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DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH UNIVERSITY OF DELHI DELHI - 110007 Structure of BA Honours English English for BA/ BCom/BSc Programme and English for BA(H)/BCom(H)/BSc (H) under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Syllabus applicable fc idents seeking admission to the BA Honours English, BA/BCom/BSc Programme and BA(H)/BCom(H)/BSc(H) and + CBCS w.ef. the academic year 2015-16 2 yer S407 20 é 2 Structure of B. A. Honours English under CBCS Core Course Paper Titles Page No Sem I 1. Indian Classical Literature - 4 2. European Classical Literature - 4 Sem Ik 3. Indian Writing in English - 8 4, British Poetry and Drama: 14th to 17th Centuries - 6 Semlll 5. American Literature 7 6. Popular Literacure - 8 7. British Poetry and Drama: 17th and 18th Cent - 8 Sem 1V 8. British Literature: 18th Century - 9. Beitise Romantic Literature - 10, British Literature: 19th Century - Sem V 1), Women’s Writing - 12, British Literature: The Early 20th Century - 22 Sem VI 13, Modern European Drama - 2B 14, Postcolonial Literatures - pline Centric Blective (Any four} 1-6 will be offered in the Sth semester and Papers 7-13 will be offered in the ét! semester, Stude~'s will choose 2 in each semester ‘ion at least 4 to be offered by each col loge. aper Titles Modern Indian Writing in English Translation Literature of the Indian Diaspora Biitish Literature: Past World Wat Il Nineteenth Century European Reali Literary Criticism Science fiction and Detective Literature Literature and Cinema Worl Literatures 9. Literary Theory 10. Partition Literature 11. Reseatch Methodology 12. Travel writing 13. auiobiograghy PNOabanas Generic Elective (Any four) Paper Titles 1, Academic Writing and Composition - 26 2. Media and Communication Sxitls - 2 3. Text and Performance - 2B 4. Language and Linguistics - 30 5. Contemporary India: Women and Empowerment : 31 6. Language, Literature and Culture . 32 7. Readings on Indian Diversities and Literary Movements - MM *This cours been added instead of Gender and Human Rights Ability Enhancement Course (Compulsory) Paper Titles 1. English/MIL. Communication Skill Enhancement Course (Any t¥0) Paper Titles 1. English Language Teaching - 3 2. Soft Skills, : 0 3. Translation Studies - 8 4. Creative Writing 29 5. Business Com unication 39 6. ‘Cechmeal Writing 40 aaylne wei] Detaited Syitabi L_B,A. Honours igtish under CVS, Core Course Paper 1: indian Classical Literature 1. Kalidasa Abhgnana Shatuntulim, ex. Chandes Rajan, in Kulidasc: The Loom of Time (New Delhi: Penguin, 1989), Vyasa “The Dicing’ and “The Sequel to Dicing, “The Book of the Assemibly Hall’, “The ‘emptation of Kama’, Book V ‘The Book of Effort, in The Mahabharata: us, and ed. LAB van Buisenen (Chie, 3, Sudraka Mrechakani 1962) 4 Tas Punhasarady (Delt: Fen Brill, 1975) pp. 106-29. a. t MM. Ramachandss Kale (Now Delhi: Motilal Banarasid The Tile of on Anklet, wR Saguested Topics and Background Prose Readings for Class Presentations ‘The Indian Epic Tradition: Themes and Recensitns Indian Grama: Theory and Practice aca ane Rasa Diarmi and the Heroic Readings 1. Bharata, Napashasta, t Manomoban Gbo: chap. 6: ‘Sentiments’, pp. 100-18. 