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A C C O U N T I N G & A U D I T I N G


The Transformation of Internal Auditing

Challenges, Responsibilities, and Implementation

By Gaurav Kapoor and selves several related questions: Is our tors, they are generally accountable first
Michael Brozzetti internal audit department designed to add to their company’s audit committee. The
value? Are our internal audit processes sys- following sections present some of the key

he field of internal auditing has tematic and disciplined enough to sustain concerns of audit committees that internal
transformed significantly over the that value? Are we willing to change areas auditors should keep in mind.
past decade. Several factors have that need change? Risk assurance and governance.
contributed to this change, including the To truly add value to an organization’s Although the focus on risk management has,
increased complexity of a globalized mar- operations, internal auditing has to remain for some time, been a key trend in the field
ketplace, high-profile fraud and corrup- relevant to stakeholders, such as manage- of internal auditing, audit committees con-
tion scandals, new laws and regulations,
and increased demand from stakeholders
for greater assurance. (See Exhibit 1 for
some specific shifts that have occurred with
respect to internal auditing.) Within the pro-
fession, internal auditing serves as a cor-
porate conscience and guiding force that
helps to ensure that business decisions and
management operations remain consistent
with an organization’s mission, strategies,
and goals.
Given the continually changing cli-
mate, auditors must take on additional
responsibility to aid organizations in man-
aging risk. Exhibit 2 highlights key quali-
ties that internal auditors should possess.
Although internal auditing presents certain
challenges, businesses should strive to
implement an enterprise-wide internal audit
system that takes advantage of the advice
provided below.

Adding Value
The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) ment and the board of directors. Internal tinue to consider it a major area of concern.
defines internal auditing as “an indepen- auditors are the eyes and ears of the orga- The IIA has issued guidance on how to
dent, objective assurance and consulting nization, and they can constructively provide internal audit opinions regarding the
activity designed to add value and improve improve the entity’s risk management and risk management, internal control, and gov-
an organization’s operations. It helps an internal control processes, while also pro- ernance activities of an organization by
organization accomplish its objectives by viding assurances as to the effectiveness updating standards within its International
bringing a systematic, disciplined approach and efficiency of these processes and man- Professional Practices Framework.
to evaluate and improve the effectiveness agement operations. When properly Enterprise risk management. With enter-
of risk management, control and gover- designed, internal audit activities can sig- prise risk management (ERM) becoming a
nance processes” ( nificantly improve the business as a whole. top organizational priority, organizations’ inter-
theiia/about-the-profession/internal-audit- nal audit plans are being aligned with key
faqs/?i=1077). Emerging Concerns enterprise risk areas to provide assurance
Internal auditors would do well to fre- Although internal auditors often report that these risks are being managed effective-
quently revisit this definition and ask them- to management and the board of direc- ly and kept in check by management.


