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Sani Yuliyana
Accounting Study Program Yogyakarta State University
Indarto Waluyo, S.E., M.Acc., CPA., Ak.
Staff Lecturer of Accounting Education Department Yogyakarta State University

Abstrak : Pengaruh Framing Dan Independensi Auditor Terhadap Audit Judgment. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) pengaruh Framing terhadap Audit Judgment, (2) pengaruh Independensi
Auditor terhadap Audit Judgment, dan (3) pengaruh Framing dan Independensi Auditor secara bersama-
sama terhadap Audit Judgment. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kausal komparatif. Populasi dalam
penelitian ini adalah seluruh auditor yang bekerja di KAP Wilayah DIY. Penelitian ini bersifat populatif
dimana semua anggota populasi digunakan sebagai sampel. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan
kuesioner. Uji prasyarat analisis meliputi uji normalitas, uji linieritas, uji multikolinearitas, dan uji
heteroskedastisitas. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi linier sederhana dan analisis
regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) Framing berpengaruh terhadap
Audit Judgment, (2) Independensi Auditor tidak berpengaruh terhadap Audit Judgment, (3) Framing dan
Independensi Auditor secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap Audit Judgment.

Kata Kunci: Framing, Independensi Auditor, Audit Judgment

Abstract : The Effect Of Framing And Auditor Independence On The Audit Judgment. This study
aims to analyze (1) the effect of Framing on the Audit Judgment, (2) the effect of Auditor Independence
on the Audit Judgment, and (3) the effect of Framing and Auditor Independence simultaneously on the
Audit Judgment. This study includes comparative causal research. The population in this study are all
auditors working in Public Accountant Firm of Yogyakarta. This research is populative in which all
members of the population are used as a sample. Data collection techniques using questionnaires. The
prerequisite analysis test includes normality test, linearity test, multicolinearity test, and
heteroscedasticity test. Data analysis techniques used simple linear regression analysis and multiple
linear regression analysis. The results of this research indicates that (1) Framing affect the Audit
Judgment, (2) Auditor Independence do not affectthe Audit Judgment, (3) Framing and Auditor
Independence simultaneously affect the Audit Judgment.

Keywords: Framing, Auditor Independence, Audit Judgment

INTRODUCTION The Audit is a process of collecting and

Globalization is forcing the companies to evaluating evidence of information to
compete with other companies. determine and report the degree of
Company’s performance can be seen from conformity between information and
financial report and will be considered predefined criteria (Elder, 2010).
reliable if it has been audited by a An auditor should be able to account
competent and independent parties, such for the results of audited financial report,
as a public accountant or external auditor as such results may affect the reputation
who works in Public Accounting Firm. of the audited company, auditor,

and Public Accountant Firm where the (2012) states that framing adopted by a
auditor works. Opinions issued by the person can influence his decision.
auditor of a financial report into a Therefore an auditor must be
reference to a company regarding the independent so that the information
company's financial statements. obtained is free from the effect of other
According to Standar Profesional parties so that judgment is made
Akuntan Publik (SPAP), there is five unbiased and reliable. Independence is
audit’s opinion, as follows: unqualified an attitude free from the influence of
opinion, modified unqualified opinion, others (not controlled and independent of
qualified opinion, adverse opinion, and others), intellectually honest, and
disclaimer. objective (impartial) in considering the
Before auditor give their opinion, an facts and expressing opinions (Mulyadi,
auditor should carry out the audit phase. 2008). The higher level of independence
Audit phase according to Arens et al an auditor, better the judgment is
(2008) as follows: planning and generated.
declaration of audit approach, controls The existence of several factors that
testing and transactions, implementation influence audit judgment attract
of analytical procedures and detailed researchers to conduct research entitled
testing of balances, and completion and "The Effect of Framing and Auditor
issuance of audit reports. An audit Independence on the Audit Judgment".
opinion that states a good financial report
is unqualified opinion, whereas an RESEARCH METHOD
opinion that states a bad financial report Research Design
is disclaimer. This research uses quantitative
Audit judgment is very important in approach because the data generated of
the audit. By Standar Profesi Akuntan numbers and based on position variable
Publik (SPAP), an auditor is required to level. Researchers will identify the facts
use his professional judgment in or events that occur as variables affected
providing an assessment of matters (dependent variable), that is audit
relating to the audit. The more accurate judgment and identifying influencing
audit judgment generated by the auditor variables (independent variables), that is
the quality of the audit results will framing and auditor independence.
increase (Lopa, 2014). Place and Time of Research
According to Haryanto & Subroto This research was held in Public

