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Annexure - 3


Philosophy Statement

The purpose of the SPJIMR Code of Conduct is to promote the highest moral standards
amongst the SPJIMR Community. The Code of Conduct supports the institute aspiration
to actively promote the development of ethically and socially responsible managers by
overseeing participant conduct in all SPJIMR and participant - related activities
(academic, extracurricular and campus placements etc).

The SPJIMR Code of Conduct is not a catalogue of rules and regulations to be followed,
but a set of guidelines aimed at promoting the core values of honesty and academic

SPJIMR aims to create an environment in which participants, faculty, staff, and

individuals affiliated with the institute can freely exchange ideas and thoughts, build
their intellectual curiosity, and celebrate SPJIMR‟S diversity. To create such an
atmosphere, members of the community must respect each other and act responsibly.
SPJIMR expects participants to follow a set of conduct guidelines that include, but are
not limited to, the following: Possession of articles that may be deemed harmful to
others or the participant. The Institute prohibits the misuse, stealing, or intentional
damage of any SPJIMR property/ facilities or of any other member of the SPJIMR

All participants admitted into the Post Graduate Programme in Management offered by
SPJIMR agree to adhere to the SPJIMR Code of Conduct.

Participant Pledge
Each participant is expected to agree to the following:
a. To refrain from giving, seeking, receiving, or obtaining an unfair advantage
(including but not limited to plagiarism, collusion, cheating & attempted cheating)
over other participants while meeting any academic requirements.

b. To truthfully represent facts about self at all times; provide accurate admission and
personal background information by the requested date.

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c. To respect property and personal rights of all members of the SPJIMR Community.

d. To uphold the SPJIMR Code of Conduct by reporting all material violations, and by
fully co-operating with and protecting confidentiality of the Code of Conduct

e. To abide by all the policies on conduct and meet all requirements stipulated by

The effectiveness of the Code of Conduct is entirely dependent on your commitment to

the core principles promoted by the Code of Conduct. The SPJIMR Code of Conduct
expects you to conduct yourself with integrity and ensure that classmates and
colleagues also abide by the same principle. By reporting any violations of the code of
Conduct, the SPJIMR community acknowledges the significance of these values.

You may report (either orally or in writing) any suspected violation of the Code of
Conduct to: Any Code of Conduct Committee member, or Dean or PGPM Chairperson.

Penalties for Violation of the Code of Conduct:

All violations of the Code of Conduct code are taken seriously; the penalty may range
from failure in the concerned course to expulsion from the Institute, depending on the
severity of the violation. An awarded degree may be withdrawn if Code of Conduct
violations are discovered subsequently.

The following activities are prohibited within the campus:

a. Participant smoking / under the influence of alcohol within the hostel /

Institute premises
b. Drinking alcohol and substance abuse
c. Inappropriate display of affection/ intimacy
d. Use of mobile phones within the classrooms, Examination Halls, Computer
Centre, Library and Reading Rooms
e. Carrying refreshments including tea/coffee, etc. to the classroom, library, or
computer centre 

f. Use of faculty offices even when the faculty is not occupying his / her room
g. Any unruly behavior inside/outside the campus which brings disrepute to the

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h. Parking of any vehicle in the Campus premises; we strongly advise you not to
bring your personal two/four wheelers to the campus due to restrictions on
i. Carrying firearms of any kind in the campus
j. Littering the campus, use the dustbins provided instead
k. Hacking in any form and sending Spam emails inside or outside the Institute
l. Entry into the lakes inside the campus.
m. Engaging any person or service, personal or otherwise on the campus

The following should be strictly adhered to:

a. It is the responsibility of the participants to secure and safeguard all their
valuables and personal belongings. The Institute shall not be responsible for any
loss, damage or theft of such items. 

b. Participants should come to class in proper attire. The work attire should
reflect an environment that is an efficient, orderly, and professionally operated
organization. No participant shall be dressed in an improper manner (e.g.,
ankle length attire is allowed, shorts are not) within the Institute premises at
any point of time. 

c. In line with the values and tradition of the Institute, only vegetarian food may
be consumed within campus.
d. Any recreational activity on the Institute premises can be held only after
obtaining prior permission and must end at or before 11 p.m. Details of the
event must be stated while seeking prior approval of the event from the

e. Participants must always carry their identity cards and produce it on demand to
the security staff or other designated authorities in Bhavan's campus. 

f. Participants will strictly follow the rules framed for use of facilities in the
computer centre, library, hostel, etc. besides strictly adhering to the academic
code of conduct.
g. Participants must obtain prior permission of the Programme Head/competent
authority before leaving the campus. 

h. During the duration of the programme, participants are not entitled to any
leave, except for the declared holidays outlined in the academic calendar.
Every participant has to obtain prior permission, in writing from the Programme
Head, before proceeding for any leave. Deviation shall not be allowed under
any circumstances. If a participant has to leave the campus on an emergency
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after office hours, he / she must contact the Programme head and obtain

i. Participants leaving the city temporarily are required to leave their outstation
address with the Programme Head/ PGPM Office. 

j. If a participant is sick continuously for three days, he / she should keep the
Programme Head/ PGPM Office informed of his / her condition. Medical
certificate should be produced. 

k. Any incidence of infectious disease (e.g. chicken pox, jaundice) must be
reported to the wellness-in-charge immediately and adequate precaution
should be taken to prevent the spreading of the infection.
l. Movement in the garden, particularly during night time, is to be avoided as a
measure of precaution. 

