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5 of the Best Essential Oils for Hair

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Chances are that at some point in your life you may have experienced one
or more of the hair problems that most commonly affect people… dry hair,
greasy hair, dandruff, flakiness, or hair loss.
As a society, we spend a lot on hair products. In fact, according to Statistica,
just under 40 million Americans spent between $50 and $99 on hair
products in a quarter, and over 15 million Americans spent $100-199 in the
same time period.
With all the types of hair out there, and the fact that lifestyle, nutrition,
medication, and age can make us dance between them, it’s no wonder we
spend so much on our hair and treating hair problems.

Which Type of Hair Do You Have?

Here are the definitions of the most common hair types:

Normal Hair: usually has sheen/shine, is untreated by dyes or perms,

and is neither greasy nor dry.
Dry Hair: splits at the ends and tangles easily, looks dull and may be
Greasy Hair: often visibly oily, heavy-feeling hair because of glands
producing too much oil.

Then there’s dandruff, or other issues with the scalp flaking or being scaly,
such as caused by inflammatory skin conditions. Plus you can damage hair
by overuse of heating tools such as a hairdryer, straightener, or curler, and
from repeated coloring or perming.
This demand for products naturally creates a booming market of options.
However, most of the hair care products out there (especially in the lower
priced categories) are anything but “natural.”

The Hair-Damaging Chemicals in Your

Many, if not most, of the shampoos and hair products most commonly
available include synthetic
ingredients that can contribute to
our hair challenges.
There’s propylene glycol which can
cause dry skin and irritation.
Sodium lauryl sulfate or laureth
sulfate is suspected of corroding
hair follicles. Oleyl betaine may
contribute to dry scalp and hair.
Then there are the many mineral oils, which clog pores because the
molecules are too big for your skin to absorb.
Fortunately there are shampoos and products out there that are less
harmful. They can be steeply priced though.
A more economical, but still natural way to address hair problems (including
treating hair loss, dry hair, greasy hair, or dandruff) is by using essential oils.

What Are Essential Oils?

Essential oils are nature’s plant powerhouses. They are made by distilling
the concentrated oils from herbs, flowers, and plants. These oils contain
several natural plant chemicals (phytochemicals) that have healing
Unfortunately, too many people still only associate essential oils with
aromatherapy, or using their scent to change the ambience of a physical
However, plants have been used for thousands of years in ancient
cultures. Chinese, ancient Egyptian, and Ayurvedic traditional healing
practices all use them in various ways for treating a wide range of illnesses
and maladies – including for hair and scalp problems.
These days, science is giving more attention to how essential oils can be
successfully used to promote hair growth, strengthen hair, improve the
condition of hair, soothe an irritated scalp, and help with dandruff.

How Can Essential Oils Be Used to Promote

Healthier Hair?
Putting oil on your hair may seem counterintuitive. After all, we produce
our own oils, and most of us know the feeling of oily hair. The fact is, though,
that many factors can strip hair of its natural oils, leaving us with frizz, or a
scalp that is itchy and flaky. These include things like wind, dust, and
washing our hair too frequently. The correct application of oils can assist
with this, leaving hair more vibrant and healthy.
Likewise, conditions in our environment or body can cause our glands to
produce too much oil. Essential oils can help with greasy hair too.
In the case of alopecia, or hair loss, essential oils have been used to increase
the circulation on the scalp, as well as stimulate hair follicles, which
promotes hair growth.

The Best Essential Oils for Hair

There are many essential oils for hair support. We are going to highlight the
essential oils for hair with the most science to back them, and the best
reputations with experts.
Please make sure you read the list of precautions at the end of this article.
Also note you should only ever use the most pure essential oils − no extra
fillers or ingredients − from a producer that you trust to use organic plants,
and who makes quality their primary purpose.

