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á is assignment is based on setup of a nuclear power plant. á e

assignment starts wit working of t e plant. In t e working t e type of fuel used in
t e plant is discussed and t e working principles are also discussed. Electricity is
t e back bone of t e electronic industry running out of electricity will be a
collapse of t e electronic society.

á e second stage in t e assignment involves t e met od adopted for t e

payment of t e salaries to t e employees. Before t e met od t e different
position in t e company is briefly discussed. A flow c art is used for t e sack of
simplicity. á e salary for every group is mentioned along wit t e over time
payment plan.

á e next stage in t e assignment involves a Gantt c art basically t e c art

s ow t e disposal of nuclear waste. á e number of t e days given in t e c art is
not accurate t is is just an example of using Gantt c art in nuclear power plants.

á e task two consists of direct and indirect cost associated wit t e

nuclear power plant. A SWOá Analysis (strengt s, weakness, opportunity and
t reat) is done for t e power plant. á e analysis s ows t e very common weak
and strong old of t e company.

In t e next part of t e assignment different department of t e company is

mentioned along wit t eir functions and responsibilities. Wit t is t e
assignment is completed. At t e end of t e assignment conclusion as been
given it is t e understanding and t e explanation of t e entire topic is done in one
or two lines.

It s ould be noted t at all t e data and t e pictures in t is assignment as

been subjected to textual or grap ical c ange but t e main idea be ind t ose
data is kept t e same. á e last page provides t e reference to all t ose websites.

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á e working of t e nuclear power plant is similar to t e coal burning power plant.

á e major difference is t at in t e coal we use fossil fuels and coal to eat t e
water. Wereas in t e nuclear power plants we use enric ed uranium t ere are
different types of uranium for example U-235 and U-238 etc. t e picture below
s ow a nuclear power plant sc ematic diagram wit anot er picture s owing t e
fuel used in t is nuclear reactor. á e second difference between t e two
tec nologies is t e structure. á e nuclear power plants are secured and t e walls
are around 1 meter t ick. á e reason be ind t is big wall is t at t e radiation
cannot pass t roug it easily so in order to avoid t e spreading of radiation we
build t is big wall.

á oria ( ) is an important nuclear ceramic used in t e fuel and t e UOr is

t e Uranium dioxide. As it can be seen from t e figure t at t e plant is using t e
pebble bed as fuel w ic c ange water to steam and t at steam is used to
rotates t e blades of t e turbine from w ic we get t e electricity.

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á e workers of t e power plant are divided into categories. Eac group as a

different rank and based on t at rank t e salaries are provided according to t e
day and t e number of ours t ey work extra. Before starting wit t e
compensation plan let ave a look at t e grading. á ese are t e following ranks
or grades

u Grade one.
u Grade two.
u Grade t ree.
u Grade four.
u Grade five.
u Grade six.
u Grade seven


á is is t e ig est rank an employee can ac ieve wit t e ig est salary. á e

employees w o come under t ese grades are t e senior plant engineer and
general manager. á ere are two senior plant engineers one for eac s ift. But
t e general manager is only one.


á is is t e second ig est rank or t e grade an employee can ac ieve. á e

employees w ic falls under t is grades are t e plant engineer. á e plant
engineer can be more t an two but cannot be less t an two. á e plant engineer
reports directly to t e senior plant engineer. á ere s ould be one plant engineer
for eac s ift. á e employee from t e management department w ic falls under
t is grade is t e senior manager. á e senior manager report directly to t e GM.

á e employees w o fall under t ese grades are t e senior s ift engineer. á e

senior s ift engineer s ould be atleast t ree. A senior s ift engineer can directly
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report to t e plant engineer and s ould report any damage done in t e plant. á e
employees from t e management department w ic fall under t is grade are t e
senior officer of t e finance department, t e senior officer of t e administration
department t e first officer of t e HR department. á e number of t e senior
officer depends on t e size of t e nuclear power plant and t e number of
employee working in t at plant.


