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gH BEACH POLEE DEPART OSES [INCIDENT REPORT NARRATIVE z ORIGIN: (On 1-18-15 at approximately 0200 hours, | observed 2 red 2000 Toyota Avaion with CA license plas om avelng South on Five Cities Drive from 4th Street and turn into the Denny's parking lotolt ur Five Cities Drive. The vehicle did not have any lights on during hours of darkness and I conducted a traffic stop per VC 24250. OFFICER ACTIONS / STATEMENTS: As | approached the driver side door, which was open, the driver, later identified as s, still had the vehicle in reverse as he tried to exit the car. He then put the vehicle in park, activated the windshield wipers. and then fumbled with the keys for several seconds before turning the engine off and getting the keys out of the ignition. | advised vhy I had stopped him and he said he was just driving from AM/PM to Denny's. As | spoke with _i could smal the strong acor of an alecholic beverage coming from his mouth, which grew stronger as he spoke. eyes were red anc watery anc his speech was stow and slurred. | asked how much he had to drink tonight and he said, "Too much to drive.” Vhad tthe vehicle in order to perform a series of SFST's, which he complied. As exited the vehicle and walked back to the front of my patrol car he was extremely unsteady on his feet. The SFST's were conducted on a flat portion of the parking lot, which was well lit and free from obstructions. The SFST's were demonstrated to for to him performing them and he stated he understood each test. then asked —_: alll of the questions from the DUI supplemental form and conducted the SFST's. _k was unable to perform the one leg stand stating he was "too intoxicated" (See DUI supplemental form for additional details). I then advised the PAS Admonition and requested he perform a breath screening test using a PAS device (PAS serial number 010577), which he agreed. The PAS result was 18% BrAC at approximately 0218 hours. Based on my observations of 8 driving, his objective symptoms of alcohol intoxication, his performance on the SFST's, and the PAS resuilt, | determined he was to intoxicated to safely operate a motor vehicle and | arrested him for DUI l advised of implied Consent, which he chose te grovide a breath test to satisfy the chemical evidentiary test. | utilized a Draeger Alcotest 7510 device (Serial number AARF-0024) to conduct the test. The results were .19 and .18% BrAC at 0245 anc 0248 hours respectively. ladvised of Trombetta, which he did not request a blood sample be taken. was then cited (Citation number €0247311) for VC 23152(a) and VC 23152(b) and released to a sober friend, During my contact with —_, twn ather friends of his, » nand re on scene. Both | d advised nad driven all three of them here from Bill's Place in Arroyo Grande in the listed venicle. Botn suojects were also intoxicated and tured over to who drove them all home.

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