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Nama : Alynda Andra Tri Setiyani

Kelas : 2c

NIM : 5118500112

The Jakarta Post – Jessica declared suspect in Mirna’s murder – The police have named Jessica Kumala
Wongso a suspect in the murder of Wayan Mirna Salihin, who died soon after drinking cyanide-laced
coffee at Olivier restaurant at Grand Indonesia, Central Jakarta, on Jan. 6.

Jessica, who shared a table at the restaurant with Mirna and Hani on Jan. 6, was arrested by the police
on Saturday at a hotel in North Jakarta.

‘Jessica was arrested at 7 a.m. [on Saturday],’ said Jakarta Police general crimes director Sr. Corm. Krishna
Murti in Jakarta on Saturday, adding that it had been decided to declare Jessica a suspect on Friday night.

Since the death of Mirna, the police focused their investigation on Jessica, searching her house and
questioning her several times as well as her maid, who reportedly discarded the pants Jessica wore at
the restaurant.

The police also questioned Hani, a relative of Mirna, and employees of Olivier restaurant and held three
reconstructions of Mirna’s death at the restaurant. They also sought help from the Australian Federal
Police to obtain information about Mirna’s life in the country.

Jessica visited the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) on Wednesday to file a report,
saying she was being treated like a suspect by the police and the media.

Before declaring Jessica a suspect, the police and prosecutors met on Friday to discuss the case.

Comment :

The police must conduct further investigations so that the actual perpetrators can be found

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