meeting with high
be organized by emirates so level emirates don’t give him
that time you can follow their business proposal in first meeting

3 In the weekend treat everyone Don’t treat employee badly at least

like sheikh and follow the best in weekend because you don’t
cloth which may be consider know who is Coe or the assistant.
as formal dress.

4 You can do in one condition if Don’t shake hand with Muslim

that Muslim lady running your woman directly because may be
business and you know her they don’t like.

5 In some gulf country they feel You should not be impatient during
work with those company with the business meeting it may be give
whom they have personal the impact as criticism of the
relation. culture.

6 Try to schedule your meeting Do not try schedule your meeting in

in the morning time if meeting the month of august and July may
with the government office be they leave during this period due
.because they are restricted for worst season of summer .
six hour .
7 If you are organizing meeting Meeting should be disturbed during
that should not be confidential their prayer time if it is interfere
if it is not necessary

8 Title are more important use Don’t use the first name always .
any political and their sir name
before talking

9 Repeat your point again and Don’t use the sale practices in high
again because its shows that pressure it may they think sale
you are telling truth during person are forcing them.
business negotiation

10 If you are giving contact and Don’t make a hurry while

proposal that should be simple negotiating, this may risk your
business relationship.

Country :- china
Nos Dos Don’ts

. Some chines are If you are in rush while chatting with

comfortable while Chinese people it may be or you could
conversation may be they some important point .
give your answer after some
minutes .
Chinese people they feel Chinese people are superstation’s they
good when you give them cannot pronounce digit 4 because they
room no 8 for them this believe it is bad sing.
sounds live success .
Always remember when Don’t say no directly to the chines
you’re calling Chinese people people because may be don’t like it .
always call their name is
reverse order in English.
In china if you want to Chinese people don’t like politics so
business than make advance whenever you are doing business with
relation with them them don’t use such types of tact’s .
The hr culture is follow in Don’t speak loudly they are very soft
chine do only that practices spoken and don’t like high peach .
which help to save the
dignity of people

Country :-Australia
Nos Dos Don’ts
Whenever ever you are using Most probably they are not using
last name they like to precede professional tile and some time it is
with Mr ,Miss or Mrs dismiss as affect.

Hand shake is prefer during Men most of avoid to being physical

greeting and at end of the greeting
meeting the give greeting
through the hand shake.
Maintain the eye contact When you are chatting or interacting in
when your are interacting Australian organisation pleases maintain
with them one hand distance.

At least before one month of During the Christmas and Easter time
meeting you can schedule. please avoid to schedule meeting

If you are invited in lunch or Un announced invitation is not a part of

dinner pleases don’t bring Australian culture avoid it .
costly gift because they
don’t prefer gift and all if
you want you can take token
gift like beer wine and

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