Accountant Firm of Yogyakarta, modified Likert scale 1 to 4. Score 1

respondent in this research is auditor shows Strongly Disagree, Score 2 shows
who working in that Public Accountant Disagree, score 3 shows Agree, score 4
Firm. The execution time was Oktober - indicates Strongly Agree.
November 2017. Framing
Population and Sample of Research Farming is the way an information
The population in this research is is fully or delivered, which closely
auditor who working in Public related to perspective of auditor in
Accountant Firm of Yogyakarta. This receiving information, so that in issuing
research is palliative in which all audit judgment free from perception
members of the population will be used bias. This research uses research
as a sample. instruments conducted by
Operational Variable Definition Kusumawardhani (2015) with a few
Audit Judgment modifications to the questions. Framing
Audit Judgment is a process of measurements using modified Likert
evaluating and judging the evidence scale 1 to 4.
conducted by an auditor before giving Score 1 shows Strongly Disagree,
an opinion on the company's financial Score 2 shows Disagree, score 3 shows
statements. The Audit judgment in this Agree, score 4 shows Strongly Agree.
research adopted the research Questions 1, 4, 5, and 8 are used to
instrument from Jamilah et al (2007). measure the presence of positive
Audit judgment is a dependent variable framing, while questions 2, 3, 6, 7 and 9
measured using 5 scenarios with 12 are used to measure the presence of
questions, respondents will be asked to negative framing.
respond to each scenario. Each scenario
contains a real situation followed by an Auditor Independence
explanation of the actions performed by Independence is an attitude that
the auditor. Respondents will be asked auditor must have to be impartial
to provide an indication of their level of (independently) to the other party in
agreement with the actions taken by the considering opinion of the facts found
auditor in the scenario and ask the during the audit. This research uses
respondent's perception of the scenario. research instruments conducted by
To measure the auditor in making Triana (2016) and Widita (2013) with a
audit judgment, researcher uses a slight modification of questionable

items. Each question item is measured No. Variable Indicator Item

using a Likert Scale starting from a score
2. Framing a. Positive 1, 2, 3,
of 1 to 4. Score 1 shows Strongly framing 4, 5, 6,
Disagree, Score 2 shows Disagree, score b. Negative 7, 8, 9
3 shows Agree, score 4 shows Strongly
3. Auditor a. Facility 1, 2, 3,
Agree. Independen acceptance 4, 5, 6,
Data Collection Technique ce from client 7, 8, 9,
b. Relationship 10, 11,
The type of data used in this
with client 12
research is primary data. The researcher c. Preparation
will collect data by using a questionnaire audit
containing question items about framing,
d. Inspection
auditor independence, and audit phase
judgmental perception to the auditor who e. Reporting
working at Public Accountant Firm of
Validity and Reliability Instrument
Table 1. Likert Scale Score
Validity Test
Answer Positive Negative
Questio Questio The result of Framing’s instrument validity
n n test, as follows:
Strongly Disagree 1 4 Table 3. The Result Framing’s
Disagree 2 3
Instrument Validity Test
Agree 3 2
Variable Item r-count r-table Explanation
Strongly Agree 4 1
Framing Item 1 0.513 0.297 Valid
Item 2 0.588 0.297 Valid

Table 2. Research Instrument Item 3 0.511 0.297 Valid

Item 4 0.648 0.297 Valid
No. Variable Indicator Item
Number Item 5 0.615 0.297 Valid

1. Audit a. Judgment in 1, 2, 3, Item 6 0.244 0.297 Not Valid

Judgment selection of 4, 5, 6, Item 7 0.238 0.297 Not Valid

audit samples 7, 8, 9, Item 8 -0.134 0.297 Not Valid

b. Judgment in 10, 11, Item 9 0.350 0.297 Valid

confirmation 12
Table 3 shows the result of framing’s
c. Judgment in
material instrument validity test, 3 from 9
misstatement question item does not valid because r-
countvalue less than 0.297 (level of