Rules on Ragging

Participants should note that they are prohibited from engaging in “any disorderly
conduct, whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of
teasing, treating or handling with rudeness any other participant, indulging in rowdy or
undisciplined activities which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or
psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in a fresher of a junior
participant or asking the participant to do by act or perform something which such
participant will not do in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing /
generating a sense of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique
or psyche of a fresher or junior participant”. (Order of the Supreme court of India,
dated May 4, 2001).

Ragging is prohibited as per the decision of the Supreme Court of India in Writ Petition
No. (C) 656/1998.

Any participant found to be indulging in one or more of the above mentioned activities
are liable to be punished. Punishment could include expulsion from the Institute,
suspension from the Institute for a limited period, a fine with a public apology,
withholding of scholarships, debarring from representation in events, withholding of
results and suspension or expulsion from the hostel or the mess.

The Committee to prevent ragging will be formed to address such issues.

Each participant and his/her parent / guardian need to furnish an Affidavit on a Non-

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Judicial stamp paper of Rs 100/- duly sworn before an oath commissioner as per the
AICTE Public notice on „Curbing the menace of Ragging in AICTE Approved Technical
Institutions dated May 25, 2012.

SPJIMR strives to provide and foster an open environment in which all members of the
community can enhance their intellectual capability. To provide such an environment,
we expect you to adhere to some basic guidelines described below:

Student initiative policy and open door policy

• Anti-discrimination policy

• Sexual harassment and violence policy

• Alcohol and drug policy

Student code of conduct and Grievance Procedure

• Confidentiality

• Contracts

• Electronic information policy

• Posters on campus

• Campus smoking policy.

Student Initiative Policy and Open Door Policy

SPJIMR strives to create a truly participant - focused learning environment. To achieve
this, the institute will promote an atmosphere where participants are able to openly
express their concerns and recommendations for the betterment of the community.
The Institute provides several outlets by which participants may take action including:

A Participant as an individual or as a group of individuals can develop a formal

proposal and take it up directly with the Dean.

The Dean, along with key administrators, will host an open forum (known as the
Senate) in which participant has the opportunity to discuss.
A Participant may visit any administrator of the School during office hours.

Anti-discrimination Policy
SPJIMR values diversity of background and experience amongst all members of the
Institute‟s community. The Institute does not discriminate on the basis of race,
gender, religion, nationality or ethnic origin, age, or disability. If you have any
complaints regarding discrimination, you must report them directly to the Dean.

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Policy on Prevention of Sexual Harassment
SPJIMR is committed to providing a safe environment for all members of the
Institute‟s community, along with their visitors. The Institute has strict policies on
sexual harassment and violence on campus grounds.

Sexual harassment includes any one or more of the following unwelcome act or
behavior (whether directly or by implication) namely:

 Physical contact or advances

 A demand or request for sexual favours
 Making sexually colored remarks
 Showing pornography
 Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct, sexual in nature

Internal Complaints Committee: All complaints received as regards sexual harassment

would be duly investigated by the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC).
1. Ms. Pallavi Mody – Chairperson (
2. Mr. Ananth Narayan (
3. Mr. Anil Vaidya (
4. Ms. Hema Sisodia (
5. Ms. Lata Dhir (
6. Ms. Sonia Shetty (
7. Ms. Sushmita Srivastava (
8. Ms. Preeta George (
9. Ms. Tulsi Jayakumar (

Alcohol and Drug Policy

SPJIMR strictly prohibits the manufacture, distribution, sale, possession, or use of any
drugs on campus. We do not permit the consumption of alcohol at public events
hosted by the Institute or by any member of the SPJIMR community on campus. SPJIMR
expects the individual to take responsibility for his/her actions, and to respect the
rights of others while he/she is a member of the SPJIMR community. We strictly
prohibit any action that puts the physical well being of other persons and /or you at
risk, or causes damage to SPJIMR. No person shall be coerced, even, subtly, to drink or
to abuse alcohol.

The Institute will intervene when alcohol is used illegally, or when its abuse leads to
conduct that endangers the individual involved or others, or that results in damage to
the property of the institute, disrupts its activities, or interferes with the rights of
other persons. Violators of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action by the
Dean‟s Office. Disciplinary action may lead to dismissal from the Institute.

