Reading in Philippine History Prelim

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QUIZ 001
_________ is a brief summary or result based on a factual research and it also deals
with the sequence of important events that is stated in the history.


______________ are usually defined as first-hand information or data that is generated

by witnesses or participants in past events.

Primary sources

Looks within the data itself to try to determine truth--facts and "reasonable"
interpretation. It includes looking at the apparent or possible motives of the person
providing the data.

Internal Criticism

Historian's most important research tools are ___________.

Historical resources

________________ which were produced by an author who used primary sources to

produce the material. In other words, this are historical sources, which studied a certain
historical subject.

Secondary resources

The history or story of a society or group of people is rooted from their ________,

Legends and Arts

Sometimes called as "lower criticism"

External Criticism

History came from the Greek word ________ which means to search, look into.

The following are classified as the Primary resources EXCEPT.


Sometimes called as "higher criticism"

Internal Criticism

QUIZ 002
Applies "science to a document." It involves such physical and technical tests as dating
of paper a document is written on, but it also involves a knowledge of when certain
things existed or were possible, e.g. when zip codes were invented.*

External Criticism

In Corazon Aquino's speech she quoted, "Like_______________, I understand that

force may be necessary before mercy. Like Lincoln, I don't relish it. Yet, I will do
whatever it takes to defend the integrity and freedom of my country".

Abraham Lincoln

The Philippine National Anthem "LupangHinirang" was first known as ____________.

Marcha Filipina Magdalo

_____________________ became the pleasing sacrifice that answered their prayers for

Ninoy Aquino

Their outfits were red masks with white triangles and with maroon sash.


According to Corazon Aquino's Speech she said, "The dictator had called him
a__________. Yet, two million people threw aside their passivity and fear and escorted
him to his grave".


Which of the following is not written in the Katipunan Code of Conduct?

To be a good man, a person should be a person of power and words.

Modern art form that turned away from classical art by exaggerating human features
and prodding fun at its subjects.

Political caricature

Sometimes called as "higher criticism"

Internal Criticism

According to Corazon Aquino's Speech she said," I held out for participation in the
________ election the dictatorship called, even if I knew it would be rigged. I was
warned by the lawyers of the opposition, that I ran the grave risk of legitimizing the
foregone results of elections that were clearly going to be fraudulent".



Sometimes called as "lower criticism"

External Criticism

According to Corazon Aquino's Speech she said," Now, we are restoring full
____________ government"


Why Magellan named Guam the "Island of thieves"?

The people there are thieves

The author of Philippine Cartoons: Political Caricature of the American Era (1900-1941).

Alfred McCoy

________________ which were produced by an author who used primary sources to

produce the material. In other words, this are historical sources, which studied a certain
historical subject.

Secondary resources
Are characterized not by their format but rather by the information they convey and their
relationship to the research question. They include letters, diaries, journals,
newspapers, photographs, and other immediate accounts. The interpretation and
evaluation of these sources becomes the basis for research.

Primary Sources

He was the Portuguese explorer to circumnavigate the globe. In 1519.

Ferdinand Magellan

In Corazon Aquino speech she said, "We face a communist insurgency that feeds on
economic deterioration even as we carry a great share of the free world defenses in


The symbol of the restoration of democracy and the takeover of the Marcos Dictatorship
in 1956.

Corazon Aquino

According to Corazon Aquino's Speech she said," I held out for participation in the
________ election the dictatorship called, even if I knew it would be rigged. I was
warned by the lawyers of the opposition, that I ran the grave risk of legitimizing the
foregone results of elections that were clearly going to be fraudulent".


_____________________ became the pleasing sacrifice that answered their prayers for

Ninoy Aquino

The following are classified as the Primary resources EXCEPT.


Cory Aquino ended her speech by thanking the __________ for serving as home to her
family and joined America in building the Philippines as a new home for democracy.


Magellan died in __________.

The Philippine declaration was proclaimed on ___________________ at the Cavite el

June 12, 1898

Sometimes called as "lower criticism"

External Criticism

Sometimes called as "higher criticism"

Internal Criticism

He was a young Italian nobleman who had joined the expedition and a good servant
and assistant to Ferdinand Magellan during the expedition in Seville, Spain.

Antonio Pigafetta

In Corazon Aquino's speech she quoted, "Like_______________, I understand that

force may be necessary before mercy. Like Lincoln, I don't relish it. Yet, I will do
whatever it takes to defend the integrity and freedom of my country".

Abraham Lincoln

Those sources produced at same time as the event, period, or subject being studied.
These materials are often located in the Special Collections of a library, rather than in
the general collection.