2. Iravaci Karve, ‘Draupadi’. in Fugania: The End of ar Epoch (Mydersbad: Disha, 921) pp. vot. 1 2nd extn (Caleut Grantholays, 197) 3 jen, ‘Digna and Mocks’, in Roy W. Peayeti, ed. frdian Philesapay, vou lus A Coblzction of Readings (New York: Gasland, 2000) pp. 33-40 4 sackar. ‘Onentalisen afd the Study of Indiae Literature’, 1! Preiicament: Perspectives ea Soh Apia. ex. Caro A san der Veer (New Delhi. OUP. 1904) pp, 158.25. Paper 2: Europeas Classical Literature 1. -Hoaner Tike (iad! tv BLY, Rieu (Aarmondsworti: Penguin, (988), 2. Sapticeles Oedipus the Kiag. tr Robert Fagles Th Theban Pus (Harmondsworth: in, 19H Pisutus Por of Goud, wr. EF, Watling (Harmone aE s 4. Ovid Selections from Metamorphoses “Bacchus’, (Book 11), “Pyramus and Thisbe’ (Book 1V), ‘Philomela” ‘Book VD, tr. Mary M, lanes (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975) Horace Satires I: 4, in Horace: Satires and Epistles and Persius. Satires, tt, Niall Rudd (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2005), Suggested Topics and Background Prose Readings for Class Presentations To} The Epic Comedy and Tragedy in Classical Drema “he Athenian Cily State Catha:s's and Mimesis Satire Literary Cubures in Augwsan Roms Readings 1. Aristotle, Peerics, tanslated with an introduction and notes by Maicolm Heath, (LLoncon: Penguin, 1996) chaps. 6-17, 23, 24, and 26. Plato, The Republic, Book X, u. Desmond Lee (London: Penguin, 2007). Horace, Ars Poetica, tr. H. Rushton Fairclough, Horace: Satires, Epistles and Ars Poetica (Cambridge Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2005) pp. 451-73. Paper 3: Indian Writing in English LK. Narayan: Swami and Friends 2 Anita Desais In Custody BLY. Derozio: ‘Freedom to the Stave “The Orphan Gist ‘Kamala Das: ‘An Introduction’ “My Grandmotber's House" Nissim Ezekiel, ‘Enterprise’ “The Night of the Scompion’ Robin S. Neangoms: ‘The Stran *4 Poem for Mother’ 4. Mulk Raj Anand: “Two Lady Rams’ Salrnan Rushdie: “The Free Radio Rohinion Mistry: ‘Swimming Lessons’ Shasisi Despande: “The Intrusior Affair of Rabin S. Ngangom Suggested Topics and Background Prose Readings for Class Presentations Topics Indian English Indian Engti erature and its Readership 6 ‘Themes and Contetts of the Indian Engtish Novel ‘The Aesthetics of Indian English Poewy ‘Modernism in Indian English Literatore Readings 1, Raje Rao, Foreword to Kanthapury (New Delhi: OUP, 1989) pp. v—-vi. 2. Salman Rushdie, ‘Commonwealth Literacure does wiot exist, in fmayinury Homelands (London: Granta Bosks, 1991) pp. 61-70 3. Mesnuksbi Muknerjee, “Divided by a Commoe L: Deihi: OUP, 2000) pp.187-208. seluction’, in Moder fai age’, in The Perishable Empire (New 4. Poeiry in English (New Delt: OUP, 2nd ede, Paper 4: British Pootry and Drama: 14th to 17th Centuries 1. Geoffrey Chaucer: The Wife of Bath's Protague wund Spenser Selections trom Amorerti: Sonnet LXVI Like as a haw'smar.." Sonces LVIL ‘Sweet warrior.” Soonet LAXV ‘One day L wrove her name...” John Donne: “The Sunre Rising’ “Better My Heast! +A Valediction: Forhidding Mourning” Christoptier Matiowe: Dector Foustus William Shakespeare: Mecter Willjann Shadespeare: Twelfth Night Suggested Topies and Background Prose Reacings “Topics or Class Presentations Renuidvance Bumenism rhe Stage, Court and City Religivas and Polieal Thoug! Ideas of Love and Marriege "Phe Writer in Society Readings Yella Mirandoli, excerpts from the Oravion on the Digaity of Ie sance Reader, ed. James Broce Ross and Mary Martie Mel cu; nt Books, 1953) pp. 476-9. 