Mr. Charles Babbage'. Lady Ada Love Lace'. Abacus' ENIAC' (Since 1947) - UNIVAC' (Since 1950) C O M P U T E R

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Computer word is origin of word ‘compute’ that means to calculates. Computer is an

electronic device in which we can input the data, store the data to get the result and make
up programs. Computer works on operating base. It is represents the answer of given task.

1. Father of computer is ‘Mr. Charles Babbage’.
2. Mother of computer is ‘Lady Ada Love Lace’.
3. First calculating device is ‘Abacus’.
4. First electronic device is ‘ENIAC’ (since 1947).
5. First commercial computer is ‘UNIVAC’ (since 1950)
6. Full form of computer is:
C - Computer
O - Operating
M - Machine
P - Particular
U - Used for
T - Trade
E - Education
R - Research
7. Full form of ENIAC:
E - Electronic
N - Numerical
I - Integrator
A - And
C - Calculator
8. Full form of UNIVAC:
I - universal
A- automatic
C- calculator

9. Some other important:

 In which word we can’t make a folder ‘CON’.
 Without name of folder ‘Alt+255’
10. Some especial symbol name:

~ Tilde.

` back quote, left quote, open quote.

! Exclamation mark, exclamation point.

@ at.

# hash.

£ Pound.

€ Euro.

$ Dollar sign.

¢ Cent sign.

¥ Chinese/Japenese Yuan.

§ Micro or section.

% Percent.

° Degree.

^ Caret or circumflex.

& Ampersand, or and symbol.

* Asterisk, mathematical multiplication symbol, and sometimes referred to as star.

( Open parenthesis.

) Close parenthesis.

- Hyphen, minus or dash.

_ Underscore.

+ Plus.

= Equal.

{ Open brace, squiggly brackets, or curly bracket.

} Close brace, squiggly brackets, or curly bracket.

[ Open bracket.

] Closed bracket.

| Pipe, or vertical bar.

\ Backslash.

/ Forward slash, and mathematical division symbol.

: Colon.

; Semicolon.

" Quote, quotation mark, or inverted commas.

' Apostrophe or single quote.

< Less than.

> Greater than.

, Comma.

. Period, dot or full stop.

? Question mark.
Main parts of computer device are:
a) Monitor
b) Keyboard
c) C.P.U (Central processing Unit)
d) Mouse
e) U.P.S (Uniterrupted power supply)

A. Monitor: Monitor look like a T.v. display on task like image. Monitor is output
device because its display the result to the user.

In present time we can use two types of monitor:

1. CRT (Cathode ray tube)
2. LCD (Liquid crystals display)

1. CRT: CRT is First display of monitor. Totally based on cathode ray tube accept the
electric power. Use very high power of supply.
 Monochrome: It is also called black & white monitor.
 Color: It has three different-different color like red, green, blue (RGB)color.

2. LCD: The color shadow with multicolor smaller than weight wise. This is flat and light
 TFT (Thin film transistors): It is a LCD and makes matrix but not self light Emitting.
This picture quality is not so good.
 LED (Light emitting diode): It is a LCD and self light emitting technology, this picture
qualities is better.

B. Keyboard: Keyboard is most common & easy to use input device works same as
Keyboard consist the 104-109 keys. There are five types of buttons:
I. Alphabetical keys (A-Z)
II. Numeric keys (0-9),(+,-,*,/)
III. Special keys (Tab, ctrl, shift, space, windows, backspace, etc.)
IV. Function keys (F1-F12)
V. Arrows/navigation keys (left, right, up, down)
C. CPU: CPU simplify called as Central Processing unit and brain of computer system.
Whole the process of computer system done by this units, like connecting the device
provide the power supply. It contains the working and storage capacity of computer

Internal structure of CPU:

 CU (Control unit): It is part of Motherboard.
It is main part of processing system. Accepts
the power supply and distribute the task to
connected device.
 ALU (Arithmetic logic unit): This unit is
Especially design for solve out any mathematical
task and also logical function.

D. Mouse: Mouse is point out device used for drop and dragging the selecting object,
point out the object and selects the area. Mouse is simple device of computer system
to connect with CPU. Mouse consists the three types of buttons:
I. Left click: Left click is main button of mouse used for selecting, pointing, drop and
dragging any object.
II. Right click: Right click use like optional button, if we want to open any information of
any object then use this option.
III. Scroll mover: We are known as that computer does not display any document in one
time. If we want to read any document, they replace in button side, than use scroll
With the help scroll button we can move the scroll top and bottom side of
Memory is also part of computer system, where we store the any information data,
program, etc. All the data programs, information store in Bit & Byte format. It is smallest
storage unit of memory.
Memory can be divided into two parts:
I. Primary Memory
II. Secondary memory


Primary Secondary
Dynamic (any removal disk eg. CD,PD,DVD etc.)


RAM : Random access memory
ROM : Read only memory
PROM : Programmable read only memory
EROM : Erasable Read only memory
EPROM : Erasable Programmable Read only memory
EEPROM : Electronic Erasable Programmable Read only memory

Memory & Storage

8 bits = 1 byte
1024 bytes = 1 kilobyte
1024 kilobytes = 1 megabyte
1024 megabytes = 1 gigabyte
1024 gigabytes = 1 terabyte
1024 terabytes = 1 petabyte
I. Primary Memory: Main memory is used for extension the programming capacity.
Used for storage and processing purpose. Storage part is called ROM and
processing parts is called RAM.
1) RAM: RAM is a processor memory of computer system. Basically used for extension
the running capacity of computer program. It is also called as read and writes
memory. We can edit the any storage data and also used for reading purpose.
RAM is volatile in nature because we can store any data too long time, as soon as
power supply is stopped then all data is washed out.
RAM is part of memory but cannot use for storage purpose. It is also used for
access the programming capacity.
2) ROM: ROM is internal storage part of computer system. It is basically used for
storing any data, information program, we can’t edit in storage format without using
RAM. So, it is called as read only memory. It is used for small storage and extension
the internal storage capacity of computer system.

II. Secondary Memory: Secondary memory device is always used for storage purpose.
It is also called as storage of computer system. It is used for storage of any data for
too long time.
Eg. pen drive, CD, chip, etc.
We are known as that computer accepts any data and after process give the results to the
user. This processing is called as working principle of processing computer system or
process of computer.
Computer done any task with three processes:
I. Input: Computer accept the data on giving task through the user, it is a input of
computer system. That means, when we press any button or type any sentence it is
called input.
Input device: Whole the device that is used for inputting purpose that is called input
Eg: keyboard, mouse, joystick etc.