Primary Sources

Which of the following is not written in the Katipunan Code of Conduct?

To be a good man, a person should be a person of power and words.

This symbol in the Philippine flag represents the distinctive symbol of Katipunan
Society, which by means of its compact of blood urged on the masses of the people to

White triangle

What was the password used for the codes of "Katipon"?

Anak ng Bayan

The "Island of thieves" is also called as ____________________.

Islas de los Ladrones

History came from the Greek word ________ which means to search, look into.


When Pres. Corazon Aquino met with________________, they began an important

dialogue about cooperation and the strengthening of friendship between our two

President Reagan

The eight raises of the sun the Philippine flag symbolizes the 8 provinces of:

Manila, Cavite, Bulacan, Pampanga, Nueva Ecija, Bataan, Laguna and Batangas

Modern art form that turned away from classical art by exaggerating human features
and prodding fun at its subjects.

Political caricature

What was the first voyage according to Cachey Jr's The First Voyage around the

Pigafetta's journal

Applies "science to a document." It involves such physical and technical tests as dating
of paper a document is written on, but it also involves a knowledge of when certain
things existed or were possible, e.g. when zip codes were invented.*

External Criticism

Historian's most important research tools are

Historical resources
The Progresista Party also known as __________
Wherever Corazon Aquino went in the
campaign, slum area or impoverished village.
They came to her with one cry,______________.
The original title of Kartilya ng Katipunan was
Manga Aral Nang Katipunan
The history or story of a society or group of
people is rooted from their ________, EXCEPT.
Legends and Arts
Form and appearance and more particularly to
question of authorship and textual
circumstances such as time, place and purpose.
External Criticism
He draw an illustration that aimed as a
commentary to the workings of Manila Police.
Fernando Amorsolo
____________ was the reason why Cory Aquino
was designated in presidency that put the
Philippines in the international spotlight for
dethroning a dictator through peaceful means.
EDSA People Power
Looks within the data itself to try to determine
truth--facts and "reasonable" interpretation. It
includes looking at the apparent or possible
motives of the person providing the data.
Internal Criticism
The examination of the truthfulness of the
evidence, it looks at the content of the source
and examines the circumstance of its
production. It looks at the truthfulness and
factuality of the evidence by looking at the
author of the source, its context, the agenda
behind its creation, the knowledge which
informed it, and its intended purpose among
Internal Criticism
Looks within the data itself to try to determine
truth--facts and "reasonable" interpretation. It
includes looking at the apparent or possible
motives of the person providing the data.
Internal Criticism
He was one of the chief officers of Katipunan in
1895 and known as the President Supremo.
Andres Bonifacio
It is also known as Editorial Cartoon that contain
a commentary that express the artist opinion
toward certain issues.
Political Caricature
A whole nation honored him by that brave and
selfless act of giving honor to a nation in shame
recovered its own.
Ninoy Aquino
Sometimes called as "higher criticism"
Internal Criticism
Based on the text you have read what is a
Information visited by or experienced by a
traveler Information visited by or experienced
by a traveller
First Voyage around the World", "Kartilya ng
Katipunan" are examples of _______________.
Primary resources
______________ are usually defined as first-hand
information or data that is generated by
witnesses or participants in past events.
Primary sources
_________ is a brief summary or result based on a
factual research and it also deals with the
sequence of important events that is stated in
the history.
Is the practice of verifying the authenticity of
evidence by examining its physical
characteristics; consistency with the historical
characteristics of the time when it was
produced: and materials used for evidence.
External Criticism

According to Corazon Aquino's Speech she said,

"The __________ already knew that Ninoy was not
a body merely to be imprisoned but a spirit he
must break".
Their outfits were red masks with white triangles
and with maroon sash.
Are historical sources, which studied a certain
historical subject.
Secondary Sources
The names of the 1519 Ferdinand Magellan
Ships were the Trinidad, the San Antonio, the
Conception, the Victoria and the Santiago. True
or False?
During the declaration of independence on
June 12 the Act of the Declaration of
Independence was organized, written, and read
by _____________.
Ambrosio Bautista
When Magellan died what happened the

The Philippine National Anthem

"LupangHinirang" was first known as
Marcha Filipina Magdalo
On____________, seven months as a president,
Pres. Corazon Aquino went to the United States
and spoke before joining the session of the U.S.
September 18, 1986
According to Corazon Aquino's Speech she said,
"The dictator had called him a__________. Yet,
two million people threw aside their passivity
and fear and escorted him to his grave".
According to Corazon Aquino's Speech she said,
"The__________ sought to break him by
indignities and terror".

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