Phe 11

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of Printed Pages : 8 I PHE-111

Term-End Examination
December, 2018

Time : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 50
Note : Attempt all questions. The marks for each question
are indicated against it. Symbols have their usual
meanings. You may use non-programmable
calculators or log tables. The values of physical
constants are given at the end.

1. Answer any five parts : 5x4=20

(a) A rocket of proper length 40 m is observed to
be 32 m long as it passes an observer.
Calculate the speed of the rocket relative to
the observer.
(b) Green light has a wavelength of 550 nm.
Through what potential difference must an
electron be accelerated to have this
wavelength ?
(c) How accurately can the position of a
non-relativistic proton be determined
without giving it more than FO keV kinetic
energy ?
PHE-11 1 P.T.O.
(d) Using the properties of the wave function,
state which of the following wave function(s)
cannot be solution(s) of Schrodinger's
equation for all values of x : (i) Ae x2
and (ii) Ae-x2 . Give reasons for your answer.
(e) Obtain the ground state spectral term for
Z = 12.
(f) Calculate the activity of 1.0 mg of 222Rn,
whose atomic mass is 222 u and half-life is
3.8 days.
(g) Are the following reactions possible ? Give
reasons for your answer.
(i) e + + e --> 11+ + lt
+p-->n+ 7C°
2. A reference frame S' moves with a uniform
velocity V i relative to the reference frame S. A
particle moves with a velocity v relative to the S
frame. Show that the components of its velocity
v relative to the S' frame are
v -V V
v x v' —
v V' v V)
1 x y(1 x
C2 c2

, where y = •
Y1 vx... ) 111 2


PHE-11 2
In a certain inertial reference frame, a particle is
measured to have a total energy of 5 GeV and a
3 GeV
momentum of . Calculate
(a) the rest mass of the particle in units of
2 and
(b) the velocity of the particle. 3+2

3. Answer any one part (a) or (b) :

(a) (i) The wave function of a particle
confined in a length 0 < x < L is
w(x) = A in
[s L+ sin 27/1
— .

Obtain the normalization constant.

(ii) Show that [Lx, py] = ih pz
(b) (i) In a region of space, a particle has a
wave function w(x) = Ne-x2/2L2 and
energy E = Use time
2 mL2
independent Schrodinger equation to
determine the potential energy of the
particle as a function of x. 5
(ii) For an observable A which does not
depend explicitly on time, show that
d A r A TT]>
<1Ar. n
dt ih
Hence, show that
—<x>=- <px >. 5
PHE-11 3 P.T.O.
4. Answer any one part, (a) or (b) :
(a) A free particle is trapped in a length
segment lying between x = 0 and x = a.
Derive the expressions for eigen functions
and eigen energies of the particle. Determine
the normalization constant and the
expectation value of the momentum. 5+3+2
(b) (i) Determine the expectation value of r
for the ground state of the hydrogen
atom given by the wave function : 5
1 -r/a
w(r) = e 0
3 \I. /2
k'o /
(ii) Use Moseley's law to calculate the
wavelength of the Ka line for
molybdenum (Z = 42). Take a = 1 and
R = 13-6 eV. 5
5. Describe the shell model for atomic nuclei. 5
Draw a schematic diagram of a nuclear reactor
depicting its general features. State the functions
of control rods and the blanket. 3+2

Physical Constants :
h = 6-6 x 10-34 Js
me = 9.1 x 10-31 kg
mp = 1-67 x 10-27 kg
NA = 6.023 x 1023 morl

PHE-11 4
iirgR 'FirdEK (*.TT Tft.)
TM* Trtin
fOrnri 2018

Oftfd it
4t. .-11 : amift

FrreT :2 I?* 37ft -d 37 37*- : 50

RR . k 51 Ng- dtvq1 614 f0

71V g 374 - of *. 3m-4 ffIstfrel arzf f 371rf 31*7-01
c",dej 3727 -4T RIV omPieti *7 P71 77 *-?" fond. f
vedw g4(1957 Siff 741 g