II. Process: Computer done any task on the base of input data. It is called process of

III. Output: After processing computer give the result to user, this is called as output of
computer system.
Output device: All the device that is display the result, it is called output device.
Eg. Monitor, printer, DVD, projector etc.

On the basis of work computer can divided into two parts:

1. HARDWARE: Computer which part we can touch and see work on it. It is called
Hardware of computer system. Hardware is installing any software like, keyboard,
mouse, PD, etc.
2. SOFTWARE: Software is important of computer system where we can do any work
but can’t be touch and could not destroy easily.

System software Application software

Operating system Language processing system

CUI GUI Compiler Interpreter Assembler

 System software: All these software maintain the overall processing between user
and computer system. System software is used for maintain the language processing,
application processing and window booting system software work as the process.
On the base of work software can be divided into two parts:

a) Operating system
b) Language processing system

a) Operating system: Actually manage the overall operating on base of given data.
Operating system work like hardware of computer system that means it manages the
given task through the user and distributes the task in all connected hardware.
In present time we can use two types of operating system. They helpful for
interfacing the

I. CUI (Character user Interface): CUI means you have to take help of a keyboard to
type commands to interact with the computer. You can only type text to give
commands to the computer as in MS DOS or command prompt. There are no images
or graphics on the screen. In the beginning, computers had to be operated through
this interface and users who have seen it say that they had to contend with a black
screen with white text only. In those days, there was no need of a mouse as CUI did
not support the use of pointer devices. Eg. DOS, warm-boot.
II. GUI (Graphical user Interface): GUI is most modern computers make use of. This is an
interface that makes use of graphics, images and other visual such as icons. This
interface made it possible for a mouse to be used with a computer and became very
easy as the user could interact with just a click of the mouse rather than having to
type every time. All the windows are example of graphical user interface. Like,
windows7, windows8, windows10, windows XP etc.
b) Language processing system: We are known as that computer could not understand
the natural language. Then for operating or processing the computer. We need
helpful software that is called language processing system. It has three parts:
I. Compiler: Compiler is part of language translator used for translate the all high level
language into machine language at one time.
II. Interpreter: All the high level language converts into machine language one by one at
one time.
III. Assembler: Assembler is also called as low level language that is used for maintain
all assembly language convert into machine language.

 Application software: Application software is especially design for solution of any

task. All the application work on our given task. Eg. Paint, notepad, word-pad, MS-
word etc.

Booting is the process of opening and closing computer is called booting. Booting is also
parts of system management load and operating system for working. Booting is running to
start and turn OFF the computer system.
Refreshing, reloading, waiting are example of booting system.

Two types of booting present in computer system:-

I. Cool boot: Computer opening process is called cool boot. Cool boot is manages the
overall management on running window. Like, reloading, refreshing.
II. Warm boot: Computer closing process is called warm boot. If we want to use removal
disc for booting then we can use warm boot. Warm boot is example of non graphical
function mainly used for formatting the windows, installing the windows.

Analog computer Digital computer Hybrid computer

Micro computer Mini-computer Mainframe computer Super computer

A. Analog computer: Analog computer are used mostly in medical science. Basically
used for high level of computer and logical user. It is very fast and multiple process.
B. Digital computer: Digital computers are most common using computer in present
time. Used for any kind of technology field. Like official purpose, home base, and job
work etc. In present time we can use four types of digital computer.
I. Mini-computer: Minicomputers are used by small businesses & firms.
Minicomputers are also called as “Midrange Computers”.

II. Micro computer:. Micro computer is very faster and easy to use data base computer.
Desktop computers, laptops, tablets & smartphones are all types of
microcomputers. The micro-computers are widely used & the fastest growing
computers. These computers are the cheapest. The Micro-computers are
specially designed for general usage like entertainment, education and work
purposes. Well known manufacturers of Micro-computer are Dell, Apple,
Samsung, Sony & Toshiba.
III. Mainframe computer: The processor is larger than micro and mini-computer. Used
for multiples purpose like banking work, many large firms & government
organizations uses Mainframes to run their business operations. So it is called
mainframe computer.
IV. Super computer: This processor is biggest than other computer and process
capacity is highest than other device. This is multiples user, used for faster
calculating device. These computers are used for research and exploration purposes, like
NASA uses supercomputers for launching space satellite, controlling them and for space
exploration purpose.
Presently, China’s “Tianhe – 2” is the world’s faster Supercomputer. C-Ray.1 is first
super computer. (First Indian Super computer is PARAM-10000)

C. Hybrid computer: This kind of computer comes in both character of programming

(analog & digital). This is use, there where it needs to calculate both digital and
analog computer. Eg. ECG (Electrocardiogram).
According to technology we are using 5th generation of computer now still day.


First Generation of computer used Vacuum Tube for magnetic memory. First generation is
related on machine language (very low level programming language) solve any task
UNIVAC & ANIAC is example of this generation. UNIVAC is first commercial
computer of this generation.


Transistor replace vacuum tube in second generation of computer. Transistor invent in
1956. Cobol is 1st programming software of computer used for language processing.


The development of IC (integrated circuit) is 3rd generation of computer. In this generation
first time used keyboard, Monitor, and interfacing the operating system, which allows too
use different-different applications.


First time too introduces to micro processor. Four generation convert in single processor
CPU is developed in this generation since 1975. First time use GUI (graphical user
interface) functions, mouse, smart monitor etc.


This generation is based on Artificial intelligence (AI) and accepting the voice putting
functions. In this generation accept the whole natural language for solve any task.
Computer can only understand 0 & 1 code.

