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As humans, we are interacting with each other everyday. Interacting occurs to two or
more individuals, in life interacting is a must and with interaction, conflict is always present.
How do you think conflict can be resolved? Conflict happen or occurs when two or more
individuals disagree with one another or because of misunderstanding. Conflict is always
present everywhere, in schools, at the workplace, inside a home and even in small talks and
sometimes it leads to arguments.

Humans individually has a clash of interest, beliefs and reasoning, and because if that
conflicts rises. Everyone has a different ways of resolving conflicts that they are facing.When
you are resolving conflicts, rather than proving yourself whether you are right or wrong, try to
think of the things that will resolve the conflicts that you are facing. Try to put yourself in other
persons position if you are having a conflict with him/her, think if what or how would you feel
if you are in that persons position.

Consider other persons feelings when resolving conflicts so that you will not hurt others
feelings. Listen to their opinions and concerns. And sometimes you need to accept that you
are wrong rather than proving that you are right afraid of hurting your ego. No matter how
deep the conflict is, we always need to take action and resolve it as soon as possible. Whether
it’s a conflict between your family, friends, at school or at the workplace. Everytime you are
facing conflicts you must think that having a conflict is an opportunity to improve oneself.
Don’t think that everything that you believe is right it is right, it may be right for you but not
for others and always consider and understand others.

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