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Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 16 No.

04 October’17

Review article:
Temperament – an important principle for health preservation in Tibb an-Nabawi and Unani-Tibb
Hoosen M

Many prominent Greco-Arab (Unani-Tibb) physicians contributed to the advancement of
medicine with their observations, practice, experience and experiments which gave priority to
the preservation of health over the curing of ailments. Tibb an-Nabawi (Prophetic Medicine),
the foundation of Islamic medicine placed great emphasis on preventative measures relating to
lifestyle incorporating the spiritual, emotional and physical aspects of man. The key component
to linking man’s inter-relationship with his environment was understood through the concept
of temperament. This concept remains at the core of Unani-Tibb up until today in terms of
research and practical application within the clinical setting. Central to the understanding of
temperament are the associated qualities of heat, cold, moisture and dryness, the combination
of which describes each individual’s unique constitutional make-up including personality traits,
physical appearances and disease predispositions. Historically this formed the basis to the
understanding of pathology and up until today it continues to guide physicians on individualized
treatment regimes. All classical references of Tibb an-Nabawi attribute the onset of illnesses
to the disturbance or imbalance of one’s temperament. This paper aims to shed light on the
concept of temperament as explained in the classical texts of Tibb an-Nabawi and Unani-Tibb
and its practical application for health promotion and disease prevention.
Keywords: Tibb an-Nabawi; Unani-Tibb; temperament; preventative medicine; lifestyle factors

Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 16 No. 04 October’17. Page : 487-495

“It is more important to know what sort of a person Introduction

has a disease, than to know what sort of disease a
person has” – Hippocrates The World health organisation (WHO) health strategy
for traditional medicine 2014-2023 recognises the
important role that complementary and alternative
“The most evenly balanced of all temperaments in
medicine (CAM) plays in the healthcare of patients
the animal kingdom in developing countries1. CAM refers to a patient-
is the temperament of Man centered and wellness-orientated system of medicine
The most evenly balanced of all temperaments in focused on individualized treatment according
mankind to lifestyle factors. Unani-Tibb also known as
is the temperament of the believer Unani medicine/Greco-Arab medicine or Tibb is a
The most evenly balanced temperament among the modality of CAM, widely practiced on the Indian
believers sub- continent. Unani-Tibb is based on the teachings
are the temperaments of the Prophets. of three iconic pioneers of medicine namely;
The most evenly balanced of temperaments of all the Hippocrates, Galen and Ibn Sina (aka Avicenna)2. The
Prophets traditional Islamic medical knowledge that focused
on the Quran teachings and the Sunnah (Prophetic
are the temperaments of the Messengers of Allah.
traditions) is called Tibb an-Nabawi written by
And the most evenly balanced of those is the famous authors like Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jauziyah,
temperament of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)” – Jalalu’d Din as-Suyuti and Imaam Dhahabi, their
As Suyuti writings formed the basis to the Islamic medicine of

Correspondence to: Dr. Mujeeb Hoosen (Coordinator of Unani Tibb) School of Natural Medicine, Faculty
of Community and Health Sciences, University of the Western Cape, Bellville, South Africa, E-mail: ma-,

Temperament – an important principle for health preservation in Tibb an-Nabawi and Unani-Tibb

