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Study Guide for Quiz 2

Motivation Concepts
1. Early theories of motivation
a. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
b. Herzberg’s two-factor theory
2. Contemporary theories of motivation
a. Self-determination theory
b. Goal-setting theory
c. Self-efficacy theory
d. Equity theory
e. Expectancy theory

Group Behavior
1. The five-stage model of group development
2. The punctuated-equilibrium model
3. Group properties: norm, role, status, size, social loafing, cohesiveness, diversity
4. Group decision-making techniques
5. Groupthink

Work teams
1. Difference between groups and work teams: common purpose/goal, synergy, mutual
accountability, complementary skills
2. Different types of team: cross-functional teams, self-managed teams, etc.

1. Five bases of power: coercive, reward, legitimate, expert, referent
2. The relationship between power and dependence
3. Power tactics

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