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C2A – Assignment 1


Marking Criteria – Pg. 2-3

Student 1 – Pg. 4-5

Student 2 – Pg. 6-7

Student 3 – Pg. 8-9

Student 4 – Pg. 10-11

Student 5 – Pg. 12-13

Student 6 – Pg. 14-15

Student 7 – Pg. 16-17

Student 8 – Pg. 18-19

Student 9 – Pg. 20-21

Student 10 – Pg. 22-23

All Students Marks and Ranks – Pg. 24

Assessment Report – Pg. 25-26

References – Pg. 27


Question A:

 Describes in detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 6

 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding

 Describes in some detail the use of phrasing and texture in this 4-5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding

 Describes some of the uses of phrasing and texture in this 2-3

 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

Question B:

 Explains in detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in 8

these excerpts
 Demonstrates a highly developed aural understanding, using well
supported observations and appropriate examples

 Explains in some detail how the musical concepts are contrasted 6-7
in these excerpts
 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding, using appropriate
observations and examples

 Explains how the musical concepts are contrasted in these 4-5

 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding, using
observations and examples

 Demonstrates a basic understanding of how the musical concepts 2-3

are contrasted in these excerpts
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

Students responses will be marked according to the criteria of each
question. The criteria and mark will be highlighted for each question’s


Question A:

 Describes in detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 6

 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding

 Describes in some detail the use of phrasing and texture in this 4-5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding

 Describes some of the uses of phrasing and texture in this 2 - 3.5

 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

You demonstrate a good understanding of texture. You've identified textures such as
monophonic and homophonic, and have provided some detail of what type of
instruments/ voices are used for these contrasting textures. The layout of your
answer is presented clearly and labelled well.

What to improve on:

Although you've made excellent observations, think about the phrasing of the
different textures that were discussed. This would be a good start in adding more
detail within your answer. For example, for the monophonic texture mentioned, what
phrasing was mostly repeated? Did it go for 2 bars long, etc. Another efficient way to
answer the question in more detail is by explaining the order of textures presented in
the excerpt instead of just mentioning them. Elaborate more in your answer.


Question B:

 Explains in detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in 8

these excerpts
 Demonstrates a highly developed aural understanding, using well
supported observations and appropriate examples

 Explains in some detail how the musical concepts are contrasted 6-7
in these excerpts
 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding, using appropriate
observations and examples

 Explains how the musical concepts are contrasted in these 4-

excerpts 5.5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding, using
observations and examples

 Demonstrates a basic understanding of how the musical concepts 2-3

are contrasted in these excerpts
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

Good understanding of the concepts of music especially pitch, duration, dynamics
and expressive techniques. You've attempted to use appropriate terminology for
some of your observations such as melisma, crescendo, decrescendo, etc. Good
explanation of contrast between the excerpts through pitch and duration that you've
described in the 6th point of your answer. Well done.

What to improve on:

In future, try to refer to the question more as means for deeper understanding. An
example would be the 6th dot-point in your answer. Elaborating on your observations
is a great start to adding more detail in your answer as said before.


Question A:

 Describes in detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 6

 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding

 Describes in some detail the use of phrasing and texture in this 4-5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding

 Describes some of the uses of phrasing and texture in this 2-3

 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

You have some understanding of texture and phrasing from your ability to identify
instruments and textures. You've provided a great description in the 3rd point of your
answer. The layout of your answer is also set out well with some good observations.
Good job!

What to improve on:

Work on using more terminology. For answering texture especially, try to use words
such as monophonic or homophonic to describe the layers. It can provide better time
management in answering questions allowing for more detail. Another point to take
note is to be cautious of using terminology. Be absolutely sure what the meaning of
the term is by what they sound like or do. For example, acapella is when a choir, or a
singing group sings with no instrument accompaniment. Overall, adding more detail
to your answer is the main focus. Otherwise, good effort.


Question B:

 Explains in detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in 8

these excerpts
 Demonstrates a highly developed aural understanding, using well
supported observations and appropriate examples

 Explains in some detail how the musical concepts are contrasted 6-7
in these excerpts
 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding, using appropriate
observations and examples

 Explains how the musical concepts are contrasted in these 4-

excerpts 5.5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding, using
observations and examples

 Demonstrates a basic understanding of how the musical concepts 2-3

are contrasted in these excerpts
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

You've provided a good understanding of some concepts of the music such as
texture, tone colour and expressive techniques. You relate to the question well with
great description of contrast. Your dot points are quite coherent and clear.