2. Jehn Calvin, ‘Predestination andi Free Will’, in The Pe Bruce Ross and Mary Martin McLaa in the Porable in (New Yor: ble Renaissance Reader, ed. James ‘Miia (New York: Penguin Books, 1983) pp. 7-11 7 3. Baldassare Castiglione, ‘Longing for Beauty’ and ‘Invocation of Love’, in Book 4 of The Courtier, “Love and Beauty’, tr. George Bull (Harmondsworth: Penguin, cpt, 1983) pp. 324 8, 330-5 4. Philip Sidney, An Apolowy for Poetry, ed. Forrest G, Robinson (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1970) pp. 13-18 Paper 5: American Literature 1. Tennessee Williams: The Glass Menagerie 2. Toni Momrison Beloved 3. Edgar Allan Poe “The Purloined Letter’ F. Scott Fitzgerald "The Crack-up” William Faulkner ‘Dry September’ Anne Bradstreet ‘The Prologue’ Wali Whitman Selections from Leaves of Grass: *O Captain, My Captain’ “Passage to India’ (lines 1-68) Alexie Sherman Alexie ‘Crow Testament’ “Evolution” ‘Suggested Topics and Background Prose Readings for Class Presentations ‘Topies The American Dream Socia! Realism and the American Novel Folklore and the American Novel Black Women’s Writings Questions of Forin in American Poctry Readings 1, Hector St John Crevecover, 'What is an Americas’, (Letter IH) in Letters from an American Farmer (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982) pp. 66-105, Frederick Douglass, A Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass (Harmoadsworth, Penguin, 1982) chaps. 1-7, pp. 47-87. 3. Henry David Thoreau, “Battle of the Ants’ excerpt from “Brute Neighbours’, in Walden (Oxford: OUP, 1997) chap. 12. 4. Ralph Waldo Emerson, ‘Self Reliance’, in The Selected Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson, ed. with a biographical introduction by Brooks Adunson (New York: The Modern Library 1964). 5. Toni Morison, ‘Romancitiz the Shadow’. in Playing in che Dark: Whiteness and Literary Imag wctéon (London: Picador, 1993) pp, 29-39. apie 4 Paper 6: Popular Literature Lewis Caroll Through the Looking Glass Agatha Chiistie The Murder of Roger Ackroyd Shyam Selvadurai Funny Boy Dorgaoa Vyar end Subhash Vyarn Bhimayona: Experiences of Untouchability/ Antobtographicat Notes on Ambedkar {For the Visually Challenged staden's) Suggested Topies and Background Prose Readings for Class Presentations Topies Coming of Age ‘The Canonical and the Pop Caste, Geader and Identity Ethies and Education in Ch Sense and Nersense ‘The Graphic Novel 's Literarure Post Independence Voices in South Asian Writings (Delhi: Doaba Publivatiurs, 2001) pp. S148 ini Ramaswamy, ‘introduction’, in Beyoad Appearances?: Vistial Preetices a es in Modera india (Sage: Delni, 2003) po. xiii-axix 3. Lestie Fiedler, “Towarts 2 Definition of Popular Literature’, in Super Culture: American Pog ture and Europe, ed. CWE. Bigsby (Chic. Bowling Greza Utiversity Press, 1975) pp. 2 Felicity Hughes, ‘Children's Liveanare: Theory and Practice’, English Literay Hi 878, pp. 342-67 istory, ¥Ol Raper 7: British Poetry and Drama: 17th and 18th Centuries 1. Tohh Millon Pamailse Lose: Baok } 2. Solin Webster Tie Duchess of Malft 3. Aphnt Bebn The Raver 4. Alexander Pope Tie Repe of the Lowe Suggested Topics and Background Prose Readings for Class Presentations Topies Religives and Seculay Thought in the 17th Ceniiry The Stage, the State and ate Mar ‘The Mock-epie and Satire sen in the (7h Century > Comedy of Mans Readings 1, The Holy Bible, Genesis, chaps. 1-4, The Gospet eccording io St. Luke, chaps. 1-7 and 22 4 2. Niccolo Machiavelli, Tite Prince, ed, and (~. Robert M. Adams (New York: Norto, 1992) chaps. 15, 16, 18, and 25 3. Thomas Hobbes, selections from The Leviathan, pt. I (New York: Norton, 2006) chaps. 