I. (0,1)2 : Binary Number

II. (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)8 : Octa decimal
III. (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)10 : Decimal Number
IV. (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F)16 : Hexadecimal Number

Decimal To Binary

e.g. (39)10 = (100111)2

2 39 Reminder
2 19 1
2 9 1
2 4 1
2 2 0
1 0

Binary To Decimal

e.g. (100111)2 = (39)10

1*20 = 1
1*21 = 2
1*22 = 4
0*23 = 0
0*24 = 0
1*25 = 32
Sum: 39
Octa Decimal To Binary
Always make a pair of three digits
(62)8 = (110010)2

Binary of 6 = 41 21 10 = 110
Binary of 2 = 21 10 = 010

Merge binary of 6 & 2 (110010)

Binary To Octa Decimal

Always make a pair of three digits
(110010)2 = (62)8

Merge sum value (62)

Hexadecimal To Binary
Always make a pair of four digits
(67)16 = (01100111)2

Binary of 6 = 41 21 10 = 0110
Binary of 7 = 41 21 11 = 0111

Merge binary of 6 & 7 (01100111)

Binary To Hexadecimal
Always make pair of four digits
(01100111)2 = (67)16

Merge sum value (67)
Some useful option and shortcut keys

New Always select or create new page. Ctrl+N

Open This option is used for selecting the any storage file. Ctrl+O
Save Store the document in suitable place. Ctrl+S
Save as This option is used for always editing the any storage matter of F12(ms-
document like image, change the place, change the format. office
Print Used for always printing purpose. Convert all soft copy into the Ctrl+P
hard copy.
Print With the help print preview we can edit the any printing matter Ctrl+F2
preview before he print.
Exit/turn Use for always exiting r. Close the always running task. Used for Alt+F4
off Pc turn off computer.
Run Another way to open the any task or program. Window+R
My Computer is always represent the storage place of computer Window+E
computer system.
Cut Cut all the selected matter from current place. Ctrl+X
Copy Create the duplicate of selected matter. Ctrl+C
Paste Insert the all cut and copy object. Ctrl+V
Undo Always step by step back. Ctrl+Z
Redo Repeat the last task. Ctrl+Y
Find Always fine out any text into current document. Ctrl+F
Replace Always replace to all finded text. Ctrl+H
Bold Use for highlight purpose, convert all selected text into dark Ctrl+B
Underline Always insert the underline in any selected matter. Ctrl+U
Italic It converts all selected text into Italic font. Ctrl+I
Grow the Increase the font style or size. Ctrl+shift+>
Shrink Decrease the font style or size. Ctrl+shift+<
the font
Refresh Also used for refreshing purpose. F5
Delete Delete any file or doucument Delete key
Delete Delete Permanent file or document. Not shown in recycle bin. Shift+del
Ms-paint especially designed for editing and creating any type of image. Ms-paint provides
very large number of tools to create any suitable image. Extension of this program is .PNG
& .MBP and also used for any type of photo format.

How to open Ms-paint

Start All program accessories paint
Press window+R mspaint


SELECTION: With the help of this option we can select on area, we want to save by clicking.
Select star or rectangle select in tool box. Then drag the cursors.

ERASER: Always erase the any drag the layer or line.

PAINT BUCKET: This option is used to inserting the solid color in page area.

EYE DROPER: Always pick up the color from any selected object.

MAGNIFIER: Always use to convert the view size of page zoom in and zoom out.

AIR BRUSH: It has many provide of air brush. It is used to dragging purpose.

LINE: Always create a straight line them use this option.

CURVE TOOL: Always create a curve line or any style.

RECTANGLE: This option is used for creating a rectangle shape.

POLOYGON: Always create the polygon tool on page.

CIRCLE/OVAL/ELLIPS: If we want to create any type of circle on page then use this option.

RECTANGLE ROUNDED CORNER: With the help of this option we can create a rounded

TEXT: This option is used to type any text in the picture.

Note pad is basically used for simple typing, editing, etc. used for creating simple
presentation for any program. The format is .txt


Start all program accessories notepad
Press window+R notepad


Word pad is word processing program, advanced than notepad because in this program,
we can use many advanced features. Like font, color, word by word process, insert, object.


Start all program accessories Wordpad
Press window+R wordpad


Micro office is package of very high level graphic program. Microsoft office is consists the
very powerful program just like ms-word, ms-excel, ms-powerpoint and ms-DOS. They use
to create any kind of document presentation like word document presentation, accounting
presentation, report result, animation presentation. Ms-office provide many inserted
object. They are helpful to create any suitable presentation.
1.Ms-word (micro soft word)
Ms-word is also part of ms-office, very advance and powerful word presentation programs,
accept any kind of word format. Ms-word provides very large number of tool to create any
presentation like group, article, news-paper, etc.
Ms-word also provide very high level insert object (image, clipart, smart-art,
shape, word-art). They are helpful to create any documents. It developed by ms-
corporation in USA.


Start all program ms-office Ms-word
Press window+R winword


 Title bar: Title bar is shown on top of the screen. It display the name and application
active document.
 Control bar: Control bar has three button which minimize, maximize, and close called
control bar. There are use to control the size of document.
 Menu bar: It is a just below the title bar it contain the name of command which show
of the document.
 Scroll bar: Some time bar document exit the limit of screen. The scroll bar help use to
see all the content by moving our scrolling the document.
There are two types of scroll bar:
I. Vertical bar
II. Horizontal bar
 Office button: Office button is provide us some important to make our work safe. It
contains arrange of document most of them command. This is located in left top of
the screen.


I. Clip board group

 Cut: With the help of cut we can remove the any selected matter in current place.
Ctrl+X is shortcut key.
 Copy: Always create a duplicate of any selected matter. Ctrl+C is shortcut key.
 Paste: We insert the cut and copy of matter from current given task. Ctrl+V is
shortcut key.

II. Font Group

 Font Style or language: Ms-word provide such that we can select any style of font
language. Ms-word consist the very large number of font language and also provide
font creating object.
 Font size: Helpful to create any size fonts then use this option.
 Font color: If we want to insert color effect on any selected font than use this font
color option. In ms-word we can use many graphical color and also create custom
 Subscript: Type any text in below side of any selected matter.
e.g. H2O, Zn
 Superscript: Helpful to type any matter in upper size selected text.
e.g. a2+b2, 1st, 2nd
 Grow & Shrink font: Convert the font size directly into large and smaller size. Short
cut key grow font is ctrl+shift+>,<.
 Bold/italic/underline: Always use for highlighting purpose.
Bold is convert the text into dark style.
Italic is used for converting the text into italic style.
Underline is used for creating a line under the selected text.
 Text Highlight color: Always color the background of any selected text.
e.g. Man v/s Wild
 Strike through: Always create the underline through the selected text.
 Clear format: Clear formatting is used for removing the all inserted font effect.

