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10/30/2019 RK Gill | ResearchGate

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Question Asked 6th Jun, 2010

Palanimani Ganesan
Erode Sengunthar Engineering College
RK Gill
I am doing research in CFD and currently using RK Gill. Can you Similar questions and discussions
suggest a better method?

Computational Fluid Dynamics What statistical test should I use for

statistical significance between 4 variables
using two different measurement points?
Question 6 answers
Asked 11th Nov, 2018
Tim Philips
Dear all,

I am a master student and currently I am

pular Answers (1) working on a study where I obtained these

Andrzej Jaśkiewicz 6th Jun, 2010 In two different cups the fluorescence of a
I am retired chemotherapeutic agent is measured using
following conditions:
CFD is the simulation of fluids engineering systems using
modeling and numerical methods. - 30 minutes on 41°C

CFD is a set of PARTIAL differential equations - PDE’s, - 60 minutes on 41°C

describing conservation laws for transport of mass, momentum
and energy. - 30 minutes on 37°C

CFD is the solution of such fluid dynamic problems by means of - 60 minutes on 37°C
computer based simulation
The concentration in cup 2 is a ten fold of the
Components of a numerical simulation are : concentration in cup 1.

• Mathematical model I am wondering with which statistical test I can

show a statistical significant difference in
• Discretisation method fluorescence between the 4 conditions in
those 2 cups because I want to know if the
• Coordinate system fluorescence remains stable at a higher
temperature or using a longer incubation time.
• Computational mesh
PS: I know the power of this test won't be
• Approximation great.
• Solution method Thanks in advance
• Convergence criteria Tim
CFD code consist mainly of three modules:
• Pre-processor- problem formulation and mesh construction 1/7
10/30/2019 RK Gill | ResearchGate

• Solver- solution of discretisation of governing equations How the predicted R-Squared is

mathematically calculated?
• Post-processor- analysis and display of results
Question 6 answers
The continuous Initial Boundary Value Problems - IBVPs are Asked 11th Nov, 2018
discretized into algebraic equations using following numerical
methods : Patrik Silva
I would like to know how the predicted R-
• Discretization methods Squared are calculate because I want to use it
to determine whether I am overfitting a my
• Solvers regression model by including to many terms,
based in Mr. Jim's blog
• Numerical parameters
• Grid generation and transportation regression/

• High performance computation and post processing There is some way that it can be automatically
calculated by SPSS or do we need to
Discretization methods are as follows:
calculated it by hand?
• Finite difference method
NOTE: I am using SPSS, just in case if
someone has a particular advice.
• Finite volume method

• Finite element method Thank you in advance!

Types of CFD Codes; View

Why General Leibniz rule and Newton's
1. Commercial codes:
Binomial are so similar?
a. FLUENT Question 10 answers

b. STARCD Asked 2nd Feb, 2018

Abdullah Akkurt
Can we use this similarity for fractional
d. CFX/AEA calculus?

2. Research codes: View

How one can calculate the interaction
between two factors in L27 (3*13)
3. Public domain codes: orthogonal array in Taguchi method?
Question 13 answers
a. PHI3D
Asked 1st Jan, 2018
b. HYDRO Deleted profile
4. Grid Generation and Visualisation codes : Taguchi method is a very popular method in
the design of experiments.
It involves less number of experiments when
compared to a full factorial design.
I like to know how can i calculate the
d. FIELDVIEW interaction between two factors e.g ( A*B, A*E)
in above mentioned orthogonal array ?
3 Recommendations Thanks!

Answers (4)
View 2/7
10/30/2019 RK Gill | ResearchGate

How to know if two values are significantly

different ?
Andrzej Jaśkiewicz 6th Jun, 2010
I am retired Question 7 answers
Asked 7th Jul, 2017
Runge Kutta method
Magali Douillard
A method of numerically integrating ordinary differential For my project, I calulate the fluorescence
equations by using a trial step at the midpoint of an interval to intensity using image j, after that, i've got 12
cancel out lower-order error terms. The second-order formula is values for my measurments so i calculate the
sometimes known as RK2, and the fourth-order formula is known standard deviation. But after that i'd like to
as RK4. This method is reasonably simple and robust know if two values (of differents experiment,
one parameter change) are significantly
and is a good general candidate for numerical solution of
différents considering the standard deviation
differential equations when combined with an intelligent adaptive
that I calculate before. I know that some
step-size routine.
statisticals test exist but I don't know which one I should use. any suggestions ?

