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The framers of the United States Constitution created a legislative system that is
bicameral. However, it is not just bicameral; the framers also established two
houses of distinctly different character and authority.

a. Discuss two reasons why the framers created a bicameral legislature

b. Identify one power unique to the House of Representatives and explain

why the framers gave the House that power.

c. Identify one power unique to the Senate and explain why the framers gave
the Senate that power.

IDENTIFY: In one sentence, tell me what it is.

Example (Part b): The framers gave the House of Representatives power to initiate all
revenue bills.

DEFINE: Identify and define what it is.

Example: Revenue bills are all bills that deal with the increase in taxes or the spending
of the federal government, this is also known as the ‘power of the purse.’

DESCRIBE: In a short paragraph (4-5 sentences) identify, define and tell how it
relates to the question.

Example (Part a): One of the reasons that the framers created a bicameral legislature is
because they were looking to compromise at the Constitutional convention between the
New Jersey and Virginia plans of government. The New Jersey plan was to have equal
representation of all states because New Jersey was a state with a smaller population
that wanted to make sure that it had a say in the government. Virginia was a state with
a large population that wanted proportional representation because it felt it had more at
stake with more people living in it. As a result, the framers created a bicameral
legislature, known as the Great Compromise, where one house of the legislature, the
Senate, is made up of an equal number of representatives and the other house, the
House of Representatives, is made up of a proportional number of representatives
based on a state’s population.
EXPLAIN/ANALYZE/DISCUSS: In a complete paragraph (6-8 sentences) Identify,
define, discuss and provide a historical or contemporary example that applies to
the question.

Example (Part b): The framers gave the House of Representatives the power to initiate
all revenue bills, which are all bills that deal with the increase in taxes or the spending of
the federal government, this is also known as the ‘power of the purse.’ The framers
gave the House of Representatives this power because they are closer to the people so
they would have to reflect public opinion. The reason the House is closer to the people
is because they were originally directly elected and they have only a two year term. An
example of a revenue bill is the ‘Bush era tax cuts,’ which were designed to cut the
taxes of most Americans. One of the reasons for the American Revolution was the
practice of ‘taxation without representation’ in parliament. The framers gave this power
to the House is because they felt that it was important that taxes and revenue be
reflective of the people.

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