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Cajsa Stroem

English III

Mr. Alburger

7 November 2018


Veterinarians seem as very important professionals in the world that we live in today.

The career, history, education, and futures for these professionals remain extremely intricate and

prevalent in modern day society. People bring their loved animals to veterinary clinics to save

their family members. People want to save their loved animals and without veterinarians these

animals would keep getting sick or hurt without help to heal them.

For instance, Sam had a suffering pet, he tried a lot of things to get his loved animal

better but he didn't seem to figure out what had happened to his pet. Sam decided to take him to a

veterinary clinic, the veterinarians made him feel very welcome, sam was happy his pet was in

good hands. The veterinarians took care of Sams pet for a couple days, they had figured out what

had happened to him, they talked to sam to tell him what had been happening to his loved

animal. Sam and the vertinarans came up with a plan to help his pet that worked for him and his

pet. Two weeks later sams pet was back to normal, healthy and happy. If it wasn't for the

veterinarians that helped sams pet he wouldn't be alive and sam would have been upset and

worried about his pet.

Many years ago the study of animals began, during the year 2000 B.C. and occurred in

China. (​History of Veterinary Medicine​) It first started when an article published on horse

diseases being introduced to the public. The study of animals became very popular throughout
the world. People wanted to keep their herds healthy so they could make a profit. In ancient

Greece and Rome veterinary medicine and human medicine taught and practiced together.

Veterinary medicine became very necessary because people wanted to keep their animals healthy

rather than diseased, in order to keep their industries thriving (​History of Veterinary Medicine​).

Farmers needed to keep their herds healthy from plagues during this time period, and this study

allowed that to remain possible. The smallpox epidemic in Europe infected large herds of

animals and this event caused a further investigation in the study of animals. Many advances

have been made to this profession and it has positively improved overtime.

Typically education and qualifications to become a veterinarian take time, money, and

effort in order to earn it. Before enduring in veterinary school a person must complete a total of

four years of undergraduate school, and these students must take classes that focus on

pre-veterinary and medical work. College that primarily focus on the profession of animal

studies require applicants to have already taken many science classes in order to get accepted.

Some of the basic classes that they must take include: biology, anatomy, physiology, zoology,

microbiology, and animal science (​Requirements for Becoming a Veterinarian). ​These classes

typically stand the most basic classes a person could take in order to become considered for a

veterinary school. These classes will also make it easier to learn in undergraduate school. The

next aspect that these colleges inspect continue math courses and humanity courses that

applicants have taken. Typically this industry live very small and extremely competitive. Getting

accepted into these veterinary school seem as one of the most pressing factors in a veterinarians

career, and this process act extremely difficult and time a long time. Most factors remain based

on performance, work ethic, empathy, involvement in community, and perseverance. Once a

person has been accepted into a veterinary school students must take classes on animal anatomy,

physiology, disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatments (​Requirements for Becoming a

Veterinarian). ​These programs tend to last a minimum of three years. These three years include

years in the classroom, in the laboratory, and in clinical work. As studies approach their fourth

year of veterinary college they typically stand required to do clinical rotations in veterinary

hospitals or offices. Working in local veterinary hospitals, horse stables, farms, and offices stand

extremely good to kick off the career for new professionals in this field.

Veterinarians have a very busy job as they have to perform surgeries, running

diagnostics, treating and dress animal wounds. The veterinarians most of the time dont have time

to care for the animals after surgeries. They will need someone to hold the animal, someone to

take care of the animals cages, someone who

People require to have many good and positive qualities in themselves in order to become

successful in their practice. The main qualities that people must have in order to successfully

begin a career in veterinary medicine obtain compassion and communication. (​Prendergast)