8 U1, and 13, 4, John Dryden, ‘A Discourse Conceming the Origin and Progress of Satire’. in The Norton Anchology of English Literature, vol. 1, 9th edn, ed. Stephen Greenblatt (New York: Norton 2012) pp. 1767-8, Paper 8: British Literature: 18th Century William Congreve The Way of the World Jonathan Sw:fi Gulliver's Travels (Books Hl and IV) Samael Johnsor ‘London’ ‘Thomas Gray ‘Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard" 4 Laurence Sterne The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman Suggested Topies and Background Prose Readings for Class Presentations Topics ‘The Enlightenment and Neoctassicism Restoration Comedy ‘The Country and the City The Novel and the Penodical Press Readings f. Jetemy Collier, A Short View of the fnmorality and Profaneness of the English Stage (London: Routledge, 1996) 2, Daniel Defoe, ‘The Complete English Tradesman’ (Letter XXID. ‘The Great Law of Subordination Considered! (Letter TV), and ‘The Complete English Gentleman’, in Literature ond Sociai Order in Eighteenth-Century England, ed. Stephen Copley (London: Croom Helm, 1984), 3, Samuei Johnson, “Essay 156", in The Rambler, in Selected Writings: Samuel Johnson, e€. Peter Martin (Cambridge, Mass. Harvard University Press, 2009) pp. 194-7, Rasse Chapter 40; ‘Pope's Tatellectaa! Character: Pope ancl Dryden Compared’, from The Lif of Poe, in The Norton Anakcloey of Engtish Lizerature, vol. |, ed. Stephen Greenbiat, Sh edn (New York: Norton, 2006) pp. 2693-4, 2774-7, aa dow (7 10 Paper 9: British Romantic Literature 1. William Blake “The Lamb’, “The Chimney Sweeper’ (itom Songs of Innocence and cf Songs of Experience) “The Tyger" (Songs of Experience raceduction’ to Songs of Ianocence Robert Burs ‘A Burd's Epitaph “Scots Wha Hae’ 2, William Wordsworth “Tintern Abbey’ "Ode: Intinations of Immvortality” Somuet Laylor Coleridge "Kubla Khan’ “Dejection: An Ode" Lord George Goccion Noel Byron ‘Chile Harold’: canto II, verses 36-45 lines 316-405); canto IV, verses (78-86 (lines 1394-674) Pescy Bysshe Shelley “Ode t0 the West Wi reymandias" “Hymn to Intellectual Beauty’ Soha Keats ‘Ode to a Nigh "Ya Autumn ‘On First Looking into Chapman's Homer 4, Mary Shelley Franke-stein Suagested Topics and Background Prose Readings for Class Presentations Topies Reason and Imagination Ceaceptions of Neture Licerature and Revolution “The Gothic ‘The Romantic Lyric Readings L. William Wordsworth, ‘Preface so Lyrical Ballads’, in Roseantic Prose and Poetry. ed. H ‘loom and Lionel Trilling (New York: OUP, 1973) pp. 594-621 Joho Keats, ‘Letter to George and Thomias Keats, 21 December 1817’, and ‘Letter to Richard Woouhouse, 27 October, 1818', mm Romantic Prose and Poetry, ed. Harold Bloom and Lione! Trilling (New York: OUP, 1973) pp. 766-58, 777-8 Jean-Jacques Rousseau, "Preface’ to Emile or Ecucation, tr, Allan Bloom (Harmondsworth Penguin. 1990), «= Samuel Taylor Coles chap. XH, pp. 161-66 Biagraphia Literaria, ed. George Watson (London: Everyiasth w ML Paper 10: British Literature: 19th Century Jane Austen Pride dnd Prejudice Charlotte Bronte Jane Eyre Charles Dickens Hard Times Alfred Tennyson ‘The Lady of Shalott “Uses “The Defence of Lucknow Rothost Brows “My Last Duchess’ “The Last Ride Together’ “Era ipo Lippi’ Christina Rossetti ‘The Goblin Market” Suggested Topies and Background Prose Readings for Class Presentations Topies The 19th Century Novel Marciage and Sexua’icy ihe Writer and Society Baith and Doubt ‘The Dramatic Monotogne Readings 1, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, ‘Mode of Production: The Basis of Social Life’, ‘The Secial Nature of Consciousness’, and “Classes and Ideology’, in A Reader in Marxist Phulasophy. ed, Howard Selsas and Harry Mariet (New York: Intemational Publishers,1963) pp. 136-8. 190~1, 199-201 2. Charles Darwin, “Natural Selection and Sexual Selection’, in The Descent of Man in The Norton Anthology of English Literature, 8th edn, vol. 2, ed. Stephen Greenblatt (New York Northon, 2006) pp. 1545-9. 