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Sn As Per Mannual Objective

1. Activity -3 To demonstrate a function which is not one-one but is onto.

2 Activity - 5 To draw the graph of sin1 x, using the graph of sin x and
demonstrate the concept of mirror reflection (about
the line y = x).
3 Activity - 9 To find analytically the limit of a function f (x) at x = c and also
to check the continuity of the function at that point.
4 Activity - 11 To verify Rolle’s Theorem.
5 Activity - 12 To verify Lagrange’s Mean Value Theorem.
6 Activity - 16 To construct an open box of maximum volume from a given
rectangular sheet by cutting equal squares from each corner.
7 Activity - 18 To verify that amongst all the rectangles of the same perimeter,
the square has the maximum area.
8 Activity - 21 To verify that angle in a semi-circle is a right angle, using vector
9 Activity – 25 To find the distance of given point (in space) from a plane
(passing through three non-collinear points) by actual
measurement and also analytically
10 Activity - 27 To explain the computation of conditional probability of a given
event A, when event B has already occurred, through an example
of throwing a pair of dice.

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