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Migration is not a problem it’s a process- (William L. Swing 2013).

Tis suggest that migration may be seen not as an issue to be solve but rather phenomenon to
be magaed by each country in order to maximse its benefits

Miration is defined as …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Emigrant\ immigrant.
Throughout history, human migration has transtformed the entire aspect of life in the
Caribbean,particularly in Jamaica. The effects of migration on jamaica’s ecomony are;
Remittances and better job opportunities howeverl osing skilled worker through migration

Remtances is a very signivicant aspect of migration for the country,as it assist to aliviate
Idividuals receiving money from abroad may better able to purchase basic nesseceties susha as
food, utility bills.They also may be able afford futher their education for themesvel and for their
children. Standard of living may improved by better housing and be beter sble to afford medicl

Another effectog migration is the possibility to scces better job opportunities in other
countries. Individuals might able to work for better wages compared to what thy are being paid
at home. Other countries may offer better benefits that will attract Jamaica’s no
migrate.migrant with a higher level of education may be able to work in a capacity that fits their

Since 17th century Jamaicans have been migrating to the America, Canada and the united
kindom seeking better a live.

Currently 1,065,613 of Jamaicans lives outside of the country. That is 27.6% of the population
(International Organization for migration).
External migration helps to keep the food supply stable which futher assist to lessen poverty
situation and well as the unemployment rate. If all mimigrants were to retun home, the
standard quality of living would be haning by a thread and would not be economically staible.

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