Fraud. Fraud has become a major area Knowledge, skills, and abilities. Given organization might be impacted if those
of concern for organizations worldwide. the growing importance of internal audits targets are not met.
Internal auditors are being asked to assess to the organization, much emphasis is being Managing information. In order to
and monitor fraud risks and controls, placed on the skills and qualifications add value to an organization, internal audi-
detect and investigate vulnerabilities, and required by auditors, as well as on their tors need to efficiently integrate and dis-
provide advice on how to remedy these development, training, and retention. Many seminate information in various ways—
weaknesses. organizations are seeking a certified inter- vertically, with management and the board
Governmental regulation and reform. nal auditor (CIA) at the same time that of directors, and horizontally, with other
The increasing complexity of compliance many professional practitioners are pursu- functions related to governance, risk, and
laws and regulations has prompted internal ing the CIA designation as a means of compliance. Sharing information and intel-
auditors to help track regulatory changes and demonstrating their internal auditing ligence with the right people at the right
compliance issues. knowledge, skills, and competence. time is absolutely critical in decision
Aligning an organization’s internal audit making. In other words, information is only
plan to its strategic plan. Internal auditors Challenges of Internal Auditing as good as the hands it gets into and the
can play a significant role in assessing strate- The changing environment has created timeliness with which it gets there.
gic risks and guiding the expansion of busi- numerous challenges that internal auditors Keeping pace with changing business
ness plans. They can also aid in the acqui- must face while performing their duties. risks. The traditional model of creating an
sition of a new company, the launch of The following sections highlight three of annual audit plan cannot be sustained any
new products and services, or the modifica- these issues. longer; in light of ever-changing business
tion of a business’ organizational structure Coping with expanding responsibilities. risks, internal audit plans need to be flexi-
to achieve operational excellence. Today, internal auditors are not only asked ble. More importantly, internal auditors must
International Financial Reporting to assess financial controls, but also to prioritize preimplementation activities over
Standards. Although U.S. Generally enhance governance, risk management, and postimplementation activities when an orga-
Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) control processes within an organization. nization undergoes transformational changes,
remains the standard for U.S. businesses, Their responsibilities have expanded sig- such as establishing new goals, restructuring
there is a good chance that International nificantly to include strategy audits, ERM the enterprise, implementing management
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) might audits, ethics audits, operational audits, and personnel changes, engaging in mergers
become the standard in the near future. In quality audits, IT audits, supplier audits, and acquisitions, and implementing new IT
general, IFRS requires increase transparen- and due diligence in mergers and acquisi- innovations.
cy and greater disclosure around the meth- tions. Internal auditors also have an obli-
ods and reasons for the accounting treat- gation to understand how and why certain Implementing an Enterprise-wide
ment of certain transactions. assumptions have or have not been made Internal Audit Program
Ethics. Internal auditors are being called with respect to organizational strategy For an internal audit activity to be sup-
upon to help maintain a high standard of audits. For example, if an entity’s man- ported across an enterprise in an effective
ethical behavior in their organizations by agement wants to launch a new product and sustainable manner, it must meet the
assessing the design and operation of third- and assumes that it will get 20% of the objectives described below.
party services; whistleblower policies; market share within the first year, internal Act as a resource for risk information.
and ethics and compliance programs, auditors need to question how such an Internal auditors should present informa-
including the handling of reported viola- assumption has been validated and how the tion and discoveries in a way that allows
tions and subsequent disciplinary actions,
when warranted.
IT security. The move toward cloud com- EXHIBIT 1
puting, mobile computing, and virtualiza- A Comparison of Internal Audits, Then and Now
tion have raised serious concerns about the
security, integrity, and privacy of informa- Then Now
tion. Internal auditors are being asked to
■ Provided assurance over threats ■ Provides assurance over threats
audit these risks and the controls used to
(i.e., the downside of risk) and opportunities (i.e., the downside
manage them, while also getting involved
and upside of risk)
in other IT areas, such as data analytics, dis-
aster and data recovery, system access man- ■ Performed discrete audits on ■ Performs integrated audits on
agement, change management, and software compliance with internal controls governance, risk management, and
development life cycles. controls
Doing more with less. Risks might be infi- ■ Acted as a back-office function ■ Acts as a front-office function
nite, but resources aren’t. Thus, the task of ■ Provided lagging indicators about risk ■ Provides leading indicators about risk
improving risk and control management while ■ Was the “cop” that management ■ Is the “expert” that management seeks
also minimizing costs continues to be at the avoided
forefront of every internal auditor’s mind.