today3,4. Tibb an-Nabawi is based on the words and encyclopedia consisting of five volumes covering
actions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) referring the general principles of medicine, detailed anatomy
to medical matters with emphasis on preventative and physiology, multiple diseases of individual
measures relating to lifestyle incorporating the organs, characteristics of 760 simple drugs as well
spiritual, emotional and physical aspects of man. as a volume dedicated to formularies8. Ibn Sina also
Temperament describes an individual’s unique known as the ‘Prince of Physicians’ is noted to be
constitutional make-up including personality the most outstanding medical scientist and physician
traits, physical appearances, emotional attributes, of his time. He contributed greatly to human
spiritual attributes and disease predispositions. The anatomy, physiology, pathology and management of
concept of temperament is an integral component most disorders of the human body. He focused on
for health preservation in both Unani-Tibb and Tibb the history, physical examination and the analysis of
an-Nabawi2,4. There is a global revival of Tibb an- signs and symptoms according to the temperament
Nabawi in terms of research and practice however of patients as key components to diagnosis. His
very little or no emphasis is placed on the basic treatment regimes included diet, environmental air
principles with under pin this system of medicine. In and breathing, elimination, emotions, and exercise
light of the above mentioned this paper aims to shed suited to the temperament of the patient. Ibn Sina
light on the concept of temperament as highlighted strongly advocated health preservation through
in the classical text of Tibb an-Nabawi and Unani- individualized preventative measures which relied
Tibb. This paper also aims to briefly discuss how on the concept of temperament as a reference point9.
the concept of temperament is practically applied
by Unani-Tibb practitioners as an indispensable The advises of the Prophet (pbuh) as described in Tibb
component to all treatment regimes. An-Nabawi, followed by that of several early Islamic
philosophers in the evolution of Islamic medicine
Major influences in Islamic Medicine was tremendous in terms principles and practice10.
History recognizes the Islamic empire as the most Tibb an-Nabawi was one of the many popular books
sophisticated society for approximately 1 millennium written by Jalalu’d Din as-Suyuti. As-Suyuti clearly
before its decline. This is largely due to the great knew the earlier works of Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jauziyah
emphasis that Islam places on the acquisition of as he refers to him several times in his book as well
knowledge. Muslim scholars both translated the works as acknowledging the detailed works of Ibn Sina11.
of previous nations and generated new knowledge in The Islamic development of medicine within the
several sciences including medicine. From the year context of Tibb An-Nabawi by Ibn al-Qayyim al-
800-1450 Islamic civilization greatly influenced Jauziyah and Jalalu’d Din As-Suyuti is a compilation
Western science, technology and medicine5. Medical of Qur’anic verses and traditions of the Prophet
science within Islamic history was influenced by the (pbuh) which focused on the theory and practice of
collective knowledge obtained from Persia, India, medicine and treatments9. Some of the major figures
Syria and Byzantine Rome. The main contribution who also greatly contributed to the advancement of
to Islamic medicine came from the Greeks, the Islamic medicine includes Ibn-e-Rushed, Arzani, Ali
well-known ‘Father of Medicine’ Hippocrates, Ibn Abbas Majoosi and Ismail Jurjani12.
Aristotle and Galen3. Ancient Greek literature was
well preserved and translated from Latin to Arabic Preventative Medicine in Tibb an-Nabawi
by Persian and Syrian scholars. This included the Modern preventative medicine refers to that branch
medical writings of Hippocrates, Aristotle and of knowledge that deals with the protection against
Galen which later returned to Europe in its original microorganisms that may cause physical disease and
form. This first stage in the development of Islamic psychological disease in the individual and society.
medicine extended to the 7th and 8th Century. The Islamic legislation supported by Prophetic narrations
second stage was marked by excellence as Islamic and Quran injunctions enumerates several methods
physicians contributed valuable medical insights regarding the eradication of microorganisms by
which pioneered new development in medicine6. establishing rules pertaining to complete cleanliness
Many physicians expounded on the work of the of the body, ones clothes and the environment. Health
Greeks like Al-Razi and the famous Ibn-Sina who advises according to Prophetic Medicine provides
wrote “The Canon of Medicine” (Al-Qanoon), which preventative measures for the biochemical, physical,
was noted as the foremost medical textbook in the intellectual, emotional and spiritual components of
Middle East, North Africa and Europe up until the man. Prevention against chronic diseases of lifestyle
17th Century7. The Canon was included as part of can be attained in light of the Prophetic advises
the Brussel’s University syllabus up until 1907 and pertaining to diet, etiquettes of eating, ablution and
today it remains the main reference manual for bathing, prayer and supplication, exercise, fasting,
Unani-Tibb practitioners. The Canon is a medical emotions and medical treatments3,13.