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Participant Code of Conduct

SPJIMR aims to create an environment in which participants, faculty, staff, and

individuals affiliated with the institute can freely exchange ideas and thoughts, build
their intellectual curiosity, and celebrate SPJIMR‟S diversity. To create such an
atmosphere, members of the community must respect each other and act responsibly.
SPJIMR expects participants to follow a set of conduct guidelines that include, but are
not limited to, the following:
o Possession of articles that may be deemed harmful
to others or the participant.

o Respect SPJIMR property and facilities. The institute prohibits the

misuse, stealing, or intentional damage of any SPJIMR property/ facility
or of any other member of the SPJIMR community.

o Provide truthful information to the institute. You must provide accurate

admission and personal background information by the requested date.

Grievance Procedure

If you wish to express a grievance about another student or a faculty or staff member,
you may discuss the grievance with the Dean / Course Head, PGPM. The Dean /
Programme Chairperson PGPM shall review the complaint and decide how it should be
addressed in consultation with the Academic Committee.


All materials that you submit for admission to SPJIMR becomes the property of the
Institute. SPJIMR will preserve all students information submitted at the time of
admission, as well as that created during their attendance at the institute. You are
entitled to request and review information regarding your academic transcripts and
admission files. This does not include confidential information disclosed in your
admissions file, such as letters of recommendation or interview comments.

You may request for an official copy of your transcript. However, you cannot request
for original copies of your applications - Institute can only provide photocopies. No
individual(s) outside the admissions office and the Dean ‟s office may view an
individual student‟s files without his or her consent.
The School may disclose basic personal information without your consent as long as it
is for education-related use, for example, name, address (permanent home), e-mail,
phone number, other institutions attended, age, gender, activities involved in while at
SPJIMR, year of graduation, specialization at SPJIMR, or company name and position.
Education- related use could include Dean ies, alumni mailing, or aggregated

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demographic information, and must be approved by the Dean . You can withhold
publishing / sharing of basic information from Dean ies or alumni mailing by simply
sending a „statement for removal‟ to the Dean .
The Institute will not allow any unauthorized party to review your records. These
include Financials, admissions information, staff and faculty review. The Dean needs
to authorize any such review.

When you arrive, we will ask you to designate a contact name and number in case of
an emergency. SPJIMR defines an emergency as a critical health situation (such as
long-term hospitalization), financial payment default, or expulsion. In other personal
cases (such as basic health problems, sexual harassment, and general academic
issues), the institute will not contact the designated person without your consent.


No participant or participant organization may sign any contract on behalf of the


Electronic Information Policy

We strictly prohibit unauthorized copying or use of SPJIMR licensed software by any

member of the SPJIMR community. SPJIMR and its members must comply with all
contractual software obligations. In addition, the institute and its members will abide
by all local, state, and national intellectual property laws and information technology
regulations. You must report any violation of this policy to the Dean and, depending
on the situation, to local authorities. Violating this policy could lead to expulsion or
legal action.

Posters on Campus

The SPJIMR Cultural Committee needs to approve all banners, posters, and
advertisements posted by participants. SPJIMR reserves the right to remove posters
that damage Institute property or violate the institute values. In addition, we expect
the student organization to properly remove and dispose off posters after the event
promoted or within 3 weeks of posting, whichever comes first. No external
organizations may place advertisements on SPJIMR property without the Dean ‟s

Campus Smoking Policy

In order to maintain a comfortable environment for all members of the community,

smoking is not permitted within campus buildings.

Safety on Campus

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We all are collectively responsible for the quality of life and level of safety on
campus. We need to be considerate and careful, and comply with the regulations.

Strictly Prohibited

i. Manufacture, distribution, sale, possession or use of narcotic drugs on its


ii. Any action that puts the physical well-being of other persons and/or oneself
at risk, or causes damage to SPJIMR property.

iii. Consuming of any alcoholic beverages at Institute premises / Housing

Areas, Drinking “games” or any activity which contributes to alcohol
overindulgence or abuse.

iv. Hazing, drinking games or other potentially dangerous drinking behaviors,

disruptive conduct related to the use of alcoholic beverages.

Counseling Assistance

Vishwas is an initiative to create a psychologically safe ecosystem for the participants

to help them realize their full potential. There are several initiatives.
Counseling through Vishwas – participants facing issues – personal, academic or
professional, can reach our or refer their peers to a team of certified psychologists
which ensures confidential and judgment-free environment. The “Vishwas” team
consists of volunteers selected from different management programs at SPJIMR and is
led by Dr. Lata Dhir, Professor of Design Thinking, Leadership and a Behavioral
Conversations and Workshops – Focus-group discussions help identify common
Vishwas Blog – An online blog is active and acts as a platform for participants to share
their stories, thoughts and experiences that have left a deep impact on them. A
detailed document will be made available separately explaining the ways in which a
participant can take assistance from Vishwas.
Reach out to faculty – The participants can reach out to faculty members for any
personal or professional matters. If the faculty thinks it necessary, she/he may direct
the student to Vishwas.

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