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0 Conceptual Model
Pipeline Hierarchy L Pipeline operated by Company Asset Pipelines Location Operations
transported has percentage
L PipeSegment Installed on L Coating Pipeline Hierarchy Location Operations
L PipelineProduct by SiteCentroid D/H/Au/aPt CountryCL (2) CountyCL (2) StateCL (2)
defines has ol ol
Primary product percentage
Ownership L ep Valve Casing aT/D/H/Au D/H/Au/*/L/Pt aT/D/H/Au/*/Pt aT/D/H/Au/*/Pl Implementation Location Implementation Location Implementation Location
centerline siteID (NN)
for Location of Is centroi d of
L Product Network Route pipeline ol
L ep PipeBend SiteTypeCL (3)
in Site Was PODS Line SiteLayou t D/H/Au/aPl Network Route M ay be l oc ate d on a All Operations
point Assets CrossingTransportationTypeCL (2)
representation ol
Is pl an -vi ew Above Ground Installation A L Crossing
ol ep BranchConnect sche mati c of siteID (NN) Compressor Station
City Street
SiteBoundary Is outline of SitePipelineLocation of Coupon Site angle
located on enginee ring
Ground Bed Marker County Highway CrossingPipelineTypeCL (2)
stati oning isBelowLine <d> Interstate Highway
General Location of ol
ep Elbow L Pipeline L PipelineProduct L Product Company Site Is outline
SiteBoundary D/H/Au/aPg Facility
L ClassLocation ol
L OperatingPressure ol
L TestPressure ol
L ConsequenceSegment
SiteLayout piping layout Site Pipeline of
Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) classLocationRating <d> markerIdentifier Natural Gas
in Site markerInstallDate Road Oil
of Network Route pipelineName isPrimaryProduct productType <d> name siteName siteID (NN) Meter Station clearance classLocationRating <d> determinationAuthority duration determinationMethod <d>
ol Seasonal Road Sewer
ep Reducer pipelineOrder productID (NN) productSubtype <d> acronym siteType <d> Monitoring Station crossingName markerType <d> State Highway Storm Water Drainage determinationAuthority determinationMethod <d> medium <d> determinationAuthority
SiteCentroid centeroid
pipelineTag pipelineID (NN ) isOperator <d> parentSiteID (AN)
PipelineTypeCL (2) Office crossingOwner markerNumber Trail Volatile Liquids determinationMethod <d> limitingFactors maxElevation
Point of
D/H/Au/L/*/Pt Plant
easementDS US Highway Water Distribution
ep Tee ol ol
L LauncherReceiver hasRoute <d> isOwner <d> Dumpline Platform pressure maxPressureAtMinElevation ol
L PipeJurisdiction
hasLRS <d> operatorID (AN) Export Pump Station easementUS pressureCalculatedAs minElevation
transporte d Was
Metadata grouped location <d> by
contains/ Fiber Optic Tank F arm CrossingUtil ityTypeCL (2)
pressureType <d> minP ress ureAtMaxElevation city
L TableMetaData by
ModuleM etaData ol
ep Flange ol
Closure isLowFlow <d>
Flowline Test Station pressureGroup originalTestLen gth county <d>
transports organize s
start, end or Flying Lead ProductSubTypeCL (Liquids) (3) Rectifier Station Network Route located on All Lo cations Communication (MOP)
L ReferenceMode comprised of parentPipelineID (AN ) Ownership Pas ses-thru Future Connection/Tie In Site Electric Distribution reasonForTest <d> state <d>
comprised of
L LayerMetaData ol
ep MiscFitting ol
RepairSleeve isPiggable <d> owns Gas Injection CRD-CRD, Crude Oil Subsea Manifold Electric Transmission testDate country <d>
operationalStatus <d> ownerCompanyID (NN) ol Gas Lift CRD-CRW, Sweet Crude Oil Subsea Termination Assembly Fiber Optic testP ress ure
defines pipelineID (NN) SitePipelineLocation Gathering CRD-CRR, Sour Crude Oil
is subcl ass of . ..
Telephone ClassDeterminationMethodCL (2)
enumerated measure define ol ol
isRegulated <d> is owned by
Interconnect HVL-HVL, Highly Volatile Liquid
Subsea Tie-in testP ress ureGroup ol
L PipeOperatingCondition
2 L LRSN etwork as units
Network Route business ep Meter RepairDevice isSmartPiggable <d> percentOwnership (NN)
siteID (NN) Jumper HVL-OHV, Other Highly Volatile Liquid
Subsea Well Tree Television
Sliding Mile
testStationElevation testPressureReasonCL (3)
L CrossingHydrology L CrossingTransportation
3 ol ol ol ol
for logic for systemType <d> pipelineI D (NN)  from *LPt Lateral HVL-CHM, Chemical L CrossingPipeline L CrossingUtility Cluster testStationPres sure isAboveG roundPipe <d>
ope rate s Valve Station CrossingHydrologyTypeCL (2) Hydrostatic Test
Applied to table
L TableRuleCrossRef
ol ol
L pipelineType <d> Mainline PRD-AA, Anhydrous Ammonia isAboveWater <d>
and/or route PipeLength connects GirthWeld sitePipelineInteraction <d>
Mooring PRD-LPG, Liquif ied Petroleum Gas
isBelowGround <d> isBelowGround <d> isInFloodplain <d> isHeavyHaulRoad <d>
In-service pressure Test
isHDDSegment <d>
operatorCompanyID (AN) groups network Wellhead Assembly Integrity Assessment Test
Notes route s and OperationalStatusCL (2) Pipe-In-Pipe Outer Pipe PRD-NGL, Natural Gas Liquids isBonded <d> isBonded <d> isNavigableWaterway <d> isPatrolledRoad <d>
Arroyo or Wadi OpPressureDetMethodCL (2)
Original Mill Test isOffshore <d>
cross- defines pi pe line Network Route Bayou
GDBDomains location
Pipe-In-Pipe Inner Pipe PRD-ETH, Fuel Grade Ethanol productSubTypeCL (Gas) (3) pipelineCoating <d> utilityType <d> hydrologyType <d> isPublicRoad <d> Canal Documentation
Pressure Test isSpan <d>
ref erenced to contains/ Abandoned Production PRD-EPL, Abandoned Liquid Pipeline Strength Test
