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1. Soft Starter Management Software .............................. 3
1.2 System requirements ............................................................ 3
1.3 Installing the software ........................................................... 3
1.4 Soft starter requirements ..................................................... 3
1.5 Soft starter compatibility ....................................................... 4
2. Connecting to Soft Starters ........................................... 5
2.1 Network settings ................................................................... 5
2.2 Changing the communication settings.................................. 5
2.3 Network scan ......................................................................... 5
2.4 Connecting to starters on a Modbus TCP network ............... 6
2.5 Resuming a previous session ................................................ 6
3. Viewing Soft Starters on the Network ........................... 7
3.1 Selecting a soft starter .......................................................... 7
3.2 Soft starter names ................................................................. 7
3.3 Soft starter addresses ........................................................... 7
3.4 Saving group details .............................................................. 8
3.5 Opening a starter group ........................................................ 8
4. Programming Soft Starters ........................................... 9
4.2 Parameter View ..................................................................... 9
4.3 Downloading parameters from the soft starter .................. 10
4.4 Changing Parameter Values ............................................... 10
4.5 Save starter parameters to a file ........................................ 10
4.6 Load starter parameters from file ...................................... 11
4.7 Uploading parameters to the soft starter ........................... 11
4.8 Export starter parameters to an external file ..................... 11
4.9 Restoring default parameters ............................................. 12
4.10 Creating custom messages for the programmable inputs. 12
5. Controlling Soft Starter Operation .............................. 13
5.1 Starter Panel view ............................................................... 13
5.2 Operations Panel ................................................................. 14
6. Controlling Starter Groups .......................................... 15
6.1 Group Commands ................................................................ 15
6.2 Save Starter Group .............................................................. 15
6.3 Opening a starter group ...................................................... 15
6.4 Saving group details ............................................................ 16
7. Menu Commands ......................................................... 17
7.1 File Menu ............................................................................. 17

WinMaster (710-03017-00D) 1

7.2 View Menu ............................................................................ 17

7.3 Network Menu ..................................................................... 18
7.4 Group Menu ......................................................................... 18
7.5 Starter Menu ........................................................................ 18
7.6 Tools Menu .......................................................................... 19
7.7 Help Menu ............................................................................ 19
8. Index ............................................................................. 20

2 WinMaster (710-03017-00D)

1. Soft Starter Management Software

The software allows comprehensive management of soft starters. It provides the
following functionality:
Operation of soft starter networks containing up to 254 individual soft starters
• Operational control (Start, Stop, Reset, Quick Stop)
• Starter status monitoring (Ready, Starting, Running, Stopping, Tripped)
• Upload parameter settings/Download parameter settings
• Save soft starter network groups to file
WinMaster can manage soft starters individually or as a network group.
WinMaster can manage multiple soft starter networks.

Some functions may not be available with some soft starter models.

1.2 System requirements

The minimum system requirements are:
• 40 MHz processor (1 GHz or higher recommended)
• RAM: 96 MB (256 MB recommended)
• Disk space: 12 MB
• 1024 x 768 display, 32 bit
• Operating System: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
• Microsoft .net Framework 2.0 (this will be downloaded from Microsoft during
installation if it is not already loaded); this requires an additional 500 MB disk

1.3 Installing the software

To install the software from a downloaded zip file:
1. Extract the zip contents to the local machine.
2. Double-click on the installation file, then follow the setup instructions on the

1.4 Soft starter requirements

Each soft starter must have a Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP or USB connection option. All
starters in a network must use the same protocol.
• If using a Modbus RTU Interface or Card, the baud rate and parity must match the
setting on the device. Each starter must have a unique serial address.
• If using a Modbus TCP Interface or Card, the baud rate and parity must match the
setting on the device. Each starter must have a unique IP address.

WinMaster (710-03017-00D) 3

• If using a USB Interface or smart card, the protocol must be AP Binary or AP ASCII.
The software can connect to one starter at a time. The serial address of the USB
Interface is fixed at 20.