 Change case: Change case is convert the font style directly in capital letter, small
letter, etc. Ms-word provides five types of change case. Ctrl+shift+K is shortcut key.
a) Lower case: Convert the all selected text into small letter.
e.g. my name is khan.
b) Upper case: Convert the all selected text into capital letter.
c) Capitalized first letter: All the first letter of any sentence or word convert into the
capital letter.
e.g. My Name Is Khan
d) Toggle case: All the first letter of any sentence convert into the small letter.
e) Sentence case: Remove the all given font excess. Always type simple sentence.
e.g. My name is khan

III. Paragraph Group

 Bullet: Always use for highlight the line or paragraph insert in symbol in front of line
of paragraph. Ms-word provide many style of bullet and also provide bullet creating
Recent use bullet

 o 

   

 Numbering: If we want to insert any number in front of line or paragraph then use
this option.
 Multiple list: It is also part of paragraph presentation. If we want to insert multiple
numbering then use this option.
 Show & Hide: Always display the non operating character like space, line, tab etc.
ctrl+shift+X is short cut key.
 Decrease indent: This option is used to decrease the indent of the current selection
to left side.
 Increase indent: This option is used to increase indent of the current selection to
right side.
 Line spacing: With the help of line space we can create a space between two line.
 Sort: Sort is convert the selected text to the ascending and descending order.
 Alignment: Alignment is also part of paragraph setting. Move the selected text in left
side, centre of the page. In ms-word we can use four types of alignment.
a. Left Alignment: (ctrl+L) Move selected text into the left side of document.
b. Right Alignment: (ctrl+R) Move selected text into right side of document.
c. Centre Alignment: (ctrl+E) Move selected text into centre alignment.
d. Justify Alignment: (ctrl+J) Always removes all created alignment.
 Shading: Shading is also used for coloring purpose. Always color selected line or
 Border: If we want to create or outline on any selected line or paragraph then use
this option.

IV. Style Group: Style group provide many themes for font effect like themes color, font
effect, font language. If we want to use any font effect directly then use this option.

V. Editing Group
 Find group: Find is always used for finding the any text into current using document.
Ctrl+F is shortcut key.
Find Replace Goto
Find: __________
Find Find next ok

 Replace: Always replace the find text then use this option. Ctrl+H is shortcut key.
Find Replace Goto
Find: __________
Find Find next ok
 Goto: When we want to selected any line, paragraph, page directly then use this
option. Ctrl+G is shortcut key.


I. Page group
 Cover page: With the help of cover page we can create the first presentation page of
any document. Cover page provide any style of inserted object.
 Page break: With the help of this option we can break the page into two parts.
Ctrl+enter is shortcut key.
 Blank page: With the help of this option we can create blank page. Ms-word create
blank page automatic after fill up the page.
II. Table group:
 Insert table: Helpful to insert tables gridline on selected area.
 Draw table: Another way to insert table grid to the drawing tool. Tool provide pencil
tool to create suitable table.
 Converted text into the table: It convert all the selected text into table gride.
 Excel sheet: With the help of excel sheet, we can open the excel program in current
 Quick table: Table provide many format of table style. If we want to use directly any
table then use quick table object.

III. Illustration group:

 Picture: Picture is part of illustration. If we want to insert any image on selected
place then use this picture object.
When we insert any object or picture then picture tool open in the top
of the page. With the help of this tool we can give any effect (shadow,3D) on inserted
image. Picture like create the position text wrapping, change the shape.
 Clip art: Another way to insert image on selected place. Ms-word provide many type
of clip art picture. Present in clip art gallery.
 Shapes: Shape is also part of illustration. If we want to insert any shape in selected
area. Then use this option.
 Smart art: Smart is used for inserting the multiple shape in selected area. Always
represent the any type of document.
 Chart: With the help of chart we can represent the any mathematical ratio through the
graph. Ms-word provide many style of chart:
Bar, column, pie, line, etc.

IV. Link group

 Hyperlink: Hyperlink provides very important activities we can store more than two
files in current using document. Ctrl+K is shortcut key.
1. Goto the link group and select the hyperlink object.
2. When we click hyperlink than file will be open in front of document.
3. Select any file and click on ok button.
4. Press double click or ctrl+click for open the inserted file.
 Bookmark: Use for highlighting the line or paragraph with inserted any object.
1. Goto the link group and select bookmark.
2. When we click on bookmark than bookmark option open in current window.
3. Give the any name and click on add button.
4. Goto the hyperlink and select “place in this document” and click on ok button.
V. Footer and Header group
 Header: With the help of header we can insert any image, date, time, heading in top of
the page.
 Footer: With the help of footer we can insert any image, heading in bottom of the
 Page number: Insert the numbering in top and bottom of the page.

VI. Text group

 Drop caps: Drop caps is convert the first letter of any sentence into large size.
 Text box: If we want to insert any text in selected shape than use this option.
 Quick part: With the help of quick part we can insert the any table, text box to directly
quick parts. Quick part is also used for solve out the any mathematical task.
 Word art: Word art is part of graphical design. If we want to insert or create any
design than use this option. Word art is use for creating any word presentation.
 Insert object: With the help of insert object we can open the other program in
selected place.
 Signature: Always use for inserting the signature in selected place. Ms-word provide
a wave link to download any of format signature.
 Date & Time: When we want to insert date & time in selected place than use this

VII. Equation group

 Symbol: Symbol is use for creating any equation. If we want to insert any symbol
then use this option
 Equation: Equation provide many format of mathematical formulae. If we want to add
in equation then use this option.


I. Page setup group

 Margin: Margin is especial place of document, use for inserting the title, numbering
etc. In ms-word margin is use for manage the place of margin.
 Line number: Always use for inserting the any numbering in selected line or
 Orientation: Orientation is represent the page with two types:
1. Portrait (tall)
2. Landscape (wide)
 Column: Column is divided the selected margin and alignment etc, into two or more
than two parts.
 Break: Always break the selected line, paragraph page etc.
II. Page background group
 Watermark: If we want to insert any text or image in background of selected page
than use this option.
 Page color: With the help of page color we can insert the multicolor in selected
 Page border: With the help of this option we can insert the border of selected page.
Ms-word provide many type of style. Like 3D effect, shadow etc.
III. Paragraph group
 Indent: When we want to creating new alignment setting then use this option. Move
the align left to right or right to left.
 Spacing: Create the space between two lines then use this option

IV. Arrange group

 Position: Always move the selected image in top, bottom and centre of the page.
 Bring to front: It is also used for shapes, arrangement move out the selected shape
into front side.
 Bring to back: Move the selected shape into back side of any inserted object.
 Text wrapping: It is also used for image setting. Convert the shapes into cover types
like “in front of text”, “behind the text” etc.
 Align: Move the selected image left to right or right to left.
 Group: Always merge the more than two selected image.
 Rotate: Always move the selected shapes in angle wise.