Applied to table
L UnitOfMeasure Condition groups/ starts, ends or
Active Sales PRD-RGS, Refined non-ethanol blended
pipelineDiameter <d> utilityVoltage NumberOfLanes Channel Application Provenance <d>
NoteCommen tCrossRef and/or route Cond ition organize s Pas ses-thru i n NG-PG, Propane Gas
pipelineMaterial <d> TransportationType <d> Coastal Zone SME
Uprating Test
PODS Version Conceptual Service gasoline NG-MG, Methane Gas Creek
Decommissioned Site Piping PRD-RFD, Refined fuel oil, diesel NG-SG, S ynthetic Gas pipelineType <d>
L Bu sinessRule PipelineLocationCL (1) ProductTypeCL (2) Design Sub-Sea Tie In Stub Line PRD-RKJ, Refined kerosene, jet fuel pipeToGroundON
Ditch TestPressureMediumCL (2) PipeOpCondProvenanceCL (2) HighConseqAreaDetermineMethodCL (2)
L InspectionRange ol
ElevationPoint located on conti nuous NG-HG, Hydrogen Gas CrossingPipeCoatingCL (2) CrossingClassTypeCL (2) Drain OpPressureTypeCL (2) ClassRatingCL (1)
All Tables GDBDomainValues me asure sitePipelineConnectionFeatureCL (2)
Idle Umbilical Main PRD-OTR, Other refined and/or non-HVL NG-NG1, Pipeline or tariff quality natural gas pipeToGroundOFF Jurisdictional Wetland Air Condition as Discovered Gas HCA due to Dwelling Count
PipelineSystemTypeCL (1) sitePipelineInteractionCL (2) CRD, Crude Oil Inactive Umblilical Infield petroleum NG-NG2, Wet but non-sour natural gas Class 1
Offshore Lake MAOP Inert Gas Condition by Design Gas HCA due to Identified Site
ol ol
BranchConnect HVL, Highly Volatile Liquid Proposed Water Injection PRD-ETB, Ethanol blended gasoline NG-NG3, Sour but non-wet natural gas CrossingNomDiameterCL (2) MarkerTypeCL (2) Class 2
InspectionPoint ExposureSpan Network Route
Distribution Pipeline Start PRD, Non-Volatile Liquid Product Removed Well Tie PRD-BDB, Biodiesel blend NG-NG4, Wet, sour natural gas
Marsh or Swamp MOP
Class 3
Nitrogen Gas HCA due to High Occupancy Location
ref erence Unknown Pond Grandfather OP Water Gas HCA due to Class III or IV
Tee Gathering Pipeline End NG, Natural Gas Unknown Unknown PRD-OBI, other biofuels NG-OTG, Other Gas Class 4
Verified as Unknown CrossingPipeMaterialCL (2) River Five Year Highest OP Liquids Could Aff ect Segment
Valve Transmission Pipeline/Site Pass-thru W, Water Verified as Unknown Verified as Unknown PRD-CO2, Carbon Dioxide NG-EPG, Abandoned or Empty Gas Pipeline
Cross cross- Stream
ref erence
DocumentCrossRef ref erence
Document Operations
DocmentOutline outlines ol
L ClassLocation ol
L ConsequenceSegment Operations

DocumentRange range on
the route
L OperatingPres sure ol
L PipeOperatingCondition located on conti nuous
me asure
MetaData Condition
Table Metadata Model MetaData Documentation MetaData aT/H/D/Au Condition H/D/Au/C
L TestPressure ol
L PipeJurisdiction Network Route NoteTypeCL (3)
Location Model (Linear Referencing System - LRS) [Optional] L CalibrationPoint aT/D/H/Au
aT/H/D/Au aPg/D/H/Au Above/Below Ground
Adjacent Feature
L Centerline L CenterlineS equence assigns Location Block Line
Measure Locatio n Building Corner
ol ol Document DocumentCrossRef ActivityCrossRef Activity ActivityTypeCL (3) Feature Notes */Pt */Pl
to Marker L CrossingHydrology Field Note
located on conti nuous
L LayerMetaData L TableMetaData ModuleM etaData L AttributeMetaData L CodeLookupD omain CodeLookupValues L CodeLookupCrossRef PODS Version L ReferenceMode documentType <d> attributeMetadataI D (AN) activityID (NN) activityDate Assessment General Comment
Continuous MeasureNetwork me asure
DocumentBoundary fileName documen tID (N N) tableMetatdataI D (NN) activityName groups or Baseline Assessment Interface
L CrossingPipeline ol
L CrossingTransportation organize s Pipeline Re-Route
ordered by tableMetadataID (NN) tableCode moduleName moduleMetadataID (NN) moduleMetadataID (NN) codeLookupDomainI D (NN) attributeMetadataI D (NN) RDBMSPlatform <d> refModeBasis <d> filePathURI documentXRefType <d> tableRecordID (NN) activityPerformance <d> Marker
Network Route documentID (NN) Pipeline Replacement Onshore/Offshore
2 L LRSN etwork enumerated a s
L Engin eeringStationNetwork definitionQuery tableName versionNumber tableMetadataID (NN) codeLookUpName codeName codeLookupDomainI D (NN) PODSVersionNumber <d> refModeType <d> fileSystemType <d> tableMetaDataI D (NN) activityType <d> Repair Interface ol
3 ol ol ol ol
CrossingUtility allowGap <d> tableLogicalName releaseDate attributeName (NN) codeLookUpLogicalName codeDescription isESRIG eodatabase <d> refModeUnits <d> mimeType <d> tableRecordID (NN) activitySummary Risk Analysis Property Line InspectionPoint ElevationPoint L InspectionRange ExposureSpan
allowOverlap <d> tableLogicalHierarchyPath moduleI nstallDate attributeLogicalName (NN) codeLookUpType <d> codeStatus <d> defines
isPRM <d> parentActivityID (AN) Class Location Analysis Right of Way
show the
allowNullGeometry <d> moduleMetadataID (NN) displayName codeStatusNotes M easure parentRefMode (AN) boundary or
HCA Determination Routing Note
inspectionBeginDate depthOfCover inspectionBeginDate exposureSpanType <d >
Text in Red: Text in red indicates an Addition or Modification (Change) from the PODS 1.0 Lite depen dentLayerID (AN) category certification <d> codeSupercedesID (AN)* for
startMeasure Pressure Test inspectionEndDate depthUnde rWater inspectionEndDate isIntentional <d >
LEGEND Schema to PODS 7.0 and PODS Lite 1.1.