Gill method View

How to test the significance of difference in
A formula for numerical solution of differential equations,
means for more than two variables?
Ref: Abramowitz, M. and Stegun, I. A. (Eds.). Handbook of Question 13 answers
Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and
Mathematical Tables, 9th printing. New York: Dover, p. 896, Asked 3rd Mar, 2017
1972. Laxmi Narayan
I have four variables and wants to test whether these variables are significantly different from
each other. How to test the significance of
Adams' Method
difference in these variables?
Adams' method is a numerical method for solving linear first-
order ordinary differential equations of the form dx/dy= f(x,y) View Whats the diffrence between Canonical
analysis and Canonical Correspondence
Milne's Method analysis ?
A predictor-corrector method for solution of ordinary differential Question 6 answers
equations. The third-order equations for predictor and corrector
Asked 12th Dec, 2015
are presented at Wolfram Mathworld . Abramowitz and Stegun
(1972) also give the fifth order equations and formulas involving Abesh Chakraborty
higher derivatives. Which is more apt for biodiversity and
population studies ??

Predictor-Corrector Methods View

Which software can I use to estimate
A general set of methods for integrating ordinary differential generalized canonical correlation analysis?
Question 5 answers
Predictor-corrector methods proceed by extrapolating a Asked 12th Dec, 2015
polynomial fit to the
Florian Schuberth
derivative from the previous points to the new point (the predictor Dear Community,
I want to use generalized canonical correlation
then using this to interpolate the derivative (the corrector step). analysis (GCCA). Do you know a software
Press et al. (1992) opine that predictor-corrector methods have which can perform the methods proposed by
been largely supplanted by the Bulirsch-Stoer and Runge-Kutta Kettenring (1971), in particular GENVAR.
methods, but predictor-corrector schemes 3/7
10/30/2019 RK Gill | ResearchGate

are still in common use. Thank you very much for your help! Kind regards,

Andrzej Jaśkiewicz Florian

6th Jun, 2010
I am retired
Kettenring, J. R.. (1971). Canonical Analysis of
Several Sets of Variables. Biometrika, 58(3),
CFD is the simulation of fluids engineering systems using
modeling and numerical methods.

CFD is a set of PARTIAL differential equations - PDE’s, View

describing conservation laws for transport of mass, momentum How can I get true signs of coefficient of
and energy. variables in multiple regression?

CFD is the solution of such fluid dynamic problems by means of Question 8 answers
computer based simulation Asked 11th Nov, 2015
Components of a numerical simulation are : Jatin Arora
I do multiple regression (y ~ x1 + x2 + x3)
• Mathematical model where independent variables come up with
positive and negative coefficients. However
• Discretisation method when i do the simple regression for each
independent variable separately (y ~ x1, y ~
• Coordinate system
x2, y ~ x3), the coefficient signs are different
• Computational mesh from the ones that i get in case of multiple
regression. So my question is, which are the
• Approximation true signs of coefficient? The ones from
multiple regression or simple regression?
• Solution method
Thank you very much for your help.
• Convergence criteria
CFD code consist mainly of three modules:

• Pre-processor- problem formulation and mesh construction

• Solver- solution of discretisation of governing equations Got a technical question?

Get high-quality answers from experts.
• Post-processor- analysis and display of results
Ask a question
The continuous Initial Boundary Value Problems - IBVPs are
discretized into algebraic equations using following numerical
methods :

• Discretization methods

• Solvers

• Numerical parameters

• Grid generation and transportation

• High performance computation and post processing

Discretization methods are as follows:

• Finite difference method

• Finite volume method

• Finite element method 4/7
10/30/2019 RK Gill | ResearchGate

Types of CFD Codes;

1. Commercial codes:





2. Research codes:


3. Public domain codes:

a. PHI3D


4. Grid Generation and Visualisation codes :





3 Recommendations

Deleted profile

sir, i need more in formation regarding CFD

Charles Warner 8th Aug, 2011



To expand on your list of Open Source CFD codes, there are


c. OpenFOAM

d. Code_Saturne

e. Elmer

Not to mention a variety of different approaches to specialized

applications such as airfoils, etc.

For Grid Generation and Visualization, one has:

e. Salome

f. Paraview 5/7
10/30/2019 RK Gill | ResearchGate

g. gmesh

and a pretty broad selection of other specialized applications.

For the basics of CFD, there is a pretty good collection of classic

texts on the subject, available here:

1 Recommendation

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ated Publications

CFD zur Simulation großer Kohlenwasserstoff/Peroxid-

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Different Ocean-depths
Sep 2018
Internal Flow Analysis of Submersible Pump Impeller using
Computational Fluid Dynamics 6/7
10/30/2019 RK Gill | ResearchGate

Apr 2017


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