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Proposal for Food Development

Pudding Salak


Salak is one of those fruits that has an exotic taste, a bit sour, sweet, and sticky.
In addition to its unique flavour, this one has many benefits to the body. High fiber content can
help some people who want to lose weight. High fiber is essential for those who are dieting to
be full longer. Other than for dieting, salak can prevent cellulite because of its fiber content
too. Salak fiber are found in the skin of the cord, which is thin skin that is attached to the fruit
flesh. Another benefit of salak, can help to maintain eye health. Salak juice can be one of the
alternatives in taking care of the eye health.

ii) Problem Statement

- The customer is aware that salak can be made into a variety of affective ingredients that can
enhance the appetite.

- To produce young entrepreneurs who are alert to the environment by knowing natural
resources can be beneficial to the earth.

iii) Objectives

- To enforce entrepreneurs in making creative ideas and inspire entrepreneurship.

iv) Procedures (method and material)

a) Materials
- Salak fruits
- Sugar
- Condensed milk
- Coconut milk
- Salt
- Nata d’Coco
b) Methods

- Add agar, sugar, milk and cook until sugar is dissolved.

- Add the flavors and coloring and stir gently until boiling.

- Prepare the mold and pour it inside the pot.

- Sprinkle the salak fruit and nata d’ coco that has been sliced.

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