3. John Stuart Mill, The Subjection of Women in Norton Anthology of English Literature, 8th edn, vol, 2, ed, Stephen Greenblatt (New York: Norton, 2006) chap. 1, pp. 1061-9, Paper #1: Women’s Writing |. Emily Dickinson ‘Tcannat live with you" ‘Tm wife; Eve finished th Syivia Plath ‘Daddy™ Lady Lazarus Epnice De Souza ‘Advice to Women’ Bequest 2, Alice Walker The Coler Purvls u opfone 4 2 3. Charlotie Perkins Gilman “The Yellow Wallpaper’ Katherine Mansfield ‘Bliss Mahashweta Devi ‘Draupadi’, r. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (Calcutta: Seagull, 2002) 4. Mary Wollstonecraft A Vindication of she Rights of Woman (New York: Norton, 1983) chap. pp. J1-195 chap. 2, pp. 19-38. Pandita Ramabsi “A Testimony of our Inexhaustible Treasures’, in Pandita Rambai Through Her Own Words: Selected Works, tr. Meera Kosambi (New Delhi: OUP, 2000) pp 295-324 Rassundari Debi Excerpss from Amar Jiban in Susie Tharu and K. Lalit eds., Women's Writing in India, voi. | :New Delhi: OUP, 1989) pp. 192-202 Suggested Topics and Background Prose Readings for Class Presentations Topics ‘The Confessional Mode in Women’s Writing Sexwal Politics Race, Caste and Gender Social Reform and Wor ns Rights Readings 1. Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own (New York: Harcourt, 1957) chags. 1 and 6. 2, Simone de Beauvoir, ‘Introduction’, in The Second Sex, uw. Constance Borde and Shiela Malovany-Chevallier (London: Vir “ze, 2010) pp. 3-18. Kurakum Sangari and Sudesh Vaid, eds., ‘Introduction’, in Recasting Women. Colonial History (New Delhi: Kali for Women, 1989) pp. 1-25. Chancia Talapade Mohanty, “Under Western Eyes: Feminist Schotarsbiip and Colonial Discourses’, in Contemporary Postcolonial Theory: A Reader, ed. Paémini Mongia York: Amold, 1996) pp. 172-97. Essays in (New jper 12: British Literature: The Early 2th Century Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness DK. Lawrence Sons ad Lovers Virginia Woolf Mrs De! W.B. Yeats "Leda and the Swan" ‘The Second Coming ‘No Secor Troy” ‘Sailing to Byzantium’ “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prafroct ey among the Nightingales’ “The Hollow Mex” 2 13 Suggested Topies and Background Prose Readings for Class Presentations Topics Modernistn, Post-modernism and non-Buropean Cultures ‘The Women's Movement in the Eatly 20th Century Psychoanalysis and the Stream of Consciousness The Uses of Myth The Avant-Garde Readings L. Sigmund Freud, ‘Theory of Dreams’, ‘Oedipus Complex’, and “The Structure of the Unconscious’, in Tite Modern Tradition, ed. Richard Etlman et, al. (Oxford: OUP, 1965) pp. 571, 578-80, 559-63. 2. T.S, Bliot, ‘Tradition and the Individual Talent’, in Norton Anthology of English Literature, 8th edn, vol, 2, ed, Stephen Greenblatt (New York: Norton, 2006) pp. 2319~25 3. Raymond Williams, ‘Introduction’, in The English Novel from Dickens to Lawrence (London: Hogarth Press, 1984) pp. 9-27 Paper 13: Modern European Drama 1. Henrik Ibsen Ghosts 2. Bertolt Brecht The Good Woman of Szechuan 3. Samuel Beckett Waiting for Godot 4. Eugene lonesco Rhinoceros Suggested Topics and Background Prose Readings for Class Presentations Topics Potities, Social Change and the Stage Text and Performance European Drama: Reatismn and Beyond ‘Tragedy and Heroism in Modem European Drama ‘The Theatse of the Absurd Readings 1, Constantia Stanislavski, An Actor Prepares, chap. 8, ‘Faith and the Sense of Troth’, tr Elizabeth Reynolds Hapgood (Harmondswarth: Penguin, 1967) sections 1, 2, 7. 8, 9, pp 121-5, 137-46. 