I. Table of content
 Add table: If we want to insert any content design then use this option.
 Update table: If we want to create any design for table content then use this option.

II. Insert citation: Always helpful for insert name of writer, address, name of publication
or any detail of book or articles.

III. Foot note: Type any matter about the selected word end of the page.

IV. End note: Type any matter from selected work or sentence in top of the document.

V. Mark caption: Always use for inserting the title of any image of shapes.

VI. Mark citation: Used for always insert the any detail of information like writing any
publication etc.

I. Envelop: Ms-word provide many style of envelop format. If we want to create envelop
then use this option.
II. Labels: Helpful to create name slip. Labels provide many format name slip style by
using that we create many effective name slip.
1. Goto the mailing tab and select labels.
2. When we select label then a dialog box will be ope.
3. We can type a name, class, subject, roll no., school then clik
4. On new document button.

III. Mail merge: Mail is a function by using that we can send any mail or message more
than two persons at one time. In ms-word mail merge is used for sending any matter
with different-different address.
1. First of all goto the “step by step mail merge”.
2. When we click on step by step mail merge than a box will be open in right side of
3. Select letter option and press “next” button. Then select use current document and
then again press “next button”.
4. Click on “type a new list” and select create option.
5. When we click on create option the “address” box will be
6. Select “address block” and press two times next button.
7. Select edit “individual” letter and press ok button.


I. Spelling & Grammar: Ms-word represents the spelling & grammar mistake automatic.
When represent green underline display grammar mistake and red underline display
spelling mistake.
II. Research: Find out the different-different meaning of any word. Shift+F7 is shortcut
III. Word count: Count the all line, paragraph, word, letter, letter with space, letter
without space, page.
IV. Track change: Replace the selected line or paragraph. Ctrl+shift+K is shortcut key.
V. New comment: If we want to insert any line for inserted object then use this option.
VI. Compare: Always used for comparing between two documents.
VII. Protect document: Always used for security purpose, lock the selected document.

I. Document view: We can use five types of document on ms-word. If we want to insert
different type of document then use this option.
a. Print layout
b. Web layout
c. Full screen
d. Outline
e. Draft
II. Show/hide: With the help of show & hide, we can display the ruler, gridlines,
III. Zoom: Helpfully to display the window with different-different size like zoom in, zoom
IV. Split window: Split the window into two parts and also used for remove the split.
V. Arrange all: Display the all running document into the window.
VII. Macros: Ms-word provide such as important option tool record any text, image.
Macros is also used for inserting the any recorded matter with one click.
1. Goto the view menu and select macros.
2. When we click on macros a option appear on screen. We can select record button
and click on “keyboard” object.
3. When we click on a keyboard then a box open on screen. We can create any
shortcut key and close the box.
4. Type any matter or inserted any object and close the recording option.
5. Press created shortcut key for inserting created macros.
Shortcut keys Despcription
Ctrl+A Select all the text.
Ctrl+B Bold the selected text.
Ctrl+C Copy the selected text.
Ctrl+E Align selected text to the centre.
Ctrl+F Find out the text.
Ctrl+G Goto the paragraph.
Ctrl+H Replace any text.
Ctrl+I Italic highlighted text.
Ctrl+J Align selected text to justify.
Ctrl+K Insert hyperlink.
Ctrl+L Align selected to the left side.
Ctrl+M Increase the indent
Ctrl+shift+M Decrease the indent
Ctrl+N Create a new page.
Ctrl+O Open the save document.
Ctrl+P Print the document.
Ctrl+R Align selected text to the right side.
Ctrl+S Save the document.
Ctrl+U Underline selected text.
Ctrl+V Paste the document.
Ctrl+W Close the wnidow.
Ctrl+X Cut the selected text.
Ctrl+Y Redo the last action.
Ctrl+Z Undo the last action.
Ctrl+shift+X Show/hide
Ctrl+shift+P Change font size.
Ctrl+shift++ Super script.
Ctrl+= Sub script.
Ctrl+shift+L Quickly create a bullet point.
Ctrl+shift+> Grow the font.
Ctrl+shift+< Shrink the font.
Ctrl+shift+E Track change.
Ctrl+shift+K Change case.
Ctrl+F2 Print preview.
Shift+F7 Research.
F7 Spelling & grammar.
Alt+F File menu.
Alt+E Edit menu.
Alt+V View menu.
Alt+I Insert menu.
F1 Help
Alt+tab Switch between open app

F5 Find and replace

Delete Delete selected items.
Alt+tab Switch between open items
F10 Active the menu bar in the active program
Shift+allt+D Insert the current date
Shift+alt+T Insert the current time
Alt+X Insert the ₹ sign (20b9)

Excel is also parts of micro soft office. Always used for accounting purpose. Excel is
based on mathematical, logical, text function, used for managed the any type of account,
balances-sheet, attendance-sheet, result, etc. In excel we work on sheet. Sheet is
combination of rows, column and cell. Extensible of this program is .xls

How To Open Excel

Start All program Ms-office Excel
Press window+R Excel


1. Sheet: Sheet is works same as page of ms-word. Sheet is combination of rows,
column, and cell use for maintain any sheet report. Excel provide very large area of
excel sheet & also provide many number of sheets but open with three sheets.

2. Row/column/cell: We are known as that sheet is combination of rows, column, & cell.
A sheet consists the 16384 column in form of alphabate (A-XFD) and number of rows
is 1048576. Cell is intersection point of rows & column.

3. Actice cell: Running cell is called as active cell.

4. Formula box: If we want to edit in any cell then use this option. Press F3 for edit in
any cell directly. Formula box is also represent any text of using cell.