Hoosen M

In the Book of Medicine (Kitab al-Tibb) of Sahih al- mutual interaction of the four primary qualities20. The
Bukhari much attention is given to health promotion combination of these elements in a physical entity
and disease prevention over curative medicine. results in an overall quality, when this quality is in
The preventative measures in Kitab al-Tibb were equilibrium it is called temperament. Temperament
considered to be advanced in relation to the scientific describes an individual’s unique constitutional make-
findings of that time. The significance of disease up including personality traits, physical appearances,
prevention and the preservation of health are based emotional attributes, spiritual attributes and disease
on the Prophet (pbuh) words when he said: “There predispositions. One’s temperament has a direct
are two gifts of which many men are cheated: health influence on the state of health and inclinations to
(al-sihhah) and leisure (al-faragh)”. This stresses certain diseases, this relationship is more pronounced
the fact that mankind should take good care of their in chronic conditions3. When the temperament is
health and always strive to remain in a healthy state altered or disturbed an imbalance occurs which leads
which will enable them to fulfill their duty towards to one or more type/s of illness condition/s 20. Every
God during leisure (al-faragh) by acquiring both form of living organism or form of matter has a
spiritual and physical knowledge, so that their souls unique temperament that supports the functions and
will reach the ultimate goal namely the appreciation structure of that specific entity. The temperament
of God14. of the human body is determined by the humors or
The Theory of Humors and Temperament well bodily fluids which consists of a combination of
established in Tibb an-Nabawi elements21.
The concept of the four humors also known today Humors refers to bodily fluids that are produced
as humoral pathology is based on Greek medicine. through digestion fulfilling the purpose of
The ancient Greco-Arab philosophers recognized nutrition, growth, repair, energy production and the
temperament as an integral part of creation. The preservation of health for the entire human body17.
concept of temperament is regarded as one of the According to the humoral theory of Hippocrates the
most important principles in Tibb an-Nabawi15. The body contains four major types of humors namely;
various authors of Tibb an-Nabawi accepted and blood (hot and moist), phlegm (cold and moist),
utilized the humoral understanding of disease. The yellow bile (hot and dry) and black bile (cold and
classification and explanation of disease according dry). The right proportion of these humors according
to the four humors are deeply ingrained in various to quality and quantity ensures homeostasis which
forms within Islamic medicine16. Islamic medicine constitutes good health whilst incorrect proportions
based the understanding of physiological concepts and irregular distributions according to quantity and
through the Hippocratic and Galenic concepts of quality constitute disease22. The temperament of a
humors, natures and elements. This theory expounded person is maintained and supported by the humors.
that good health for the body is dependant upon the Each individual has a unique temperament and
balancing of humors and disease occurred when this likewise has a unique ratio of humors which match
harmony is disturbed 17. the ideal temperament of the individual4. The word
temperament is often used in a psychological sense
The opening chapter of As-Suyuti’s Tibb an-Nabawi however according to the theory of humors it is
entitled, “The Theory of Medicine” explains understood in a biological sense which indicates the
the constitution of man consisting of elements, dominant quality of an individual with respect to the
temperaments and humors11. Ibn al-Qayyim ratio of humors. When a person is said to have a
provide detailed discussions in his book, “Healing hot temperament it means that the blood humor is the
with the Medicine of Prophet” on the importance dominant humor likewise with those that are cold,
of understanding the concept of temperament in dry or moist. The four humors are connected to four
health, pathology and disease prevention. The key temperaments namely; Sanguinous (blood-hot and
component to linking man’s inter-relationship with moist), Phlegmatic (phlegm-cold and moist), Bilious
his environment was understood through the concept (yellow bile-hot and dry) and Melancholic (black
of temperament also known in Arabic as ‘Mizaaj’18. bile-cold and dry)19.
Temperament and Humors according to Unani-Tibb The role of Temperament in Healthcare
According to Unani-Tibb the constitution of man and The four temperaments or personality types has been
all matter in creation are composed of four primary utilized for over 2000 thousand years to improve
indivisible elements namely fire, water, air and health, relationships and career choices. Determining
earth19. These elements have associated compound your temperament and achieving your ideal balance
qualities: fire is hot and dry, air is hot and moist, water allows you to use your strengths and overcome your
is cold and moist, and earth which is cold and dry11. vulnerabilities in terms of health and character23.
The quality of the temperament is determined by the Temperament is directly connected to the health or