1. i 4 Ow %TA* 3 R: 5x4=20

() riqii 40 m ad *t zits!! 'RW -4k-TW

TKT 32 m \la ad dt.14 ITTU 4
!rot t I sl4im Rftal ad *t et)
*Ii* I

(ii) * Mchlkl fir Win-04 550 nmt I -4-ant T

4 WI-4K t, *tidy f4ma
1'41T4i-ff Tu calla RAI W4T artg ?

(Tr) g-* 11K-3711*-Q-er 34-z-Tq, f4u-*-1 1.0 keV 4

aTfir +i671 .3),111 Tef t 7R, fA
kw-4r trftwr
- grErr ti ii ?
PHE-11 5 P.T.O.
(s1) WiTT 1 TPA 51e1 if cb4 eicm
* vitt PHIZIRgo 4 4
-4q-Trrici144 *Tr th--d4 3h1t-ATK toricbtul -WA
R-gf : Aex2 3T1Z (ii) Ae-X2 .
3TE14 cbitui RiRsR
z = 12 * 3T-41:21T 5r t.a ail trq 371.
*rr4R I

( ) 222 Rn *r 1. 0 mg 'FAT t =rum

*rNR, f41:rwr 1w- wick c. ,-.041.1 222 u t
3.8tq t I
() WIT 1-4-t1 iRgi allitrWzrrl TilT4 ? 31E0 zeK
chitui MEN I
(i) e+ + e+ +
(ii) i+p n + ic°
2. Akqf .4q S 11-rciaT P41 S' **11 1H fiT v i 4
tI *Err *IT V 4
14 .*I.P4R F*Trilik.T*Err**T

v -V VY
v= x • Vy =
V V VxV )
1 x 1{1 ,
z 1
v; = -
y (1.
VV xnV v2
c` C

PHE-11 6
1T1-4T -urti- Tu.13115Gev
1:01. 3 GeV TrA.

() Ge2V 1 4mii 4 W4 W. 4 q) C11

*2IN7 311(
NO -Err *fiNg I 3+2

3. f*kil 7-W 'Apr () zri (ii) it 3tiitr4R :

() o < x < L 4 tritcz wri

71x ± sin27Ex
w(x) = A [sin — —] .
tb-F4 51 iIHIdilemul iWzrdk I 5
(ii) 1:#Z *21N f* [Li, Pyl = iii Pz 5

(ii ) (i) eh 7r *TT TMq

w(x) = Ne-x2/2/42 t d.,11
E_ NrdwIt
2 mTr
tlAchtur cht4, x Taq * vcr

4 -Eir fOrrd- d),41 Tff *ftg I

"42iluftzr IT% A ql tri TcPsZ Vti

dt < A > = —<

[A, I-1] >
ard-R4 ftrz *2t1* -1*
—<x>=--<p 1 >.
dt m
PHE-11 7 P.T.O.
4. 1%1ft r4" ITI71 (i) T (lit) VI ZWK tNR :
*R"- 'ffT WITx=03ii x = a 414 rd
im trift t 17T 31r-4314 tro-41
airplq ediAch ogriA -4tP4R
(oilier) Tiff -41NR3 Tr
51c411k11 Trrg Tiff -4t1* I 5+3+2
(i) •311 tRI(P5 1:0 31d1:2TT
1 -r/a o
Or) = e
r Nreimi 1:1R ttNR I 5
31' 44, iiiTC-Q-Pi
(Z = 42) R.-NI Ka 1.43T *
ttNR I a = 1 3fk R = 13.6 eV
#11* I 5

5. ch. * "404 *OR I

R-rri4t4 mrur tufT4 3tichl
aTrIu is 1f I bi s 3 wir.s9q chi4
I 3+2

Oft ft?7*:
h --= 6-6 x 10-34 Js
me = 9-1 x 10-31 kg
mp = 1-67 x 107 kg
NA = 6.023 x 1023 marl

PHE-11 8 2,500

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