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The National Center for Teacher Education


The researcher will undergo phases in order to achieve the objective of the study.

The 164 out of 275 Grade 7 Students will be determined as respondents of the study. The

research will seek to help the Grade 7 Students in improving their vocabulary skills. An

orientation will be given to the students and class advisers on how to administer the


The researcher will conduct the vocabulary test Version A to the respondents

individually using the Multiple Choice item test.

This vocabulary test constructed by Laufer, B. & Nation, P. (1999) is a test of the

first 1,000 level with words known by the students. It is a test on content words (noun,

verb, adjective and adverb). It is a 40 Multiple Choice item test. A posttest using the

vocabulary test Version B will be administered to the learners after the entire Word

Attack Skill Lessons were undertaken.

The researcher will be using the Word Attack Skill Lessons developed by Banuag

(2013). The five major topics were composed of Auditory Discrimination, Consonants,

Compound Words, Contractions and Affixes. These lessons will serve as introductory

activities before discussions the new lesson. Each activity will be conducted within ten

minutes. The students who will get 80% of any of the exercises will undergo the

intervention exercises which will serve as an assignment. Students who will undergo

intervention phase will take series of exercises to measure their mastery of the topic.
The National Center for Teacher Education

Improving Vocabulary through Word Attack

Skills (WAS) of Grade 7 Students of Barobo
National High School, 2nd Quarter

Planning Phase

 Determining
 Orienting the
Posttest (Version B at  Pre-test (version A
1000 level) at 1000 level)

> Identification of

Administration of Word
Attack Skill Lessons

 Enrichment Exercises
 Intervention
 Evaluation
 Teacher’s

Figure 2 Schematic Diagram of Research Method

The National Center for Teacher Education

The Respondents of the Study and the Selection Procedure

The Respondents of the Study will be the 164 out of 275 Grade 7 Students that

will be determined through computing the possible sample among the seven sections of

Barobo National High School. Ramdom Sampling technique will be used.

The Research Instrumentation

The researcher will use of the following materials and techniques to gather data:

1. Oral Reading Proficiency Test result

This is to determine the reading comprehension level of the Grade 7 Students.

2. Vocabulary pre-test and posttest made by Laufer, B. & Nation, P. (1999).

3. Word Attack Skill Lessons that were constructed by Banuag (2013) on her

research parallel to this study.

The National Center for Teacher Education

Treatment of Data

The statistical tools that were used are as follows:

1. To find what proportion of the first 1,000 words known. The total score of the test

(40)item test will be multiplied by 2.5. The above formula was suggested by the Paul

Nation the one who constructed the test and used by Banuag (2013) on her study. This

formula gives the same result as the one below.

Percent rating= no. of correct answers * 2.5.

2. The Frequency Distribution table will be used for the presentation of data on the result

of students’ scores in each WAS lesson.

3. The t-test will be used to compare the scores of the pretest and posttest

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