Plants Used in Ritual Offerings

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Andreas G. Heiss and Ann-Marie Hansson

The last decades have brought a great deal of the image of a cycle of life and death in humans
change to historical and archaeological work. New could be a recurring theme in almost all human
methods have been invented, and old ones have cultures (Chapter 7.1). This connection seems
been improved. Interdisciplinary research has to be reflected by the frequent attestations, be
brought new and sometimes unexpected insights by they archaeological, written, or ethnographic, of
combining written sources, archaeological finds and agricultural offerings in ritual contexts (Chapter
natural scientific data, with ethnographic records 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3), as gifts to invisible (divine) beings
as modern analogues. In addition, many paradigms, or in order to nourish, to placate, or even to banish
often concerning human social life, have shifted or the spirits of the deceased (Chapter 7.2).
have made way for new ones, just like the theories
arising from feminist studies and queer theory have The mirthful aspects of plant symbolism were
begun to broaden our perspectives on past societies discussed in Chapter 7.4, using several examples
in general (see e.g. Hays-Gilpin 2000; Perry and Joyce to illustrate the continuity of plants serving as
2001; Schaan 2006). Our knowledge of the past can symbols for good luck and fertility from historical
thus be expected not only to expand in the future, till present times, while explaining some of the
but also to keep changing and shifting. difficulties researchers encounter when following
plant traces in written sources (Box 7.4a, p. 361).
In terms of the investigation of rituals, we have
seen the changing views on what can be regarded as Turning from the Old World to the Americas, Chapter
ritual, and thus the question of whether our modern 7.5 showed that the connection between plants and
concepts of what ‘ritual’ means might be applicable fertility formed a recurrent theme in most past and
to the past at all. When trying to find a common present cultures, as already pointed out. Chapter 7.6
denominator for ritual actions in the past and the focused more on the use of hallucinogenic plants
present, at least magical (i.e. animistic) thinking may as a means of communication between the material
be a promising candidate (Subbotsky 2010, 7–8): it is world and the otherworld, reminding us of the fact
defined by the belief that inanimate objects as well as that some magical plants do not require us to enlist
plants and animals have a mind of their own, either our imagination to have magical effects.
set to help or to harm people. In the dialogue with an
invisible world – in the ritual – these objects or life Despite illumination and secularism, modern rituals
forms are imagined to be valued or dreaded agents in which we separate our profane and sacral life
in favour of, or against, human will. are still being documented and investigated. Just
like the people from societies which are sometimes
In the beginning of this chapter, we outlined various dismissively (and unjustifiably) called ‘primitive’,
concepts of ritual plant use, illustrating the strong ‘modern’ people also share the same human desire
desire in humans to explain their world, and to to influence their fellow human beings, their
control their own fate. Among these concepts, environment, and their very own lives through
especially the connection between the annual cycle means exceeding their immediate human action –
of seasons, essential for agricultural societies, and by using rituals.

Chapter Acknowledgements

Ann-Marie Hansson’s and Andreas G. Heiss’ (Chapter to specially thank the international network of
7.1 and Chapter 7.7) warmest thanks go to R. EARTH, U. Miller and U. O’Meadhra (both University
Sokiranski and P. Zwaka (Klinikum Traunstein), C. of Stockholm) for encouraging her to write this
Adrario (Basel), H.-P. Stika (University of Hohen­ article, and L. Scott Cummings (PaleoResearch
heim, Stuttgart) and W. Pirsig (Ulm) for allowing Institute, Golden, CO) for sharing her knowledge
them to use their unpublished manuscript and of starch analysis with her. She is deeply indebted
photos on the ‘Ulmer Kornmumie’. They also thank to the Berit Wallenberg Foundation for financial
T. Hoppe (Landesmuseum Baden-Württemberg, support over the years, furthering the analyses of
Stuttgart) for providing original imagery of the archaeological bread samples and studies into the
finds from Fellbach-Schmiden, and I. Hein and history of bread.
U. Thanheiser (both VIAS, University of Vienna)
for their support with additional literature on Part of the research by Andreas G. Heiss (Chapter
corn-mummies. Additional thanks are due to 7.3) was funded by the Austrian Science Foundation
Kai Fechner (Université Libre de Bruxelles and (FWF) under the project number P16714, which the
Université d’Europe, Bruxelles), Delwen Samuel author acknowledges with special thanks.
(Kings College, London) and Marina Ciaraldi
(University of Birmingham) for so kindly sharing For their most useful comments to improve the
their knowledge of archaeological bread finds. manu­script, all authors in the production of this
chapter are greatly indebted to J. A. Blain (Asana,
Ann-Marie Hansson (Chapter 7.1 and Chapter 7.2) is San Francisco), M. Kohler-Schneider (University of
most grateful to B. Petré, who kindly allowed her to Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna), U.
study the bread bun found during the excavations Thanheiser (VIAS, University of Vienna) and two
on Lovö under his leadership. She would also like anonymous referees.

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Plants and People
Choices and Diversity through Time

edited by

Alexandre Chevalier, Elena Marinova

and Leonor Peña-Chocarro

Oxbow Books
Oxford & Philadelphia
Other Volumes in this Series

Exploring and Explaining Diversity in Agricultural Technology

(EARTH Volume 2)

Agricultural and Pastoral Landscapes in Preindustrial Society:

Choices, Stability and Change
(EARTH Volume 3)
Early Agricultural Remnants
and Technical Heritage (EARTH):
8,000 Years of Resilience and Innovation

Volume 1

Series Editors
Patricia C. Anderson and Leonor Peña-Chocarro
Coordinating Editor
Andreas G. Heiss
Published in the United Kingdom in 2014 by
10 Hythe Bridge Street, Oxford OX1 2EW

and in the United States by

908 Darby Road, Havertown, PA 19083

© Oxbow Books and the individual authors 2014

Hardcover Edition: ISBN 978-184217-514-9

Digital Edition: ISBN 978-1-78297-033-0

A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Plants and people : choices and diversity through time / edited by Alexandre Chevalier, Elena Marinova and Leonor Peña-
pages cm. -- (Early agricultural remnants and technical heritage (EARTH) : 8,000 years of resilience and innovation ;
volume 1)
ISBN 978-1-84217-514-9
1. Plant diversity. 2. Ethnobotany. 3. Human-plant relationships. I. Chevalier, Alexandre, 1966- editor of compilation. II.
Marinova, Elena, editor of compilation. III. Peña-Chocarro, Leonor, editor of compilation.
QK46.5.D58P53 2014

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