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Food Chemistry 272 (2019) 723–731

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Comparative evaluation of the volatile profiles and taste properties of T

roasted coffee beans as affected by drying method and detected by electronic
nose, electronic tongue, and HS-SPME-GC-MS
⁎ ⁎
Wenjiang Donga, Rongsuo Hua, Yuzhou Longa, , Hehe Lib, , Yanjun Zhanga, Kexue Zhua,
Zhong Chua
Spice and Beverage Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences (CATAS), Wanning, Hainan 571533, China
Beijing Laboratory for Food Quality and Safety, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing 100048, China


Keywords: In this study, room-temperature drying, solar drying, heat pump drying (HPD), hot-air drying, and freeze drying
Drying techniques were applied to investigate the volatile profiles and taste properties of roasted coffee beans by using electronic
Roasted coffee beans nose, electronic tongue, and headspace solid-phase microextraction gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-
Electronic nose SPME-GC-MS). Results indicated that the drying process markedly affected pH, total titratable acidity, total
Electronic tongue
solids, and total soluble solids. Significant differences existed among all samples based on drying method; and
the HPD method was superior for preserving ketones, phenols, and esters. Principal component analysis (PCA)
combined with E-nose and E-tongue radar charts as well as the fingerprint of HS-SPME-GC-MS could clearly
discriminate samples from different drying methods, with results obtained from hierarchical cluster analysis (the
Euclidean distance is 0.75) being in agreement with those of PCA. These findings may provide a theoretical basis
for the dehydration of coffee beans and other similar thermo-sensitive agricultural products.

1. Introduction and deterioration, including browning, softening, and rotting owing to

inherent enzymes, if processing is not performed in a timely manner,
In recent decades, with the development of the economy, social and which severely influences the composition of coffee beans and reduces
cultural awareness, and an increase in standards of living, consumers their commercial value. Drying represents one of the most effective
have exhibited increased interest in healthy and well-flavoured foods procedures to address this issue and has promoted the development of a
and have begun to search for diets with health-promoting properties as highly efficient coffee industry. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the
well as those reducing potential disease risk. Beverages comprise an effect of drying techniques on the sensory quality of roasted coffee
important component of the daily diet, with coffee being a very popular beans, as the biochemical composition of green coffee beans is decisive
brewed beverage that is consumed worldwide; moreover, global coffee for flavour quality through roasting-induced chemical reactions.
consumption has also increased at an average annual rate of 1.9% over Drying technology, as an effective method to remove water from
the past 50 years. Coffee, which is characterised by a pleasant taste foods and to reduce water activity, plays an important role in the fields
sensation comprising a balanced combination of bitterness, sourness, of food manufacturing and food processing worldwide. Nevertheless,
nuttiness, and astringency, is derived from a tropical evergreen shrub of drying can affect the major quality parameters associated with dried
the genus Coffea, which includes the two most common cultivated food products, such as colour, flavour, microbial load, texture, taste,
species, Coffea canephora and Coffea arabica (Cheng, Furtado, Smyth, & aroma, and nutritional properties (Zhang et al., 2017). As volatile
Henry, 2016). In China, coffee is mainly distributed in Hainan and compounds are associated with coffee flavour and consequently impact
Yunnan provinces; robusta coffee, recognised by its appearance and its acceptance, the aroma component of flavour for coffee is regarded as
earthy flavour, is cultivated in Hainan province and Arabica coffee, especially important and contributes to flavour diversity, whereas
having the characteristics of sweet-caramel aroma and meta-acid, is drying could lead to the change of volatile profile and the formation of
cultivated in Yunnan province (Dong, Tan, Zhao, Hu, & Lu, 2015). novel characteristic flavours. Studies conducted to investigate the vo-
However, fresh coffee fruits are susceptible to postharvest pathogens latile compounds in roasted coffee beans (Toledo, Pezza, Pezza, & Toci,

Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (Y. Long), (H. Li).
Received 7 June 2018; Received in revised form 16 August 2018; Accepted 16 August 2018
Available online 17 August 2018
0308-8146/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
W. Dong et al. Food Chemistry 272 (2019) 723–731

