COC4 Maintaining and Repairing Computer Systems and Networks

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COC4 Maintaining and repairing Computer Systems and Networks

The 5s Housekeeping System

5s is the name of a workplace organization methodology that uses a list of five Japanese words which are
seire, seiton, seiso, seiketsu and shitsuke translated in English, they all start with the letter “S”. It is
synonymous with standardized.

1. Sort (Seiri)
• Taking out and disposing of unnecessary items
• Unneeded items are thrown away or disposed
• Refers to the practice of sorting and though all the tools
• Materials, etc. in the work area and keeping only essential items.
2. Systematize (Seiton)
• ORDERLINESS: tools, equipment and materials must be systematically arranged for the easiest
and most efficient access.
• Arrangement/Organization of necessary items in good order
3. Sweep (Seiso)
CLEANLINESS: Cleaning even if things are NOT DIRTY.
Indicates the need to keep the work place clean as well as neat.
4. Standardize (Seiketsu)
• STANDARDS: maintaining the workplace in high standard housekeeping.
• Allow for control and consistency
• Housekeeping duties are part of regular work routines.
5. Self -discipline (shitsuke)
• SUSTAINING DICIPLANE: doing thinks spontaneously without having to be told. “Teaching By
• It is good discipline to leave the workplace cleaner than when it is found.

3R’s Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

1. Reduce- simply creating less waste. It's also the best method for keeping our earth clean.
2. Reuse- Reusing is taking old items that you might consider throwing away and finding a new use
for them. Reusing helps in situations where it isn't possible to reduce.
3. Recycle - is changing old products into new ones so they can be resold. For example, when you
set out bottles and cans to be recycled, they are taken to a plant where they can be reprocessed
into many new things. They may be changed in to new bottles or cans, or they could be changed
into things like bicycles or asphalt.

Common Troubleshooting for Computer Units

• 1. Double check the power connections.
• 2. Voltage Regulator and power supply could cause power failure in the computer unit.
• 3. Check the power cords and cable connectors in your computer unit.
• 4. Unseated card. Loose cards could cause malfunction.
• 5. Check the boot sequence configuration in the advance BIOS (Basic Input /Output Unit) setup.

Things to look for if a PC is connected to the internet or network:

• First check the cable connecting to the network card into the network hub.
• Check the back of the computer to see if the network card light is on
• Check the network cable (use cable tester)
• Check the network HUB (use multi-tester)

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