2. Bertolt Brech:, “The Street Scene’, “Theatre for Pleasure or Theatre for Insivuetion’, aud “Dramatic Theasse ¥8 Epic Theatre’, in Brecht ari Tivatre: The Development of 2a Aesthetic, ed. and ir. John Willet (London: Methuen, 1992) pp. 68-76, 121-8 Geouge Steiner, ‘On Modern Trazedy’, in The Death of Tragedy (London: Faber, 1995) pp. 303-24, B Pr Paper 14: Postcolonial Literatures 1 Chinua Achebe Things Fall Apart Gabriel Garcia Marquez Chronicle of a Desth Foretold Besste Head “The Caileetor of Treasures ‘Ama Atz Aidoo “The Girl who can’ Grace Ogot ‘The Green Leaves’ Pablo Nena "Tonight Lean write the saddest Lives! “The Way Spain Was* Derek Waleott “A Far Cry fro: Aftica’ “Names David Mulouf "Revolving Days’ “Wild Lenions’ ‘Mamang Dai ‘Smal! Towns and the River” “The Voice of the Mountain" Suggested Topies and Background Prose Readings for Class Presentations, Topics De-coies >» Globalszation and Literaiuie Literature a ny Politics Writing fur the New World Audience Region. Race, and Gender Postcoleciat Literature 14 Questions of Forts Readings 1. Franz Faron, “The Negro and Language’, in Black Markmann (London: Pluto Press. 2008) pp. 8-27 2. Ngugi wa Thiong’o, ‘The Languaze of African Literattire’, in Decolnniting rhe’ Mind (London: James Cury, 1986) chap. 1, seetions 4-6. sheiel Garcia Marquez, the Nobet Prize Accep: New Reedlings, ed. Bemard McGuire and Ricl Univessity Press, (987) 3 White: Masks, tw, Charles Lay ce Speech, in Gabriel Garcia Mazeez: Cardwell (Cambridge: Cambridge 15 IL. Discipline Centric Elective (Any Four) Detailed Syllabi Paper 1: Modern Indian Writing in English Transtation 1, Premchand ‘The Shroud’, in Penguin Book of Classic Urdu Stories, ed. M. Assaduddin (New Delhi: Penguin/Viking, 2006). Ismat Chugtai ‘The Quit”, in Lifting the Veil» Selected Writings of Imax Chugial, «. Mi. Assaduddin (New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2009). Guedial Singh “A Season of No Resum’, in Earthy Tones, tt. Rana Nayar Dethi: Fiction House, 2002), Fakir Mohan Senapati ‘Rebati', in Oriya Stories, ed. Vidya Das, tr. Kishori Charan Das (Delhi: Scishti Publishers, 2000). 2. Rabindranath Tagore ‘Light, Oh Where is the Light” and ‘When My Play was with thee’, in Gitarjali: A New Translation with aa Introduction by William Radice (New Delhi: Penguin {ndia, 2011), G.M. Muktibodh “The Void’, (ir. Vinay Dharwadker) and “So Very Fas’, (i Tr. Vishnn Khare and Adil Jussawala), in The Oxford Anthology of Modern Indian Poetry, ed. Vinay Dharwadker and A.K. Ramanujan (New Defi: OUP, 2000). Annrita Pritarn ‘I Say Unto Waris Shah’, (tr, N.S. Tasneers) in Modern Indian Literature: An Anthology, Plays and Prose, Surveys and Poems, ed. KM. George, vol. 3 (Delhi: Sahitya Akademi, 1992), Thangjam Tbopishak Singh ‘Dali, Hussain, or Odour of Dream, Colour of Wind’ and “The Land of the Half-Hemans’, tr. Robin S. Ngargom, in The Anchology of Contemporary Poetry from the Northeast (NEU, Shiltong, 2003). 3. _Daararnveer Bharati Anda Yug, tr, Alok Bhalla (New Delhi: OUP, 2009), 4. G. Kalyan Rao Untouchable Spring, tt. Alladi Uma and M. Sridhar (Delhi: Orient Blackswan, 2010) Suggested Topics and Background Prose Readings for Class Presentations Topics ‘The Aesthetics of Translation Linguistic Regions and Languages Modernity in Indian Literazure Caste, Gender and Resistance ‘Questions of Form in 20th Century Indian Literatuve Readings 4, Namwar Singh, ‘Decolonising the Indian Mind’, w. Harish Trivedi, badian Literanre, 19. 151 (Sept/Oct. 1992). 15, pflove 1 a6 2. BAR. Ambedkar, Annihilation of Caste in Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar: Writings ave! Species, vol. | (Maharashtra: Education Department, Government of M.harashtra, 1979) chaps. 