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Works of the flesh

What we have first in this biblical passage is the detail of the works of the flesh. Galatians 5:19
until the first part of verse 21 says: "And manifest are the works of the flesh, which are: adultery,
fornication, filth, lasciviousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, lawsuits, jealousy, anger, strife,
dissent, heresy, envy, homicides, drunkenness,, and things like these When Paul says that
manifest are the works of the flesh, he is recognizing the fact that there is no need for a thorough
investigation to identify what produces flesh or sinful nature. They're so obvious, everyone
knows them. Then Paul gives a detail of these works of the flesh. The list is not complete, but
includes the ones that are most obvious.

If we try to make a division of the works of the flesh that have been mentioned. We'll say they
can be divided into three groups. The ones that have to do with sex, those that have to do with
religion and those that have to do with personal relationships.

Let's go to the first group. The works of meat that have to do with sex. Sex, listening friend, is a
treasure given by God to humanity, to be used between a man and a woman, within the sacred
bonds of marriage. Sinful nature ignores this divine principle for the use of sex and encourages
the use of sex with whomever it wants, whenever it wants, wherever and however it wants. Paul
quotes adultery. This includes the sexual relationship of a married person with someone who is
not their husband or wife. When sinful nature controls a believer, it makes the wife of his
neighbor or the husband of his neighbor more attractive and less attractive to his own wife or
her own husband, and thus stimulates the illicit relationship. The adulterer thinks that nothing
will happen for an instant of forbidden pleasure, but the Bible shows full body the tragedy of
adultery. Proverbs 6:27-29 says: "Will man take fire in his sinus without his garments burning?
Will the man walk on embers without his feet burning? Thus it is the one who reaches his
neighbour's wife; there will be none left with impunity to touch her." Adultery is a terrible thing.
The Bible says it is committed only by people who are not in their right mind. Proverbs 6:32-33
says: "But he that commits adultery is lacking in understanding; corrupts his soul as he does.
Wounds and shame will find, and his affront will never be erased." Interestingly, the adulterer
is very intelligent or very clever, or very cunning, but the Bible states the opposite. The Bible
says it's lack of understanding. But according to God's standards, the adulterer is not only the
one who has a sexual relationship with someone who is not his wife or vice versa.

The Bible also speaks of another evil that is also called adultery. Matthew 5:28 says, "But I say
unto you, that anyone who looks upon a woman to covet her has already adulterated with her
in her heart." This is also a work of the flesh. To tell you the truth, this is the attitude that
culminates in the action of adultery. A married man who begins to covet another woman who
is not his wife and revels in that and thinks about it constantly, will most likely fall into adultery
with that woman. The same can happen to a married woman who begins to covet another
man who is not her husband. No one falls into adultery overnight. It all starts with the crossing
of glances. With excessive attention. With the conversations alone. With frequent gifts. With
the invitations to go out. The least thoughtful moment, the passions will be so hectic that you
will not be able to think sanity and the debacle will come. If you're on this road. I beg you to
stop right now and back. Confess your sin to God and stay away from it.

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