Standard 2

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8 Data Analysis

Model and facilitate the effective use of digital tools and resources to systematically collect and analyze
student achievement data, interpret results, communicate findings, and implement appropriate
interventions to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning

For this artifact, I created a data analysis overview using data from my school and from my county for
the district’s pre-test, midterm, and post-test. I collected data from various sources including the
Governor’s Office of Student Achievement. . The purpose of this task was to identify areas of weakness
that could be supported by analyzing the data to develop a plan to begin interventions for specific data
strands according to the data collected.

This artifact demonstrates my mastery of this standard because it shows my ability to work through the
Understanding Data Process from the initial data collection, to the effective presentation of the data
that was collected during my research. Once I collected the data I had to sort it into specific data sets to
generate comparisons along a three year period. After collecting and sorting the data I had to use my
information to create meaningful data tables that were easy to understand for a variety of audiences.
Communicating this information was a significant part of the task because without effectively
communicating the information, the data would be useless. After analyzing and interpreting the data, I
had to figure out the best way to communicate the data and meaning to focus the analysis on one
specific part. After creating the data sets and the slides presentations, I had to create a screencast to
present this information to the class. I was able to model and facilitate my skills with data
representation through the screencast portion of the assignment, which allowed me to show how to
take a data chart and put it in the appropriate format for presentation. Finally, with the data collected,
analyzed, and presented the data, I had to come up with some appropriate interventions that could be
implemented in the course for which the data was collected

In completing this assignment, I learned a lot about the data analysis process. I learned that I really
enjoy working with Excel and would like to explore all of the other possibilities with such a powerful
tool. I think that overall this assignment was well done but I do think that I would have included specific
strand data so that I could help the 9th grade language arts team really implement interventions that
could help their students be far more successful.

The work that went into creating this artifact could significantly impact student achievement. In fact, the
whole purpose of completing this assignment was to determine ways to improve student achievement
through the understanding data process. This could be assessed through the continued data collection
that would, ideally, demonstrate significant gains on a pre-determined assessment.

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