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JMJ Marist Brothers

Notre Dame of Marbel University

City of Koronadal, South Cotabato



Harassment is a form of discrimination. It contains any unwanted

physical or verbal behavior that insults or embarrasses people. Usually,
harassment is a behavior that continues over time.

Physical harassment is a type of sexual harassment that includes

being touched when you don’t want to be touched, which is done in an
inappropriate way. Any physical contact made in a sexual way against your
will is sexual harassment. Besides these more obvious physical
manifestations, inappropriate comments and gestures could be considered
a form of sexual harassment in the view of a court. (Holland, 2016)

Physical harassment is, above all, a manifestation of power relations

women is much more likely to be victims of Physical or sexual harassment
because women are more often stereotyped as weak, and are in more
helpless and insecure positions, lack self-confidence, or have been
socialized to suffer all by themselves. For us to understand why women
endure most of physical and sexual harassment, it is important to look at
some of the causes of this incidents.

It is illegal to harass a person because of that person’s sex.

Harassment can include “sexual harassment” or unwelcome sexual
advances, desires for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical

However, the law doesn’t eliminate simple teasing, offhand comments, or

isolated incidents that are not very serious, harassment is unlawful when it

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

is so frequent or severe that it creates an unreceptive or offensive work

environment or when it results in an adverse service decision.

Physical harassment is a serious problem for students at all

educational levels. Students in elementary and secondary schools, as well
as vocational schools, apprenticeship programs, colleges and universities
can be victims of Physical harassment. This problem is more common than
you might think because many students are scared or too embarrassed to
report that they are physically or sexually harass. It is different from flirting,
playing around, or other types of behavior that you enjoy or welcome.
Physical harassment can be requests for sexual favors or unwelcome
sexual behavior that is bad enough or happens often enough to make you
feel uncomfortable, scared or confused and that interferes with your
schoolwork or your ability to participate in extracurricular activities or attend
classes.According to Equal Rights Advocates (2018)

More and more, students are being physically harassed online. Technology,
such as e-mail, blogs, social networking sites, chat rooms, dating websites,
text messaging features, etc., provides new borders for the Physical
harassment. and if this kind of harassment will continue it can lead to the
emotional wellbeing of a person.

Physical harassment can lead to emotional or psychological harassment if

that person has been maltreated by another person. Emotional and verbal
harassment includes insults and attempts to scare, isolate, or control
people. It is also often a sign that physical harassment may follow.

Statement of the Problem

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

The purpose of the study is to know and study the students of Notre Dame
of Marbel University who experienced Physical and emotional Harassment.

Specifically, it aimed to answer the following questions:

1. How does students of Notre Dame of Marbelexperienced Physical

and Emotional harassment?
2. What are the effects of Physical and Emotionalharassment to the
students of Notre Dame of Marbel University?
3. What are the coping mechanisms of students in Notre Dame of
Marbel University who experienced Physical and Emotional

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will redound to the benefits of:

The Guidance and School Administration, to be able to help and

understand the students who experience Physical and Emotional
Harassment in school. And to give more awareness to this kind of matters.

The Parents and Guardians, for them to know the effects and to guide
their children who experience Physical and Emotional harassment in

The Researchers, for us to know and understand the students who

experienced this kind of harassment.

The Future Researchers, they would have a basis and general

background of this
study. They would be able to understand, interpret, and analyze the

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

Scope Limitation of the Study

This study will only focus on the students who experienced physical and
emotionalharassment in Notre Dame of Marbel University. The researchers
conducted the study within the bounds of Notre Dame of MarbelUniversity.
Because it is a private institution with a high population of students within
the Koronadal City.

Definition of Terms

Physical and emotional Harassment

Physical harassment is an offensive form of bullying that has a

damaging effect on the victim. The term physical harassment refers to any
threats or bullying that involve physical gestures. Emotional Harassment is
any kind of harassment that is emotional rather than physical in nature. It
can include anything from verbal to constant criticism to more subtle tactics,
such as intimidation, manipulation, and refusal to ever be pleased.