á e employees of t e nuclear power plant w ic fall under t is group are t e

s ift engineers. A s ift engineer reports to t e senior s ift engineer. All t e senior
s ift engineer can work in a community and can ask t e s ift engineer for is
mistakes or responsibility w ic e didn¶t fulfilled. á e officer is a grade four
employee from t e management department. Officer as to report to t e senior
officer but t e top management can approac im directly and question im on
is responsibilities. á e primary function for t e first officer is to ensure t e
smoot running of t e administration department.


á e employees of t e nuclear power plant w ic fall under t is group from t e

engineering department are t e engineers. á ey report to s ift engineers but any
of t e personal from t e engineering department can question im on is
responsibilities but t e condition is t at if e is senior from im. á e personal
from t e management department is t e junior officer. á e junior officer report to
t e officer any of t e ig ranking personal from t e management department
can question im. As t e grades get lower t e number of employee increases
t ere can be number of engineering and officer depending ow big is t e power
plant. It s ould be kept in mind t at t e engineering department is governed by a
completely different community were as t e management department is
monitored by a different community.

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á e employee w ic comes under t is grade from engineering department are

t e tec nician. Wit some experiences on and t e tec nician can be upgrade to
site tec nican t e major difference comes in pay and site tec nician is t e one
w o will be monitor ot er and giving out order in t e absent of engineer. á e site
tec nician as to answerer t e engineer. á e accountant from t e management
department comes under t is category wit little experience t e accountant is
upgrade to senior accountant. At t is stage e starts monitoring t e ot er


In grade seven t ere are number of sub grades t e elper from t e engineering
department comes under t is grade. And t e clerks from t e management
department come under t is grade.


á e employees of t e power ouse are paid on t e base of time rate.

 employees will be paid 60000 d s per mont e works for 150 ours
if t ey wis to work for over time t ey will be paid on ourly base wit out over
time t ey are paying im 400 d s per ours. For one our of over time e get
paid a time and a alf.

Per mont 60000 d s

Per our 400 d s

600 d s per our for t e over time

If e works for 160 ours in marc e will get paid

Mont ly salary + over time x payment per our in over time

= 60000 + 10 x 600

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= 66000 d s


Engineering Management
Departments Departments

Senior plant General

engineer? Manager

Plant engineer? Senior


Senior s ift Senior officer


S ift engineer? Officer

Engineer? Junior officer

áec nician? Accountant

Helpers? Clerks

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 % employees is paid 50000 d s per mont e works for 160 ours per
mont and get paid for t e overtime on t e base of a time and a alf. á e
following are t e conditions

Per mont 50000 d s

Per our 312.5 d s

468.75 d s per our for t e over time

If e works for 170 ours in t e mont of june e will get paid accordingly

Mont ly salary + number of extra ours x payment for t e over time

= 50000 + 10 x 468.75

= 54687.5 d s

  employees are paid 40000 d s per mont t ey are paid over time if
t ey working ours exceed 170. á ey are paid at a time and a alf. Following are
t e condition

Per mont 40000

Per our 235.29 d s

352.94 d s for t e over time our

So if e works for 180 ours in july

= Mont ly salary + number of ours x payment for t e over time

= 43529.4 d s

 " employees are paid 30000d s per mont . á ey are paid over time if
t eir working ours exceed 190 ours a mont . á ey are paid on t e base of a
time and a alf

Per mont salary 30000 d s

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Per our salary 157.89 d s

236.84 d s per our for t e over time

So if e works for 200 ours in Marc

= montly salary + number of t e overtime ours x payment for t e over time

=30000 + 10 x 236.84

= 32368.37

 & staff are paid 20000 d s per mont . á ey are paid over time if t eir
working ours exceed 200 ours a mont . á ey are paid over time a time and

Per mont salary 20000 d s

Per our salary 100 d s

150 d s per our for t e over time

So if e works for 210 ours in June

= mont ly salary + number of t e overtime ours x payment for t e over time

= 20000 + 10 x 150

= 21500 d s

   staff are paid 10000 d s per mont . á ey are paid over time if t eir
working ourse exceed 210 ours a mont . á ey are paid over time on a time
and a alf of t e salary

