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UPT PUKP 03 - AKMI, Cirebon

Periode Paska Ulang 0412 AKMI (15 Dec 2017 - 16 Dec 2017)
Exam Code T-02-01 (Pasca) Level Function
Package Code A

Competency Apply medical first aid on board ship

Package Code T3.4.16-A

1. A casualty suddenly loses consciousness and falls to the ground letting out a strange cry. The pasient is red-blue in the face
and froth may appear around the mouth. You are witnessing a major epileptic attack. What should you do?

a. Loose tight clothing, ask all unnecessary bystanders to leave and carefully place something soft
under the head. If casualty is unconscious, place the person in Recovery position.
b. Move the casualty in a sit-up position and put something in the persons mouth to protect the
c. Forcibly restrain and try to wake the casualty.
d. Give the casualty a lot to drink and keep talking to the person at all times.

2. A faint is a brief loss of consciousness of no more than momentary duration caused by a temporary reduction in the flow of
blood to the brain.How to prevent anyone from fainting?

a. Tell the person to sit down and lean forward with the head between the knees taking deep
b. Try to keep the person in an upstanding position.
c. Tell the person to sit down in a sitting position breathing normally.
d. If standing in a crowd, flex the leg muscles and toes to aid circulation.

3. Abdominal Thrust is the name on a technique which involves applying a series of thrusts to the upper abdomen in an attempt
to force air out of a choking casualty's lungs. How to perform this technique?

a. Stand behind the casualty. Clench your fist with the tumb inwards in the center of upper
abdomen. Grasp your fist with your other hand and pull quickly inwards.
b. Remove the obstruction and restore normal breathing.
c. Let the casualty grab a list and hang up right down for a period of minimum 5 minutes.
d. Lay casualty on a hard surface, e.g. deck, and press firmly and rapidly on the middle of the
lower half of the breast bone.

4. After checked for open airway, given the first two inflations and checked the pulse to make sure that the heart is beating,
what is the rate of inflations given until natural breathing is restored ?

a. 12 - 16 times per minute

b. 10 - 12 times per minute
c. 25 - 27 times per minute
d. Doesn't matter how many times

5. After checked for open airway, given the first two inflations and checked the pulse to make sure that the heart is beating,
what is the rate of inflations given until natural breathing is restored ?
a. 12 - 16 times per minute
b. 10 - 12 times per minute
c. 25 - 27 times per minute
d. Doesn't matter how many times

6. If a person has been overcome by fumes from toxic cargoes such as acetone cyanohydrin and has ceased breathing, you

a. Wait for a resuscitator to be brought from the ship's first aid locker and use it?
b. Immediately start mouth to mouth resuscitation?
c. Place him in a stream of fresh air and let breathing restart by itself?
d. Do nothing until professional medical help arrives?

7. If a person is in a state of shock, what of the following is the correct thing of you to do?

a. Treat and reassure the casualty and stay with the person at all times.
b. Be kind to the casualty and give anything to eat or drink at first opportunity.
c. Move the casualty as much as possible.
d. Apply hot-water bottles to keep the pasient warm.

8. If Mouth - to - Mouth (M-T-M) ventilation by itself is unsuccessful and the casualty's heart stops, or has stopped beating, you
must perform External Chest Compression (ECC) in conjunction with M-T-M. What is the complete rate when performing ECC?

a. Complete 30 compressions at the rate of 100 compressions per minute

b. Complete 20 compressions at the rate of 60 compressions per minute.
c. Complete 10 compressions at the rate of 40 compressions per minute.
d. Complete 25 compressions at the rate of 75 compressions per minute.

9. If Mouth - to - Mouth (M-T-M) ventilation by itself is unsuccessful and the casualty's heart stops, or has stopped beating, you
must perform External Chest Compression (ECC) in conjunction with M-T-M. What is the rythm when performing M-T-M in
combination with ECC with one First Aider only ?

a. 15 compressions followed by 2 full ventilations.

b. 10 compressions followed by 3 full ventilations
c. 20 compressions followed by 5 full ventilations
d. 5 compressions followed by 5 full ventilations.

10. If Mouth - to - Mouth (M-T-M) ventilation by itself is unsuccessful and the casualty's heart stops, or has stopped beating, you
must perform External Chest Compression (ECC) in conjunction with M-T-M. When performing ECC, where do you place your
hand on the casualty's body?

a. Place the heel of one hand, two finger breadths above the bottom of breastbone. Cover the
hand with the heel of the other hand.
b. Place the heel of your hand on the top of the heart position. Cover the hand with the heel of the
other hand.
c. The correct position of your hands are of no importance.
d. Place the heel of your two hands on the top of the breastbone.

11. In which way may intake of poisonous material occur?

a. All mentioned.
b. By inhalation.
c. Skin penetration and skin absorption.
d. Swallowing.
12. Inflatable splints are made in various sizes and are shaped to the upper and lower limbs. What is the advantages of an
inflatable splint?

a. It is more easy to give correct pressure to the fractured/injured area, and the control of swelling
and bleeding is more easy to observe.
b. An inflatable splint cannot fail.
c. It makes it possible for a man to walk on a fractured leg almost immediately.
d. Inflatable splints should never be used when leg fracture.