5. Sheet tab: Always use for sheet editing like, insert sheet, delete sheet, renamel,
protect the sheet, etc.

6. Work area: A printing area is called work area of running sheet.


Function Use Syntax

Sum This function is return always addition value from =sum(cell range)
given cell range. =sum(A1:A4)
Minus This function is subtracts value from given cell range.=(A4:A1)
Product Always return multiply value from selected range. =product(cell range)
Maximum Always find out the maximum value of given cell =max(cell range)
range. =max(A1:A4)
Minimum Always find out the minimum value of given cell =min(cell range)
range. =min(A1:A4)
Count Always count the numeric value. =count(cell range)
Counta Count numeric & alphabet both. =counta(cell range)
Average This function is return always average value to given =average(cell range)
cell range. =average(A1:A4)
Count Always count the blank cell. =countblank(cell range)
blank =countblank(A1:A4)
Power Always return power value of given number. =power(no.,power value)
Square Find out the always square root value. =sqrt(no.)
LCM This function is return always LCM value of given cell =LCM(NO.,NO.,NO.)
range. =LCM(15,20,25)
Factor Always find out the factorial value to given cell =fact(no.)
range. =fact(4) eg.4*3*2*1
Odd Convert the all even number into the odd number. =odd(even no.)
Even Convert the all odd number into the even number. =even(no.)
Sin Always insert the angle value. =Sin(90)
Pi Always return Pi value. =pi() eg.3.14
Today Always insert the current date =today()
Now Insert date and time both =now()
Proper Make first letter is capital =proper(cell range)
Lower Make all letter in small. =lower(cell range)
Find age This function is return find out age. =int((now()-A2)/365)
Len Always count the letter of selected text. =len(cell range)
Project 1 (sum)

Sr A B C D E F
1 Name Theory/60 Viva/20 Project/20 Obtain Total
2 Adil 49 19 18
3 Rahul 37 16 14
4 Aman 20 10 10
5 Suman 15 09 07
For obtain : =sum(cell range)
: =sum(B2:D2)

Project 2 (product)

Sr A B C D
1 Stock Quantity Rate Ammount
2 Bat 5 50
3 Ball 10 100
4 Book 14 19
5 Copy 13 75
For ammount : =product(cell range)

Project 3 (age)

Sr A B C
1 Name DOB Age
2 Reema 12-jun-2005
3 Aman 14-aug-1997
4 Rahul 12-apr-1885
5 Rita 11-may-2001
For age : =int((now()-B2)/365)

Project 4 (age between two dates)

Sr A B C D E
1 Startdate Eddate Y M D
2 01-02-12 01-01-15
3 02-01-12 01-02-19
4 01-01-17 01-01-19
5 01-01-18 01-01-19

For all the year, month, & date using this formula
Fixing the cell range for press f4
Project 5 (condition)

Sr A B C D
1 Name Obtain Total Remark
2 Reema 19 20
3 Aman 16 20
4 Rahul 10 20
5 rita 09 20
For remark : =if(b2>=15,”good”,”bad”)

Project 6 A B C D E F G H I J
1 Name Hindi English Math Chemistry Physics Marks Total % division
2 Reema 70 88 99 47 75
3 Aman 89 78 78 12 45
4 Rahul 40 45 68 45 65
5 rita 34 56 78 14 36

For marks: =sum(b2:f2)

For % = (MO/TM*100) or =(g2/h2*100)
For division: =if(i2>=60,”1st”,if(i2>=45,”2nd”,if(i2>=33,”3rd”,”fail”)))

 Merge & centre: Always merge more than two selected cell. Helpfully to inserted any
title of list.
 Cell style: Excel provide many style of tables presentation object with the help of cell
style. We can give the many type of effect in selected sheet. Like color effect, font
 Conditional formating: It is also part of cell style but work on given condition.
 Filter: Excel provide such as useful option by using that we can sort out the list to an
given condition.
1. First of all create a list.
2. Goto the filter and select filter option.
3. When we select object then a symbol insert in title of any list.
4. If we want to revision column then click on division and select any remark.
Project 7

Sr A B C D E F
1 Item Rate Qty Amount Discount(3%) Net Amount
2 Chair 150 60
3 Fan 2000 50
4 LED 100 100
5 Scroo 150 20
6 Hammer 200 10
For Amount: =product(b2:c2)
For discount: =(d2*3/100)
For net value: =(d2-e2)
Project 8

Sr A B C D
1 Name DOB AGE Remark
2 Reema 12-jun-2005
3 Aman 14-aug-1997
4 Rahul 12-apr-1885
5 rita 11-may-2001
For age: =int((now()-B2)/365)
For remark: =if(c2>=60,”old”,if(c2>=20,”adult”,if(c2>=17,”young”,if(c2>=13,”teenager”,”child”))))
Project 9 (payroll-salary payment)

1. DA = 75% of basic salary, HRA = 40% of basic salary, PF = 10% of basic salary
2. Total Salary = basic + HRA + DA – PF
3. Rename the sheet 1 to as January
4. Insert a BONUS column after the DA column
5. BONUS = 25% of basic salary if basic salary is more than Rs.2700
{ if(basic>2700,25%*basic,0) }
6. Net salary = Total + bonus
Format Amount as two decimal place.





NO. TOTAL Net salary
101 mohan 2200 880.00 1650.00 0.00 220.00 4510.00 4510.00
102 sohan 1500 600.00 1125.00 0.00 150.00 3075.00 3075.00
103 rohan 3500 1400.00 2625.00 875.00 350.00 7175.00 8050.00
104 deepak 6500 2600.00 4875.00 1625.00 650.00 13325.00 14950.00
105 sanjay 8500 3400.00 6375.00 2125.00 850.00 17425.00 19550.00
106 pankaj 7500 3000.00 5625.00 1875.00 750.00 15375.00 17250.00

HRA: House rent allowance
DA: Dearness allowance
PF: providend fund

For HRA:
For DA:
=( c2*75%)
For PF:
=( c2*10)
For bonus
For Total
For net salary:
Project 10(MOD)
Calculating reminder value using the mod formulae.