Student is a person who is studying at a university or a college. Person

formally engaged in learning, especially one enrolled in school.
School an institution designed to provide learning spaces and learning
environments for the teaching of students under the track of teachers.
Effect is the result of an action, something that inevitably follows an
antecedent. Also,it results of an influence or something that happens
because of something else.
Experience is knowledge or skill that is obtained from doing, seeing,
or feeling things, or something that happens which has an effect on you.
Coping mechanisms are ways to which external or internal stress is
managed, adapted to or acted upon

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

Chapter II
This chapter provides an overview of the previous researchers about
the Students of Notre Dame of Marbel University who experienced Physical
and Emotional Harassment. The main purpose of this literature review is to
have a basis on conducting this study.

Physical and Emotional


Students School

Effects Experiences Coping


Figure 1. Conceptual framework

Physical and Emotional Harassment

According to Natasha Tracy (2016), Physical and emotional

harassment have continually go in line, since both have the same intent to
hurt a victim. Physical harassment is any physical force that injures or puts
a person’s health in danger.Physical harassment, regarding sexual

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

harassment, is when a victim is touchedin an inappropriate way and feel

uneasy of the person who touched them. Most importantly,If the victim is
touched against his or her will.

Physical harassment happens when someone in your workplace,

home, or school makes unwelcome sexual advances to you or wishes
sexual favors. It also contains verbal or physical behaviors that may disturb
your home, job, or education. These acts are sexual harassment when they
are without your consent, or are unwanted, and interfere with your work or
school performance or create anaggressive or offensive environment.
(Basile, Ph.D., Jones, M.S.W., &Smith, Ph. D ,2017)

Physical harassment may even be touching oneself in front of

someone. If it is done in a sexual way and it makes somebody feel
uncomfortable, formerly it can be classified as physical harassment.

Once a person has fallen victim to physical harassment, they frequently feel
robbed of something. It is almost as if somebody has expected ownership
over their body. Victims can often feel shameful and helpless in many other
conditions after harassment has happened.

Sexual harassment rights should be reported in any case, but reporting is

especially significant when the harassment turns physical. Physical
harassment is serious and often dangerous. It is forbidden in work
environments, educational arenas, and anywhere else it can occur.

There are numerousstages a person can take when filing sexual

harassment claims. Victims must first account the physical harassment to
the administrators of the environment in which it happened. Moreover, they
should directly report it to the authorities in their community. After the
reporting is done, a victim can choose to press charges or let the incident
go. In most cases, victims press charges when physical harassment takes

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

place. There are attorneys that study in harassment of this nature who
should be consulted.

Victims that suffer from this type of harassment may also need counseling
to help them recover both physically and emotionally from harassment. This
is especially true when physical harassment is continuing for a long period
of time. Most states offer hotlines and facilities in which victims can obtain
help in these kinds of situations. (“PHYSICAL SEXUAL HARASSMENT

Coping Mechanisms

These are some concrete ways how to cope up with physically and
emotionally harass. According to (Gordon, 2017)

Accept what happened. What this means is to validate your experience.

Do not minimize what happened or make excuses for the offender Do not
bottle up the hurt and anger you are feeling. It is also vital to let yourself to
understand your emotions.Discover healthy ways to express these
emotional states. Some options include, meditation, yoga, other stress-
reducing activities and above all prayer.

Talk to someone about the harassment. It constantlyaids to talk with a

safe person. Try to find somebody who will respect your feelings and your
perception. Don't share your feelings and opinions with someone who is
going to tell you that you are being emotional or overreacting. If you do not
have someone to talk with about your experience being harassed, consider
joining a support group that will help you to recover such thing or starting
one of your own.

