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Nes unescsent ret oc 0h SMe ISS 10 ul (|B [4 |i [16 campeon )| er | ee = = ae = —— = 20 21 22 23 3 [19 cuctiertaiengunan | Sm | tema, | —— ‘Come Hah 1-190 | | | es ‘shesteemy& Case ees 28 = cad oe 24 25 26 27 29 30 ee ae an a = meee Ses as Se = RESIDENTS OF CARE CENTERS and RETIREMENT HOUSING and HOMEBOUND ‘The following is a list of names and addess ofthe residents, ftends, and members. Janie Knott Bethany Lutheran ‘Elliot Street Connell luff, Towa 51.50% Eva Manhart Risen Son Village 3000 Risen Son Blvd, ‘Council Blu, owa $1503 Lois Kahler ‘Midlands Living Center 2452, Broadway Council Bluffs, Iowa 51503 Judy Nihsen Elm Crest Senior Living 2104 128 Street Harlan, Iowa 51537 Craig Olsen Aulantie Specialty Caze 1300 East 19" Street ‘Atlantic, Towa 50022-0270 COLLEGE STUDENTS Ellie Brazeal 701 North St. #3109 Indianola, Iowa 50125 742 Valley View Dr. #7 Counci! Blufls,Jowa $1503 Sophie Driver Room 213 Fraken Hall, 830 College Dr Maryville, Missouri 64468 The Selfish Reasons We Skip Church Inthe last several years, observers of American church life have noted that the definition of regular church attendee ischanging. To skip church isa regular thing now. With increasing affluence, mobility, commitments and entertainment options, many Christians gather with theit church family less often than they did 10 years ago. Previously, a regular church attendee was a person who “only” gathered with their church one time a week, Now a regular attendee Is a person who may attend twice a month \we often don’ think abou: what happens when we don't regulary gather with our church. Sure, we may think about what | might miss. “I won't hear the sermon taday, but | can read a book, listen to Christian radi, or catch up on the podcast.” “I love to sing worship music, but | can do that in the car on tre way to where Iam going today. don't have to go toa building to sing praises to Jesus.” We make these excuses to ourselves and use them to justify how I can ‘make up for what | am missing when I miss gathering with the church WHEN WE SKIP CHURCH, WE NEED TO SEE THE BIGGER PICTURE \What i you miss something bigger than missing out on a sermon or singing when you don't gather with your church bedy? We have heard the words of Hebrews 10:24-25 often. “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, asi the habit ofsome, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” These Christians faced the temptation to stop meeting together because of ‘the persecution faced, butthey could not stop. The writer reminded them of their responsibilities to each other. They must str up each other to love and good works. The way they accomplish this s by “not neglecting to meet together" and instead regularly meeting to encourage each other. Thewriters logic here Is simple and we can’t argue with t—you cannot encourage people you do rot see You come to an important realization when contemplating the message of these verses. Instead ‘of only thinking about what you miss when you miss gathering with your church family, also think about what others mss because of your absence. Do you see the difference in perspective here? When only thinking about what you aren't _getting, you view the church witha consumer mentality. The church becomes another place ‘where you receive goods and services. However, when you begin to see the church as a people 10 whom you belong, your motwation for gathering changes. Ihe main worship gathering, ‘community groups and having people over for dinner become a means for you to give as well as. WHEN WE SKIP CHURCH, THE CHURCH IS MISSING A LIMB. You may think people don't miss much when you aren't around but consider the metaphors the Bible uses to describe the church, Paul pictures the church as a body, a temple and a family Each ofthese metaphors stresses the church's interdependency. Ifthe church is body and you {g0 AWOL, the body will nct function properly Since the church i family, when you don’t gather with them there isan empty seat atthe table, The church is 8 temple and you are a brick init so the whole structure fs weaker and more vulnerable when you are nat there. How many times have youbeen encouraged by a quick word from another Christian? How often have you shared your burdens with another Christian in a short conversation and discovered they were praying for you a month later? When you first visited the church you currently attend, wasn't ithelpul to see people there you already knew? You have the ‘opportunity tobe the same blessing to others. ‘The Sunday you want to sleep in could be the Sunday one of your neighbors decides to attend and feels more comfortable because he sees someone he knows. The week you gather around the table with other Chrstans for lunch instead of running home to catch a football game ‘might give you the opportunity to encourage someone who has been sufferingin silence. This week, you may get the opportunity to be a strong shoulder fora hurting friend because you gathered with your group instead of scheduling something els. BEFORE WE SKIP CHURCH, WE