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History Exam Review

we want die

who teh fwip

1. Gavrilo Princip
2. Adolf Hitler (Germany), Benito Mussolini (Italy), Hideki Tojo (Japan), Joseph Stalin
(Soviet Union), Francisco Franco (Spain), Mao Zedong (China)
3. The Group of Seven
4. Franklin D. Roosevelt
5. Tommy Douglas (medicare)
6. Lester B. Pearson
7. Germany
8. Lester B. Pearson and Lyndon B. Johnson (over Vietnam)
9. 1.1 million
10. Joseph Stalin
11. Britain, Russia, France, Canada, USA
12. Germany, Austria, Italy, Turkey
13. Soviet Union, USA, United Kingdom, China
14. Germany, Japan, Italy

when teh fwip

1. 1917
2. Six years
3. 1931 (Statute of Westminster)
4. November 11th, 1918
5. September 1st, 1939
6. 1991
7. March 31st, 1949
8. 1965
9. Six weeks
10. Ten years

where teh fwip

1. Halifax
2. No Man’s Land
3. Suburbs
4. Front Lines?
5. Dust Bowl
6. Auschwitz
7. Nuremberg, Germany
8. Factories (men’s roles including war production and machining/factory employment)

wut teh fwip

1. League of Nations
2. Rationing food, buying victory bonds, growing victory gardens, censorship, income tax,
debt, war production
3. Jobs, social security, benefits
4. The One Big Union
5. Bloody Saturday
6. Bennett Buggy
7. Black Tuesday
8. Grasshoppers
9. Relief Camp Workers’ Union
10. Start of WW2
11. Trains (riding the rails/rods)
12. Drought, high winds, dust storms, grasshopper plagues
13. Munich Agreement
14. German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact
15. Lightning War
16. Dieppe
17. Manhattan Project
18. Nuclear Tension
19. Iron Curtain
20. The day (June 6, 1944) in World War II on which Allied forces invaded northern France
by means of beach landings in Normandy.
21. Led Canada to be an active participant in the Korean War in 1949. (??)
22. Colombo Plan
23. Treaty of Versailles, Germany’s attack on Poland (Sept. 1st, 1939) (​switch??​)
24. The Great Depression, Fascism / Dictatorship (​switch??​)
25. United Nations
26. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
27. NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
28. Korean War, Vietnam War, Suez
29. Megaprojects:
a. St. Lawrence Seaway
b. Trans-Canada Highway
c. Trans-Canada Pipeline
d. Avro Arrow
30. Louis St. Laurent
31. 1960, between Kennedy and Nixon
32. 50-100 million deaths; WW1
33. Baby Boom?
34. The Canadian Bill of Rights
35. 100th anniversary
36. October Crisis
37. Official Languages Act
38. Multiculturalism
39. Germans
40. Insulin
41. TV
42. Buying on margin
43. WW1, Over-dependence on the U.S, Buying on margin,
44. Drifters
45. 1.1 million
46. Jewish
47. Showcase power of UN and US military strength; Canada showed it was willing to
“police the world”
48. Raise alert status to DEFCON-3 (heightened awareness and patrol)
49. Aid program implemented in US to rebuild war-ravaged economies
50. Marshall Plan but Europe and Canada (and some very sorry Asians)
51. A “war” of tension where the US and USSR were dangerously close to a nuclear war.
52. Communism is a political theory in which all property is publicly owned and each person
works and is paid according to their abilities and needs
53. Fascism is a political theory in which the government is more important than the equality
and rights of the people; extremely right-winged
54. A society where all members have social equality

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