significance 5% and n = 42), while 6 Table 5. The Result of Audit

other question item is valid and can be Judgment’s Instrument
using as instrument of data taking. Validity Test
Table 4. The Result of Auditor Variable Item r-count r- Explanation
Independence’s Instrument Audit Item 1 0.751 0.29 Valid
Validity Test Judgmen 7
Variable Item r-count r- Explanation Item 2 0.548 0.29 Valid
table 7
Auditor Item 1 0.822 0.29 Valid Item 3 0.736 0.29 Valid
Indepen 7 7
dence Item 2 0.779 0.29 Valid
Item 4 0.585 0.29 Valid
Item 3 0.794 0.29 Valid
Item 5 0.653 0.29 Valid
Item 4 0.795 0.29 Valid 7
7 Item 6 0.711 0.29 Valid
Item 5 0.628 0.29 Valid 7
7 Item 7 0.740 0.29 Valid
Item 6 0.618 0.29 Valid 7
Item 8 0.480 0.29 Valid
Item 7 0.845 0.29 Valid
Item 9 0.650 0.29 Valid
Item 8 0.534 0.29 Valid
7 7

Item 9 0.737 0.29 Valid Item 0.749 0.29 Valid

7 10 7
Item 0.680 0.29 Valid Item 0.412 0.29 Valid
10 7 11 7
Item 11 0.850 0.29 Valid
Item 0.363 0.29 Valid
12 7
Item 0.803 0.29 Valid
12 7

Table 5 shows the result of Audit

Table 4 shows the result of Judgment’s instrument validity test for
Independence Auditor’s instrument each question item is valid and can be
validity test for each question item is using as research instrument because r-
valid and can be using as research count value more than 0.297 (level of
instrument because r-count value more significance 5% and n = 42).
than 0.297 (level of significance 5% and Reliability Test
n = 42). The result of instrument reliability
test, as follows:


Table 6. The Result of Instrument auditors who work at Public Accountant

Reliability Test Firm of Yogyakarta. from 55
Variable Alpha Explanation questionnaires that have been
Value distributed, only 44 questionnaires are
Framing 0.838 High
returned and can be used.
Auditor 0.650 Medium
Table 7. Respondent Based on Age
0.924 High Age Frequency Percentage
Judgment 20-30 years 43 98%
31-40 years 1 2%
41-50 years 0 0%
Based on the table 6, can be
>50 years 0 0%
concluded that instrument research Sum 44 100%
questions item is reliable with alpha
value >0.600. Based on table 7 shows that
Data Analysis Technique respondents age in this research is
Descriptive Statistical Analysis dominated by respondents aged 20-30
The descriptive statistical analysis years number of 43 people (98%) while
used to know description of research the rest are respondents with the number
variables. In this case measurement and of one person (2%).
analysis of the variables used are
Framing (X1) and Auditor Independence Table 8. Respondent Based on Gender
(X2) on the Audit Judgment (Y). Gender Frequency Percentage

Classic Assumption Test Man 21 48%

Woman 23 52%
The Classical Assumption Test that
Total 44 100%
used in this research includes normality
test, multicollinearity test,
Based on table 8, it can be seen
heteroscedasticity test and linearity test.
that female respondents more than male
Hypothesis Testing
respondents. Female respondents had a
Hypothesis test in this research uses
percentage of 52% and male
simple linear regression analysis and
respondents had a percentage of 48%.
multiple linear regression analysis.
Table 9. Respondent Based on Last
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Last Education Frequency Percentage
Description of Data D3 3 7%

Respondents in this study are S1 41 93%


Last Education Frequency Percentage Audit Judgment

S2 0 0%
Table 12. The Result of Descriptive
S3 0 0%
Sum 44 100%
Statistic of Audit Judgment
Var. N Min. Max. Mean
Based on table 9, above shows
AJ 44 22 40 33.75 5.243
that most of the last education of
respondents is S1 number of 43 people
Based on table 12, descriptive
(93%) whereas respondents with last
analysis of Audit Judgment variable
education D3 as many as 3 people (7%).
shows that there are 44 respondents with
Table 10. Respondent Based on
the highest score of 40 and the lowest
Length of Work
score is 22. The data has an average of
Length of Work Frequency Percentage
<1 years 12 27% 33.75 with a standard deviation of 5.243
1-2 years 24 55% which means there has been a deviation
3-4 years 6 14%
from the average value which was
>5 years 2 5%
obtained at 5.243.
Total 44 100%

Based on table 10 shows that the Table 13. The Result of Descriptive of

length of work as the auditor in the study Framing

is dominated by respondents with 1-2 Std.

