Artificial Passenger

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A Technical Seminar report

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the Degree of



Associative Professor, E.C.E Department


Yamnampet, Ghatkesar, R.R District, Hyderabad – 501301(Affiliated to JNT University
Hyderabad, Hyderabad and Approved by AICTE - New Delhi)



This is to certify that the Technical Seminar report entitled "ARTIFICIAL

PASSENGER" being submitted byP.SURAJ VARMA-18311A04AQ in partial
fulfilment for the award of Bachelor of Technology degree in Electronics &
Communications Engineering to Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology,
Yamnampet, Ghatkesar [Telangana], is a report carried out by him/her during academic year
2018-2019 under our guidance and supervision.


Associate Professor
ECE Department

Dr. S.P.V. Subba Rao

HOD, ECE Department

Page number
Acknowledgement 4
List of Figures 5
Abstract 6

1.1Introduction 7
1.2 What is an artificial passenger? 7
1.3 Why Artificial Passenger? 7-8
1.4 Background of the inevention 8-9
2.1 Functions of artificial passenger 9-17
2.2 Working of artificial passenger 18-20
3.1 Advantages 20
3.2 Disadvantages 20
3.3 Applications 20-21
4.1 Conclusion 21
4.2 References 21


Any achievement, be it scholastic or otherwise does not depend solely on the

individual efforts but on the guidance, encouragement and cooperation of intellectuals, elders and
friends. A number of personalities, in their own capacities have helped me in carrying out this
seminar work. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them all.

First of all, I would like to express my hearty gratitude to Shiva Reddy, Principal, and
P.E.S.C.E for giving me this opportunity to enrich our knowledge.

I would like to express my hearty gratitude to S.P.V Subba Rao department of Electronics
and Communication, P.E.S.C.E for providing permission and facilities to conduct the seminar in a
systematic way

I express my sincere gratitude to V.Rama Krishna Sharma, Associate Professor,

seminar guide, Department of Electronics and Communications, P.E.S.C.E for inspiring and sincere
guidance throughout the seminar.

I am thankful to all the faculty members in the Department of Electronics and

Communications, P.E.S.C.E for their constant support.

I would like to thank my parents and friends for their moral support. Thanks for being
always there. Finally, I thank God, for his blessings.



Eye-Tracker - 11

Embedded speech recognition indicator - 13

Embedded speech recognition device - 13

Condition sensor device - 14

Mobile indicator device - 15

Camera - 17

General Architecture - 17
Camera for detection of lips movement - 18

ABSTRACT playing voice games, issuing commands via
voice). It is difficult for a driver to remember a
An artificial passenger (AP) is a device that
syntax, such as "What is the distance to
would be used in a motor vehicle to make sure
JFK?""Or how far is JFK?" or "How long to
that the driver stays awake. IBM has developed a
drive to JFK?" etc.). This fact led to the
prototype that holds a conversation with a driver,
development of Conversational Interactivity for
telling jokes and asking questions intended to
Telematics (CIT) speech systems at IBM
determine whether the driver can respond alertly
Research. CIT speech systems can significantly
enough. Assuming the IBM approach, an
improve a driver-vehicle relationship and
artificial passenger would use a microphone for
contribute to driving safety. But the development
the driver and a speech generator and the
of full fledged Natural Language Understanding
vehicle's audio speakers to converse with the
(NLU) for CIT is a difficult problem that
driver. The conversation would be based on a
typically requires significant computer resources
personalized profile of the driver. A camera
that are usually not available in local computer
could be used to evaluate the driver's "facial
processors that car manufacturer provide for their
state" and a voice analyzer to evaluate whether
cars. To address this, NLU components should
the driver was becoming drowsy. If a driver
be located on a server that is accessed by cars
seemed to display too much fatigue, the artificial
remotely or NLU should be downsized to run on
passenger might be programmed to open all the
local computer devices (that are typically based
windows, sound a buzzer, increase background
on embedded chips).Some car manufacturers see
music volume, or even spray the driver with ice
advantages in using upgraded NLU and speech
water. One of the ways to address driver safety
processing on the client in the car, since remote
concerns is to develop an efficient system that
connections to servers are not available
relies on voice instead of hands to control
everywhere, can have delays, and are not robust.
Telematics devices.
Our department is developing a“quasi-
One of the ways to reduce a driver’s cognitive
NLU”component - a “reduced” variant of NLU
workload is to allow the driver to speak naturally
that can be run in CPU systems with relatively
when interacting with a car system (e.g. when
limited resources.