e xtent sourc e
doc um entation
groups & Uprate/Downrate
Sheet Note
Water Level inspectionReason <d> elevationGround inspectionReason <d> isOriginalConstruction <d>
dependentLayerTopology <d> CRSWK T uni fi es
3 Enumeration Table Point (located by X Y only) Offline FeatureC lass layerLocationMode CRSWK T2 groups/ De scribes each domain superse de d NetworkRoute
is prim ary or D/H/Au/*/Pl feature s Unknown inspectionPointType <d> elevationTOP inspectionRangeType <d> isSupported <d>
Attribute names ending in ID represent Primary Key or Foreign Key fields. is secondary Data Correction
categorizes groups value in a dom ai n by ne w value MimeTypeCL (3) Verified as Unknown elevationCOP spanLength
Eith er/Or Inheritan ce ol Polygon Abstract Class EPSGNumber desc ri be the domain Route Repair
Online Polyline (located by LRS or XY) may re qui re the ESRICRS assigned to whi ch attribute feature Bulk Data Loading elevationBOP spanHeight
NN or AN stands for Not Null or Allow Null on Foreign Key constraints. show the See Sidebar (Right)
Inheritan ce (Dashed=Optional) Table (Object) Domain (Type 1-3) prese nc e of RefModeUnitsCL (1) location al ong
activi ti es
ILI Inspection DocumentTypeCL (3) measuredDate spanHeightLocationOffset
Polyline (located by XY only) geometryType <d> ide ntifie s
<d> indicates the field is qualified by a domain or check-constraint. are c omprise d of defines Domain assigned to a pipeli ne CP Inspection measurementMethod <d>
aT/D/H/Au spatialDataType <d> Meter ol table for Alignment S heets
1..M Relationship (Implied) m
Polyline (A M-Aware route) Online FeatureClass Centerline (LRS) Class
DocumentRange feature
ROV Inspection
Survey Results
(1), (2) or (3) in the domain or Code Lookup indicates a 1) managed domain, 2) standard domain, feature Visual Inspection
1..M Relationship (Explicit or Defined) SubType Wormho le relationship
desc ri be the
Survey Foot doc um entation Engineering Assessment Pipe Tally Network Route
ol 3) free-form domain. attributes of documentID (NN) InspectionPointTypeCL (2) InspectionRangeTypeCL (2)
Online Point (located by LRS or XY) Refe re nce UO M, Nautical Mile NDT Inspection Inline Inspection Report
ide ntifie s
A Abstract Class ep Equivalent Pipe Asset Part o f PODS Lite T ag Rule s NetworkRoute Survey Chain Mitigation CP Inspection Report
An asterisk (*) indicates a special condition for the attributes in a table. GeometryRepresentationCL ( 1) Dep end entLa yerTo polog yCL (2 ) PODSCertificationCL (1) UnitOfMeasureCL (3) table for ILI ILI
Survey Link H/D/Au/C/*/Pt aT/H/D/Au feature
All Tables Remediation ROV Inspection Report
located on

ST_GEOMETRY Disjoint PODS Standard (Type 1) feet Survey Mile Patrol or Survey Inspection Tally
Direct Assessment Direct Assessment
SDO_GEOMETRY Meets PODS Certified (Type 2) meter Kilometer Public Awareness P&ID Diagram
L UnitOfMeasure L Bu sinessRule L TableRuleCrossRef CIS CIS
rules de fined
for route Well Known Binary Equals Uncertif ied (Type 3) millimeter Structure Audit Visual Inspection Report
Visual Visual All Con ditions
Well Known Text Contains mils RDBMSPlatformCL (2) P ODSV ersio nC L ( 2) Regulatory Audit Video

Abstract Classes unitOfMeasurement <d > ruleXML tableMetadataID (NN) Internal/Exteral DA Internal/Exteral DA
Covers domainCodeStatusCL (1) psi Continuous S urface InspectionReasonCL (3)
Oracle 1.0 Class Patrol Class Patrol
certification <d> layerMetadataID (AN) Final Report
EPSGNumberCL (3) CodeLookUpTypeCL (1) Overlaps bar
MS SQL Server 1.1 Note Comment TableMetaData FileSystemT ypeCL (2)
Preliminary Report
attributeName (AN) None Valid (Active) centimeter Encroachment Survey Encroachment Survey
Proposed (Not-Valid) PostGIS 7.0 Testing Results Incident Response ElevPtMeasureMethodCL (2)
networkRouteID (AN) 2025, NAD27(76) / MTM zone 16 Enumeration ( Type 1) ESRI F ile Geodatabase noteLabel tableMetadataID (NN) Network Drive Line Survey Line Survey
Retired GeometryTypeCL (1) Isometric Reported
ruleID (AN*) PODS Managed (Type 2) SharePoint NDT NDT
1) Starts as one of these abstract types layerLocationModeCL (1) CodeStatusCL (1)
2026, NAD27(76) / MTM zone 17
2027, NAD27(76) / UTM zone 15N Unmanaged (Type 3)
ESRI_CRS_WKID (3) Superseded
point RefModeTypeCL (1)
RefModeBasisCL (1) noteType <d> tableRecordID (NN)
commen t
ide ntifie s
table for
DocumentXRefTypeCL (3) FileNet
Piping Diagram
Bellhole Inspection Bellhole Inspection