1.5 Soft starter compatibility

Protocol Compatible Connection requirements
AP Binary No
AP ASCII Yes Requires a USB Interface 1
Modbus RTU Yes Requires a Modbus RTU Interface 2
Modbus TCP Yes Requires a Modbus TCP Interface 3
Protocol Compatible Connection requirements
AP Binary Yes Requires a USB Interface 1
Modbus RTU Yes Requires a Modbus RTU Interface 2
Modbus TCP Yes Requires a Modbus TCP Interface 3
Protocol Compatible Connection requirements
AP Binary / AP ASCII Yes Requires a smart card 1
Modbus RTU Yes Requires a Modbus RTU Card 2
Modbus TCP Yes Requires a Modbus TCP Card 3
Protocol Compatible Connection requirements
AP Binary Yes Requires a USB Interface 1
Modbus RTU Yes Requires a Modbus RTU Interface2
Modbus TCP Yes Requires a Modbus TCP Interface 3

1 Connect to one starter at a time using AP ASCII or AP Binary.

2Each starter must have a unique serial address. An RS485 to RS232 or

RS485 to USB converter is required to connect to the PC.
3 Each starter must have a unique IP address.

4 WinMaster (710-03017-00D)

2. Connecting to Soft Starters

2.1 Network settings
The software communicates with the soft starters via a serial, network or USB port.
Configure the software for the appropriate protocol, port and baud rate before
communicating with connected soft starters.
To configure communication settings, choose Network > Settings.

2.2 Changing the communication settings

The communication settings in the software must match the settings on the soft
starter or communication module.
To change the starter's address setting:
1. In the Group and Starter details, select a starter to work with.
2. Choose Starter > Edit Starter Settings or
right-click the starter and choose Edit Starter Settings.
3. Enter the new address.

To change the network communication settings:

1. Choose Network > Settings
2. Edit the settings as required.

2.3 Network scan

Scan the network to identify connected soft starters.
To scan the network:
• choose Network > Search for Starters or
• click on the Search for Network Starters button on the toolbar.
Starters on the network will be shown in the Group and Starter Details panel, and
these starters can now be managed through WinMaster. By default the starters are
identified by their satellite address.

Network scanning is not available for Modbus TCP.

WinMaster (710-03017-00D) 5

2.4 Connecting to starters on a Modbus TCP network

When the software is configured for Modbus TCP connection, starters must be entered
To add a starter to the network:
1. Choose Starter > Create New Starter.
2. Enter the starter's IP address in the Name field.

2.5 Resuming a previous session

When the software is re-started, the Starter Network window shows the last
connected starter network.
• Starters which cannot be located on the network are shown with a red cross
through the starter icon.
• Starters which are disabled for communication are greyed out.
• If the software finds a conflict in starter serial addresses (eg when changing
between modes), a warning is displayed.
• Starters from the previous session that cannot be communicated with are shown in
If starters have been added or removed since the last session, update the Starter
Network window by re-scanning the network.

6 WinMaster (710-03017-00D)

3. Viewing Soft Starters on the Network

3.1 Selecting a soft starter
Once the software has identified and contacted the soft starters on the network,
individual soft starters can be selected by clicking on the starter name.
To manage starters:
• choose View > Parameters
View > Starter Panel or
View > Switch to Starter only mode or

• click one of the buttons on the toolbar

3.2 Soft starter names

Modbus RTU and AP ASCII/Binary operation
Each starter can be assigned a user-defined name, up to 30 characters long. To
rename a soft starter:
1. Select the starter in the Group and starter details panel.
2. Choose Starter > Edit Starter Settings.

Modbus TCP operation

For Modbus TCP operation, the name must match the soft starter's IP address. The
name cannot be edited after the starter has been set up.

3.3 Soft starter addresses

Modbus RTU and AP ASCII/Binary operation
Each starter must be assigned a unique network address, matching the address
configured in the communication option.
1. Select the starter in the Group and starter details panel.
2. Choose Starter > Edit Starter Settings.
The address for a USB Interface/smart card is fixed at 20.
Modbus TCP operation
For Modbus TCP operation, the soft starter's IP address must be used as its name. The
address cannot be edited after the starter has been set up.

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3.4 Saving group details

Individual starters can be saved as a group, which can be managed as a single entity.
Saving the starter group stores information about the starters (network address,
starter ID and parameter settings). The software can manage any number of starter
groups, but will only manage one at a time.
To save a starter group:
1. In the Group and Starter details panel, select a group.
2. Choose Group > Save Starter Group to file or
right-click on the group and choose Save Starter Group to file

3.5 Opening a starter group

When the software starts, the Starter panel shows the most recently used group. To
open a different group, choose Group > Load Starter Group from file.