Having compassion with clients allows the clients to feel safe and makes them want to keep

coming to that certain Veterinary clinic (​Veterinarians). ​Many times people go to the veterinary

office when their animals stay suffering and this can continue extremely stressful for the owner

and pet, so having compassion relieves that stress in a way. Having communication allows

clients to know exactly what happening with their pets and makes them completely aware so

they know how to deal with the issue at hand. Being able to communicate well also makes

patients feel more comfortable when they come into the veterinary office, which can become

vital for this profession. When veterinarians obtain ability to communicate strongly, it makes it
much easier for them to discuss treatment options and recommendations to clients as hearing bad

news might get stressful and sad for the owner. Another aspect which veterinarians must contain

a physical property; stable control in hand movements particularly. Being precise and steady

hand act like essential attributes for success because the doctors must treat injuries with their

hands due to the fact that animals typically very small depending on the type of animal of

course. Lastly having strong problem solving skills allows these doctors to figure out what has

been ailing these injured animals and it allows them to figure out a proper diagnosis that act

appropriate for these animals (requirements for becoming a veterinarian)

Veterinarians can not always save the animals that enter their clinic, which can make for

a stressful situation when telling the owner news that they wouldn't like to hear. When

veterinarians do save an animal they get happy and are proud of their work. Most veterinarian do

this job because of the feeling of when they do save animals. Veterinarians typically make top

level salaries. An average veterinarian makes about $90,000 per year, making about $43 per hour

(veterinarians). people become a veterinarian because of their love for animals which makes

being a veterinarian a very good job for a person who is an animal lover. Some veterinarians

work as self-employed people, which means that the most successful professionals they typically

start up their own businesses with help from assistants. (​Vilorio). ​When a new veterinarian

comes to there practice it seems typically very rocky at first because of how competitive this

career can be. Although the start continues typically rocky once the veterinarian have gotten on

track, it slowly becomes much easier to function and work in their practice. These professionals

perform many different takes in their day to day life some of these tasks involve: performing

surgery, treating wounds, testing for diseases, treating diseases and vaccinations. The range from
small to large problems in these professionals clients extremely vast and typical for the everyday

life of these professionals. Some veterinarians specialize in certain groups of animals such as zoo

animals only, wildlife animals only, domesticated animals only, farm animals only etc.

Specializing in only one group of animals can make the practice much easier and less stressful

for these veterinarians due to the fact that it only reaches a smaller range. also it makes

veterinarians focus on a certain group of animals instead of all the animals, which can make

them more knowledgeable in a certain animal group. (​Royster) ​These professionals also must

hold ability to realizes that they cannot do everything at once, and sometimes they must choose

one client over the other. Choosing between clients typically based off of certain aspects such as

which client act more sick, which client act in more pain, which client needs the help more, etc.

Making those types of decisions seems as one of the most difficult aspects that these

professionals endure mentally. When a doctor must choose one patient over the other it can take

a certain toll of their mental state, Veterinarians can also have a hard time putting an animal

down. but these professionals must stick to their job description and they cannot get overly

emotional on the job or they will fail. A positive aspect of this job can be that many of these

professionals have assistants which help them perform their jobs everyday to a fuller effect. The

assistants job continue to typically feed, clean, and look after the animals in a very caring

manner, while the main doctor in progress with other animal patients (​Veterinary Assistants and

Laboratory Animal Caretakers). ​These assistants help the doctors take blood and urine samples

from the animals when necessary and they typically assist surgeries as well (​Veterinary

Assistants and Laboratory Animal Caretakers). This job would be a great job for someone who

doesn't want to put an animal down or pick between animals. ​The day to day life overall act very
busy and the demand for these professionals have become extremely high because of how many

animals live in the world today.

The future of these professionals continue to act extremely necessary in modern day

society because they make sure that the animals stay​ ​healthy. Veterinarians make sure that these

animals continue to be in good health and ability to live in the community safely. The morals of

this practice hold very strong and they help people realize how valuable and important animals

have become to many people around the world. Having these sorts of doctors allows people to

own animals at their homes and keeps the safety of these animals in tact. While some people

debate whether having veterinarians seem necessary or not, it extremely prevalent that

veterinarians provide an important role in the world. Veterinarians will save the life of humans

best friends. Humans love their animals and would want their animals to be happy and healthy.

Veterinarians seem to lean towards one of the most top ranked professionals and they ​are​ still

advancing and improving their practice even to this day.