CHAPTER 1.INTRODUCTION 1.2 What is artificial intelligence?
1.1 Introduction An artificial passenger (AP) is a device that would
The AP is an artificial intelligence-based be used in a motor vehicle to make sure that the
companion that will be resident in software and driver stays awake. IBM has developed a prototype
chips embedded in the automobile dashboard.The that holds a conversation with a driver, telling
heart of the system is a conversation planner that jokes and asking questions intended to determine
holds a profile of you,including details of your whether the driver can respond alertly enough.
interests and profession. Assuming the IBM approach, an artificial
A microphone picks up your answer and breaks it passenger would use a microphone for the driver
down into separate words with speech recognition and a speech generator and the vehicle's audio
software. A camera built into the dashboard also speakers to converse with the driver. The
tracks your lip movements to improve the accuracy conversation would be based on a personalized
of the speech recognition. A voice analyzer then profile of the driver. A camera could be used to
looks for signs of tiredness by checking to see if evaluate the driver's "facial state" and a voice
the answer matches your profile. Slow responses analyzer to evaluate whether the driver was
and a lack of intonation are signs of failure. becoming drowsy. If a driver seemed to display too
This search suggests that we can make predictions much fatigue, the artificial passenger might be
about various aspects of driver performance based programmed to open all the windows, sound a
on what we glean from the movements of a buzzer, increase background music volume, or
driver’s eyes and that a system can eventually be even spray the driver with ice water.
developed to capture this data and use it to alert
when their driving has become signifcamtly 1.3 WHY ARTIFICIAL PASSENGER?
impaired by fatigue. IBM received a patent in May for a sleep
The natural dialog car system analyzes a driver’s prevention system for use in automobiles that is,
answer and the contents of the answer together according to the patent application, “capable of
with his voice patterns to determine if he is alert keeping driver awake while driving during a long
while driving. The system warns the driver or trip or one that extends into the late evening. The
changes the topic of conversation if the system system carries on a conversation with the driver on
determines that the driver is about to fall asleep. various topics utilizing a natural dialog car
The system may also detect whether a driver is system.”
affected by alcohol or drugs.

Additionally, the application said, “The natural technology device called as “ARTIFICIAL
dialog car system analyzes a driver’s answer and PASSENGER” which was developed by Dimitry
the contents of the answer together with his voice Kanevsky and Wlodck Zadrozny.
patterns to determine if he is alert while driving. The software holds the conversation with driver to
The system warns the driver or changes the topic determine whether the driver can respond alertly
of conversation if the system determines that the enough.
driver is about to fall asleep. The system may also The name artificial passenger was first suggested
detect whether a driver is affected by alcohol or in new scientist magazine which was designed to
drugs.” make solo journey safe and more bearable.
If the system thinks your attention is flagging, it Early techniques for determining head-pose used
might try to perk you up with a joke. Alternatively, devices that were fixed to the head of the subject to
the system might abruptly change radio stations for be tracked. For example, reflective devices were
you, sound a buzzer, or summarily roll down the attached to the subjects head and using a light
window. If those don’t do the trick, the Artificial source to illuminate the reflectors, the reflector
Passenger (AP) is ready with a more drastic locations were determined. As such reflective
measure: a spritz of icy water in your face. devices are more easily tracked than the head
1.4 Background of the invention itself, the problem of tracking head-pose was
During the night times the driver could get sleepier simplified greatly.
which may be porn to accidents. So in order to Virtual-reality headsets are another example of the
overcome the sleepiness the driver could have subject wearing a device for the purpose of head-
taken one of the following or all the below pose tracking. These devices typically rely on a
precautions. directional antenna and radiofrequency sources, or
i. Use of simulation drinks(e.g.:coffee and directional magnetic measurement to determine
tea) head-pose.
ii. Some tablets to prevent sleeping. Wearing a device of any sort is clearly a
iii. Miniature system installed in driver’s hat. disadvantage, as the user’s competence and
As these methods are some times inefficient and it acceptance to wearing the device then directly
may affect the health conditions of the driver. So in effects the reliability of the system. Devices are
order to overcome the disadvantages of these generally intrusive and will affect a user's
methods IBM introduces a new sleep prevention behavior, preventing natural motion or operation.