Sr no. A B C
1 Number Divisor reminder
2 12 4
3 6 4
4 3 2
5 54 7
For reminder : =mod(a2,b2)

Project 11( quotient+mod)

Sr A B C D E
1 Date Production of One buiscuit pkt How many made How many buiscuit
buiscuit /unit pkt left
2 10-4-2019 2000 12
3 11-4-2019 2200 12
4 12-4-2019 2350 12
5 13-4-2019 1740 12
6 14-4-2019 2200 12

For pkt made : =quotient(numerator, denominator)

For buiscuit left : =mod(b2,c2)
Project 12 (v-lookup)

Sr A B C
1 Product Quantity Price
2 Mobile 10 10000
3 Camara 15 5000
4 Watches 20 2000
5 Laptop 15 30000

Sr A B C D
7 Product Price Units total
8 Laptop
For price: =vlookup(lookup value,table array,index no.,0)
: =vlookup(a8,a2:c5,3,0)

Vlookup and data validation

Sr A B C D
10 Product Price Units total
11 Laptop
Goto data validation and select list.
In source box select your list. And click ok

Project 13 (v-lookup) A B C D E F G
1 Name Hindi English Math Chemistry Physics marks
2 Reema 70 88 99 47 75 379
3 Aman 89 78 78 12 45 302
4 Rahul 40 45 68 45 65 263
5 rita 34 56 78 14 36 218

Sr A B
7 Name Marks
8 Reema

For marks: =vlookup(lookup value,table array,index no.,0)

Project 14 (H-lookup)

Sr A B C D
1 samsung J5 J7 J5 prime
2 price 10000 14000 15000
3 Nokia N8 C-2 N70
4 Price 18000 5000 14000
5 Realme Realme2 Realme3 Note7
6 Price 7000 9000 14000
Sr A B C
8 Brand Product Price
9 Samsung J5
10 Nokia N8
11 realme Realme

=Hlookup(lookup value,table array,index no.,0)

For samsung price. =Hlookup(b9,a1:d2,2,0)
For Nokia price: =Hlookup(b10,a3:d4,4,0)
For realme price: =Hlookup(b11,a5:d6,6,0)

Project 15
Calculating financial interest using:

1 Vechicle car
2 Price 500000
3 Down payment 100000
4 No. of years 5
5 Interest rate 15%

For EMI: =pmt(rate,npr,pv) where npr means no. of year or month and pv mean present
: =pmt(b5/12,b4*12,b2-b3)
Now total value calculate for whole moths. A B C D
1 Month Intrest Principle Amount
2 1
3 2
4 .
5 .
6 .
7 60
For intrest : =ipmt(rate,per,npr,pv)
: =ipmt(b5/12,a2,b4*12,b2-b3) (for fixing value press F4)
For principle: =ppmt(rate,per,npr,pv)
: =ppmt(b5/12,a2,b4*12,b2-b3) (for fixing value press F4)

Power point also part of microsoft office. Use for always maintain the presentation of any
document in power point. Power point provide slide to create any suitable presentation.
We can create two types of presentatoin.
1. Simple presentation
2. Multimedia presentation
How to open power point
Start all program ms-office power point
Press window+R powerpnt


 Slide: Slide is first step of any presentation in powerpoint. Ms-word slide is
especially design for maintain the any type of photo format, or multimedia inderting.
Power point provide many types of slide.
“ctrl+M” is shortcut key to insert new slide in power point.
 Slide layout: If we want to select or remove any slide then use this option.
 Insert: insert tab provide to new inserting object that is a audio and video clip.

1. Design tab: With the help of design tab we can create any background style for
presentation. Power point provide many themes for background and also provide
creating object.
2. Animation tab:
 Transition: Transition is part of motion effect always insert between two slides.
Power point provide many types of transition effect.
 Custom animation: If we want to insert any motion effect on inserted matter use
this option.
1. Insert any image or text and select it.
2. Goto the animation tab and select custom animation.
3. When we click on custom animation then animation gallary open in right
side of document.
F5 is shortcut key to play sllid animation.

DOS is examples of CUI program that means use for written command. DOS is a part of
operating system especially used for any types of operating work. It is also known as
command base operating system and also called as “command promt”.

In DOS we can use two types of commands:

1. External commands
2. Internal commands

How to open DOS

Start all program accessories command prompt
Press window+R CMD

c:\>Document setting CD.. or CD/
C:\> D:
D:\> alt+enter (for full screeen)
D:\> cls (for clear screen)
D:> exit (for exit)

1. External command: All that command is used to external woek like booting,
formating, folder making.
2. Internal command: All that command is used for application purpose is called as
internal command like file making, editing, etc.
Some useful command
1. MD COMMAND ( make directory)
This command is used for always creating a new directory or folder.
Syntax: D:\>MD SRS

2. CD COMMAND (change directory)

With the help of this command we can change directory inside or outside of
Syntax: D:\>MD SRS
3. CD.. COMMAND (close directory)
Ths command is used to close the directory line by line.
Syntax: D:\>SRS>CD..


Always create the new file or document.
Syntax: D:\>MD SRS
D:\>SRS>copy con education
Education in mostpowerful tool, we can change the world.
Ctrl+z or f6 ( for save)
Show: Goto my computer and select local disk D, select folder, choose file and
open with notepad or wordpad.

Ren command is always used for rename the current using document.
Syntax: D:\>SRS>Ren oldfolder newfolder
D:\>SRS>Ren education world

If we want to show file command matter then use this option.
Syntax: D:\>SRS>type world
Education in mostpowerful tool, we can change the world.

This command is always used for editing purpose that means we can use any
types of clipboard object.
Syntax: D:\>SRS>edit world
File, Edit, View, Format
Education in mostpowerful tool, we can change the world.
It is the important security purpose, show and hide object.
Syntax: D:\>attrib foldername +s +h (hide)
D:\>attrib foldername –s –h(show)

9. CLS COMMAND (clear for screen)

This command is used clear screen the ms-DOS.
Syntax: D:\>cls


This command used to check the version command.
Syntax: D:\>ver


This command is used to change the time in ms-DOS.
Syntax: D:\>time

12. RD COMMAND (remove directory)

This command is used to remove the folder.
Syntax: D:\>rd foldername

13. DEL COMMAND (delet command)

This command is used to remove the file.
Syntax: D:\>del filename


Color command is used for always coloring the command promt and font. 5x is
used for display all color command.
Syntax: D:\>color 5x
(Vital infromation Resources under Siega)
Computer virus is unwishes program comes in the different-different sources in
destination point and tamper(change) with your files without your knowledge. Once he
program containing the virus is open, the activated virus can not infect other programs
and documents on your computer, it can duplicate and transmit itself to other comuter.
Develop automatic in selected local disk. In start stage crupt the all backup program and
higher stage crupt an operating system.

Virus may be sent by opening email attachments, clicking on spam, visiting corrupt
websites and links onlin, opening spreadsheets or even the original method – infected
disks, But the internet is now the superhighway for virus transmission.