Per mont 10000

Per our 47.62 d s

71.43 d s per our for t e over time

So if e works for 220 ours a mont

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= mont ly salary + number of ours for t e over time x payment for t e over time

= 10000 + 10 x 71.43
= 10714.3
 & staff will be paid 5000d s a mont . á ey are paid over time if t e
working our in a mont exceeds 220. á ey are paid over time as one and t e
alf of t e amount of is salary per our

Per mont 5000d s

Per our 22.73 d s

34.09 d s per our for t e over time

So if e works for 230 ours a mont

= mont ly salary + number of ours for t e over time x payment for t e over time

= 5000 +10 x 34.09

= 5340.93

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? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
á e time period give in t is page is not accurate it depend on many factor like t e
size of t e container. á e area of t e plant t e selected area for t e disposal etc


á e critical pat is w en t e nuclear wasted is been filled into t e containers.

á is is done mec anically in order to prevent t e worker from be radioactive.

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á e costing of t e nuclear power plant is done by t e nuclear energy agency

(NEA) International Energy Agency (IEA). á ese costs includes construction cost
site searc cost fuelling operation maintains

á e construction cost for one nuclear power plant is around 3 to 5 billion dollars.
USA would need to ave around 400 nuclear power plant to replace all t eir coal
power plants t is will cost t em around 1.2 to 2 trillion dollars. A site s ould be
selected for t e power plant wit t e c ange in t e site t ere are c anges in t e
labor cost, productivity cost, material costs, site conditions and ambient
á e cost of generating power from t e MHáGR consists of four components: t e
capital cost, t e operation and maintenance cost, t e fuel cost and
decommissioning cost. á e two major factors are capital cost to construct t e
plant itself and t e production cost associated wit plant operation. Capital Cost
consist of field labor and construction costs t e MHáGR cost around 2,006
million dollar



á e MHáGR operating and maintenance costs ave been estimated on a basis

of its natural

safety and simple system design. á e MHáGR plant operation and maintenance
costs were estimated to be $31.5 million per year.


Control rod replacement costs are included in t e operations and maintenance

expenses for all plants. á e compound of uranium called áriuranium octoxide or

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(U3O8) is sold at a price of $25/LB in kgs it is $10/kg and t e enric form is sold
at a price of $125/kg



á e construction of an MHáGR will demand a significant amount of capital. á e

financing options will focus on t e construction of 10, 112.5 MWe plants, at a
total cost of $ 2,006,000


A specific decommissioning cost estimate was developed for t e MHáGR using

quantities and commodities from t e detailed cost estimate for a
decommissioning scenario defined to remove all radioactive waste from t e site
and all construction t e cost of decommissioning was estimated to be $199



u A uge government support

u Producing electricity for a less price as compare to coal power plants
u Reducing COr emission t erefore reducing t e global warming
u One ton of uranium produces more energy t an is produced by several
million tons of coal or several million barrels of oil.


u A small leak in t e plant can cause disaster.

u á e waste produce by t e nuclear power plant cannot be dispose away
like ot er ordinary garbage it is because t e waste emits radiation w ic
as t e ability to take t e life of any leave t ing.
u á e life period of a nuclear power plant is from 40 to 60 years.

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u In t e event of a nuclear explosion radiation start emitting. á is radiation
arms t e cell of t e body w ic cause deat . á is radiation can strike
uman for years causing different forms of cancer.
u One possible type of reactor disaster is known as a  % . In suc an
accident, t e fission reaction goes out of control, leading to a nuclear
explosion and t e emission of great amounts of radiation.


u á e Eart as limited supplies of coal and oil. Nuclear power plants could
still produce electricity after coal and oil become scarce.
u In many large countries researc and development programs are taking
place. á ese programs are funded and supported by government.
u Many countries are also run researc and development programs to
en ance t eir defense capabilities i.e powering some of t e US aircraft
u It as a uge finical support in order to make a nuclear power plant.


u Make nuclear weapons like atomic bomb ydrogen bomb etc. t ese bomb
are capable to kill undreds of t ousand uman on august 6 1945 US
drop a bomb on Hiros ima city of Japan killing over 100 000 people.
u It a t reat to t e mankind it don¶t not matter if it is a weapon of a power
plant if somet ing go wrong t e result are going to be severer
u á e C ernobyl disaster t at occurred at t e C ernobyl Ukraine was t e
worst nuclear power plant disaster. One of t e nuclear reactors of t e
plant exploded, releasing ig amount of radiation in t e environment. It
resulted in t ousands of casualties. One cannot deny t e possibility of
repetition of suc disasters in future.
u Some countries are forcing ot er countries not develop nuclear power
plant for t e safety of t eir population and t e safety of ot er nations.

