A Detaile D Lesson Plan in en Glish 4: I. Objectives

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I. Objectives

Identify the proper

and common noun

Write a short para

graph about their
wishes for their bir

Share the importa
nce of proper and
common nouns for
everyday life
Values Integration:
Giving importance
of applying small a
nd capital letters o
n the beginning of
each names/ideas.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Two Kinds o
f ouns !"nglish#
$eference: %angua
ge &rts ' !pages ()*
(+#,aterials: -
ower-oint -
resentation !
ommon and -
roper ouns#
artolina White
0oard ,ar1er and 2
ui3 SheetsTeachin
g ,ethodology: Ind
uctive ,ethod
III. ProcedureT e a
c h e r ’ s A c
ti v i ti e s P u
 i ! s ’
A c ti v i ti e s
A. Oe"i"# Activit$
%. Pra$er
* 4lass let us
stand for our pra
yer. !ame of th
e pupil# 1indly
lead the prayer f
or today.5
&. Greeti"#s
* 4Good ,orning
'. (hec)i"# o* Atte"
* 4Who is absent
for today75
4. +evie,
* 40efore we star
t our lesson for t
oday do you re
callon what you
had learned yest
erday75* 4What
part of speech tel
ls the names of a
place events
animal plants
 and any forms
ofnature75* 4o
rrect6 Give me o
ne e8ample of a
name of a-
erson75* 49ery
Good6 Give me o
ne e8ample of a
name of athing75
* 49ery Good6 G
ive me one e8am
ple of a name of
a place that you v
isit most75* 49er
y Good6 Give me
one e8ample of a
name of anevent
which is very spe
cial for you75* 4
When is your bir
thday75* 49ery
Good6 Give me t
hree e8amples of
names ofanimals
 plants and oth
er forms of natur
e75* 4or those
who got the corr
ect answer let;
s givethem a 0oo
m < 0oom lap.
-. Motivatio"
4lass here;s
the dialog of %i3
a and his dad ab
outtheir visit to h
er grandparents i
n ,anila. =n her
wayshe sees m
any things in ,ani
la. This conversa
tion will play onl
y by one boy and
one girl only. Wh
o wants toread th
e conversation of
0en and his dad7
5* The teacher w
ill call one boy an
d one girl in thec
Liza: Oh, Daddy, I’
m so excited to se
e Lolo and Lola. I’
m also eager to se
e Manila. Daddy:
There are many pl
aces to see in Man
ila Liza: eally! "h
at are those place
s# Daddy: On our
$ay, $e $ill pass %
y &la%ang, 'ucat,
Taguig, Ma(ati an
d )asay.
* The assigned p
upil will go in fro
nt of the classan
d will lead the pr
ayer.* 4Good ,or
ning Sir rysler
65* The secretar
y will tell the abs
entee/s fortoday.
* 4>es Teacher
65* 4The oun t
eacher.5* 4rysl
er teacher.5
* 4ball point pen te
acher.5* 4S, Tarlac
teacher.5* 4,y birth
day teacher.5* 4Th
is coming &ugust (
( teacher.5* 4"leph
ant teacher.5* 4&c
acia tree teacher.5
* 4flower teacher.5
* The pupils will do
0oom < 0oom 
lap.* The call pu
pils will go in fro
nt to portray thei
r roles in the con

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