2016) have identified more than 800 volatile compounds, although prepared from different drying processing methods (RTD, SD, HPD,
previous studies have revealed that only about 20–30 volatile com- HAD, and FD). HS-SPME-GC-MS, E-nose, and E-tongue techniques were
pounds, including sulfur compounds, aldehydes, ketones, furans, pyr- then utilised to analyse the flavour of coffee samples, and principal
roles, and pyrazines, are predominantly responsible for the coffee component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) were
aroma. Notably, although some volatiles have low odour thresholds and applied on the data matrix obtained by HS-SPME-GC-MS, E-nose, and E-
concentration, they could lead to a greater olfactory contribution to tongue, as well as the three-dimensional fusion matrix, to explore fla-
coffee flavour (Yang et al., 2016). vour differences among various roasted coffee samples.
Several prior studies have examined the effect of drying procedures
utilising solar drying, thin layer drying, hot air drying (HAD), freeze 2. Materials and methods
drying (FD), and fluidised drying on the quality of coffee beans and
related products. Burmester and Eggers (2010) reported that the heat 2.1. Chemicals and reagents
and mass transfer of the coffee drying process, along with optimisation
of the industrial application transport coefficients and coffee properties, All reagents or solvents were analytical, high-performance liquid
thermal conductivities, and effective diffusion coefficients were a chromatography (HPLC), or GC–MS grade. HPLC grade methanol and
function of the moisture content as well as the volume and densities of formic acid were supplied by Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). Sodium
the coffee beans. Nilnont et al. (2012) demonstrated that a mathema- hydroxide and hydrochloric acid were purchased from Damao Chemical
tical model could accurately simulate the moisture contents in different Reagent Factory (Tianjin, China). An SPME manual holder and 75 m
components of parchment coffee and effectively explain transport Carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane (CAR/PDMS) were obtained from
processes. Suzihaque and Driscoll (2016) studied the effects of solar Supelco (Bellefonte, PA). The standard of C7-C40 saturated alkanes was
radiation, buoyancy of air flow, and optimisation of coffee drying in a provided by Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO). Milli-Q water was obtained
heat recovery dryer, from which a sensitivity analysis of the profit from a Milli-Q Plus water system (Millipore, Hetai, Shanghai, China).
equation showed that the tray area, coffee bean density, and the price of
labour had the most effect on profit. Additionally, Burmester, Fehr, and 2.2. Samples and sample preparation
Eggers (2011) examined the thermophysical material properties of an
innovative coffee drying process. In our previous study, different drying Fresh coffee fruits (C. canephora, Xinglong robusta coffee, ‘Reyan1’)
techniques; i.e. room temperature drying (RTD), solar drying (SD), heat were harvested from the experimental station in January 2015, at the
pump drying (HPD), HAD, and FD were applied to investigate the effect Spice and Beverage Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Tropical
on bioactive components, fatty acid composition, and volatile profile of Agricultural Sciences, in Hainan, which is one of the famous coffee
green coffee beans (Dong, Hu, Chu, Zhao, & Tan, 2017). Considering growing regions of China. A total of fifteen samples were picked in the
the drying efficiency, good quality retention, and production cost, HPD experimental station under the same climate and planting conditions,
exhibited the broadest market prospect for potential application (Dong, and five random samples were merged into one sample to make the
Hu et al., 2017). In particular, drying was considered to constitute a key samples more representative; thus three merged samples were used for
factor contributing to a high-quality coffee. However, to the best of our the following experiment. All fruits were sampled at a mature stage
knowledge, no study has reported on the comparative evaluation of the with uniform size and colour (red). In this study, all fresh coffee fruits