Temperament – an important principle for health preservation in Tibb an-Nabawi and Unani-Tibb

disease of the body, diet, medication, seasons and ones temperament it creates an internal environment
prophylactic measures. All the various physiological conducive to illnesses. The six lifestyle factors are
and pathological functions within the body are said food and drink, environmental air and breathing,
to be related to temperaments. Health is achieved movement and rest, sleep and wakefulness, emotions
by maintaining the normal temperament within cells, and elimination and retention28. The concept of
tissues, organs and the entire body hence maintaining temperament does not negate microbes as causative
the ideal temperament ensures homeostasis in the agents in disease instead it explains that the activating
internal environment of the cells and the body. factor to microorganisms defeating bodily defenses
The four temperamental types all have unique is due to the imbalanced temperament20.
characteristics relating to the physiological profile, Healthy Living guidelines for each Temperament
psychological and emotional states which can be
scientifically observed2,4. Below are the four temperamental body types
with associated elements, qualities and humor.
Re-interpreting the philosophical insights relating Identification of the differences between the four
to temperament in terms of quantifiable scientific temperaments includes physical observational
laws has led to research within many disciplines like features, skin texture and temperature, speech,
genetics, physiology, biochemistry, enzymology, appetite, sleep patterns, methods of learning, mental
endocrinology and thermodynamics amongst others25. activity, personality traits, emotional and behavioral
The internal physiological status of humans affects tendencies as well as possible disease predispositions
their behavioral patterns and social interaction. with common associated signs and symptoms. An
Energy levels and decision making are important over accumulation of the dominant quality associated
aspects in lives of individuals in relation to achieving with a temperament will produce negative effects,
lifelong goals. According to the theory of humors, therefore an important guideline for the maintenance
temperament is pivotal in diagnosis and management and preservation of health is to follow a lifestyle
of individuals according to their unique constitution. program suited to the temperament2,4,15,21.
In therapeutics consideration should be given to
emotions, behaviors, habits, lifestyles, occupations, 1) Sanguinous temperament (element-air / quality-
weather and environments which all relates to the hot and moist / humor-blood)
temperament of the individual. The four distinct Features: Oval face with reddish complexion, deep-
temperamental personality types posses typical set almond-shaped eyes with prominent capillaries,
characteristics which reflects their physiological small chin and small lips, moderate frame with more
and psychological status, their susceptibility within muscular tissue than fat, solid shape, shapely legs
a social, environmental and other health factors and arms, joints are well formed and prominent, a
including their ability to adapt to world around them26. macho stride (gait), hairs of the head are thick and
Every individual has a unique temperament which oily, early hair recession in some men, skin is warm
reacts to various internal and external stimuli like somewhat moist and soft to the touch with veins that
drugs, climate, food, emotions and body reactions27. are apparent. Their speech is clear, moderate to loud
All the well known physicians of Greek medicine and they judge by feeling, they have a strong sense
like Ibn-e-Rushed, Arzani, Jalinoos, Zakaria Razi, of smell and taste (preferred sense of perception),
Ali Ibn Abbas Majoosi, Ismail Jurjani and Ibn Sina most effective method of learning is via flow
explained various effective parameters that guides charts whilst looking for the source of information.
physicians to the exact temperament of the patient12. They incline to a moderate to active lifestyle with
Lifestyle Factors and Temperament good stamina and physical endurance. They have
healthy appetites with moderate to excessive thirst,
The approach towards health and its preservation balanced and sound sleep of up to 7 hours with a rare
should be individualistic and based on temperament. tendency to insomnia, a good faculty of judgment,
Health maintenance and disease prevention can be an overall optimistic and positive mental outlook,
improved when linking it to the specific constitutional they are persuasive, a natural extrovert with good
type of person, knowing how to eat, live and medicate social skills. They enjoy traveling and discovering
properly19. Hippocrates emphasized that all living new destinations, they have a playful disposition
organisms grew at the expense of their environment, and they are easily distracted. They are confident,
using what was needed and expelling that which was self-motivated and enthusiastic. Elimination- bowel
unnecessary. The progression of Greek medicine habits are regular, stool is soft, urine often golden
linked six lifestyle factors as strong influences on the yellow and they perspire easily. Menstruation tends
temperament of the individual. These factors when to be painful 2,4,15,19,20,21,23,28.
in harmony with the temperament promote good
health and facilitates efficient healing. When these The following lifestyle factors are best suited for the
lifestyle factors are not well managed inline with Sanguine temperament for health preservation:

Hoosen M

Environmental air and breathing: Avoid prolonged features, broad strong jaw, wide forehead with
periods in humid conditions. Keep cool in hot a straight hairline, hair is thin and oily, eyes are
weather and warm in wet weather. They can tolerate penetrating and small to moderate in size with a
cold conditions. They should take precautions during yellowish tint, lean to medium body built, firm stride
the spring season. (gait), skin texture is warm and dry with prominent
Food and drink: They should consume more veins. They are very active, enthusiastic, precise
protein and less carbohydrates, as well as more fruit and orderly. They sleep sound but light, 5-6 hours
and vegetables. They should ensure that their fat is sufficient for them. Good appetite with excessive
intake is minimal. They should preferably drink cool thirst and they become irritable if they delay meals.
water and avoid excessive sugar, rich fatty foods and Their speech is sharp and loud, they are talkative,
excess meat consumption. Seafood is better suited they perceive by sight and judge by intuition, they
for them. Moderation in eating habits is essential look at the bigger picture, they are sharp minded,
to avoid metabolic illnesses. Intermittent fasting outspoken, a natural born leader, extrovert, very
programs are highly recommended. resourceful, brilliant intellect, they are dominant,
impatient, irritable and short tempered. They can
Movement and rest: Light weight training, brisk be fearless and rebellious. Elimination- stool is
walking, jogging and aerobics for 15-30 minutes soft and loose, urine dark yellow, perspire easily.
daily are suitable activities for this temperament. Menstruation tends to be excessive2,4,15,19,20,21,23,28.
Proper rest between exercise sessions are crucial
to avoid soft tissue injuries. They should avoid The following lifestyle factors are best suited for the
strenuous exercise for prolonged periods. Bilious temperament for health preservation:
Sleep and wakefulness: 6-7 hour of sound sleep Environmental air and breathing: Increased heat
is essential for this temperament. Sleeping less affects them the most, excess sun exposure/hot
than 5 hours or more than 8 hours will be harmful. climate should be avoided. They work well in cool,
Oversleeping or sleeping after sunrise (early fresh and properly ventilated environments. Summer
mornings) could be harmful. Afternoon naps are has a drastic effect on them.
beneficial. Food and drink: They should avoid excess salt,
Emotions: Excessive excitement, worry, anger salty foods, fats, fried foods, vinegar, sour/fermented
or emotional excesses are detrimental to them. food, hot spices and red meat intake. They should
Relaxation techniques like deep breathing exercises, include more milk, dairy products, ice cold drinks,
meditation and visualization are beneficial. fruit and vegetables. They should ensure adequate to
extra water intake. They should eat slow and not eat
Elimination: A generous consumption of fruit and whilst working.
vegetables is important in order to maintain regular
bowel habits. Adequate water intake is needed to Movement and rest: They should avoid strenuous
maintain optimum kidney function. Wet cupping once exercise and they should manage their heat levels well
per season or donating blood twice a year (preferably (via diet and other lifestyle factors as recommended),
in spring or summer) is recommended2,4,15,19,20,21,23,28. time of exercise should be early in the morning or late
in the evening to avoid the midday heat. Proper rest
Common signs/symptoms and disease and adequate hydration after exercise are essential.
predispositions: Congestive headache, dizziness,
vertigo, oversleeping, hemiplegia (right side Sleep and wakefulness: A good night sleep for
paralysis), facial paralysis (towards left), syncope, 6-7 hours is essential, 1 hour rest/nap after lunch is
high blood pressure, aneurysm, pleurisy, weakness beneficial especially during summer. They are prone
of the heart (palpitations), irritable bowel syndrome, to insomnia especially during periods of over working.
anal prolapse, dysentery, diabetes, urinary Emotions: Extreme emotions of anger, irritability,
tract infection, cystitis, dysuria, leucorrhoea, excessive speech, and suppression of anger are most
dysmenorrhoea, gonorrhoea, inflammation of the harmful for this kind of temperament. Meditation
ovaries and fallopian tubes, endometriosis, uremia, and breathing exercise in a natural environment is
gout, diabetes, high cholesterol, reduced intestinal beneficial especially at the time of emotional turmoil.
motility, respiratory catarrh, asthma, genito-urinary Elimination: 2-3 liters of water is essential to
disorders, hypersensitivity and capillary congestion eliminate heat and toxins especially in summer
amongst others2,4,15,19,20,21,23,28. and spring. Cupping, massage and hydrotherapy
2) Bilious temperament (element-fire / quality-hot are beneficial. Laxatives should be considered
and dry / humor-yellow bile) 2,4,15,19,20,21,23,28
Features: Square-shaped face with flushed Common signs/symptoms and disease
complexion, straight eyebrows, sharp angular predispositions: Bilious headache, stress and