Regulatory Compliance
Planned Inspection ExposureSpanTypeCL (2)
Online Not valid etc... 2165, Abidj an_ 1987_ T M_ 5_N W feature Documentum Visual Inspection Visual Inspection
precedence Rank polygon Arbitrary commen tDate As-Built Document MOC Document
Offline Retired 2043, Abidj an_ 1987_ UT M _Z one _ 29N Portal
polyline Interrupted and Adjustable (Re-route + Offset) 2D Projected Construction Document Engineering Assessment
2041, Abidj an_ 1987_ UT M _Z one _ 30N commen tAuthor Google Drive
e tc ... table Interrupted and Not Adjustable (Engineering) 3D Geoid Design Document MAOP Assignment
Valid Dropbox
Uninterrupted and Adjustable (Continuous) 3D Projected Diagram
A PipelineFeature (*) abstractTable (aT) abstractPolygon (aPg) abstractPoint (aPt) abstractPolyline (aPl) m
NetworkRoute (N R) Uninterrupted and Not Adjustable (Mile Post) 3D Slack Chain
annotate s or comme nts Inspection Document AWS S3
on fe ature s TVC Document
uniqueID (pk) uniqueID (pk) uniqueID (pk) uniqueID (pk) uniqueID (pk) uniqueID (pk)
editResponse preserveRelateID (AN) featureG eometry featureG eometry featureG eometry networkID (AN*) <d>
pos itionSource preserveRelateID (AN) preserveRelateID (AN) preserveRelateID (AN) networkRouteOrder
locError networkRouteName
networkID (AN)
located on
or nearby
Network Route parentNetworkRouteID (AN)
pipelineID (NN ) pipeLineID (AN*)
vis ualOffset 2) Pipeline featureG eometry Assets From Documentation Metadata
preserveRelateID (AN) refModeID (AN)
features must preserveRelateID (AN)
D/H/Au/As Assets
located on enginee ring
stati oning Network Route MimeTypeCL (3)

A As set (As) A Condition (C) A Location (L) A Operation (O)

belong to one of me asure

installedDate activityOriginDate determinationDate these application/octet-stream

inserviceDate ReferenceMode application/
tagID (s tring) categories */Pt */Pl application/octet-stream
may be located
manufacturedDate application/x-bzip2
near or inside a Site
siteID (AN) site application/x-csh
HistoricStateCL (1) YesNoNaCL (1) PositionSourceCL (2) A Describe (D) L LauncherReceiver
L ep Valve ol
ep MiscFitting ol
L ep PipeBend ol
ep BranchConnect ol
ep Elbow ol
ep Reducer ol
ep Tee ol
ep Flange ol
Closure ol
ep Meter ol
L GirthWeld
PipeLength A Repair
Casing ol
L Coating ol
L PipeSegment application/epub+zip
A EquivilantPipeAsset (EA) application/ecmascript
Current Yes Coordinate Located description (string) barrelDiameter <d> branchConnectID (AN) mis cFittingType <d> horizontalAngle branchConnectType <d> elbowRadius grade <d> branchOutsideDiameter <d> flangeType <d> closureType <d> branchConnectID (AN) coatingMaterial <d > casingID (AN)* barCode isCoated <d> casingLength applicationCompany <d> designPressureRating image/gif
pipeSegmentID (fk,AN) Historic No LRS Located commen ts (string) barrelSpecification <d> dateManufactured pipeBendFabricatorName <d> branchNomWallThickness <d> grade <d> inletOutsideDiameter <d> inletOutsideDiameter <d> manufacturer <d> Manufacturer <d> manufacturer <d> girthWeldIdentifier material <d> DSWeldIdentifier serialNumber isInsulated <d> applicationLocation <d> equivalentAssetType <d> text/html
Unknown Not Applicable LRS Located with Offset image/x-icon
barrelW allThickness <d> functionalStatus <d> pipeBendRadius branchOuts ideDiameter <d> horiz ontalAngle manufacturer <d> manufacturer <d> nominalPres sureRating OutsideDiameter <d> meterNumber girthWeldType <d> nominalDiameter <d> heatNumber IsVented <d> applicationMethod <d> grade <d > text/calendar
Verified as Unknown barrelOrien tation <d> isRemotelyOperated <d> pipeBendTechnique <d> manufacturer <d> inletOutsideDiameter <d> material <d> material <d> specification <d> meterStatus <d> locationMethod <d> ventType <d> lengthIdentifier material <d> coatingLayer isCarrierPipe <d>
History (H)
Is compri sed
of PipeSegment A
appl ie d to ...
corros ionAllowance isSafe tyCriticalEquipment <d> pipeBendType <d> spe cification <d> manufacturer <d> outletOutsideDiameter <d> nominalWallThickness <d> meterType <d > vendorIdentifier longSeamClockPosition nominalWallThickness <d> coatingLocation <d > joinType <d> and require s image/jpeg
fromDate (date,AN*) launcherReceiverIdentifier manufacturer <d> verticalAngle tapMethod <d> material <d> reducerType <d> outletOutsideDiameter <d> serialN umber longSeamOrientation numberOfVents coatingTypeCL <d> longSeamWeldType <d> the e x istence application/javascript
of .. .