It might be hard to find a wide variety of veterinarians in big cities or urban areas because

the lack of business. The demographics in a city rarely allow for big animals, even big dogs can

be challenging. The jackpot of veterinarians are the big animals like horses. A veterinarian needs

to be very precise and cautious with their operations to ensure that the animal has been granted a

healthy recovery and hopefully won't have to make unnecessary trips back to the vet therefore

the operations are time consuming. That would be why in large cities you take your dog to a

minute clinic establishment prior to taking the executive decision to take the pet to the vet. In the

rural areas the vets have ample time and opportunities to focus on the big game as horses. Some

vets even offer to drive to your local to check on the animal at stake. Being in a rural area can
also ensure a trusting relationship with the customers which might lead to a family friend

situation where the pet owners take their pet to their local and trusted vet, establishing

relationships like these are significantly more difficult in more urban areas.

The best animal to treat as a veterinarian statistically would surprisingly be a hedge hog

(Kristof Kathy). Despite its small size, the internals are very delicate and any operation on this

animal requires extremely high caliber equipment and a very precise veterinarian. Granted

hedgehogs prove to be a scarce household pet, the education programs never spend a huge

amount of time or resources to operate on such animal. That is probably why this animal costs

more than others to look after. The equipment necessary is also rare and delicate. Equipment of

that caliber requires special training that few possess. That contradicts that the big animals leads

to the jackpot but statistically, horses are more common and hedgehog owners are more likely to

live in rural areas and not cities.

Veterinarians have proven themselves essential in today's culture. Not just in the USA

but all over the world. Animals have indirect effects, for instance, some doctors suggest that the

patient invests in a dog in hopes of curing things such as depression, anxiety and stress. A

recovering animal can become famous and generate income for a family. History always relied

heavily on animals for farming, warfare, sports, joy and companionship. All of that would not

have been able to take fast roots in history if it weren't for the veterinarians the opportunity

would still have been there but the bonds would not.

Veterinarians play a huge part in people's lives. They have a long history, all the way

since 2000 B.C. Becoming a veterinarian takes a lot of time, money and determination.

Veterinarians dedicate the time they have to save animals. Being a veterinarian takes a special
type of person, someone that has compassion and dedication to their job. Because many animals

and owners are relying on them. People have to have great communication skills to become a

veterinarian because sometimes they had to send bad new to the owner that they don't want to

hear. The occupation is far from easy seeing that not all operations will be successful and the

veterinarian will have to deliver whatever news to the owner so… without veterinarians today

the society we live in might be different in regards of having unhealthy heards and animals,

people wouldn't be able to get meat if their herds were unhealthy. There are different kinds of

veterinarians focusing on different kinds of animals.The different amount of species a

veterinarian works on has a far greater impact on the world than just the health of said animal.

That animal will later bring someone or something joy, companionship, entertainment or the

sense of love and in some instances they will bring in money after hunting or different animals

showcases. The face of being a veterinarian is saving animals but the full impact of the work is

what comes afterwards, the next chapter of that life. The unspoken yet possibly life changing

episode that follows.

Work cited:

Annotated Bibliography

“History of Veterinary Medicine.” ​Monkeyshines on Health & Science​, Jan. 1999, p. 1.




%3d%3d#db=b6h&AN=12908088​ >

“Veterinarians.” ​U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics​, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 30 Apr. 2018,

<​​. >

Royster, Sara. “Working with Animals.” ​U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics​, U.S. Bureau of Labor

Statistics, Apr. 2015,<​. >

Prendergast, Heather. “Certifications for Veterinary Team Members.” ​Veterinary Team Brief​,

vol. 5, no. 9, Oct. 2017, p. 45. ​EBSCOhost,​

“Requirements for Becoming a Veterinarian.” ​Monkeyshines on Health & Science​, Jan. 1999, p.

7. ​EBSCOhost​,



Vilorio, Dennis. “Self-Employment: What to Know to Be Your Own Boss : Career Outlook.”

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics​, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, June 2014,


oss.htm​. >

“Veterinary Assistants and Laboratory Animal Caretakers.” ​U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,​ U.S.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, 13 Apr. 2018,​.

Kristof, Kathy. “Smallest Pets Ring up Biggest Bill.” ​Money Watch​,​.

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