decision makers to make good choices. aries for risk assessment. This helps related an organization’s people in the process and
Auditors can’t control the future, but they activities remain relevant and manageable. ensure that the right people have been
can help control the likelihood of future Get involved at the top. Internal auditors placed in the right positions to do the
success by advocating sound risk man- must collaborate with management and the right thing. (Exhibit 3 provides an exam-
agement and internal control practices. board of directors to ensure that an organi- ple of an internal control system.)
Balance a risk-based approach with an zation’s mission, strategy, and goals align
objective-driven approach. The traditional with its purpose and values. They should Utilizing Technology
approach to risk management—listing out ask relevant questions: Are the right peo- Faced with multiple types of audits and
and managing hundreds of risks—is no ple setting and approving strategy? Is the increasing responsibilities, internal auditors
longer an efficient one. With the growing board providing risk oversight in the strat- can quickly find themselves overwhelmed.
need for better risk management policies and egy planning process? Do the proposed Fortunately, technology offers an advanced
lower costs, there needs to be a stronger focus strategies support the core values? solution—it helps streamline and simplify
on key business objectives that set bound- Maintain excellent talent. An internal audit processes, organize data, and auto-
audit department requires a balanced mix mate time-consuming and resource-inten-
of internal recruits, external recruits, and sive workflows. The following sections
EXHIBIT 2 third-party consultants. There should be an address several ways that technology can
10 Essential Qualities Sought emphasis on training, including functional enhance internal audits.
in Internal Auditors and industry certifications. In addition, the Integration. In a shift to simplify and
internal auditors’ Code of Ethics includes the improve the efficiency of internal
1. Integrity and character principles of integrity, competence, objec- audits, many companies opt for a single,
2. Communication skills tivity, and confidentiality, which must be fol- integrated audit management platform.
lowed by internal auditors and supported Such platforms extend across the enter-
3. Technical skills and expertise
by management and the board of directors prise, transcending business and func-
4. Intelligence with unwavering conviction. tional silos, facilitating collaboration, and
5. Business acumen Prioritize people. Many internal auditors minimizing redundant processes and
6. Professional skepticism believe that people represent the most effort.
7. Inquisitiveness important area of an internal control envi- Audit workflows. An integrated audit
ronment. But when it comes to auditing, management system helps streamline the
8. Self-starter skills
more time is usually spent on processes complete internal audit life cycle and estab-
9. IT knowledge and technology than on people. If internal lishes the “systematic and disciplined
10. Personality auditors want to save costs and manage approach” recommended by the IIA that
risks more effectively, they must leverage closely maps each business objective to
various compliance areas, business and
functional areas, processes, risks, and
controls. The end result is a structured,
The Internal Control System
organized, and value-driven approach to
internal auditing, which is an essential part
of the broader risk management concerns
of an enterprise.

People Risk assessments. Advanced audit man-

agement systems are usually equipped with
a centralized repository or library of all the
risks and controls that might affect an orga-
Ethics and
Process nization. This enables internal auditors to
facilitate a targeted, risk-based internal
audit that better supports business activi-
Internal Technology ties and key business objectives.
Automated systems can help internal audi-
tors save substantial time and effort in their
Internal risk assessment and tracking process.
Systems / Devices Information / Data
Adjudication External Risk prioritization. Internal audit sys-
tems can support the quantification of rel-
evant inherent risks and residual risks. They
provide an aggregate view of an organi-
zation’s risk profile, enabling internal audi-
Source: Boundless LLC tors to prioritize and plan their activities
more effectively.


Resource management. An integrated organization’s board of directors, as
internal audit system allows internal audi- savvy as an organization’s management,
tors to efficiently plan and schedule
audits for an entire enterprise and to deploy There is no doubt that audit as diligent as its accountants, as intelli-
gent as statisticians, and as persuasive
resources so that the most relevant and sig- as attorneys. In other words, they must
nificant risks are addressed first. The sys-
tem also helps standardize audit processes competencies and skills will play a multifaceted role, while maintain-
ing the highest levels of professional
and methodologies for consistency in work integrity in order to help their organiza-
quality; this, in turn, supports the quality
assurance and improvement program continue to be in high demand. tions avoid harmful risks and seize ben-
eficial opportunities. It is not only a tall
required by the IIA. order but also a great responsibility. There
Reporting. Using a robust audit man- is no doubt that audit competencies and
agement system, internal auditors can skills will continue to be in high demand,
efficiently organize audit data to support risks and controls, provide alerts and warn- especially as the IIA endeavors to turn
their recommendations and can gain man- ings for risks that require attention, and internal auditing into a universally rec-
agement support for taking action. Some track corrective actions recommended by ognized and accepted profession around
systems are equipped with powerful dash- internal auditors and implemented by man- the world. ❑
boards that provide real-time visibility into agement. Information from multiple audits
all the audit activities across the enterprise. can be aggregated and easily plotted on
This improves audit tracking and enables maps or graphs to track audit trends. Gaurav Kapoor is the chief operating offi-
audit progress to be measured against key cer of MetricStream, Inc., Palo Alto, Calif.
milestones for timely execution. A Multifaceted Role Michael Brozzetti, CIA, CISA, CGEIT, is
Continual monitoring. Internal audit The current generation of internal audi- the president of Boundless LLC,
systems help automate the monitoring of tors must strive to become as wise as an Philadelphia, Pa.


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