ol ol
Can be toDate (date,AN)
status <d >
manufacturer <d>
material <d>
nominalWallThickness <d>
outletOutsideDiameter <d>
specification <d> spe cification <d>
teeType <d>
longSeamType <d>
longSeamWeldType <d>
RepairDevice ol
RepairSleeve outsideDiameter <d>
sealType <d>
manufacturer <d>
material <d>
PipelineFeaturePoint (Pt) PipelineFeaturePolyline (Pl) conne cts video/mpeg

measure fromMeas ure

3) The applied A Au dit (Au)
nominalPres sureRating
operatorManufacturer <d>
operatorType <d>
Specification <d>
USWeldIdentifier repairDeviceType <d>
repairDeviceMaterial <d>
isPressurized <d>
isWeldedToPipe <d>
isAppliedForRepair <d >
materialCL <d>
millTestPres sure
networkRouteID (AN )
networkRouteName (AN)
fromNetworkRouteN ame (AN)
fromNetworkRouteID (AN)
geometry to ANY editDate (date)
isPortable <d>
totalLength (r)
outs ideDiameter <d>
rating <d>
repairDeviceManufacturer <d> pressureRating
repairSleeveType <d>
thickness nominalDiameter <d>
origin <d >
editor (string) audio/ogg
featureG eometry (AN)
toNetworkRouteID (AN)
is assigned table in createDate (date)
trapClosureType <d>
launcherReceiverType <d>
specification <d>
repairSleeveMaterial <d>
repairSleeveManufacturer <d>
outsideDiameter <d>
pipeSegmentType <d>
creator (string)
featureG eometry (AN) EditRespons eCL (1) the valve CurrentPos ition <d>
valve DefaultPosition <d>
SMYS <d>
specification <d>
Ve nts
derivedNetworkRouteID derivedfromMeas ure
Null Geometry – No Location model valve Function <d>
wallThickness <d > application/pdf
Relative – Online – Fixed LRS application/x-rar-compressed
derivedFro mNetworkRouteName Absolute – Online – Update LRS valve JoinType <d> application/rtf
derivedFro mNetworkRouteID Absolute – Online – Fixed LRS valveLength application/x-sh
derivedToMeasure Absolute – Offline – Update LRS for Point valve MillTes tPres sure <d> image/svg+xml
derivedToNetworkRouteName valve Type <d> application/x-shockwave-flash
Absolute – Offline – No LRS application/x-tar
Network Route
LrBarrelOrientationCL (2) application/vnd.visio
le ngth repres entation of point location
Linear Referencing System (LRS) D/H/Au LrManufacturerCL (3) Val veFunctionCL (2) MiscFittingTypeCL (2) BcTypeCL (2) ElbowGradeCL (2) ReducerGradeCL (2) TeeManufacturerCL (3) FlangeTypeCL (2) ClosureTypeCL (2) MeterTypeCL (2) GwCoatingMaterialCL ( 2) VentMaterialCL (2) LongSeamTypeCL (2) RepairSleeveTypeCL (2) CasingSealTypeCL (2) CoatingApplCompanyCL (3) PipeEquivilantAssetTypeCL ( 2) PipeMillLocationCL (2) video/webm
Location Model [Optional] font/woff
LrTrapClosureTypeCL (3) Val veFunctionalStatusCL (2) PbendFabricatorNameCL (3) BcManufacturerCL (3) ElbowOutsideDiameterCL (2) ReducerManufacturerCL (3) TeeMaterialCL (2) FlangeManufacturerCL (3) ClosureManufacturerCL (3) MeterManufacturerCL (3) GwTypeCL (2) VentNominalDiameterCL (2) LongSeamWeldTypeCL (2) RepSleeveManufacturerCL ( 2) CasingMaterialCL (2) CoatingApplLocationCL (3) PipeGradeCL (2) PipeOriginCL (2)
Was PODS Route Was PODS Series font/woff2
Stand-alone .application/xhtml+xml
LrTypeCL (3) Val veJoinTypeCL (2) PbendTechniqueCL (3) BcNomWallThkCL (2) ElbowManufacturerCL (3) ReducerMaterialCL (2) TeeNomWallT hkCL (2) FlangeSpecificationCL (2) MeterStatusCL (2) GwLocationMethodCL (2) VentT ypeCL (2) RepairSleeveMaterialCL (2) CasingNomWallThickCL (2) CoatingApplMethodCL (2) JoinTypeCL (2) PipeSegmentTypeCL (2) application/
Val veManufacturerCL (2) PbendTypeCL (2) BcOutsideDiaCL (2) ElbowMaterialCL (2) ReducerOutsideDiameterCL (2) TeeOutsideDiameterCL (2) RepairDeviceTypeCL (2) CasingOutsideDiaCL (2) CoatingLocationCL (3) LongSeamWeldTypeCL (2) SMYSCL (2) application/zip
L CenterlineSequence L NR L NR L CalibrationPoint
NominalOutisdeDiameterCL (2)
L Centerline m m Val veMaterialCL (2) Val veOutsideDiameterCL (2) BcSpecificationCL (2) ElbowNomWallThkCL (2) ReducerSpecificationCL (2) TeeSpecificationCL (2) RepairDeviceManufacturerCL (3) CoatingMaterialCL (3) PipeManufacturerCL (3) PipeSpecificationCL (2) audio/3gpp
cen terlineID (AN*) ContinuousMeasureNetwork EngineeringStationNetwork measure video/3gpp2
uniqueID (AN*) networkID (AN*) <d > networkID (N N) <d> NominalWallThicknessCL (2) audio/3gpp2
networkRouteID (AN *) stationingDirection networkRouteID (NN) Val veOperatorManufacturerCL (2) Val vePositionCL (2) BcTapMethodCL (2) ElbowSpecificationCL (2) ReducerTypeCL (2) TeeTypeCL (2) RepairDevMaterialCL (2) CoatingTypeCL (3) PipeMaterialCL (2) application/x-7z-compressed
pointType <d> PipeSpecificationCL (2)
ordered seriesOrder Val veOperatorTypeCL (2) Val veSpecificationCL (2) Val veTypeCL (2)
shared geometry by forwardMeasure
in network assigns mea sure to backwardMeasure
enumerated vertex on route
LRSNetwork* (2)
Abstract Class Types NOTE: How each table in the model inherits attributes and relationships from one or NOTE: PODS 6.0 and ealier to PODS 7.0 Assets Cross ings shows the use of a s pecific abs tract class within a organiz ational portion of the NOTES: The poster is designed to be read starting with the text boxes
EngineeringStationNetwork = 1 dReferentMethod* (1) more abstract classes (represented by the grey boxes). Attributes ending with the suffix ID The ContinuousMeasureNetwo rk replace the previous PODS Routes. These features data model. The other example of this is repair in the Assets group. The crossing abstract
ContinuousMeasureNetwork = 2
Abstract classes are used to simplify the design and documentation of a model. An
are primary key or foreign key relationship values. The <d > after the attribute indicates contain measure values along the route in a continuous and un-interrupted state. The
Assets represen t the installed components that compris e the pressurized product
class acts as a superclass for other crossing tables. The attributes described in this object
The three domains dLRSNetworks, dReferen tMethod, and dActivityType are not named along the bottom of the diagram, then from the upper left,
X/Y abstract clas s represents a concept that needs to be des cribed or utilized within a logical containment and transportation as pect of the pipeline. Assets may not contain product using the PODS Standard <DomainName>CL nomenclature. Thes e domains are required by downwards and then from the upper right and downwards.
