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Platforms for multi-stakeholder dialogue and participatory models that include citizens and

social groups will be vital

through early and continuous monitoring of technological developments,

create a new level of social engagement systems of engagement architectu and
collaboration in the empowering possibilities of ICTs on Small and Medium Enterprises
(SMEs) non-government organization (NGOs), local government (LGUs), peoples
organizations (POs); and to the economically-depressed areas; and the poorer,
disadvantaged, marginalized segments of the population;

SEC. 5. Objectives
1. To build core ethical values and principles; and align technological
Our future will depend on how well we succeed to collectively define our priorities,
engage in questions about values and ethics, and align technological development
accordingly. We have to consciously build positive values into the technologies we
create, think about how they are to be used, and design them with ethical application in
mind – in support of collaborative, sustainable and inclusive ways of preserving what is
important to us. Platforms for multi-stakeholder dialogue and participatory models that
include citizens and social groups will be vital. Moreover, AI presents ethical, legal and
accountability issues that need to be addressed.
At the same time, AI is being used to cause harm, undermine democratic governance
and conduct unethical and criminal activity.

In the furtherance of the Department’s vision, the Center, through early and continuous
monitoring of technological developments, oversees effective and mutual beneficial ICT
application adequately serves digital public service to all, especially in the empowering
possibilities of ICTs on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) non-government
organization (NGOs), local government (LGUs), peoples organizations (POs); and to
the economically-depressed areas; and the poorer, disadvantaged, marginalized
segments of the population. It shall ensure provision of a people & community-centered
infrastructure, networking communities; and meaningful information systems and
resources for participation on digital social innovations toward self-sustaining, inclusive
SEC. 4. Definition of Terms

a. Social technologies: a way of using human, intellectual and digital resources in

order to influence social processes; moreover a synonym for "social software",
technologies dealing with social behaviors or interactions; and includes related
technologies and platforms on cooperation, co-creation, knowledge development,
information aggregation, resource compilation and expertise location;

b. Social software: also known as social apps, include communication and

interactive tools often based on the Internet. It generally refers to software that
makes collaborative behavior and promotes cooperation, the organization and
molding of online communities, self-expression, social interaction and feedback
possible for individuals.

c. Digital ethics: Because ethics refers to the way groups and individuals relate to,
treat and resolve issues with each other; digital ethics then encompasses how
users and participants in online environments interact with each and the
technologies and platforms used to engage;

namely- socio-technical principles in ICT products and servicesethical digital citizenship

framework and emerging social technologies and strategies together for the Department’s
mission, goals and directions

course the overall digital transformation, local development and networking social communities;

concepts of responsibility and ethics in the digital arena to the forefront

to promote spearhead facilitate more dialogue,

protect local and national communities against negative consequences of global technological change

The Center is the new and national consultative and rule-making standing Body and acts as the
focal point of cross-sector expertise and the wider advisory forum, policy support structure and
enabler of social technologies and digital social innovations towards self-sustaining, inclusive

foster more dialogue, research, and implementation guidelines regarding ethical

behavior in online and digital environments.
Philippine Government's public procurement reform agenda,
The Center shall harmonize, align and contribute its Programs, Activities and Projects (PAPs) to
the Department’s goals and directions; and ensures provision of strategic infrastructure, which is
people and community-centered; and meaningful information systems and resources toward
self-sustaining, inclusive development. On related aspects, the Board shall uphold the digital
citizenship framework; and collaborate on digital social innovations as well as on emerging
social technologies and strategies;
“Let us act together, locally and globally, to ensure that the digital opportunities provided by
the emerging information society promote a fairer, more equitable and more cooperative
society.” Di

to foster the enabling environment and implementation of socio-technical principles in ICT.

ethics and responsive human-computer interactions. The Board shall ensure that digital
computing, more than for its hardware and software components, centers and made integral on
personal and community requirements and connections to computing; thereby ICT products and
services serve as integrated technical and social systems or simply referred as
in addressing the philosophical and ethical issues inherent in the technology age, including on
ethical behavior in the online and digital environment, is tasked to provide policy guidelines on
negative possible outcomes and increasing protection expectations of the public;
In doing so, the Board, not to lose sight of the positive purpose of ICTs, shall oversee and
uphold that digital computing
particularly examines requirements for social technology interventions, where there is the
societal need and supported with technology-related social welfare and development policies.
Moreover, the Board, not to lose sight of the positive purpose of ICTs, shall use and utilize the
benefits of social technologies for empowerment and larger positive social transformation
and provides guidelines on negative possible outcomes; moreover, the Board, not to lose sight
of the positive purpose of ICTs, shall use and utilize the benefits of social technologies for
empowerment and larger positive social transformation;
ethically use new advancements in technology.