Journal about your experience. Describe how the sexual harassment

affected you. Explore the different emotions you are feeling. Sometimes it

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

is helpful toexpress your feelings in your journal, a letter to the person who
harassed you. Say all the things you request you would have said but didn't.
it can be a good healing to erase all the bad things out of your system.
Journaling may help you make sense of what happened to you. And it is a
safe place to say whatsoever is on your mind without trying to filter anything

Stop blaming yourself. You’renot the one who cause it and you cannot
control the other person. What happened to you was not your fault. Always
remind yourself too that you have nothing to be ashamed or should feel
guilty about what happen. Blaming yourself will slow your healing. The only
guilty person is the perpetrator. He made a choice to sexually harass you
Remember, you have complete control over your response and where you
go from here. Pay attention on that fact and let it empower you. The only
choice you have is to think some ways that will help youon how you are
going to deal with what happened to you.

Bring closure to your experience. An important part of the healing method

is putting the past behind you, and cracking from the trauma you
experienced. Sometimes this means changing jobs or careers. It also could
mean realizing who you really are. Too many times, a person's identity is
tied to her work. Instead, rediscover what makes you. Start a new hobby
and develop new interests. And most importantly, do not dwell on what
happened to you. Find a strong way to put the past behind and try to remain
positive about things in your life

Every person respondsin a different way, and it is not rare for feelings
to change from day to day. Some survivors may deny or disregard their
experience primarily and appear to go on like nothing happened. In these
ways of handling difficult experiences, the survivor seems initially

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

untouched by their experience until a later date. There is no time limit for
addressing an experience of physical or sexual misconduct and survivors
are encouraged to seek help when they are ready, regardless of the passed

From time to time survivors have difficulty with eating or sleeping. Some
may find it hard to think and stay focused which often adds additional stress
when academic assignments are incomplete. Some feel “ambushed” by
intrusive, unwanted and often critical or terrifying thoughts that are hard to
process and continue to feel that things are out of their control when they
are unable to manage these feelings.

Most persons find it hard to talk to friends and family about their
experienced. It is important for survivors to search for help when they are
ready. If a friend or family member has struggle hearing about this
experienced or appears to be questioning any part of it, this says something
about the one who is listening, not the survivor. (YALE,2019)

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

Chapter III


Locale of the Study

How many students
of Notre Dame of Notre Dame of Marbel
Marbel Uivewrsity
experienced physical Participants of the Study

and emotional The students of Notre

harassment? Dame of Marbel University
who experienced physical
What are the effects of and emotional Harassment
physical and emotional
harassment to the Research Instrument
students of Notre Dame
Face -to- face
of Marbel University?
What are the coping Data Gathering Procedure
mechanisms of students in
Notre Dame of Marbel
University who experienced
physical and emotional Data Analysis

Figure 2. Research Design Paradigm

Locale of the Study

The said study was conducted inside the Notre Dame of Marbel University,

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal. Notre Dame of Marbel University is a

Catholic School

that provides a quality education, builds character, develops competence,

and respect

cultures. It is also called a Green University because it is an institution that


towards the environment.

Figure 2. Location Map of Koronadal City

Participants of the Study

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

The participants of the study are the students of Notre Dame of Marbel

Ethical Consideration

We followed an interview protocol before conducting the interviews. Hence,

aninformed consent was sought from each participant of the study with a
letter containingthe rights of the participants to accept or refuse to be
interviewed. It also expressed thattheir identity will be kept in private and all
responses that will be used for academicpurpose only shall be treated with
utmost confidentiality

Research Instrument

The researchers created and used an interview guide based on our specific
research problems. It contains 3 major. We translated them correctly to the
language that is most familiar to the participants.

Data Collection Procedure

In doing the data collection, first we made an approval letter to be signed by

the Principal.

After that, we are now ready the conduction of our interview. To identify

Students who experienced physical and emotional Harassment, we used

snowball sampling. Snowball sampling helped usto gather participants in
our study and it prevent unethical consideration.

Before interviewing the participants, the researchers write a consent letter

and it is approvedby the School.

The researchers also let the participants see andhear the approval sheet
before asking question.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

The researchers use words that is morally right that prevent hurting the

The researchers clearly recorded allthe conversation with the participants.