that the attribute is validated by a geodatabase domain or a code-lookup table. Engineering Statio nNetwork replace the previous PODS Series. Thes e feature contain are immediately inherited by the objects beneath. The child objects have the word
RedLine Len gth model. but are installed and by virtue of being installed they require regular maintenance and ESRI Geodatabase to be implemented as-is. If they are not present in the model then, the
calibrationPointTypeCL (1) dActivityType* (1) dLRSNetworks* (1) station values along each route. But the sum of the engineering series stationing ‘Cross ing’ prefixed to the object name to den ote this relationship. The construct of super-
inspection. Assets exist as real-world features and are almost always rep resen ted as points ESRI AP R software will create them in the Geodatabase when the APR software is installed
Version 7.0 – 2018
Stationing connected end-to-end form the measure values of the parent class and sub-class is used here to avoid duplicating super-class attributes in each sub-class
redlineFromMeasure Abstract classes are represented by the letters that follow the name of the abstract clas s or polylines on or along the pipeline routes. The s tructural and functional integrity of and configured.
Begin Route Create Route Engineering Stationing Network ENGINEERIN G_STA_NETWORK
in the remainder of the logical model to indicate that each table describing a element in
Linear Reference System (LRS) Location Model ‘ContinuousMeasureNetwork’ feature. Routes are the parents to Series. PODS NextGen
assets degrade over time, and therefore ‘Conditions’ are used to measure the ‘state’ of an
End Route Calibrate Route Continuous Measure Network redlineToMeasure VALVE provides an explicit foreign-key relations hip from ContinuousMeasure to
Equation Reverse Route ENGINEERIN G_STA_NETWORK networkRouteID (AN ) PIPE_SEGMENT the model has the attributes and relationships defined in and by these abstract classes. Linear Referencing Systems (LRS) tables describe how networks of M-Aware polyline
EngineeringStationNetwork. This relationship exists in the APR software between
asset over time. Two important assets are Valve and PipeSegment. Valves are used to © PODS Association 2018
routes are organized and managed for the purpose of locating ‘elements’ on or along a moderate or constrain flow. A valve is a equivalent pipe asset meaning that a valve is Domains and Code Look-up Tables
Point of Inflection (P I) Retire Route routeName
networkID (AN) <d > stationingDirectionCL (1) All tables in the PODS model must belong to one of the following abstract class types : pipeline using a ‘measured’ distance along the route from the s tart of the route. The term ‘continuous’ and ‘engineering’ network but does not exis t as a relationship in the model.
represented as a point on the map (from the valve table) but will also have a length that is Domains (ESRI Geodatabase) and Code Look-up tables (CLUTs) provide a s tandard set of
Unknown Extend Route route in this instance is not the old PODS route but rather is the definition of a ‘ESRI’ M-
effectiveDate • PipelineFeature (*) – a point or linear feature or event on or along the pipeline described as pipe characteristics in a related record in the PipeSegment table. A values for an attribute in a table. When a user adds a record to a table or modifies a value
Verified as Unknown Reassign Route Ascending (with measure) Aware Polyline Route. Each vertex of the polyline feature has a XYZM value denoting the For a pipeline system utilizing linear referencing to locate features. Each physical Pipeline
activityType <d> • abstractTable (aT) – a table without geometric or geographic representation of position PipeSegment rep res ents a continuous section of pipe. PipeSegments are a larger master in the attribute referenced by a domain; the list of values that should be stored in the Design Notes
Realign Route Descen ding (against measure) geographic position of the vertex and the measured dis tance along the route from the in the model has one ContinuousMeasureNetwork route per pipeline. Each physical
• abatractPolygon (aPg) – a record with a polygonal or area demarcating location segment comprised of many lengths or joints of pipe that share common attributes (as attribute are stored in the domain or code look-up table. The TableMetadata section of
start of the route. Routes can be joined end to en d to form a connected network of lines. Pipeline many have one or more EngineeringStationNetwork routes. Each
• abstractPoint (aPt) – a record with a point location not as sociated with the pipeline shown on the left). A PipeSegment can also represen t the length and pipe characteristics the model has four tables that des cribe domains and CLUTs including a descriptor of the This poster comprises both a concep tual and logical model design notes. The poster
An enumeration (or list of numbers) is used to define the primary key for a given network ContinuousMeasure route s hould be comprised of one or more EngineeringStation routes
• abstractPolyline (aPl) – a record with a linear location not associated with the pipeline of a point feature such as a valve or other point fitting (bend, meter, reducer etc.) as type of domain. Within PODS 7.0 there are three types of domains or CLUT’s, type 1 or is designed to be read from upper left, downwards and the from upper right and
these are stored in the LRSNetwork. The description of the main tables is listed below: connected to each other in s equence, en d point to end point. All routes in either table
• NetworkRoute (NR) – a network route feature designed to hold measure or stationing shown in the ‘Asset’ section of the Concep tual Model (far left). The relationship between Enumeration, type 2 or ‘PODS Managed’, or type 3, ‘Unmanaged’. Enumeration domains downwards. For the designer it is difficult to perform and document a conceptual
may have negative measure values.