profiles of volatile compounds of roasted coffee beans originated from were processed by a dry process method, being dried until the moisture
different drying techniques. content of samples was 11.0 ± 1.0 g/100 g dry weight (DW) when
Over the past few years, gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy subjected to different drying techniques. Then, a huller was used to
(GC–MS), electronic nose (E-nose), and electronic tongue (E-tongue) remove the shell of fruits to obtain green coffee beans for the sub-
have been increasingly applied in the food industry for quality control sequent experiments.
(Peris & Escuder-Gilabert, 2016; Huang, Guo, Yuan, Luo, & Yue, 2015).
In particular, solid-phase microextraction (SPME) represents an espe- 2.3. Drying and roasting procedures
cially promising sample preparation technique in food analysis for the
pre-processing procedures of GC–MS, which could provide an accurate The fresh coffee fruits were split into five equal portions for the
approach for the analysis of type and concentration of volatile com- subsequent drying processing; the final water content of green coffee
ponents, as well as serving as a useful sensorial tool for food flavour beans was 11.0 ± 1.0 g/100 g DW. (a) RTD: The first portion of fresh
analysis. E-nose and E-tongue are analytical devices consisting of an coffee fruit was dried using natural air flow at room temperature of
array of sensors utilised to detect odorants and tastants. Recently, HS- approximately 25 °C for seven days. (b) SD: The second portion of fresh
SPME-GC-MS, E-nose, and E-tongue were applied to analyse the volatile coffee fruit was dried in the SD chamber for five days. (c) HPD: The
and taste compounds of food matrices for, e.g., quality control, fresh third portion of fresh coffee fruit was dehydrated using a dehumidified
grading, storage conditions, and authentication and differentiation, of heat pump (RF-25II; Guangzhou Quanneng Energy Technology Co.,
foods, such as vegetables, fruits, tea and coffee, milk, wine, fish, and Ltd., Guangzhou, China) at 50 °C for 72 h and 70% relative humidity.
meat (Rosa, Leone, Cheli, & Chiofaloa, 2017). Moreover, in our pre- (d) HAD: The fourth portion of fresh coffee fruit was dehydrated using
vious work we found that in the application of E-nose and E-tongue an electro-thermal blowing dry box (DHG-9030A, Shanghai Yiheng
sensors combined with chemometric multivariate analysis to dis- Laboratory Instrument Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China) at 50 °C for 108 h. (e)
criminate seven robusta coffee cultivars, an acceptable performance of FD: The fifth portion of fresh coffee fruit was dried in a freeze dryer
a calibration model could be obtained (Dong, Zhao, Hu, Dong, & Tan, (JDG-0.2, Lanzhou Kejin Freeze Drying Instruments Co., Ltd., Lanzhou,
2017). Nevertheless, these technologies have yet to be applied to assess China) under 40 Pa vacuum pressure for 25 h. A detailed description of
the differences between roasted coffee bean samples prepared using drying procedures is provided in Dong, Hu et al. (2017). The dried
different drying processes. green coffee beans were then used for the roasting step. Samples of
Here, we hypothesise that different traditional drying processes 100 g were taken from each portion and roasted using a PRE 1 Z drum
differentially impact the volatile profile and taste properties of roasted coffee roaster (Emmerich am Rhein, Germany). The initial roasting
coffee beans, and that these differences can be effectively detected temperature was 180 °C, after which the roasting temperature varied
through the use of statistical modelling of the data obtained from the from 180 °C to 200 °C to medium degree for 10 min. Coffee roasting
newly-developed measurement technologies. The objective of the pre- conditions such as time and temperature were defined by the colour
sent study was therefore to evaluate and compare the odour com- index of L*. All samples were ground using the ‘fine’ option of an
pounds, aromatic profile, and taste properties of roasted coffee beans electronic coffee grinder (Kenia, Mahlkönig, Germany) and the ground

