Groin Pain in Football Players: A Systematic Diagnostic Approach

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– Written by Per Hölmich, Qatar

The muscles, tendons, nerves, ligaments the pelvis and hip. The adductors, iliopsoas most situations, move around the sacrum
and joints in the hip and groin region and abdominal muscles are the primary as a unit. The movements are reduced by
interact and depend on each other. Pain and musculo-tendinous structures at risk of muscular forces and by increased load.
dysfunction of the hip joint, whatever the being injured.
cause, will affect the surrounding muscles In most cases muscles are defined and The acute strain
and tendons and can lead to secondary even named from the concentric action The acute strain (approximately 30 to
problems. Also, primary conditions affecting they have on the non-weight-bearing leg. 40%) usually involves one or more muscle-
the surrounding tissues can affect the However, the muscles also have a primarily tendinous structures. In most cases the
function of the hip joint leading to synovitis eccentric function as stabilisers of the lesion is close to the muscle-tendinous
and other painful conditions. This balance pelvis including the hip joints and the torso. junction, but in some cases the tendon itself
and dependence on each other is important From this point of view it becomes easier or the entheses where the tendon inserts
to be aware of when diagnosing and to understand why the adductors are a into the bone is the site of the injury. These
treating patients with hip and groin pain. major stabilising muscle group for the hip injuries happen during forceful action such
It is therefore extremely important and pelvis and not only ‘adductors’ of the
to examine both the surrounding extra- femur in the non-weight-bearing situation.
articular structures and the hip joints The abdominal muscles, including the
systematically. The trunk and the pelvis
are joined at the sacroiliac joints and pelvis
external oblique, internal oblique, rectus
abdominis and transversus abdominis, The overuse injury
and the lower extremities are joined with
the pelvis at the hip joints. The synergies
are also stabilisers of the pelvis and in
synergy with the muscles of the back they
is characterised by
between the muscles acting across the pelvis, control the movements of the trunk in a gradual increase
sacroiliac joints and hip joints are important relation to the pelvis and the legs. The pubic
for achieving good function of most symphysis and the two sacroiliac joints are in symptoms
movements that involves the extremities. dependent on each other. Movements of
A number of muscle groups interact with the sacroiliac joints are small and the ilia, in

as in kicking and skating and with other • Was the load increased by longer sprinting and kicking is impaired and
sporting movements where the muscle is distances or heavier weights? usually painful when the adductors and the
being stretched during forceful contraction. • Change of equipment, surface or iliopsoas muscles are involved. When the
technique? abdominal muscles are involved, strenuous
The overuse injury • How was the development of problems sudden abdominal contractions such as
The overuse injury is characterised by a correlated to the change of load? coughing and sneezing can become painful.
more gradual increase in symptoms. In the • Did the patient have any previous In some athletes, increased stress on the
beginning there is only pain after activity problems of the same kind, perhaps symphysis joint leading to a stress reaction
with stiffness of the joint or the muscle an underlying biomechanical can also occur; that, combined with the bony
group and decreased range of motion of abnormality? Have the symptoms changes seen with the enthesopathy of the
the hip joint, developing to pain in the hip changed? adductor longus insertion, leads to increased
and/or groin at the commencement of sport The complaints are also very important signal when examined with bone scan and
activity. The pain will often disappear as the to get a clear description of: with MRI and to irregularities on X-ray.
athlete warms up, but will recur during the • When does it hurt? This is sometimes called ‘osteitis pubis’ as
activity. This same overuse pattern can be • Where does it hurt and does the pain it looks like the changes seen with infection
seen in athletes returning to sport after an radiate anywhere? of the joint. The changes are, however, not
initial acute hip and/or groin injury without • What provokes the pain? What diagnostic of groin injury. The increased
receiving appropriate and/or sufficient alleviates the pain? signal is primarily related to the amount
treatment and rehabilitation. • What is the present activity level of the of stress that activities like soccer or other
patient both in activities of daily living, sports cause or the stress an injury may lead
HISTORY work and sport? to as a result of unbalanced load distribution
If the athlete cannot recall any acute • Has it changed because of the pain and across the pelvis. It can be compared with a
incident it is often helpful to look into the dysfunction? knee joint effusion. This is in itself is not an
activities the patient has been doing in the • Did the patient have any treatment injury but a result of an overused or injured
period preceding the injury as well as a how until now? knee and not a diagnosis in itself.
the symptoms developed. • What was the response to this therapy?
• Did the patient change the load of CAN THE COMPLAINTS GUIDE YOU TO THE
• More work, sport or other physical The ability to produce fast movements Buttock and groin pain can indicate
activity? such as in sudden changes of direction, hip joint dysfunction, but a more precise