How to understand this diagram How to read this diagram • CalibrationPoints are s tand-alone point geometries containing measure values that are
point and line is defined as a ‘detail’. The attributes of both Valve and Pipe describe the cannot have the values in the domain modified or extended. The values in these domains model and logical design without reverting back to the terms ‘tables’ and ‘attributes’
This diagram shows the schema of the PODS 7.0 data model. The diagramming style Read the text in the box left of this one first. Pipeline Features mus t belong to one of the following abstract clas s types: physical aspects rather than ‘conditional’ or ‘operational’ aspects. These are described by have s ignificance to the logic of the PODS 7.0 model. PODS Managed domains are a and ‘relations hips’. In some cases, the design is best explained in these terms.
used to ‘calibrate’ or ‘set’ the measure for any given route. Each calibration point
incorporates conceptual and logical model elements. • Asset (As ) – Installed devices or product containment that require maintenance overlain ‘Condition’ features. standard set of values for the given domain that can be deleted, modified or extended.
• Condition (C) - The state or condition of installed assets or the pipeline
belongs to a s ingle ‘route’ in a s ingle ‘network’. Store the information for equation MetaData The PODS organiz ation will work towards providing standard lists of domain values for
Understand the legen d and what the colors and the symbols mean. It is ass umed that the points in CalibrationP oint. The principles for design were to utilize what worked in previous PODS models
• Location (L) – Denotes a location either marked or understood or recorded Metadata tables are used to describe generic non-spatial elemen ts and to capture or these domains to suit particular operating locations and product types . Offshore and
Each block represents a table. The color coding for the table header indicates what kind of reader has some knowled ge of database terminology, the ESRI Geodatabase and database • Centerline stores the network features (or Geometry) for a given route network. If codify rules about the structure and content of the model. Metadata is comprised of the Conditions including the relational and spatial model. The design uses existing patterns if they
table it is or what type of ‘feature’ or ‘geometry’ it represents. terms. The text bes ide the legend describes some of the text and labeling conven tions • Operation (O) – A clas sification based on assess ment or qualification Conditions rep resen t the ‘state’ or ‘condition’ of the pipeline. Conditions also represen t
ons hore pipelines will have different domain values, as will North American and Europe. still make sense or there was not a better way. Every attempt was made to remove
Polyline feature class that stores the actual route features (Geometry) of the following three groups: Oil pipelines will have different domain values for common fields than will Gas pipelines.
used in this diagram. the res ults of an activity such as an inspection (such as inline inspection, a close interval any element that was not neces sary, to keep things simple, and to use common
Assets, Conditions, Locations and Operations must then be implemen ted as one of:
routes. Where multiple routes from different networks s hare common geometry, • TableMetadata – Describes the structure and content of tables, modules , and layers in Unmanaged domains are independent of location, region or product and can be modified
The icons in the table header further indicate the geometric representation of records in only one centerline feature is present. survey or a pipe expos ure/bell hole inspection). Conditions rep resen t the current ‘state’ of ‘pipeline’ terms rather than data modeler terminology. Every attempt was made to
• PipelineFeaturePoint (P t) – a record with a point location on or along a pipeline the model. Modules can be added to the ‘base’ model (as shown here), tables as needed.
the table – typically these are rows (table), points, lines or polygons . The box in the upper left corner represents the simplest and highest level schema of the • CenterlineSequence is a table storing the sequence of routes in a given network. the pipeline and record previous or his torical states of the pipeline as the conditions keep the abstract classes as straight forward as poss ible.
• PipelineFeaturePolyline (Pl) a record with a linear location on a pipeline store information about ‘things’ on or along the pipeline. TableMetadata als o
entire data model. The remainder of the boxes break the model down into further detail.
• ContinuousMeasureNetwork are M-Aware Polyline features representing the ‘routes’ describes the rules on if geometric features are required for the table. Layers are change over time. Conditions are discovered or meas ured as a result of an ‘Activity’, such
The grey table headers represent the ‘abstract’ classes that the table inherits attributes If a table is implemented as a Asset (as) then a PipelineFeatureP oint can also implement
in the old PODS world. These can be formed together end-to-end point in a used to sub-type tables into groups of data within a table but also define rules for as an inspection, that is performed on or along the pipeline. Activities are described in the EditResponseCL At this stage of the design no decision about feature, table, attribute ‘SourceCL’
and relations hips from. Understand how the Abstract Classes and the Linear Referencing System (location model) or inherit from: DocumentMetadata section of the model. The EditResponseCL domain contains critical information for determining how a record in information has been finalized. Part of ‘SourceCL’ construct is covered in the
network but for purposes of modeling pipelines thes e are considered ‘stand’ alone features such as gap/overlap and cross layer dependency (cannot have coating
work. Abstract clas ses are building blocks that are used to repres ent attributes and • Equivilant PipeAsset (Eq) – a PipelineFeaturePoint Ass set (*/Pt/ As) rep resen ting the a table that inherits from PipelineFeature reacts when the feature location is altered or PipelineFeature abstract class . The final decision has not been made regarding this.
features where ‘events’ do not cross from one to the other. with out pipe, cannot have gaps in active pipes, what is internal and external
Under the table header is a listing of the attributes that are used to describe the rows in inheritance that are ‘passed’ onto leaf tables. A leaf table in this diagram will be point location of linear pipeSegment feature (aka a valve or pipe_bend) Domains and Code-Lookup tables are considered to be synonymous with each other
• EngineeringStationNetwork represent a different network where each route comprises coating etc.). These section also describes business rules and units of meas ure and Operations the underlying network route feature that the feature is associated is altered or moved.
the table. implemented as a physical table in the final database. The leaf table will inherit and The values for this domain are listed below: containing, at a minimum, a code and des cription value.
a section of the ‘continuous’ measure network. how domains and code-look up tables are organiz ed and used in the model. Operations are a classification of a part of the pipeline system based on need for
implement all the attributes and relationships passed onto it from each abs tract class it The following abstract classes can be implemented by any leaf/concrete table: • Null Geometry – No Location - No location, no response to CL move.