W. Dong et al. Food Chemistry 272 (2019) 723–731

Fig. 1. Total soluble solids content (a), total solids content (b), pH value (c), and total titratable acidity (d) of roasted coffee beans prepared by different drying

coffee was sieved using a standard sieve to exclude large particles. detect sample gas. Coffee powder sample (1 g) was put into a 10-mL vial
and incubated for 20 min at 60 °C (300 rpm). Processed pure air was
used as carrier gas to clean the sensor array to cause the signal response
2.4. Physicochemical analysis
to return to zero; then the sample was measured using an injection
volume of 300 µL. Each sample was measured in triplicate, and the
The crude extract for physicochemical analysis was prepared by
mean value was applied for further analysis.
mixing 8.25 g coffee bean powder with 150 mL distilled water in a hot
water bath (95 °C, 5 min) with stirring; after extraction, the extract was
filtered through Whatman filter paper and the filtrate was stored at 2.6. E-tongue analysis
4 °C. The physicochemical parameters, total soluble solids (TSS), total
solids (TS), pH, and total titratable acidity (TA) were determined ac- Coffee taste attributes were analysed using an Astree II potentio-
cording to the methods of Gloess et al. (2013) with minor modifica- metric electronic tongue (Alpha M. O. S., Toulouse, France). This E-
tions. The TSS content of the coffee samples was measured in °Brix tongue system was comprised of an LS48 automatic sampler, sensor
using an analogue refractometer (PAL-A; Atago, Tokyo, Japan). For TS, array, reference electrode (Ag/AgCl), and a Chemometric software
expressed as g/100 g DW, 4.00 g sample were accurately weighed and package. The E-tongue contained seven chemical sensors: ZZ, JE, BB,
dried in a well-ventilated oven at 105 ± 2 °C until reaching a constant CA, GA, HA, and JB, which are potentiometric sensors with an organic
weight. The pH value was quantified using a pH meter (FE-20; Mettler- membrane coating with specific sensitivity and selectivity for each
Toledo, Greifensee, Switzerland). The TA, as milliequivalents of citric sensor. Prior to analysis, 0.01 M hydrochloric acid, sodium chloride,
acid per 100 g dry matter, was determined by titration with 0.1 M and sodium-L-glutamate were used to calibrate and diagnose the sen-
NaOH solution up to pH 8.1 until the pink end-point using phe- sors and system. The instrument parameters were as follows:
nolphthalein indicator. delay = 0 s, acquisition time = 120 s, interval = 1 s, stirring rate = 1,
and acquisition period = 1. Between each measurement, 80 mL deio-
nised water were used to clean the sensors, and the sensor signals were
2.5. E-nose analysis
acquired using Astree software v.3.0.1.
The E-nose analyses were performed using a commercial Fox 3000
electronic nose (Alpha M.O.S., Toulouse, France). The structure of E- 2.7. Volatile compounds analyses
nose consists of pattern recognition software, HS-100 autosampler, and
a sensor array unit. The sensor array is composed of six metal oxide The volatile compounds of roasted coffee samples were determined
semiconductor sensors, T30/1, T70/2, PA/2, LY2/AA, and LY2/gCT to using HS-SPME-GC-MS. An accurately weighed 1.0 g sample was filled

W. Dong et al. Food Chemistry 272 (2019) 723–731

Fig. 2. E-nose responses for representative roasted coffee beans (a), and mean values of seven sensors (b) for coffee samples. PCA of E-nose data for coffee samples
with different drying methods (c: score plot, d: loading plot). (RTD ( ), SD ( ), HPD ( ), HAD ( ), FD ( )).

into 20-mL screw vials fitted with polytetrafluorethylene-silicone septa; significant. Chemometrics methods, PCA, and HCA were operated
after incubation at 60 °C for 20 min, the volatiles were then sampled under the Matlab software platform (v. R2010a Mathworks Inc., Natick,
with a 75-µm CAR/PDMS fibre supplied by Supelco (Bellefonte, PA) for MA) environment. All data are expressed as the means ± SD (standard
40 min. After extraction, the fibre was immediately inserted into the deviation) of triple measurements.
injection port of the GC–MS for the desorption step at 250 °C for 3 min.
GC–MS analyses were carried out on an Agilent 7890A GC 5975C
3. Results and discussion
system coupled with a quadrupole mass filter for mass spectrometric
detection (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA). The chromato-
3.1. Effect of drying methods on the TSS and TS content of roasted coffee
graphic separation was achieved on a DB-WAX capillary column
(30 m × 0.25 mm, df = 0.25 m). Analytical conditions were as follows:
the injector and transfer line temperatures were 230 and 250 °C, re-
The TSS and TS content of the roasted coffee samples from different
spectively; the oven program began with a 40 °C hold for 2 min, was
drying methods is shown in Fig. 1a–b. The TSS content of all samples
raised to 130 °C at 1.5 °C/min, then raised to 220 °C at 4 °C/min and
ranged between 1.93 and 2.50 °Brix, RTD samples had the lowest TSS
held for 5 min. Helium was used as the carrier gas, with the flow of He
content (1.93 °Brix), followed by FD (2.01 °Brix), with the HPD and
at 1 mL min−1, and detection was performed in full scan mode over the
HAD methods resulting in almost the same TSS content (2.31 °Brix and
mass range m/z 35–300 (Dong et al., 2015). The qualitative identifi-
2.30 °Brix, respectively), whereas SD samples had a significantly
cation of compounds was achieved by comparison of their mass spectra
(p < 0.05) higher TSS content than that of other samples, which was in
and retention times to those of pure standards, as well as calculating the
accordance with our previous study (Dong, Zhao et al., 2017). In
retention indices (RI) and matching against the NIST MS Search pro-
comparison, Gloess et al. (2013) investigated the effects of nine
gram, version 08. The quantification of compounds was achieved by
common extraction methods on the TSS content of coffee, which ranged
integrating the selected specific ions to obtain relative peak areas.
from about 0.40 to 6.40 °Brix. The broad range observed was likely due
to the different brewing mechanisms, although most were similar to our
2.8. Data analysis and chemometric procedures results. The TS content was mainly related to the body; i.e. mouthfeel or
texture, which constitutes an additional important sensory descriptor
Statistical analysis was performed through one-way analysis of for coffee. In the present study, the levels of TS content in samples
variance (ANOVA), followed by Duncan’s multiple test to identify sig- ranged from 1.92 to 2.73 g/100 g DW, with a statistical significant
nificant differences among roasted coffee samples from different drying difference (p < 0.05) being observed in the five investigated types of
techniques using SPSS version 20.0 software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL); all roasted coffee samples, except between HAP and HAD, and RTD and FD
statistical tests were two-tailed and p < 0.05 or less was considered as samples. The SD method was considered to allow better retention of TS