Var. N Min. Max. Mean
years working period is 24 people
F 44 9 18 14.55 2.297
(55%), respondents with less than 1 year
working period is 12 people (27%),
Based on table 13, descriptive
respondents with 3-4 years old working
analysis of Framing variable shows that
as many as 6 people (14%), while 2
there are 44 respondents with the
other respondents worked more than 5
highest score of 18 and the lowest score
years with a percentage of 5%.
is 9. The data has an average of 14.55
Descriptive Statistic Analysis with a standard deviation of 2.297
The results of descriptive analysis
which means there has been a deviation
of each variable ressearch can be
from the average value obtained by
presented as follows:


Auditor Independence Based on the table 15 above, it can

Table 14. The Result of Auditor be seen that the tolerance value of
Independence Framing is 0.886 and VIF value is 1.130,

Var. N Min. Max. Mean

Std. Auditor Independence is 0.886 and
1.130. The tolerance value of all
AI 44 17 48 37.89 5.388
independent variables is greather than
10% and the VIF value less than 10, so it
Based on table 14, descriptive
can be concluded that the regression
analysis of Auditor Independence
model that used in this research does not
variables shows that there are 44
have multicollinearity.
respondents with the highest score of 17
Linearity Test
and the lowest score is 48. The data has
The result of linearity test as
an average of 37.89 with a standard
deviation of 5.388 which means there
Table 16. The Result of Linearity Test
has been a deviation from the average
Variable Sig Explanation
value which was obtained at 5.388. Framing with 0.768 There is no
Audit Judgment linierity

Results Auditor 0.132 There is no

Independence linierity
Multicollinearity Test
with Audit
Based on multicollinearity test, it
shows that the tolerance value of all
independent variables is greater than
Based on the table 16 above,
0.10 and the VIF value is less than 10, so
Framing and Audit Judgment have a
it can be concluded that the regression
significance value 0.768, and the
model that used in this study does not
significance value between is 0.132, it
have multicollinearity.
can be concluded that this regression
Table 15. The Result of
model is linear.
Multicollinearity Test
Variable Toleranc VIF
Heteroscedasticity Test
Framing 0.886 1.13
The result of Heteroscedasticity
0 test as follows:
Auditor 0.886 1.13
Independence 0


Table 17. The Result of it can be seen that if Framing variable is

Heteroscedasticity Test considered constant, then the Audit
Variable Sig Explanation Judgment value is 46.122. This shows
Framing 0.6 There is no that if Framing increase 1 point, then the
59 heteroscedasticity
Audit Judgment will decrease by 0.851
Auditor 0.9 There is no
points with the assumption that other
Independenc 43 heteroscedasticity
e factors are considered constant. The
significance value of Framing is 0.013
Based on the result of the less than 0.05, it can be concluded that
heteroscedasticity in table 17 above, can Framing has effect on the Audit
be seen that all independent variables Judgment.
have a significance value above 0.05. Coefficient of Determination
This shows that the regression model Based on the table 18, it can be
does not contain heteroscedasticity seen that the coefficient of
problem. determination is 0.139 or 13.9 %. This
Hypothesis Test value indicates that 13.9% of variance
The Effect of Framing on The Audit that happened on the Audit Judgment is
Judgment influence by Framing variable, while
Table 18. The Result of First 86.1% is influenced by other factors
Hypothesis Test outside the regression model used in
Variable Coefficient t Sig. testing this hypothesis.
count Significance Test with t Statistical
Constant 46.122 9.585 0.000
Framing -0.851 -2.602 0.013
Based on the table 18, shows that
r : 0.139
the significance value is 0.013, this
r square : 0.373
Adj. r square : 0.118 value is less than level of significant
0.05, it can be concluded that there is an
Simple Linear Regression Equation effect between Framing and Auditor
Based on the table 18 above, the Independence. The first hypothesis
equation for simple linear regression in which stating that Framing effect on the
the first hypothesis test as follows: Audit Judgment is accepted.
Y = 46.122 – 0.851 X1
Based on the regression equation,


The Effect of Auditor Independence Judgment is rejected.