NEED TO REMEMBER THAT GOD USES MEANS God could accomplish all this purposes without us, but he works through means. The Lord uses our lives to accomplih the spread of his kingdom and to build up his people. His ministry of encouragement takes place through ordinary Christians praying for and helping each other. He often brings comfort tc his hurting children not through an angel from heaven, but through the people he redeemed. In two years, you may notremember the sermon you heard when you gathered with the ‘church this week, but a hurting or discouraged friend will remember the kindness you showed ‘them. Today, begin to seethe church as something more significant than a place where you go ‘to get the religious things you need, Start viewing the church as a people to whom you belong and who need you so they can grow into the image of Christ. f you belong to Jesus, he has gifted you to build up his people and his kingdom. Gather with his people this week not only ‘thinking of yourself but alo about how you might be God's means of building up another. ‘Scott Slayton www ‘hic article about the cefch reocone we skp church originally appeared at Southern Equip, the ‘ministry resource ste of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, under the headline Three Ways to Show Church Members the Value of Regular Church Attendance. Used by permission Church Board Meeting Sunday, October 13%, 2019 ‘Those attending: Caroll ls, ina Wiggins, Gretchen Cunningham, Tracey Roane, Chale Leaders, am Danker and Amanda Mure, Pastor Bian Clerk's report from last meetng was approved as printed Pastor's report * Confirmation kids there are & and are regular attendees * December 7° wil tale confirmation kids to St. Pat's fora church service + Classes for funeral director are going well * Visiting church famirn special prayer requests 3:16 metat Minden lst weet, 60 kids, Mona and Pam provided supper. Next week n Neola + Christmas Program may be December 15th ‘Treasurer’ report ‘+ Stopped OCWM in May-board decide to stop altogether for now Pease talk to Pastor rian if you have concems/questions 1+ Carrollmotioned, Tracey seconded to approve treasurer's report ‘The offering gather for Carstens Farms worship, % went back to Carsten Farm $372.00 ‘Borrowed $5000 so fir this year for paying bls Mission Fund + backpacks wth fod/week from our church for May and September.all churches inthe area ae helping ‘Teacher wishlist for thei cass room * Also helping the schol nurse with 6 sweatpants avalable to students when needed Trustees ‘+ Talked to Omaha Docr/Window about font door leaking. They suggested bringing the steps ‘down just bit or when bulding the new steps, have them being slated to have the excess rain fallthrough + Board decided, next spring to redo steps and put a roof over the landing ofthe steps to keep any weather out ofthe front door area. Congregational discussion and vote tobe held ‘+ Willneed to look at the oor in the entry way nest yea also + Door entering fellowship hall will ned tobe replaced soon, A few rustes can get together and purchase one at Menecds end insta + Board moved to have Kevin Zmmerman's business remove crumbled and sunk pieces of sidewalk in front/nort of the church and replace with new sidewalk. The cst $2520, The cost ‘of the sidewalk wil partly be covered bythe money given tous by the food pantry $1200. He ill aso put some cit around the church foundation to avold ay Issues going into winter and then be prepared fer spring rains. There wil be an additional cos for his labor, but the drt is free from the town. Ts willbe done tis fall hopeful. Deseon’s Fund no business ‘Memeria fund ‘+ Will purchase good ‘neighbor sign” with memorial money given by the Olsen's in memory of theit davghter, Mickel (ta Business Church Sale is Sunday, November 17> (pen the community canter Saturday marning Now 16% 344 fr eatin, church hoard planes help with setup and clean up Sign up sheet for the potatoes and desserts are complete ‘Amanda is setting uy people ta help cook potatoes inthe morning—thank youl am will organize the meal and ask people to serve The church will pay both Grote men $150 each for uctioneering ‘The meal willbe feewill donation 11-1 with the silent auction, and regular auction starting t 3230 Now Business ‘Our next board meeting, going over budget for 2020 including employee's salaries ‘Any church members invited to participate in budget setting on Nov. 10° Congregational meeting about the budget, plus other topics, December Sth Pam wil get poinstias ths year-the order form willbe in the next Cornerstone, price the same Looking fr another siano player to help every other Sunday Officers who have items for the Annual Repot will need to have them in the church office no later than December 1, 2019. The Treasurer’s Reports probably will not be available until the Annual Meeting Church Dinner. 