W. Dong et al. Food Chemistry 272 (2019) 723–731

Fig. 3. E-tongue responses for representative roasted coffee beans (a), and mean values of seven sensors (b) for coffee samples. PCA of E-tongue data for roasted
coffee samples with different drying methods (c: score plot, d: loading plot). (RTD ( ), SD ( ), HPD ( ), HAD ( ), FD ( )).

for coffee samples. 3.3. E-nose

3.3.1. E-nose response to roasted coffee samples

3.2. Effect of drying method on the pH and TA of roasted coffee beans The electronic nose was a better method for analysing aroma, as it
could acquire complete information related to volatile compounds in
The pH value and TA of the roasted coffee samples from different samples rather than qualitative and quantitative results (Tiggemann
drying techniques are presented in Fig. 1c–d. Perceived acidity re- et al., 2017). The typical E-nose responses to the roasted coffee samples
presents one of the key perceptions within the coffee organoleptic are shown in Fig. 2a, where G/Go is used as the response value, i.e., the
profile, as well as being considered as a particularly important criterion ratio between sample gas and pure air resistivity. Each curve represents
for a good cup of coffee. In the current study, the pH value of the the variation trend of a corresponding sensor with increasing time until
samples ranged from 5.54 to 5.70, among which, the HAD samples had a stable equilibrium is finally reached. It can be observed that the re-
the highest pH value (5.70), whereas SD samples had the lowest (5.54). sponse values of sensors P30/2, PA/2, T70/2, and T30/1 increased; in
The pH value showed statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) contrast, the response values of sensor LY2/AA decreased, whereas the
among all different dried roasted coffee samples. The TA of coffee ex- sensor LY2/gCT remained almost unchanged in the first 0 to 15 s.
tract was in the range of 1.95–2.15 mL of 0.1 M NaOH, whereas the TA Subsequently, the response value of sensor P30/2 increased drastically
of SD, RTD, and FD samples was higher than that of HPD and HAD and reached a stable equilibrium, and the response value of sensors PA/
samples, which may be related to the formation of acidic compounds 2, T70/2, T30/1 decreased gradually until reaching a steady value.
during heat treatment in the HPD and HAD methods. Caporaso, However, the response value of sensor LY2/AA increased gradually in
Genovese, Canela, Civitella, and Sacchi (2014) reported that the pH the interval of 20–90 s.
values of Arabica coffee brews by Neapolitan, Espresso, American, and The typical responses of the six sensors of the volatile compounds in
Moka techniques varied from 5.52 (Neapolitan coffee) to 6.01 (Amer- roasted coffee samples from different drying techniques are presented
ican coffee), which is in accordance with the results of our study. Gloess in Fig. 2b. As can be observed, the variation trends of signals from
et al. (2013) reported similar results for the TA after nine common different samples were similar; the responses for sensors P30/2 and PA/
extraction methods, which indicated Nespresso samples as being the 2 were significantly higher than those of the other sensors, and the
most acidic brew (pH = 5.41); although French press (pH = 5.92) was responses of P30/2 for HAD, HPD, and FD samples were significantly
somewhat higher, the different roasting degree appeared to have no different from those of the other dried samples. Moreover, the relative
substantial influence on pH value. values of T30/1, T70/2, and LY2/AA were in the intermediate value,
and significant differences were also observed between HPD, HAD, and
FD samples, RTD, and SD samples. Notably, the responses of sensors in