8 WinMaster (710-03017-00D)

4. Programming Soft Starters

Soft starter parameter settings can be viewed and updated using Parameter View.

Some functions may not be available with some soft starter models.
To access Parameter View:
1. Select a starter in the Starter Network window
2. Choose View > Parameters or

click the button on the toolbar.

4.2 Parameter View

Toolbar Operational Mode indicator

Operational Mode (Online, Offline, Online

Search for Network Starters Offline
Upload parameters to starter Simulation
Group and starter details
Download parameters from starter
Parameter view displays (depends
Parameter View
on starter type)
Starter View
Switch to Starter only view

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4.3 Downloading parameters from the soft starter

The software can read the parameter values from the selected soft starter.
To read parameter values:
1. In the Group and Starter details panel, select a starter to work with.
2. Choose Starter > Download Parameters from Starter or
right-click on the starter and choose Download Parameters from Starter or

click the button on the toolbar.

If the software does not recognise the parameter set downloaded from the
starter, it will display an error message. Contact your local supplier for the
latest version of the software.

4.4 Changing Parameter Values

To change the parameter settings in a soft starter:
1. In the Group and Starter details panel, select a starter to work with.
2. In parameter view, change the value of the required parameter(s) in the Settings
Updated parameter values will not take effect in the soft starter until they are
If you have saved the starter as part of a group, changes to the settings of
individual starters are not updated until the group file is re-saved.
To save a starter group:
1. In the Group and Starter details panel, select a group.
2. Choose Group > Save Starter Group to file or
right-click on the group and choose Save Starter Group to file

4.5 Save starter parameters to a file

Soft starter parameter settings can be saved to a file for use within the software. This
allows parameters to be quickly and easily copied to other starters.
To save a parameter file:
1. In the Group and Starter details panel, select a starter to work with.
2. Choose Starter > Save Starter Parameters to file or
right-click on the starter and choose Save Starter Parameters to file.
3. Navigate to the required file location, type in a file name and click Save.

10 WinMaster (710-03017-00D)

4.6 Load starter parameters from file

Soft starter parameter settings can be loaded from a previously saved file.
To load a parameter file:
1. In the Group and Starter details panel, select a starter to work with.
2. Choose Starter > Load Starter Parameters from file or
right-click on the starter and choose Load Starter Parameters from file
3. Browse to the file location then select the parameter file and click Open.
4. The parameter set will be loaded.

Updated parameter values will not take effect in the soft starter until they are

4.7 Uploading parameters to the soft starter

You can update the soft starter with the parameter settings currently displayed.
1. In the Group and Starter details panel, select a starter to work with.
2. Choose Starter > Upload Parameters to Starter or
right-click on the starter and choose Upload Parameters to Starter or

click on the button on the toolbar

If any parameter values are out of range for the soft starter, the software will
display a warning and no values will be written. Check the soft starter user
manual to determine the correct range for parameters.

4.8 Export starter parameters to an external file

Soft starter parameter settings can be exported to an external file. This allows
parameters to be transferred offline to other starters via a USB stick.
To export a parameter file:
1. In the Group and Starter details panel, select a starter to work with.
2. Right-click on the starter and choose Export Selected Starter Parameter
Set as Master Parameter Set
3. Navigate to the required file location, and click on Save.
NOTE: The file must be called Master_Parameters.par.
USB upload is only supported on selected starters. Refer to the soft starter
user manual for information on USB operations.

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4.9 Restoring default parameters

To restore a soft starter to factory default settings.
1. In the Group and Starter details panel, select a starter to work with.
2. Choose Starter > Reset Starter to Default Parameters or
right-click on the starter and choose Reset Starter to Default
3. Click OK. The default settings will be loaded.

Updated parameter values will not take effect in the soft starter until they are

4.10 Creating custom messages for the programmable inputs

The software can generate custom message files, for the starter to display when a
programmable input is active. The custom message is supported on selected starters
only. The maximum length is 20 characters.
The custom message files must be loaded into the starter via USB stick and enabled in
the parameter settings.
To create a custom message file:
1. In the Group and Starter details panel, select a starter to work with.
2. Choose Tools > Set Custom Message (A or B as required)
3. Type the message in the text box then press Enter.
4. Browse to the required file location and click Ok to save the file.
USB upload is only supported on selected starters. Refer to the soft starter
user manual for information on USB operations.

