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Sector : Commented [k1]: FROM TR

Qualification Title : Commented [k2]: YOUR QUALIFICATION
Unit of Competency :
Module Title :
Commented [k4]: ING FORM OF YOUR CORE

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude in Developing and Updating Knowledge on Protocol. Commented [k5]: MODULE TITLE

PowerPoint presentations and video clips will be utilized to introduce most of the topics to the trainees. Photos of various
events will also be shown to give them ideas of new concepts and designs used in Event Planning, Event Protocol and the
success of an event. Peer evaluation is also planned to guide slow students to their counterparts’ pacing. Commented [k6]: ABOUT YOUR CHOSEN CORE

LO1 Seek information on appropriate protocol
Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time Commented [k7]: LEARNING CONTENT IS FROM
Key sources of Exploratory Trainees will be Trainees will Trainees will CBLM 30
information on learning asked to read answer Self- compare answer minutes
protocol Information Sheet Check 8.1-1 with answer key
8.1-1 Key sources 8.1-1
of information on

Video Trainees will watch The trainer will The trainees will LCD Projector 1 hour
presentation video on Event ask questions answer the Laptop
Protocol about the video questions Speaker
presented satisfactorily Interview
Date Developed: Document No.
Your Qualification April 2019 Issued by:
Your logo Page
Developed by:
your competency
YOUR NAME Revision No.
LO2 Integrate appropriate protocol procedures into work activities

Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time

Importance and role Self-paced Trainees will be Trainees will Trainees will CBLM 30
of protocol in learning asked to read answer Self- compare answer minutes
different events and Information Sheet Check 8.2-1 with answer key
situations 8.2-1 Importance of 8.2-1
and Role of Protocol
in Different Events
and Situations

Video Trainees will watch The trainer will The trainees will Video clips 1 hour
presentation video about role of ask questions answer the LCD Projector
protocol in about the video questions Laptop
different events presented satisfactorily Speaker
and situations Interview

Small group The trainer will Trainees will The trainees LCD Projector 1 hour
discussion instruct the trainee present the presentation were Laptop
to create a group importance and satisfactory Speaker
and discuss, role of protocol in shared
summarize and different events
present the and situations
importance and
role of protocol in
different events
and situations
Date Developed: Document No.
Your Qualification April 2019 Issued by:
Your logo Page
Developed by:
your competency
YOUR NAME Revision No.
LO3 Update knowledge on protocol

Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time

Using the internet to Self-paced Trainees will be Trainees will Trainees will CBLM 30
source protocol learning asked to read answer Self- compare answer minutes
information Information Sheet Check 8.3-1 with answer key
of 8.3-1
8.3-1 Using the
internet to source
protocol information

Trainees will watch The trainer will The trainees will LCD Projector 1 hour
video about using ask questions answer the Laptop
about the video questions Speaker
the internet to
presented satisfactorily Interview
source protocol checklist

Date Developed: Document No.

Your Qualification April 2019 Issued by:
Your logo Page
Developed by:
your competency
YOUR NAME Revision No.

I. Type of Assessment: Written Test (SC 8.1-1,2,3)(SC 8.2-1,2,3,4)(SC 8.3-1,2,3) Commented [k8]: SELF CHECK FROM YOUR CBLM
Type of Evidence: Answer Sheets

II. Type of Assessment: Demonstration and Oral Questioning (JS 8.1-1) (JS 8.2-1,2) (JS 8.3-1,2) Commented [k9]: JOB SHEET FROM YOUR CBLM
Type of Evidence: Performance Criteria Checklist; Outputs


 Out of 25 trainees, 20 passed the written tests and had performed the Job sheets satisfactorily. They are now capable to
Develop and Update Knowledge on Protocol. The other 5 students need to retake the written test and perform again the Commented [k10]: Your CORE COMPETENCY
Job sheets. 80% or 20 of the trainees preferred the Video Presentation for the lesson. 20% or 5 of the trainees found
difficulty understanding the English language in the video presentations. I explained the lesson using Tagalog as a
medium of instruction. Commented [k11]: FIRST PARAGRAPH
1.Result of Evaluation
2.Problem/Difficulty faced (if any)
 I noticed that one of my trainees is a slow learner. She finds difficulty in coping up with the lessons and cannot cope up 3.Percentage of the students performances
with the pacing of her co-trainees. I intend to use peer teaching method. I shall assign one of her competent classmates to
coach her. Commented [k12]: SECOND PARAGRAPH
1.Remediation (coaching, peer teaching and other
 At the end of the given duration for this particular competency, all 25 trainees have been assessed and recommended to
proceed to the Institutional Assessment. Commented [k13]: THIRD PARAGRAPH

Prepared by:


Date Developed: Document No.

Your Qualification April 2019 Issued by:
Your logo Page
Developed by:
your competency
YOUR NAME Revision No.

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