W. Dong et al. Food Chemistry 272 (2019) 723–731

Fig. 4. Total ion chromatogram of volatiles from roasted coffee samples with different drying methods (a). Relative content of volatile compounds among different
classes in coffee samples (b).

our study were in accordance with the report of Severini, Ricci, Marone, objects and the correlation structure of the variables (Kaya, Yidiz, &
Derossi, and De Pilli (2015), in which E-nose was applied to analyse and Ünlütürk, 2015)). PCA was performed on the dataset of the response
discriminate the changes in chemical attributes and aromatic profile of values of E-nose to evaluate the influence of drying processing on the
espresso coffee as a result of the extraction time and grinding level. The grouping of the roasted coffee samples. The two-dimensional bi-plots of
differences may have resulted from the formation of novel volatile score and loading of the dried samples are presented in Fig. 2c–d. The
compounds and other similar volatile compounds among the various principal components (PCs) PC1 and PC2 represented 48.5% and 37.1%
drying conditions (Yang et al., 2016). However, it is difficult to dis- of the total variance, respectively, with the cumulative contribution
criminate different dried samples only from observed sensor response rate of the first two PCs accounting for 85.6%, which indicates they are
values; thus, the signal information of the six sensors needs to be further sufficient to explain the total variance in the dataset (Wold, Esbensen, &
processed and its internal relationships and differences explored. Geladi, 1987). It can be observed that grouping of the samples was
clearly apparent in the bi-plot of PCA, with the RTD and HAD samples
being located to the right of the X-axis, whereas the SD, HPD, and FD
3.3.2. PCA of volatile compounds in roasted coffee samples
samples were located to the left of the X-axis, among which a slight
PCA constitutes a statistical tool used to explain differentiation
overlap was observed between SD and HPD groups. Considering the
between samples and to extract information from the variables that
loading plot demonstrating that the relationship between the E-nose
mainly affects the sample spatial distribution. This procedure can re-
variables P30/2, LY2/AA, and LY2/gCT had a higher influence on the
duce the dimensionality of the data matrix while retaining most of the
differentiation ability, the sensor P30/2 likely contributed more to the
information of the original data, as well as explain the relationship of

W. Dong et al. Food Chemistry 272 (2019) 723–731

observed between different dried samples. Overall, all samples showed

a similar changing trend for the seven sensors albeit with different re-
sponse intensity. E-nose has also been used in the quality control and
taste characterisation of food chemistry, such as by Lopetcharat et al.
(2016), who provided a new approach to correlate between overall
difference decision and E-tongue results as well as to discriminate civet
coffee from different origins, obtaining a satisfactory performance. In
addition, E-nose was also used to characterise espresso coffees brewed
with different thermal profiles, thus providing useful information for
the optimisation of processing conditions (Buratti, Benedetti, &
Giovanelli, 2017).