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For t e sack of t e smoot running t e power ouse is divided into different

departments following are t e name wit a briefly explanation.


á e task assigned to t e ealt department is to ensure t e ealt of t e

workers. Specially t e once w o are working near t e reactor plant. á e reason
be ind t is is t at a uman body attack radiations. A uman body is like a
magnet and t e radiation is like a picea of iron. If t ere is a leak t e once w o are
working near to t e plant will become a radiative in ot er words killing all t e cells
in t e body. A body is designed to take some amount of radiation exceeding t at
amount will cause cancer end result will be deat . á erefore a limit is put on t e
time a worker spends in areas wit significant radiation levels


Safety is taken very seriously by t ose working in nuclear power plants. á e job
of safety department is to ensure t e safety of t e staff and t e power plant.
Regular c ecks for t e leak are done for power plant by t e safety department.
á ere are several steps taken in order to prevent t is accident. Some of t em are
mention below

u   -  & 

á e most common way is t e introduced t e control rod (cadmium or boron).

á ese rods are capable of absorbing many neutrons wit out fissioning
t emselves. á e control rods are very important because t e reaction could
run out of control if fission events are extremely frequent. In modern nuclear
power plants, t e insertion of all t e control rods into t e reactor core occurs
in a few seconds, t us alting t e nuclear reaction as rapidly as possible.

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u )    

In any nuclear reactor some sort of cooling is necessary. Generally nuclear

reactors use water as a coolant. However some reactors w ic cannot use
water use sodium or sodium salts.

u )    .   &      

á ere is a series of p ysical barriers between t e radioactive core and t e

environment. For instance at t e Darling Nuclear Generation Station in
Canada t e reactors are enclosed in eavily reinforced concrete w ic is
1.8m t ick


á e task given to t e finance department is to and t e financial condition of t e

power plant. Doing t e accounting for t e refueling cost, maintains costs and
safety cost etc


HR stands for uman resource. á e recruitment and t e promotion are done by

t is department. á ey also provide t e bonus to t e employee¶s base on t eir

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á e nuclear energy is very economical as compare to t e energy

generated by t e fossil fuel and produces less carbon emission and more
energy. But t ere are drawback for t is energy, like t e waste produced by it is
very armful to leaving t ings. á e construction of t e nuclear power plant is too
expensive. If proper safety step are not taken disaster can occur.

á e employees working in t e power plant are paid according to t e

number of ours t ey work. It t ey exceed t e minimum working ours t ey are
paid over time on t e base of one and a alf time t e normal ourly paid. á ere
are seven main grads and t ere are sub grads of t e main grads. á e payment
of t e ours is done according to t e grads.

á e Gantt c art s ow ow many day will it take to dispose some nuclear

waste t e number of days given in ere is not accurate. It is because of t e size
of t e container t e government rules and regulation and t e burring location.
Sometime is just dropped into a deep oceans but t e container used is water
proof. á e critical pat is w en t e container is been load wit t e radioactive

á e direct cost of t e power plant is t e operation, maintains and t e fuel

cost. á e indirect costs of t e nuclear power plant are t e construction and t e
decommissioning cost. á e swot analysis s ow t at t e nuclear power plant is
equal balanced it as almost equal in t e amount of strengt , weakness,
opportunity and t reats.

á e ealt department ensure t e ealt of t e inside employees and t e

outside residence. á e safety department takes t e necessary steps to ensure
t e safety of employees t e power plant and t e residents leaving nearby. á e
finance department is responsible for t e accounting works and t e HR for t e
promotion and recruitment and t e development of t e employees skills.

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