What to improve on:

As mentioned in part a question, try to use more terminology in creating a more
detailed answer.


Question A:

 Describes in detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 6

 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding

 Describes in some detail the use of phrasing and texture in this 4-5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding

 Describes some of the uses of phrasing and texture in this 2.5 - 3

 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

You demonstrate a fair understanding of texture and phrasing. Your ability to
determine and identify the different harmonies sung in the excerpt are done well.

What to improve on:

Be careful when identifying instruments and sounds in your answer. For example,
the first instrument that you identified as a xylophone as it may or may not
necessarily be that instrument playing in the excerpt. Really listen to the sound. Why
do you think it’s a xylophone? Maybe think about the style of the piece? That can
help determine the type of instrument used. However, describing this sound with a
xylophone was a good alternative. Try and add more detail to your answer. You
describe some uses of texture within your answer but you only mention that they
come one after the other. When do the singers come in? After the lyrical line
repeated? Using terminology in your answer is also a great way to add detail and
even sophistication within your answer.


Question B:

 Explains in detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in 8

these excerpts
 Demonstrates a highly developed aural understanding, using well
supported observations and appropriate examples

 Explains in some detail how the musical concepts are contrasted 6-7
in these excerpts
 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding, using appropriate
observations and examples

 Explains how the musical concepts are contrasted in these 4-5

 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding, using
observations and examples

 Demonstrates a basic understanding of how the musical concepts 2-3

are contrasted in these excerpts
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

You've provided a good layout in answering the question. Having each dot-point
describe one of the concepts of music by using the concept words creates clarity in
your work. Great description for each concept of music that was mentioned. Great
use of terminology and determining contrast between the first and second excerpt.
It's evident that you show a lot more confidence in answering this question as you've
added some great terms and observations in your answer. Well done

What to improve on:

As said in the previous question, work on adding more detail in your answer. You've
proved to be capable in explaining in some detail in your answer. What you've got to
focus on now is to create more coherent sentences. You can do this by grouping
some of the dot points related to pitch as one or dynamics, etc. Expanding on the
points you've made can help.


Question A:

 Describes in detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 6

 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding

 Describes in some detail the use of phrasing and texture in this 4-5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding

 Describes some of the uses of phrasing and texture in this 2-3

 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

The terminology you have used are appropriate in your description of duration. You
provide excellent points in describing the textures through note values and
articulation from the singers. Development of identifying layers and phrasing are
progressing well. Great Work!

What to improve on:

Work on providing a little more detail through your answer when explaining. Try to
form coherent sentences rather than simple dot-point answers. You seem to write
about one aspect but then start a new dot-point when explaining the same aspect.
Group your observations as one whole detailed sentence or point. Also try and be a
little clearer in what you're explaining about. What repeated phrase are you referring
too? What instrument is playing that phrase? Etc. Try out these to add more detail in
your answer.


Question B:

 Explains in detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in 8

these excerpts
 Demonstrates a highly developed aural understanding, using well
supported observations and appropriate examples

 Explains in some detail how the musical concepts are contrasted 6-7
in these excerpts
 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding, using appropriate
observations and examples

 Explains how the musical concepts are contrasted in these 4-5

 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding, using
observations and examples

 Demonstrates a basic understanding of how the musical concepts 2-3

are contrasted in these excerpts
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

Again, great use of terminology through the concepts of music such as
improvisation, melisma, etc. You provide great explanations for the concepts of
music mentioned in your answer such as dynamics and duration. Describing the
sound’s rhythm and recognizing dynamic changes both as a whole and as individual
instruments are evident within your answer. Good job!

What to improve on:

Go further and elaborate on your answer with more detail. It can be as simple as
describing the style of music and discussing the sounds within that style of music.
Also, be sure to refer back to the question. Considering this was a contrasting
question, mentioning both excerpts in your answer provides a sense of discussion
and detail.


Question A:

 Describes in detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 6

 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding

 Describes in some detail the use of phrasing and texture in this 4-5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding

 Describes some of the uses of phrasing and texture in this 2-3

 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

I like the way you've described the textures heard throughout the excerpt. Explaining
the order of the layers of sounds that come in provides a good foundation in the
layout of your answer. You've grasped a fair understanding of the concept texture.
Well done.

What to improve on:

Try to use more terminology in your answer. You've used homophonic to describe
the voices but what about the start, what type of texture is that? For phrasing, you
mentioned it’s in 4/4. What makes you think it’s in 4/4? How would you count it?
Explain a little more detail for certain aspects in your answer.