Structured light techniques that project patterns of for head movement, use multiple data points to
light onto the face in order to determine headpose record eye movement.
are also known. To differentiate eye movement from head
The light patterns are structured to facilitate the movement, these systems measure the pupil glint
recovery of 3D information using simple image from multiple angles. Since the unit is attached to
processing. However, the technique is prone to the head, a person can move about when operating
error in conditions of lighting variation and is a car or flying a plane, for example For instance,
therefore unsuitable for use under natural lighting human factors researchers have used head-
conditions. mounted eye-tracking systems to study pilots' eye
CHAPTER 2 movements as they used cockpit controls and

WORKING AND ANALYZING instruments to land airplanes (Fitts, Jones, and

Milton 1950).
2.1 Functions of artificial passenger
These findings led to cockpit redesigns that
Eye Tracker or Camera
improved usability and significantly reduced the
Collecting eye movement data requires hardware
likelihood of incidents caused by human error.
and software specifically designed to Perform this
More recently, head-mounted eye-tracking systems
function. Eye-tracking hardware is either mounted
have been used by technical communicators to
on a user's head or mounted remotely. Both
study the visual relationship between personal
systems measure the corneal reflection of an
digital assistant (PDA) screen layout and eye
infrared light emitting diode (LED),
which illuminates and generates a reflection off the
Remote systems, by contrast, measure the
surface of the eye. This action causes the pupil to
orientation of the eye relative to a fixed unit such
appear as a bright disk in contrast to the
as a camera mounted underneath a computer
surrounding iris and creates a small glint
monitor . Because remote units do not measure the
underneath the pupil . It is this glint that head-
pupil glint from multiple angles, a person's head
mounted and remote systems use for calibration
must remain almost motionless during task
and tracking.
performance. Although head restriction may seem
1. Hardware: Head-mounted and remote systems
like a significant hurdle to overcome, Jacob and
The difference between the head-mounted and
Karn (2003) attribute the popularity of remote
remote eye systems is how the eye tracker collects
systems in usability to their relatively low cost and
eye movement data. Head-mounted systems , since
high durability compared with headmounted
they are fixed on a user's head and therefore allow

systems. Since remote systems are usually fixed to Gaze[TM] software, for instance, uses a small red
a computer screen, they are often used for studying x to represent eye movement that is useful for
onscreen eye motion. For example, cognitive observing such movement in relation to external
psychologists have used remote eye-tracking factors such as user verbalizations. In the other,
systems to study the relationship between cognitive data are stored as a series of x/y coordinates related
scanning styles and search strategies (Crosby and to specific grid points on the computer screen.
Peterson 1991). Such eye-tracking studies have Data can be organized in various ways--by task or
been used to develop and test existing visual search participant, for example and broken down into
cognitive models. More recently, humancomputer fixations and saccades that can be visually
interaction (HCI) researchers have used remote represented onscreen.
systems to study computer and Web interface Fixations, which typically last between 250 and
usability. 500 milliseconds, occur when the eye is focused on
Through recent advances in remote eye-tracking a particular point on a screen . Fixations are most
equipment, a range of head movement can now be commonly measured according to duration and
accommodated. For instance, eye-tracking frequency. If, for instance, a banner ad on a Web
hardware manufacturer Tobii Technology now page receives lengthy and numerous fixations, it is
offers a remote system that uses several smaller reasonable to conclude that the ad is successful in
fixed sensors placed in the computer monitor attracting attention. Saccades, which usually last
frame so that the glint underneath the pupil is between 25 and 100 milliseconds, move the eye
measured from multiple angles. This advance will from one fixation to the next fixation. When
eliminate the need for participants in eyetracking saccades and fixations are sequentially organized,
studies to remain perfectly still during testing, they produce scan paths. If, for example, a
making it possible for longer studies to be company would like to know why people are not
conducted using remote systems. clicking on an important link in what the company
2. Software: Data collection, analysis, and feels is a prominent part of the page, a scan path
representation Data collection and analysis is analysis would show how people visually progress
handled by eye-tracking software. Although some through the page. In this case, such an analysis
software is more sophisticated than others, all might show that the link is poorly placed because it
share common features. Software catalogs eye- is located on a part of the screen that does not
tracking data in one of two ways. In the first, data receive much eye traffic.
are stored in video format. ERICA's Eye