Additionally, decreased adductor muscle

inguinal-related strength and groin pain on full passive

abduction sometimes with a decreased

groin pain is not a

range of abduction, are also frequent signs.
Tenderness over the pubic symphysis is
often found concomitant with adductor-

true hernia related groin pain. Examination techniques

for the abovementioned findings have
proven to be reproducible.
Iliopsoas-related pain is another
common cause of longstanding groin pain
and a very important differential diagnosis
description of the location should be occur in the tendon itself or at the bony to hip joint problems. The precise detailed
obtained if possible. A very common sign is insertion. Fatigue, lack of concentration or functions of the iliopsoas muscle are not
the so-called ‘C-sign’ where the patient puts insufficient muscle co-ordination seems yet fully understood, but the muscle seems
a hand over the lateral part of the hip region to be important etiological factors. Acute to work as a stabiliser for the pelvis and
pointing with the thumb to the posterior pelvis-related muscle injuries are, in lumbar spine as well as being an important
part, with the palm to the lateral part and principle, not different from other acute flexor of the hip joint. The workload on the
with the other four fingers to the anterior muscle injuries and should be treated muscle includes a considerable amount of
part indicating that the pain is deep in here initially in the same way. The difficulty both eccentric and concentric work and fast
where the three ‘points’ meet. related to this region is to re-establish the changes between these work forms. Both
Posterior buttock pain without a groin very sensitive and extremely important strains and overuse injuries in the iliopsoas
component is usually seen with lumbo- pelvic muscular balance. muscle might develop into a chronic
sacral spine pathology or posterior hip problem.
musculature injuries. Lateral hip pain LONG-STANDING MUSCULAR-TENDINOUS The iliopsoas-related pain is localised in
perhaps also radiating to the lateral thigh INJURIES IN THE HIP AND GROIN the anterior part of the proximal thigh more
is more common with greater trochanteric Symptoms often seem to be contradictory laterally than adductor-related groin pain.
bursitis, gluteal or abductor pain. Pain and and confusing in the athlete with long- It sometimes radiates down the anterior
sensibility disturbance over the anterior standing groin pain. In about 25 to 35% of thigh and sometimes involves an element
superior iliac spine extending down the patients multiple, causes for the chronic of lower abdominal pain lateral to the
lateral part of the anterior thigh is associated groin pain can be found. Characteristic rectus abdominis muscle. In differentiating
with meralgia paresthetica (affection of the activities causing pain include sprinting, between the intra and the extra-articular
lateral femoral cutaneous nerve). making cutting movements, kicking the ball problems it is very important to know that
Anterior groin pain in the mid portion and making a sliding tackle. Complaints of the ‘impingement test’ might give rise to
of the thigh can be the result of iliopsoas pain when coughing and sneezing and pain pain in the psoas in case of iliopsoas-related
related pain and more medial groin pain when standing on one leg to pull on socks or groin pain, because of the sore muscle being
can be due to adductor related pain. The pants are also frequent. folded (flexion), twisted (adduction) and
possibility of a stress fracture of the pubic Acute overload, fatigue or overuse of the pulled (external rotation).
bone or the femoral neck should also be adductor muscles during sports activities The clinical signs of ‘iliopsoas-related
considered with anterior groin pain. Hip may lead to injuries. The adductor muscles groin pain’ are:
pain can also be referred to the knee via the are important stabilisers of the pelvis and 1. Pain when palpating the muscle
obturator nerve. Weight-bearing usually hip joint. If the loads on the hip joints and the through the lower abdominal wall and
aggravates pain from the hip joint and pelvis are no longer balanced, the adductor 2. Pain at passive stretching of the muscle
surrounding soft tissues and rest relieves muscles are among the muscle groups most using the Thomas test position.
the pain. A specific position of the limb likely to be recruited to increase work and Additionally, the iliopsoas muscle is
that exacerbates or relieves the symptoms thereby risking an overuse situation that often tight, and palpating it just distal to the
is often possible to identify and can help might lead to an injury. inguinal ligament is often painful. Resisted
identify the cause of the pain. Common Adductor-related pain is localised isometric testing of the muscle at 90° of hip
complaints are a progressive decrease in medially in the groin and may radiate down flexion often results in muscle weakness
maximum walking distance and exercise along the adductor group on the medial and pain.
tolerance and a decreased ability to perform side of the thigh. The clinical signs of the Inguinal-related groin pain can probably
activities of daily living. diagnostic entity ‘adductor-related groin be attributed to a number of anatomical
pain’ are defined as: structures. The problem has been given
ACUTE MUSCLE-TENDINOUS INJURIES IN 1. Tenderness of the origin of the adductor numerous names in the literature such as
THE HIP AND GROIN REGION longus muscle and/or the gracilis sports hernia, sportsman’s hernia, incipient
Acute muscle injury usually occurs close muscle at the inferior pubic ramus and hernia, Gilmore’s groin, pubic pain, athletic
to the myotendinous junction but can also 2. Groin pain on resisted adduction. pubalgia and others. The lesions as they