3.4.2. PCA of taste compounds in roasted coffee samples

PCA was also performed on the E-nose dataset to distinguish roasted
coffee samples from different drying techniques, taking the response
values of sensors as input variables. Fig. 3c–d shows the score and
loading plots of the first and the second components, PC1 and PC2, in
the two-dimensional PC space, with the first two PCs explaining 79.0%
of the total variance, at 58.0% and 21.0% for PC1 and PC2, respec-
tively. It can be observed that the samples exhibit a tendency to form
three major groups in the score bi-plot of PCA. A group comprised of SD
and HPD samples was located close together in the first quadrant except
for one HPD sample that was in the Y-axis; the RTD processed samples
were all in the fourth quadrant with positive and negative score values
at PC1 and PC2, whereas the HAD and FD samples were all almost
located in the third quadrant of the graph except for one FD sample.
Fig. 3d represents loading plots of different kinds of roasted coffee
samples, the analysis of which can explain which sensor combinations
were responsible for the distribution and grouping of the samples in the
score plot. The HAD and FD samples were differentiated by CA with
negative score values at PC1 and PC2; the GA and JE were mainly re-
sponsible for the sample discrimination in the direction of PC1, whereas
BB, HA, and ZZ contributed more to the separation along with the di-
rection of PC2. In comparison, in a previous study regarding E-tongue
combined with PCA, we reported that when Chinese robusta coffee
samples from different cultivars were discriminated using E-tongue
data with the aid of chemometrics, a satisfactory performance was
achieved (Dong, Zhao et al., 2017).
Fig. 5. PCA bi-plot for coffee samples using the volatiles matrix as input vari-
ables (a: score plot, b: loading plot). (RTD ( ), SD ( ), HPD ( ), HAD ( ), FD
( )).
3.5.1. HS-SPME-GC-MS analysis of volatile components in roasted coffee
HAD samples and the sensor LY2/AA contributed more to the FD The volatile profile of coffee constitutes a very important organo-
samples, whereas the response values of LY2/gCT, T70/2, and PA/2 lepic characteristic for the acceptance and preference of high quality
were more correlated with the SD and HPD samples. coffee brew. In order to evaluate the effect of drying methods on the
flavour of roasted coffee beans, HS-SPME-GC-MS was used to analyse
3.4. E-tongue the volatile compounds of each sample afforded by different drying
methods. The total ion current chromatogram of all samples with dif-
3.4.1. E-tongue response to roasted coffee samples ferent drying methods and the relative content of volatile compounds
The mechanism of E-tongue was similar to that of E-nose, being able from different classes in coffee samples are shown in Fig. 4a, b, and the
to detect taste profiles by electronic sensors to mimic taste perception in detailed volatile composition of samples is listed in Table 1 in the
humans. A representative sample of the E-tongue sensor response to a Supplementary material. A total number of 133 volatile compounds
roasted coffee sample is presented in Fig. 2a. Each curve represents the were detected in roasted samples. The volatile compounds were clas-
corresponding potentiometric difference value of a sensor against time. sified into 11 groups based on the chemical properties, including 11
At first, all sensors (HA, ZZ, JB, GA, JE, BB, and CA) retained their furans, 19 pyrazines, 31 ketones, 9 aldehydes, 9 phenols, 7 pyrroles, 7
initial values, then the responses of sensors GA and JE changed sig- pyridines, 5 esters, 8 acids, 7 alcohols, and 18 others (Table 2,
nificantly in the first 10 s, decreasing and increasing, respectively, Supplementary material). Sunarharum, Williams, and Smyth (2014)
whereas the other sensors, HA, ZZ, JB, BB, and CA, changed relative also reviewed that coffee volatile compounds comprise several classes,
slowly. From 10 to 120 s, the response values of all sensors varied which was in accordance with our present study. Although there was no
slowly and reached a dynamic equilibrium. The signal values of the significant difference in the qualitative profile of roasted coffee samples
120th s of each sensor were used for further statistical analysis. In ad- prepared from different drying methods, an ANOVA analysis performed
dition, ANOVA was utilised to analyse the significant difference of to compare the peak area of volatile compounds of different classes
sensors from various types of roasted coffee samples. Fig. 2b shows the indicated that a significant difference could be observed among the
characteristic signal response of the tested samples, the result indicates majority of these compounds. (See Fig. 5).
a high stability of each sensor, with a significant difference being The difference in degree of change of volatile compounds between

W. Dong et al. Food Chemistry 272 (2019) 723–731

Fig. 6. Dendrogram obtained by HCA of roasted coffee samples with a dataset comprising combined E-nose, E-tongue, and HS-SMPE-GC-MS data.