significantly improve a driver-vehicle relationship
and contribute to driving safety. But the
development of full fledged Natural Language
Understanding (NLU) for CIT is a difficult
problem that typically requires significant
computer resources that are usually not available in
local computer processors that car manufacturers
provide for their cars.
To address this, NLU components should be
located on a server that is accessed by cars
Fig 1: Eye-Tracker remotely or NLU should be downsized to run on
Voice control interface local computer devices (that are typically based on
One of the ways to address driver safety concerns embedded chips). Some car manufacturers see
is to develop an efficient system that relies on advantages in using upgraded NLU and speech
voice instead of hands to control Telematics processing on the client in the car, since remote
devices. It has been shown in various experiments connections to servers are not available
that well designed voice control interfaces can everywhere, can have delays, and are not robust.
reduce a driver’s distraction compared with manual A “quasi-NLU” component - a “reduced” variant
control situations. of NLU is being developed that can be run in CPU
One of the ways to reduce a driver’s cognitive systems with relatively limited resources. In this
workload is to allow the driver to speak naturally approach, possible variants for speaking
when interacting with a car system (e.g. when commands are kept in special grammar files (one
playing voice games, issuing commands via voice). file for each topic or application). When the system
It is difficult for a driver to remember a complex gets a voice response, it searches through files
speech command menu (e.g. recalling specific (starting with the most relevant topic). If it finds an
syntax, such as "What is the distance to JFK?" or appropriate command in some file, it executes the
"Or how far is JFK?" or "How long to drive to command. Otherwise the system executes other
JFK?" etc.). options that are defined by a Dialog Manager
This fact led to the development of Conversational (DM) . The DM component is a rule based sub-
Interactivity for Telematics (CIT) speech systems system that can interact with the car and external
at IBM Research.. CIT speech systems can systems (such as weather forecast services, e-mail

systems, telephone directories, etc.) and a driver to Examples of LT task as follows:
reduce task complexity for the NLU system. The • Monitor driver and passenger actions in the car’s
following are examples of conversations between a internal and external environments across a
driver and DM that illustrate some of tasks that an network;
advanced DM should be able to perform: • Extract and record the Driver Safety Manager
1. Ask questions (via a text to speech module) to relevant data in databases;
resolve ambiguities: • Generate and learn patterns from stored data;
- (Driver) Please, plot a course to Yorktown Embedded Speech Recognition
- (DM) Within Massachusetts? Car computers are usually not very powerful due to
- (Driver) No, in New York cost considerations. The growing necessity of the
2. Fill in missing information and remove conversational interface demands significant
ambiguous references from context: advances in processing power on the one hand, and
- (Driver) What is the weather forecast for today? speech and natural language technologies on the
- (DM) Partly cloudy, 50% chance of rain other. In particular, there is significant need for a
- (Driver) What about Ossining? low-resource speech recognition system that is
- (DM) Partly sunny, 10% chance of rain (The DM robust, accurate, and efficient. An example of a
assumes that the driver means Yorktown, NY, low-resource system that is executed by a 50
from the earlier conversational context. Also, when DMIPS processor, augmented by 1 MB or less of
the driver asks the inexplicit question “What about DRAM can be found.
Ossining?” it assumes that the driver is still asking Logically a speech system is divided into three
about weather.) primary modules: the front-end, the labeler and the
3. Manage failure and provide contextual, failure- decoder.When processing speech, the
dependent help and actions computational workload is divided approximately
- (Driver) When will we get there? equally among these modules. The system uses
- (DM) Sorry, what did you say? the familiar phonetically-based, hidden Markov
- (Driver) I asked when will we get there. The model (HMM) approach. The acoustic model
problem of instantaneous data collection could be comprises context-dependent sub-phone classes
dealt systematically by creating a learning (all phones).
transformation system (LT). The context for a given phone is composed of only
one phone to its left and one phone to its right. The
allophones are identified by growing a decision

tree using the context-tagged training feature
vectors and specifying the terminal nodes of the
tree as the relevant instances of these classes. Each
allophone is modeled by a single-state Hidden
Markov Model with a self loop and a forward