Main sources of virus

Internet, removal disk, wireless system, etc.

Anti-virus is software used to prevent, detect and removes malware, such as : computer
virus, adware, backdoors, malicious, rootkits, spyware and worms.Destroy the virus and
also used for security purpose.

Some important Brands of Anti-virus

 Norton
 MacAfee
 Gardian
 Quick hill
 Avast
 Micro-soft protection etc.
Extension is also part f system software. Always maintain the formate of any program
data, document etc.

Some important document and its extention

Document file Extension
Word/text .txt, .doc, .dox, .rich file etc.
Image/photo .bmp, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif
Video .mp4, .3gp, .mov etc
Audio .mp3
Extreame language .xml
Web page .HTML
Portable document formate .PDF

Some important program and its extension

Program Extension
Notepad .txt
Wordpad .doc, rich file
Ms-paint .bmp, .png
Ms-word .docx, .doc
Excel .xls
Powerpoint .ppt
Tally or any extensible prog. .xml
Pagemaker .PMD

PDF is also document format but not use editing purpose.
PDF: Portable document format
HTML:Hyper text markup language
GIF: Graphic interchange format
JPEG: Joint photo graphic expert
BMP: Bitmap image
The Internet is a worldwide telecommunications system that provides connectivity for
millions of other, smaller networks that uses TCP/IP to transmit data. Where in India to
abroad. Internet is a wide area network which allowed excess to any data information store
on Web.

The Internet began in 1969 as the U.S. Department of Defense's Advanced Research Project
Agency (ARPA) to provide immediate communication within the Department in case of war.

In 1985, the U.S. National Science Foundation (USF) commissioned the development called
(NSFNET). Change the name after ARPANET.

An Internet Service Provider (ISP) allows the user access to the Internet through their
server. You can connect to the Internet through telephone lines, cable modems, cellphones
and other mobile devices.

Computer Scientist Tim Berners-Lee invented the world wide web (www).

Father of the internet is Vint Cerf (Vinton Gray Cerf).

Mr. Cerf is the co- designer of the TCP/IP protocols.

Internet work is with Submarine Cable (Optical fiber cable) is made up of glass or plastic is
known as optical fibers.
Fiber Optic cable carry information using light based technology.
Fibre optic cable speed and distance limit are 100 mb/s for distance upto 2km.

Internet scattered with three tier

1. Tier 1
2. Tier2
3. Tier3

Tier 1 : Tata communication formerly called VSNL(India) , AT&T (US), Century links(US),
Verizon(US). He scattered wired in under the sea level.
Tier 2 : Jio, Airtel, Vodafone, Idea cellular, BSNL
Tier 3 : boost network
Web provide chat, logging, social networking, some important internet facility.

1. Chat: Chat is most powerful and popular communication. Medium of chat format of
internet provide their facility for chating.
a. Text chat
b. Voice chat
c. Video chat
2. Email: Email is such as important medium of data transfer messaging. With the help
of E-mail we can send any matter more than two person at one time. Internet provide
very high level of security. Electronic mail is also use for communication medium.

Network is a medium of connectivity of more than two device or computer. When we
connect the computer with different-different device through the server, it is called
a. Cable networking (wired)
b. Wireless networking.

a. Cable networking: Connect more than two device through the cable, it is called cable
networking. E.g. LAN, WAN, MAN.
1. LAN: Local area network is most common and easy cable networking. Always
used for a room, campus, building, collage or any small networking. Provide
many types of technology for cable networking.
2. MAN: Metropolitan area network is a network that interconnect that computer and
device in a graphical area. Larger than LAN and smaller than WAN. A MAN many
interconnect network in a city campus.
3. WAN: Wide area network is also used to may can network this connection one
city to other city.
TOPOLOGY NETWORK : Computers in a network have to be connected in some logical
manner. The layout pattern of the interconnections between computers in a network is
called network topology. There are number of different types of network topologies,
including bus, star, ring, mesh, tree and hybrid. Let's review these main types.

BUS NETWORK TOPOLOGY : A bus network is a network network Topology in which

nodes are connected in chain by linear sequence by bases. A bus topology is a network
setup whose each computer and nerwork devices are connected to a single cable.

STAR NETWORK TOPOLOGY: Star network are one of the most common computer network
topology because the startup cost are low. Many homes network use the star topology.
For e.g. hotspot.
RING NEWWOEK TOPOLOGY: In ring topology, the computers in the network are
connected in a circular path, and the data travels in one direction. Each computer is
directly connected to the next computer.

MESH NETWORK TOPOLOGY: Every node connected to every another computer nodes. It
is very expensive and difficult topology system.
Abbreviation of some computer related terms
ATM : Automatic teller machine
ALU : Arithmetical logical unit
BASIC : Beginner all purpose symbolic instruction
BIOS : Basic input output system
CD-ROM : Compact disk read only memory
COBOL : Commercial & business oriented language
CPU : Central processing unit
CRT : Cathode ray tube
CU : Control unit
CUI : Character user interface
DATE : Digital audio tape
DBMS : Database management system
DOS : Disk operating system
DP : Data processing
DRAM : Dynamic RAM
DR-DOS : Digital research – DOS
DTP : Desk top publishing
EROM : Erasable Read only memory
EPROM : Erasable Programmable ROM
EEPROM : Electronic Erasable Programmable ROM
GIF : Graphics interface format
GIGO : Garbage in Garbage out
GUI : Graphical user interface
HDD : Hard disk drive
HTTP : Hyper text transfer protocol
HTML : Hyper text markup language
I/O : Input Output
IBM : International business machines corp.
IC : Integrated circuit
IP : Internet protocol
ISP : Internet service provider
LAN : Local area network
LCD : Liquid crystal display
LED : Light emitting diode
MODEM : MODulator DEModulator
MS-DOS : Microsoft disk operating system
MU : Memory unit
MAN : Metropolitan area network
OCR : Optical character recognition
OS : Operating system
PC : Personal computer
RAM : Random access memory
ROM : Read only memory
RGB : Red green blue
S/W, H/W : Software, Hardware
SDF : Standard data format
SRAM : Static RAM
TCP/IP : Transmission control protocol / internet protocol
TFT : Thin film transistor
UPS : Uninterrupted power supply
URL : Uniform research locator
USB : Universal serial bus
VDU : Visual display unit
VGA : Video graphic adaptor
WAN : Wide area network
WWW : Wide wide web

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