Question B:

 Explains in detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in 8

these excerpts
 Demonstrates a highly developed aural understanding, using well
supported observations and appropriate examples

 Explains in some detail how the musical concepts are contrasted 6-7
in these excerpts
 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding, using appropriate
observations and examples

 Explains how the musical concepts are contrasted in these 4-5

 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding, using
observations and examples

 Demonstrates a basic understanding of how the musical concepts 2.5 -

are contrasted in these excerpts 3
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

You have made some good observations for some of the musical concepts.
Recognizing new instruments and expressive techniques in your answer is a great
step in progressing to more detailed answers. Great work!

What to improve on:

Again, work on adding more detail to your answer and explaining yourself better. A
great way to start can be expanding on the points you've made. For example, A lot of
things happen. What things are happening? What instruments are playing the
shorter notes? Although you did well in recognizing expressive techniques, but what
instruments were playing the expressive techniques such as glissando and vibrato?
Adding more terminology in your answer can be a good start too. Practice on
explaining yourself in coherent sentences and expanding on your points.


Question A:

 Describes in detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 6

 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding

 Describes in some detail the use of phrasing and texture in this 4-5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding

 Describes some of the uses of phrasing and texture in this 2 - 3.5

 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

Your answer provides some great points for texture and phrasing. You've explained
the uses of texture in mentioning the layers of the vocal parts and what they
achieved. Great observation of syncopation within your answer. Awesome!

What to improve on:

Focus on adding a little more detail in your answer. Such as what does the traditional
instrument sound like? Being a little more descriptive can accomplish in a detailed
answer. Using terminology in your answer can also help, such as for texture is it
Monophonic? Homophonic? etc.


Question B:

 Explains in detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in 8

these excerpts
 Demonstrates a highly developed aural understanding, using well
supported observations and appropriate examples

 Explains in some detail how the musical concepts are contrasted 6-7
in these excerpts
 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding, using appropriate
observations and examples

 Explains how the musical concepts are contrasted in these 4-5

 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding, using
observations and examples

 Demonstrates a basic understanding of how the musical concepts 2-3

are contrasted in these excerpts
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

Again, great observations in your answer. You have explained in some detail for
most of the concepts of music. Great use of terminology in expressive techniques
such as melismas and referring back to the question of contrast.

What to improve on:

Refer back to the question of contrast more however. Adding a little more detail in
your answer and expanding on the points you've already made is a great start. Such
as the texture has been built and doesn't change. How was it built?


Question A:

 Describes in detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 6

 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding

 Describes in some detail the use of phrasing and texture in this 4.5 - 5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding

 Describes some of the uses of phrasing and texture in this 2-3

 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

You have described this excerpt with some detail. The use of terminology such as
tenor, alto and soprano that you've used to describe the singers are a good way to
determine the textures of the excerpt. A fair understanding of phrasing is portrayed
within your answer. Good job in identifying syncopation within the excerpt.

What to improve on:

For phrasing, be careful when identifying the time signature. Be sure to describe how
this piece is in 4/4 timing. How is it counted in note values? Although you have
mentioned the instruments heard in the excerpt, what type of texture were they
creating? Monophonic? Homophonic? Terminology can help in adding more detail.


Question B:

 Explains in detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in 8

these excerpts
 Demonstrates a highly developed aural understanding, using well
supported observations and appropriate examples

 Explains in some detail how the musical concepts are contrasted 6-

in these excerpts 7.5
 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding, using appropriate
observations and examples

 Explains how the musical concepts are contrasted in these 4-5

 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding, using
observations and examples

 Demonstrates a basic understanding of how the musical concepts 2-3

are contrasted in these excerpts
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

You have provided a clear and detailed answer that refers to the question. Great use
of terminology in the concepts pitch, duration, dynamics and expressive techniques.
Your ability to capture the range in sounds and how they are achieved are great
observations in your answer. The layout of your answer is quite coherent and flow
well. Well-structured sentences. You were much more confident in answering this

What to improve on:

Be careful in your language and try to avoid using the word "things". What things
were making the notes different or more expressive?


Question A:

 Describes in detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 6

 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding

 Describes in some detail the use of phrasing and texture in this 4-5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding

 Describes some of the uses of phrasing and texture in this 2.5 - 3

 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

You've described in some detail the use of texture and phrasing in your answer. I like
the way you discuss the instruments through tone colour in order to help describe
the texture in the excerpt. Fantastic.