Fig.3: Embedded Speech Recognition device

Driver Drowsiness Prevention
Fatigue causes more than 240,000 vehicular
accidents every year. Currently, drivers who are
Fig 2:Embedded Speech Recognition Indicator alone in a vehicle have access only to media such
The decoder implements a synchronous Viterbi as music and radio news which they listen to
search over its active vocabulary, which may be passively. Often these do not provide sufficient
changed dynamically. Words are represented as stimulation to assure wakefulness. Ideally, drivers
sequences of context- dependent phonemes, with should be presented with external stimuli that are
each phoneme modeled as a three-state HMM. The interactive to improve their alertness.
observation densities associated with each HMM Driving, however, occupies the driver’s eyes and
state are conditioned upon one phone of left hands, thereby limiting most current interactive
context and one phone of right context only. options. Among the efforts presented in this
A discriminative training procedure was applied to general direction, the invention suggests fighting
estimate the parameters of these phones. MMI drowsiness by detecting drowsiness via speech
training attempts to simultaneously biometrics and, if needed, by increasing arousal via
(i) maximize the likelihood of the training data speech interactivity.
given the sequence of models corresponding to the It is a common experience for drivers to talk to
correct transcription, and context and one phone of other people while they are driving to keep
right context only. themselves awake. The purpose of Artificial
Passenger part of the CIT project at IBM is to
provide a higher level of interaction with a driver
than current media, such as CD players or radio
stations, can offer. This is envisioned as a series of

interactive modules within Artificial Passenger, information that may be presented to the driver
that increase driver awareness and help to (e.g. phone rings, radio, music, e-mail etc.) and
determine if the driver is losing focus. This can actions that a driver canperform in cars via voice
include both conversational dialog and interactive control.
games, using voice only. The scenarios for
Artificial Passenger currently include: quiz games,
reading jokes, asking questions, and interactive
In the Artificial Passenger (ArtPas) paradigm, the
awareness-state of the driver will be monitored,
and the content will be modified accordingly.
Drivers evidencing fatigue, for example, will be
presented with more stimulating content than
drivers who appear to be alert. This could enhance
the driver experience, and may contribute to safety.
Workload Manager Fig 4:Condition Sensor Device
In this section, a brief analysis of the design of the The relationship between a driver and a car should
workload management that is a key component of be consistent with the information from sensors.
driver Safety Manager is provided. An object of The workload manager should be designed in such
the workload manager is to determine a moment- a way that it can integrate sensor information and
to-moment analysis of the user's cognitive rules on when and if distracting information is
workload. It accomplishes this by collecting data delivered. This can be designed as a “workload
about user conditions, monitoring local and remote representational surface”. One axis of the surface
events, and prioritizing message delivery. There is would represent stress on the vehicle and another,
rapid growth in the use of sensory technology in orthogonally distinct axis, would represent stress
cars. These sensors allow for the monitoring of on the driver. Values on each axis could
driver actions (e.g. application of brakes, changing conceivably run from zero to one. Maximum load
lanes), provide information about local events (e.g. would be represented by the position where there is
heavy rain), and provide information about driver both maximum vehicle stress and maximum driver
characteristics (e.g. speaking speed, eyelid status). stress, beyond which there would be “overload”.
There is also growing amount of distracting