#1 – Tea Tree Oil

This strong-smelling oil originates
from the leaves of the Melaleuca
alternifolia tree in Australia.
Chances are you’ve heard of this
powerful, healing oil. It’s well-
known for its ability to help heal
skin conditions, and as an effective
antiseptic, antibacterial, and
For hair, tea tree oil is most useful
for flakiness. Tea tree oil has been
found successful in treating seborrheic dermatitis, as well as being an
effective and well tolerated treatment for dandruff.
Tea tree essential oil has also been found to help psoriasis, as reported by
two researchers from the Department of Dermatology, Jundishapur
University of Medical Sciences in Ahvaz, Iran, in a 2012 article published in
Skin Pharmacology and Physiology. This is likely due to tea tree oil’s “potent
anti-inflammatory properties.”
While the fact that tea tree oil helps resolve scalp problems may not be
news, that it has been seen to help promote hair growth, might be.
In 2013 a clinical study looked at the effects of using minoxidil (Rogaine)
alone, compared to using it in an emulsion that included tea tree oil. The
results were remarkable − the addition of tea tree oil demonstrated “a
significantly superior response,” with a higher increase in hair count, weight,
and thickness.
This pungent oil is said to help unclog the hair follicles. Certainly its
antimicrobial properties assist with ridding a scalp from unwanted fungal
infections, or acne connected to bacteria.
Suggested Uses: For dandruff, add a few drops to your shampoo and
massage in well. For regrowth, use a good carrier oil like coconut or almond
oil. Add a few drops to the oil and mix. Massage in thoroughly, making sure
to wash out (avoid your eyes) after about 20 minutes.

#2 – Peppermint Oil
Ah, invigorating peppermint! This essential oil has far too many healing
properties to list them all here. You want to know what it does for your
hair? A lot!
Peppermint oil is good for both greasy and dry hair. The cooling effect will
provide a tingle to the scalp, as the blood flow increases to the areas
applied. It’s said to open up pores, and promote a balanced flow of oils too.
Both these aspects can help with dandruff.
This essential oil is also good for getting rid of lice. [See precautions for
children, below.] A 2007 paper published in the Archives of Dermatological
Research reported that when
combined with eucalyptus oil,
peppermint oil was as effective as
the commercial lice shampoo
treatment available.
Similar to tea tree oil, peppermint
oil has been seen to help promote
hair regrowth. A study in 2014
reported “significant increase in
dermal thickness, follicle number,
and follicle depth,” more so than
even Rogaine (minoxidil). The study reported that peppermint essential oil
demonstrated hair growth of 92% after 4 weeks, compared to 55% for
Suggested Uses: After checking for allergic reactions [see precautions
below], add 2-3 drops of peppermint oil to a carrier oil such as jojoba,
coconut, or almond. Massage deeply into the scalp. Leave for 30 minutes,
then wash out. Repeat daily for at least 4 weeks.
Alternatively, you can add a couple drops to your shampoo and conditioner
for a cooling effect.
Note: Always avoid the eyes! Peppermint oil in the eyes stings.
#3 – Lemon Oil
Like most essential oils, lemon oil has a variety of medicinal properties.
Lemon oil for hair is best used on oily hair. It will clarify and help dry up
some of the extra greasiness. The antimicrobial properties will assist with
any latent fungus, while acne and dandruff will find relief from its antiseptic
Though lemon oil is used for oily hair, it can also be useful for a flaky scalp,
especially as a preventative. There is also evidence of lemon oil being
effective against lice, and that lemon oil promotes hair regrowth.
Suggested Uses: Add a few drops to your shampoo. For moisturizing, try a
weekly oil treatment. Apply a few drops of lemon oil along with a carrier oil
as a conditioning treatment you leave in for approximately 30 minutes.
Wash out with a gentle shampoo.
Also, for dandruff, you can add 5-6 drops to a couple tablespoons of carrier
oil. Massage into your scalp and leave for up to 2 hours then rinse hair well.
#4 – Lavender Oil
The first thing you need to know
about lavender oil is: they are not all
created equally. “True lavender,”
that being with the most studied
and proven healing abilities, comes
from a top quality extract from the
Lavendula angustifolia plant.
This essential oil is well-known for
its many health-promoting
properties, including helping with anxiety and stress.
Lavender essential oil for hair supports all hair types: normal, oily, dry, and
This natural healing oil is said to promote hair growth, prevent loss, as
well as improve scalp circulation and dryness. It also is known to help
balance the oils, and relieve itching. The antiseptic and antifungal
properties of lavender essential oil make it ideal for dandruff and scalp
WebMD states that Lavender oil “deep conditions the hair, keeps it shiny,
and helps control dandruff.” In 2016, researchers studying the effects of
lavender oil on mice reported “a significantly increased number of hair
follicles, deepened hair follicle depth, and thickened dermal layer.”
Earlier research, published in the UK in 1998, reported success with hair
regrowth in cases of alopecia. The oils used included lavender and
Suggested Use: [See warnings below] Work a blend of 8 drops of lavender
and 2 tablespoons of coconut oil into your scalp. For a restful night’s sleep
(and full benefit of its healing qualities), try covering your head with a scarf
or bandana and leaving it in overnight. For hair regrowth, try mixing with
lemon and peppermint for an extra powerful treatment to wash out after
about 60 minutes.

