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K: Hello!

B: Hello!

K: Me contaron que has viajado a Chivay

B: quien te ha contado?

K: me conto luis mi ex compañero de trabajo

B: en donde has estado trabajando?

K: En el mall aventura.

B: si, he estado viajando hace 1 hora.

K: Entoces acabas de llegar.

B: Si, acabo llegar Arequipa.

K: ¿cómo te fue en tu viaje a Chivay?

B. muy bien, el lugar es muy bonito; ¿Alguna vez has viajado a Chivay?

K: Yo he viajado con mi familia el año pasado a chivay, Fue maravilloso.

B: ¿Qué lugares mas has visitado de chivay?

K: yo he visitado cabanaconde y el cañon del colca

B: ¿has ido a las aguas termales?

K: si es muy relajante. ¿tu has ido a la aguas termales?

B: Si fui pero estaba cerrado

K: y has estado pensado volver a ir?

B: Si, hes estado pensado ir terminando la universidad

K: En enero o febrero?

B: en febrero es lo mas probable

K: cuanto tiempo piensas estar ahi?

B: he estado pensando que una 1 semana

K: Genial es muy bonito

B: Y como vas en la universidad?

K: Hello!

B: Hello!

K: They told me you've traveled to Chivay

B: who told you?

K: Luis, my former co-worker, told me

B: where have you been working?

K: In the mall adventure.

B: Yes, I have been traveling 1 hour ago.

K: Then you just arrived.

B: Yes, Arequipa just arrived.

K: how was your trip to Chivay?

B. Very good, the place is very beautiful; Have you ever traveled to Chivay?

K: I traveled with my family last year to chivay. It was wonderful.

B: What other places have you visited from chivay?

K: I have visited Cabanaconde and the Colca Canyon

B: have you gone to the hot springs?

K: If it is very relaxing. Have you been to the hot springs?

B: Yes I went but it was closed

K: and have you been thinking about going again?

B: Yes, he's been thinking about finishing college

K: In January or February?

B: February is most likely

K: how long do you plan to be there?

B: I've been thinking that a 1 week

K: Great is very pretty

B: And how are you doing in college?


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