12 WinMaster (710-03017-00D)

5. Controlling Soft Starter Operation

Individual soft starters can be controlled using the Starter panel. Click on a starter
name in the Group and Starter Details panel.

5.1 Starter Panel view

Group and starter details panel

Starter Data panel
• The Starter Data Panel provides information about the connected soft
Depending on the starter type, model information may not be available.
• The digital display shows real-time performance information, such as motor
current (A) or motor temperature.
Operations panel
• Status indicators at the right of the screen show the state of the soft starter.
• The screen also has buttons to control the starter.

CSX open loop soft starters will display motor current as "2222" and motor
temperature as "1.11".

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5.2 Operations Panel

The Operations Panel provides Start, Stop, Reset, Quick Stop and Trip buttons to
control the active starter. By default these buttons are disabled. These functions
are also available by choosing Starter > Send command.

Ensure that remote operation is safe before controlling the soft starter.
To activate the control buttons, click on the LOCKED button then enter the security
password. The buttons will automatically relock unless the "Unlock until manually
relocked" option is selected.

The password is case sensitive. The default password is softstarter.
To change the password, choose File > Set Password.

Sends a start command.

This function is only available if the security lock is off.

Sends a stop command.

This function is only available if the security lock is off.

Sends a reset command.

This function is only available if the security lock is off.

Quick Stop
Sends a quick stop command. The starter will coast to stop, ignoring any soft stop

This function is only available if the security lock is off.

Trips the soft starter. The soft starter will report the trip as Network communication.

This function is only available if the security lock is off.

14 WinMaster (710-03017-00D)

6. Controlling Starter Groups

Starter groups can be controlled using the Starter panel. Click on the group name at
the left of the screen.

6.1 Group Commands

Commands can be sent to all starters in a group by selecting the starter group, then
choosing Group > Send Group Command.
The following commands are available:
Sends a start command.
Sends a stop command.
Sends a reset command.
Quick Stop
Sends a quick stop command. The starter will coast to stop, ignoring any soft stop
Trips the soft starter. The soft starter will report the trip as Network communication.

6.2 Save Starter Group

To save a starter group:
1. In the Group and Starter details panel, select a group.
2. Choose Group > Save Starter Group to file or
right-click on the group and choose Save Starter Group to file

6.3 Opening a starter group

When the software starts, the Starter panel shows the most recently used group. To
open a different group, choose Group > Load Starter Group from file.

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6.4 Saving group details

Individual starters can be saved as a group, which can be managed as a single entity.
Saving the starter group stores information about the starters (network address,
starter ID and parameter settings). The software can manage any number of starter
groups, but will only manage one at a time.
To save a starter group:
1. In the Group and Starter details panel, select a group.
2. Choose Group > Save Starter Group to file or
right-click on the group and choose Save Starter Group to file

16 WinMaster (710-03017-00D)

7. Menu Commands
7.1 File Menu
The File menu contains the following commands:
Operational Mode Allows the user to change between operational modes:
Online: For use when soft starters are connected
Offline: For use with no soft starters connected.
This mode can be used for programming soft starter
settings off site.
Simulation: For use with no soft starters connected.
This mode can be used for demonstrating or
becoming familiar with the software.
Options Sets options for how the software will start and run.
Set Password Changes the security lock password. This password
locks and unlocks access to the control buttons on the
starter panel view window.
Passwords must be between 6 and 32 characters long,
and passwords are case sensitive. The default
password is softstarter.
Copy Parameters to Copies the starter's parameter settings to the clipboard,
Clipboard ready to paste into a file or email.
Print Parameters Creates a text file of the starter's parameter settings and
opens the print dialog.
Exit Closes the software and ends the current session.

7.2 View Menu

The View Menu allows you to view starter information.
Parameters Opens Parameter view. This allows the user to access
the soft starter parameter list.
Starter panel Opens Starter Panel view in the main window. This
allows the soft starter to be controlled and monitored via
the software.
Log Opens the event log in a new window. The event log is
also displayed at the bottom of the main window.
Switch to starter only view Hides the menus and Group and Starter details. To
return to normal view, right-click on the screen and
choose Switch to Full Mode.

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7.3 Network Menu

The Network Menu provides the following commands:
Search for starters Scans the network for connected starters.
Settings Allows the user to change network communication
settings (serial port, baud rate, communication protocol
and parity).