13. It is important that a compress is done correctly. One of the alternative signs , after completed compress bandage, shows that
the bandage may be to tight. Which one?

a. Swelling below the bandage and heavy pain.

b. Heartbeat increase and a dizzy feeling.
c. Blue colour of the skin above the bandage.
d. Swelling above the bandage.

14. Shock is a manifestation of changes in which the circulation fails because either pressure or volume of circulating blood has
fallen to a dangerous level. What is the skin colour of a patient in shock?

a. Pale or grey.
b. Light blue.
c. Dark blue.
d. Green or purple.

15. The passage of electrical current through the body may result in severe and sometimes fatal injuries. You are witness to man
getting electric current through his body and is stuck to the dangerous area. It is impossible to switch off the current by any
main switch. How to break the current safely?

a. Stand on dry insulating material and pull the person away with isolating material.
b. Just take the casualty in your arms and pull the person away.
c. Call the electrician immediately.
d. Apply fish oil on your hands and cut the cords by the use of any metallic pliers.

16. Treatment of burns and scalds depends on the severity of the injury. What is the correct thing to do for minor burns and

a. Place the injured part under slowly running cold water for at least 10 minutes, but preferably
until the pain is gone. If no water is available, use any cold, harmless liquid.
b. Break blisters, remove any loose skin or foreign objects from the injured area.
c. Apply lotions, ointments or fat to the injury.
d. Remove all sticky clothing from the casualty.

17. Unconscious casualties who are breathing and whose hearts are beating should be placed in the Recovery Position. Why is
this position so important?

a. The position ensures that an open airway is maintained.

b. Because it keeps the heart beating.
c. The position prevents the pasient from falling asleep.
d. The recovery position makes it easy to maintain any kind of bleeding.

18. Unconscious casualties who are breathing and whose hearts are beating should be placed in the Recovery Position. Why is
this position so important?
a. The position ensures that an open airway is maintained.
b. Because it keeps the heart beating.
c. The position prevents the patient from falling asleep.
d. The recovery position makes it easy to maintain any kind of bleeding.

19. Unconscious casualties who are breathing and whose hearts are beating should be placed in the Recovery Position. What is
the Recovery Position?

a. As shown in figure 1.
b. As shown in figure 2.
c. As shown in figure 3.
d. As shown in figure 4.

20. Unfortunately a fish hook has entered someone's finger. The barb of the hook is even inside the skin. How to remove the fish

a. Push the hook through the skin until the barb protrudes, then cut the hook between the barb
and the skin and gently withdraw the hook.
b. Cut the skin so it is possible to take the hook directly out.
c. Remove the hook immediately by pulling it back.
d. Don't do anything by your self, see a doctor.

21. Unfortunately an insect has become lodged in the ear. How to remove the insect?

a. Gently flood the casualty's ear with terpid water so that the insect will float out.
b. By using rubber vacuum pump and suck the foreign body out.
c. By using a Q-tip and carefully try to get the insect out
d. Hold one hand across your nose and blow hard. Since the nose-channel is closed, the air will
escape through the ears instead. And so will the foreign body.

22. What do you call the method used for bone-soft part injuries?

a. ICE-method.
b. ABC-method.
c. REHAB-method.
d. First Aid -method.

23. What does the abbreviation ABC mean in first aid?

a. Air, Breathing, Circulation.

b. Air, Burning, Critic.
c. Abandon, Balance, Circulation.
d. Air, Breath, Concentration.

24. What is one of the dangerous states a survivor may suffer from?

a. Hypothermia
b. Influenza
c. Broken limb
d. Cold

25. What will you serve seafarers who has been exposed to cold?
a. Warm nutritious drinks.
b. Pork and fat fish.
c. Fruit and vegetables only.
d. Brandy, whiskey or other strong drinks.

26. What will you serve seafarers who have been exposed to heat?

a. Cold drinks and salt.

b. Hot and spicy food.
c. Warm fresh water only.
d. Strong cocktails with plenty ice.

27. Which muscle is the most persevering one in the body?

a. The heart.
b. The liver.
c. The lungs.
d. None of the mentioned

28. Which position is the best to stop bleeding from the nose?

a. Sitting on a chair, leaning forward, with two fingers pressing the nose together.
b. Laying on the back, holding a wet, cold towel on the top of the nose.
c. Laying on the back, leaning the head as much back as possible.
d. Holding the nose above steamed water.

29. You are part of a team of two First Aiders in a resuscitation situation. What is the rythm of resuscitation with two First Aiders?

a. 5 compressions after every 1 inflation

b. 10 compressions within every 3 inflations.
c. 7 inflations before every 5 compressions
d. 3 compressions after every 1 inflation

30. You are witnessing someone about to faint. What are the symptoms ?

a. The person may be very pale, and pulse is slow at first and weak.
b. Red face and big eyes.
c. The pulse is very fast and the person is getting cold.
d. The person starts to talk a lot and seems superactive.

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