are noted in the literature are described as with overuse over a period of time. The findings in these patients. Inguinal-related
non-specific and with large variations in the decreased rotational range of motion in pain is the groin injury that takes the
patho-anatomy. The primary lesion can be in the hip joints often found in patients with longest time to recover from.
the rectus abdominis, the external oblique, femoral acetabular impingement (FAI) The inguinal-related pain is experienced
internal oblique and/or transversalis might be a precipitating factor for the ‘deep’ in the groin, slightly more proximal
muscles/tendons or in the conjoint tendon development of incipient hernia in some than adductor-related pain. The pain tends
at the pubic tubercle. The nature of the patients. The need for a certain degree of to diffuse with radiation along the inguinal
lesion is not clear, since it may be a strain hip rotation when participating in sports ligament, the perineum, the rectus muscles,
or tear, an inflammation or degeneration could lead to excessive overload of the adductor muscles and sometimes also to the
of certain points of excessive stress or it oblique abdominal muscles, and to a sprain opposite side. Increased intra-abdominal
may be an avulsion, a haemorrhage or an or an overuse situation that will weaken the pressure such as coughing or sneezing will
oedema. These lesions can be precipitated inguinal canal and consequently lead to an usually cause increased pain.
by a traumatic episode over-stretching the inguinal-related groin problem. Adductor- The clinical signs of ‘inguinal-related
front of the groin and lower abdomen as in a related pain, iliopsoas related pain, femoral groin pain’ are defined as:
forceful sliding tackle in soccer. In other cas- acetabular impingement, sacroiliac pain 1. Tenderness at the conjoint tendon
es the problem has developed in connection and low-back pain are typically concomitant towards the pubic tubercle and
2. Tenderness of the external ring of the
inguinal canal.
Additionally, dilatation of the external
ring and tenderness of the posterior wall is
often found. Sometimes a bulge can be felt
with increased intra-abdominal pressure.
The pain may be exacerbated during
coughing. It is not a true hernia.
Ultrasonography might be helpful. It has
been described in the literature but better
scientific evaluation is needed.


Stress fracture
Stress fracture is an important differ-
ential diagnosis including stress fracture of
the femoral neck, the os sacrum, the os pubis
and the os ischium. When there is a sudden
onset of pain without an adequate trauma,
when weight-bearing is painful and when
the pain is persistent sometimes without a
corresponding precise tenderness, a stress
fracture should be considered. The fracture
is usually the result of major changes with
increased weight-bearing activity such as
running. Also, changes in surface, shoes
and load carrying are important factors.
As the duration, intensity and frequency
of the activities is increased, a gradually
worsening deep pain in the hip, groin or
thigh develops. As the stress continues, pain
occurs during training and becomes more
intense. Unless the form of the activity is
modified, the  pain gradually worsens over
a few weeks to the point where the patient
is unable to walk without pain. Continued
activity will probably result in completion
of the stress fracture. The fracture site is
painful but it is not always possible to reach
it. A quite serious stress fracture of the
femoral neck can be especially difficult to



diagnose clinically, since it is not possible to tendons and muscles and over bony References
palpate the neck. MRI is very useful when a prominences. A common example is the 1. Bradshaw CJ, Bundy M, Falvey E. The
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due to an external snapping hip. The
2. Hölmich P. Long-standing groin pain
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by the rectus femoris muscle during an overuse condition of the neighbouring strength profiles in elite soccer players
kicking. fascia, tendons or muscles leading to an implications for clinical evaluation of hip
3. Ischial tuberosity caused by the inflammatory condition. Nerves most adductor muscle recovery after injury.
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Some authors use the term ‘osteitis with hyperesthesia or hypoesthesia of the symphysis in athletes. Br Med J 1974;
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these radiological signs, merely indicating a possible cause of hip and groin pain.
C. Exercise program for prevention of
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pathology. It can be compared with a knee tumours have been diagnosed often at a late
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2010; 20:814-821.
but a result of an overused or injured knee delay. Persistent pain or an unexplained
and not a diagnosis in itself. ‘mass’ in the hip and groin region should be 10. Hölmich P, Nyvold P, Larsen K. Continued
‘Osteitis pubis’ should not be used as a carefully examined to exclude a neoplasm. significant effect of physical training as
specific diagnosis in the case of athletes Imaging techniques should always be treatment for overuse injury: 8- to 12-year
included at an early stage in patients with outcome of a randomized clinical trial.
with groin pain, unless an infection is
Am J Sports Med 2011; 39: 2447-2451.
present in the pubic bone. The term should diffuse and unclear hip and groin pain.
be reserved to describe ‘osteitis pubis-like’
radiological changes in the pubic bones CONCLUSION Per Hölmich M.D.
around the symphysis joint. A systematic approach based on Associate Professor
standardised clinical examination, using Lead, Sports Groin Pain Centre
Bursitis reliable examination techniques and well- Aspetar – Qatar Orthopaedic and Sports
Bursitis, either traumatic or defined clinical entities is very important Medicine Hospital
inflammatory, should also be considered. to be able to diagnose and plan the correct Doha, Qatar
The bursae are usually localised between treatment for footballers with groin pain. Contact:


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