After the interview, the researchers gladly saytheir deeply gratitude towards
the participant for having a big part in this study and letthe participant signs
the permission sheet to have a proof or evidence.

Data Analysis

Thematic analysis helps researchers move from a broad reading of the data
toward discovering patterns and framing a specific research question.

After gatheringthe data, the recorded voice clip of the participant was
transcribed by the researchers, after that, the researchers cleaned the
unnecessary statements on the transcript,organized the responses
according to the sequence of questions that are based on theSOP,
highlighted the significant answers test segment, analyzed the text
segments inorder for the researchers to formulate concepts, clustered the
concepts and formulatedthe themes and categories.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

Chapter IV


This chapter presents the concepts and themes drawn from the given data. It
describes the experiences, effects and the coping mechanisms of students who
experienced physical and emotional Harassment.

Table 1. Theme for the students who experienced Physical and emotional

Concepts Themes
“Oo, nakaexperiencedna Catcalling most of
the time sa streets.”
(yes, I’veexperienced catcalling most of the experienced Catcalling in streets

time in the streets) p1

“yes, nakaexperincedna” Have an experienced of any form of

(Yes, I’veexperienced it.) p2 harassment

“oponaka experienced na ma discriminate.”

(Yes, I’ve experienced discrimination) p3 Have experienced discrimination

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

Have experienced catcalling in streets

According to Steffes (2017) Catcalling is the use of unpolished language, verbal

expression and non-verbal expression that takes place in public areas such as
sidewalks, streets. Some of the forms of catcalling includes “name-calling, whistling,
propositioning or commenting that is offensive to people especially women.Most
women have experienced catcalling at some point in their life; and for quite a few
women it’s something that starts when they’re very young.

According toBatchelor (2017) Street harassment is one of society's more subtle

and accepted forms of misogyny we seem unable, or unwilling, to address. According
to the organization Stop Street Harassment, 99% of women will be sexually harassed
in a public space at least once in their lifetime, and for 65% this happens monthly.

Some people may say this form of harassment is merely a compliment, and the
women who complain are hysterical, or overreacting. This could not be further from
the truth. Street harassment is the sexualization, degradation, and dehumanization of
women that contributes to rape culture and limits women’s ability to function in public
spaces.One of the participant stated that:

“Oo, naka experienced na Catcalling most of the time sa streets.”

(yes, I’ve experienced catcalling most of the time in the streets) p1

Street harassment can be a form of sexual harassment, and we cannot avoid the fact
that more and more women are victims of it and even men can be a victim to. That
can ruin or make a girl or a boy uncomfortable.

According to Montefalco (2018) Street harassment or catcalling is experienced

frequently by the women in the Philippines. This practice is often ignored as it is

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

difficult to rebuke harassers. This is due to the fact that harassment tends to occur
anytime, making it impossible for victims to identify their harassers.

Have an experienced of any form of harassment

There are various forms of harassment, which can be written, verbal, or physical
behaviors. Harassment can affect the personal and professional well-being of experts
or similar colleagues in the workplace or in school, especially when people abuse their
positions of power and influence against those in more helpless positions. This
professional wrongdoing frequently preferentially targets women, although men can
also be victims of harassment.

Harassment also may include offensive jokes, name-calling, and offensive

nicknames, pornographic images on a laptop, and offensive pictures or objects.
Interfering with an employee’s ability to do his or her work also is a form of harassment.
One of the students of Notre Dame of Marbel University who experienced being
physically and emotionally harass stated that in table 1

“yes, na ka experinced na”

(Yes, I’ve experienced it.) p2

Harassment comes in many ways it is so ingrained in our culture, from showing admiration
to womanizing protagonists of old Hollywood movies to exchanging crude jokes as a way
of showing camaraderie, that the line between acceptable and unacceptable behavior
can be blurry.

