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Software Requirements

Prepared by Pranab Chetry

Registration: 11812704

Section: K18PA/B26

Submitted to: Suruchi Talwar

Lovely Professional University

LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network with hundreds of millions of

members, and growing rapidly. Their mission is to connect the world's professionals

to make them more productive and successful. It can help you:

1. Establish your professional profile and control one of the top search results for

your name.

2. Build and maintain your professional network .

3. Find and reconnect with colleagues and classmates.

4. Learn about other companies, and get industry insights.

5. Find other professionals in the same industry using groups.

6. Share your thoughts and insights through LinkedIn's long-form publishing


7. Tap into the knowledge of your network.

8. Discover new career opportunities by searching for jobs.

LinkedIn is a business-focused social networking site that launched in 2003. Its main

purpose is to help people network professionally. The basic service is free.

The site lets you find other business associates, clients, and colleagues whom you

already know. You "connect" with them through the site, and they then become part

of your network.

Once you've connected with a person, you will then have access to their list of

connections – this is called your "extended network." You can request an introduction

to people in your extended network through your mutual contact.

LinkedIn also provides other features including the ability to set up and join groups,

and a jobs section where members can advertise open positions or apply for jobs.

Definitions, acronyms, abbreviations

Here are a few useful terms you should know when using LinkedIn:

 Connections – Connections are other registered users who you know personally

on LinkedIn. Although you can invite anyone to be a connection, they will need to set

up an account to use the site.

 Second-degree connections – These are the connections that your connections

have. For example, you're friends with Bill, who is directly connected with his boss.

Bill's boss is a second-degree connection for you.

 Third-degree connection – Any connections from your second-degree connects

are third-degree connections. So, Bill's boss's connections would be your third-degree

 Profile page – This is your personal page on LinkedIn. All registered users with

LinkedIn can view it (unless you set it to be a private page). Your profile page can list

your education, past work history, current and past projects, groups and associations,

and more. Users can also forward your profile page to contacts on their lists. You can

also make your profile page "public" so that anyone (even people not on LinkedIn)

can view it.

 Recommendations – Your connections can write recommendations, or

testimonials, for your profile. These can be a powerful testament to your business and

professional skills.

 Introductions – Introductions are when a third party introduces two people who

weren't currently connected. For instance, your colleague Sue and your client Dan

don't know each other. You think Sue could help solve a problem that Dan is having

with one of his projects, so you introduce Sue and Dan through LinkedIn.

Introductions are simply a way to bring people together on the site.

Eight years after its launch and a few short months after its $4.3 billion IPO

valuation, LinkedIn has quickly become the de facto tool for passive job searches,

living just on the fringe of the pure play job sites like The Ladders, Monster, and

CareerBuilder. In its blander sense, LinkedIn operates as a means for collecting

contacts and staying abreast of who is now working where. As for everyday business,

it has not woven itself into the social fabric in the same way as Facebook or even

Twitter. And whereas Facebook has managed to straddle the line between

desktop and mobile, LinkedIn has struggled.

Overall Description
Product Perspective
ALPHA Release - A Work in Progress (WIP) /unstable software release of a

product is characterized as an ALPHA. This product is expected to have basic issues,

bugs, even unforeseen crashes and is under active development by the R&D

teams.This ensures that a usable version of a product goes to the BETA stage with a

known list of punch points – which need to be resolved at the BETA stage.

BETA Release - A software release reaches the BETA stage once it has attained

stability in terms of critical punch points being resolved as per the test reports and

regression cycles. A BETA software release aims to fix the other major issues and

known bugs as part of frequent software release drops. At this stage, any feature gaps

with respect to the standards should also be addressed.

CANDIDATE Release - A software release reaches the maturity to be a

production CANDIDATE once all its known issues, and fixes reported by the quality

assurance team have been resolved. In order to evolve from this stage to become a

GA release, the software should address critical features such as high availability,

fault tolerance & load balancing. Once these criterion are met, the software evolves to

GA maturity.