The workload manager is closely related to the
event manager that detects when to trigger actions
and/or make decisions about potential actions. The
system uses a set of rules for starting and stopping
the interactions (or interventions). It controls
interruption of a dialog between the driver and the
car dashboard (for example, interrupting a
conversation to deliver an urgent message about
traffic conditions on an expected driver route). It
can use answers from the driver and/or data from Fig 5:Mobile Indicator Device
the workload manager relating to driver conditions, The goal of the Safety Driver Manager is to
like computing how often the driver answered evaluate the potential risk of a traffic accident by
correctly and the length of delays in answers, etc. producing measurements related to stresses on the
It interprets the status of a driver’s alertness, based driver and/or vehicle, the driver’s cognitive
on his/her answers as well as on information from workload, environmental factors, etc. The
the workload manager. It will make decisions on important input to the workload manager is
whether the driver needs additional stimuli and on provided by the situation manager whose task is to
what types of stimuli should be provided (e.g. recognize critical situations. It receives as input
verbal stimuli via speech applications or physical various media (audio, video, car sensor data,
stimuli such as a bright light, loud noise, etc.) and network data, GPS, biometrics) and as output it
whether to suggest to a driver to stop for rest. produces a list of situations. Situations could be
The system permits the use and testing of different simple, complex or abstract.
statistical models for interpreting driver answers The concept associated with learning driver
and information about driver conditions. The behavioral patterns can be facilitated by a
driver workload manager is connected to a driving particular driver’s repeated routines, which
risk evaluator that is an important component of provides a good opportunity for the system’s
the Safety Driver Manager. “learning” habitual patterns and goals. So, for
instance, the system could assist in determining
whether drivers are going to pick up their kids in
time by, perhaps, reordering a path from the
cleaners, the mall, the grocery store, etc.

Microphone: Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR):
For picking up the words and separate them by There are two ASRs used in the system:
some internally used software for Conversation. -Speaker independent: It will decode the driver
External service provider: voice and the decoded voice signals will output to
Linked to the dialog system by wireless network Natural Language Processor (NLP)
system Coupled with Car media, driver profile, -Operates with a voice car media, decodes tapes,
conversational planner,Driver analyzer module audio books, telephone mails. Decoding outputs of
It controls interruption of a dialog between the the ASR module is analyzed by Intelligent text
driver and the car dashboard (for example, processor and it will output data to conversational
interrupting a conversation to deliver an urgent planner.
message about traffic conditions on an expected Natural Language Processor (NLP):
driver route). Processes the decoded signal of textual data from
Temperature indicator: ASR module, identifies semantic and syntactic
This component is used to measure the temperature content of the decoded message , produces variants
inside the vehicle and it also helps in maintaining of responses and outputs this data to a text input of
the steady temperature. the driver analyzer.
Door lock sensor: Driver analyzer:
This sensor alarms when the door is not locked. Receives the textual data and voice data from NLP
Odor sensor:This sensor will periodically and measures the time of response using a clock.
sprinkles the sweet air inside the vehicle. This time responses, concludes about drivers
There are some of the components which supports alertness and it will output to the conversational
for the working of the system: planner. This analysis is both objective &
-Automatic Speech Recognizer (ASR) subjective.
-Natural Language Processor (NLP) Conversational planner:
-Driver analyzer This is generally referred as the heart of the system
-Conversational planner (CP) and it instructs the language generator to produce
-Alarm the response. If the driver continues to be in a
-External service provider perfect condition, then conversational planner
-Microphone instructs the language generator to continue the

conversation otherwise the language generator is
instructed to change the conversation.
If the conversational planner receives information
that the driver is about to fall asleep then it
activates an alarm system.
External Service Provider:
Linked to the dialog system by wireless network
system as it is coupled with
-Car media, driver profile, conversational planner
-Driver analyzer module.
It controls interruption of a dialog between the
driver and the car dashboard (for example,
interrupting a conversation to deliver an urgent
message about traffic conditions on an expected
driver route). Fig 8:General Architecture

It picks up the words and separate it using speech
recognition software.
A camera built into the dashboard used to track the
lip movement of the driver to improve the accuracy
of the speech recognition.