According to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 81 percent of all students
have experienced any forms of harassment especially sexual behavior during their school
years. At some point, this behavior moves beyond natural child curiosity and moves into
ever more problematic bullying behavior. There are many reasons. It may make them feel

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

powerful. They may do it because they want to appear sexually mature. They may find
gossip-mongering exciting. They may be looking to reduce their own feelings of insecurity
and low self-esteem. According to Witmer (2017)

Have experienced Discrimination

To discriminate is to treat people unfairly because of their association with or

perceived connection to a group. Acts of discrimination take many different forms.
Senate Bill 948 seeks to penalize discriminatory practices based on age, racial or
ethnic origin, religious belief or activity, political inclination or conviction, social class,
sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expressions, marital or
relationship status, disability, HIV status, health status or medical history, language,
physical features, or other status. reported by Romero (2018), one participant stated

“opo naka experienced na ma discriminate.”

(Yes, I’ve experienced discrimination) p3:

For many people, discrimination is an everyday reality. The 2015 APA Stress in
America Survey found that most Americans feel they have experienced some type of
discrimination. People from racial or ethnic minorities were most likely to report
experiences of day-to-day discrimination. But others feel they’ve been targeted
because of factors such as age, gender, education, income or weight. Discrimination
is the unfair or prejudicial treatment of people and groups based on characteristics
such as race, gender, age or sexual orientation.

The Equality Act 2010 highlights 9 protected characteristics:

1. Age
2. Gender
3. Race
4. Disability

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

5. Religion
6. Pregnancy and maternity
7. Sexual orientation
8. Gender reassignment
9. Marriage and civil partnership

Discrimination that occurs because of one or more of the above characteristics is unlawful
under the Equality Act. Considering every person has at least some of these
characteristics such as age, race or gender, the Act protects every person from being
discriminated against.

Table 2. The effects of Physical and emotional harassment to students

Concepts Themes
“syempre na bastusan and ng feeling nga
dawwala ka nila gina respeto daw amu na siya
ang na feel ko” Feel Harassed and disrespected

(of course, I feel harass and I feel that they

don’t respect me as a person. that’s what I
really feel”) p1

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

“naging negative siya sakon kay daw ang

panan,aw nila sa akon daw nagging amo Feeling down and Discouraged

naman to naging ko sa sarili ko. kag

gina isip ko kung anong gina isip sang iban daw
amu man to ang gina isip ko sa sarili ko.
(For me it is negative, I feel like I was the person
they think of, I am affected at their thoughts
about me, it applies to what about who I really
am.) p2
“mawawalan ka ng self-confidence kasi jena
judge ka ng ibang tao ang tendency nyan
maging pangit ang performance mo sa klase
mawawalan ka ng ganang pumasok dahil Lose self-confidence and not able to

kapag pumasok ka sa school dun ka perform well in school

(Will lose self-confidence because other people
judge you and the tendency is, not able to
perform well in school and not wanting to go to
school.) p3

Feel Harassed and disrespected

According to Legena (2018) street harassment is often a silently endured experience. street
harassment has serious and lasting effects on the wellbeing of girls and women. This
survey of 500 women aged 18 to 25 has revealed they have been harassed more than
once a month experience anxiety or depression as a direct result. One of the participant
stated in table 2 that:

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

“syempre na bastusan and ng feeling nga daw wala ka nila ginarespeto daw amu na siya
ang na feel ko”

(of course, I feel harass and I feel that they don’t respect me as a person. that’s what I really feel”)

Any woman who has been harassed will tell you that more often than not, they feel
powerless to respond. They feel embarrassed. They have a very real fear that confronting
their harasser will place them in greater danger

When we call men on this behavior, the response we get is ‘it’s harmless’ or ‘it’s a
compliment’ or that it’s ‘political correctness gone mad’. This reasoning does not fly. I
refuse to accept that threatening any person who has precisely the same right to inhabit
that space as you do is light-hearted fun.