Temperament – an important principle for health preservation in Tibb an-Nabawi and Unani-Tibb

anxiety, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraines, Emotions: Fear, shyness, depression and self-pity
dizziness, mania, heart palpitations, cardiomegaly, are the emotional excesses for this temperament.
bronchitis, cough, hay fever, gastritis, vomiting, Counselling, breathing exercises and prayer medicine
nausea, dysentery, hepatitis, jaundice, nephritic are essential during emotional distress.
and nephrotic syndrome, menorrhagia, erectile Elimination: Saunas (hydrotherapy) and sweating
dysfunction and premature ejaculation, fevers, (heat therapy) are beneficial. Sweating should never
infections, rashes, urticaria, hyperacidity, eyestrain, be suppressed. Cupping therapy, purgatives and
hypertension and cardiovascular disorders amongst laxatives are also beneficial2,4,15,19,20,21,23,28.
Common signs/symptoms and disease
3) Phlegmatic temperament (element-water / predispositions: They are naturally predisposed
quality-cold and moist / humor-phlegm) to phlegm related conditions, asthma, wet coughs,
Features: They have round faces with full cheeks, sinusitis, tonsillitis, phlegm congestion, water
large watery eyes, have medium to large frame, retention, oedema, slow digestion, weight gain and
more fatty tissue than muscular tissue, they have obesity, metabolic syndrome, poor venous circulation,
a youthful build, bones are well covered and they tendency towards depression, phlegmatic headache,
have a slow gait. Veins are less visible and they have sneezing, migraine, weak memory, epilepsy,
delicate soft, cool and moist skin. They speak slow oversleeping, infantile convulsions, bradycardia,
with a soft tone, they perceive by touch and judge low blood pressure, dyspepsia, diarrhoea, cholera,
by demonstration, they learn hands on looking for sluggish liver, anaemia, impotence, inadequate
reliable repetition. They have slow steady appetites erection, bedwetting, weakness of the kidneys
with a low level of thirst and they can skip meals. and bladder, leucorrhoea, amenorrhoea, prolapse
They need at least 8 hours of sleep and they do of the uterus, arthritis and sciatica amongst
tend to oversleep. They are introverts, calm, others2,4,15,19,20,21,23,28.
accommodating, patient, good listeners, shy, self- 4) Melancholic temperament (element-earth /
contained, indecisive, have sentimental subjective quality-cold and dry / humor-black bile)
thinking, emotional, sensitive and cool minded.
Elimination- stool tends to be thick and sticky, their Features: They have oblong/oval faces, small active
urine is transparent to light yellow and they have a shallow-set eyes, bony cheeks, arched eyebrows,
low level of perspiration. Menstruation tends to be high forehead and hair recession at the temples
low in quantity and frequency2,4,15,19,20,21,23,28. in men, they have less body and facial hairs of all
temperamental types, a thin and bony frame, delicate,
Environmental air and breathing: Cold and wet slender, elongated build with a quick and anxious
environment affects them negatively. Air conditioners gait. They have a rough, cold and dry skin with
and exposure to coastal areas for prolonged periods noticeable veins. Their speech is fast, less vocal and
should be avoided. Winter has a drastic effect on soft, they perceive by sound and judge by adequacy
them. and explanation, always looking for details and
Food and drink: Dairy products, refined authority in knowledge. Their appetites are variable
carbohydrates, ice-cold drinks, creamy rich foods or poor. They have difficulty in falling asleep and tend
should be avoided or consumed in small amounts. towards insomnia. They are analytical, detail oriented,
Gluten could affect their digestion negatively. They their retentive faculty of mind is well developed;
digest meat easily however they should consume they tend to be perfectionists, they are practically
more chicken and fish than meat, they should include efficient and dependable. They are thoughtful,
more hot and spicy foods in their diet. logical, analytical, tendency to be fearful, insecure,
Movement and rest: A sedentary lifestyle and anxious, introverts with a restless, philosophical and
oversleeping is harmful to them. Unnecessary enquiring mind. They are naturally very imaginative
resting/napping during day time especially one hour and creative. Elimination- hard and dark stool, prone
before sunset should be avoided. They should indulge to constipation, moderate to excessive urine and low
in more strenuous exercise for longer duration. perspiration. Menstruation tends to be irregular, low
Aerobics, long distance running or weight training is in quantity with clots2,4,15,19,20,21,23,28.
beneficial for them. Environmental air and breathing: Prolong
Sleep and wakefulness: Sleep for 7-8 hours is exposure to cold and dry air affects them negatively.
sufficient, more than this will harm them and cause Excessive exposure to air conditioners harms them.
lethargy. Less than 6 hours will affect their mood and They should take caution in dry weather conditions
productivity. They should rise early in the morning like Autumn. Humid and coastal areas are beneficial
and avoid over sleeping especially after sunrise. for their health.
Food and drink: They should avoid cold food