What to improve on:

You've mentioned in your answer the is beat is synchronised. What is it
synchronised too? When you discuss your answer to phrasing try to justify more on
how long the phrase lasts for. You can do this by mentioning the time signature or
what note values are used to count the timing. Using more terminology in your
answer can provide more detail and more time in describing the excerpt.


Question B:

 Explains in detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in 8

these excerpts
 Demonstrates a highly developed aural understanding, using well
supported observations and appropriate examples

 Explains in some detail how the musical concepts are contrasted 6.5 -
in these excerpts 7
 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding, using appropriate
observations and examples

 Explains how the musical concepts are contrasted in these 4-5

 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding, using
observations and examples

 Demonstrates a basic understanding of how the musical concepts 2-3

are contrasted in these excerpts
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

Excellent job in referring to the question of contrast in your answer. You explain
some great points on dynamics and expressive techniques.

What to improve on:

Focusing on adding more detail in your answer would be the next step to improving.
Since this question focused on all the music concepts, maybe adding a few more
details such as tone colour in your answer. Adding descriptive words such scatting
which you mentioned in your answer is great but gradually adding more detail words
similar to that can improve your answer. Be sure to mention the question of contrast
in your answer by mentioning details from the first excerpt.


Question A:

 Describes in detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 6

 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding

 Describes in some detail the use of phrasing and texture in this 4-5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding

 Describes some of the uses of phrasing and texture in this 2-3

 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

Great job in identifying the phrasing patterns within the excerpt. You have a great
sense of rhythm to pick up on the time signature and how long the phrasing goes for.
Your description of texture is explained in detail on their role in the piece and when
layers are added to the piece.

What to improve on:

Try to be a little clearer in your answer when describing especially in your second dot
point. Although the information there is great but maybe breaking up the section to
create a flow in your answer.


Question B:

 Explains in detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in 8

these excerpts
 Demonstrates a highly developed aural understanding, using well
supported observations and appropriate examples

 Explains in some detail how the musical concepts are contrasted 6-7
in these excerpts
 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding, using appropriate
observations and examples

 Explains how the musical concepts are contrasted in these 4-5

 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding, using
observations and examples

 Demonstrates a basic understanding of how the musical concepts 2-3

are contrasted in these excerpts
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

Great layout in this question. You have labelled it by using the concepts of music
which is a great way to format your answer. Excellent observations.

What to improve on:

Just be careful when labelling your answer that you really just focus on one concept
when discussing in your answer. It can get a little messy and may become harder to
read than easier.


Question A:

 Describes in detail the use of phrasing and texture in this excerpt 6

 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding

 Describes in some detail the use of phrasing and texture in this 4-5
 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding

 Describes some of the uses of phrasing and texture in this 2-3

 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

You have some good observations in your answer of identifying the different voice
types such as soprano, alto and male. You have mentioned the voice types quite

What to improve on:

Add more detail in your answer. For example, when mentioning the voices maybe
describe how they are layered in the excerpt. Which voice started first? Soprano, alto
or tenor? Also, be careful when identifying instruments. Justifying your answer by
describing what the instrument sound like may help determine the instrument and
create more detail in your answer.


Question B:

 Explains in detail how the musical concepts are contrasted in 8

these excerpts
 Demonstrates a highly developed aural understanding, using well
supported observations and appropriate examples

 Explains in some detail how the musical concepts are contrasted 6-7
in these excerpts
 Demonstrates a developed aural understanding, using appropriate
observations and examples

 Explains how the musical concepts are contrasted in these 4-5

 Demonstrates a competent aural understanding, using
observations and examples

 Demonstrates a basic understanding of how the musical concepts 2-3

are contrasted in these excerpts
 Demonstrates a basic aural understanding

 Demonstrates a limited aural understanding 1

You have mentioned a few observations regarding the recognition of instruments
and sounds within the excerpt.

What to improve on:

You answered the question with very little relation to the question. You need to work
on writing more coherent answers with more detail. Start with grouping all the pitch
answers in one sentence, then duration, and so on. For questions that refer to all the
music concepts it can be overwhelming. But if you group your ideas as one or
expand on each more, then writing detailed answers will become easier. Using more
terminology in your answer is great to adding more detail but using the appropriate
language is necessary.