7.4 Group Menu

The Group Menu allows you to control and manage all the starters in the active group.
Send Group Command Sends a command to all starters in the selected group.
The available commands are:
Start, Stop, Reset, Quick Stop, Trip
Enable Group Enables communications with the starter group.
Disable Group Disables communications with the starter group.
Create Starter Group Create a new starter group file. The group file is used
to save the soft starter network address information (ie
which starter is connected to which address).
Rename Starter Group Renames the active group.
Save Starter Group to file Saves the active group to file.
Load Starter Group from Open an existing group file. The group file saves the
file soft starter network address information (which starter
is connected to which address).
Delete Deletes the active group.

7.5 Starter Menu

The Starter menu contains the following commands:
Send Command Sends a command to the selected starter.
The available commands are:
Start, Stop, Reset, Quick Stop, Trip
Refer to Operations Panel for details.
Simulate Trip Allows the user to select a trip to simulate on the soft
Enable Starter Comms Enables communications between WinMaster and the
Disable Starter Comms Disables communications between WinMaster and the
Create New Starter Create a new soft starter within the active group.
Edit Starter Settings Edits the name, address, model number and parameter
set revision of the selected starter.

18 WinMaster (710-03017-00D)

Reset Starter to Default Resets the starter to factory default parameter settings.
Parameters Updated parameter values will not take effect in the soft
starter until they are uploaded.
Download Parameters Downloads the entire parameter set from the selected
from Starter soft starter.
Upload Parameters to Writes the parameter set to the soft starter.
Save Starter Parameters Saves the starter's parameter settings to a file.
to file
Load Starter Parameters Loads parameter settings from a file, for use with the
from file active starter.
Copy Parameters to Copies the starter's parameter settings to the clipboard,
Clipboard ready to paste into a file or email.
Print Parameters Creates a text file of the starter's parameter settings and
opens the print dialog.
Move to another Group Moves the selected soft starter from the current group to
another group.
Delete Deletes the active starter.

7.6 Tools Menu

The Tools Menu provides the following commands:
Trip & Event Log Viewer Display information from the soft starter's trip and event
logs on screen.
Set Custom Message A Generate a text file to load into the soft starter to
describe the function of programmable input A.
The custom message is supported on selected starters
only. The maximum length is 20 characters.
Set Custom Message B Generate a text file to load into the soft starter to
describe the function of programmable input B.
The custom message is supported on selected starters
only. The maximum length is 20 characters.

7.7 Help Menu

The Help menu provides assistance with the software.
Help Topics Opens the help file.
About Displays copyright and version information.

WinMaster (710-03017-00D) 19

8. Index

Changing Parameter Values • 10

Changing the communication settings • 5
Connecting to Soft Starters • 5
Connecting to starters on a Modbus TCP network • 6
Controlling Soft Starter Operation • 13
Controlling Starter Groups • 15
Creating custom messages for the programmable inputs • 12

Downloading parameters from the soft starter • 10


Export starter parameters to an external file • 11


file commands • 17
file menu • 17
File Menu • 17

Group Commands • 15
Group Menu • 18

help commands • 19
help menu • 19
Help Menu • 19

Installing the software • 3


Load starter parameters from file • 11


Menu Commands • 17

Network Menu • 18
Network scan • 5
Network settings • 5

20 WinMaster (710-03017-00D)

Opening a starter group • 8, 15

operation commands • 18
operation menu • 18
Operations Panel • 14, 18

Parameter View • 9
Programming Soft Starters • 9

Quick Stop • 14, 18

quick stop command • 14

Reset • 14, 18
reset command • 14
Restoring default parameters • 12
Resuming a previous session • 6

Save Starter Group • 15

Save starter parameters to a file • 10
Saving group details • 8, 16
Selecting a soft starter • 7
Soft starter addresses • 7
Soft starter compatibility • 4
Soft Starter Management Software • 3
Soft starter names • 7
Soft starter requirements • 3
Start • 14, 18
start command • 14
Starter Menu • 18
Starter Panel view • 13
Stop • 14, 18
stop command • 14
System requirements • 3

Tools Menu • 19
Trip • 14, 18

WinMaster (710-03017-00D) 21

Uploading parameters to the soft starter • 11


view commands • 17
view menu • 17
View Menu • 17
Viewing Soft Starters on the Network • 7

22 WinMaster (710-03017-00D)

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