4, 6, and 14 Sujit Mukherjee, ‘A Link Literature for India’, in Translation as Discovery (Hyderabad: sient Longmian, 1994) pp. 34-45, 4. GIN, Devy, ‘Introduction’, fron: Afier Amnesia in The GN, Devs Reader (“ew Delhi: Orient Blackswan, 2009) pp. 1-5. Paper 2: Literature of the Indian Diaspora 1, MG. Vassanji The Book of Secrets (Penguin. tndia) 2. Rotiinton Mistry alnace ( Alfred A Knopf) 2 Meeza Syal Shumpa Labir: The Nantesitke (Houghton Mifflin Hercourt) Saggested Topies and Background Prose Readings for Class Presentations Topics Nostalgia New Medium Readi t Literarure of the Indian and Hutynwk, J. (2005). Diaspora & hybriginy, Lextdon: Sas “The New Enipite within Brita Granta Books. Pabbications, in Rushdie, 8. ( 94). fincas omelands. Lond Paper 3: British Litersture: Post Warld War 12 1, John Fowles The French Lieuteran 2. Jeaneme Winterson Sexing the Cherry 3. Hanif Kureshi My Beaatifil Laundeveu 4. Phillip Larkin ‘Whitsur Weddin ‘Chareli Going’ Sears "Casualty Caro) Anne Duty 6 ty ayn ” Suggested ‘Topics and Background Prose Readings for Class Presentations Topies Postmodernism in British Literature Bauishness after 1960s Intectextuality and Experimentation Literature and Counterculeure Readings I. Alan Sinfield, “Literarute and Cultural Production’, in Literature, Politics, and Citliwre ia Postwar Britain (Bersicy and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1989) pp. 23-38. ‘Seamus Heaney, “The Redress of Poetry’, in The Redress of Poetry (Loncu:. Faber, 1995) pp. 1-16. Patricia Waugh, ‘Culture and Change: 1960-1990", in The Harvest of The Sixties: English Literature And les Background, 1960-1990 (Oxford: OUP. 1997). Paper 4: Nineteenth Century European Realism 1. Ivan Turgenev Fathers and Sons, tr. Peter Catson (London: Penguin, 2008). 2. Fyodor Dostoyvesky Crime and Punishment, tt, Jessie Coulson London: Norton, 1989) 3. Honore de Balzac Ole Gorior, it. M.A. Crawford (London: Penguin, 2003) 4, Gustave Flaubert Madame Bovary, tr. Geoffrey Wall (London: Penguin, 2002) Suggested Topics and Background Prose Readings for Class Presentations Topics History, Realism and the Novel Form: Ethics and thy Novel The Novel and its Readership in the 19th Century Politics and the Russian Novel: Slavophiles and Westernizers Readings 1. Leo Tolstoy, ‘Man as a cieatuce of history in War and Peace’, ed. Richard Elimana et al, The Modern Tradition, (Oxford: OUP, (965) pp. 246-54, 2. Honore de Balzac, ‘Society as Historical Organism’, from Preface to The Human Contec, in The Moders Tradition. ed. Eltmann et, al (Oxford: OUP, 2965) pp. 265-67. Gustav Flaubert, “Heroic honesty’, Letter on Madame Bovary, in The Modern Tradizion, ed Richerd Ellman et, al. (Oxford: OUP, 1965) pp. 242-3 Gearge Lukues, “Balzac and Stendkal’, in Studies in European Realism (London, Metin Press. 1972) pp. 65-85. ae 7 » ag fume 18 Paper 5: Literary Criticism 1, William Wordsworth: Preface to. Lyrica! Ballads (1802) ST. Coleridge: Béagraphia Literaria, Chapters IV, XII] sad XTV 2. Virginia Woolf: * Medem Fi TS. Bliow “Tradition and the individual Talent” 1919 “The Function of Criticisen” 1920 BLA. Richards, Principles of Literary Criticism Chapters. 1,2 and 34 London 1924 and Practical Criticism. London, 1929 4. Cleanth Brooks: “The Heresy of Paraphrase”, and “The Language of Paradox” iu Tae Welt Wrought Urn: Studies in the Sirtctare of Postiry (1947) Maggie Munim: Practising Feminist Critéctsm: An Introduction, London 1998 Suggested Topics and Backgrowuc! Prose Readings for Chass Presentations Toptes Summari Point of Vie and Interpreting Mesia Criticism Plot ang Seiting ing from Cri and Critiquing * Inter ons Suggested Readings CS. Lewis: Introduction in An Experiment in Criticism. Cambeiége University Press 1992 MR. Abrams: The Marror