Hoosen M

(refrigerated/frozen), excessive beans, nuts, temperament and body mass index. The results
astringent foods and rancid fats which are harmful to showed statistically significant differences between
them even in small quantities. The should consume phlegmatic (more prone to weight gain and obesity)
less carbohydrates and more protein, fats, fruit and and bilious temperaments. This suggests that the
vegetables. White flour and gluten has a negative knowledge of temperaments can be employed as an
impact on their digestion. Excessive tea, coffee, early detection tool for those prone to diseases of
soured and artificially flavoured drinks should be lifestyle like obesity30.
avoided. A study on the effect of temperament on the menstrual
Movement and rest: Light to moderate exercise cycle conducted on 294 patients showed a clear
for short periods are best suited for them like brisk relationship between the frequency of menstruation
walking and jogging. Walking for 15 minutes after and the temperament of participants 24. A similar
dinner facilitates good digestion. study looked at pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) and
Sleep and wakefulness: Early to bed for 6-8 hours the temperaments of different patients in terms of the
is best suited for them. They are prone to insomnia common PMS symptoms like irritability, malaise,
and often struggle to fall ssleep. They often find it headaches, colon spasm, frequency of micturition,
difficult to rise early especially before sunset. A 15- feeling of fullness in the breasts and abdomen,
30 minutes break/nap after lunch is beneficial. oedema of the face and feet, short tempered
nature, acne and depression. This study concluded
Emotions: Feelings of loneliness, grief, depression, that a close relationship exists between the PMS
and being overly philosophical may have a negative symptoms experienced and the temperament of the
impact especially if prolonged, unresolved or participants26.
A study which categorised patients according to blood
Elimination: They should prevent dryness by groups and temperaments suggests that a relationship
applying moisturizers on their skin. Drink at exist between blood types and temperamental
least 2 litres of water daily. Excessive white flour types. The follow-up study which focused on blood
products can lead to irregular bowel movements. groups and the temperaments of blood donors and
Bodily wastes like urine and stool should never be their recipients for blood transfusions hypothesised
suppressed. Heating baths (hydrotherapy), cupping that cross matching temperaments would lessen
therapy (dry/flash/slide), massage (heat therapy) the ill effects commonly experienced after blood
are recommended. Laxatives/purgatives are transfusions like jaundice, haemolysis of red blood
essential2,4,15,19,20,21,23,28. cells, itching and skin rashes31.
Common signs/symptoms and disease Clinical observational studies undertaken at the
predisposition: melancholic headache, melancholia, University of the Western Cape (South Africa)
insomnia, angina, thrombosis, embolism, suggests a significant percentage (66% to 100%)
arteriosclerosis, infarction, dry cough, asthma (dry), correlation between patient temperaments and
pneumonia, gastritis, hyperacidity, constipation, diagnosed clinical disorders in those patients. Clinical
