Research Proposal RW SFB PM 050949

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Submitted by:



Kigali, November 16, 2010

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1.1.Background to the case

My professional experience1, academic requirements and management skills acquired at the

Maastricht School of Management in Project Management have directed me to this wonderful
topic “Supply Chain Management in an emerging global enterprise. Case study: Inyange
Industries Ltd (2007-2010).” It is therefore with much interest that I have wished to conduct my
research about supply chain management, a topic that aligns itself with different courses
undertaken during the whole program, especially “Global Supply Chain Management” taught by
David J. Dingli.

1.2.About the company (Inyange Industires Ltd profile)

Inyange Industries is the leading food processing company in Rwanda, manufacturing a variety
of products under their brand name - "Inyange". In 1999, Inyange Industries began its operations
which included processing and selling of pasteurized milk and yoghurt. Later in 2001, the plant
introduced Mineral Water processing and packaging. Inyange Industries’ shareholders embarked
on an ambitious expansion project, a USD 35 million new production plant in Masaka, which has
seen its capacity increase tenfold. This increased capacity fulfills the local demand, but also
gives Inyange Industries the opportunity to expand its market to the neighboring countries, since
Rwanda is part of the East African Community (EAC).

Its objective is to maintain its high reputation, progress in its strong hold in the local market and
continue to create new markets within the EAC region. To achieve this, Inyange Industries
focuses on diversification and continuous improvements in response to market demands both on
quality and customer service in line with the company’s mission.

 The researcher has been working with the national tax administration body “Rwanda Revenue Authority” in 
various positions since the year 2001 up to now. 

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Under modern and hygienic production facilities, the company manufactures a wide range of
products and thus has quickly become a household name in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods
Industry in Rwanda for high quality mineral drinking water, fruit juices, milk and milk products.
With high levels of quality, Inyange Industries maintains right from raw material procurement to
delivery of the final product, which has earned the company, the market leader position in many
of the product lines. Inyange mineral water has been awarded the Rwanda Bureau of Standards
Mark of Excellence.


Develop Inyange into a global competitive agro-business company known for being a benchmark
for quality products and services.

1.4.Mission Statement

To capture market share and grow profitable Sales Volumes by making high quality products
which are consistently available to satisfy and exceed our customers and consumers

2. Problem statement

Rwanda is a land locked country from the heart of Africa. Its economy is largely dominated by
agriculture and livestock. Rwanda’s Vision 2020 is to have a knowledge-based economy. Service
sector, whose major component is made by industry is set to drive the economy.

Inyange Industries Ltd came in from this perspective. However, the country is experiencing
shortage in human resources which leads to constant outsourcing, especially in sensitive areas
such tourism and industry. It is therefore very important to understand the impact of this
environment on the performance of the supply chain management in such an emerging global

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Supply chain management is all about operations management. It concerns the supply,
manufacture, service and transport. This is done through the supply chain process comprising of
procurement, production and distribution.

As this process takes place, researchers and investors have to understand how those factors are
combined and managed by a Rwandan food processing company whose aim is to go global,
where factors of production are reputed very expensive compared to the neighboring countries.
As it will be understood, procurement, production and distribution are key success factors for
any production industry. How is Inyange Industries Ltd managing that supply chain? That is
the problem and the reason of this research proposal: “Supply Chain Management in an
emerging global enterprise. Case study: Inyange Industries Ltd (2007 – 2010)”.

3. Research objectives

The objectives of this research are motivated by the key activities concerned with supply chain
management such procurement, production and distribution. Therefore, the objectives of this
research are the following:

• To assess the procurement system of Inyange Industries as compared to its’ vision and
• To assess the production system of Inyange as compared to the objectives of the company
• To assess the distribution system of the company with regard to its mission and vision

As for any academic and scientific research, the findings will be used for analysis, conclusions
and recommendations.

4. Research assumptions

Inyange Industries is a profitable company. However, the company’s supply chain is not well
managed as the public has been experiencing shortage of some products which, however, are
much solicited.

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5. Scope

The present study is to be conducted on a period of four years, from 2007 to 2010. Inyange
Industries Ltd, being a company registered in Rwanda with its headquarters being established in
Kigali, my study shall be conducted in Kigali, with some information collected in Provinces.

6. Milestones

An official letter requesting for information has been sent to Inyange Industries Ltd. Contact has
been made with the Management of Inyange Industries Ltd and they have confirmed to me in
writing that they will avail me with all required information. This serves to confirm that, once the
topic is approved and the supervisor assigned, there will be no problem in data collection from
the main supplier, Inyange Industries Ltd.

Also, it was established that this topic was never covered by any research of this kind, which
proves of the uniqueness nature of the research proposal.

Documentation issue shall be looked into as research goes on.

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