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The Tale of the Two Classes

Once upon a time in a very strange civilization, there lived two classes of people. The people
who can talk and those who can’t. This society has been used to this kind of set up, different people
means different means of communication as well. Those who can talk use verbal communication
whereas those who can’t talk use non-verbal communication. Obviously those who can talk can also
use nonverbal communication but it’s not all bad for those who cannot talk. Because they are used
to non-verbal communication, those who can’t talk are very sensitive to gestures and can sense what
people feel without verbal keying. These two classes can still communicate with each other and so
they all lived peacefully and in harmony. So in this strange civilization there is a boy who is born a
non-speaker, he grew up wanting to be a speaker just like the others. As this boy grew up, he kept
noticing that even though the government thinks everyone is equal, the non-speakers were still
treated differently. He noticed that speakers have more friends than non-speakers they also get
more opportunities. Although he kept telling it to his friends, his idea is always rejected.

Many years had passed and the situation is still the same, the boy still thinks that their class
are being treated as the second class. However, determined to change the situation this boy strived
to be a scientist so he can make a machine that will enable his class to speak. Many years have
passed again and the boy who is now a man achieved his goal and invented the machine that will
make his class speak. He presented it to the whole world and the world accepted it openly, he now
earned so much popularity because of his invention. Now everyone can speak and everybody is
happy about it. The man became so happy that they all can speak now, because of this man’s
brilliance many became his follower. Many of his follower advised him to add more feature in his
machine that maybe he could also make their class more intelligent. But the man told them that the
only purpose he wanted for the machine is to let them have the ability to speak, in that way, the
quality of communication within the two classes will be better and to improve the quality of life as
well. His one follower argued that their quality of life will improve more if they add that feature to his
machine. Still, the man stood his ground and told them to focus on solving other important issues in

Because his class can now speak, his followers became so into the idea of making their class
more intelligent. They were all over the place telling people that there is a possibility to make people
more intelligent. Many people agreed with them even those who are in the speaker class, they all
wanted the idea of the man’s followers but the man didn’t do it and warned them that every time
you add another feature, another characteristic will diminish, as for the man’s machine that made his
class speak, their heightened senses have diminished. And so the man didn’t do it until he passed
away. One of his followers who is also a scientist found the blueprint of his machine and copied it but
he added the feature that will make everybody intelligent. This man means well, he really wants
everyone to be intelligent so they can all work effectively and improve the quality of life even more,
after all, if everyone is intelligent what more could go wrong? Now that this follower invented a new
machine, he launched it to the public and made everyone intelligent.

At first, it made many innovations and improvements in many different aspects but as time
passes by each one of them tried outdoing each other. Everyone had an idea but the other one said
that his idea is better until it made everyone angrier and angrier. One doctor told the other doctor
that he has a better procedure, one farmer told the other farmer that his method of growing melons
are better, finally one told the president that he should be the president because he knows more
than him. Everyone heard about this, then they all told the president that they are more capable.
They started fighting among themselves and they built their own weapon so they could kill each
other and minimize the opponents. Everyone is out of control because no one wanted to submit to a
leader, ironically they think they are intelligent but appear to be so foolish. Now, the follower who
built this machine realized that he made a huge mistake. He thought that by making everyone
equally intelligent it will solve the world’s problem, but it seemed that having equality, the world lost
its balance. Finally, this follower thought of creating another machine that will turn this civilization to
the way it was but it’s too late someone had shoot him and he fell to his death. The legend says that
this civilization is still alive to this day and are still making their machines to solve the problems they
themselves made.

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