on The Audit Judgment Coefficient of Determination
Table 19. The Result of Second Based on the table 19, it can be
Hypothesis seen that the coefficient of determination
Variable Coefficien t Sig. is 0.0002 or 0%. This value indicates that
t count 0% of variance that happened on the
Constant 34.213 5.956 0.0
Audit Judgment is influence by Auditor
Independence variable, while 100% is
Auditor -0.012 - 0.9
Independen 0.081 36 influenced by other factors outside the
ce regression model used in testing this
r : 0.013 hypothesis.
r square : 0.0002
Significance Test with t Statistical
Adj. r square : -0.024
Based on the table 19, shows that
Simple Linear Regression Equation
the t-count is -0.081. If this value
Based on table 19, the equation for
compared with the t-table at the level of
simple linear regression in the second
significace 5% that is 2.018, then the
hypothesis is as follows:
calue t-count is more than 0.05.
Y = 34.213 – 0.012X1
Therefore, it can be concluded that there
Based on the regression equation,
is no effect between Auditor
it can be seen that if Auditor
Independence on the Audit Judgment. it
Independence variable is considered
can be concluded that Auditor
constant, then the Audit Judgment value
Independence has no effect on the Audit
is 34.213. This shows that if Auditor
Judgment. Thus, the second hypothesis
Independence increase 1 point, then the
which stating that Auditor Independence
Audit Judgment will decrease by 0.012
has a effect on the Audit Judgment is
points with the assumption that other
factors are considered constant. The
significance value of Framing is 0.936
more than 0.05, it can be concluded that
Auditor Independence has no effect on
the Audit Judgment. Thus, the second
hypothesis which stating that Auditor
Independence has a effect on the Audit


The Effect of Framing and Auditor Auditor Independence increase by

Independence on The Audit 1 point, then Framing is considered
Judgment constant, Audit Judgment variable
Table 20. The Result of Logistic will increase by 0.125 points.
Regression Test Coefficient of Determination
Var Const Coef Value of r Value of F The coefficient of determination
r Ad F F table Sig.
j. count
obtained in the calculation is equal to
r2 0.154 or 15.4%.It means that 15.4%
X Y 42,824 - 0.15 0.1 3.718 3.22 0.03
1 0.950 4 12 3
variation of Judgment Audit value
X 0.125 which effected by two variables is
15.4% while the rest of 84.6% effected
by variables outside the regression
Multiple Linear Regression Equation
model that formed in testing this
Based on table 20, the equation for
multiple linear regression in the third
Significant Test with F Statistical Test
hypothesis test is as follows:
Based on the table, it can be seen
Y = 42.824 – 0.950 X1 + 0.125 X2
that the F-count is 3.718. If this value
Based on the regression equation, it can
compared with the F-table at the level of
be seen that:
significant 5% that is 3.22, then the
a. The constant value is 42.824, it
value of F-count is greater than F-table
shows that Framing and Auditor
(3.718 > 3.22). The significance value is
Independence variables are
0.033 less than level of significant 0.05.
considered constant, then the Audit
Therefore, it can be conclude that there
Judgment value is 42.824 point.
is a effect between Framing and Auditor
b. The coefficient regression value of
Independence variables simultaniously
Framing is -0.950, it can be seen
with the Audit Judgment.
that if the value of Framing increase
It can be concluded that Framing
by 1 point, then Auditor
and Auditor Independence
Independence is considered
simultaniously has a effect on the Audit
constant, Audit Judgment variable
Judgment. Thus, the third hypothes
will decrease by 0.954 points.
which stating that Framing and Auditor
c. The coefficient regression value of
Independence has a effect on the Audit
Auditor Independence is 0.125, it
Judgment is accepted.
can be seen that if the value of


CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION the occurrence of errors.

Conclusion b. For Public Accounting Firm
Based on the results of data analysis For the Public Accounting Firm,
and discussion that has been done in the regular training is needed to improve
previous chapter, can be obtained some the auditor’s knowledge.
conclusions as follows: c. For Further Research
a. Framing (X1) effect on the Audit For futher research better to add
Judgment. This is indicated by the certain variables that may be able to
significance value of 0.013 and the influence Audit Judgment. It is
influence given variable Framing (r recommended that the questionnaire
square) of 13.9%. be distributed in the middle of the
b. Auditor Independence (X2) has no year after the audit month when the
effect on the Audit Judgment. This is auditor is not busy.
indicated by the significance value of
0.936 and the influence given the REFERENCES
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