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Ethical food choices

Hi, guy my name is.... today i will talk to you some problem. I think you can change your
eating habit after you listen to me.
Karl Marx had talken: “ Human need air, food, sleep,... to live”, so we can see. Food is one
of basic demanding. But the life in the Earth is threatened by dirty food, a lot of people die by
cancer, specialy is Vietnam. How we can protect our life? This is reason we stay here to
answer this question.

Fistlly, you should know how is fresh food, why we should use them
In here, do you know organic food?
Organic food is food produced by methods that comply with the standards of organic farming.



The organic food industry continues to grow in the United States. Organic
products have moved beyond specialty stores and farmers markets into
national grocery chains and discount retailers as consumers demand

Organic food products generate $14.5 billion in annual sales in the United
States. That represents two percent of total food and beverage sales.
Food additives, and are often processed with fewer artificial methods, materials and conditions,
such as chemical ripening, food irradiation, and genetically modified ingredients.[24] Pesticides are
allowed as long as they are not synthetic.

The USDA organic seal alerts consumers that the product is at least 95 percent
organic -- grown without pesticides, antibiotics, growth hormones or genetic
engineering. The remaining 5 percent of the ingredients are non-organic or
synthetic, and include baking powder, pectin to make yogurt thicker, or carbon
dioxide to keep products, like cottage cheese, fresher longer.

A 2014 meta-analysis of 343 studies on phytochemical composition found that organically grown
crops had lower cadmium and pesticide residues, and 17% higher concentrations
of polyphenols than conventionally grown crops, it good for your health
Mr. Gagnon says the higher price of organic products does not seem to hurt
sales. “Organic food really represents the true cost of that food product. It usually
takes more labor, for instance, to produce organic food without those chemical and
toxic and persistent pesticides and fertilizers. The other thing we're seeing as more
and more production is moving into organic agriculture and more and more
processors are, is that the gap between organic and conventional food products is
actually shrinking.

So we can see benefit of organic food, don’t have any reason we are not chosse organic
In VN you can find organic food every from food store to suppermaket with food have
certification of VietGap, GlobalGap
Fight with dirty food
Now we can discern dirty food with organic food, next we must know what is a good eating
People in Vietnam are face to a lot of threats such as fake food,chemical and stimulant in
vegetable and meat,with self-detruction life for the long time that why VietNam have highest
cancer rate
Today every one eat fastfood, sweetfood, drinkgas and smoke,drink wine but they don’t
know that can kill us a way slowly. So we must to change eating habit now if want to have a
heathy life
So how can we identify between organic food?
First we will notice the number code on each fruit at the store
1. If there are five numbers in the PLU code, and the number starts
with “9”, this tells you that the produce was grown organically
and is not genetically modified. An organic banana would
be: 94011
A food journal is a good tool to help you learn about your eating habits. Keep a food
journal for 1 week.

 Write down what you eat, how much, and what times of the day you are eating.
 Include notes about what else you were doing and how you were feeling, such as being
hungry, stressed, tired, or bored. For example, maybe you were at work and were
bored, so you got a snack from a vending machine down the hall from your desk.
 At the end of the week, review your journal and look at your eating patterns. Decide
which habits you want to change.

Remember, small steps toward change lead to more success in making long-term
changes. Try not to overwhelm yourself with too many goals. It is a good idea to limit
your focus to no more than 2 to 3 goals at one time.

Also, take a look at the healthy habits you have and be proud of yourself about them.
Try not to judge your behaviors too harshly. It is easy to focus only on your poor habits.
This can make you feel stressed and give up trying to change.

Taking on new, healthier habits may mean that you:

 Drink skim or low-fat (1%) milk instead of 2% or whole milk.

 Drink more water throughout the day


 Eat fruit for dessert instead of cookies.

 Plan and prepare healthy meals and snacks to increase your chance of success.

 Keep healthy snacks at work. Pack healthy lunches that you make at home.

 Pay attention to your feelings of hunger. Learn the difference between physical hunger and
habitual eating or eating as a response to stress or boredom.

And we when change food choices, eating habit have effect on heath and enviroment.

Effect when we change food choices and use organic food.

Organic produce contains fewer pesticides, Organic food is often fresher, Organic farming is
better for the environment,Organically raised animals are NOT given antibiotics, growth
hormones, or fed animal byproducts, Organic meat and milk are richer in certain nutrients,
Organic food is GMO-free.

Effect when we change eating habit.

1. Weight loss
2. Reduced cancer risk
3. Diabetes management
4. Heart health and stroke prevention
5. The health of the next generation
6. Strong bones and teeth
7. Better mood
8. Improved memory
9. Improved gut health
10. Getting a good night's sleep

We hope you have more knowledge on how to choose food as well as daily eating habits
and give priority to choosing organic food for good health and we can live in a clean

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