piles, flatulence, colic pain, kidney stones, hysteria, disorders assessed included asthma, hypertension,
psoriasis, cracked skin, gout, anorexia, anaemia, poor drug addiction, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, psoriasis,
appetite, colon and gas related ailments, wasting, stress, eczema, menstrual disorders, menopause and
dehydration, osteoarthritis, neuromuscular disorders, arthritis. In a similar open pilot study at the Nelson
and anxiety amongst others2,4,15,19,20,21,23,28. Mandela School of Medicine at the University of
The role of Temperament in Preventative Medicine Natal, the association between temperament and type
In recent years the insights of Greek medicine has 2 diabetes mellitus showed significant correlation
shifted from the fields of philosophy and psychology for 89% of patients however questions pertaining to
and moved into the realm of modern scientific standardisation of the temperamental questionnaire
research with focus on physiology, pathology and used in these studies necessitates the need for further
disease prevention in terms of quantifiable results29. research to confirm these results32.
Re-interpreting the philosophical insights relating The Department of Medicine at the Majeedia
to temperament in terms of quantifiable scientific Hospital, Hamdard University conducted a study on
laws has led to research within many disciplines like chronic bronchitis in light of the various associated
genetics, physiology, biochemistry, enzymology, risk factors like smoking, exposure to dust and smoke
endocrinology and thermodynamics amongst occurring as specific occupational hazards, general
others25. atmospheric pollution, infections, socioeconomic
A study done on 148 healthy volunteers aimed to status, past history of respiratory illness and family
provide scientific validation on the correlation of history of respiratory disease. The study revealed that

Temperament – an important principle for health preservation in Tibb an-Nabawi and Unani-Tibb

80% of the clinically diagnosed patients with chronic global escalation of chronic diseases of lifestyle.
bronchitis were of the phlegmatic temperament33. Healthy lifestyle programs are linked to better
The concept of temperament can be clinically health outcomes. Unani-Tibb alongside other
significant due to its potential in predicting traditional medical systems like Tibb an-Nabawi has
disease predispositions based on morphological, highlighted the maintenance of health as one of its
physiological and psychological characteristics. This main objectives. For both these systems, knowing
has relevance to chronic lifestyle disease prevention one’s individual constitutional nature understood
for obesity, diabetes and coronary artery disease through the concept of temperament is the first step
as early detection can provide intervention and towards a path of health and healing. The knowledge
modification in terms of diet, exercise, emotions and of temperament guides individuals on how to stay
the elimination of bodily wastes34. healthy and prevent diseases that they may be
predisposed to. Due to the increase in research on
Conclusion temperament in terms of quantifiable scientific laws
Today, modern medicine is more focused on this concept may contribute to lessen the burden of
preventative than curative medicine due to the chronic disease of lifestyle.

Hoosen M

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