Fig 7:Camera

2.2 Working of Artificial Passenger The system will state, “And now you will hear a

The AP is an artificial intelligence–based wonderful song!” or detect that there is news and

companion that will be resident in software and state, “Do you know what happened now—hear

chips embedded in the automobile dashboard. The the following—and play some news.” The system

heart of the system is a conversation planner that also includes a recognition system to detect who is

holds a profile of you, including details of your speaking over the radio and alert the driver if the

interests and profession. When activated, the AP person speaking is one the driver wishes to hear.”

uses the profile to cook up provocative questions Driver fatigue causes at least 100,000 crashes,

via a speech generator and in-car speakers. 1,500 fatalities, and 71,000 injuries annually,

A microphone picks up your answer and breaks it according to estimates prepared by the National

down into separate words with speech-recognition Highway Traffic. “A majority of the off-road

software. A camera built into the dashboard also accidents observed during the driving simulations

tracks your lip movements to improve the accuracy were preceded by eye closures of one-half second

of the speech recognition. A voice analyzer then to as long as 2 to 3 seconds,” Stern said.

looks for signs of tiredness by checking to see if

the answer matches your profile. Slow responses
and a lack of intonation are signs of fatigue.
If you reply quickly and clearly, the system judges
you to be alert and tells the conversation planner to
continue the line of questioning. If your response is
slow or doesn’t make sense, the voice analyzer
assumes you are dropping off and acts to get your
This is from the patent application: Fig 9:Camera for detection of lips movement
“An even further object of the present invention is A normal human blink lasts 0.2 to 0.3 second.
to provide a natural dialog car system that Stern said he believes that by the time long eye
understands content of tapes, books, and radio closures are detected, it’s too late to prevent
programs and extracts and reproduces appropriate danger. “To be of much use,” he said, “alert
phrases from those materials while it is talking systems must detect early signs of fatigue, since
with a driver. For example, a system can find out if the onset of sleep is too late to take corrective
someone is singing on a channel of a radio station. action.” Stern and other researchers are attempting

to pinpoint various irregularities in eye movements Recognition (AVSR) cuts through the noise. It
that signal oncoming mental lapses—sudden and reads lips to augment speech recognition. Cameras
unexpected short interruptions in mental focused on the driver’s mouth do the lip reading;
performance that usually occur much earlier in the IBM’s Embedded Via Voice does the speech
transition to sleep. recognition. In places with moderate noise, where
2.3 Features of Artificial Passenger conventional speech recognition has a 1% error
Conversational Telematics rate, the error rate of AVSR is less than 1%. In
IBM’s Artificial Passenger is like having a butler places roughly ten times noisier, speech
in your car—someone who looks after you, takes recognition has about a 2% error rate; AVSR’s is
care of your every need, is bent on providing still pretty good (1% error rate). When the ambient
service, and has enough intelligence to anticipate noise is just as loud as the driver talking, speech
your needs. This voice-actuated telemeters system recognition loses about 10% of the words; AVSR,
helps you perform certain actions within your car 3%. Not great, but certainly usable.
hands and has enough intelligence to anticipate Analyzing Data
your needs. This voice-actuated telemeters system The sensors and embedded controllers in today’s
helps you perform certain actions within your car cars collect a wealth of data. The next step is to
hands-sounding dialog. For starters, it won’t be have them “phone home,” transmitting that wealth
repetitive (“Sorry your door is open, sorry your back to those who can use those data. Making
door is open . . .”). It will ask for corrections if it sense of that detailed data is hardly a trivial matter,
determines it misunderstood you. The amount of though especially when divining transient
information it provides will be based on its problems or analyzing data about the vehicle’s
“assessment of the driver’s cognitive load” (i.e., operation over time.IBM’s Automated Analysis
the situation). It can learn your habits, such as how Initiative is a data management system for
you adjust your seat. Parts of this technology are identifying failure trends and predicting specific
12 to 18 months away from broad implementation. vehicle failures before they happen. The system
Improving Speech Recognition comprises capturing, retrieving, storing, and
You’re driving at 70 mph, it’s raining hard, a truck analyzing vehicle data; exploring data to identify
is passing, the car radio is blasting, and the A/C is features and trends; developing and testing
on. Such noisy environments are a challenge to reusable analytics; and evaluating as well as
speech recognition systems, including the Artificial deriving corrective measures. It involves several
Passenger.IBM’s Audio Visual Speech reasoning techniques, including filters,