GA (GENERAL AVAILABILITY) Release - A software release which has

attained GA maturity is fit for production quality after all the necessary

commercialization activities have been completed and a software product is available

for purchase in the market.

Product Features
Listed below are my Top 5 features of Linkedin

Posting Updates
This feature allows you to broadcast your interests and point of view. your contacts

would appreciate seeing the content and you will be providing a point of view based

on your unique set of experiences and expertise.

2) News "Signals"
Signals are a quick way to learn how many of your contacts are currently active on

LinkedIn, which may mean that those contacts have some spare time. Located as the

third option in the drop down "News" menu, "Signals" lets you see your contacts'

activity in real-time. Check it out every now and then to get a sense of how people are

using LinkedIn and to understand who might be free for a quick catch-up.

Tags are another lesser known feature that allows you to organize your

connections however you see fit. LinkedIn automatically organizes your

contacts based on company, location, industry, recent activity, and your

relationship with that person. Additionally, you're also able to create new tags

so that you can organize your contacts as you wish.

Get Introduced"
LinkedIn's "Get introduced" feature, located on the drop down to the right of

'Connect', allows you to send a message to one of your current contacts that is

connected with the targeted professional. Yet, be sure to know that mutual

connection well and clearly state sound reasons why you'd like your contact to

put his reputation at stake to introduce you to one of his connections.

NOTE: If you have a basic account (the free one), you're limited to 5

introductions. So, if that relates to you, choose your battles wisely.

Personalizing Messages When Connecting

Most of the connections people receive include the stock LinkedIn message

attached. I don't have proof to back that fact up, but I'd be willing to bet it's true.
When you personalize a message, you're creating a more memorable connection

between yourself and the professional you're trying to add as a contact.

User classes and characteristic

Characteristics: It is a very popular job searching platform with many other

flexibilities and features

Software Requirements Specification for <Linkedin>

Customer:-simply users of the Linkedin website and its database ,people of all sort

are its part of environment like skilled people, unskilled people who are job seekers.

And some big corporate companies who recruit professionals using this website.

Maintenance:- is to be kept in mind to assure quick loading of website on any client

machine be it desktop, mobile or any other device. This can be achieved by maintain

its server properly

Operating Environment
The hardware, software and technology used should have following specifications:


 Ability to manage huge traffic of request and response.

 Ability to keep the data safe and durable.

 Should have a strong secure protection against external hacks.

 Should be low on server resources to quickly respond to user’s request.


 Should have a dedicated server to handle the huge request from all users

 Server should be kept in a cold clean place

 There should be a 24 Hour power backup facility

 Ability to connect to connect to other networks when required

 Ability to adapt to new standards of internet

 Ability to add new component as required


Pre condition- User should have internet access

Assumption – User already has an account in linkedin

Expected Result—User will be logged in

Validate Password:

Pre condition- User should have internet access

Assumption – User should know the password

Expected Result—The password will be accecpted

Recover Password:

Pre condition- User should have internet access

Assumption – User should have a valid email or number that is previously registered

Expected Result—User will be sent an email or a text message to recover or set a new

Sign Up:

Pre condition- User should have internet access

Assumption – User is having a valid email and phone number

Expected Result—User will be registered

Setting Profile Picture:

Pre condition- User should have internet access

Assumption – User has the picture that he/she wants to upload

Expected Result—User’s picture will be uploaded

Assumptions and Dependencies

 Server never crashes

 Software is bug free

Specific Requirements

Functional Requirements
The requirements for the Linkedin are organized in the following way General

requirements and requirements for authentication.

Functional requirement 1:

 Description:- If the Linkedin server is running low on memory then, no

further requested should be accepted to that server ,instead it should be

diverted to another server.

 Input:- Please wait while we process your request.

 Processing:- Transfer of request.