in cyberspace; through more dialogue, research, and guidelines

legal and societal implications and challenges specific to the digital age, through more dialogue,
research and guidelines to address the areas of ethical, legal and societal implications and
challenges of digital technology, as well

n effort to foster more dialogue, research, and guidelines regarding ethical behavior in
online and digital environments
increasing public expectations of protection in cyberspace; the Board, not to lose sight of the
positive purpose of ICTs, consists of sectoral representation and covers those partners in
effectively implementing programs, activities, projects and services that will alleviate poverty,
empower disadvantaged communities for an improved quality of life;

socio-technical emerging social technologies and strategies, ethical digital citizenship

framework together for the Department’s mission, goals and directions.
contribute to the Department’s mission, goals and directions; and on several related aspects,
the Board shall foster the ethical digital citizenship framework; promote emerging social
technologies and strategies; and ensure provision of strategic infrastructure, and meaningful
people & community-centered information systems and resources toward self-sustaining,
inclusive development
In doing so, the Board facilitates and utilizes the benefits of ICTs for empowerment and larger
positive social transformation; develop the shared resources and tools

of technology provision, use and development;

social transformatiojn.; to protect local and national communities against negative consequences of global
technological change

Another element of the existing definition of social software is that it allows for the structured
mediation of opinion between people, in a centralized or self-regulating manner. The most
improved area for social software is that Web 2.0 applications can all promote cooperation
between people and the creation of online communities

Equally important, the Board, not to lose sight of the positive purpose of ICTs, shall ensure effective and
mutual beneficial ICT application, tech. innovation and digital public service delivery especially in the
perspectives of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs); the poorer and inadequately serviced areas; and
the disadvantaged, marginalized segments of the population;

The Board shall be committed not to lose sight of the positive purpose of ICTs, shall ensure effective and
mutual beneficial ICT application, tech. innovation and digital public service delivery

A Government procurement system that is transparent, efficient and free of corruption,

using information and communications technology as a tool for implementation, creating
solidarity and proper coordination amongst all Government agencies, improved
transactions between the Government and its suppliers, contractors and consultants,
and an atmosphere of trust and confidence between the Government and the general
The Board shall foster in the long-term an enabling ICT sector environment to the consumers and citizens
which promotes governance and sustainability to partake and compete in an evolving digital age; and
centers on the protection of citizens and ethical implications and questions specific to the Digital Age;

Equally important especially in the perspectives of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs); the poorer and
inadequately serviced areas; and the disadvantaged, marginalized segments of the population;

Analysing and evaluating the impact of a new technology

the high level ICT professionalism, digital governance standards and
business ethical & moral conduct, and in the preservation of national
increasing data ethics and protection expectations
from consumers
Analysing and evaluating the impact of a new technology
Overall contribute to the public good.

The Board is committed not to lose sight of the positive purpose of ICTs, shall ensure effective and
mutual beneficial ICT application, tech. innovation and digital public service delivery

The Board shall foster in the long-term an enabling ICT sector environment to the consumers and citizens
which promotes governance and sustainability to partake and compete in an evolving digital age; and
centers on the protection of citizens and ethical implications and questions specific to the Digital Age;

on the increasing protection expectations of citizens;

“To promote the use of ICT for the enhancement of key public services, such as education,
public health & safety, revenue generation and socio-civic purposes”1;
In doing so, the Board shall primarily facilitate development of plans for cross government IT
priorities, outputs and outcomes and monitor and evaluate the delivery of these plans;
At this level of cooperation, the Board serves more than merely advisory, fully backs the
Department to plan, develop and promote the national ICT development agenda. Thus, the
Secretary shall consider, at a minimum, the consultations and recommendations of the Board;

The tech industry must clearly explain how digital ethics are not a
solution for a single point in time to a particular problem, but help
mold a long-term change in approach that embeds ethical thinking
into every aspect of the tech ecosystem and the way every
product is designed, developed and used.
Primarily, the Board shall promote and act in the public's interest in the
provision, use and effects of ICT resources in the areas of tech innovation,
public-private partnerships, community competitiveness and digital
government to uphold trust in public service, promote public participation,
improve working conditions, and foster public confidence in the
Government, industries, markets and the publics
As stipulated in RA No. 10844,Sec. 2- Declaration of Policy
Equally important, the Board, not to lose sight of the positive purpose of ICTs, shall ensure effective and
mutual beneficial ICT application, tech. innovation and digital public service delivery especially in the
perspectives of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs); the poorer and inadequately serviced areas; and
the disadvantaged, marginalized segments of the population;

the environment, human rights and working conditions. Regulate supervise authorize
embeds responsibility and ethics, responding to “data deluge” and ethical dilemmas
bout privacy and data

diversity, equality and inclusion to partake and compete in an evolving digital age; on
the ethical implications of technology provision, use and development, at the same time
to address the ethical, social, policy, environmental and economic impact arising; and in
responding to the increasing protection expectations of citizens matters relating to ICT;
more socially responsible base to ensure early and continuous monitoring of
technological developments. At any rate, there seems to be an urgent need to bring the
concepts of responsibility and ethics in the digital arena to the forefront, in order to take
the first step towards responsible innovation
o improve public sector performance and realise the benefits of digitisation, and
proposes a new, more integrated approach to create public value
by attending to the challenges of digital transformation, such as new ethical dilemmas
(professional ethics as well as issues relating to security, control and protection of
personal data), the course of developing and implementing major digital government
strategies and policies, a
and implementing specific digitisation projects and programmes

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