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General Guidelines:
1. The competition is limited only to 1 contingent in each class and shall highlight the IPEd and
United Nations Month Celebration.
2. The composition of the contingent shall be within the minimum of twelve (12) dancers,
excluding the props men. Should there be less than twelve (12) dancers during actual
presentation; a three (3) points shall be deducted from the total score against any contingent
who violates this provision.
3. Ritual presentation shall be within the minimum of five (5) minutes only and maximum of (7)
minutes. Three (3) points shall be deducted from the total score against any contingent who
violates this provision.
4. Recorded music or music from instruments such as electronic guitars, piano, organ,
electronic drum sets, and all other electronic instruments are allowed.
5. In order to preserve the objectives of IPEd & UN Month Celebration, participants are
prohibited from exhibiting or manifesting acts or gestures offensive to any person or group. In
the event of any violation of this rule, the Committee reserves the right to disallow the
offending contingent to continue further its participation.
6. Cleanliness is a MUST in the surrounding environment. Garbage must be properly disposed
in TRASH BAGS. The Sinulog Committee will make rounds to ensure that cleanliness and
sanitation are properly implemented.

IPEd & UN Month Celebration Festival Contest Guidelines:

1. The dance entry must depict the specified town’s culture and tradition.
2. Storyline must be well-defined and brief.
3. Concept or theme for costume and performance are left to the discretion of the participants
based on their own interpretation of what is relevant to their designated festival.
4. Dance steps, music, costume, props and accessories of the dance should be in the context
of the designated festival.
5. Time starts once any member of the contingent move and step on the designated entrance
area likewise the time stops as soon as any member of the contingent move and step out in
the exit area.
6. The use of infants/toddlers (3 years below) and live animals sacrifices are strictly prohibited.
A three (3) point deduction from the total score shall be imposed.
7. The use of fire and other flammable materials such as fireworks or pyrotechnics as part of
the ritual are strictly prohibited. A three (3) point deduction shall be imposed against any
contingent who violates this provision.
8. The decision of the Board of Judges shall be final and unappealable. Questions or
clarifications will not be entertained after the announcement of winners.

Criteria for Judging:

A. Theme, Concept / Ritual - 15%
 Relevance to the selected festival
 choice of material as to musicality
 movement qualities and expressions
 clarity of message and interpretation to dance movement
B. Performance ----------------------------------------------------------------------------30%
 Precision and coordination
 Fluency
 Alignment
 Balance
 Focus
 Projection
 Rhythmic
 Spatial interest

C. Choreography ---------------------------------------------------------------------------25%
 Creativity and artistry of steps and formation
 Style and expression

D. Costume and Props -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20%

 Artistic choice of color
 Style and use of props
 Appropriate and relevant to the theme/ritual

E. Audience Impact ---------------------------------------------------------------------------10%

 Ability to establish rapport with the audience).
TOTAL 100%

I. General Guidelines:
1. The contest shall consist of 2 teams per class. Each team must have 3 participants.
2. The contest will be divided into three (3) rounds: Easy, Average and Difficult round.
3. The contestants should be at the place of the competition fifteen (15) minutes before the
scheduled time. Immediate disqualification will be implemented to those contestants who
failed to show up to (10) minutes after the supposed start of the quiz bee.
4. Clarifications regarding the rules of the competition shall be entertained by the Committee
before the start of the contest.

II. Easy and Average Rounds

1. The contestant for the Easy and Average Round shall be in the form of a team. They will
help each other in answering the questions.
2. The Easy and Average round consists twenty (20) questions, ten (10) for the Easy round
also for the Average round.
3. The coverage of the quiz includes facts about United Nations and Current Events
4. The questions are alternately given by category.
5. Each question shall be given a predetermined number of points corresponding to its round.
For the Easy, 1 point and for the Average 2 points.
6. The questions shall be read twice. Afterwards, the quiz master will say “GO”, only then the
contestants may start writing their answer on the illustration boards given to them and, at the
same time, the start of the countdown timer. All teams should raise their pens and show their
final answers after the time allotted for the specified question.
7. Each team must write their final answer to the illustration boards provided by the Committee.
8. Misbehavior of a team during contest is a sufficient condition for disqualification of this team.
9. No questions shall be entertained during the contest proper.
10. Top three (3) teams with the highest scores gathered shall advance to the difficult round.
11. If a tie exists, the match shall go into a Sudden Death. The team first to answer two (2)
questions correctly shall advance to the difficult round.
III. Difficult Round (Individual Contest)
1. The contestants for the Difficult Round shall be the five (5) separated individual students
from the top three (3) teams of the previous round. They will answer the given questions
2. The difficult round consists of ten (10) questions.
3. Each question shall be given a predetermined number of points corresponding to its
round. For the difficult round will be three (3) points.
4. The questions shall be read twice. Afterwards, the quiz master will say “GO”, only then
the contestants may start writing their answer on the illustration boards given to them
and, at the same time, the start of the countdown timer. They should raise their pens and
show their final answer after the time allotted for the specified question.
5. Each individual contestant must write their answer to the illustration boards provided by
the Committee.
6. Misbehavior of an individual contestant during contest, is a sufficient condition for his/her
7. No questions shall be entertained during the contest proper.
8. Top three (3) individuals with the highest scores gathered shall be declared the
Champion, 1st placer, 2nd placer.
9. Should a tie exist, the match shall go into a Sudden Death. The individual contestant first
to answer two (2) questions correctly shall be declared the winner of the tie.


1. The contest is limited to one (1) contingent per class only.
2. Each group will consist of at least six (6) members but not more than ten (10) members.
The content of jingle must showcase International Day of the World’s Indigenous
Peoples’ theme “International Language”.
3. Lyrics should not contain vulgar and rude words. Violation for this provision will result to
4. The jingle must be in Iyapayao with English/Filipino subtitle.
5. All entry must be digital video and will not exceed to five (5) minutes play time.
6. All entries should begin with full-screen “title screen” that includes the following
a. Producers’ Name
b. School Name
c. School Address
d. Title of Video
7. The judges’ decision is final.


Originality (lyrics) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50%

Originality (melody) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- 30%
Choreography --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10%
Visual Appeal --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5%
Audio & Visual Quality --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5%
TOTAL 100%

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