 Output:- Display the home page of website.

Functional requirement 2:

 Description:- If the user is new and does not have a Linkedin account .

 Input:- Requests for first name , requests for last name ,email ID and


 Processing: Retrieves the provided information and makes a new account for

the user
 Output: Display congratulation and asks to add skill or resume to your account


The website gets a request from the client to verify an account.

Functional requirement 3:

 Description: - The Linkedin website runs into main memory

 Input:- User provides a username and a password to webpage

 Processing:- Server checks for the password and username are correct or not

 Output:- Displays a user account window with all its features

Functional requirement 4:

 Description:- Allows to edit your profile

 Input:- Asks to upload a photo of you , add your work experience, or the

company for which you have worked

 Processing:- Check the information and remover any spelling mistakes

 Output:- Displays the information as provided by the user

Functional requirement 5:

 Description:- Allows to edit your profile

 Input:- Asks to upload a photo of you , add your work experience, or the

company for which you have worked

 Processing:- Check the information and remover any spelling mistakes

 Output:- Displays the information as provided by the user

Functional requirement 6:

 Description:- Allows to update your profile

 Input:- Asks to update a photo of you , add your work experience, or the

company for which you have worked

 Processing:- Check the information and remover any spelling mistakes

 Output:- Displays the information as provided by the user

Functional requirement 7:

 Description:- Allows to manage your network .

 Input:- Asks to establish a connection between you or any other working

community , add a contact ,find people you know.

Processing:- Check the information and processes the request and provider

you with the best search result or connection.

 Output:- Applies the changes and make sure that you get the notifications on


Functional requirement 8:

 Description:- Allows to manage your field of interest.

 Input:- Asks to add a company of your choice or group.

 Processing:- Check the information and processes the request and provider

 Output:- Applies the changes and make sure that you get regular updates on

those companies or groups.

Functional requirement 9:

 Description:- Allows account management and setting

 Input:- Gives you an option for an alternate email address , your phone

number , your preferred language or change your password.

 Processing:- Check the information and processes the request and applies the

changes to your account

 Output:- Applies and changes are reflected on your account.

Functional requirement 10:

 Description:- Allows to manage your privacy

 Input:- Asks to establish checks like who can view your profile , who can see

your connections , sharing data with third parties

 Processing:- Check the information and processes the request and applies the
changes to your account

 Output: - Applies and changes are reflected on your account.

External Interface Requirements

User Interfaces
The webpage user interface should be intuitive; with easy to use controls and

graphics moreover the website must be responsive on any web enabled device.

Software Interfaces
The Software should have following specifications:

 Ability to response to every web enabled device.

 Ability to connect to external websites

 Ability to optimize the time taken for any search result made on that


 Ability to use cookies for better user friendly experience.

Other Non Functional Requirements

Performance Requirements
 It uses java script , AJAX and CSS to enhance the user experience

 High data transfer rate

 Reduces server response time

 Enable browser Caching to save the webpage on clients machine

 It must remove outdated content from its memory in order to be light and

efficient on web server.

Safety Requirements
 Maintains dual layer of firewall.

 Sends request and response over Secured Socket Layer(SSL) over Hyper

text Transfer Protocol

 Must keep its database protected

 Must take regular backups for the extreme cases.

 Must be able to tackle threats from outer internet.

Software Quality Attributes


Must be able to defend itself from SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting, Session

Hijacking and Parameter Manipulation.


Must use cookies to make itself customised according to user and it must use

some client side scripting to validate in valid entries and correct it before

sending it to server, thus avoiding an invalid page postback.


It is available 24Hours worldwide across the globe on any web enabled device

that has internet connection

Other Requirements

Data Base

Every website needs a database to keep its record safe and easy to access.

Database guarantees an isolated consistent and durable data records in an

organised fashion.


Every website that has a large number of users all over the globe needs a

dedicated server to handle its request and provide an instant response to a client


Level 0:


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