Being catcalled on the street can be an inappropriately common experience for many
women, and new research from the University of Melbourne suggests that sexual
harassment of this kind leads to "self-objectification", harmfully impacting on how women
view themselves. The researchers found that being personally targeted, or witnessing
others being objectified, led to a "substantial increase" in "self-objectification". according
to The British Psychological Society (2000)

Feeling Down and Discouraged

“Any severe or repeated use of written, verbal or electronic expression, or a physical

act or gesture, or any combination of these by one or more students directed at
another student that has the effect of actually causing or placing the latter in a
reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm or damage to the property, creating a
hostile environment at school and Infringing on the rights of the other students at
school.” according to Anti-Bullying Act of 2012

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

According to White (2018) Bullying can be a form of harassment. Harassment may

consist of annoyance or offensive behavior that contributes to an aggressive work
environment. These can come from a co-worker, supervisor, boss, vendor or client
that can cause an employee to feel uncomfortable or threatened.

Basically, harassment’s effect on an individual can range from simple irritation to

extreme depression. Those who are subjected to these types of behavior more often
have the tendency to lose their self-esteem and confidence. for this reason, they feel
depressed or discouraged often disturbed and are not able concentrate fully on their
tasks. Funk (2016)

“naging negative siya sakon kay daw ang panan,aw nila sa akon daw nagging amo
naman to naging ko sa sarili ko. kag gina isip ko kung anong gina isip sang
iban daw amu man to ang gina isip ko sa sarili ko.

(For me it is negative, I feel like I was the person they think of, I am affected at their thoughts
about me, it applies to what about who I really am.) p2

As a result, their productivity and efficiency are negatively affected, because of the
occurrence of physical harassment. In addition, these acts can also affect their mental,
emotional and physical health. Inconsistent timekeeping, increased absence, lack of
commitment and low performance will take place, which eventually may lead to
resignation. All of this will have a direct impact on people performance and effectivity.
In addition, anxieties are also manifested in both the employee’s personal and family

Lose self-confidence and not able to perform well in school

People who are discriminated against can suffer significant negative

consequences. General well-being, self-esteem, self-worth, and social relations can
be severely impacted because of discrimination. Wilson (2012)

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

“mawawalan ka ng self-confidence kasi jena judge ka ng ibang tao ang tendency nyan maging
pangit ang performance mo sa klase mawawalan ka ng ganang pumasok dahil kapag
pumasok ka sa school dun ka nilatitirahin.”

(Will lose self-confidence because other people judge you and the tendency is, not able to
perform well in school and not wanting to go to school.) p3

Past studies have demonstrated that African-Americans report varying levels of stress
relative to the context of the discrimination they perceive. The results also showed
that participants who did experience extreme discrimination, although infrequently,
were equally adversely affected.

Like Harassment and bullying acts, there are effects and consequences, and no one
wins. Here are a few

The Victim

discrimination effect Physical and emotional impacts:

Prohibiting or rejecting directed to you by others for reasons that you often have no
control of can cause extreme worry to an individual. It results in anxiety, sadness,
depression and a feeling of guilt and emptiness.

Social, educational and financial impacts:

Discrimination, harassment and victimization leave the individual confused and

broken. They may take to alcohol or drugs, or may form their own opinions on others,
develop a hatred for others, or withdraw from people. It can affect them financially,
may lose their job, quit school or do poorly at school. stated by eSchooltoday (2017).

Table 3. Themes of the coping mechanism of the students who experienced

Physical harassment and emotional Harassment.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

Concepts themes

“siguro mag bayo sang disente and then

hindi nalang sila pagsapakon.” Wear appropriate cloths
(I will wear decent and appropriate clothes
and then I won’t mind them.) p1
“Hindi ko nalang sila I mind tapos mag ask
ko sang advice sa iban na tao like sa mga
friends ko” Asking of advice to some friends

(I won’t mind them I will ask advice to some

people like my friends.) p2
“hinahayaan kona lang kung anong mga
sasabihin nila.”
(I’ll just let them and don’t mind what they Don’t mind what others think

are saying to me.) P3

Wear appropriate cloths

It's important that you assess your situation and ensure your safety before responding.
and wearing appropriate clothes is very important for women to look more decent and
to be respected.

siguro mag bayo sang disente and then hindi nalang sila pagsapakon.”