#5 – Oil of Rosemary
If you cook, you may be familiar with the distinctive smell of rosemary. The
oil, distilled from the leaves of the herb, is a wonderful healing oil. It is full of
antioxidants, and is invigorating to the skin and as a head-clearing aroma.
Rosemary oil is good for all hair types. It’s said to unclog pores on the
scalp, and balance the head’s oils. It’s thought to be a powerful remedy for
dandruff that mixes well with other oils.
WebMD states, “Rosemary oil stimulates the roots, improves hair growth,
and increases circulation in the scalp.”
As mentioned above, rosemary was one of the essential oils in a 1998 study
that demonstrated clear benefits to patients suffering from alopecia.
Regrowth was marked significant in 44% of patients using the oil
A more recent study published in 2015 looked at rosemary essential oil for
alopecia on its own, and reported similar results. In fact, after 6 months of
use, rosemary oil showed identical results to minoxidil (Rogaine). Similarly,
in 2013, researchers noted rosemary oil stimulates hair bulbs, indicating it
could be used for helping to prevent premature baldness.
Suggested Use: [See precautions below] After washing your hair, rub 2-3
drops of rosemary oil on your palms and then run them through your hair
while still damp. For a scalp massage, add 5-6 drops to a tablespoon of
carrier oil and rub into the skin. Lightly heat 4 tablespoons of coconut or
olive oil, adding about 12-15 drops of rosemary oil. Once cool, rub into your
scalp, covering in a hot towel. Leave for 30 minutes, then wash out.

Precautions When Using Essential Oils

For Hair
As with all medicines and treatments, caution is required. With essential
oils, again, quality is the first concern. Consulting a professional can be
extremely beneficial. At minimum, when first starting out with essential
oils, go slowly. Test a patch of skin for direct oil applications. Use a carrier oil
if your skin is sensitive.
For children, dilution and tiny amounts is critical, and it’s not advised to use
essential oils on children under the age of two without guidance from a
healthcare professional.
Pregnant or nursing women and the elderly should all exercise extreme
caution when using essential oils and also seek the guidance of a qualified
If irritation appears using direct treatment (no carrier oil), stop application
and try a small area with a quality carrier oil. If irritation continues,
discontinue use. If you cannot use carrier oils, try apple cider vinegar, or
flower waters.

Special Notes About Peppermint Essential Oil & Rosemary Essential Oil

Peppermint Oil: It’s cooling, but very potent. One drop has the same
menthol content of 20 cups of tea! Do not apply near the eyes, genitals, or
inside the nose or ears.
Rosemary Oil: This oil can elevate blood pressure so be extra cautious or
avoid it if you have high blood pressure. Test a small patch of skin before
applying to the scalp.

Purity and quality count when it comes to essential oils. Every time you
use an essential oil you are creating a direct pathway to transmit every
ingredient in that oil into your body. Essential Oils from Organixx are
among the highest quality oils available to consumers and are made with
indigenously sourced plants retrieved from the world’s best sources.
# Sources:

Article Summary

Most hair products contain synthetic ingredients that can

contribute to our hair challenges.

Essential oils have been used traditionally to treat hair and scalp

Tea tree oil is most useful for flakiness.

Peppermint oil is good for both greasy and dry hair.

Lemon oil is used for oily hair and flaky scalp.

Lavender promotes hair growth, prevents loss, and improves

scalp circulation and dryness.

Rosemary oil helps unclog pores on the scalp, and balance the
head’s oils.

Alberta LeBlanc says

How can I order only the oils I want?

I only want the 5 for healthy hair. I do not see where they can be bought separate.


January 30, 2017 at 2:57 am

Brenda Flores says

Are these oils ok to use on color treated hair?

Thank you


February 1, 2017 at 9:12 am

Mary C. Thrane says


Would like to know the response to

question, if safe (essential oils) to use on colour treated hair? Can oils be

shipped to Canada?

Thank you.

Mary C. Thrane

February 1, 2017 at 11:11 pm

Customer Support says

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