the different drying methods possibly arose from the different drying distinct groups in the dimensional graph based on the PC1 × PC2 score.
mechanism and dehydration behaviour, as the concentrations of furans The HAD and FD processed samples were all located in the fourth
and pyrazines were the highest when compared with those of other quadrant of the graph, whereas samples of HPD were in the upper
classes. Approximately 111, 109, 102, 93, and 90 kinds of volatile quadrant and most RTD and SD samples localised in the third quadrant
compounds were identified in samples from the RTD, SD, HPD, HAD, of the graph except for one sample from SD treatment. Fig. 2b shows the
and FD methods, respectively. For RTD and SD samples, a total 11 kinds relationship of dried samples with volatile compounds. To identify
of furans were detected, with the concentration of furans in particular which compounds contribute to the class separation of the different
being highest (25.46%) in the RTD sample, with the 2,2′-methylenebis- groups, it can be observed that the esters, aldehydes, and acids are
furan being only found in this sample. 2-Furanmethanol and furfural highly and positively related to PC1, and mainly distinguish HAD and
contribute substantially to the furans of coffee samples; furthermore, 2- FD samples from other dried samples. In addition, phenols have a high
furanmethanol accounted for about 19.0% of total volatile compounds. score in the positive direction of PC2, which contributes greatly to the
A total of 19 kinds of pyrazines were detected, which contribute to the separation of HPD samples. Finally, RTD and SD samples are char-
toasty and earthy flavour, with methylpyrazine and dimethylpyrazine acterised by the highest content of pyrazines and alcohols, which were
accounting for 5.5% and 10.0%, respectively. In HPD and HAD drying, highly and negatively correlated with PC1. Overall, these results in-
the number of volatiles decreased when compared to that of RTD and dicate that the three analytical instruments, E-nose, E-tongue, and HS-
SD drying; this was attributed to long exposure to high temperature air SPME-GC-MS could be used for the quality evaluation of roasted coffee
resulting in the loss of flavour precursors, although we found that the beans from five drying methods, and that the results were consistent
HPD method was superior in preserving ketones, phenols, esters, and across platforms.
other volatiles.
FD drying decreased the varieties of total volatile compounds sig- 3.6. HCA of the fusion dataset of E-nose, E-tongue, and HS-SPME-GC-MS
nificantly. Although previous research reported that FD methods could
retain the volatiles to the greatest extent, our studies demonstrated that In order to confirm the results obtained from PCA, HCA (Granato,
the long vacuum treatment of FD obviously affected the variety and Santos, Escher, Ferreira, & Maggio, 2018) was applied to the fused
quantity of roasted coffee samples. In general, the postharvest dehy- dataset comprised of E-nose, E-tongue, and HS-SPME-GC-MS data,
dration is one of the most important factors in regulating the formation employing the Ward’s linkage method and Euclidean distances to cal-
and release of volatile compounds. Specifically, there are four pathways culate the interpoint distances between samples dried by different
to generate volatiles during the drying process: Maillard reaction, lipid methods. The dendrogram obtained, shown in Fig. 6, indicates the re-
oxidation and degradation, interaction between oxidised lipids and lationships and distribution patterns among the roasted coffee samples
amino acids, and long-chain compound degradation (Yang et al., 2016; with different drying methods. The dendrograms clearly showed that
Deng, Luo, Wang, & Zhao, 2015). The drying mechanisms and path- the 15 tested samples were clustered into two major groups. Group A
ways that led to the various kinds and quantity of the volatiles from consisted of six samples (HAD and FD), group B consisted of nine
roasted coffees identified in the present study should be further in- samples (RTD, SD, and HAD), and samples with the same drying modes
vestigated in future studies. were closely clustered but fully discriminated from each other in the
dendrogram. These classification groups were consistent with the PCA
3.5.2. PCA of HS-SPME-GC-MS analysis results, in which all roasted coffee samples were fully distinguished
PCA was performed on the data matrix (15 samples × 11 volatile according to their drying methods.
classes) to observe possible sample distribution according to different
drying methods. The PCA plot presented in Fig. 2a, b explains 70.9% of 4. Conclusion
the total cumulative variance contribution. PC1 and PC2 account for
49.8% and 21.1% of the total variance, respectively, as shown in the In this study, the effect of drying processes (RTD, SD, HPD, HAD,
score plot of PCA (Fig. 2a), with roasted samples clustering into five and FD) on the aromatic profile and taste properties of dried coffee

W. Dong et al. Food Chemistry 272 (2019) 723–731

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This work was supported by the National Natural Science electronic tongue: Discrimination of civet coffee. Journal of Food Engineering, 180,
Foundation of China (31501404, 31872888), the Fund of the Beijing 60–68.
Laboratory for Food Quality and Safety, Beijing Technology and Nilnont, W., Thepa, S., Janjai, S., Kasayapanand, N., Thamrongmas, C., & Bala, B. K.
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online version, at
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