(I will wear decent and appropriate clothes and then I won’t mind them.) p1

And the best way to cope with this street harassment is to don’t mind the harassers.
Sometimes, no response is the best response (especially if you're concerned about
escalating the situation). As noted in Self, some harassers might enjoy any sort of

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

attention, so ignoring their foolishness is the best bet. Hopefully, they will eventually
get a clue and stop catcalling completely. According to Mack (2016)

Asking of advice to some friends

Seek help from professionals and friend can help allows you to express your thoughts
and feelings in a neutral setting where you do not feel that you have to protect the listener
or be concerned about how the other person is feeling. seeking help from friends is the
best way to expressed what you are feeling inside and to lessen the heavy feeling that
you feel. Some survivors find it helpful to tell a trusted friend since they feel that they can
lean on and also, they feel much safer.

“Hindi ko nalang sila I mind tapos mag ask ko sang advice sa iban na tao like sa mga friends

(I won’t mind them I will ask advice to some people like my friends.) p2

Don’t mind what others think

According Deeksha (2018) That these types of things depends on the situation or in
what circumstances you're in. But it is good advice be yourself & why won't you, this
is your body, your life, your issues, your problems. So why be someone else, when
you can be you.

“hinahayaan kona lang kung anong mga sasabihin nila.”

(I’ll just let them and don’t mind what they are saying to me.) P3

Now the care part, it depends that you're a bad-tempered one, revolt one who doesn't
like to take what other say, or you just might be the person who have got a lot of back
stabbing and is left with a broken heart. Situation like this push us to take advices from
others, because we no more think we're capable of right judgment and are more afraid
to get hurt again. But it's not fair to think that we're incapable of taking decisions of our

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

own lives, and to choose whom to talk or let in our lives. Thing is learning from your
mistakes, change your way of playing in life.

Make some new rules, edit the old ones, build some boundaries beyond which you
don't go or let anyone have the passage, so they might hurt again.

Be kind to those who are in same position as you are.

Help people overcome their fears, tragedies.

In the end we have the choice to rise above the dirt or become one.

Chapter V

Insights and Implications

The following chapter determines this account. An insights and

implications of the research is presented, and findings of the study are discussed and

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

This study was taken with a general objective of determining the

Students of Notre Dame of Marbel University who experienced Physical and
Emotional Harassment, their experiences, effects and how they cope up with such


In our study about the Experiences of students that have been Physically
and emotionally harass the participants encountered many forms of harassment
especially catcalling or street harassment and discrimination that had an effect in their
lives and cause some awareness to them to be more careful on what they are wearing
and to be mindful when every situation occur ,it is very interesting for us researchers
to study about this kind of matters because of the new knowledge that they gave. and,
how to deal with such harassment one participant stated that, just don’t mind it. and
also, the other participant says that asking advice to some friend is important to make
you feel better and also allows you to express your thoughts and feelings.


The researchers of this study imply that the schools and administration
especially the guidance counselor would be able think about the students who have
problems or experiencing such situation. Also, they would be able to think of some
resolutions that would help them to empower students through conducting of
workshops or seminars about harassment. To the parents that they would be able to
help their children that have experienced such harassment and to listen to their
children to guide and advise them. To the teachers of the institution particularly those
who encounter students who are very disobedient and students who are having a hard
time handling their studies, that they would be able to fathom and give some advice
and love that will help guide the students. And most of all those who have experiences
being physically and emotionally harass that they may be directed and have a way to

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

adjust and cope with their situations through their teachers, friends, relatives or



JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

A Qualitative Research
Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School Integrated Basic
Education Department
Notre Dame of Marbel University KoronadalCity,SouthCotabato
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in INQUIRIES, INVESTIGATION
Qualitative research


Norjana Ali

Alma Concepcion

Sean Clint Estrabon

Krysthal Jade Maganto

Joan Montaño


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