Students Marks/Ranks:

Student: Question Question Question Question Total Overall

A result: B result: A rank: B rank: Grade: Class
1 3.5/6 5.5/8 4th 6th 9/14 5th

2 3/6 5.5/8 6th 8th 8.5/14 6th

3 2.5/6 5/8 8th 8th 7.5/14 8th

4 4/6 7/8 4th 2nd 11/14 2nd

5 3/6 2.5/8 7th 9th 5.5/14 9th

6 3.5/6 6/8 5th 4th 9.5/14 4th

7 4.5/6 7.5/8 2nd 1st 12/14 1st

8 2.5/6 6.5/8 9th 3rd 9/14 7th

9 5/6 6/8 1st 5th 11/14 3rd

10 2/6 2/8 10th 10th 4/14 10th

Assessment Report
In education, assessment has been used to gather evidence to see how students
demonstrate what they know and can do. It is expected for students to know the
content learnt in their class, however that’s not always the case. When students
have done the assessment, educators then rank the students accordingly and
investigate how well they achieved in the assessment. Teachers and educators use
these findings to work on improving the students who have ranked the lowest or
even provide more challenging work for the higher achievers. According to the New
South Wales Education Standards Authority (NESA, c2018), teachers need to
implement effective assessment and feedback to promote student motivation and
self-esteem. This is important to activate students their own learning through

Formative assessment is assessment that aspires to support learning as appose to

accredit learning like summative assessment (Crossouard and Pryor, 2012).
Education uses formative assessment so teachers can modify their teaching and
learning activities to help students improve. Assessment is seen to be embedded
within teaching as a major part of the educational process, as it involves giving
feedback to the students and feedforwarding to other educators (Crossouard and
Pryor, 2012). Vygotsky’s ‘zone of proximal development’, is where students in that
zone can almost perform the task independently, however needs some assistance to
accomplish the task (Psychology Notes HQ, 2018). Sociocultural theory of cognitive
development is based upon the assumption that culture plays a major role in
cognitive development (Vygotsky, 1978). A school culture praise on promoting
positive learning environments to make student’s feel safe. This is done by
immersing students with teachers who actively collaborate with them during their
learning to help them achieve (Vygotsky, 1978). This is called scaffolding and is an
effective way in promoting cognitive development. The implication that the
relationship of assessment between teaching and cognitive learning theories is that it
can support students during their task development through scaffolding and the
interaction with communication.

For many schools, assessment tasks come in many different forms. Focusing on
assessment in general, teachers are to design the task that provide clear learning
outcomes, expectations, a criterion, and feedback. Formative assessment involves
these features both formally and informally. According to Wiliam and Thompson
(2007) who drew on Ramaprasad’s (1983), there are three key processes in learning
and teaching. Establishing where the learners are in their learning, establishing
where they are going, and establishing what needs to be done to get them there. Of
course, these processes are targeted at the teacher in designing and implementing
an effective learning environment but the learners are responsible for learning within
that environment.

As mentioned before, school culture promotes positive learning environments.

Metacognition is where students have awareness and understanding of one’s
thought process. Students may have a hard time understanding the feedback given
to them as some students felt they were doing the right thing even if they weren’t
paying attention to the content. Teachers are to monitor students’ metacognitive
knowledge as the learner’s standards will depend on their interpretation of the task,
their perception of the criteria, their personal orientation towards the task, and their
view of the time constraints (Black and Wiliam, 2009). This is why feedback is
important to help shape students’ metacognitive knowledge as a means to help
student’s grow and become more independent thinkers.

In conclusion, formative assessment is key to improving student’s learning as it helps

stimulate cognitive development. Students within the ‘zone of proximal development’
are to be guided through scaffolding and collaboration with the teacher. As
sociocultural theory can affect students learning, teachers are to aim in providing a
positive learning environment in order to help students focus on the task and in
relation shape their metacognitive knowledge. These cognitive theories are big
influences in student’s cognitive development and need to be understood by
teachers to implement effective assessment and provide effective feedback.

Black, P & Wiliam, D. (2009). Developing The Theory of Formative
Assessment. Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education, 21(1), 5-31.

Crossouard, B & Pryor, J. (2012). How Theory Matters: Formative Assessment

Theory and Practices and Their Different Relations to Education. Studies in
Philosophy and Education, 31(1), 251-263.

Ramaprasad, A. (1983). On the Definition of Feedback. Behavioral Science, 28, 4-


Vygotsky, L. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological

processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press

Wiliam, D., & Thompson, M. (2007). Integrating assessment with instruction: What
will it take to make it work? In C. A. Dwyer (Ed.), The future of assessment: shaping
teaching and learning (pp.53-82). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). c2018. Nsweduau. [Online]. [24
August 2018]. Available from:

Psychology Notes HQ. 2018. Psychologynoteshqcom.[Online]. [24 August

2018]. Available from:


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