aad the Lanp, Oxford Universizy Peess,!971 Rene Wellek, Stephen G. Nicholas: Convepts of Criviciem, Connecticut. Yaie University 1963 4. Taylor and # (596 cis Eds. At luction to Literanire, Ci ism and Theory, Routledge, Paper 6: Science Fietion and Detective Literature Wilkie Collins The Woman in Whice Antnur Conan Doyle The Hound of the Baskervitles Raymond Chandler The Big Sleep HRP Keating laspector Ghote Goes by Train Suggested Topics and Readings for Class Presentation Fopies Crime across the Media Censtructions of Criminal Identity Culnurat Stere in Crtine Ficsiog stype: Crime Fiction ané Cultural Nostafgia ‘Crime Fiction and Ethies Crime and Censorship Readings 1. I. Edmund Wilson, ‘Who Cares Who Killed Roger Ackroyd", The New. Yorker, 20 hune 194s. George Orwell, Rajfles and Miss Biandish, available at: 3. WH. A.den, The Guiiy Vicarage, available at charpers.i vicaracel> 4. Raymond Chandler, “the Simple Art of Murder’, Atlantic Monthly, Dec. 1**, available at Party. Bloonisbuzy: Faber and Faber, (55 1: Children’s Litera a Rudyard Kipling The fwigle Book >. Roald Dahl Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ©. Satyajit Ray The Golden Fortress ('Sonar Kelie d Raskin Bond Susannak's Seven Husbands World literatures a. NgugiwaThiongo Weep Not Child b, Chinua Achebe Things Fall Apart ©. Marquez Balthatur's Marvellous Afternoon Paz The Blue Bouquet a. Neruda Fable of the Mermaid and the D Ode to his clothes; Tonight { can verite Goats and Monkeys A Far Cry trom Attica Names a 4g Core: Bnglish/ MIL 1. & 2 Credits 6 for BA Programme/ BCom Programme This course is to be taught in altemare semesters ~ & IIT OR M1 & [V to BA Programme and B.Com Programme students, Learning Objectives ‘The learning objectives of English Language Course for B.A /B.Com Progeumme (CBCS) are common to those of any language which focusses on proficiency in the skills of Listening, Speai:zy, Reading und Writing, The variation ties within the material used to address differential levels of acquired leaming or targets of learning. The precent course is tagged with source readings rather than prescriptive readings t0 allow for flexibility, usefUl in creating language learning tasks and activities for the projected outcomes. The ciced texts open up a wide frarie which may be adapted for teaching all four skills. An element of familiarity ia terms of themes and contexts faci“tates language leaming in the class room with appropriate pedagogy. The teacher as factlator would use warm up exercises to introduce different genres and. themes Variations 0° ieadings ace encouraged to pre-empt dependency on guides. a wend ‘which results from book. based rather than task-based examination. The course is offered at three levels. where applicable, till such time that itis required. The Core Language Course in English is a three-tiered structure, addressing different levels of Janguege learning acquired in school. The three streams A, B and C are offered to studenis who have studied Lnglish up to class XH, class X and ctass VIII respectively. Advanced English: Stream A (For those who have passed Enetish in Class XI) Course objectives ‘The course enhances the skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening, I encowrages recognition and awarercss a! difference genres like the short story, poet auticles, ete ‘Topical and social themes form ae iacegrat part of the course The course teaches the students speaking and listening skills in class and tests, skills for @ constant monitoring o their proticiency ‘The course broadens the horizons of the ‘e

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