11:00 - 1:00 Auction 12:30 “|, November 17, 2019 inden United Church of Christ at the Minden Community Hall hot beef sandwich mashed potatoes & gravy vegetable dessert slots eat! To Go Orders call:712-483-2903 or 712-483-2109 What a wonderful example of working hard and thinking of others. Kacee Amold made her ‘own snacks and sold them at Pumpkin Hill pumpkin patch this fall. She decided to use some of her profits to buy food for the backpack program at Tri-Center schools. Kacee was able to purchase enough food for our church's month doing the backpacks. Next time you see her thank her for being an ‘example of Christ's love! ocee is pctured herewith her friends who went on a shopping spree to get the food. Ifyou have other exomples of people spreoding Chris’ love we'd love to share them. Please emailthem to Pastor Brian November Scripture Readings ‘November 3— Habekcuk 1:1-4;2:1-4 and Psalm 119:137-144 or Isaiah 1:10-18 and Psalm 32:1-7, 2 Thessalonians I:1-4, 1-12, Luke 19:1-10 November 10 - Hagger 1:15 ~2:9 and Psalm 145:1-5, 17-21 of Psalm 98 or Job 19:23- ‘2Yaand Pssim 17:1-9, 2 Thessalonians 2:15, 13-17, Luke 20:27-38 [November 17 — Isiah 65:17-25 and Isaiah 12 or Malachi 4:1-2a and Psalm 98, 2 ‘Thessalonians 3:6-13, Luke 21:5-19 ‘November 24 — Jereniah 23:1-6 and Luke 168-79 or Jeremiah 23:1-6 and Psalm 46, Colossians 1:11-20, Luke 23:33-43, ngregatio eeting to Vo on Budget — December 8, 2019 _ following Worship Everyone Welcome 2 Sunday School Christmas Program December 15, 2019 ‘A note on what is happening in Sunday School : ‘The candle lighting instructions went well. The students showed interest in the correct way and the meaning of what the light represents. Now we are looking to implement them in our church services. We are asking the student to sign-up for Sunday's. This is where we need parents’ help to have their child there when they are assigned to light candles. We will have one more instruction class next Sunday, November 3° and send a schedule home for the next few weeks, We are continuing the attendance drawing again this year with a slight twist. We will have a drawing in each classroom 3 times (The last Sunday in November, February and April). We also collect an offering each Sunday from the students. We have not decided where the collection will go yet, but are open to ideas. Thus far we are thinking Food Pantry, helping families in need, ge:ting something the Sunday school needs or just bullding it Up to contribute sometime later. This is good for the kids to learn the importance of giving. **Please note tnat this is voluntary offering. You DO NOT need to bring an offering to attend Sunday school. We will begin to practice for our Christmas program soon. Please try to have your child in Sunday school as often as possible so we can have parts assigned and we can practice the parts to the program. ‘The Christmas Program will be December 15°, f thanks to the LORD, | 4 for he ' is good; his love endures forever. |) 1 Chronicles 16:34, NIV What you do: Christmas Eve Service December 24, 2019 Thank You | Pastor Bevan “Hembers ofthe United Churer | 0} Unevst in Minden, Mor God bless al of you, a He has me. T want to Thome your Chard Fornily. Lor Keeping me on your prouers during and ager my ress Surgerg. |Z fone -brudey been blessed through the eniig ordiolt Rtcorey "= cen! very wet) a 30214 Bud T will restore yout health Grd Weal your wounds, dechares sj y 5 he fumor was “benign “Thamk ys Gt 5 £ Tham You again for your prouses bo [amd Supperd. i cyt Tin Cannuincnrns November Usher List December Usher List November 32019 ‘December 1.2019 Vivian Dan, Je & Amanda Marcy, Joyee Olson, Bonne Doles, Rajle Sehaetloth "Tes & Sophie Dever ‘Tom & Mtele Neloa David Cay Masha November 17,2019 December 15.2012 Sereny Csi Van Cava & Karen Osea November 24,2019 December 22, 2019 Fim & Doren Koch yan fill Shroder December 24, 2019, 6:00 pm ‘Lymn Peterson, Charlie Leaders December 29.2019 ‘Rhonda McKenzie, Tracey Roane CHRISTIAN SYMBOL ‘Apa Ones — Ash anders ‘othe tard wate te Greoalpanee helene Peres {gost heseensurcnsinda, Sovran Taree Orpge ate aan Hemerenate acne Ife wate a ey ‘epanetscalaerel nau okimitss Ta the Old Testament, Jeweiah becomes vo disgusted sth his people's unfitness an idly cha he Anos eles hey can't change. He wonders whether ‘leopard can change ts pos. When anda hoo teacher peed tha question, one aden repling, ne Ife dou ike the ot he's, beean Siang e” Teremith eaced a ime conchgon ere y= ete ‘Nfen do good who ae acsattmedto do rl” he eye (Geremlah D3, NRSV), As nother pope ter nowes (God has dows us “wat good To actualy and to lone mary and to valk huzably wh yes Gd Qc G5, NIVI Wha por~or ota can ou dange? a sete food key to complet Acts 14:17, NV. ACTS 14:17, HIV Special dates * AllSainw Dap, Nowe 2009 Davie Tne ete, Nene, 2019 1 Veterans Day Neeser 2019, 1 Chit the King Sunday, Nee 242019 + Thanksgiving Bey, November 26, 2019 Compl he fi fu “vested” carey Bhd acthepooingani,e” ad Aa dull kecomied, Sidoeteings cine : hey bl bs eat Bisa ee os Cem E Ny Image stove: WORLD_13616, WORLD 19516, fiz aboe QUZTT, GUZT8C), AN Zr, vp sso nox ay poe poo yo age nak sxpeaond ay oor sn wroda pu Wasioy os, jet nod Rap fq sssopan anos Se EL, ST ..And afterhe saved the animals, he

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