• Redline represent ‘annotations’ or ad-hoc notes which include graphical repres entation • ModelMetadata –Describes the model version and the reference modes (if any) used in
Tables with Orange table headers represent geodatabase domains or relational database inherits from. Abstract class es designations are show as a series of letter codes (one for • Describe (D) – Comments, remarks and description fields organization or as the res ult of analysis of the pipeline and the surrounding geography.
• Relative – Online – Fixed LRS - Move the event on the line, do not update the measure Copyright © PODS Organiz ation 2016-2018 – All rights reserved
used to help define or guide editing tasks. the data model. ReferenceMode describes all the ‘route networks’ or ‘measure/
managemen t system code lookup tables. These are used to contain valid value lists for a each abstract class type) in grey boxes with triangles and connectors beneath them. All • History (H) – From and To Dates marking the time the record changed in the database Operating areas, operating pressure, high consequence areas and Class Location are forms
• Absolute – Online – Update LRS - Do not move the event on the line, update the
stationing’ systems within the model.
field in a table. Domain or code-lookup tables have a ‘CL’ suffix appended to the table/ tables in the model inherit from one or more abstract classes. • Audit (Au) – The creator and last editor audit information of classification or organization of the pipeline. Operations do not reflect the ‘state’ of the
The LRS tables defined in the location model are based on the ESRI ArcGIS for Pipeline • Docume ntationMetadata – Allows the user to capture links to documents (and the pipeline rather reflect how the pipeline is organized or classified either manually or by
domain name. • Absolute – Online – Fixed LRS - Do not move the event on the line, do not update the
Referencing (APR) Location Model tables . If linear referencing (continuous measure or spatial position/ boundary of those documents ) and describe activities that occur virtue of the geography surrounding the pipeline or the operating limitations of the
The metadata tables are critical to maintain a standard deploymen t of the schema and the These attributes describe all tables in the model regardless of what abstract class the table measure
engineering stationing) are not used to locate features along pipeline routes – these on or along the pipeline. Allows the user to capture notes or make commen ts pipeline.
The connectors between tables (the lines with crows feet at one or both en ds) den ote a structure of how data are stored in the database. originates from: • Absolute – Offline – Update LRS for Point - Do not move the event in space, update the
tables do not need to be P OPULATED. Implementing LRS within PODS Next Gen does not about any record in the model.
‘relations hip’ between a primary key in one table to a foreign key field in another table. • UniqueID – a unique primary key containing a GUID value measure within validityTolerance (point only)
require adoption or use of the ESRI APR software tools. However, PODS next Gen has
These relations hips typically represent a parent-to-child or origin-to-destination The Pipelines section describe how the pipeline systems are organized as pipelines and • featureGometry – the field used to store the geometric representation of the feature Locations • Absolute – Offline – No LRS - Do not move the event in space, no LRS
been designed to work seamlessly with APR if needed. A Note about Notes: Notes are a generic container for commen ts and additional notes
relations hip. These relationships assume that child records can not be present in the sites. • preserveRelateID – a field used to preserve relations hips during data migration or data Locations are things that are used to ‘denote’ the location of something on or along the
describing any ‘element’ in the model. Notes replaces routing, s heet, and field notes and
database without a parent record in the origin table. editing operations pipeline. Locations are typically used as reference points to find other features on or along These values determine how a feature or ‘event’ on or along a pipeline are located and
Derived Network Measure Fields can be placed as a ‘online’ point, or can be used as a gen eric note about some ‘element’
The Assets , Conditions, Locations and Operations sections show tables the des cribe the the pipeline. Crossings and monuments represent locations along a pipeline. Cross ings are updated in the event of a change in location or measure of a related pipeline network
The italiciz ed fields inside the dashed boxes represent ContinuousMeas ureNetwork without a spatial position by keeping the SHAPE or GEOMETRY attribute NULL.
This table nomenclature or style is used because it is similar to the style us ed for core elemen ts of thes e units with in the PODS models. All tables in PODS belong to one of All tables inherit from a collection of abstract clas ses. The grey boxes indicate the letter points where cultural or physical geographic features intersect the pipeline. Monumen ts route. It is important to see how coordinate position and measure position interact with
measure values can be derived from the cumulative total of the stationing of the
documen ting APDM and PODS ESRI Spatial Geodatabases . It is used to maintain continuity the LRS, Metadata, Pipelines, Assets, Conditions, Location or Operations groups. codes repres enting the abstract class the table inherits from. For example, the valve table are used to locate inspections or serve as calibration or reference points for inspections. each other and yet, neither or poten tially required. It is also important to note that a
EngineeringStationNetwork route features. These fields are not cons idered part of the The metadata tables are the key to managing data within a PODS 7.0 data model using a
between the old and new models to facilitate model understanding. inherits from D/H/Au/As/*/Pt/Eq or the Describe, History, Audit, Asset, PipelineFeature, Aerial markers or above ground markers for inline inspections are forms of locations. record in a table inheriting from PipelineFeature does not require a GEOMETRY value at
PODS Lite Core but are shown here as they could be added during the creation of the APR consistent, standard and documen ted approach.
Point and EquivilantPipeAsset abstract classes. While conceptually these may be considered assets becaus e they are installed; their all.
networks using the ESRI ArcGIS for Pipeline Referen cing network creation process.
For domains with the * appended to the title see the ‘NOTES’ section. primary purpose is to locate the pipeline.

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