transformations, fuzzy logic, and A future application of this technology would
clustering/mining.Since 1999, this sort of provide you with a “shortest-time” routing based
technology has helped Peugeot diagnose and repair on road conditions changing because of weather
90% of its cars within four hours, and 80% of its and traffic, remote diagnostics of your car and cars
cars within a day (versus days). An Internet-based on your route, destination requirements (your flight
diagnostics server reads the car data to determine has been delayed), and nearby incentives (“e-
the root cause of a problem or lead the technician coupons” for restaurants along your way).
through a series of tests. The server also takes a CHAPTER 3.ADVANTAGES,
“snapshot” of the data and repair steps. Should the DISADVANTAGES AND
problem reappear, the system has the fix readily
Retrieving Data On Demand
Artificial passenger is broadly used to prevent
“Plumbing”—the infrastructure stuff. In time,
accidents. It’s component establishes interface with
telematics will be another web service, using
any other drivers very easily. If the driver gets
sophisticated back-end data processing of “live”
heart attack or he is drunk it sends signals to the
and stored data from a variety of distributed,
nearby vehicles, so that driver becomes alert.
sometimes unconventional, external data sources,
3.2 Disadvantages
such as other cars, sensors, phone directories, e-
The only disadvantages are it is too costly and it
coupon servers, even wireless PDAs. IBM calls
can be installed in only highly profiled cars.
this its “Resource Manager,” a software server for
3.3 Applications
retrieving and delivering live data on demand. This
The following are the applications of the artificial
server will have to manage a broad range of data
that frequently, constantly, and rapidly change.
-Artificial Passenger is broadly used to prevent
The server must give service providers the ability
to declare what data they want, even without
-Prevents the driver, falling asleep during long and
knowing exactly
solo trip.
where those data reside. Moreover, the server must
- If the driver gets a heart attack or he is drunk it
scale to encompass the increasing numbers of
will send signals to vehicles
telematicsenabled cars, the huge volumes of data
nearby about this so driver there become alert.
collected, and all the data out on the Internet.
-In any problem it alerts the vehicles near by this,
so the driver there become alert.

- Opens and closes the doors and windows of the implementation of Safety Driver Manager would
car automatically. allow use of various services in cars (like reading
-It is also used for the entertainment. e-mail, navigation, downloading music titles etc.)
-It provides a natural dialog car system that without compromising a driver safety. Providing
understands content of tapes, books new services in a car environment is important to
and radio programs. make the driver comfortable and it can be a
-This system can also be used in other situations significant source of revenues for Telematics. The
such as novel ideas in this paper regarding the use of
· Security guard speech and distributive user interfaces in
· Operators at nuclear plants Telematics will have a significant impact on driver
· Pilots of airplane. safety and they will be the subject of intensive
· Cabins in airplanes. research and development in forthcoming years at
· Water craft such as boats. IBM and other laboratories.
· Trains and subways. 4.2 References
CHAPTER 4.CONCLUSION 1. Sample, Ian, You drive me crazy, New Scientist,

4.1 Conclusion Issue 2300, July 2001. Retrieved on June 29, 2008.

Important issues related to a driver safety, such as 2.^ "U.S. patent: Sleep prevention dialog based car

controlling Telematics devices and drowsiness system". Retrieved 2008-06-29.

were suggested, which can be addressed by a 3.^ The New York Times, December 27, 2001. A

special speech interface. This interface requires passenger whose chatter is always

interactions with workload, dialog, event, privacy, appreciated Archived October 17, 2009, at

situation and other modules. The basic speech the Wayback Machine by A. Eisenberg. Retrieved

interactions were showed that can be done in a low on June 29, 2008

resource embedded processor and this allows a 4.Kanevsky, D., Telematics: Artificial Passenger

development of a useful local component of Safety and beyond, Human Factors and Voice Interactive

Driver Manager. Systems, Signals and Communications Technology

An important application like Artificial Passenger Series, Springer US, pp. 291-

can be sufficiently entertaining for a driver with 325.

relatively little dialog complexity requirements – 8jk375707/

playing simple voice games with a vocabulary 5.^ Jump up to:a b Kharif, olga. "IBM to Drivers:

containing a few words. Successful Wake Up!". Retrieved 6 December 2011.


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