Ted 513 - Health Lesson Plan

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TED 513 Health Lesson Plan

Class: ​Kindergarten

Unit: ​Personal Hygiene

Teacher:​ Bridgette Lott, Amy Poon, Olivia Leong

Objectives​: With effective dental and personal practices, students will be able to demonstrate ways to
prevent the transmission of germs and explain why the transmission of germs may be harmful to health.

Prior assessment:
Engage in class discussion about what they already know about germs and handwashing.

1. Students will be able to show effective personal hygiene practices with proper hand washing techniques.
2. Students will be able to identify appropriate moments to wash their hands to prevent the transmission of

Health Standards​:
● 1.1.P Identify effective dental and personal hygiene practices.
● 1.4.P Explain why the transmission of germs may be harmful to health.
● 7.1.P Show effective dental and personal hygiene practices.
● 7.2.P Demonstrate ways to prevent the transmission of germs (e.g., washing hands, using tissues).

ELA Standards:
● W.K.3. Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to narrate a single event or several loosely
linked events, tell about the events in the order in which they occurred, and provide a reaction to what
● SL.K.1. Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and
texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups

1. Germs are Not for Sharing​ book
2. Hand washing poster
3. Hand washing worksheet (class set)
4. Scissors, glue (class set)

Duration​: 15 minutes (presentation), 35-40 min. for full lesson

Formative assessment - Informal
Students will complete worksheet.

Summative assessment - Informal

Photos will be shown of sanitary and unsanitary options. Students will respond with a thumbs up or down to
demonstrate their knowledge of effective hygiene practices.

How to wash hands

Instructional Sequence (Include time allotted for each)​:

Anticipatory Set (Hook/Intro)​: ​10 minutes

Class discussion of what students know about germs, hygiene, and handwashing
Read aloud of ​Germs are Not for Sharing​ for the class.

Modeling:​ (3 min)
Sing “Wash, Wash, Wash Your Hands” song on PowerPoint and demonstrate movements in song.
Song: ​Wash, Wash, Wash Your hands. Wash them everyday. The Front and back and in between, wash those
germs away (Tune of Row, Row, Row Your Boat). Repeat twice.

Checking for Understanding​: ​(15-20 min)

1. Show “When Should I Wash My Hands?” PowerPoint pictures. After showing each picture, ask students,
“Are they washing their hands correctly?” Ask students to give a thumbs up/thumbs down response.
Students should be able to recognize when it is appropriate to wash their hands. At the end, show pictures
of times when you should/should not wash your hands.
2. Review “Hand Washing Steps” poster with class. Model how to cut and paste the first couple steps on the
overhead projector. Pass out Hand Washing sequence worksheet. Have students finish the worksheet
independently. If students finish early, they can color the worksheet.

Closure​: (​3 minutes)

Review in pair discussion about something they have learned about hygiene, germs, or hand-washing.

Next Steps:
Prepare students for future lessons on effective dental hygiene.

In place of words, we will use images for the worksheet and posters with pictures as a scaffold. Teachers will
model effective hygiene as well.
Washing our hands is an appropriate lesson for Kindergarten because younger students are still
learning proper personal hygiene habits. Differentiation is applied by using multiple methods to assure
understanding of the lesson. Our lesson includes large visuals of proper handwashing techniques and
examples of times when students should/shouldn’t wash their hands for linguistically and educationally
diverse students. We will also be introducing a song and demonstrating the associated hand motions of
proper handwashing techniques.

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